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Ascension 48

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

There are hundreds of signs as we sweep around the arena. The noise is deafening and that is only boosted further by a loud pyrotechnic display before we swoop down to the announce table.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Ascension and we have a full broadcast for you tonight, completed by our incredible main event, Ty Burna vs Showtime David Cougar.”

“You often cannot say that matches on Meltdown or Ascension could main event Kingdom Come. But only a few days away, we have a match with incredible potential that actually has main evented the big show.”

“Also coming up tonight, we have a triple threat match to decide the man who will face off for the Elite X Championship at Kingdom Come. Strikeforce, one of the teams in the tables ladders and chairs match will be in action as well as the Elite X champion, Triple X.”

“I think it’s fair to say it’s a stacked show Cat.”

"But first, we have Vance Bateman in the middle of the ring!"

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to Ascension! Kingdom Come is just a couple of short weeks away and after months of planning, I have fully assembled my team that will challenge Ty Burna’s Apostles of Chaos to a 5 on 5 elimination tag team contest that will determine who has total control of WZCW. But first, let me introduce you to the man who will look to defend his World Heavyweight Championship at Kingdom Come."

“This great show is going to get even better with our World Heavyweight Champion on his way to the ring.”

Professor Kurtesy emerges to a roar. He stands at the top of the ramp, taking in his applause and nodding at his fans. He has a mic in hand but doesn’t speak as he is interrupted by the change in music.

"And the captain of Team WZCW, the woman who will lead her team to victory, Celeste Crimson"


Kurtesys’ opponent from Meltdown, Celeste Crimson emerges at the top of the ramp to stand alongside Kurtesy. Just behind her, her fellow Team WZCW team-mates follow until the group of six head to ringside. Only Gordito looks ready to compete and he is in ring gear but every is wearing Team WZCW t-shirts. The united group stand in the ring and Professor Kurtesy steps forward.

“They thought we would just roll over. They thought they were too strong with numbers in the favour. But we will never allow Chaos to continue running roughshod through the company that we love and have fought tooth and nail to represent. In this ring with me, I am proud to have colleagues, allies, my friends and they will appear on the grandest stage of them all in the good fight to save this organisation from Chaos. And on our penultimate show before the pay-per-view, we pledge to be the ones left standing when this war is done.”

Celeste steps forward and is handed the mic by the professor.

“Of course, the war against Chaos is twofold. While we represent the masses, our good friend Steven Kurtesy has a very singular goal to achieve; it is just as important and perfectly straight-forward yet exceedingly complex in its’ make-up. He has to defend his World Championship against the demon that is Ty Burna.”

“Now I stand alongside these men and every one of us can vouch for how difficult his task will be but I know that all of us and all of you will be right behind him every step of the way.”


The members of Team Chaos step out onto the stage. Chris KO leads them and has a microphone of his own.

“That’s exceedingly sweet, I almost threw up backstage just listening to your Mr Motivator-wannabe speech. But what amuses us most is that you brought this pirate back from the retirement home as your secret weapon.”

Alex Bowen snatches it from KO’s grasp.

“Ricky, I’m going to beat your ass all over Dallas, Texas!!”

Ricky is handed the mic by Celeste.

“Oh me ‘earty, bring it on I say! You ain’t see nothin’ until you seen a good ol’ fashioned Steamboat Ricky ass-whupping at Kingdom Come!!”

Mister Alhazred then steps forward and begins to speak with his Power Glove aimed at the ring.

“Tonight, we have permission from Ty Burna himself to be at ringside for his match and all Team WZCW members are banned!”

“That’s funny because I reversed that decision, your precious Master of Chaos has no authority on his show!”

Titus takes the mic from Ricky and smiles.

Do you think you scare us? I mean we have two men who have held the World Championship twice, another former World Champion who has also held the King for a Day briefcase as well two more established WZCW superstars. Every single person alongside me has experienced massive success in this business. These are the cream of the crop, they are an army who are ready to go to war and I can't wait to see what they do to you!"

Gordito then grabs the mic.

"Guys, all I see are a bunch of worms who are brainwashed and pussywhipped by Ty to do his bidding and nothing else. Now guys, I don’t know about you but I think it’s time for my match. Shall we clear out the trash?”

The group in the ring step outside of the ropes in unison. Gordito takes off his shirt and throws it to the crowd. Team Chaos decides to avoid conflict while they are outnumbered and head backstage. Team WZCW see this and begin to gather at the top of the ramp before each taking their time to wish Gordito luck in his match, before taking one last chance to pose on the ramp for the fans.

"What a way to begin the show Jack!"

"That's true though I can't help but feel Celeste played her hand a little too early with Steamboat Ricky. You can guarantee something will happen later tonight. Maybe they will regret not having that one last surprise up their sleeve."
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from Southwester, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 225 pounds...Matt Tastic!

The crowd erupts for Tastic's entrance as he makes his way out to the ring. He doesn't look quite his usual self, with a serious look on his face, though as he makes his way to the ring he smiles a little, giving high fives to the fans on his way down. He slides into the ring and paces a little bit on the far end, keeping his eye on the entrance way.

Copeland: A little bit more than an average tune up for Matt Tastic here on the way to the King for a Day Elimination Chamber match, as he faces off against a man that he has plenty of history with.

Cohen: I'll tell you what, Seabass, I'm hoping that facing off with Gordito here brings out the old Matt Tastic - the one with some edge to him. This...pandering simpleton we've seen lately is just too much for me to handle.


Anderson: And his opponent, from San Francisco, California, weighing in at 257 pounds...Gordito!

Gordito makes his way out to the stage to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He waves at the top of the ramp, looking easy-going although a little weary. He comes down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans as he makes his way up the ring steps and into the ring. He gives Tastic a long look across the ring as he mounts a turnbuckle and raises his hand to the fans. He drops back down and gets ready for the match.

Copeland: The question on my mind tonight is this - did a round off give Gordito some well needed rest, or did it build ring rust that he needs to shake off?

Cohen: I'd be willing to bet on the latter - Gordito's hardly a conditioning maniac. Taking time off has probably hurt him more than it helped.

The ref calls off both men back to their corners and checks them both for anything illegal. After satisfying himself that everything is well, he signals for the bell and backs away. The two men close cautiously, giving each other a long look. Tastic's arm twitches a little, as if he were thinking about offering a handshake, and Gordito raises an eyebrow. Tastic shakes his head with a little smile and breaks to his left, beginning to circle Gordito. Gordito matches the pace, and the two men circle, each looking a slight advantage. Tastic tries a kick that Gordito easily steps out of the way off. Gordito jabs a little to no effect. Tastic ducks a bit and charges in, going in for a takedown. He gets Gordito on his back and flips over for a bridging pin combination that Gordito kicks out of easily. They both stand rapidly and Gordito rolls his opponent up, but Tastic rolls through and puts the pin on. He only gets two before Gordito springs out and both men are on their feet again. Tastic reels off a hip toss and follows Gordito on the way down, getting in behind him with a hammerlock. Gordito struggles and squirms and finds the rope. Tastic lets up immediately and backs up while Gordito gets to his feet, shaking his arm out a bit.

Copeland: A very technical opening to this contest. Are you surprised that these two aren't off to a more heated start?

Cohen: What? Sorry, you woke me up. This snoozefest is putting me right to sleep. Start hitting each other, already!

The two circle once again, this time closing with a lockup. Gordito, the heavier man, uses his weight advantage to push Tastic into the corner. He backs up and rears for a heavy chop, but Tastic dodges out of the way and Gordito gets only the corner. Gordito turns around and meets a dropkick from Tastic that sends him sprawling into the corner. Tastic follows up with some punches in the corner before the referee calls him off. Gordito staggers out of the corner after waving the referee off. Tastic doesn't let up, kicking Gordito square in the gut and taking him down with a DDT. He goes for a pin but Gordito roughly kicks out at 2. Tastic gets up, sensing the advantage, and pulls Gordito up with him. He tries to whip Gordito into the corner, but he puts the brakes on and reverses the whip. Tastic goes off into the ropes while Gordito ducks down, looking for a back body drop, but Tastic slides and gets under him and pops Gordito in the jaw. Gordito staggers back a bit while Tastic pops up and hits him with a running neckbreaker. He goes for the pin but finds himself to close to the ropes, and Gordito gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Tastic gets up while Gordito is slower to faller, rubbing his neck while on his knees.

