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Ascension 50

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Ascension 50! We have a great show tonight and the WZCW World Heavyweight Title is on the line as Steven Kurtesy defends against Showtime Cougar!


Connor: And it appears we're going to be graced by the presence of one Chris K.O.!

Chris makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, his new white mask adorning his face before lifting it up and looking out at the crowd who cheer loudly. He walks down the entrance ramp before sliding into the ring.

Cohen: And what bull is he going to feed us this time?

Chris calls for a microphone and a floor official hands him one through the ropes. Chris runs his fingers through his hair as he looks down at the ring mat.

Chris: I think I owe the WZCW universe an explanation.

Chris looks around the crowd as they remain calm.

Chris: You see, back at the Lethal Lottery something very life-changing happened to me... I lost my father.

The crowd gives an "aww" sound as Chris nods his head.

Chris: That combined with a very interesting counseling session with the WZCW World Champion, Steven Kurtesy-

The crowd roars at the sound of Kurtesy's name.

Chris: I began to question my place in the Apostles of Chaos. I began to question the word of Ty Burna.

The crowd spits out boos all over the arena at the mention of Ty's name.

Chris: So, I changed and I decided to make a little plan. I teamed up with one of Ty's business associates and he and I combined secretly took down Ty's empire from within. I took his money and I took his woman.

The crowd cheers as Chris grins at them.

Chris: Unfortunately, I overlooked Ty, which is the worst thing I could do, and by error, I failed to stop team Chaos from winning at Kingdom Come.

The crowd boos as Chris nods in agreement.

Chris: But, I have elevated my purpose since then. Yes, I wanted to stop Ty Burna because I had embraced the light. But it wasn't until the last Ascension when I was dangling high above the ring, strapped to a wooden chaos symbol, that I realized why I want to truly stop Ty Burna. I want to stop him because when he threatens the WZCW, it means that he is threatening all of you!

Chris points out at the audience as they cheer for Chris' notion.

Chris: And all of you!

Chris points at the entrance ramp as he gestures towards the back locker room.

Chris: Every single superstar back there that helped me off of the chaos symbol after Ascension 49. This is my public...

...thank you.

The crowd pops for the kind gesture as Chris begins to feed off the crowd's pep.

Chris: So, I took it upon myself to adopt an alias. For now on I will be the WZCW's White Knight if you will have me. I will protect all of you out in the audience and all of you watching at home. I will gladly join side by side with the WZCW legends that I once desired to crush and besides the men who have been fighting even while I was not. WZCW, I am yours!

The crowd pops huge as the camera zooms around the arena and we see several Chris K.O. signs.

Chris: And now, Ty wants to send me running, but he forgets that I still have an ace in the hole.

The crowd quiets down as they become curious.

Chris: A long time ago whenever young Christopher K.O. sat quietly in front of his then-idol, Ty Burna. Ty looked into Chris' eyes and made a decision that has come back to haunt him. He gave Chris something very important. He gave Chris the symbol of his very being in the WZCW.

Chris pauses for dramatic effect.

Chris: He gave me the Ouija Scroll!

The crowd doesn't know what to make of Chris' claim as he begins to develop a serious demeanor.

Chris: Ty, I know it eats you up inside that you gave me the scroll so long ago. Something that you let guide you, I simply tossed aside. Well now it is of some use to me. Because I know that you want it. I know that you will do anything to get it back. So, bring me your best offer. I will be waiting

Chris walks over to give the microphone back to the floor official as his music begins to play. The crowd cheers but suddenly Chris's Music is interrupted.


The lights go out for a brief moment before they come back up, the owner of WZCW Ty Burna standing in the center of the ring, a hood pulled up and over his head. He stares down at the ring before raising it slowly, staring directly at Chris. Ty has a mic and he brings it up to speak.

Ty: Your sacrifice is to be commended Christopher, however it will do you no good. Give me the scroll now.

Chris: You'll never find it Ty. I have it locked and hidden away. Not even your Apostles can help you obtain it.

Ty: Is that so? And what if I were to simply maim you right here and now, and let the Apostles pick the bones later tonight?

Chris: Because if you do so, Serafina will destroy the scroll.

The confident smirk on Ty's face suddenly disappears, a look of rage and anger crossing his face as he realizes Chris's contingency plan.

Chris: What's the matter Ty? You're the greatest tactician in WZCW and you've just been outsmarted by your own former protege. I'm in position to say what goes down here and you know it.

Ty: .......What do you want?

Chris: A one on one match at Redemption. You against me. If you defeat me, I give you the Ouija Scroll back. But if I'm victorious, you give up ownership of WZCW. Do we have a deal?

Ty quickly storms up to Chris, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up. The two men stare each other down, Chris not backing down or showing any sort of fear. Suddenly Ty let's go and begins laughing maniacally, backing away from Chris and throwing his head back.

Ty: Fine. If it's your death wish, then I will be more then happy to oblige Christopher. You know just as well as I do that you don't stand a chance against me. You have one trump card left and you have played it. I have a whole deck at my disposal. How fitting a name Redemption Christopher, you trying to claim yours, while I dash your hopes of the people accepting your sacrifice all over the arena! The Ouija Scroll will be mine once more Christopher, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

The lights go out briefly and soon come back up, leaving Christopher in the ring alone. He stares down at the ground, remaining focused until he hears the cheers of the crowd. He suddenly looks up and a smile forms on his face as he slowly exits the ring, slapping hands with the fans at ringside.

Cohen: Chris K.O. is smiling now, I don't think he will be later on tonight.

Connor: That's right Jack, later on Chris will take on the three Apostles of Chaos in a handicap match. I have a bad feeling about that. But that is later, coming up next we have Big Dave joining us commentary for the rest of the night!

Cohen: Oh joy....

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, Big Dave!

Dave makes his way out dressed in a suit as the crowd cheers loudly. As he stands on the entrance stage his music cuts however as Ty Burna walks out with a mic.

Ty: So David, how are you enjoying your time as announcer? Does it kill you to see everyone else competing and you only able to call the action?

Dave stares down Ty, though a slow nod follows. Ty smirks and nods back.

Ty: Good, because I will relieve you of that problem next week. You'll be back in the ring.

The crowd pops at the announcement and Dave can't help but smile at that announcement.

Ty: You'll be in the ring for sure, you will be my personal referee for my match next round!

The crowd's excitement is cut off and booing commences, the smile on Dave's face fading, replaced by a scowl.

Ty: Oh don't be that way David. After all, if you do the right thing in my match, I will reward you with a match at Redemption, let's say against your good friend Titus? However, if you fail at your job next week, you won't see action on a pay per view as long as your career runs here in WZCW! Now I suggest you get down to that table and announce your heart out. I'll be watching David.

Ty laughs and turns, exiting to the back as the crowd continues booing. Dave walks down the ramp and takes his seat at the announcer's table, not able to say a word.

Cohen: Cat got your tongue Dave?

Connor: No.

Cohen: Wait... I meant feline, not you. Does a feline have your tongue?

Connor: Hasn't got the same effect, Jack.


Cooper slowly walks out to a booing crowd with a sinister grin on his face. He slides his right hand across his hat as he continues down the ring, ignoring all the comments that the fans make.

Anderson: The following contest is a Fatal Four Way scheduled for one fall where the winner will become the Number One Contender to the Elite X Championship! Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 240 pounds; Justin Cooper!

Connor: That's a umm... a new look for Cooper.

Cohen: I'm sure its by design. You know, getting into the opponent's head and such.

Cooper slides into the ring, keeping his hat on as he walks up to the camera and smiles sinisterly again before moving away.


The crowd cheers loudly as the gentleman with the mask walks out diligently, swinging around his signature white cane and greeting the audience members as he passes them down the ramp.

Anderson: His opponent, from Paris, France, weighing in at 175 pounds; Le Gentleman Masqué!

Cohen: I don't understand the fuss surrounding this kid. Yeah sure, he's beaten a few people but as soon as he stepped up to the big leagues, he lost. Why does he get a title shot?

Connor: Losing a hard-fought battle is more respectable than winning a quick match. The Gent earned his spot by showing he can hang with the best.

The Gentleman has entered the ring and has approached the referee, handing him his excess gear and patiently waits in the corner. He looks over to Cooper who is eyeing him out.


Overlast walks out through the curtain, taking in the negative atmosphere coming from audience as they boo him. He looks around the arena before proceeding down the ramp, ignoring all the fans.

Anderson: Next, from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing in at 235 pounds; Mick Overlast!

Cohen: Here is a man who should have been the Elite X challenger for Kingdom Come and finally gets his long-awaited opportunity tonight. What a disgrace.

Connor: Well, he did lose a match against the champion prior but the past is done. Overlast has a second chance and just like everyone in this match, he's not going to waste it.

Overlast slides into the ring and gets on the turnbuckles, doing his signature pose before hopping down and keeping himself in a corner.


The crowd switches to cheers as the Bearded one emerges slapping his chest and stroking his beard, all done with a smile on his face as he walks down the ramp.

Anderson: Finally, from Beard City, USA, weighing in at 285 pounds; The Beard!

Cohen: If Mick Overlast defeated him last week, how come Beard still gets to compete. Riddle me that.

Dave: It's the beard.

Cohen: Oh now you talk.

Connor: Definitely the beard.

The Beard leaps over the ropes and parades around, stroking his beard. He gets to the opposite side of the ring and continues to stroke his beard for the delight of the fans. Overlast, however, does not approve of Beard's crowd pandering and prematurely attacks Beard from behind, hitting a clubbing blow to the back of Beard. The referee decides to let the match start from this point by signalling for the bell.

Overlast continues to pummel Beard with multiple shots until the Gent gets involved, spinning Overlast around and slapping him across the face. The Gent tells Overlast that his actions are not chivalrous and smacks him with a knife-edge chop. The Gent goes to whip Overlast but it is counter, forcing the Gent to run. Overlast is ready for a back body drop but the Gent drops down in front of Overlast and hits him with a throat thrust, knocking him to the canvas. Overlast rolls out of the ring to re-think and recover whilst the Gent gets back on his feet. Before he can do anything, Cooper finally makes his first appearance in the match by charging at the Gent with a flying shoulder block. The Gent is goes down as well but stays in the ring whilst Cooper and Beard both get to their feet. Cooper turns around and sees the Beard facing across the ring from him. He plays it smart by keeping his distance but the Beard closes in fast, making Cooper's breathing room very tight. Cooper goes to dodge but the Beard's reflex are too fast, allowing Beard to grab the head of Cooper. He picks up Cooper into a Gorilla Press position and shows off the strength for the crowd before slamming Cooper into the mat. Cooper hits the canvas that hard that he almost bounces back to a vertical position whereby Cooper lands on his knees, clutching his chest from the impact. This allows Beard to clothesline Cooper to the outside, tumbling over the top rope. By now, the Gent has gotten to his feet and is ready to face the big man who has turned his attention to the Gent. They start the match off properly as they lock-up. Although Beard's size advantage would normally get the better of the exchange, the Gent slips behind Beard's back and hits an elbow to the back of his head before going back in front of Beard to hit a quick STO. The Gent is able to flip the Beard on his back to go for a pinfall but its an relatively easy kick-out before the 1 count.

Connor: The Gent is starting this match off quite nicely for himself although its going to take much more to pin the Beard.

Dave: Smaller men have overcome large obstacles before with ease. See: Dave vs. Goliath. I like that story.

Cohen: I wonder why...

On the outside, Overlast sees Cooper using the apron as a way to get to his feet and goes after his prey. He grabs the head of Cooper and smacks it across the apron before tossing him back into the barricade. Overlast does his signature taunt to a booing audience as Cooper holds the back of his head from the whiplash effect given from hitting the barricade. Overlast turns his attention to the ring where the Gent has managed to get the Beard on his knees, delivering chop after chop to keep the big man off his feet. He gains a head of steam and hits a clothesline on the kneeling Beard however, he is still on his knees. The Gent uses this opportunity to get a snap DDT on the Beard and goes to cover. Overlast slides into the ring, interrupts the cover before a count can be made and goes for the cover himself... 1... 2... the Gent repays the favour and breaks up the pin. Overlast rolls out of the way and creates some space to allow both men to get to their feet. The Gent is first on the offensive and teases a chop but Overlast manages to block the first shot with his hands and hit a kick to the mid-section, again creating distance. Overlast quickly runs at the Gent and knocks him down with a clothesline, switching the momentum for himself. Overlast smiles as he gets a knee drop on the Gent before wrapping his hands around the masked one, choking him blatantly. The referee gets involved and manages to get Overlast to break at a 3 count. The Gent coughs and gasps for air as Overlast turns his attention to a recovering Beard who has found himself in a corner. Overlast backs up to the opposite corner and runs at the Beard. Before he can execute a move, Cooper has slid in the ring and greets Overlast with a devastating European uppercut. Cooper gets a quick pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Overlast.

Dave: Is that still called an European uppercut even though Cooper is Australian?

Cohen: Forget the origin: that was brutal!

Cooper approves of his own work and leaves Overlast to recover. He looks at the Gent and the Beard who are both in corners and susceptible to damage. He decides to go for the smaller man and approaches the Gent, pulling him out and delivering a scoop slam. He then quickly completes three elbow drops, each shot delivering more impact than the last. Instead of going for the pin, he sets his sights on Beard and attempts going for the trifecta by taking down all three opponents. Cooper gets to the corner and hits a backhand chop across the hairy chest of the Beard with the shot echoing throughout the arena. Cooper shakes his hand due to the feeling of excessive chest hair on the back of his hand and decides to switch strategies, forcing the Beard out of the corner. Cooper tries for the Devil Lock DDT but the Beard manages to stop it, countering it by hugging Cooper. Beard spins himself and Cooper 180 degrees and hits a textbook Belly to Belly suplex, sending Cooper across the ring. Cooper clutches his back but manages to still get to his feet. Beard is able to get up quicker and run at Cooper, hitting his signature running crossbody on Cooper that almost crushes the Aussie. He gets up and runs again, rebounding off the ropes to hit a high speed leg drop. The crowd is impressed with the athleticism as Beard goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Cooper. Beard takes a second to catch his breath as Cooper rolls underneath the bottom rope to recover. Overlast has now recovered and goes to take on the bohemeth but the Gent is also able to attack and stops Overlast: another knife-edge chop. The Gent quickly goes to the ropes and springboards off, hitting a round house kick to the side of Overlast and knocking him to his knees. The Gent is able to capitalise by hitting a butterfly suplex, rolling through for a cover... 1... 2... the Beard stops the count with a swift kick to the ribs. The Gent clutches his gut as the Beard picks him up, using this time to deliver a backbreaker.... 1... 2... kick-out by the Gent.

Connor: It seems as if every man has had a point in this match where they have been solely in control.

Dave: It means that every guy in there wants a title opportunity as bad as each other, as well as stiff competition for the champ.

Cohen: And this is only our opening contest.

The Beard is back on feet and gives a quick stroke of his beard, seeing that Overlast is the freshest competitor. He goes over to Overlast and slowly picks him, helping to his feet to try and execute a standing move but Overlast was playing possum. Mick slaps both the Beards' arms away and kicks him in the stomach, delivering a standing swinging neckbreaker. Overlast is unable to go for the cover as he seems to be feeling the effects of the match, making it harder for him to recover. He decides to ultimately leave the Beard alone as he sees Cooper on the apron standing on his feet, leaning on the ropes catching his breath. Overlast heads to Cooper and goes to grab his head but Cooper does it instead, dropping from the apron to force Overlasts' neck to smack across the top rope. Overlast staggers back as Cooper slides into the ring and runs at Overlast with his back turned, hitting a bulldog. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Overlast. Cooper slams the mat as he gets to his feet, surveying the fallen Overlast. Cooper shakes his head and turns around where the Gent is already running at him and leaps into the air, hitting a leg lariat on Cooper. Shocked, Cooper tries getting to his feet quickly but the Gent is up first and prepares for an attacking Cooper, hitting the Koji clutch. The crowd cheers as Cooper is screaming out in pain with the Gent keeping the lock on tight. However, they are quite close to the ropes and it allows Cooper to reach out and break the hold after a few seconds. The Gent releases the hold immediately and is a bit upset with his in-ring positioning. He presses on however and picks up Cooper, setting him up nicely as he goes for the Running Curb Stomp... but Overlast gets up and blocks the Gent's way, hitting a powerslam on the Gent... 1... 2... the Beard breaks up the count once more. The Beard picks up Overlast but Mick is ready and gets his fingers into Beard's eyes, racking them as much as possible before the referee pulls him away. With the big man blinded, Overlast hits a reverse DDT to knock down the Beard.

Cohen: Great strategy by Overlast. Hit them hard when they least expect it.

Connor: I'm surprised the referee hasn't reprimanded him yet.

Instead of a pinfall, Overlast grabs the free leg of the Beard and locks on a half crab, applying as much pressure as possible. The big man refuses to quit however and this time allows Cooper to finally recover, confident enough to confront Overlast. Cooper gets Overlast whilst he is still in the lock and sets him up for the Final Verse but Overlast manages to counter with a simple back suplex. He switches momentum and measures up Cooper, hitting the Overlasting Impression as Cooper gets to his feet. Cooper is out of it and Overlast looks to take advantage but he has forgotten about the Gent who has gotten himself on the turnbuckles and dives at Overlast with a successful dragonrana... 1... 2... kick-out in the nic of time. Overlast and Gent get out of the move quickly and get their feet with Gent getting the deciding shot, kicking Overlast in the stomach. He sets up again for the Running Curb Stomp and this time, Overlast evades the contact. Overlast does a double chop to the throat, winding Gent to allow Mick to set up and execute a devastating piledriver. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... 3!

The Beard is very close to the pinfall to stop the attempt but it does not matter as the bell has sounded and the referee has declared that Overlast has won the match. The crowd boos loudly as his music begins playing.

Anderson: Here is your winner and the number one contender to the WZCW Elite X championship; Mick Overlast!

Cohen: What a way to kick-off Ascension 50: celebrating Overlast's long-awaited chance at singles championship glory!

Connor: Despite the amount of under-handed tactics he had to use in order to get the victory.

Dave: Unfortunately Cathy, the ends sometimes justify the means and this is one of the times. I don't condone this but he did what he had to do for the victory.

Cohen: Finally some sense from you Dave. I will give the other three guys their dues and say they fought hard but it was destiny for Overlast tonight.

Overlast has now exited the ring and walks up the ramp backwards with a huge smile on his face, showcasing his waist area and the possible title he'll be wearing in the future. The crowd boos at this whilst the Beard is on his knees shaking his head with Cooper on the outside standing, catching his breath. The ref is checking on Gent who is conscious and almost in a seated position.


The Power Trip John Constantine is backstage when he bumps into Leon Kensworthy.

“Hey Trip, what –“

“Leon.” The bruised King for a Day lays a friendly hand on Leon’s shoulder. “I’m simply here as an interested observer.”

