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Ascension 47

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Pyro goes off through-out the arena as the crowd cheers wildly as the show has finally begun. The camera pans over everyone, seeing the various signs and audience members who trekked to see this episode of Ascension.


The crowd continues to cheer loudly as Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn come out in their casual clothing with the tag team championships on their shoulders. Both men raise their hands and proceed down the ramp, taking their time and spending time with the fans.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Austin Reynolds & Ricky Runn!

Connor: Welcome everyone to Ascension. I'm Cat Connors alongside Jack Cohen and we get to kick off the show with the tag team champions.

Cohen: Who could be walking out into their last show with those belts, CC. They've got to defend their titles later tonight against the Kings of Hate.

Connor: And we also have some other great matches as well featuring the entire cast of the Elimination Chamber in tag team action as well as Blade taking on Big Dave for our main event match which should be amazing if we remember the last time they faced... but right now, the champs look like they have something to say.

The champs have finally gotten themselves into the ring as the music has died down but the crowd still chanting "RRR" for the champions. Ricky is embracing the love whilst Reynolds is smiling at the fans, trying to start what the two came out here to do. The crowd finally quiets down as Reynolds lifts his microphone to speak.

Reynolds: A lot of you are probably going to criticise and be hipster at the announcement we're about to make by saying "oh we already knew about this match" but we wanted to come out here and officially make the official announcement, well official... in front of the officials.

Runn: I think they get that this is official, Austin.

The crowd laughs at their antics.

Reynolds: Runn was recently over in Japan and already spread the good news and I was talking with good old Johnny Klamor about it as well.

Mentions of the name garners a small mixed reaction.

Reynolds: And we are here to share it with you all.

Runn: Indeed... at Kingdom Come we have been scheduled to face not only the new upcoming team known as Strikeforce but a Subway footlong as well.

The crowd laughs.

Runn: And that got us thinking: what would be the best way to combat a sandwich?

Reynolds: What really got us was the fact that Strikeforce are already prepared, considering that they have Mikey Stormrage on their team.

Runn: That was a bit harsh, Austin.

Reynolds: Ah, he knows I'm only joking. The lad's a good kid... but all joking aside, we have been holding these belts for quite some time now and we figured that if we are going to head into Kingdom Come as the champions of the tag division facing off against two skilled tag teams who both would love to give you fans the best match possible for your entertainment, we asked ourselves: what can we do to spice things up a little?

Runn: And then it us: a match that has never seen the light of day in the history of WZCW but has aspects of the match that everyone knows and loves. I mean, it involves chairs and I'm pretty sure Austin is a big fan of the steel chair. You've taken out a lot of people with that thing haven't you?

Reynolds: It brings back memories, yes.

Runn: And I'm known as the Daredevil yet I haven't had the chance to properly utilise one of the best weapons in the trade for any hi-flier: being the ladder.

Reynolds: And we know that the fans love it when someone crashes through the Spanish announce table, shattering every bone in their body.

The crowd pops for the mention.

Runn: So we decided to add all three weapons together and make the stipulation for our match.

Reynolds: Tables

Runn: Ladders

Both: And chairs.

The crowd goes insane for the announcement, although some decide to be hipster to which Reynolds spots and laughs at.

Runn: And with Vance Bateman approving, it looks like the match is set in stone...


The crowd boos as the champions get interrupted by Joe West and Darren Bull, who come out on stage and stay at the top of the ramp with mics in their hands. They do not look very pleased at the RRR Express.

West: Set in stone, huh? Well, it looks like the two of you have forgotten that you guys are defending your titles tonight and could potentially lose your championships to the greatest tag team to step foot in a WZCW ring: the Kings of Hate.

The crowd continues to boo as West makes the statement.

Bull: So if I were you, I wouldn't be making any long-term plans with those belts.

Runn: Nor should you Joe. We made this epic match possible at Kingdom Come and we will not end up being the ones watching it happen from the sidelines.

Bull: What's stopping us from making you sit on the sidelines?

Reynolds: We're standing right here.

The crowd gets fired up as the RRR gets prepared for a fight as Bull goes to run down the ramp but West has other plans and holds his partner back. The Express continue coaxing them to fight but West stops it by pushing Bull back and not allowing him to go. The crowd boos as they see that no action is happening right this second.

West: We'll see you in the ring.

They drop their mics and West forces Bull to go backstage, leaving RRR in the middle of the ring. They pick up their belts and begin taunting for the fans again, prompting their music to play once more.

Connor: A major announcement here as the RRR will be set to battle Strikeforce and BLT in a TLC match.