Copeland: Gordito just can't seem to get anything together here, with Tastic frustrating his every attempt at stringing together a comeback.

Cohen: Like I said, Seabass, ring rust! A slob like that needed to get in the gym over his little vacation, instead of partying.

Tastic gets right back on the offense, stomping Gordito, landing on his neck and his arm that he targeted with the hammerlock. Gordito takes refuge in the ropes and the ref has to call Tastic off. Tastic backs away and Gordito pulls himself up with the ropes. Tastic charges back in and Gordito shoves him away violently, sending Tastic sprawling on the other side of the ring. Tastic gets back up and approaches Gordito a little more cautiously. Gordito, however, has no such reservations and charges headlong at Tastic, catching him by surprise with a Cactus clothesline that takes both of them over the ropes. Gordito picks up the offense right away on the outside and slams Tastic's head into the apron before rolling him back into the ring. Tastic looks dazed as he lays on the mat. Gordito takes a look at the top rope and makes his way up as quickly as possible. He flies off with a diving elbow drop, but he took too long and Tastic rolls out of the way, leaving Gordito crashing to the mat. Gordito is up slowly, just ready to meet Tastic, who catches him with the Twisted-T! He follows up with the Cross Buster submission hold! Gordito struggles valiantly but the combination of the beating he's already taken, the weakened arm, and the incredibly tight submission hold are too much for him to bear, as he taps out.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Matt Tastic!

Copeland: And in the end Gordito was just totally unable to string together any offense, with Tastic seemingly always one step ahead.

Cohen: Tastic found that edge just a little bit tonight, and Gordito, as I predicted, was too rusty. Team WZCW should be very worried about the condition of their team headed into Kingdom Come, if you ask me.

Tastic quickly slides out the ring, holding the front of his head and checking for any blood. He takes a long look at Gordito, who is it just getting up and shaking out his arm and his head. The two share one last stare down as the screen fades out.


The camera now shows a dressing room. The door is labeled "Showtime" and as the camera zooms out we see Black Dragon pacing in front of the door, cigarette in hand. He seems hesitant about entering. Finally he walks up to the door. Before he opens it he hears a loud bang from inside. Dragon puts his ear to the door and then turns the nob. A loud boom of feet is heard and Dragon rushes in as the bathroom door in the room shuts. Dragon walks over to some knocked over chairs and finds Showtime David Cougar beaten up. Dragon approaches the bathroom door and opens it. The window in the room is open. Dragon inhales his cigarette, shakes his head and turns to leave.

??? Showtime... are you in here?

A voice comes from the door and Dragon stops. Vance Bateman enters the room and sees Showtime on the floor.

Bateman: What the hell? You? Did you... You did this to him? Why would you do it that you...

Bateman looks at Dragon. He has his arms crossed and looks directly at Bateman, blowing smoke in his direction.

Bateman: No, of course you didn't do this. I bet you and I both know who was behind this.

Showtime groans and moves on the floor.

Bateman: Well... why the hell are you still here? Go get this man a medic.

Dragon nods and leaves the room. Vance looks down at Showtime who reaches his arm up for Bateman to help him up.

Bateman: Oh please, you're fine. You've taken worser beatings from the media.
Anderson: The following contest is a triple threat match set for one fall and it will determine the #1 contender for the Elite X Championship for KINGDOM COME IV!

The crowd is delighted with the announcement, knowing this match will have consequences for Kingdom Come. This however quickly disappears as the audience seeks to savour itself for the upcoming entrances and battle. This near silence ends with a bang however as Johnny Rotten blares over the speakers to a loud, mixed, though mainly positive reaction.

Anderson: Introducing the participants, first from Manchester, England, weighing 223 pounds; JOHNNY SCUMM!


Again the loud reaction is heard, with cheers outweighing boos. Scumm looks somewhat beat up following his battle with Phoenix last week, and storms to the ring, however he does acknowledge the fans, a slight grin on his face, he half heartedly extends his hand to slap some hands, unsure on if he should be doing this. Ultimately he does all the way to the ring and his mile grows. He enters the ring, raising his arm to a slightly more positive reaction than even when he entered.

Connor: It would seem that Scumm has earned the fans respect following the beating he received from Phoenix last week.

Cohen: Indeed and now he was a chance to appear on Kingdom Come. Quite a time to be young Mr. Scumm.

From the positive to the negative though as Scumm’s happiness is squashed by perhaps the most negative song imaginable as it’s time to Hate Me Now...


Nas’ controversial words draw out a lot of hatred from the audience as Mick Overlast enters, looking determined to secure a place at the grandest stage.

Anderson: Next, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 235 pounds; MICK OVERLAST!

Overlast’s name even draws heat from the crowd as he marches into the ring, ready to cement his spot at Kingdom Come IV.

Cohen: Here’s the man I predict will walk out with the #1 contendership tonight. He’s naturally good and he’s ready to seize his chance tonight.

Connor: He may get it done, but don’t count either Scumm or Cooper out. They are both fine athletes in their own right.

He is no sooner is Overlast in the ring as the music alters to something a bit more upbeat:


Anderson: And finally, from the Suburbs, weighing 240 pounds; JUSTIN COOPER!

The booing continues though its ferocity is toned down slightly as Cooper enters. He quickly storms down the ramp and slides right into the ring where he is welcomed not with an opportunity to pose, but with a stomp courtesy of Johnny Scumm!

Connor: And here we go!

The bell rings as Scumm continues to try and eliminate some of his competition early. Overlast is poised in the background as Scumm backs off to boot Cooper right in the chops. Overlast sneaks into the back and executes a reverse DDT on Scumm. He goes for the pin. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Overlast transitions straight from a cover into a choke. Scumm attempts to clobber his way free from the choke, but can’t quite do it. Finally, he is able to get a fresh breath after nailing Overlast with a straight fist to the jaw. Clutching his jaw, Overlast looks to resume his assault on the gasping Scumm. However, a new challenger enters the picture as Cooper shoves the Son of Destiny out of the way in order to gain some revenge on Scumm. Cooper prepares to load up a European uppercut, but his arm is stopped from connecting by Overlast. Spinning Cooper around, Overlast delivers a wonderful swinging neckbreaker. He looks to go for a cover. 1...2...BREAK-UP! Scumm smashes Overlast over the back of the skull. He begins to lay right into Overlast, also hitting Cooper by accident on a couple of occasions. Shoving Scumm off, Overlast is desperate to escape, to regain his composure. Mick stands up looking to flee the ring, but Scumm catches him with a running bulldog. It appears that Scumm is in control until he turns around into a scoop slam from Cooper. He goes for a cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Connor: This is less of a wrestling match and more of a fight.

Cooper is angered by the kick-out and as such, begins to drop elbows repeatedly into Scumm’s sternum. After a trio of elbows, Cooper again goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Even more aggravated now, Cooper lifts Scumm to his feet, only to crack him down with a jawbreaker. Once again he looks for the cover, but before he can capitalise, he gets caught with a knee drop from a partially revived Overlast. He instead goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Lifting him to his feet, Overlast swiftly puts Cooper down with a snap suplex. Rather than going for a cover, or even relinquishing the suplex position though, Overlast rises to his feet with Cooper still locked onto him and repeats with another snap suplex. He does this again, but rather than finish off with a third suplex, he drops him straight into the mat with a brainbuster! Overlast makes the cover. 1...2...BREAK-UP! Johnny Scumm is back in the match again, and once more Overlast is his intended target, but this time he is ready. Overlast rolls off of the cover in order to escape, or so it would seem. He rises to his feet as Scumm launches himself at Overlast, looking for a spear take-down, but Overlast senses it coming and catches on, turning the move into a DDT in his favour. Overlast goes for a cover on Scumm, now. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Cohen: Mick Overlast is the future of WZCW and of professional wrestling in general. The way he thinks about moves is extraordinary. Blade truly picked a winner in Overlast.