Constantine responds with a kindly, almost sickly sweet smile. Leon responds in kind and The Power Trip shakes his hand and he walks away, briefcase in hand. As he turns a corner, for all of a second, a shadowy figure fleetingly appears.

Ascension Moment #1

Ascension 1

We fade into Vance Bateman’s office, he’s pacing backwards and forwards slowly but excitedly, awaiting for Ascension to go live. Sitting in his office is Leon Kensworth and Johnny Klamor, going through some notes and looking on a laptop. Something then startles the two of them they begin rushing through the notes to make sure what they’re reading is correct.

Leon: Erm, Mr. Bateman. I, we found a problem

Bateman: A problem? Not now, not when we’re about go live, what is it?

Klamor: According to the notes here which you provided us, WZCW.com currently has a mix up on details of the match card for tonight’s show.

Bateman: WHAT?! How can this be? It should just as it read. How many matches are mixed up?

Klamor: Only two, but it’s fixable.

Leon: The matches were Big Dave vs. Murfish and Sanna vs. Karnage, somehow they’ve been switched here

Bateman: Dammit. This is this MY show and I won’t have people making a fool of me on the first showing. It was probably Chuck Myles, knowing him, he would do such a thing, try and embarrass me on my big first night. You two, find those guys and tell them the correction. I’m going to ring.

Bateman storms out of the office, leaving Leon and Klamor looking confused.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, may I be honoured to welcome you to the first ever edition of WZCW Ascension, live in Keystone City, Kansas and tonight Vance Bateman has spared no expense to giving us an opening night to remember.

Cohen: You’re damn right Seabass. Bateman has got us a Main Event that will outdo what Meltdown had to offer, a Steel Cage Match for the Elite X Champion, Lars Reidar gets his deserved rematch tonight!


Harrys: The following match is to be contested in a Steel cage and is for the Elite X Championship! The winner will be the competitor who climbs over the cage and both feet hit the floor!

Harrys: Introducing first... Lars Reidar!

Harrys: And his opponent... he is the Elite X Champion, Titus!

Cohen: This is it Seabass, the main event is here.

Copeland: This ought to be a hell of a match

The cage begins to shudder to a start as it lowers around the competitors. Reidar and Titus are looking very intently at each other, neither man taking his eyes off of the other. The cage continues to fall as Titus hands over the title belt to the referee. The referee holds it up in the air and hands it over to the assistant at ring side, just before the cage is fully lowered. The cage lowers some more and eventually reaches it’s destination, surrounding the men inside it. The referee signals for the bell and we are underway.

The match begins slowly as both men size the other up. Moving in closer to each other, looking the other man in the eye, the size difference is more than noticeable. Reidar towers above Titus and after a moment of staring the other man down, the punching begins.....

Cohen: This match is going to be brutal. There are so many ways to hurt the other man in this kind of match.

Titus looks to mount some offense and attempts a clothesline. Reidar is aware of the danger though and ducks out of the way. As Titus turns aback around, Reidar hoists him onto his shoulder and sends him crashing into the steel cage.....

Titus climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Reidar to rise to his feet. As Reidar turns around, Titus launches himself from the turnbuckle and hits Reidar with a flying clothesline.....

Copeland: Titus is using his speed well and needs to utilize it more if he is to come out of this one on top.

Reidar grabs the head of Titus and scrapes his face from one side to the other across the cage, splitting him wide. The blood is flowing from the head of Titus as Reidar looks pleased with his work. Reidar returns to his work but Titus hits a drop-toe hold on Reidar, causing his face to be thrust into the cage. Titus takes some time to recover but quickly gets back to work on Reidar. Titus grabs the head of Reidar and reciprocates the gesture that Reidar did to him in the moments preceding it. Titus once again begins to climb as Reidar wipes the masses of blood from his face.....

Titus locks in the ankle lock and Reidar howls in pain. Reidar begins to tap on the mat but nothing can be done.....

Cohen: He’s tapping Seabass, he’s tapping!

Copeland: But it means nothing, Titus has to get over the cage to win.

Reidar continues to climb and gets behind Titus on the cage. Locking his arms in the full nelson, Reidar hits the Sacrilegious Desecration. His impact is impaired somewhat however and does not have all of the desired effect. Titus is at one side of the ring and Reidar is at the other. Reidar is attempting to get himself to his feet but the damage to his ankle is visible.....

Titus sees the climbing Reidar and instead of making a break for him, Titus begins to climb the opposite side of the cage.....

Both men are on top of the opposite sides of the cage. Reidar turns around to see Titus sitting on top of the cage and pulls his leg over the cage, Titus does the same and both en drop to the floor, hitting at the same time.....

The referee takes the padlock off of the cage door and consults the time-keeper. The time-keeper and the referee take a long time to discuss it. Reidar has made his way around the cage and looks solemnly at the referee. Titus, too, is looking at the discussion between the two men. The referee nods his head and places himself between the two men. The referee grabs the wrist of both men and after a moment, raises the hand of Titus and the crowd cheers.

Cohen: What!?

Copeland: Oh my God, what a finish! Titus retains in a hellacious match.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still Elite X champion, Titus!
Anderson: The following match is the newly-introduced Relay match and will be contested in a time limit of 25 minutes.

Connor: Here we go, Jack. A new match type and I can't wait to see how it all goes down.

Cohen: This match is a complete mess. I don't envy the man who is following the rules.

Connor: Well, here are the rules, Jack. Two men will start the match and wrestle to a finish. After each pin is counted, a new man will enter the ring from the outside. This continues until the time runs out. The man who scored the last pinfall in the allotted time, will win the match.

Cohen: All sounds very simple.

Connor: Until someone is thrown to the outside, it is. When someone is thrown to the outside, the men waiting can have their way with him. Weapons are legal on the outside and anything goes.

Outside of the ring, the 5 men competing in the match stand waiting. On the screen, all of the faces of the men involved begin to flash up one by one. After some shuffling around, the names comes to rest next to numbers of introduction. It reads:

1. Darren Bull
2. Johnny Scumm
3. Derek Jacobs
4. Stevenson Marquel
5. Joe Mason​

Some noises of intrigue begin to circulate as Darren Bull and Johnny Scumm swallow hard before sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. Scumm and Bull look around the ring at the 3 men who surround them. The 3 men on the outside look quite happy with their lots in the match as the referee makes his final checks.

Connor: As you can see, folks, Johnny Scumm and Darren Bull will start this match and they will be in the match until such times as one of them is pinned by the other.

Dave: What if no one pins another man, CC?

Connor: I... Actually... I have no idea.

Scumm and Bull begin to circle the ring as the referee signals for the bell. After a moment of sizing the other man up, the first lock up of the match comes. Both men struggle to take control of the match at this early stage and the jostling continues until Bull lands a hefty knee to the abdomen of the UK citizen. Scumm bends over double just long enough for Bull to nail him with a beautiful shot to the back of the head. Scumm hits the canvas for the first time in the match before Bull hits him with a few kicks to his chest. Scumm rallies and attempts to get back to his feet but Bull is all over him. He staggers him with a few chops to the chest before Scumm takes shelter in the corner. Scumm is looking for some relief in the early goings of this match after a strong start from Darren Bull. His relief seems a long way away though as Bull charges at him and hits him with a lariat that takes Scumm back to the canvas. Not realising what kind of match he is in, Scumm rolls under the bottom rope and rolls to the mats. It is Derek Jacobs that is on him in a flash though, nailing him with stiff shots on the outside of the ring. Scumm fights and squirms, trying to get away from the onslaught from the outside. Jacobs picks Scumm up and rams him into the side of the ring, causing massive damage to the back of Johnny Scumm. Scumm yells in agony as contact is made but it is only made worse as Jacobs rolls Scumm back inside the ring to a waiting Darren Bull.

Connor: Scumm was looking for a chance of a reprieve there, Jack. But in the Relay match, there is no chance of that.

Bull covers Scumm but can only manage a 2 count before Scumm rolls a shoulder out. Bull gets to his feet and begins to plot his next move as Scumm tries to do the same. Scumm is pulled to his feet now by Darren Bull, who is looking to put himself in the driving seat with the first, and perhaps only, pinfall of the night. With Scumm now on his feet, Bull hits him with a few more shots. However, Scumm looks to make some offence for himself now. As Bull swings his arm for another heavy punch, Scumm manages to avoid contact by ducking under his arm. Stunned by the sudden athleticism of his opponent, Bull turns around into a punch from Scumm.

Anderson: There is 20 minutes remaining in this match!

Scumm follows up with a running shoulder block that takes Bull down for the first time. On the outside of the match, the three men waiting have huge smiles plastered all over their features. They know that this match is taking their toll and, thus, their job will be easier upon arrival. Scumm, meanwhile, picks Bull up, looking to get his own measure of revenge for the start of the match. Scumm still looks weary but as Bull gets to his feet, he is met with a great dropkick that fires him across the ring. Scumm scurries back to his feet and covers Bull but Bull manages to roll his shoulder out at a count of 2. Scumm looks like a different wrestler now as he looks to put Darren Bull away. Pulling him to his feet once again, he looks to nail his opponent with a running spear. However, Bull has him well scouted and moves out of the way with nothing to spare. Scumm stumbles as Bull pushing him past his body and Scumm lands with his torso on the bottom rope. From nowhere, Stevenson Marquel nails Scumm with a 2 by 4 that snaps the wood into many pieces. Scumm's head becomes a crimson mess as blood begins to pour down his face. Shocked by what he has just seen, Darren Bull takes a moment before pulling the lifeless Scumm from the ropes and covering him. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the first fall... Darren Bull!

Connor: Right there! That's how quickly this match can turn on you. Just as Scumm was putting together some offence, he made one mistake and paid for it.

Cohen: I'm beginning to love this match, CC.

Connor: I wish Scumm could say the same but he wont be saying anything for a while. That said, if there is enough falls in this match, he will be right back in with a shot of winning this match.

Bull gets to his feet and celebrates joyously. He raises one hand into the air in celebration before Derek Jacobs finally enters the ring. The referee is in the middle of rolling Scumm out of the ring as Jacobs enters, Bull not noticing his presence. As Scumm finally hits the floor outside and Bull finishes gloating to the fans, Jacobs begins to stalk his opponent. Bull's ego has gotten the better of him as he laughs at the bloody mess that now lies on the outside of the ring. As Bull finally turns around, Jacobs is waiting for him. Bull walks right into a Payday from Jacobs that shakes the ring to it's very core. Jacobs slowly gets on top of Bull and the referee begins his count. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall... Derek Jacobs! There is now 15 minutes remaining in this match!

Cohen: Unbelievable!

Connor: Bull thought he had won the match and now everything he worked for means nothing. He'll have to wait until his number rolls around again before he gets another shot to put himself in the driving seat again.

Dave: In a match like this, focus is everything. If you haven't got it, then you're going to get hurt.

Marquel rolls into the ring now, looking to inflict the same punishment on Jacobs as he did to Darren Bull. But Jacobs is on his feet waiting for him. Both men start a volley of punches as the referee now rolls Darren Bull out of the ring. Both men are teeing off on each other, fresh from their exploits in this match. It is Jacobs who gets the better of his opponent initially though, managing to land an eye rake to Marquel before following up with a double-underhook backbreaker. Marquel screams with agony as the move connects perfectly. Jacobs gets to his feet and plans his next move, the cogs of his brain beginning to whir and churn. Running off of the ropes, he manages to catch Marquel with a leg drop that, again, shakes the ring. Jacobs climbs on top of his opponent, looking to put another win against his name. But Marquel is just too fresh and the kick out comes at a count of 1. Marquel is looking rusty in his opening exchanges but Jacobs is not taking it easy on him. Marquel slowly rises to his feet once again but he is only met with the hands of Derek Jacobs. Jacobs pulls Marquel to his feet but is met with a punch that staggers him. Marquel looks to press home his advantage as Jacobs comes back at him. Marquel ducks under Jacobs arm and nails him with another shot. Marquel is feeling it now and manages to nail Jacobs with a pavement slam. With Jacobs on the canvas, Marquel locks in a rear naked choke. Jacobs struggles against the hold but it is vain as Marquel pulls back on his chin. The match is slipping away from Jacobs as Marquel levels his body back, heaping pressure on the bones of Jacobs. Marquel continues to level back, a look of sheer determination etched onto his features. He pulls back on his opponents chin but he pulls too far and Jacobs manages to wriggle free and bind Marquel up a small package pin. 1... 2... Marquel manages to kick out.

Dave: Only 12 minutes left in this match and there are so many different ways that this match could go.

Connor: I guess that this is the strength of the match type, Dave.

Both men shoot to their feet straight away but it is Jacobs who gets the advantage when he takes Marquel down with a big boot. Marquel gets right back to his feet but is taken down with another big boot. Marquel rolls out of the ring for a second, looking to recuperate from the match. Mason is right onto him though, looking to make his job slightly easier in the long run. He picks up a chair and looks to nail Marquel as he stays on one knee for the meantime. Marquel sees Mason coming though and as Mason swings the metal weapon at him, he moves out of the way with nothing to spare. Mason's hand shake as the chair makes contact with the floor. He drops the chair and recoils away. Marquel picks up the weapon, fearing for his own safety with a now partially-recovered Johnny Scumm and Darren Bull closing in on him. He readies himself for their advances bu with the chain in hand, they don't gee too close. Marquel sees his opportunity and rolls under the bottom rope, the chair still in hand. Jacobs waits for him to get to his feet and looks to punish Marquel with another effective big boot. Marquel, being the wily competitor that he is, manages to raise the steel chair up high enough so that Jacobs's foot makes contact with the chair, and in turn hits Marquel on the face. The referee immediately turns away as Jacobs continues his attack. The referee signals for the bell and shouts his orders to the ring announcer. The bell rings.

Anderson: Here is your winner by disqualification, Stevenson Marquel! There is no 10 minutes remaining in this match!

Connor: That is an outrage, guys. Stevenson Marquel brought the chair into the match and now he is the one who has managed to pick up a win because of it.

Dave: Trust me, CC, taking a chair shot to the face doesn't feel like a win. But it does put him in the driving seat of the match.

Cohen: Pure inspiration, if you ask me.

Jacobs cannot believe it but he is out of this match. He pleads with the referee to reverse his decision, citing that Marquel should not have brought the chain into the ring in the first place. But the referee is stoic in his defence. The chair was used to inflict damage on Marquel and the referee is very clear on his opinion. Jacobs reluctantly rolls out of the ring, cursing his luck as Joe Mason finally makes his first appearance in the match. He quickly climbs on top Marquel and looks for the cover. The referee is still arguing with Derek Jacobs but he eventually notices the pin attempt. Mason is furious with the referee that he did not notice the cover quicker but it is all in the past as the referee finally counts the fall. 1... 2... Marquel manages, somehow, to kick out. The crowd cannot believe what they are seeing as Mason gets to his feet. He looks furious with the outcome of the decision but he looks ready to strike. Marquel slowly gets to his feet, his brain still struggling to come to terms with the chair shot that came only moments ago. Mason gets behind him, waiting for the perfect time to strike the confused Marquel. Marquel is taking his time but Mason is no mood to wait for him, He quickly closes in on Marquel before hitting him with the Tony Suplex and holding it in the pin. The referee is quick this time to count the fall. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall... Joe Mason!

Connor: Joe Mason looks to be the favourite to this match now as it begins to take it's toll on the other men.

Dave: Darren Bull is next up and he was pretty fresh in the first place. This could get very interesting.

Mason gets to his feet and looks out at who is coming into face him. It is the turn of Darren Bull to get back in the ring. Bull has recovered somewhat from the earlier exit and both men seem pretty fresh. Bull manages to get the better of Mason initially, landing a few shots to the fifth entrant to the match. Bull follows up with a flying elbow to take Mason to the canvas for the first time in the match. The fresher man looks to be in trouble as Bull looks to press home his advantage once again. Mason is not taking this lying down though and as Bull tries to land a falling knee drop, Mason moves out of the way. Bull's knee inadvertently makes contact with the mat. Mason springs to his feet and lands a heavy kick across the exposed chest of Darren Bull. The crowd let out a sound of shock as Bull hits the mat once again. Mason and Bull cannot seem to get any level of consistency thus far but Mason is looking to end that pattern as he hits Bull with a throat thrust as he lies on the canvas. Pulling Bull to his knees now, Mason locks in an abdominal stretch. Bull cannot break free of the hold as Mason looks to slow down the match and keep his advantage. The men on the outside of the match are now visibly annoyed. With only 6 and a half minutes left on the clock, their chances of winning this match are slipping away with every second. Mason allows a smile to pass his features as his chances of winning the match grow and grow with every second that ticks away. The referee checks on Darren Bull but it is clear that Bull doesn't want to go out of the match like this, especially when another chance in this match probably wont come around again. Mason's smile soon disappears as Bull begins to fight his way back to his feet. The crowd cannot believe the spectacle that they are seeing now as Bull slowly manages to fight out of the hold with a few elbows to the abdomen of Mason. Mason lets a look of anger cross his face as he feels his momentum slip away. Bull looks like a different wrestler now as he presses home his advantage against Mason. Mason looks to retake control of the match with a high knee but Darren Bull moves out of the way at the last second. Bull cannot believe his luck as Mason turns around and is immediately caught with some Awesome Punishment. Bull climbs on top of Mason as the referee counts the fall. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall.... Darren Bull! There is now only 5 minutes left in the match.

Connor: Darren Bull now takes control of a match that has taken more turns than anything else tonight.

Cohen: You can see how much this match means to every man involved. This is serious stuff right here.

Bull slowly gets to his feet but he is quickly attacked by Johnny Scumm, who knows that he is in line to get the Mayhem Championship opportunity. Bull and Mason had an all-out war and now Bull is not as fresh as he would like to be. Scumm is quickly on top of him, forcing him back with some shots to the face. Bull ends up in the corner, Scumm continues to press with some chop blocks. Bull continues to take some punishment as the bloody mess that is Johnny Scumm hammers him with heavy shot after heavy shot. Scumm quickly removes himself from the situation by walking away somewhat. Looking at Bull in the corner, Scumm knows that he has Bull where he wants him. Running at him, Scumm manages to connect with a beautiful lariat that shakes his opponent. Bull recoils out of the corner and Scumm takes the opportunity to toss him out of the ring. Waiting on him on the outside, an infuriated Marquel and Jacobs wait on him. They immediately pounce on him, realising that the weaker he becomes, the shorter the match will be and thus, the quicker they can be reintroduced to the action once again. Marquel and Jacobs are unforgiving, putting their advantage to good use. Marquel continues to beat down Darren Bull as Jacobs goes to fetch a weapon from under the ring, Pulling out a piece of wood wrapped in barbed wire, Jacobs tells Marquel to pull Bull to his feet. Marquel hesitantly does so before restraining the struggling Bull. Jacobs allows a smile to cross his face that mirrors the smile of Johnny Scumm inside the ring. Running at Bull, Jacobs swings the weapon, catching Darren Bull flush on the head. Bull immediately hits the canvas. Marquel picks up Bull and throws him under the bottom rope. Scumm lets a huge smile form now as he has the match right where he wants it. Mason, Marquel and Jacobs scream at Scumm to cover Bull but Scumm doesn't care. He stands in the middle of the ring, smiling out at the men on the outside.