Barely moving, Scumm reaches out for something, anything to help him rise to his feet. Waiting is Overlast who grabs the arm and hoists Scumm to his feet with all his might. Still with the arm in his hand, Overlast draws Scumm back into him with a vicious clothesline. Scumm’s in trouble as Overlast drops to his knees, wrapping his arm around Scumm’s throat; Dragon Sleeper! The crowd is firmly behind Scumm, but also very vocal about their dislike for Overlast also. The referee asks Scumm if he wants to give in, but the reply is a firm no. Scumm tries to fight out of the dangerous predicament, but can’t quite do it. He refuses to give in. His body on the other hand is prepared to shut down as Scumm fades fast. Overlast nods, sensing he is about to conquer his destiny. The referee lifts the hand up and it drops down for a one count. Only two more to go. The second attempts to drop the arm succeeds too. Only one more count left. Just as the referee lifts the arm, Justin Cooper comes flying in with a shoulder block to knock Overlast off of Scumm. He frantically fires shots at Overlast to weaken him, but the skilled youngster nails a kick right into the midsection to wind his opponent. Cooper backs off as Overlast rises up and charges right at the Aussie. Cooper however surprises many, mainly Overlast, with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Having bought himself a little bit of time, Cooper backs off into a corner, looking to set up for the grand finale; Your Final Verse!

Connor: Looks like Cooper may be about to upset the odds!

Cohen: Come on Overlast!

A groggy Overlast turns into the finisher of the former Mayhem Champion. He’s poised to make the winning pin when he pushes Overlast over for the pinfall position, but suddenly his arm is caught by a partially revived Johnny Scumm. He drags Cooper over towards his and seeks to lock in the Memory Loss submission hold! The crowd goes wild as Cooper desperately flails and flounders his way around the middle of the ring, looking to avoid the devastating hold. Unfortunately for Cooper, it’s just not enough as Scumm finally manages to trap the arm and hooks his hands over the Suburb dweller’s face. The pain is unimaginable as Scumm leans back as far as he can, pulling with all his might. Cooper’s arm is very slowly (and painfully) being pulled out of the correct position. Overlast is down and Cooper cannot make the ropes, the tap out is inevitable and Johnny Scumm is going to Kingdom Come! The crowd is overjoyed!

Anderson: Your winner of the match and number one contender for the Elite X Championship; JOHNNY SCUMM!

Scumm raises his arms in victory, the people still cheering. He looks to get to his feet and as he does so, Triple X, with the Elite X Championship on his shoulder, makes his way onto the top of the ramp. He applauds his opponent and points at the massive “Kingdom Come IV” sign dangling above the ring. Scumm notices it too and nods, signalling that he wants the belt around his waist. Once more X applauds before taking his leave. Soon afterwards, Scumm does also.


We see the tag team champions Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn in the backstage corridors. They approach one of the dressing rooms.

"I like these guys a lot."

"Of course you do. Just remember which side of the ring that they are on at the pay-per-view."

Ricky knocks on the door labelled "Strikeforce". Mikey Stormrage opens up with James Howard just behind him.

"Oh, hey champs."

"Hi guys, look we just wanted to say hi and good luck before the big show."

"It's going to be one hell of a match."

"Too right, we can't wait."

"It's going to be an honour to face off with you two."

"This is a big stage, you guys will love it."

The two tandems shake hands.

"We'll let you go. Good luck in your match. It's a toughie."

"We'll see you in Texas"
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Brad Bomb makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, the hood of his sweatshirt covering his face. He throws the hood back and laughs at the booing crowd before making his way down the ramp to the ring. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, tossing his hoodie to the outside as he stares back towards the stage.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 261 lbs, Brad Bomb!

Connor: We have two bulls going head to head tonight, a small preview of what's to come in the King for a Day match.

Cohen: This is going to be pure power against power. There will be nothing technical in this match.


Rush makes his way out to the top of the ramp, another round of boos for the wrestling veteran surrounds him. He stares out at the crowd for a few moments before making his way down the ramp, leisurely taking his time before reaching the ring. He grabs hold of the ropes and pulls himself up before entering over the top rope. He turns around and Brad Bomb is right in his face, the two big men staring each other down.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 322 lbs, Rush!

Connor: Bomb is one of our larger competitors in WZCW, but Rush simply towers over him.

Cohen: Size isn't everything CC, but Rush also has the veteran wiles to keep Bomb off his feet.

The ref signals for the bell and the two refuse to move away from one another until the ref finally separates them. The ref signals for the two to begin and they both immediately lock up, neither man backing down. Rush finally gains advantage and backs Bomb into the corner. The ref signals for the break but Rush quickly hits a kick to the midsection. He follows up with some stiff right shots, but Bomb comes right back with rights of his own. He comes firing out of the corner, knocking Rush back to the center of the ring. Bomb turns and bounces off the ropes, hitting a hard clothesline. Rush doesn't budge however and bounces off the opposite ropes, hitting a shoulder block. Bomb doesn't move again, and the two stare each other down before locking up once again. Bomb gains advantage with a knee to the midsection, lifting Rush up with every ounce of effort in him, dropping him with a belly to belly suplex. Bomb quickly hooks the leg, 1.......Rush kicks out immediately. Both men are to their feet but Bomb blasts Rush with a hard right. He goes to whip him into the corner but Rush counters and sends Bomb into the turnbuckle. Rush backs up and goes for a running splash but Bomb moves out of the way. Rush turns around just in time for Bomb to hit a Splash of his own, sending Rush stumbling out towards the center of the ring. Bomb goes low and clips the knee, dropping Rush down to the one knee. Bomb quickly hits a DDT and goes for a cover, 1.........2..Rush kicks out again.

Connor: Bomb is using his slight speed advantage to keep Rush off his feet. He will have to fight a lot smarter then simply hitting straight forward.

Cohen: If Bomb keeps wearing down Rush, no doubt Rush's age will come into play with regards to his diminished Stamina. Still, Rush has the capability to hit that one move to finish a match quickly so the longer you let him in the match, the greater chance of that stunning move to happen.

Bomb slowly pulls Rush up to his feet, hitting a few hard shots before attempting a suplex. He can't lift Rush over however and Rush counters with a suplex of his own, dropping Bomb down onto his back. Rush gets back to his feet as does Bomb. Bomb however walks into a big body slam. Rush quickly lifts him back up to his feet, only to hit another body slam. One final body slam puts Bomb down hard. Rush walks over to the corner and lifts himself up to the second turnbuckle. He holds a fist up and jumps down, dropping a hard fist across the forehead of Bomb. Rush goes for the cover, 1........2...Bomb kicks out! Rush stands up and stares down at Bomb. He goes for an elbow drop and connects right across the chest. He presses down on the shoulders, 1........2....another kickout by Bomb. Rush drags him back to his feet, whipping him into the ropes. Rush goes for a big boot but Bomb ducks under. As he bounces off and comes back towards Rush, both men go for a big boot and they connect, both men collapsing backwards to the mat. The ref checks on both before beginning the ten count.

Connor: These two brutes hit each other with the same devastating maneuver, but who will capitalize?

Cohen: Just imagine the carnage these two will wreck inside the chamber at Kingdom Come!

Bomb slowly pulls himself up at the count of seven, while Rush is right behind him. At the count of nine they both reach their feet. They turn and lock up once again, neither men giving an inch. Bomb hits Rush with a quick elbow shot and lifts him up for a spinebuster but Rush counters with a hard axe handle shot to the back. He hammers his back again with more repeated shots. Bomb drops down to one knee, but as Rush goes to grab him, Bomb springs up and hits a hard knife edge chop. Rush covers his chest and Bomb hits another boot to Rush's face. Rush drops to to the mat as Bomb stomps away at him. Bomb is getting fired up as he grabs Rush and sets him up for the Detonator. He tries to lift him up but Rush resists, sending Bomb up over backwards. Rush drops to one knee, trying to recover from the assault. Bomb recovers quickly but Rush hits a shot to the midsection and stands back up. He sets Bomb up and lifts him for the Rushing Powerbomb, dropping him down hard onto the back of his head! He hooks the legs, 1...........2...........3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Rush!

Connor: Rush prevails over Brad Bomb tonight, but could possibly stop these two from destroying the other competitors in the King for a Day match?

Cohen: It's a scary concept CC, I for one cannot wait until that match.