Dave: What a clever man!

Connor: Indeed! Johnny Scumm can win this match at any time now but he's waiting for the match to tick away before putting this match to bed.

Cohen: That is brilliant!

Scumm continues to stare out at the men on the outside, realising that he is holding all of the cards as only one minute remains on the clock. The 3 men on the outside are irate, so much so that Marquel cannot handle it any more. Picking up the barbed wire bat vacated by Derek Jacobs. He slides under the bottom rope behind Johnny Scumm and scrapes it across the face of the UK born athlete. Scumm screams in agony and turns towards Marquel who then swings the bat at Scumm. It catches Scumm in the abdomen, causing him to bend over double. Marquel follows up with a shot to the back that takes Scumm down in agony. The referee pleads with Marquel to stop but Marquel has lost it. The referee has no other choice other than to disqualify Stevenson Marquel. Marquel doesn't seem to care as the referee pulls him from Scumm. Marquel looks as the referee as he orders him up the ramp. Marquel screws up his face but lets the decision fly. He rolls out of the ring, his face a picture of anger. The referee stands with his hands on the ropes as both Bull and Scumm lie motionless in the middle of the ring. With only 15 seconds left of the match, Jacobs gets into the ring. He pulls Scumm over Bull as the referee turns back around. Jacobs slides under the bottom rope as the referee notices the pinfall. He counts the fall. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall... Johnny Scumm!

Connor: What the hell is going on here!?

Jacobs shoots under the bottom rope and, with only 10 seconds on the clock, pulls Johnny Scumm from the lifeless body of Darren Bull. He kicks Scumm to the corner of the ring and out onto the mats. The referee struggles to comprehend what is going on but with only 5 seconds left on the clock, Derek Jacobs crawls on top of Scumm's lifeless carcass. The referee counts the fall. 1... 2... 3!

Cohen: This is absolute chaos, I love it!

Anderson: Here is the winner of the fall... Derek Jacobs!

Dave: Derek Jacobs has done it! He's won the very first relay match!

A buzzer sounds around the arena as the clock on the titantron. Jacobs gets to his feet and cannot believe what he has just accomplished. The referee lifts his arm high into the air as Joe Mason looks on with utter contempt.

Anderson: Here is your winner and new number one contender for the Mayhem Championship... Derek Jacobs!

Connor: What an astounding match, Jack.

Cohen: I had my doubts but that match was filled with drama.
We cut backstage where Celeste Crimson is seen walking towards a certain office. A quick kick to the door opens her way in as she comes bursting in the camera sees Ty Burna sitting at his desk, his feet up by the monitor and a notepad in his hand. The other Apostles can be seen behind him. All four look up and the Apostles look ready to strike but Ty holds his hand up cautioning them to stay.

Ty: Is there something I can help you with Celeste? I don't usually take to people kicking my door very well.

Celeste: Cut the crap Burna. You know why I'm here.

Ty: Oh you were looking for a match at Redemption I'm assuming?

Celeste: I want the winner of Showtime and Kurtesy for the World Title.

Ty studies her for a few moments before breaking out laughing, his feet swiftly sweeping off the desk as he stands up, placing the notepad down.

Ty: I'm afraid that won't be possible Celeste.

Celeste: I'm not playing games here Ty. I want my shot.

Ty: And I'm telling you you're at the back of the line. In fact I believe someone, or rather something, in this room has a better bid for a World Title shot, isn't that right S.H.I.T.?

S.H.I.T.: Affirmative!

Ty: You want a title shot Celeste? Go through the object that pinned not only you, but also the man you pinned last night. You've proven nothing do you understand?

Celeste stares at Ty but then turns her attention towards S.H.I.T. She walks up to the robot and shakes her head.

Celeste: Fine. Book it for next week.

Ty: No.

Celeste: You're testing my patience Ty.

Ty: And you have nothing to lean on in terms of control here Celeste. The match will be at Redemption and if you do not vacate my office immediately, there won't be any matches for you in the near future. Am I clear?

Celeste stares up at S.H.I.T. again before turning and walking towards the exit.

Celeste: Crystal.

As Celeste exits the room, S.H.I.T. looks at Ty, as if analyzing the situation as we go to commercial.

Ascension Moment #2

Ascension 29​

Showtime is up on the apron. The crowd continues to rain boos down on him as he lowers the middle rope to let Serafina in before entering the ring behind her. We posses once more in the middle of the ring before walking to the announcers side and grabbing a mic.

Showtime: I swore to you all that I would bury that cursed Ty Burna and send him back to the depths of hell from where he came from and I succeeded in doing that with all your help..... But then Ty reappeared and with new found dark magic. In time he was able to sweep your memories clean of the past atrosities that he had committed and the destruction that he had caused within WZCW. You started cheering for him. But the spot light wasn't enough for Ty to share. He knew that I wouldn't trust this new found change is his demeaner. So he worked his magic on all of you and turned you all against me. I was then distracted for a while, dealing with a posser me who thought he could gain from what Ty had taken from me. I wasn't long before I should you all who the real ratings king in WZCW was and then my ticket to facing Ty came with my victory at Lethal Lottery.

But all that didn't change the spell that Ty had cast over all of you. You still cheered him as the good guy and me as the bad guy, even though I teamed with crowd favourites Gordito and Everest, while Ty teamed with evil psychos Barbosa and Big Dave. So I decided that if I am protarying the bad guy in this show I might as well play the part right. I am the best in the profession and everything I touch turns to gold. I can play every part to perfection and my recent role as Ty's nemisis has been near flawless.

So Ty this is your chance to turn yourself in. To come clean on the crimes you've committed. You have already just about everything. You've lost your humanity, you've lost the one person you never thought would turn on you, this beautiful flower Serafina. Ty, do the right thing, before you end up losing your title... and your dignity.

Ty: Showtime!

The camera spins around searching for Ty when a spotlight finally comes down on him standing in the balcony of the arena, mic in hand and the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder.

Ty: I don't care about your pathetic disorder. I don't feel sympathy for your ordeal in that psych ward. You have just gotten a taste of what I went through, straight jackets, needles, shock treatments, the whole works I have suffered through it all. But there is one more thing you have yet to experience that I have Showtime, and that's being sent to the very depths of hell. But rest assured David, you can sit back, contemplate your future in my realm of insanity, and wait until our match tonight when I show you why I have gone undefeated for the last eight months while you wallowed away in self pity and half baked conspiracies. So hide behind your precious boyfriend Constantine but your ass will be in that ring, and I will show you just what kind of evil I can deliver upon you both.

Thus it is written.

The lights go out again and the Chaos Symbol glows with more intensity.

So it shall come to pass!


Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied by Serafina, at a combined weight of 478 pounds, the team of Constantine and Showtime Cougar!

Anderson: Introducing their opponents, first, from the West End of London, England, weighing 190 pounds, Austin Reynolds!

The lights go out to the excitement of the crowd as they await the arrival of the World Heavyweight Champion.

Anderson: His partner, weighing 235 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

The lights come back on and Ty is nowhere to be seen, everyone looks confused, sans Constantine and Showtime who stand there smiling. Reynolds then looks beyond them and points, everyone turns towards the announce table to find Ty Burna sitting next to Jack Cohen at the announce table

Cohen: Sweet Jesus! You scared the sh…

Connor: Language Jack!

Ty gets out of the chair and raises the World Heavyweight Title above his head, taunting Showtime and Constantine. He then eyes on Serafina which Showtime challenges him to come in. While they’re both distracted, Austin Reynolds has climbed into the ring and grabs Constantine, the ref rings the bell, and Reynolds goes for the quick small package, 1……2..Showtime rolls the package onto Reynolds shoulders, 1……..2…kickout. Ty and Showtime get into their respective corners as Constantine and Reynolds start the match, but Constantine quickly tags in Showtime who climbs into the ring as both men stand staring at each other, knowing the history that runs between them. Showtime goes for a clothesline and Reynolds duck underneath and on the rebound goes for a kip up frankensteiner, Showtime rolls forward onto the middle rope, Reynolds bounces off the ropes and leaps onto Showtime, squashing his neck on the ropes and making him bounce off.

Reynolds paces around a bit before giving Showtime a stomp, he then rolls him up to a vertical basis before running at the ropes again but Showtime gets out of stance and hits a dropkick on the Ratings Winner. Reynolds rolls to his feet and receives a clothesline for good measure, followed by a leg drop and goes for a cover, 1…….2….kickout. Showtime gets up and tags in Constantine who’s ready to go, as Reynolds get back to his feet, Constantine takes him down with a lariat, he then taunts the crowd before going for some mounted punches on Reynolds’ head. Ty paces on the ring apron, looking rather frustrated. Constantine leans against the ropes and goes for a knee drop but Reynolds rolls out of the way and the former politician meets canvas and holds his knee in agony as Reynolds gets up and tags Ty in.

Connor: Here comes the champion, and he’s ready to go!

Cohen: Watch out Constantine!

Ty wastes no time and kicks Constantine in the back of the neck, which stuns Constantine as he gets to his feet, Ty then kicks him again in the leg, followed by another and another before knocking down Constantine with a right hand. Constantine rolls up and Ty takes him backdown with a Russian leg sweep, he goes for the cover, 1……..2…..Constantine gets a shoulder up. Ty stands up and Showtime is taunting him, being rallied on by Serafina, Ty gets up into Showtime’s face and stares at him and Showtime stares at him back, this allows Constantine to roll up with a schoolboy on Ty, 1……..2…..kickout by Ty. Both men get back up and Ty goes for some running offence, only Constantine takes him down with a sidewalk slam. Constantine takes a moment before trying for some more mounted punches, only to be pounced upon by Ty with an attempt on the Final Séance but Constantine pulls out quickly and heads over to tag in Showtime while Ty tags in Reynolds.

Just as they make the switch, Showtime runs at Ty and knocks him to the floor, bouncing off the barricade. He then hits an enziguri on Reynolds who falls into the ring, cover attempt, 1……..2…..Reynolds grabs the rope. Showtime keeps an eye on Ty before continuing his offence on Reynolds by pulling him into the centre of the ring and dropping an elbow on him, he goes to climb the turnbuckle, but he tags Constantine beforehand. He leaps from the second rope and hits another elbow as Constantine runs and locks in the STF on his adversary, he holds on tightly as Reynolds tries to resist the pain being applied and tries to drag himself to the ropes but it still looks far away to reach as he keeps to resist as Constantine shouts “Come on Reynolds! Quit!”

Cohen: Reynolds is about to tap, I can feel it!

Connor: It doesn’t look good for him, that STF is locked in tightly.

Suddenly Ty appears a ringside, he reaches and grabs Reynolds’ hand and pulls him all the way to the ropes, the referee tells Constantine to break the hold, but he refuses, the referee counts up to four until Constantine lets go. He gets up in the ref’s face and tells him that Ty should be disqualified for interfering, what he fails to realise is that Reynolds and Ty exchanged a tag and out of nowhere, Constantine is hit with a hard Consecrated Banishment, cover by the champion, 1……..2…..Showtime breaks the pin. Ty is quick to his feet as both he and Showtime stand facing each other at opposite corners, the crowd starts getting fired up, the referee tries to get Showtime out of ring, but he just shoves the referee back as Ty unleashes some rights on him, both exchanging punches with each other until Showtime kicks Ty Burna in the groin and hits the Ratings Crash. He drags Constantine’s arm over Ty and gets out of the ring. The referee has recovered and tells Showtime not to shove him again or he will be disqualified, but Showtime points him towards the pin attempt and the ref goes to count it, 1…….2…….Ty gets a shoulder up. Cougar and Serafina can’t believe it as Constantine is slowly coming to after what happened.

Constantine sits back against the ropes and tries to recoup but it’s stopped short when Ty suddenly sits up and stares intently at Constantine. Knowing he’s in trouble, he goes to tag in Showtime who drops down to the ringside and Constantine asks “What are you doing?” to which Showtime responds with “No way am I going in there!” Ty tags Reynolds back in as both Constantine and Showtime bicker with each other, Reynolds stands by the ropes nearest Constantine as Showtime tells his partner to look behind him him, he does so as Reynolds springboards off the ropes and hits the Ego Crush, followed by the cover, 1…….2……Serafina pulls the referee out. The referee argues with Serafina as Reynolds gets back to his feet, Showtime rolls into the ring and stands waiting behind Reynolds, causing Ty to get back into ring and goes for another Consecrated Banishment, Showtime spots this and ducks, causing Ty to hit Reynolds, knocking him out, Constantine gets an arm over as the referee slides back in, 1…….2……Ty kicks Constantine off of Reynolds.

Cohen: Damn this match may never end!

Connor: It’s close, that’s for certain!

Constantine staggers slowly to his feet, using the ropes to help himself up as he gets himself ready, Reynolds eventually starts moving and tries to make it up as Constantine is waiting and ready, the moment Reynolds is up and turns around, Constantine goes for the Axis of Evil, but Reynolds deadweights it and coun ters it into the Ratings Killer, Ty climbs into the ring to keep Showtime away as the referee makes the count, 1……2…….3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Austin Reynolds and the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Showtime and Ty immediately begin brawling as Reynolds is slow to his feet. Showtime and Ty go over the top rope and crash to the outside. Reynolds stands above Constantine gloating about his win when Constantine suddenly low blows Reynolds. Reynolds drops to the ground and Constantine gets to his feet and tosses him to the outside. He follows behind immediately and begins pounding away on him. Meanwhile Showtime has gotten the better of Ty and grabs him by the head and tosses him into the barricade. The barricade breaks and Ty goes crashing into the crowd. Showtime stands over Ty before heading into the ring as Serafina has entered as well. Suddenly Ascension's theme hits and Vance Bateman walks out.

Bateman: I think we must come to an understanding Showtime, for your benefit and the safety of others, you'll be placed in the Sunnyside Mental Institute until Kingdom Come. Security!

Multiple security guards come out and begin walking down to the ring as Showtime and Serafina look on nerviously. Suddenly Show grabs Serafina and sets her on top of the turnbuckle. He grabs a mic as Serafina looks terrified.

Showtime: Don't you dare come any closer! If you do I swear I'll hurt her!

Showtime drops the mic and climbs to the top turnbuckle and sets Serafina up for the Final Act. She struggles against him as the security force closes in on the ring.

Bateman: That's enough now Showtime, there's no need for any of this. Just come quietly and everything will be fine.

Showtime looks at Serafina and runs a hand down her cheek before letting go and climbing from the turnbuckle. Ty slowly drags himself out of the rubble and starts to make way for the ring when Showtime spots him. A sick grin forms on his face and he hops up to the top turnbuckle and takes Serafina down with a reverse Final Act. Ty quickly slides into the ring and looks at Showtime then Serafina before kneeling down and checking on her. Security jumps in and grabs Showtime, restraining him and taking him out of the ring. Ty's hand trembles as he looks down at the out cold Serafina. Showtime begins laughing maniacally as he's carried up the ramp by security. Ty stands and his head is lowered before slowly looking up at Showtime at the top of the ramp, his eyes glowing an intense shade of red as fire erupts from the four ring corners and the Chaos symbol appears on the screen. The lights go out as Ascension goes off the air.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and will be contested under Mayhem Rules!


Anderson: Introducing first, from the Isle of Tortuga, weighing in at 260 pounds...Steamboat Ricky!

Steamboat Ricky makes his way out, shouting various pirate slang at the overjoyed crowd, laughing along with their favorite sea-dog. As is custom, he's brought a steel chair to the ring with him. Ricky happily slaps hands with the fans on the way to the ring, although with a glint in his eye, as he is more than ready for his return to the Mayhem division. He rolls himself into the ring and stands, dropping the chair in the middle of the ring, and mounting a turnbuckle to soak in the fans' adulation before dropping down and preparing for his match.

Connor: We welcome you back to this incredible fiftieth edition of WZCW Ascension with a special treat. The new school and old school clash in this Mayhem battle, as the first Mayhem Champion ever returns to his old stomping grounds to do battle with the man some call the new King of Mayhem, Ace Stevens.

Cohen: Let's just go ahead and recap the last few weeks for Ricky, shall we? He was crushed at Kingdom Come by the Apostles, and then he came up short in a triple threat again an actor and my maimed broadcast colleague. What part of that makes anyone think he's even close to a challenge for the undisputed master of the new Mayhem division?

Dave: I know Ricky's heart as a competitor, Jack, and that's the difference between he and Stevens tonight. Stevens might have the gold and the momentum, but he doesn't know the first thing about the heart of a competitor.


Anderson: And introducing his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 228 pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion...Ace Stevens!

Ace Stevens slowly makes his way out to the entranceway, the smuggest possible look on his face as he makes a big show out of holding up his belt and rubbing it in all the fans' collective faces. He shouts a veritable chorus of "I Told You So" and "Best in the World" at the fans lining the entrance ramp as he is drowned out by the boos. He can only grin in response as he pats his belt gleefully before hopping into the ring. He barely spares Ricky a glance as he ascends a turnbuckle and offers the belt one more time, laughing, before dropping back down and readying himself.

Connor: And we get our first look now at the new WZCW Mayhem Champion, crowned at Kingdom Come after defeating Stevenson Marquel. He was held off our broadcasts last time around because of lingering medical issues from the pay-per-view and the question on everyone's mind is, I think, this - is he 100% heading into this match?

Dave: Let me tell you something, Cat - no wrestler is ever 100%. This business is a constant wear and tear on your body, every single day.

Cohen: Hey, let's not forget, Dave isn't the only former wrestler at this table, and I'll have you know I was in perfect shape every single day of my career, and so is our champion tonight. Hell, he probably could have gone last week if he wanted to, but he was just too busy celebrating and living the good life - as well he should have!

Attention turns now to the center of the ring. The referee has taken Stevens's Mayhem Championship and had it set aside. With no need to check for anything illegal, the referee simply signals for the two men to begin as they please. Stevens lunged and Ricky quickly rolls to the ring, where he signals to the crowd, eliciting a roar in response. Stevens looks frustrated as Ricky panders to the fans. Ricky leaps up to the apron to get back into the ring, a chuckle on his face, but Stevens has grabbed the chair he left behind and hurls it into his face. Ricky falls off the apron and staggers away, dazed. Stevens gloats and lets Ricky stagger over to the apron again, and then Stevens runs over and drops with a baseball slide to send Ricky sprawling into the guardrail. Ace follows to the outside, dragging the chair along with him. As Ricky stands himself up once more, he's met by a steel chair to the face. Stevens tosses the chair back into the ring before continuing. Ricky is sprawled out on the ground and Stevens lays into him with a hard stomp. Ricky manages to pull himself to his feet but Stevens is on him with strikes. Ricky is sprawling wildly all around the ringside area and Stevens continues to harass him with continued strikes. Ricky puts a hand on the ring apron to steady himself while Stevens tries to whip him into the guardrail. Ricky, however, uses his hold on the apron and weight advantage to reverse and send Stevens into the guardrail himself. Ricky takes a long moment to steady himself while Stevens is laid out, dazed.

Connor: An early flurry of offense from Stevens may have caught Ricky off guard.

Cohen: Is distracting yourself with the crowd part of the, what was it, heart of the competitor, Dave?

Dave: No, it isn't, Jack, but while Ricky has the heart, he also has an unfortunate tendency toward distractions that has cost him here. But it appears he may have turned things around. Never forget what a wily veteran he is.

The two are now brawling in front of the ring steps. Stevens gets a short whip in on Ricky that sends him into the guardrail without much force. It's enough to let Stevens get away and root around under the ring, where he comes up with a table! He sets it up outside and just as he finishes Ricky is on him with a strike to the back. Ricky takes over with a blow to the back of Stevens's head and forces his opponent into the ring. Ricky takes his time getting back into the ring and Stevens is able to stand up and catch him with a quick strike. It's enough to slow Ricky as he makes his way back into the ring while Stevens goes back for the chair. Before he can quite get to it, though, Ricky is back, and Stevens decides to return to striking. He gets a few quick ones in before heading back to the ropes for a big rebound attack, but is met by a clothesline from Ricky on the rebound that sends him sprawling. Ricky stalks around Stevens, now looking angry. He thinks about the chair but kicks it over to the corner instead. Stevens staggers to his feet, but Ricky sends him right back down with a big blow to the head. Stevens is under the ropes and Ricky drops to his knees and starts choking Stevens!

Connor: A smiling old pirate he may be, but he's also the dirtiest player in the game, but everything is legal here!

Cohen: Break the hold, ref! I know there's no disqualifications, but that just isn't right.

Dave: I keep talking about the heart of a competitor - part of that, sometimes, is whatever it takes to win, and Ricky knows all about that.

Ricky gets up and Stevens rolls away near the corner, but Ricky quickly presses the assault. He grabs onto the ropes for leverage and sticks a boot in Stevens's neck, pressing down hard. Ricky lets up and Stevens tries to sit up, sputtering and gasping for air. Ricky pulls Stevens to his feet, then quickly smashes his face into the turnbuckle. He repeats the move, once, twice, three times, even more as the crowd chants on in time. The crowd reaches ten before Ricky is done and he lets Stevens collapse backwards into the middle of the ring. Ricky considers his next move before picking up Stevens once more, setting him in the corner. He backs up all the way to the opposite corner, charges, leaps, and displays his surprising agility with a dropkick in the corner! He gets back to his feet quickly while Stevens collapses out of the corner. Ricky pulls Stevens up to a sitting position and starts to lay into his forehead with punches...and then bites his forehead! The crowd gasps in shock as the dirty old pirate gnashes at his opponents head, but the gasps turn to cheers quickly as blood begins to appear on Stevens head. The sight of his own blood seems to invigorate him, and he pops up on Ricky with quick, desperate strikes. He can't sustain, it though, falling to his knees, and Ricky sends him the rest of the way down with a big shot to the head. Ricky once again pulls Stevens back to his feet, grapples him...and sends him up and over with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Ricky looks to ascend the ropes next, heading outside and beginning to climb. He takes his time, though, his weight slowing him down, and it gives Stevens time to desperately get up and punch Ricky in the face just as he gets to the top. The two brawl at the top for a moment, Stevens looks like he has the better of it, he hooks Ricky's head under his arm...he leaps, and hits an incredible lifting DDT off the top rope that sends Ricky's head crashing into the mat! Both men are down as the crowd goes wild.

Connor: The continued innovation and willingness to go all the way is a big part of why Ace Stevens is wearing that title belt right now, folks, whatever you might think of his attitude.

Cohen: I'll tell you what I think about his attitude - it's great! It's the attitude of a winner!

Dave: The cockiness will catch up to him eventually, Jack - it does to everyone, sooner or later.

Stevens gets to his knees first and staggers over to the chair left in the corner while he lifts himself up, standing now. He slips it under Ricky's head, setting up for something devastating no doubt, hits the ropes...but Ricky is up lightning quick, grabbing the chair while Stevens rebounds, and Stevens is left charging into Ricky while Ricky levels the chair down on the champion's head! Ricky turns his back on Stevens and instead sets up the chair in the corner, wedging it between the middle and top ropes. Ricky pulls Stevens up, whips him into the corner, but Stevens puts the breaks on and turns. Ricky charges, head down, looking for a spear, but Stevens ducks out of the way just in time, leaving Ricky to crash into the chair! Ricky staggers wildly out of the corner and Stevens catches him with a European uppercut, sending him crashing to the mat. Stevens grabs the chair from the corner and sets it on Ricky's chest. He stands above Ricky, slicks his hair back, gives a cocky smile to the crowd...and drops an elbow on the chair, thrusting it into Ricky's chest! It hurts Stevens as well, but not so much as Ricky who is left gasping for air. Stevens goes for a cover but gets only two. Stevens rolls out of the ring and begins toying with the table from earlier. While he does so, Ricky rolls out of the ring and begins to head after Stevens from behind. Once again, Ricky catches Stevens from behind with a shot to the back, rolls him into the ring, and gets up on the apron. Stevens comes up right on top of the chair, grabs it, and smashes it into Ricky's head, sending him dropping off the apron. Stevens hops out of the ring, rolls Ricky onto the table, and follows himself. He pulls Ricky on top of the table...and sends him crashing through it to the ground with a swinging neckbreaker! The devastating move has both men laid out on the outside.

Connor: Complete back and forth Mayhem action ends with the champion surprising Ricky, but you'll notice a lot of these moves that Stevens is using to hurt Ricky also hurt him.

Dave: And that's just poor strategy there, Cat, as that too will catch up to him soon.

Cohen: What do you know, huh? Stevens knows exactly what he's doing. As long as he does more damage to Ricky, he'll be fine.

Ricky crawls away on his knees, trying to use the ring steps to get himself up. He roots blindly under the ring, comes up with a small velvet bag and the crowd knows what's inside. Stevens, meanwhile, is rooting under the ring on his own. Ricky rolls into the ring and stands himself up with the bag in hand. Meanwhile, Stevens is ducking on the outside, playing possum with the chair in hand. But wait! It's not the same chair from earlier. This chair is wrapped...in barbed wire! The crowd gasps in shock at the sight of it as it seems the champion has brought his own special weapon to the party tonight. Stevens slowly, ponderously raises the chair behind Ricky's head, looking for the killing blow as the pirate busies himself dumping out tacks from the velvet bag. The crowd's desperate cries reach Ricky just in the nick of time, however, and Ricky turns just in time to duck out of the way of a huge swing from the chair. The force of it rips the chair from Stevens's hands and when he turns around it's only to meet a big boot from Ricky that sends him sprawling into the corner, opposite the tacks. Ricky kicks him in the gut, moves him nearer the tacks, makes as if to lift him for the Deck Swabber...but Stevens lurches out of it, gets to the ropes while Ricky turns to face him. Stevens hits a leaping clothesline and the two are standing on a bed of tacks but Ricky keeps his feet. He hits the ropes, looking to hit the same move, but on the rebound, Ricky just punches him hard in the face and Stevens falls to a knee just outside the tacks. Ricky gets hold of Stevens now, puts him into a full nelson...and sends him crashing into the tacks with a huge full nelson slam! Stevens's back is riddled with tacks! He screams in pain! Ricky goes for the pin and gets one, two...but only two! Ricky can't believe it and it's all Stevens can do to try to squirm away from the tacks, still screaming.

Connor: Unbelievable brutality from Ricky, but this is the kind of old school hardcore that we've been hearing about.

Dave: And you can see the contrast, really. Stevens is trying to use the weapons in a minimalist fashion, while Ricky is all about the big move assisted with foreign objects. So far, it looks like it's the old school that's prevailing.

Cohen: Am I the only one who saw our glorious champion kick out of that incredible slam into the thumbtacks? What guts! What valor!

Ricky repositions Stevens onto the tacks and ascends the ropes, everyone in the crowd knowing what he's looking for. He shouts his battle cry - "MAN OVERBOARD" - and flies off with a diving elbow, but Stevens rolls out of the way at the last second, leaving Ricky to crash into his own bed of tacks! It's his turn to scream in pain as he tries to shake them out of his arm. He staggers to his feet, preoccupied by the tacks, and isn't aware of Stevens popping up behind him, now hitting him with a facebreaker knee smash. Ricky can't help but fall back onto the tacks and screams once more. Stevens makes the cover and gets one, two...but only two! Stevens doesn't waste time arguing but instead tries to pull tacks out of his hand as he considers his next move. Ricky has rolled over and struggles away from the tacks, and Stevens hits him with repeated stomps to the back as Ricky tries to reach the ropes. Stevens lifts Ricky's legs up, sits down...and locks in the YAP! It's fortunate for Ricky that it's not a repeat of Kingdom Come and he's not facedown in tacks, but the submission is still deadly. Ricky is close enough to the ropes that he can grab them with a stretch, but it's meaningless under Mayhem rules. Stevens wrenches the hold, but the barbed wire chair catches his eye and a mad gleam flashes in them. With one last wrench he lets go of the YAP and grabs his chair. He sets it down in the center of the ring, trying to set up for something perhaps, then goes back to Ricky, but he is back on his feet and kicks Stevens in the gut on his return. Ricky looks at the barbed wire and smiles grimly, and with one more kick to Stevens, sticks his head between his legs, looking to set up for the Deck Swabber! He gets him up to the powerbomb position, looking to send him crashing down onto barbed wire! But Stevens fights at the top, trying desperately to break out! He fights out, he's standing right in front of Ricky now and they're brawling! Stevens has the better of it, he hits the ropes, leaps, hits the Last Laugh! Ricky is incredibly still standing, but a Snapmare from Stevens sends Ricky crashing to the mat...face first into the barbed wire! Stevens once more locks in the YAP, this time forcing Ricky face first into barbed wire! The crowd is gasping in shock and many turn away from the extreme violence as the razor sharp wire slices at Ricky's face and the legend has no choice but to tap out.

Anderson: Here is your winner, the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Ace Stevens!

Stevens lets go of the hold at the referee's insistence and medical staff is immediately on Ricky to check him out. His face is a crisscross of red lines and cuts and he is unresponsive to the medical crew. Stevens grimly surveys his work before bursting into an arrogant smile as he clutches his title, the magnitude of what he's done here finally dawning on him.

Connor: Ladies and gentleman, this is beyond hardcore, this is beyond Mayhem...Ace Stevens has lost all regard for human decency and safety. Steamboat Ricky could be incredibly, severely injured after this downright inhumane assault.

Cohen: All's fair in love and war, Cat, and doubly so in the Mayhem division. Stevens is willing to do whatever it takes, and I think that with this victory over the so-called legend, it's finally time we all anoint him as the true savior of the Mayhem division. And hey, Dave, maybe you'll have a friend with a messed up face now!

Dave: This is not a laughing matter, Jack. I'm deeply concerned for Ricky's health right now. If I weren't living in fear for my job, I'd be in there checking on him. I agree with Cat - Stevens has gone too far tonight in an attempt to prove something.

The medical staff is still treating Ricky and trying to get him backstage as quickly as possible while Stevens stands on the entrance way gloating with his belt, shouting at the crowd in celebration at his victory over the legend at his own game. However as Ricky is being helped up the entrance ramp, a cloaked man jumps out from the crowd chair in hand and wallops Ricky over the head with it. As Ricky is sent stumbling forward the cloaked man throws his hood back, revealing Alex Bowen?

Connor: He's going after Ricky again?!

Cohen: Of course he is. He wants to destroy Ricky and prove to everyone he's the real deal.

Dave: Bowen is not someone you mess around with. He's someone you have to take seriously.

Alex delivers another chair shot to the back as Ricky groans in pain from the attack. Bowen looks around at the crowd as they rain down boos around the Apostle, which only intensifies as Bowen flips Ricky over and presses the edge of the chair right into the throat of Ricky. Ricky is close to losing consciousness when the officials finally pull Bowen off of him. Just then Ty appears at the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in hand.

Ty: I told you to stay away from Ricky until our business with Chris was over with Alex. I have no choice but to punish you.

Alex looks bewildered at the leader of the Apostles, yelling at Ty to explain himself. Ty smirks and with his voice dripping with sarcasm, he speaks.

Ty: I guess I have no choice but to book you two in a match at Redemption.

Alex suddenly has a huge twisted smile on his face as he nods his head, almost salivating at the idea.

Ty: However, since you did not follow my orders Bowen, the pirate gets to choose the stipulation for your match at Redemption. That is all. You have a match to prepare for. Get in the ring and do your job.

Ty stares at Bowen before looking down at the hurt Steamboat Ricky. He looks towards the ring and turns, exiting to the back as we go to commercial.

Ascension Moment #3

Ascension 52: Ascension Anarchy​

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ASCENSION ANARCHY 2012!

The fans pop for the introduction, but stay a bit on the conservative side, awaiting the arrival of the man that keeps their city safe.

Anderson: And now, to open the show, allow me to introduce to you the NEW...

The crowd goes wild!

Anderson: ...ELITE X CHAMPION!

The crowd turns on this with immediate effect, booing the every-loving hell out of it.


The reign of hatred only continues as the classic strings of Beethoven’s 5th come alive. Holmes walks onto the stage with two noticeable absentees. John Constantine and the Elite X Championship. He is still dressed to impress though and is wearing one of his finest suits. He saunters down to the ring with a malevolent smile draped across his face, pleased with what is to come. He climbs the apron, wipes his feet on the mat and enters the ring, a sense of pride and arrogance just oozing out of his pours. The music dies down, but the reaction is still thunderous. After a few moments of soaking it all up, Holmes demands a microphone be handed to him. Selena Anderson places one in his hand and he puts it to his lips.

Holmes: I can tell you were all expecting something a little different to open us up tonight, no?

The boos sustain themselves and even increase and Holmes now chuckles away in the centre of the ring. He now turns his attention to Selena for a moment.

Holmes: Oh, and after last night’s successful championship defence my dear, it’s STILL ELITE X CHAMPION; STEVEN HOLMES!

Holmes hooks the arm over his shoulder and tries to pull Reynolds up but he does not budge from the corner. Holmes tries a second time but Reynolds is being stubborn. Holmes hits a couple of shots to try and loosen the grip on the third attempt but Reynolds isn't going anyway. Reynolds gets some shots of his own, stopping Holmes momentarily and tries getting to an upright position on the top but Holmes grips Reynolds and tries to perform the superplex but Reynolds counters. However, the footing of Reynolds doesn't block the attack and causes him to tumble off the edge and towards the apron. With Holmes still attached to Reynolds, both men fall off the top rope in different directions and crash into the ropes/apron and down to the ground. The crowd don't know what to make of the situation as the two men lay out as the referee begins the count.

Cohen: Ouch... that was a nasty spill. What happened?

Copeland: I think Reynolds tried to block but didn't have the right position and caused both men to slip to the outside.

Cohen: This is all Austin's fault then. It would have ended much better if he allowed Holmes to hit that superplex.

Copeland: He was doing what any good wrestler would have done: avoided a major catastrophe. Unfortunately, it happened to these two anyway.

The referee is almost finished his count and both men are just beginning the budge on the ground. The referee gets to ten and signals for the bell, ending the match with both men still on the outside.

The crowd boos at the decision that the ref had to make as he goes over and speaks to Truman Harrys on what the outcome of the match is.

Harrys: Due to a double count-out, this match has been ruled as a draw! Therefore, still your WZCW Elite X Champion; Steven Holmes!

As Holmes finishes screaming his name, he brings the microphone away from his lips and stares deep into the crowd with his mind focused on his (in part) successful first defence of the belt. He snaps out of his funk and resumes speaking.

Holmes: We have a fair bit to cover, and a short time to do so, so I’ll get on with it. First of all, I’d like to thank a few people. I’d like to thank Doug Crashin, Steven Kurtesy, Sam Smith and Big Dave...

The final name draws a large pop from the crowd.

Holmes: ...for all being there for me when I required a victim. I’d like to thank Austin Reynolds too, for being the first man to be defeated by me since I acquired my championship. And finally, I’d like to thank a man who without this would be possible. A man who has helped me, nearly as much as I’ve helped him. A man who needs no introduction. Ladies and gentlemen; JOHN CONSTANTINE!

Smith pulls himself back up to his feet as Baez is still on the ground on the outside. Smith exits the ring and grabs hold of Baez, connecting with a neckbreaker onto the ground. Baez holds the back of his head as Smith is back to his feet. He grabs Baez by the hair and tosses him back into the ring. He paces around the ring and is prepared to get back in when suddenly he's attacked from behind by John Constantine!

Connor: What in the hell is he doing here?

Cohen: Constantine is back! No doubt looking for revenge on Smith for putting him on the shelf for so long.

The ref has no choice but to signal for the disqualification as Constantine is all over Smith, throwing lefts and rights. As the assault continues, Steven Holmes walks down the entrance ramp slowly. Meanwhile in the ring Baez has come to and is watching the mugging from inside the ring. Constantine holds Smith up as Holmes walks up to him. Holmes grabs hold of Smith's jaw and stares at him until rage flashes across Holmes face. He backhands Smith hard and Constantine sends Smith face first into the ring post. Holmes tosses Smith into the ring. Constantine and Holmes immediately follow suit. Baez exits the ring and makes his way to the back as Constantine and Holmes continue to deliver a beating. Holmes lifts Smith up and shoves him towards Constantine who delivers the Axis of Evil! Smith is laid out in the center of the ring as Constantine and Holmes stand over him. The two nod to each other and shake hands as the crowd's boos rain down around them.


Holmes helps Smith up and goes for a Reverse Neckbreaker. Smith breaks free. Bulldog! Smith is standing and starts clapping his hands. The fans are on their feet cheering loudly.

Connor: Smith is calling for Final Judgement!

Cohen: Holmes... Constantine... somebody object to this immediately!

Smith is ready as Holmes stands up and turns around. Smith kicks him the gut and lifts him up for his Falcon Arrow finisher. Holmes floats over his shoulder and lands on his feet. Holmes goes to grab Smith. Smith quickly turns around and grabs Holmes legs and flips him on his back. Smith tries to lock in Double Jeopardy! Holmes squirms his legs trying to free them. He does and pushes Smith back with both feet. The momentum turns Smith around running. Constantine is right there. Axis of Evil! The boom of the move as both men hit the mat shakes the ring and silences the crowd for a moment. Constantine rolls over onto his back, exhausted from the match and unable to follow up his finisher. Holmes sits on his butt and sees Smith out. Holmes crawls over him for the cover. 1... 2..... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, and the new Elite X Champion, Steven Holmes!