Rush stands back up, holding his arm up in victory as the crowd boos loudly. Bomb slowly rolls over onto his hands and knees as Rush walks over the top rope and drops to the outside, walking back up the entrance ramp as the ref checks on Bomb.


Backstage we see Leon Kensworth standing by a black curtain about to interview someone.

Kensworth: Hello WZCW Universe, I’m Leon Kensworth and I am standing here with the new number one contender for the Elite X Title, Johnny Scu...


Johnny Scumm is dancing on the spot beside Leon downing beers while his budding Chris Kline is soaking him with two other beer cans.

Scumm: Ohhh Leon let me tell you we are going to get pretty smashed tonight. And then at Kingdom Come, I mean at freaking Kingdom Come, I’m going to become the Eli...

Johnny stops as Triple X comes into the picture. They both stare eye to eye until X extends his hand.

X: Congratulations Johnny on your victory. I think we are going to have a hell of a match at Kingdom Come.

Johnny looks at the hand and almost immediately shakes it.

Scumm: Thanks X. Good luck out there tonight against Blade. Try not to get hurt man. I don’t wanna have to go easy on you haha.

X: Johnny, Blade says he’s going to destroy the credibility of this belt by beating me. I’m going to take pride in restoring its legacy when I beat him out there tonight.

X and Scumm nod and Triple X leaves. Chris cracks open another beer and the party resumes for Johnny Scumm.
Anderson: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!


Strikeforce makes their way out to the top of the entrance ramp to a loud pop from the crowd. As Howard makes his way down the ramp, Stormrage rushes down and high fives the fans around the ring before sliding into the ring. Howard climbs up and enters the ring before each man climbs up in a separate corner before posing for the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined 538 lbs, Strikeforce!

Connor: These two have been on an incredible run going into Kingdom Come. Before they can reach that point however, they face a stiff test in Steven Holmes and Constantine.

Cohen: That's if Constantine can get his act together and help Holmes dominate these two rookies.


Constantine makes his way out to a mostly positive reaction from the crowd as he stands on the top of the entrance stage. He throws his arms into the air before walking down the entrance ramp, a determined look on his face. He slides into the ring and lifts his arms up to another reaction from the crowd.

Anderson: And their opponents, first weighing in at 265 lbs, Constantine!


Steven Holmes gets met with thunderous boos from the crowd as he makes his way out to the entrance stage. He stands at the top and stares out at the crowd for a moment before making his way down the entrance ramp, a set of handcuffs spinning from his finger as he walks. As he reaches the ring he tosses the handcufffs to the side and enters the ring, holding his left arm in the air.

Anderson: And his partner, weighing in at 235 lbs, Steven Holmes!

Connor: After that vicious assault by Holmes on Meltdown, it's a wonder if Dave will be in any shape to compete at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: I hope he shows up. I want to see Holmes pick apart whatever is left of him on the biggest stage.

Holmes and Howards exit to their respective corners so Constantine and Stormrage start off. The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up. Constantine quickly applies a side headlock, wrenching on Stormrage's head. Mikey hits a few shots to the midsection before backing Constantine into the ropes, sending him across. Constantine hits a hard shoulder block, knocking Mikey to the mat. Constantine runs and bounces off the ropes again as Mikey gets up and hits a hard clothesline, sending him down to the mat once more. Constantine yells and poses while Mikey backs up into his corner. He reaches out and Howard tags in as Constantine paces back and forth. Constantine goes to lock up but Howard hits a few kicks to the shin, moving swiftly around the former politician. Howard hits a few quick jabs as well, keeping Constantine a distance away from him. Constantine finally grabs hold of Howard's arm and pulls him forward, driving his shoulder right into Howard's. Howard grimaces in pain as Constantine does it again, one more time only Constantine drives his knee right into the midsection. He spins under Howard's arm and applies an arm wrench, dragging him to his corner and tagging in Holmes who walks in slowly, delivering a hard right to the ribcage of Howard. Howard drops to one knee but Holmes doesn't let up, grabbing hold of him and delivering a belly to back suplex. He quickly goes for the cover, 1........2....Howard kicks out.

Connor: Holmes has always been highly trained in his suplexes. He can easily keep his opponent grounded with those attacks as Howard is finding out right now.

Cohen: I hope Dave is watching this match, he'll enjoy the kind of beatdown he's looking towards at Kingdom Come.

Holmes sits Howard up and applies a chinlock, pressing his elbow into the side of his head with his other arm. Howard grabs hold of Holmes' arm, trying to fight out of the hold. Howard turns and gets to his knees, slowly pulling himself up before hitting a few elbow strikes to the ribs to break the hold. Holmes releases the hold but counters with a hard right, stunning Howard momentarily. Holmes bounces off the ropes and looks to go for a running high knee but Howard delivers a picture perfect dropkick, sending the Elite one rolling to the outside of the ring. Howard exits out of the ring and hits a few kicks to the midsection before driving a knee hard into Holmes' chest. Howard spins around the aristocrat and tosses him back into the ring. Holmes tries to get away and tag in Constantine but Howard grabs the leg and drags him to his corner, tagging in Mikey who comes in with an elbow drop across the back. He flips Holmes over and goes for the cover, 1.........2.....Holmes kicks out! Mikey quickly tags Howard back in before lifting Holmes up in a stalled suplex. Howard climbs the turnbuckle and comes flying off with a missile dropkick while Mikey drops Holmes down to the mat. Howard gets up and goes for the cover again, 1.............2........Holmes kicks out again!

Connor: So far Strikeforce is looking impressive tonight. They've had limited time to gel but they are working well together.

Cohen: They've caught Holmes off guard, let him regroup and he'll put an end to these chumps.

Howard lifts Holmes up to his feet and sends him into the corner. Howard delivers a hard chop across the chest, forcing Holmes to cover up. Holmes slides underneath the top rope to the outside, forcing the ref to get in the middle and trying to push Howard away. Holmes leans over the ref and delivers an eye poke, sending Howard back holding his face as he tries to regain his vision. Holmes gets back in and hits a running high knee, knocking Howard down hard. Holmes grabs hold of him and drags him to the corner, tagging in Constantine who enters and delivers a few hard stomps. He lifts Howard to his feet and sends him into the ropes, connecting with a hard lariat. Constantine drops a knee across the forehead of Howard before going for the pin, 1...........2......Howard kicks out! Constantine doesn't let up and immediately hits numerous mounted punches until the ref forces Constantine to step away. Howard is lifted to his feet and sent into the corner, Constantine hits a hard clothesline and sends Howard into the corner. Holmes is tagged in and steps in, stomping away at Howard before pressing his foot to the side of the head. At the count of four Holmes pulls away, distracting the referee for Constantine to attack. Constantine doesn't make a move however as Howard tries to pull himself back up in the corner. Holmes, believing that Constantine has continued the assault, moves the ref out of the way only for Howard to suddenly jump up and take down Holmes, hitting shots to the midsection. Holmes tries to cover up but Howard is relentless, finally rolling off of Holmes and jumping to make the hot tag to Mikey. Mikey comes in and hits the Level Up, sending Holmes crashing to the mat. Constantine doesn't move from the corner as Mikey lifts Holmes up, connecting with a big backbreaker! He drops him down and goes for the pin, 1..........2......Holmes kicks out!

Connor: Stormrage is fired up and running on all cylinders as Holmes looks staggered from the attack!

Cohen: What the hell is Constantine doing? He's just standing there instead of helping his partner when given the opportunity!

Mikey motions for his finisher Game Over and lifts Holmes up, in position but Holmes floats over and is able to tag in Constantine suddenly. Constantine looks down towards Holmes then to Mikey before slowly getting into the ring. Holmes begins to pull himself up in the corner meanwhile as does Howard. Constantine gets the jump on Mikey with a few hard rights before whipping him into the ropes. He lifts him up off the rebound and drops him down with a sidewalk slam. Mikey is laid out on the mat as Constantine gets up. He turns towards Holmes who has begun arguing with the referee. While arguing he kicks something towards Constantine, who lowers down and picks up the pair of brass knuckles. He looks at Mikey and Howard then back at the brass knuckles before tossing them out of the ring! The crowd pops as Holmes is beside himself. He jumps off the apron and goes to collect the weapon as Constantine lifts Mikey up. Holmes places the knux on his hand and climbs back up in his corner. Constantine delivers a swinging back breaker and shoves him down and goes for the cover, 1..........2......Howard runs in and breaks up the pin. The ref goes to move Howard back to his corner as Constantine lifts Mikey up and whips him towards his corner, Holmes swings and connects with the brass knuckles! Mikey staggers and turns right into the Axis of Evil! Constantine goes for the cover just as the ref notices, 1............2.............3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Steven Holmes and Constantine!