Constantine enters the arena, also to tremendous hostility. He applauds the entire time he walks down the ramp, and has a great big smile stretched across his face. He quickly hits the ring and as soon as he enters, shakes Holmes’ hand, before breaking into a full scale hug. There is real hatred for this, and the two men in the centre thrive off of it.

Constantine: I hate to correct you in your crowning moment my friend, but there is someone you left of the thank you’s.

Holmes: Ojos Sandaza?

Constantine: Hahahaha. No, no, no. None other than Keystone’s own Titus!

There is an unfathomable pop for the mere mention of his name, and a big Titus chant breaks out. It’s so loud that Constantine and Holmes have to pause for a few moments and let it die down slightly before continuing.

Holmes: Ah, but of course. Not only did you and I conquer him in a tag team match, thus extending our impressive resumes, but Titus also paved the way. You see Keystone, I may not necessarily like Titus and I may not respect the so called man he is, but I do respect his accomplishments. He’s a two time World Heavyweight Champion. He’s a Lethal Lottery winner. But most important of all to me, he’s a former Elite X Champion. If not for Titus, the championship I hold would not be so coveted.

Constantine nods along with this and the crowd seems to appreciate this too as they applaud a little despite their hatred for Holmes.

Holmes: However, Titus’ reign is in the past. As is Austin Reynolds, and as is Sam Smith’s. These men a legacy behind them as the Elite X Champions of yesteryear. That legacy may be great, but it will pale in comparison to the one I leave behind. You see, I don’t need to have a legacy already behind me to be recognised as one of the all time greats in this company. No, I forge my own path in the world. I don’t let made up notions such as “destiny” and “fate” dictate where I go next, I chose where I want to go and I follow that road, and look where it has lead me.

And something I want my own legacy to be recognised for is evolution. I am the next stage in WZCW’s evolution and with that in mind; I took it upon myself to do a little re-modelling. You see, some of you may have forgotten that I am a wealthy man as well as a dangerous one and as such, I saw that I had an opportunity to alter the state of my championship.

Constantine has moved from his previous position and is now stood behind the veil covered podium, ready to reveal what lies beneath.

Holmes: From this day forth, no longer shall the Elite X Championship be recognised with that hideous “X” in its name. Hence forth, this championship shall be known as The ELITE CHAMPIONSHIP!

Holmes points at the podium and Constantine removes the veil. We get a close-up of the new belt that Holmes has specifically designed and acquired. Holmes and Constantine marvel at the new belt as the crowd unleashes anger upon this decision. Holmes now also moves over to the podium and carefully lifts up his championship. He unbuckles the back for the very first time and holds it up high for all to see. As he relishes in the moment, it is spoiled by an unwelcome visitor.

The crowd roars with approval as Austin Reynolds makes his way onto the stage, at first alone, and then with his partner and fellow tag team champion Ricky Runn. The two nod at each other and storm towards the ring. Holmes and Constantine are ready for a fight and brace themselves. The tag champions enter with Holmes fighting Reynolds and Runn taking it to Constantine. Back and forth the fight goes before Constantine starts to dominate a little on Ricky. Reynolds blasts Holmes with a vicious kick to the head so he can assist his ally.

Reynolds bails Ricky out and they start to double team Constantine. They batter him with a couple of kicks, and even start setting up for a Ricky Rana into the Ratings Killer, but Holmes comes back to blast Reynolds in the back of the skull with his new belt. The former #1 contender hits the mat and clutches his skull as Constantine stumbles out of the ring and manages to escape with Holmes following suit. Ricky Runn checks on his fellow champion.

The ominous music hits as we return from commercial. Soon James King and S.H.I.T. make their way out to the top of the entrance ramp, the crowd booing loudly at the Apostles. The two slowly make their way down the entrance ramp before sliding into the ring, joining their fellow Apostle Alex Bowen in the ring.

Anderson: The following is a three on one handicap match set for one fall! In the ring at this time, The Apostles of Chaos!

Dave: I have a bad feeling about this match. Chris better have eyes in the back of his head.

Cohen: This is what happens when you cross the boss. You get fed to the wolves.

Connor: Does Chris have it in him to take down all three of his former teammates?


Chris makes his way to the top of the entrance ramp, his white mask covering his face as the crowd turns and pops loudly for the former Apostle. Chris slowly removes the mask as he stares down at the Apostles in the ring. He turns towards the crowd and points to them before running down the entrance ramp and sliding into the ring, quickly tackling James King through the ropes to the outside where Chris immediately begins throwing wild haymakers towards King.

Connor: Chris isn't going to let this match start the traditional way. And why should he?

Cohen: If he wants to survive he has to take the fight right to them but avoid getting ganged up on.

Dave: A hit and run strategy, it's the only thing he's got at his disposal.

As King tries to cover up from the assault, S.H.I.T. and Bowen quickly exit to the ring to the outside but Chris is wise to their approach and quickly dashes around the ring and slides in, motioning for the Apostles to bring the fight to him. Bowen checks on King and instructs S.H.I.T. to handle Chris. The robot nods in affirmation and slides into the ring as the referee immediately signals for the bell. Chris comes flying at S.H.I.T., hitting a spinning heel kick and sending the robot crashing to the outside. Chris is quick to his feet as the crowd cheers loudly. Bowen looks at his two fallen comrades and grits his teeth, sliding into the ring and throwing wild punches towards Chris. Chris is able to block and evade the strikes before slipping behind Bowen and delivering a picture perfect German Suplex. Bowen quickly rolls out of the ring and lands next to King and S.H.I.T. as Chris yells out to the crowd who respond in earnest.

Connor: Chris K.O. has surprisingly had the upper hand this entire match so far with an effective divide and conquer strategy.

Cohen: That he has, but I have a feeling that won't last much longer...

Bowen, King, and S.H.I.T. all get up and they converse briefly before Bowen points to different sides of the ring. King and S.H.I.T. nod and the two circle around the ring. The three Apostles slowly climb up onto the apron, Chris stuck in the middle of the ring. Suddenly Chris makes a run towards the uncovered side of the ring but S.H.I.T. has thought that through, dropping from the apron and running around the corner, hitting a hard clothesline as Chris drops to the outside. The robot stands over Chris as the other two quickly join his side and all three begin putting the boots to Chris before standing him up and all three shoving him back first into the ringside barrier. They spin him around and Bowen drives him back first into the apron. King lifts up and puts Chris in the ring before climbing up onto the apron, dropping a leg drop right across Chris's throat. Chris rolls under the ropes and back into the ring holding his throat as the Apostles enter the ring as well, circling him like sharks smelling blood in the water. The ref however gets Bowen and S.H.I.T. to back up to a corner, finally setting the match back to normal. King doesn't let up on Chris, visibly choking him. The ref quickly begins the five count, which King releases at four. He lifts up Chris and tosses him into the corner. King backs up and runs full steam ahead, delivering a brutal splash immediately followed by an European uppercut. Chris drops to the mat and King drags him to the center of the ring. He hooks the leg, 1............2........Chris kicks out! King drags Chris to the corner, tagging in Bowen who comes in and delivers a hard elbow across the chest of Chris. The crowd boos as Bowen is up and begins delivering boots to the side of Chris's head. Finally he lifts Chris up and backs him into the corner. Bowen slaps Chris hard across the face, which elicits a reactionary kick to the midsection from him. Bowen drops to one knee and Chris goes to lift him up for a clinching slam but Bowen floats over. As Chris turns around, Bowen catches him with a belly to back suplex. He covers Chris immediately, 1.............2.........Chris kicks out!

Dave: This is going to get ugly quick. Already Chris has taken a lot of damage and with no chance of catching his breath, he's in real trouble.

Connor: He's kicking out, but each kick out uses that much more energy out of him.

Cohen: This is exactly what Ty wanted. He wanted Chris softened up for their match at Redemption, I don't think there's going to be anything left of him after this match.

Bowen pulls Chris back to his feet and hits a few jabs before going for a discus clothesline. Chris ducks under and quickly hooks Bowen's arms, sending him over with a backslide! 1..............2..........Bowen kicks out! Chris is slow to get up and isn't able to counter as Bowen smashes a forearm right into his face, knocking Chris back into the wrong corner. Bowen tags in S.H.I.T. and the two whip Chris across, connecting with dual elbows to the head. Chris crashes to the mat and S.H.I.T. goes for the cover, 1..........2....Chris kicks out! S.H.I.T. applies a nerve hold, gripping down hard on Chris's neck and shoulder. Chris grabs at S.H.I.T.'s hand but the grip is, well, robotic in nature, refusing to let go. Chris flails his arms before getting to his knees. He slowly gets to his feet, S.H.I.T. still holding the grip in strong. As Chris gets to his feet S.H.I.T. kicks his leg out from under neat him, sending Chris right back down to a seated position. The crowd begins to get behind Chris and his name begins to echo throughout the arena as they chant his name. Chris pumps his fist and he slowly rises to his feet again. This time he's able to hit a few elbows to the midsection before reversing the nerve hold into an armbar. He quickly pulls S.H.I.T. forward and drops him with a momentum swinging DDT! The crowd is going nuts as Chris and S.H.I.T. are both laid out in the middle of the ring. S.H.I.T. slowly rolls over to his corner as Chris grabs hold of the ropes and pulls himself up. S.H.I.T. tags in King who runs in but eats a dropkick from Chris. As King gets up Chris connects with his clinching slam, dropping his former partner squarely on the mat. Bowen suddenly rushes into the ring and delivers a shot to Chris's back. Chris suddenly stands straight up from the shot and Bowen spins him around, setting him up for the End of Days. Chris counters however and delivers a back body drop, sending Bowen across the ring. As Bowen slowly gets up Chris clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. Chris is fired up and turns his attention to King, but King is quick on the uptake, hitting a jawbreaker and sending Chris back into the corner. King presses his foot up against Chris's throat, only letting go after a count of four. Chris holds his throat in pain after being targeted again. King back sup and goes for another splash but Chris is able to counter with a huge boot to the face. King stumbles backwards and Chris quickly goes to whip him into the ropes. S.H.I.T. however makes the blind tag and as King gets hit with a spinning heel kick, Bowen trips a rising Chris. Bowen quickly climbs into the ring and delivers the End of Days! Chris is laid out in the center of the ring as S.H.I.T. climbs the top turnbuckle. He comes flying off and connects with the Frog Splash! He hooks the leg, 1.............2..............3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, the Apostles of Chaos!

Connor: Damn it, he was so close.

Cohen: He gave it a hell of a shot, but the numbers caught up to him.

Dave: I don't think it's over yet though.

As S.H.I.T. pulls himself back up off of Chris, Bowen is quick to start putting boots to Chris as King gets up and joins the assault.

Ty: That is enough!

Suddenly Ty reemerges at the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in hand. The Apostles stop and look perplexed at their leader.

Ty: As much as I would want nothing more then to see him come to an end tonight, I cannot have you harm in any further. The Ouija Scroll depends on it! Now, exit that ring!

The Apostles look towards each other confused but do follow orders and exit the ring. They slowly walk up the entrance ramp and stand in front of Ty. Ty stares at them before smiling and nodding his head. The Apostles nod back and they exit to the back as Ty looks down at the still downed Chris.

Ty: Is this feeling becoming all too familiar Christopher? Don't worry, after our match at Redemption, you won't have to be staring up at the lights, you'll be staring into the pitch black darkness.

Ty begins laughing as Chris slowly drags himself to the ropes, staring at his opponent for Redemption as Ty turns and exits towards the back.

Connor: Pitch black darkness, what does that mean?

Cohen: I'm not sure but I'm willing to bet we'll find out in no time.

Dave: Knowing Ty, he's got another diabolical idea in mind.

Chris slowly drags himself up, his bottom lip bloodied and his arm wrapped around his midsection. He slowly exits the ring but looks up as the crowd cheers him on.

“Ricky Runn.” A polished voice speaks with evil intent. The voice is revealed to be The Elite Steven Holmes, lurking in the shadows of the backstage areas.

“You want to play games? You want to be the comedian who everyone loves?”

Holmes’ lip curls as he plays with the words coming out of his mouth.

“Let’s see how serious you can be tonight, eh?”

Holmes walks away. Once more, the outline of a muscular but faceless figure can be seen observing proceedings before he slinks away.

Ascension Moment #4

Ascension 21​

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Elite X title!

Headstrong hits to a big pop from the crowd as the pyro goes off on the ramp before Austin Reynolds emerges, a big grin on his face as he points to the Elite X championship around his waist.

Anderson: Introducing first, from London, England, he is the Elite X champion, Austin Reynolds!

Meltdown 46​

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman... please welcome at this time... the Elite X Champions..... AUSTIN REYNOLDS!!!!!

Headstrong by Trapt booms out around the arena as Austin strolls out to the Meltdown stage once again for another edition of the Ratings Spike. He walks down the ramp and while he does motion to his fans, he makes swift progress to the ring with focus on his face.

He enters the ring and the music stops. Austin lifts the mic to his mouth and pauses as he waits for the crowd to quieten.

Reynolds: There's a lot of excitement out there in the crowd tonight and for good reason. This may be the single most watched segment in WZCW History! And as good as I am, I am not going to take all the credit for it. So let’s get him out here because I think we have a lot to talk about. This is SHOWTIME!!!!

Anderson: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, Showtime Cougar!

Showtime walks out onto the ramp and down to the stage. The crowd is defeaning, cheering loudly for both men as Showtime walks up the stairs and onto the apron. Showtime and Austin have a long stare down. As the music sings "Welcome to the Show", Showtime poses on the ring apron and gets a loud pop. As he enters the ring Austin raises the Elite X Title and gets an even bigger pop. Showtime sees what Austin is doing and cautiously grabs a mic from off the chair and slowly claps the mic in his hands as the music stops.

Reynolds: Showtime... Welcome to the Ratings Spike.

Austin entends his arm out, using his other arm to hold the Elite X Title. Showtime looks at the audience and shakes Austin's hand.

Cougar: Yes Austin it's really pleasure being on your little show, I like what you've done with the ring. Roll out carpet, studio chairs, hey... a falt screen TV. You almost forget that actual wrestling takes place here.

Reynolds: Come on Showtime, I didn't have you come on here and tell me how much less my set is compared to yours, or if I'm just some scene making, ratings stealing, rip off of yourself. You want to talk about my carpets, go have a sit with the Queer Eye for the Straight Guys. If you want to tell me I'm some lesser copy of you, then expect the next sound from this mic to come from the slap across your face.

He slides into the ring and gets in the face of Reynolds. Reynolds stays cool, taking off his title and calmly handing to the referee as Cougar keeps trash talking. Cougar slaps Reynolds in the face, causing a loud noise to echo around the arena, making the crowd take in a collective gasp. Reynolds strokes his face for a second before smirking. He suddenly unleashes a flurry of right hands, making Cougar stumble backwards. Reynolds keeps the shots coming until Cougar is back into the corner. Cougar manages to block a shot and turns Reynolds around into the corner before opening a series of right hands on Reynolds. Cougar backs up and runs at Reynolds, but Reynolds uses the top rope to push himself upwards as Cougar goes shoulder first into the steel ring post. Reynolds performs a sunset flip on Cougar, going for a pin but Cougar uses the momentum to roll backwards on to his feet and goes to kick Reynolds who is still sitting on the mat, but Reynolds lies back on the mat, dodging the kick and follows up by rolling up Cougar from behind, 1... 2... Cougar kicks out. The two men quickly get up and a staredown begins. They walk backwards into the corner as the crowd gives them a round of applause for the back and forth. They walk forward and hesitate before locking up in the middle of the ring. Cougar gets Reynolds in a headlock. Reynolds manages to lift Cougar off his feet to go for a back drop but Cougar locks in the headlock tighter causing Reynolds to quickly put him down on his feet. Reynolds pushes Cougar off, sending him into the ropes. Cougar returns off the ropes and Reynolds goes for a clothesline but Cougar ducks under it and keeps running to the opposite ropes. He springboards off the ropes and goes for a Tornado DDT, but Reynolds counters the DDT as they’re turning and makes Cougar land on his before suddenly hitting Cougar with a Roaring Elbow. The crowd again give a loud round of applause as Reynolds backs off and Cougar sits up, holding his jaw.

Connor: It’s like a very fast, painful game of chess between these two fantastic athletes!

Austin is right in Showtime's face as the crowd is on their feet in anticipation. Showtime smiles and waits for the crowd to quieten.

Cougar: You're right. You're right Austin... you're not just some replica of myself. True, we share similar nicknames, catchphrases, ring attire, move sets. We each host variety talk shows, held prestigious belts, and have millions of people following us on Twitter, Facebook, and watching us at home. We share a common connection with the audience that keeps the rating high.

Showtime has stepped away from Austin now and paces around in the ring.

But we also have our differences. I mean, I was a EurAsian champion, and you currently hold the Elite X championship. Miles apart there. And I did justify my spot on the Kingdom Come card by defeating Vengeance back when beating Vengeance was difficult. While you were a late substitute for a short ADD filled Scotsman and a last minute sub for a injured false royalty figure for KFAD.

Showtime removes his sun glasses and slides them intp his pocket. Austin waits with a focused look, clearly unimpressed by his words. He goes to talk, but Showtime continues.

But again, you are right. It's not about how we're the same or different, or how we each got to this point in WZCW. What matters most of all is the wrestling... right? That's why the fans come out every night and watch us perform in the ring. Is that correct Austin?

Reynolds: Yes that is true Showtime.

Cougar gets up and crack his neck before telling Reynolds to bring it on. They go to lock up, but Cougar gives Reynolds a quick kick to the gut and follows it up with a few shots to Reynolds’ head. Cougar delivers chops to Reynolds’ chest, leaving large red marks on them. He hits a quick snap suplex on Reynolds and goes for a pin, 1... 2... Reynolds kicks out. Cougar picks Reynolds up and grabs his arm, twisting it before locking in an armbar. A look of agony spreads across Reynolds’ face but he gets out of the submission by hopping up on to the middle turnbuckle and backflipping out of the armbar before sending Cougar half way across the ring with a monkey flip. Cougar gets up quickly and swings a wild right hand at Reynolds but Reynolds ducks under it and goes to give Cougar a back drop but Cougar delivers a right hand to Reynolds as he’s being lifted up, causing Reynolds to stumble backwards to the ropes. Cougar rolls off Reynolds’ shoulder onto the apron. Reynolds turns around and Cougar gives him a shoulder thrust to the gut through the ropes. Cougar tries to suplex Reynolds to the outside but Reynolds gets out of it and dropkicks Cougar, sending him flying off the apron, going face first into the announce table before crumbling to the floor. Austin signals to the crowd and points to Cougar, leaning forward and measuring him up. Cougar gets to his feet, leaning back on the announce table. Reynolds runs across the ring and goes to leap over the top rope at Cougar, but Cougar drops to the ground. Reynolds reacts quickly and simply leapfrogs over the top rope onto the apron. Cougar gets back up, wondering why Reynolds didn’t crash through the table, before turning around and getting hit with an Asai moonsault from Reynolds! The crowd cheer loudly as Reynolds gets up, holding his ribs for a moment before picking up Cougar and rolling him into the ring before going for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Cougar.

Cougar: So that's why it sickens me... sickens me... to see you competing in the ring against a pair of no name jobbers. Sickens me... that when I look at who you've successfully defeated. The only name I see, and I'll spell it out for you in case you haven't heard it enough times... is B-E-C-K-FORD. You and Beckford have fought each other so many times already you guys have your own time slot on the rerun channel.

Austin shakes his head again but Showtime continues.

You claim to be a Ratings Winner, but lately the only reason I've seen as to why people watch you is to see Beckford finally get one over you. You claim to be bringing the Elite X title to the forefront, well that's easy to see given the last three champions were two bar-fighting Scots and a retired ex convict, also Scot. Until you actually beat real challengers, until you’re able to say you've beaten somebody other than your new best buddy Beckford, you will never be able to say you are among the best Elite X Champions... let alone even a good one.

The crowd cheers as Showtime dips his head to let Austin know it's his turn to speak. Austin takes a moment to let the crowd settle, then continues.

Reynolds: So what are you saying Show? Should I be standing in the ring with a 500 lb gorilla? Maybe defend my belt against all three Crashin Movement members.

Cougar: What I am saying is that I expect you to live up to your expectations. You claim to be a proud champion, willing to face anybody for great ratings. You know that a matchup between you and me for the Elite X Championship will shut down TV Stations across the nation due to the high ratings we will receive. What I want you to do is put that belt on the line at Ascension tomorrow. Defend against the real face of this company, against somebody who is the original draw here and someone who is better than you!

Reynolds: And why should I do that Show? I mean, who have you beaten recently?

Cougar: You listen to me... I was in a damn World title match at Unscripted! You need to show me...

Reynolds: Show you what Showtime?

Connor: These two guys are willing to put themselves on the line for this title!

Cohen: But only one man is deserving of the title!

Austin goes out onto the apron and waits for Showtime to get to his feet. Showtime manages to get to his feet, looking slightly unbalanced. Reynolds springboards off the top rope, going for the Ego Crush, but Cougar dropkicks him out of the air! Reynolds collapses to the mat and Cougar drapes an arm over him, 1... 2... Reynolds gets a shoulder up. Cougar picks up Reynolds and hits the Ratings Crash and goes for the pin again, 1... 2... Austin gets the shoulder up.

The crowd roar with delightful approval as Austin fights back.

Reynolds: Where do you get off? I mean you come out here and demand a title shot when the only thing you seem to be excelling in at the moment is defeat. Your efforts last week were abysmal.

The crowd pops and a smile goes across Austin's face. Showtime's smug smile has disappeared across his face.

Defeat is bad for ratings Showtime. Losers who constantly hold their spot despite being completely unable to make it on the big time, makes for dull television.

Champions..... on the other hand.He smiles and lifts up the Elite X title to a massive roar. That is the power of being a champion. That noise is the feeling of being unbeatable. Your life now must be full of deafening silence, a dearth of under-achievement, empty of successes.

He looks at the faceplate of the famous Elite X title, which has become synonymous with him since his arrival in the company.

And I have to ask myself, what do I have to gain from this? I defend my title against a guy who constantly has failed in the main event and comes to the next biggest name in the company when he cannot beat the World Champion. I could lose my title. I don’t know if you remember what hard work is Cougar, but this title and I, we are intertwined. This is as important to me as anything in this business. It signifies the payment of dues, the nights I have arrived home bleeding or unable to move the next morning. You don’t deserve to...

Cougar starts to look a little frustrated. He gets up and walks over to the corner, climbing to the top turnbuckle as Reynolds slowly gets up. Cougar leaps off the top rope, going for a missile dropkick, but Reynolds rolls out of the way. Cougar manages to land on his feet, but he turns around and is hit with the Millions and Millions from Reynolds! Reynolds goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Cougar gets a shoulder up! Reynolds groans in frustration before getting back up using the ropes. He measures up Cougar, who is slowly getting up. Reynolds goes to kick Cougar in the mid-section but Cougar catches it and trips up Reynolds before locking in the Commercial Break!

Cougar: You shut YOUR disrespectful mouth before I make sure that you don't even make it to Ascension.

The crowd pops as loud as they have all night as both men stand toe to toe, almost ready to trade fists.

If you're going to try and talk the talk with me then we'll be here all night long. The only question I have for you is Yes or No, do you think you have the guts, the strength, and the balls, to put your title on the line this week on Ascension... or are you afraid that just like the last three times the Elite X Title was defended on Ascension... that you will lose... and end up with nothing... as you so elegantly said about me.

Both men lower their mics and remained eyes focused on each other. The crowd is chanting both wrestlers name as Austin raises his mic and answers.

Reynolds reaches out for the ropes but they’re much too far away. Reynolds screams out in pain as Cougar leans backwards. With the crowd cheering him on, Austin grits his teeth and starts dragging him and Cougar over to the ropes. He’s just about to lay a hand on the rope, but Cougar drags him back to the centre of the ring. Reynolds raises his hand, looking like he’s about to tap out but he clenches his hand into a fist and pounds the mat before pushing himself up a rolling forward, making Cougar fall backwards.

Reynolds: Yes

The crowd roars

Both men get up quickly and Reynolds runs at Cougar, but Cougar quickly hits a big Enziguiri that causes a sickening smack to echo throughout the arena. Cougar covers Reynolds, 1... 2... Reynolds gets a shoulder up! Cougar sits up and lets out a heavy sigh. He picks up Reynolds and backs him into the corner before picking him up and placing him on the top rope. Cougar climbs on the top rope and sets up Reynolds for The Final Act, but Reynolds pushes Cougar off the top rope. Cougar lands on his feet and goes to climb up the ropes again, but Reynolds kicks Cougar in the head as he climbs up the second rope. Cougar collapses forward and Reynolds gets him into Ratings Killer position. Reynolds takes a deep breath before jumping off, hitting the Ratings Killer from the second rope! They crash to the mat and Reynolds drapes an arm over Cougar, 1... 2.... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, and still Elite X champion, Austin Reynolds!

With men barely conscious in the ring, the referee lays the Elite X title on Reynolds’ and raises his limp arm. The crowd give a standing ovation as Reynolds finally manages to sit up and raises his title above his head before rolling out of the ring.

Connor: A fantastic match from these too tonight! It takes a lot to beat Showtime Cougar, but Reynolds did it, cementing himself as one of the best Elite X champions in history!

Meltdown 47​

The titantron shows the closing minute from the Reynolds vs Showtime. Reynolds hits the Ratings Killer from the top rope. As the ref slides to make the count, Showtimes right leg moves under the bottom rope. The ref makes the 3 count without ever looking up and calls for the bell. Showtimes foot remains under the rope as the video pauses.

Showtime: What is that, what does that look like to you? It looks like my foot is under the rope. So now the camera shows it, the fans now it, and now you know it, that you didn't actually win, you self absorbed, egotistical bloat.

But Austin I have your redemption right here. It is a match contract signed by Bateman and me for us to have a rematch at All or Nothing. And this won't be just a regular match... no... Austin I want to beat you more times than anyone else, I want to beat you more times than you beat that tiny Chris Beckford you brag about beating so much. That's why this match is a 30 Minute Iron Man Match!

The crowd explodes as Showtime and Reynolds go face to face.

Showtime: And if you're still a little scared to face me one on one, I'll sweeten the deal for you. There is a clause in this contract I put in myself. If you win this match Austin, then I will retire from WZCW. Something for you to think about, however I know that wont be the case, because at AON the real winner this time will be Showtime David Cougar.


Constantine walks forward and throws Austin over his head for a Fallway slam. Austin rotates in mid air and lands on his feet. The crowd buzzes and Constantine turns around. Turns around right into Millions and Millions. Austin crawls for the cover. 1... 2... Constantine kicks out. Austin gets to his feet and straddles through the ropes and posses to the crowd. Constantine is up on his feet. Austin jumps off the ropes, goes for the Ego Crush. Constantine cathes him in mid air. Austin quickly flips back, hitting a Frankensteiner. Austin goes for the cover 1... 2..... So close as Constantine just kicks out. Austin stands and works the crowd up. Showtime stands up from his chair. Austin kicks the standing Constantine in the gut and goes for the Ratings Killer. He notices Showtime standing and turns to face him, still holding Constantine in position. Austin points at Showtime and yells at him. Austin finally goes to lift Constantine. Constantine is dead weight and stays on his feet. Constantine grabs Austin and lifts him up into the air. Axis of Evil. Constantine crawls on Austin for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, John Constantine.

Copeland: And outstanding contest here tonight. The difference maker, the presence of Showtime, which caused the champ to take his eye off his opponent one too many times.

Cohen: Champions are suppose to remain cool under pressure. I wonder if I'm starting to doubt Reynolds.

Copeland: You'll flip flop on that idea for a while. Regardless of the decision last Ascension, Austin is still one of the best Elite X Champions out there. As for Constantine, his undefeated streak continues and he will get to fight for the EurAsian Title at AON.

Constantine holds his arms up in victory as the crowd boos. He slowly exits the ring as his assistant Mia runs down to check up on him. Showtime grabs the Elite X Title by ringside and walks into the ring. He stands over Austin and places the contract on top of Austin. He yells 'Think about it, Champ' and quietly exits the ring, still holding the Elite X Title. Showtime makes his way up the stage ramp and turns back to the ring. Austin has grabbed the contract from his chest and turns over. Showtime flips the Elite X Title onto his shoulder and smiles at it. He turns to look at Austin once more and says see you at All or Nothing and then goes backstage.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Buckingham, England, weighing in at 235 lbs, Steven Holmes!

“The Elite” Steven Holmes emerges from the current and is greeted with loud boos. Holmes does not take any notice of it and continues walking down the ramp, with his chin up and a small smile cracked across his face. He walks up the stair and enters the ring. He looks out at all the people in the audience and then starts to mimmic what he did at Meltdown.

Connor: This guy talks about being a man of class and stature. Here is mocking John Constantine and reenacting the Aristocracy Reigns he put on him.

Cohen: I think this guy is great. A real character.


Steven's happy look quickly turns serious as he quickly turns his head to face the ramp. Ricky Runn jogs out on stage to a well received cheer. The 2nd City Daredevil gives a nod to the audience and then leaps up mimicking a jumping punch before he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring.

Anderson: And from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 225 lbs, Ricky Runn!

Ricky nips up to his feet and bounces around on the spot near Holmes. Holmes smirks then looks unimpressed as he swings his arms around as the bell rings. A shot backstage shows that Austin Reynolds is watching the match from a backstage television.

Connor: And there we see Austin Reynolds closely watching this match.

Dave: Ricky has been Austin’s protege for over 6 months now. In that time he has made leaps and bounds, but he’s still not quite main event yet. There is still more Austin can teach, I just hope they are able to patch things up between them.

Back in the ring, Holmes and Runn lock up and Steven turns his body and Judo tosses the young Runn to the mat. Runn gets back up to his feet and he locks up again with his opponent. Holmes shows his in ring superiority and trips Runn with his leg, sending him back first to the mat. Their hands are locked and Runn nips back up to his feet. Holmes again trips Runn onto his back and slams his hands to the mat as well. Still holding them, Holmes lifts his lower body up and goes for a Knee Drop. Runn gets both feet up and hits Holmes in the gut. Holmes was able to land on his feet instead of dropping on Runn and wasn’t hit hard. Runn still holding Holmes hands, pulls himself up to sit on Holmes shoulders. Holmes tries to grab Runn’s legs. Runn instead flips backwards to land on his feet. Holmes charges at Runn and Runn takes him to the mat with an Arm Drag. The former Tag Team champion has the former Elite Champion on the mat wrenching at his arm. Steven works his way back to his feet and starts punching the gut of Ricky. Holmes grabs Runn’s arm and wrenches it, flipping Ricky onto the mat. Holmes bends down to put his opponent in an Arm Bar. Runn grabs Holmes by the shoulder and rolls him up into a pin. 1... Holmes kicks out. Holmes gets back to his feet quickly. Ricky goes for a lock up and Holmes drives a knee into the gut of Runn stopping his momentum. Holmes turns and bounces off the far ropes. He comes back to deliver a High Knee. Before he can do that, Ricky stands up and executes a perfect Dropkick, sending Holmes to the mat in an instant. The crowd pops at the force of the kick as a groggy Holmes gets up and swings a punch at Runn. Ricky ducks down and grabs Holmes by the head. Snapmare. Ricky runs to the ropes and goes for a Dropkick to the face. Holmes wisely roles out of the ring before Ricky reaches him and starts to pace around the ring.

Connor: Exciting quick action to start this contest. Ricky has done well so far against the more experienced Holmes.

Cohen: Ricky has made some nice counters, but he has not hit anything that would wear down Steven Holmes.

Dave: I agree with you there Jack. Ricky has been impressive so far, but his game still needs to pick up if he’ll go the distance with Steven.

Steven continues to pace around the ring. He turns to the apron and starts to climb up onto it. Ricky has darted to the opposite side of the ring and is running at Holmes. Ricky flies through the ropes with a Missile Dropkick. Holmes wisely ducks off the apron and Ricky misses the kick. Holmes grabs his opponent by the neck and pulls him into a knee to the gut. Still grabbing Runn’s head, Holmes throws him back first into the steel stairs. The crowd boos loudly as Holmes starts to kick at the midsection of Runn. The ref orders Holmes to get back into the ring. Holmes obliges, but simply to break up the count as he rolls in and then back out to continue the attack. Holmes lifts Ricky onto his feet and has him set up for a Suplex. Holmes takes his time and stares at the crowd booing him. He grabs Runn’s leg and executes a perfect Suplex. Runn immediately grabs his back upon impact. Holmes sits up and looks back at his opponent.

Connor: The impact from Ricky hitting the floor in front of us was heard throughout this whole arena.

Cohen: I think Holmes may have broken his back.

Holmes lifts Ricky up and rolls him into the ring. Holmes goes for his first pinfall of the match. 1... 2.. Ricky kicks out. Holmes stays on top of his opponent and grabs him by the neck. He starts slamming the head of Ricky into the mat. The ref counts up to 4 and Holmes lets go of his opponent. He lets Ricky sit up and then slaps him across the face, drawing a loud boo from the audience. Holmes gets to his feet and the ref scolds him to stay in line or he will be disqualified. Holmes plays up being innocent and goes back to work on Ricky who is almost to his feet. Holmes goes to grab Runn. Ricky swings and hits a wild right hand across the face. Ricky bounces off the nearby ropes and charges at Holmes. Steven grabs his opponent coming back and throws him into the air. As he comes down, Holmes hits a perfect European Uppercut. The blow would’ve sent Ricky to the mat but he instead leans up on the ropes. Holmes grabs Ricky and Irish Whips him across the ring. Holmes bends down to flip him over. Ricky stops in front of Holmes and kicks him. The blow makes Holmes stand straight up. Ricky goes for another kick. Holmes grabs the foot this time. Enziguri by Ricky misses as Holmes ducks. Ricky gets to his feet and Holmes locks him into a Full Nelson. Superiority Execution slams Ricky onto the mat. Holmes with the cover 1... 2.... Ricky kicks out!

Connor: Another big move hit by Holmes. Ricky Runn still manages to kick out.

Cohen: This match is too one sided. The Elite one has no challenge here and that’s the type of message he wants to send to John Constantine.

Dave: Runn has his back against the wall now, but seeing this kid in action tells me he knows how to fight his way out of a corner. Let’s see if he has enough left in the tank.

Holmes takes a moment in the ring to catch his breath. He steps over towards Ricky bent over on his knees and slaps the back of his head, drawing further boos from the crowd. Holmes posses his arms out to them and then lifts Ricky up. Holmes locks him into a Full Nelson submission, Superiority Complex. He swings Ricky’s limb body around as Ricky’s head slowly begins to lower. We see backstage that Austin is still watching the match as the crowd begins to clap and try to get Ricky back into this. Ricky is trying to fight out of it, but is starting to fade. The ref grabs onto Ricky’s arm and raises it up. It drops back down to his side. The ref raises the arm a second time and it again falls over.

Cohen: One more drop of the hand and this match is done.

Dave: Come on Ricky. Don’t do this for Austin, do it for yourself. Listen to the fans.

Connor: The crowd is cheering loudly, but the damaged may have already been too much.

The crowd is chanting “Ricky” as the ref raises the arm up a third time. It is just about to drop when Runn holds it up near shoulder level. He shakes his arms trying to break them free. Holmes sees his opponents struggles and lifts him off his feet, going for the Superiority Execution again. Runn moves his legs behind Holmes and manages to block it. Runn breaks his arms free and rolls Steven forward into a pin. 1... 2 Holmes kicks out. Holmes gets to his feet first and goes for a Clothesline. Runn is able to duck the move and grab his opponent from behind. Hell Yeah! Sit Out Rear Mat slam on Holmes. Both men are out on the mat as the ref starts to make his 10 count. The crowd is clapping loudly as we see backstage Austin is also beginning to cheer on Ricky. By 5 both opponents have turned over and begun to rise. At 7 Holmes is up and by 8 Ricky is too. Holmes goes to strike first and Ricky kicks him in the gut. Ricky fires back with two big punches when Holmes again hits a knee strike into the gut of Runn, taking the wind out of him. Holmes hits a straight punch that pushes Ricky back into the rope. Holmes with an Irish Whip sends Ricky across the ring. Runn leaps onto the second rope. Springboard Moonsault connects on Holmes. Ricky with the cover. 1... 2. Holmes kicks out. Ricky gets up first and looks to build off his momentum. Holmes is to his feet and sees Ricky approach him. Holmes swings with a punch. Ricky ducks the punch and grabs Steven’s arm and spins him around. Rolling Neckbreaker by Ricky. Ricky gets up first and bounces off the ropes. Holmes is standing bent over when Runn approaches him. Running Face Buster by Ricky onto Holmes. Steven rolls onto his back near the corner. Ricky sees that and looks to the crowd. Ricky goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope.

Dave: Ricky looking for a little R&R I see.

Connor: If he hits this move we could be looking at a major upset.

Ricky is up top and turns to face his opponent. He posses for the crowd and then leaps forward flipping in midair. R&R Swanton Bomb misses as Holmes just rolls out of the way. Holmes gets to his feet and doesn’t give his opponent time to recover. He rolls Ricky onto his stomach and locks in Aristocracy Reigns. The Camel Clutch submission is locked in and Ricky soon starts to tap.