Connor: Holmes used the brass knuckles but I don't think Constantine noticed!

Cohen: He did what was necessary to win. Constantine better appreciate that.

Constantine is back to his feet and the ref raises his arm. Holmes enters the ring and holds Constantine's arm up as well. As the ref exits the ring, Constantine notices the brass knuckles on Holmes' hand still, and he forcibly withdraws his arm away. Mikey and Howard exit the ring, making their way to the back as Constantine begins yelling at Holmes for the use of the weapon. Holmes fires right back and the two bicker back and forth.

Connor: This does not bode well for this partnership.

Constantine shakes his head and walks past Holmes, exiting the ring and up the entrance stage as the crowd boos Holmes mercilessly as a sly smirk forms on his face.

Cohen: Perhaps, but they got the job done tonight, just as they should at Kingdom Come in both of their matches.


Vance Bateman is shown walking down a hall. He reaches the dressing room for Ty Burna. He knocks on the door and no sooner that he does that two figures approach him from behind.

Burna: Bateman, my colleague for what could perhaps be our last Ascension, what brings your presence to my dressing room.

Bateman: Like you don't know Ty, Showtime was attacked in his dressing room not very long ago.

Burna: Ahhh Showtime, my old rival, that is very unfortunate to hear. Is he alright?

Bateman: Of course he's all right. Dragon got there not long after the assailant attacked him. He then escaped through the bathroom window. Now quit playing dumb with me Burna, I know either you of your Chaos members were behind this and...

Burna: Vance... as you can see by the bags and luggage that Serafina and I had to drag from our limo because of your poorly run show, maybe you'd see that we just arrived. Our plane touch landed about an hour ago and look at me, I'm not dressed to be sliding through windows. And it couldn't have been any of my Apostles because they were out there in the ring with you when it all went down, weren't they.

Bateman:..... ya.

Burna: So then it must've been someone else. Now... I don't want this to ruin our friendship Bateman. I want you to know that when I win at Kingdom Come and have complete control of WZCW that you will always have a job in this company... working for me. Now one piece of advice Bateman. You say Dragon was there. Who's to say he wasn't the only one. At this point Bateman... you need to be sure to be sure of who is on your side. You never know when there might be a mole nearby.

Burna winks at Bateman and then brushes Vance to the side and enters his dressing room, Serafina close behind.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Saboteur!


The crowd pops as they await the arrival of the masked man as they all look towards the entrance. A few moments pass and there is no sign of Saboteur. The crowd begins to buzz on where he's at when suddenly Action Saxton is sent flying past the curtain to the top of the entrance stage. Saboteur emerges wearing a wig and fake mustache, a pair of aviators placed over his eyes as the crowd pops. He poses at the top before kicking away at Saxton but Saxton has none of it and trips up Saboteur, sending him careening down the entrance ramp. Saxton is up and runs over to Saboteur, delivering rights and lefts before sending him into the ring. Saxton looks down and picks up Saboteur's aviators, placing them on himself before entering the ring. Saboteur tackles him down, thrashing at Saxton's face trying to get his sunglasses back.

Saboteur: You're not stealing my precious glasses from me!

Saxton: Watch me sucka, they look better on me anyway.

Saboteur: They go with the mask and the wig, it's a complete set!

Saxton: Give me back the spoon then!

Saboteur: Go to hell!

The two continue to battle on the ground over the sunglasses, each man getting a hold of one half and keep pulling. Suddenly the sunglasses snap, sending each man backwards across the ring. Saboteur sits up and holds up his half of the glasses and begins breathing heavy at the sight of his glasses being broken. He yells as he gets up and charges Saxton again, only Saxton side steps him and Saboteur goes flying through the ropes to the outside. Suddenly the music of Vance Bateman plays as the Ascension GM makes his way to the top of the entrance stage.

Vance: That's enough you two! This time was set aside so you two could air out your grievances not tear each other apart in an unsanctioned fight. I have no choice but to throw both of you out of the arena immediately. Security!

Security emerges from the back and begins walking to the ring. Saboteur is still down on the outside and two large guards pick him up and begin carrying him away. Saxton doesn't go out without a fight however but the guards swarm him and soon they carry him towards the back as well. As they exit to the back, the camera follows them. They reach the exit and they toss both Saxton and Saboteur out of the arena. A few moments later both men are sitting up and look towards each other.

Saxton: So what do we do now?

Saboteur looks down at his broken glasses again and looks towards Saxton.

Saboteur: I exact my revenge for my glasses!

Saboteur springs up as does Saxton and the brawl begins again out in the parking lot before moving out into the street.

We see Mick Overlast backstage with Blade. Overlast is having a tantrum of sorts, pounding on the lockers. Blade smirks and this only infuriates Overlast further.

"What!! What is so bloody funny!"

"You. You're going to give yourself a coronary or something."

"That was my chance and those pricks got in the way."

"It simply.....wasn't meant to be."

Blade can barely contain his grin but Overlast is steaming mad.

"You....don't you dare throw destiny in my face. You used that to get me on board and we are falling apart."

Blade stands up straight and looks earnestly at his student.

"What do you expect me to do Mick?"

"Make up for not being in my corner earlier. Kick Triple X's ass."


Blade seems entirely nonplussed by that notion but Overlast is having none of it.

"I mean it. Do something that proves we belong on the Kingdom Come card."

Blade walks off, leaving Overlast with the after-effects of his fury.
The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a non title match!!

On his way to the ring from Dublin, Ireland, he weighs in at 235 lbs, he is the Son of Destiny, BLADE

“There’s been massive talk of Blade having his final match in this very arena here tonight. Surely he will stay for his third Kingdom Come?”

“What would be the point? Everyone who is on his level is in a match already! Blade wouldn’t lower himself to the standard of the everyday man.”


And his opponent, from Phoenix Arizona, he weighs 200 lbs, the Elite X Champion, Triple X!!!

“This kid is going to have one heck of a challenge. Blade would deserve to get a title match in Dallas if he wins tonight!”

“Don’t sleep on Triple X, this kid is special!”

X runs out to the stage, hyping the crowd with his energy and acknowledging the great reaction he has. He points around the arena before pointing at Blade in the ring and he sprints down to the ring and straight underneath the bottom rope. He faces upto Blade but ducks his attempted clothesline, bounces off the ropes behind him and hits a spinning heel kick! Blade gets up quickly but X hits an enziguri! The Son of Destiny bails to the outside to take a second to recover his composure. At the top of the ramp, Mick Overlast emerges and he makes his way to ringside to confer with his mentor. Blade seems irked that Overlast has appeared but the student seems to make it clear that he wants to support him.

“Why is Overlast here? He had his chance to face X at Kingdom Come and failed.”

“This is Blade’s match and the Sons stick together.”

Triple X seems to hint hitting a dive onto both men but Overlast takes offence to this and mounts the apron to berate the Elite X Champion. Blade demands that he gets down and the official warns him about his conduct. Overlast declares innocence and Blade pulls him away, before slowly getting into the ring, X allows this without conflict.

“Triple X had the upper hand at the start of this match but he let Blade start over.”

“Yeah that’s going to be a mistake.”

X then offers to tie up with Blade but the veteran takes him down with ease. A hiptoss and then an arm drag leads to an attempt at the Halo but X fights out of it. Blade takes him down with a spinebuster instead, goes for a cover, 1.....2.....Triple X gets a shoulder up. Blade slaps the mat and brings the youngster to his feet whilst keeping control with a waistlock. Blade goes for a German suplex but X forces him back into the turnbuckle. The impact forces Blade to relinquish the waistlock and hits an elbow smash to the face! Triple X gets across to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and charges at Blade, who lifts him up but X hits the Yoshi Tonic! X covers, 1....2....he didn’t hook the leg.

“This Triple X is something else. He really does have a great energy, he reminds me of a young Austin Reynolds or David Cougar.”

“Why? Because he plays to the kids? The smart money is to bet that he will never be as good as Cougar.”

X gets up and smiles, with Blade still on the mat, he hits the moonsault X Press before running the ropes again and hitting the shooting star version of the same move; cover again by Triple X and he gets another two. X pauses before heading to the top rope, he sets for the Skyfall but Blade was playing possum! He sprints to the turnbuckle, jumps on the corner and throws Triple X across the ring with a massive powerslam!

“Huge move by Blade!”

“A sign of true experience. Blade knows how to deal with high-flyers”; it’s been a year since he began his reign of destiny against another generic midget. Remember Chris Beckford?”

X has been devastated by the impact and Blade is desperately trying to crawl across the ring. He gets on his hands and knees and lays an arm across X’s chest. 1......2......Triple X kicks out!

“That was a remarkable kickout by X!”

Blade picks up X and drags him to the centre of the ring. He locks in the cloverleaf in the middle of the ring, X makes a great effort by dragging him and Blade much closer to the ropes, Overlast sneaks around to the ring and faces X, who is reaching out for the bottom rope but Overlast pulls the bottom rope away from X. The ref sees this and forces the break. Blade thinks he has won until the official explains. Blade gets out of the ring and then demands that Overlast leaves ringside. Overlast does reluctantly head to the top of the ramp where he turns to continue watching the match.

“Damn Mick Overlast!”

“Mick just wants to help his teacher. There’s nothing wrong with that!”

“I’m not sure Blade agrees. He looks pissed!”

When Blade does eventually get back in the ring, Triple X is almost back on his feet. Blade goes straight for the Blade Runner but X flips himself around and hits the Adrenaline Rush!! Cover, 1.....2......No, Blade barely kicks out! X looks gutted but he carries on. This time he picks up Blade and whips him to the ropes but he reverses it, X hits the Flying Chuck that connects the fierce impact. X sets for the Heart Stopper but Blade pushes him away and reverses it into the Halo but X blocks it again. Blade whips him to the ropes and X hits X Rated!!! Cover, 1.....2.....3!!!

Your winner by pinfall, the Elite X Champion, Triple X!!

“Another huge win for Triple X, he rides a massive wave of momentum to his first Kingdom Come!”

“What a crock! That was terrible officiating!”

Triple X receives his title from ringside and heads around the ring with it in the air. Mick Overlast returns to the ring and lifts up his defeated mentor. Blade shoves him off and begins to walk away but Overlast pulls him back.

“Hey, what’s going on here!”

“Lesson in progress, Blade is right to be annoyed!”

Blade gets in Overlast’s face and pokes him in the chest with a finger. Overlast raises his hands and backs off. Blade turns to leave but Overlast drags him back. Blade is angry and loudly tells Mick that enough is enough.

"Blade looks ready for one more fight, this time with his protege!"

Overlast backs off and opens the ropes for Blade but the veteran rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. Both men leave looking thoroughly pissed off with events.

"Well neither man seem to be in a position to get onto the Kingdom Come show, so it's no wonder tempers boiled over."


Showtime is shown on camera standing next to Becky Serra.

Serra: Showtime, earlier in the show you were attacked in your dressing room. How are you feeling?

Showtime: How do I feel? Well physically I feel fine. The guy hit me from behind. Knocked me down and stomped on me for a little bit until he ran off. Never got a good look at him. Emotionally, yea maybe I'm a little pissed. I have a lot of enemies, but if you're going to beat me down, do the job right and keep me down, because right now here on Ascension fighting Ty Burna I have no time for somebody's game. I have a job, to make Ty tap out yet again, and nothing is going to stop me from doing that.

Showtime walks away from Becky down the hall towards the ring. Clapping is heard as Showtime walks beside Barbosa who started clapping after Showtime's speech. He simply smiles at Showtime as David shakes his head at him and continues walking. Barbosa turns to watch Showtime leave. Behind him we can see Black Dragon watching him from a distance.

Connor: Folks coming up, possibly the biggest main event in Ascension history. Showtime David Cougar faces Ty Burna. That match is next.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event of the evening!!!

Cohen: And what a match it is going to be, folks. A direct mirror of the Kingdom Come 3 main event between Ty Burna and Showtime David Cougar.

Connor: Matches like these don't come along very often, Jack. This is going to be one Hell of a match if both of these guys can keep their thoughts together long enough to pin the other.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds. He is the co-owner of WZCW and the Master Of Chaos... Ty Burna!

Ty appears to the audience as a solitary pyre of flame billows on the stage. He scans the audience with a scowl etched into his facial features. His disdain at being on a show other than his own is clearly troubling the Harbinger Of Chaos. The Ascension audience boos loudly as Ty begins to walk down the ramp. Even in the flickering lights of the arena, his troubles are plain to see. Walking towards the ring, people volley abuse in his direction but it does not bother the former World Champion who seems focussed on the match ahead of him.

Connor: Ty Burna has come a long way since Meltdown 23, Jack. He's a former Mayhem Champion, EurAsian Champion, World Champion and Lethal Lottery winner. And now he controls half of this business. His accomplishments are great and numerous.

Cohen: And throughout that time, his opponent tonight has been a continual obstacle. Both of them have fought each other, tooth and nail, since their débuts in this company and neither man will want to lose this match on the eve of Kingdom Come 4.

As Ty reaches the ring, he climbs the steps methodically. He stands on the apron for a second, looking deep into the eyes of a Showtime supporter behind the security barriers. He draws a look off of the supporter and enters the ring, walking solemnly around the four corners before standing in one spot and focussing on the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 213 pounds... “Showtime” David Cougar!

Showtime emerges from behind the curtain as the crowd begin to show their appreciation for Ty Burna's opponent. Showtime looks nonplussed by the reception he receives and quickly makes his way down the ramp, eyes focussed on the challenge that awaits him in the ring.

Cohen: Showtime David Cougar and Ty Burna will give everything in this match, that's fair to say. These two men have had some great battles in the past, culminating in the main event of Kingdom Come 3. Showtime is one of very few men who have taken Ty Burna all the way and I'm sure that will cross Ty's mind tonight.

Connor: Even if he wont admit it, Jack. Showtime and Ty are no strangers. They know each other inside out at this point and it makes for a scintillating match tonight.

Showtime reaches the bottom of the ramp and looks at Ty for a moment. Their eyes lock as the tension in the air begins to build. The fans at ringside know how much this match means to both men as Showtime finally climbs the steps into the ring and stands across the ring from one of his fiercest foes.

Connor: This match has “classic” written all over it. Ty Burna will be looking to show how dangerous he is heading towards Kingdom Come 4. And Showtime will have his hands full with Black Dragon and Barbosa at the main event.

Cohen: It's not everyday that Ty Burna is a warm-up match for anything but you've got to think that both men's minds will be elsewhere.

Connor: Well they're going to have to focus on this match or their opponent might make sure that they don't even reach Kingdom Come and only see it from a hospital bed.

Showtime and Ty continue their stare-down as the referee makes his final checks and calls for the bell. A huge applause goes around the arena as the two fearsome warriors size each other up for the last time and begin to circle the ring. Neither man wants to give anything away to his opponent in the early goings on this match and the eventual tie-up finally comes, both men struggle for the advantage. Finally, Ty lands a knee to the gut of his opponent that is met with a boo from the crowd. Ty presses home his advantage with another knee that seems to hit Show in the same place as he bends over again. The crowd seems white hot as Ty lands a beautifully executed kick to the back of Show's neck, causing the golden-haired competitor to meet the canvas for the first time in the match. Ty allows a sneer to cross his features as Show begins to get to his feet. There is a sharp intake of breath as Ty nails Show with a devastating boot to the gut as he gets on his hands and knees. The resounding noise of the boot carries around the arena as Show buckles and meets the canvas once again. Ty quickly drops to the canvas himself and gets in the face of his opponent, silently contemplating thoughts in his head whilst staring in the pained eyes of Showtime. Ty pulls Showtime over with power and covers him, forcing his elbow into the face of his opponent. Showtime quickly kicks out, to the relief of the crowd at ringside.

Cohen: Brutality is the name of the game for Ty Burna.