Anderson: Here is your winner by submission, Steven Holmes.

Steven Holmes continues to apply the move after the bell has rung. The crowd is booing him loudly as the ref tries to get him to release the hold. Holmes yells back at the ref and then finally lets go and scares the ref enough for him to leave the ring. Holmes stands over Runn and starts dropping elbows on him. Each elbow to the back causes a try of pain from Ricky. Backstage we see Austin still watching the television. He looks like he’s about to run to help Ricky, but then walks the other direction away from the entrance ramp.

Connor: Why is Austin not coming out to help Ricky?

Cohen: He’s done with this washed out daredevil. Austin wants what only Ty can offer him. The World Heavyweight Title.

Holmes has just given Runn another elbow to the back he stands up and looks like he’s still not done the assault. He picks Runn up slowly and sets him up for the Imperial Impaler.


The crowd cheers and John Constantine runs down the ramp to the ring. Holmes tosses Runn aside and him and Constantine begin going punch for punch inside the ring. John starts getting the upper hand on his former associate and backs him into the ropes. John sends Holmes across the ring and sets of for the Axis of Evil. Holmes grabs onto the ropes and doesn’t return towards John. Constantine sees this and charges at Holmes, Clotheslining him over the ropes and onto the floor. Holmes lands on his feet, but is quite upset and slams him hands along the arena barricade. John dares Holmes to enter the ring, but the Aristocrat denies him the opportunity and starts to head up the ramp, not taking his eyes off John Constantine.

Connor: And the King for a Day, John Constantine, takes out Holmes and saves Ricky Runn from the onslaught.

Dave: That’s good of John to make the save, but why wasn’t Reynolds down here. I don’t get his resentment towards Runn.

Cohen: Who cares about those two. Holmes was just blindsided by John. I can’t wait to see how Steven will retaliate from this.

Connor: Folks many of the forty nine Ascensions before tonight have been either amazing or unbelievable. Ascension 19, I think was both amazing and unbelievable. First, we had a PPV quality tag team contest between Blade and Phoenix, and Austin Reynolds and Chris Beckford, all exciting young talent in WZCW currently feuding over the Elite X title, then after that match we had a Battle Royale to determine the final number contender in the 4 Way Hell in a Cell match at Unscripted 2010, the very event which began Ty Burna’s year long reign. Here is that Battle Royale match in its entirety.

Ascension 19

Anderson: The following contest is an over the top Battle Royale where the winner will receive the last spot in the 4 way Hell in a Cell match happening at Unscripted!

“O Fortuna" hits the arena as Vengeance appears through the curtain. With the WZCW Championship strapped firmly around his waist, Vengeance continues his descent down the ramp.

Connor: What is Vengeance doing out here?

Cohen: No doubt here to watch and get a first hand look at his third victim at Unscripted.

Connor: Folks the Battle Royale will continue after this commercial break.


We return from commercial and The Crashin Movement, Kurtesy, Holmes, and Crashin, all enter the ring.

Anderson: And finally, from Los Angeles, California, Everest!

Everest marches down to the ring, with a mad look on his face. He walks around the ring and stares at Vengeance sitting by the Announce table. Standing in the ring is The Crashin Movement, Gordito, Scott Hammond, Chris Jones, Wilhelm Wunderbar, Mark Hancock, Matt Fox, Alex Steele, Tucker Graham, Jordon Lights, Chris Beckford, Phoenix and Blade. Everest marches up the stairs and into the ring.

Connor: So Jack, who is your favourite here to win tonight?

Cohen: Well CC, I’d hate to go against Everest, cause one on one he’d decimate the whole roster in there, but my money is on The Crashin Movement because they have strength in numbers.

Connor: True, but there are other teams in here as well, like Reckless Youth, Fox and Hancock, and Blade and Phoenix.

The ref waits for Everest to enter the ring and then calls for the bell. All the men begin to brawl as “Goodbye” by SR 71 hits and Baez runs down the ramp with a steel chair.

Cohen: He can’t be in this match, he’s a champion.

Connor: Baez informed Myles he was going to enter regardless. Well here he is now.

Baez slides into the ring. Crashin is the first to meet him and is hit hard over the head with the chair. Kurtesy is next and he gets whacked over the head and rolls under the ropes and out of the ring. Holmes looks at Baez with a scared look on his face. He runs and leaps over the ropes and tries to escape through the crowd. Baez does the same thing, leaping over the ropes and begins chasing Holmes.

Cohen: What the hell just happened?

Connor: Well Jack you got what you wanted, Baez is out of the match and so is Holmes.

Crashin slowly gets to his feet. He seems unaware of where he is. Gordito spots him and grabs him from behind. He runs to the ropes and throws Crashin over top. Crashin is eliminated. Everyone begins to pair off. Steele is working on Fox, Hancock is battling Graham. Gordito is jumped by Jones who is trying to put him over the ropes, while Hammond and Everest are fighting in the corner. Lights and Beckford are fighting each other in the other corner and Kurtesy is still out on the outside. Phoenix and Blade are both working on newcomer Wunderbar. Both try to flip him over the ropes, but Wilhelm knocks them away with punches. Wunderbar continues to connect with punches, until Phoenix quickly hits him with a knee to the gut, allowing Blade to connect with a stiff uppercut. Phoenix and Blade Irish Whip Wunderbar across the ring. They both lift him over their shoulders and drop him neck first on the ropes. Wunderbar holds his neck as Phoenix and Blade lift him from behind and over the ropes. Wunderbar is eliminated. Phoenix and Blade nod their heads and then attack Lights and Beckford. Meanwhile Everest has Hammond up on the ropes. Jones runs in to help Everest out. Gordito marches in and knocks Jones away and then starts working over Everest. Everest angrily shoves Gordito to the corner and starts stomping on him. Hancock has Graham against the ropes. Hancock looks to clothesline Graham over. Steele notices and stops trying to put Fox over the ropes. He grabs Hancock in the nick of time and turns him around. He Irish Whips Hancock to the opposite ropes and then drops on his hands and knees. Hancock jumps over Steele and is hit by a Dropkick from Graham. Graham and Steele slap five then pick up Hancock. They Irish Whip him into the ropes and hit a double clothesline, sending Hancock over the ropes. Hancock is eliminated. Graham and Steele shake hands. Fox goes running towards them. Steele pushes Graham out of the way and absorbs the blow, causing both men to go over the ropes. Steele and Fox have both been eliminated.

Connor: Now there’s team work Jack. Steele saved his partner from being hit and in doing so was able to eliminate Fox, albeit, himself as well.

Cohen: Yea, too bad this wasn’t a tag match or else I’d be impressed.

Everest has Gordito still in the corner. He pulls him away and hits a big Fisherman's Suplex. Everest looks unamused so he turns his attention to Graham and throws him in a corner. Hammond has Jones in the corner and Jones is holding onto the ropes for dear life. Lights is down at the bottom of a corner as Phoenix forces his foot into the neck of Lights. Blade has Beckford against the ropes and is trying to push him over. Beckford kicks with his legs and hits Blade, sending him stumbling back. Phoenix tries to intervene and Beckford kicks him back too. Beckford turns to the ropes and looks to hit a second rope Moonsault. Blade and Phoenix catch Beckford on their shoulders. Beckford’s momentum allows him to fall backward, hitting a double reverse DDT on them. Jones has a headlock on Hammond and is literally hanging onto his back holding it. Lights and Beckford both grab a leg of Jones, lessing the load Hammond was carrying. Jones realizes what’s happening and screams to be let go. Hammond turns to the ropes and with a burst of power flips Jones over. Jones is eliminated. Hammond turns to both Lights and Beckford and then starts knocking them down with stiff shots. Gordito has gotten back to his knees, but Kurtesy has entered the ring and applies a Fukiwara Armbar on Gordito. Gordito screams in pain. Phoenix and Blade are huddled in the corner going over strategy. Lights and Beckford are both now trying to get Hammond over the ropes. Blade and Phoenix run at them and knock Lights and Beckford away as Hammond fall safely on the apron. Blade has Beckford against the ropes and then falls down and holds both his legs. Beckford is unable to move as Phoenix comes charging at him and knocks him over the ropes with a clothesline. Beckford is eliminated.

Connor: Phoenix and Blade working well together, this time eliminating potential Elite X challenger Beckford.

Cohen: Phoenix and Blade are focused on the potential prize they have in hand. Both could walk out of Unscripted as Elite X and WZCW World Champion. How awesome would that be.

Connor: Well eight men remain in the fight for the final spot left in the Hell in a Cell match. It’s still anyone’s game.

Phoenix and Blade now turn their attention to Hammond and trap him in the corner. Everest has Graham on his shoulders and is trying to put him over the ropes. Lights bounces off the ropes and knocks Kurtesy off Gordito with a knee to the face. Gordito rolls over, holding his injured arm. Lights helps Kurtesy up and backs him up to the ropes with a European uppercut. He grabs Kurtesy and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Kurtesy bounces back and Lights drops him with a Big Boot. Hammond is dangerously close to being put over the ropes by Blade and Phoenix, but is managing to hang onto the ropes. Graham is holding the ropes, preventing Everest from throwing him over. Everest turns towards the ring, and drops Graham with a huge body slam. Lights meanwhile has climbed up the turnbuckle and is waiting for Kurtesy to stand. Kurtesy does and Lights fly’s at him with a Crossbody. Kurtesy quickly hits a Rolling Savata Kick connecting on the ribs on Lights. Lights is down and holding his side. Kurtesy picks him up and throws him over the ropes. Lights is eliminated. Kurtesy turns and Gordito is now up. Gordito traps Kurtesy’s arms and connects with 5 Headbutts before both men fall to the mat. Vengeance has his eyes set on Jordan Lights as he struggles to get up. Vengeance walks over to lights and kicks him sharply in the ribs. He grabs Lights by the neck and carries him to the announce table. He picks him up high over his head and drops him hard on the announce table. Lights screams in pain as the refs outside the ring try to get Vengeance to stop. The commotion outside the ring has attracted Everest’s attention. he lifts Graham over his shoulder and walks over towards the ropes closest to Vengeance. He and Vengeance taunt each other. Graham wiggles and manages to slide in behind Everest. Everest turns and Graham hits a dropkick that sends Everest over the ropes. Everest is eliminated. Vengeance is laughing his face off as Everest looks furious.

Cohen: I don’t believe my eyes. Of all people, Tucker Graham eliminated Everest.

Connor: And now it’s a guarantee. One of these six men will get their first ever PPV match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Everest and Vengeance stand face to face as the refs try to escort Everest backstage. Graham still is in disbelief about what he just did. Blade and Phoenix take advantage of the situation and grab Graham from behind and throw him over the ropes. Tucker Graham is eliminated. Everest sees Graham and grabs him and throws him into the barricade. Everest starts stomping furiously on Graham as the refs try to separate them. Back in the ring, Kurtesy has Gordito trapped in the corner and has his arm wrapped around the rope. Blade and Phoenix turn around and Hammond knocks them both down with a clothesline. Blade gets up first and Hammond drops him to the mat with a Headbutt. Phoenix stands up and Hammond lifts him high over his head. The crowd cheers hard for Hammond to throw Phoenix over and Hammond slowly walks towards the ropes. Blade runs up behind Hammond and low blows him, pushing Hammond and Phoenix over the ropes. Phoenix just manages to get a hand on the ropes and hang o as Hammond tumbles to the floor. Hammond is eliminated. Phoenix quickly gets in the ring and pushes Blade. They both begin to argue and then start to fight. Kurtesy grabs Gordito by the leg and pulls him from the corner. Kurtesy looks to hit a Dragon Screw on Gordito. Gordito quickly leaps off his other foot and connects with an Enzuigiri. Both men are down. Blade and Phoenix continue to trade shots. Phoenix goes for a kick, Blade catches the foot. Phoenix spins around and hits a Dragon Whip, knocking Blade into the ropes. Phoenix tries to throw him over. Blade kicks Phoenix sharply in the shin. Blade turns and tries to Suplex Phoenix over the ropes. He does, but Phoenix manages to land on the apron. Phoenix strikes the back of Blades head, and then climbs the turnbuckle. Blade grabs Phoenix and throws him off the corner into the ring with a Powerslam. Blade stands up a looks around the ring. All three men are down. Gordito is the closest up, standing by the ropes. Blade slaps Phoenix in the face and helps him up. The point at Gordito and smile. Blade runs at him with a clothesline. Gordito ducks it and flips him over. Blade is eliminated. Phoenix then charges at him and Gordito falls and pulls down the ropes sending Phoenix over. Phoenix is eliminated.

Connor: Well Jack, around the ring is back to normal and Vengeance has returned to his seat. Inside the ring we are down to our final two, Gordito, and Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

Cohen: Both men are hungry to make a name for themselves. My money is still on the Doctor.

Kurtesy is up first and runs at Gordito, hitting a low shuffle kick. Gordito falls between the ropes and lands on the apron. Kurtesy straddles through the ropes and onto the floor. He grabs Gordito’s arm and slams it against the ring. Kurtesy walks away for a second and then turns around and kicks the arm. Gordito rolls into the ring. Kurtesy climbs onto the apron and straddles through the ropes. He helps Gordito up and moves him towards the ropes. Gordito reaches out with his good arm and grabs onto the rope. He then elbows the gut of Kurtesy, who lets go of him. Gordito lets fire with three rapid Backhand chops that move Kurtesy back to centre. Kurtesy goes for a clothesline. Gordito ducks it and then turns and hits a Chop Block on Kurtesy, sending him into the middle rope. Gordito stands up, then runs off the opposite rope. He charges at Kurtesy and then leaps on him. Kurtesy bounces off the ropes and falls back to the mat. Gordito sees the opportunity and yells Surf’s Up, Asshole. Gordito grabs Kurtesy from behind and locks in the hold. Kurtesy screams in pain and is soon tapping. Gordito refuses to let go of the hold. He slaps Kurtesy once in the stomach and then releases the hold. Gordito grabs Kurtesy from behind and lifts him onto his feet. He moves Kurtesy to the ropes, but Kurtesy quickly hits a low blow kick. Gordito bends over, and Kurtesy throws him over the ropes. Gordito manages to get a hand on the ropes and is hanging on for dear life. Kurtesy turns around to see Gordito still in it and tries to kick his hand off the rope. Gordito manages to pull himself up and connects a forearm to the face of Kurtesy. Gordito grabs Kurtesy and attempts to Suplex him over the ropes. Twice he fails to get him far off the ground. The third time he lifts him up vertically. Suddenly Gordito’s arm gives out on him and he drops Kurtesy back into the ring. Kurtesy grabs Gordito by the neck and guillotines him off the ropes. Gordito fall back onto the concrete. Gordito is eliminated.

Anderson: Here is your winner, and the Final Contender for the Fatal Fourway Hell in a Cell match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship..... Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: What an amazing match. Both of these men deserve amazing credit for their efforts, but it was the good doctor who pulled it out.

Cohen: What did I tell you CC, I knew one of those Crashin Movement folk were going to win this one, and Dr. Steven Kurtesy proved me right. And look, now Vengeance is going to congratulate him.
We return to the historic Ascension 50 with the defence of the show’s own championship; the Elite X Championship!

Anderson: This next bout is set for one fall and is for the ELITE X CHAMPIONSHIP!

The crowd approves, cheering this announcement as the Wu Tang Clan enter our ears:


Anderson: Introducing the challenger; from Washington D.C., weighing 235 pounds; SAM SMITH!

Smith makes his way into the capacity arena with a look of determination, seeking to recapture the championship he once held. His focus apparent, Smith storms towards the ring to a mixed, though majorly negative reception the audience unsure of how to treat the veteran.

Connor: This crowd seems divided by Sam Smith. Could that affect him heading into this match Jack?

Cohen: It could, but Smith is capable of pushing through that and focusing on the task at hand as last week’s return showed.

Dave: Alternatively it could throw him off entirely under a championship circumstance.

As Smith enters the ring, he offers a quick pose, again receiving that mixed reaction, but he is not concerned by this as Killswitch Engage come over the speakers:


The Elite X Champion bounces out into the arena, exceptionally excited to be on the 50th Ascension. He looks to hype the crowd up who offer him near universal praise. A big smile comes over his face as he makes his way to the ramp where he makes his “x” symbol before making his way towards the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent; from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds, he is the reigning ELITE X CHAMPION; TRIPLE X!

The crowd again increases it’s volume as Triple X’s name is announced. He speeds towards the ring, entering at a high speed.

Connor: Triple X has been on fire since restoring the Elite X Championship to its true status, winning the title from Steven Holmes who was “Elite Champion”.

Cohen: Bah, I still haven’t forgiven him for such indiscretions and maybe Sam Smith will demonstrate a bit about wrestling. We can only hope anyway.

Dave: Remind me not to send you to Mexico.

The two competitors stand face-to-face together. X raises his Elite X Championship up high for all to see, including Sam Smith who is displeased with this. The fans seem to have thrown their support behind Triple X and this doesn’t sit well with Smith who offers a right hand as a retort for X’s bravado. The referee calls for the bell to start the match as the precious Elite Championship falls to the wayside. Smith throws X off the ropes, looks to catch him with a clothesline, but X ducks. He now bounces off the middle rope, using it for a springboard and delivers a flying chuck right to the challenger’s skull. He goes into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Smith is dazed, and as he tries to get to one knee even, stumbles, almost falling over. X on the other hand is lively and runs the ropes for a few seconds, keeping the fans amused, entertained if you will.

Cohen: And this is why I hate Triple X. Should be going for the kill in this important title match. Instead he acts like a buffoon pandering to these morons.

Dave: Now, now, it’s not like you’ve never plaid up to the fans before, I mean look at your flamboyant outfits Jack.

As Cohen sneers at the somewhat veiled insult, X does indeed decide that he should get to being serious as Sam Smith starts to climb to his feet. X bounces off the ropes, and delivers a marvellous running forearm followed by a kip-up, furthering Cohen’s displeasure. Smith decides he’s had enough and rolls underneath the bottom rope, leaving the squared circle to a fountain of boos. He cares not though and seeks only to recover. X however has other ideas and in only a few bounds reaches the top turnbuckle closest to Smith and leaps, looking to dive on top of his opponent. But Smith has in fact laid a trap and delivers a textbook dropkick right into the sternum of Triple X, causing him to violently crash into the steel ring post. Smith may still be weakened by the earlier flurry from X, but he has no doubt dealt a significant amount of damage with his first and so far only move in this match. Both men rise simultaneously, X holding his back in some discomfort while Smith, grinning madly launches himself forward, executing a neckbreaker which likely does more damage to the back despite the name. Smith is now firmly in control and still grinning about it. The referee insists that he return X to the ring as he reaches a count of six. Smith decides to break the count up and as he resets it, ponders what sadistic thing he can do next to the current Elite X Champion.