Connor: Well, he told us on Meltdown last night that he was here to prove a point to Steven Kurtesy and so far that's what he has done.

Ty gets to his feet and is immediately back on the attack as he begins a great succession of attacks, beginning with a few different punches and kicks and finally culminating with a brainbuster that seems to leave Showtime struggling to take in the start to the match he has had. As Showtime lies on the canvas, that same smarmy smile that crossed Ty's face moments before appears once again. The crowd begin to chant for “Showtime” as he begins to get to his feet once more. Ty isn't shocked by the resilience of his opponent and it looks as though he is planning to put Showtime away at this early stage of the match. He signals for the Consecrated Banishment as the crowd attempt to warn Showtime of the danger that is about to befall him. As Showtime turns around to meet his opponent, Ty attempts to land his finishing move. The wily Showtime, however, has the former World Champions scouted well and dodges the move with nothing to spare. Ty lands hard on the canvas as Showtime begins to formulate his revenge. Ty clutches his back and as a look of agony becomes prevalent in his eyes. Showtime immediately begins to ware down his opponent with a few stomps to the gut and torso of the Master Of Chaos. The crowd cheer with every landed shot as Showtime continues his assault. After a while, Showtime picks up his opponent and drives him into the corner with some brutal knife-edge chops to the chest. The crowd unleash an approving noise for every shot that lands. Showtime whips Ty across the ring and follows up nicely with a running body splash that takes Ty to the canvas, hunched over. Showtime looks at Ty for a moment before landing an enziguri to the side of Ty's head. Ty crumples to the canvas as Showtime drags him into the middle of the ring. The time taken by Showtime means that the cover, when it comes, only reaches a 1 count before Ty is able to roll the shoulder out and save the match.

Connor: A near fall from Showtime as this match swings back in his favour.

Cohen: For now. Like we said, Cat, these two men have a fabled history with each other. There's nothing that either man can do that hasn't been scouted many times before.

Showtime looks as though he has recovered from the earlier beat down by Ty and looks to further his advantage in the match as he picks up his opponent. Showtime lands a knee to the gut of Ty, a small measure of revenge for the knees that damaged his gut earlier on the match. The crowd clap for the passion that Showtime seems to be showing in the face of the most powerful man in WZCW. Showtime follows his knee up with a beautiful snap suplex that takes Ty to the canvas. Without breaking the hold, Showtime pulls Ty to his feet once more and lands another snap suplex. Again, Showtime pulls Ty to his feet and finishes off the attack with a concluding snap suplex that rocks Ty to the core. Showtime gets to his feet once again and looks out into the crowd. A smile appears on his face for the first time in the match as he presses home the advantage he has gained now. He signals into the crowd that he is going to take things up a level before going outside of the ring and onto the apron. With steady feet, he begins to climb to the top rope. With each passing step, he goes higher and higher until, finally, he stands on top of the ropes, targeting a weakened Master Of Chaos. Showtime launches himself off of the ropes and manoeuvres in mid-air, looking for the elbow drop that he has so put so much faith in. Wrongly, as it turns out. At the very last second, Ty rolls out of the way, causing Showtime to make contact with the unforgiving canvas. Both Ty and Showtime remain on the canvas for a short time as the referee begins a double count.

Cohen: What an idiot!

Connor: I wouldn't agree with your summation of the situation in those words, Jack. But Showtime has certainly taken away dome of his momentum with that decision.

Cohen: Yeah, like I said... Idiot.

Showtime is the first to his feet and is quickly followed by his opponent. Showtime aims for the head of Ty with a spinning clothesline but the wilt co-owner of WZCW ducks under the arm of his opponent and drives him down to one knee by landing a well-executed elbow to the face. With Showtime down on one knee, Ty takes this time to lock in a chokehold that leaves Showtime squirming. Ty cranks up the pressure on the hold as the referee checks the legality of his attack. Showtime struggles to get to the ropes on one knee as Ty applies yet more pressure on the wind-pipe of the former Lethal Lottery winner. The referee continually checks on Show's well-being but he is not out of this match yet. Ty's face shows a look of demented frustration as Showtime refuses to give up to his hold. With one gathering of energy, Showtime lunges a solitary hand towards the ropes and just makes it, grasping them with a desperate grip. The referee calls for the break of the hold but Showtime is not so lucky. Ty yanks him back into the middle of the ring and nails him with an elegantly executed double-underhook backbreaker that causes another sharp intake of breath from the crowd, and more importantly, causes severe damage to the back of David Cougar. Ty quickly gets to his feet once more and hoists Showtime to a vertical basis too. Showtime uses one of his hands to support his back as he gets to his feet, only to be met with a greatly effective backbreaker that Ty holds in position, applying yet more damage to the depleted back of his opponent. Showtime lets out a yell of agony as Ty applies the submission and cranks back on the arms to apply more pressure to the hold. Showtime looks to be in a world of trouble as Ty sneers down at him.

Connor: This could be the end right here, folks.

Cohen: Take it from me, Cat, there is nothing more painful in the ring than someone focussing on your back. It takes everything out of the game. This is the end right here.

The referee checks on Showtime, who is still feeling the effects of the ongoing submission. However, a fight begins to ensue as Showtime's arms begin to shake frantically. Soon enough, he is lifting himself off of the knee of Ty and getting to his feet once more. The look of shock on Ty's face tells a story of resilience as Showtime finally gets back to his feet and nails Ty with a headbutt to break the hold. Ty recoils in pain as Showtime utilizes a swift elbow to the jaw, followed by a stiff shot to the jaw of the former World Champion. Ty is struggling to deal with the recovery of Showtime and this is illustrated as Show bounces off of the ropes and hits Ty with a spear out of the blue. The crowd is stunned as Showtime rolls off of his opponent and reaches for the ropes, his back still causing him some difficulties. Soon enough, however, the race is on to get back on a vertical basis for both men. Ty reaches his feet before Showtime and look to regain the advantage with a lariat. Showtime seems to be in the ascendancy though and avoids contact before hitting Burna with superb superplex. The crowd cheers loudly this time as Showtime crawls over to Ty and locks in a submission of his own: an arm bar that seems to have the desired effect as Ty begins to squirm in pain.

Connor: A measure of revenge for Showtime as Ty struggles against his submission attempt.

Cohen: It's an inconsistent match thus far, Cat. Both of these men are going tit for tat. Neither man can stand being upstaged by the other. It's been that way since they started their careers.

Showtime applies more pressure to the arm of Ty Burna as Ty reaches out for the ropes. He is still a long way away from safety, however, as Showtime pulls on the arm of his opponent. Ty reaches, inching closer to the ropes with every time he throws an arm in the direction of the ropes. He is only centimetres away now, as Showtime struggles to keep the move locked in. As Ty makes one final stretch for the ropes, Showtime breaks the hold and pulls him back into the middle of the ring, the ruthlessness shown causes the the crowd to emit a strange reaction as Showtime looks to lock in the arm bar once again. However, as he does, Ty rolls him over and manages to cover his opponent. The referee counts the fall. 1... 2... Show manages to roll a shoulder out. Showtime gets onto his knees and looks at Ty with resentment and surprise as Ty hoists himself to his knees too. Both men get to their feet and begin slogging out a battle with shot after shot to the other's face. With every shot, the crowd seems more engrossed in the match, cheering and booing as each force lands another savage shot to the other man. Both men are unwilling to give up, even as the effects of a brutal match take their toll on them. Eventually, Ty is the man to take control, launching a flurry of shots in quick succession that takes Showtime out of his element. Ty follows this up with a running high knee that takes Showtime down to the canvas. The crowd bite their nails as it looks as though Ty is about to add another win to his career. Showtime is down and Ty knows that he is in control. Ty pulls Showtime to his feet and immediately nails him with Mo' Murda. Show crumples to the canvas and is quickly covered by the Mayhem boss. 1... 2... Show just manages to kick out.

Cohen: Unreal!

Connor: I don't quite believe what I am seeing here, folks. Neither man has what it takes to put the other man away seemingly. Both have shown more determination than any of us thought they could. Especially with Kingdom Come only weeks away.

Ty is growing more confident now and as he gets to his feet, he signals to the crowd that this match is not long for the world. The crowd erupts with hate as Ty stands over David Cougar, grabbing him by the hair. He pulls him up, yanking at the golden locks of his opponent in the process. The referee warns Ty and intervenes quickly, pulling Ty's hand from the hair of Showtime. Ty spins and knocks the hand of the referee away before staring a hole through the official. As he looks at the referee, Showtime nails him with the Backstage. The crowd explodes as both men fall to the canvas due to Show's favoured move. Both men are down and show no signs of moving. Even Showtime is incapacitated as the effects of the math become abundantly clear. The referee, who has played a huge part in this match, begins a double count as Showtime begins to stir once again. The will of the crowd is behind Show as he slowly drags himself towards the motionless body of Burna. With one final push, he raises an arm and drops it across the chest of Ty. The crowd chant in unison as the referee counts the fall. 1... 2........ Kick out! Show cannot believe it and, even in his weakened state, lets out a show of exhaustion as Ty rolls a shoulder out. Showtime is struggling but somehow manages to get back to his unsteady feet. He looks down at the opponent who has put him through Hell in this match and a plan begins to formulate. He grabs the legs of Ty and slowly manages to lock in the Commercial Break. Ty screams a blood-curdling scream as Show arches his back to apply a tremendous amount of pressure and pain onto Ty. Ty struggles for a moment but is getting no closer to the ropes and his relief.

Connor: Another submission attempt but this time, it is the Commercial Break that is doing the damage to Ty.

Cohen: And many men have fallen to this submission. I wouldn't be surprised if another name is added to that list right here and right now.

The tenacity on Show's face tells a story as he tries to kill this match off finally. However, Ty is nearing the ropes with every pull of his body. It is not without massive effort or pain though as Ty's lights up with agony as he reaches out once again. With a final effort, Ty reaches the bottom rope for a second time in the match as a sweep of relief crosses his features finally. Show is infuriated at the character and resilience of the Meltdown boss as he holds his head in his hands for a moment. He walks over to the corner and slouches into in silent contemplation. Beating Ty has always proven difficult and Showtime is illustrating that point perfectly. Showtime gets to his feet again before signalling that he is ready to end this match with The Final Act. The crowd are excited by the prospect of that and cheer loudly again. Showtime pulls Ty to his feet slowly and drags him across the ring. He looks determined to finish this match as he forces Ty into the corner of the ring. He lifts Ty's almost lifeless body onto the top rope with some degree of difficulty. He quickly joins Ty there and pulls him to his feet. There is a struggle for a moment as Show attempts to finish the match. From nowhere, however, Ty lands the Consecrated Banishment, causing both men to tumble from their elevated position. Show lands across the ring and Ty falls to beneath the turnbuckle. The crowd are absolutely stunned with what they are seeing and there is a hushed tension in the arena.

Connor: Unbelievable from Ty Burna! Absolutely unreal!

Cohen: That's it! No one survives that! David Cougar could be dead for all we know.

Ty begins to move, his only thought of finally covering Showtime and ending this brutal match. He moves his body towards Show, crawling every so much towards his opponent every time. He raises a hand and drops it across the chest of Showtime as the crowd holds it's breath. 1...... 2...... Show manages to kick out! An immediate chant of “HO-LEE SHIT” resonates around the arena as the fans sound their appreciation for the efforts of both men. Ty looks stunned for a second before shaking his head in disbelief once again. It seems as though he is out of ideas as he struggles to his feet one more time. He is exhausted and is finding it difficult to remain standing at this point. He looks at Showtime and then pulls him to his feet with a pained look on hi face. Even the struggle of getting Show to his feet is proving a test for the former World Champion. Showtime eventually reaches his feet, he too is exhausted from the fight. Ty Burna looks in his eyes for a second before attempting a second Consecrated Banishment. A burst of sudden energy in his opponent though catches Ty unawares as Show grabs his flailing leg. With Ty on the ground, Show struggle with the Master Of Chaos until Ty is on his back, the Commercial Break locked in for a second time in the match. There is nothing Ty can do but struggle to the ropes. This time, however, hi body is not responding to his will. This match has taken everything from him but his determination. The referee checks on Ty to see if he wants to continue but Ty is fading fast. Show screams at Ty to tap out but the character of Ty will not allow it. He is not even attempting to reach the ropes now as Show arches his back further and further, piling more pressure onto a pained Ty Burna. Ty looks around the audience as they beg for him to tap out to his opponent but Ty will not give them the satisfaction.

Connor: What a battle of wills we have here, Jack. Another Commercial Break as Show tries to finish off Ty. But Ty will not tap. He wont end the match with his hand hitting the canvas. He has too much pride and determination.

Cohen: And that pride might mean that he sees Kingdom Come from a wheelchair. Tap you idiot!

At that, the Apostles of Chaos appear on the stage, their eyes are fixed on Showtime and Ty in the middle of the ring. Chris KO gives the order as Alhazred and James King begin their descent down the long ramp. From nowhere, the members of Team WZCW launch themselves over the barriers and into the action, starting a beatdown on King and SHIT. There is a look of surprise on the face of KO as he orders the rest of the Apostles to get involved as their master struggles in the ring, the hold unbroken. On the outside of the ring, both teams of men launch bitter and devastating attack on the other. Showtime is unconcerned with that however. His mind is fixed on Ty Burna tapping the mat for his win. Ty is struggling now and the pain of the move is beginning to beat him. He raise a hand, to the delight of the live audience. He is almost ready to tap when, from behind, Barbosa makes his way into the ring and clubs the back of Showtime, breaking the hold.

Connor: Chaos has taken hold of WZCW as frustration break out.

Cohen: I've never seen anything like this in my life, CC. Every man for himself is fully in action right now. There is destruction everywhere. Vendettas are being finally brought to the fore. This wont end any time soon.

Barbosa starts an attack on Showtime a Ty pulls himself to the ropes. He uses all of his remaining strength to pull himself up as Showtime takes a massive beating from the deranged Barbosa in the corner. After a struggle, Ty is finally able to get back to his feet. Barbosa turns to him and a wry smile appears on the face of the man with many personalities. Barbosa begins a slow walk towards Ty as The Master Of Chaos prepares himself for a new fight with a dangerous foe. More chaos ensues as, at the last minute, Black Dragon makes his presence felt by attacking Barbosa and ending them both out of the ring with a devastating clothesline. Ty rolls under the bottom rope, thankful for the interference from Dragon. Showtime finds his way to his feet and looks out at the destruction outside of the ring. On one side of the ring, Team WZCW and the Apostles Of Chaos are doing battle. On the other, a wounded Ty and a battling Dragon and Barbosa await him. He launches himself through the middle of the ropes, taking out Barbosa and Dragon. Ty smiles as he vaults over the ringside barriers and into the crowd. It seems that he has escaped punishment as carnage ensues.

Connor: Ty has gotten out of this mess and heads towards Kingdom Come...

Cohen: Think again, Cat!

That is until the onrushing Steven Kurtesy appears before him and lands a bounty of heavy shots to the face of Burna. Ty tries to fight back but the effects of the match before are taking their toll. He can barely stand now. Kurtesy looks as though he is going to end Ty before Kingdom Come arrives but as he looks to finish him, the lights dim and a noise of surprise resonates around the arena. As the lights flicker back on, Ty stands atop the steps across the arena a little, too far from Kurtesy anyway. Ty is weary and is on one knee but there is a slight smile on his face.

Connor: What an astounding main event we have had on the eve of Kingdom Come. For myself and Jack Cohen, we hope to see you there.

Kurtesy rages as he looks into the eyes of his Kingdom Come opponent. Both men stare each other down amongst the ensuing chaos as Ascension goes off of the air.
Who wrote what:

Dave - Ty Burna vs. Showtime
Harthan - Gordito vs. Matt Tastic
Funkay - Scumm vs. Cooper vs. Phoenix
Showtime - Backstage
Numbers - Blade vs. Triple X, Opening, Backstage
Ty - Strikeforce vs. Constantine/Holmes, Rush vs. Bomb, Saboteur/Saxton segment

Sorry for it being late guys, again this was on me and some poor planning. I hope you guys enjoy and I do apologize if my matches were a bit on the short side, trust me when I say KC will be killer.

AF should be up this evening.
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