Suddenly it clicks into Smith’s head what his next move should be as he chooses a snap suplex. Smith sets him up and delivers it with authority. The game plan of the former champion is now fiendishly apparent; wear the back down for a submission victory. Again Smith seems determined to go back to the snap suplex, but instead looks to turn himself and deliver Final Judgment on the outside. Despite the pain and through the crowd’s noise volume, Triple X fights to avoid the devastating finisher, hooking his flailing legs onto the top rope. Oddly enough, Smith decides to let go of X, opting instead to attempt to take the head of the champion off via a clothesline. X however avoids this, using his lower body strength to avoid the move and fall back into the ring. He’s obviously in extreme discomfort following the back work and after that brief adrenaline rush he will likely be staying down for a little while. Smith loves this as it allows him to have a safer chance to opt for one of his bigger moves in a top rope elbow drop. He ascends (zing!) the top turnbuckle and steadies himself. With X’s back turned to him, Smith knows this is the perfect chance to wear him out. Smith leaps, positioning the elbow and hits the spall of the back right with the point of the elbow. Quickly, Smith turns over his enemy for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Copeland: Sam Smith has been utterly merciless since gaining the advantage in this match.

Dave: An outstanding game-plan from Smith I have to say.

Cohen: I knew you weren’t stupid Dave. Annoying, but not stupid.

Dave: I’ll take that as a compliment Jack.

Smith isn’t really very surprised by the lack of a fall, knowing the champion is resilient. He clearly has thought a step or two ahead as he pounds on the injured back a few times before looking for the Final Judgment a second time, desperate to hit that big move. As with before, he hooks him up like a normal suplex and turns him in midair, he looks to apply the final touch, but before he can, X has shifted his bodyweight so that he moves backwards and luckily for the champion, the sanctuary of the top rope is there to greet him. Smith is befuddled by the move and doesn’t notice for a few seconds what’s happened until he turns around to see X up on top. The champion leaps forward at Smith once more, this time using the arms to guard the midsection that Smithy exposed the last time. This time, Smith merely ducks the move, avoiding any contact. X however makes contact with the floor, landing on his feet, with the shock vibrating upwards and disturbing the already wounded spine, dropping him to his knees. Noticing an opening, Smith comes off the ropes and hits a modified bulldog with X on his knees. After executing this impromptu move, Smith decides he’s going to move in for the kill with his new finishing move. He peels X’s corpse off the mat and lifts him onto his shoulders. He loads up the Go To Sleep described by Smith as “Nightfall”, but as he pushes upwards, X uses his ever flexible self to execute a surprise hurricanrana!

Bewildered, Smith tries to find the ropes to regain his ring-sense. Once he does, he notices that X is still on his hands and knees, the back still bothering him. Smith is now rather enraged, and drops an elbow right into the back of X, dropping him flat. He twists our high-flying friend onto his back so that he can go to town with a more recognisable finisher in the sharpshooter. He locks the legs and prepares for the added twist. X though refuses to go easily and uses his shoulders to make the move as awkward as possible for Smith to hit. He soon loses his cool and leans forwards screaming at X. This is the opening the champion has been seeking though and he uses the fully capable arms to hook Smith down and into a roll-up! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Smith pops out, and just like the earlier hurricanrana, finds himself in the ropes to regain a sense of direction. Triple X this time though is on the offensive. He charges right at Smith who attempts to elevate the champion over the top rope. X however holds onto the top rope, safely landing onto the ring apron. Unaware, Smith stumbles out of the ropes trying to save his breath for just a moment. The sight that greets Smith as he turns back towards the spot he just left X in is unpleasant as he sees him hanging onto the tope rope, on the ring apron. In a fit of rage, Smith charges forward, full throttle. X sidesteps it and as Smith’s head pops out, X unleashes X-Rated right to the side of “The Assassin’s” head. Smith falls backwards, and in perfect position for a modified version of X’s other finishing move; Skyfall. Using the tope rope as a springboard rather than the top turnbuckle, X comes off the top, complete with swan dive to deliver the final note of this match. 1...2...3!

Copeland: My goodness! Triple X retains!

Cohen: Wait...WHAT?!?

Anderson: here is your winner and STIIL ELITE X CHAMPION; TRIPLE X!

Cohen: This cannot be happening. Sam Smith had this thing one and that high-flying moron was done. All he did was hit his finishers...

Dave: Much like Mexico, remind me not to take you to Japan either Jack.

As Dave cracks a joke, Triple X clutches the ever important Elite X Championship to his chest, breathing heavy as he knows he came so close to losing the coveted gold. X holds it up triumphantly and the crowd loves it, cheering as Sam Smith slowly begins to stir. X realises that he’s in no shape to be dealing with a potential fit of rage from Smith. He bails out of the ring, gold in his arms. Smith does indeed come to and when the official tells him it’s a loss, he’s less than happy. He furiously smacks the mat, striking it repeatedly. He also offers a scream to top things off.

Cohen: I feel Smith’s pain. Man should be the new champion right. Now another lucky escape from that sneaky Triple X.

Copeland: Regardless of if it was a “lucky escape” or not, Triple X retains his Elite X Championship on this historic episode of Ascension!


We see Showtime David Cougar pacing around like a caged lion stalking and skulking around his backstage surroundings. On the other side of a split screen, Steven Kurtesy is a picture of serenity. Both men are focussed on the upcoming match in their very different ways.

“Up next is our final match, it’s one we’ve been anticipating since Kingdom Come ended.”

“I’m extremely excited to see the contest that these two serve up!”

“Tonight we've seen a number of memorable moments in Ascension history. More then we could possibly post up this evening. If you wish to go back and see all the other previous Ascensions, simply tune in to WZCW On Demand where we have every show in WZCW history there for you to see. But we're certainly not done making history on Ascesnion. Will tonight add another illustrious chapter? The one on one encounter between champion Steven Kurtesy and number one contender Showtime David Cougar is your main event and it is up next!”
This is your main event of Ascension 50!

The crowd react loudly to the announcement of the main event and as Showtime’s spotlight appears the noise that the noise generated only increases further. David Cougar walks out with an immense confidence that is typical of the man.

“David Cougar is the number one contender thanks to his efforts in the second fall of the two fall triple threat match at Kingdom Come IV.”

“That win secured him yet another opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship. Cougar has tried and failed many times before but can he achieve his dream on this most historic of occasions.”

"This may be his time guys."

Cougar strolls down to the ring slowly, taking measured steps and milking the moment. When he enters the ring, he immediately goes to pose on the turnbuckle and he cannot resist making a belt motion around his waist before this interrupts him.


The valiant World Heavyweight Champion Professor Steven Kurtesy emerges bathed by a pure white light. Much like his entrance at Kingdom Come, he pauses on the stage, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath with his arms out-stretched before proceeding down the ramp, shaking hands with fans as he walks past with a smile on his face. He hops onto the apron and gets onto the turnbuckle out-stretching his arms once more before entering the ring. He gets into the centre and takes a bow with his hands clasped together.

"Another spectacular entrance from our World Champion, representing the purity and light on behalf of WZCW"

"He's been a great World Champion Seb. The company needed a white knight in recent months and he's been brilliant at it."

"Steven Kurtesy got his World Championship in the most unlikely of circumstances but since then he has beaten the best in the company. This match tonight is right up there with any of his challenges."

Kurtesy moves aside, this is when Selena Anderson moves into the ring and she takes centre stage.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening and it is for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

To my right, from Winnipeg, Canada, he weighs 213lbs, he is the number one contender, Showtime David Cougar!!!

Cougar returns to his perch where he poses one last, epic time. The reactions are still mixed but there are plenty of cheers in there. Anderson continues.

And to my left, from Sydney, Australia, he weighs 228 lbs, he is the reigning and defending WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.......Professor Steven Kurtesy!!!!!!!!

Kurtesy moves into the centre of the where he bows before raising the title in the air. He pauses to look at it longingly. He raises it to his forehead before handing it to the official who shows it to Cougar and he only allows himself a flitting glance at it. The official raises the title for the crowd, who respond noisily and the bell is rung.

“Steven Kurtesy has been a remarkable World Champion but this is a blockbuster challenge for him to face tonight.”

"You have to respect the professor for what he has achieved since becoming champion."

“Showtime David Cougar is the man for the big occasion. He won the third Lethal Lottery, is one of the greatest Eurasian champions of our time.”

“And although he has had shots at this championship before, you cannot help but feel that the lack of pressure and expectation on this occasion may help him.”

Kurtesy stands off as Showtime tries to circle around him. They tie up and Kurtesy takes Cougar down to the floor with ease. Kurtesy cranks on a side headlock and Cougar kicks out as he tries to move off the hold. Kurtesy and Cougar get to their feet with Kurtesy in control, Cougar pushes Kurtesy off and the professor hits the ropes. Kurtesy ducks a swinging clothesline from Cougar and as he comes back, Cougar hits an enziguri! Kurtesy tries to roll away but Cougar grabs him and although he cannot go for a pin, Cougar wrenches Kurtesys’ arm and brings him back to the centre of the ring.

“Cougar has started well!”

“This is a really high tempo start!”

Cougar traps the arm and then body slams Kurtesy on it. He climbs to the second rope and drops an elbow on to the Professor. Cougar covers Kurtesy, 1...2, Kurtesy kicks out easily. Cougar brings Kurtesy up and drops him immediately with a neckbreaker. Cougar looks at Kurtesy cynically before going for another cover but Kurtesy kicks out before two. Cougar allows him to roll away before grabbing him again and he applies a chinlock. Kurtesy gets his feet beneath him and is able to force Cougar to stand up before sitting out and forcing Cougar to break the hold with a clever improvised jawbreaker. The crowd pop after the move. Kurtesy stands up quickly and before Showtime can react, Kurtesy has him in position, Prescribed Sedation hits!! Kurtesy covers, 1....2......Showtime just about escapes with a shoulder up!

“The brutal snapmare driver hits but somehow Cougar got a shoulder up.”

“The crowd is stunned, that was a great counter!”

Kurtesy rallies as he feels the crowd getting behind him after that close near fall from that early finisher. He clenches his fist before standing in front of Cougar and hitting punch after punch on his target who is reeling. Cougar stumbles backwards but a pair of palm strikes, chest chops and a high kick to the face knocks him to the floor. Cougar rolls outside and Kurtesy follows. Kurtesy tries to bring him back into the ring but Cougar stops him and slams his head on the ring apron! Cougar brings him away from the apron and folds Kurtesy over where he hits the Showstopper! With both men on the floor, Showtime wraps his legs around the neck of the champion and clamps down tightly with a triangle leg choke.

“This is very clever by Cougar. The Showstopper on the ringside flooring and now with no way of breaking the hold on the outside, Cougar can do pretty much whatever he wants with this hold!”

“Steven is fading fast here. This is going to take a lot out of him.

Kurtesy tries valiantly to fight it but Showtime has it in tight. Cougar yells as he tries to apply all his strengths through his legs. Kurtesy fades quickly and when Cougar realises, he releases the hold. Cougar picks up Kurtesy and slowly shoves his dead weight in to the ring. Cougar goes for a cover but Kurtesy drapes a leg over the bottom rope. The ref points it out to Cougar who shakes his head, annoyed.

“I think David Cougar is clever enough to realise that he probably wasn’t going to win it there.”

“But it’s all energy that needs to be exerted. It’s a good strategy.”

"This match is really up in the air now. Loving this contest."

Cougar gets to his feet and drags Kurtesy to the centre of the ring. He goes to lock in the Commercial Break but Kurtesy kicks him off but Kurtesy’s kicks are weak. Showtime is relentless is his attempt to lock in the hole, he tries again and Kurtesy catches him and rolls him up, 1....2....Cougar escapes somehow but that was a masterful counter. Showtime is shocked but it seems to fire him up. He drags Kurtesy up again and goes to whip him into the corner but Kurtesy reverses and sends Showtime chest first into the turnbuckle!

As he comes back out of the corner, Kurtesy hits his Circle of Life butterfly suplex! Cover, 1.....2.....Showtime kicks out! Kurtesy grabs Showtime’s neck and pulls back on it, using the arm for leverage to punish him further. Kurtesy drags him upright and the hold becomes the Hypnosis cobra clutch, Showtimes reacts to the change in pressure by flailing and the ref asks him if he wants to quit. Showtime tries to reverse and force him and Kurtesy in the ropes but bounces off and they return to the centre of the ring. Kurtesy relinquishes the hold and Showtime staggers away. Kurtesy sets for Prescribed Sedation but Showtime blocks it and shoves Kurtesy into the turnbuckle, Cougar adjusts and hits the standing Final Act on the World Champion!! 1....2.....Kurtesy kicks out!!!

“The Final Act nearly gets David Cougar his first World title!!!”

“Somehow Steven Kurtesy survives after the devastating flipping slam!”

"I can guarantee you, that move hurts a great deal."

“And we are still going ladies and gents. This historic show has a classic main event!”

Showtime is stunned; he seems certain that was going to seal the match for him. He goes for the Commerical Break again and this time, he gets it. Kurtesy is turned over and his legs are bent and contorted. He screams in pain, desperately reaching for the ropes. Kurtesy makes some ground but Cougar pulls him back. Kurtesy pulls back and grabs Show’s ankle. Cougar shakes him off but loses balance. The hold is broken and Kurtesy has survived it somehow. He crawls away and when he stands, the damage is clear. By the time he stands, Showtime is ready and waiting and they begin a duel of strikes, palm strikes and chops by Kurtesy are met and returned with fire by Cougar. Kurtesy ducks a strike and moves into a Japanese arm drag that takes him down; Kurtesy tries to maintain an armbar but Showtime leans back and tries to apply a headscissors on Kurtesy but the professor leans back, stops the move and grabs Showtime’s arm, pulling it against his neck.

The move forces Showtime to move and that makes it easier for the professor lock in Solitary Confinement as he grabs the second arm. The crowd pop to this as they recognise the power of the move that ended the main event of Kingdom Come.

“Steven Kurtesy is going for the same move that helped him retain his championship at Kingdom Come!”

“Both men have such overwhelming moves in their arsenal, it’s no surprise that we are seeing them pull everything out.”

"They have to Seabass. It's the World Title, they fought tooth and nail to get here as champion and challenger."

Showtime tries to pull with all his might, but his attempts to relieve the pressure make it easier for Kurtesy to tighten the body scissors. Suddenly Cougar gets an arm free and he fires off some desperate elbows. The strikes have such velocity that Kurtesy is busted open just above his eye. The professor releases the body scissors and both men crawl away. Showtime heads to the corner to decide on his next move. Kurtesy does the same but charges quickly when he sees Showtime is in the corner.

“Kurtesy is bleeding and that is flowing heavily!!”

“Cougar seems to have the advantage now but they are both absolutely exhausted.”

"This is when all these ring instincts come in handy and these two are the best at that."

Cougar leans on the corner and gets a boot up, that only exacerbates the wound on Kurtesy’s face. Cougar climbs to the second rope and Kurtesy tries to meet him there to capitalise on his position. He tries to set for the snapmare driver but Showtime blocks it and they begin to duke it out once more. Showtime tries to set for the Backstage DDT but Kurtesy brings him of the corner. Kurtesy tries to set for Prescribed Sedation once more but Showtime blocks him and knocks him senseless with a European uppercut. Showtime gets control and lifts the professor onto the top turnbuckle and he follows quickly.

“I think we all know what Showtime is planning here.”

“You can tell exactly what he wants to and I think the World Champion is becoming aware of it too.”

“This is extremely dangerous for both men but this is what you have to do to become World Champion!”

Kurtesy realises his predicament and tries to find a way out with strikes but Cougar is determined and fights his way to the top rope. Both men stand precariously on the top strap which wobbles beneath their collective weight. Cougar tries to hit the Final Act but Kurtesy tries to stop it but he can’t, Cougar is unyielding in his efforts until both men go flying through the air and land with a crash as the Final Act brings them crashing to the floor with authority! Slowly, Showtime gets his arm across Kurtesy and he uses his leg to hook the limb of the champion! !...........2.................3!!!

“He’s done it!!! David Cougar has finally achieved his dream!!”

“Congratulations Showtime!!!”

Your winner and NEW Heavyweight Champion of the WORLD, SHOWTIME DAVID COUGAR!!!!

Cougar is handed the World Championship and he clutches it to his chest in the centre of the ring.

“What a brutal match but David Cougar finally pulled it out.”

“He has ended the remarkable reign of Professor Steven Kurtesy here at Ascension 50.”

"Showtime finally shows that he does have what it takes to truly get it done."

Cougar climbs to the corner and raises the title above his head. Confetti falls from the ceiling as Showtime gets a standing ovation

“These have been a remarkable couple of shows. We have created history with the first Hell in a Cell on Meltdown 75 and on Ascension 50, Showtime David Cougar has won his first World Heavyweight Championship!”


The crowd boos as attention is turned towards the entrance ramp, the owner of WZCW Ty Burna emerges from the back with his Apostles surrounding him. Ty claps sarcastically towards the new champion before speaking into a mic.

Congratulations David. Let's take care of the nagging issue of who your first defense will be against.

Ty's lips curl into a wicked smile, Showtime's face full of elation at first suddenly looks somber as he realizes what's going on.

Your opponent next week, for the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, is none other then me!

This is what Ty was setting up for! He's going to force me to hand deliver the World Title on a silver platter to him!

That sadistic bastard!

You better do your job right David.....your career depends on it.

The camera cuts between Showtime and Ty, Ty laughing maniacally as he throws his head back with Showtime staring long and hard at his opponent, realizing exactly what he is up against next round. The camera finally rests on Big Dave, holding his head in his hands because of his own revelation as Ascension goes off the air.
Who wrote what:

Dave: Relay Match
Falkon: The Beard vs. Justin Cooper vs. The Masked Gentleman vs. Mick Overlast
Funkay: Triple X vs. Sam Smith
Showtime: Steven Holmes vs. Ricky Runn
Numbers: Steven Kurtesy vs. Showtime Cougar, Backstage
Harthan: Ace Stevens vs. Steamboat Ricky
Ty: Opening (with Kermit), Backstage, Chris K.O. vs. The Apostles of Chaos

Wow. 50 shows of Ascension. Honestly it's crazy for me to think about that. I was here for Ascension 1, and it seems like just yesterday we had Meltdown 50. 50 doesn't seem like a big number but considering the bi weekly model we have, it's quite an achievement in my eyes. Again like it was said in the show, there are tons more segments and matches that could have been highlighted. If you guys are interested you know where the show archive is at. What's even better is looking back at the writing quality of the matches back then compared to now, and how much we've grown overall.

Rep the gentlemen above, drop us some feedback in the show review thread, and we'll have the new boards up in the next day or so. Thanks guys.
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