Cohen: It's great they are looking toward the future but they need to concentrate on the here and now by preparing for their title defense later tonight against the Kings of Hate.

Connor: But before we get there, we have ourselves another tag match: Saxton & Saboteur team up to take on one of the challengers, Strikeforce.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 270 pounds... Action Saxton!

Saxton emerges after a moment to a huge pop from the crowd. He spars with thin air on the ramp for a second before calming himself and heading down the remainder of the ramp. He slides under the bottom rope before tearing the shirt from his back and tossing it into the crowd. He takes a look around the audience before staring with something between fury and worry at the entrance ramp, awaiting the emergence of his partner.

Connor: Action Saxton is gearing up for this tag team contest, looking to rebound from a tough loss last week that he argues was only as a result of Saboteur's crucial mistake.

Cohen: I have a question for you, Cat - mistake, or well calculated move? It seems to me maybe Saboteur's looking to move on to bigger and better things at the expense of his partner.


Anderson: And introducing next, his partner, weighing in at 196 pounds... Saboteur!

Saboteur blasts into sight from behind the curtain with a great display of energy. His adrenaline is there for all to see as he spins on the spot atop the stage. Taking a look round the excited crowd, Saboteur is blown away with the reaction he has received. He moves slowly down the ramp and exchanges some words with the crowd on either side of the walkway. He stops for a moment as blinding camera flashes fill the arena. Climbing the steps and into the ring, he mounts the turnbuckle before exchanging a look with Saxton. Saxton has a few words for Saboteur, who drops down off the turnbuckle and comes to speak with his partner. Saboteur has a few words of what look to be apology, and Saxton, though still looking angry, appears placated for now.

Connor: The tension between these two is palpable, but I just can't accept that Saboteur would do anything intentional to have taken out Saxton last week. It just doesn't make sense, Jack. Had they pulled off the win against our tag team champions, they could have gone on to Kingdom Come for a title shot.

Cohen: And suppose it isn't a tag title shot that Saboteur is interested in, huh? Remember that this it the man who beat Ty Burna at the height of his championship run. Maybe Saboteur thinks he can do the same - with the title on the line - after our glorious leader is crowned champion again at Kingdom Come.


Anderson: And introducing their opponents, at a combined weight of 538 pounds...James Howard and Mikey Stormrage... Strikeforce!

Howard and Stormrage walk onto the ramp, as Howard makes his way to the ring stretching and psyching himself up, Stormrage runs down one side of the ramp and up the other high-fiving fans and shadow boxing as he runs. Howard slides into the ring and runs to the far turnbuckle with one arm raised in the air as Stormrage ascends to the middle of the near turnbuckle signalling “Game Over”.

Connor: And these two gentlemen won a hard fought contest over Ace Stevens and the Mayhem Champion, Stevenson Marquel, on Aftershock last week. We've recently learned that thanks to that victory, they've entered a Triple Threat Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match at Kingdom Come for the World Tag Team Championship. And with the recent uncertainty surrounding the future of Runn Reynolds Runn, and Strikeforce firing on all cylinders, you have to wonder if we aren't looking at the next tag team champions, Jack.

Cohen: Don't get ahead of yourself there, Cat. So they won a match - big deal. Everyone knows that the only reason anyone's getting tag team title shots these days is because the division's full of rookies. You know who I miss? Mind Over Matter. The last proper champions in this division.

Connor: Be that as it may, Jack - Strikeforce may be rookies, but they've proven themselves a formidable tag team already. They look to be quite the challenge for Action Saxton and Saboteur right now and all this is in the build up to a potentially incredible TLC match at Kingdom Come.

Saxton and Saboteur re-enter the ring after sportingly obliging to vacate it for the entrance of their opponents. They stand in their corner and have a word with one another. After a few moments, Saboteur exits the ring Saxton prepares to begin. Meanwhile, Howard pats Stormrage on the back and exits. Stormrage looks back for a moment, slightly surprised, but pleased that Howard's trusted him to start things off. The referee takes a moment to ensure both teams are set and ready to go, then signals for the bell as Stormrage and Saxton circle to start the match off.

Saxton closes quickly and starts to throw punches, to which Stormrage covers up and retreats. Stormrage closes again but it met by a flurry of punches again from Saxton, causing him to retreat to his corner. Howard whispers in his ear for a moment while Saxton gets a bit of a confident smile. Stormrage nods and closes again. This time, Saxton starts to throw the punches again, but Stormrage, in a surprising show of agility, dodges a mean left hook. With Saxton exposed briefly, Stormrage gets in close and simply smothers Saxton, dropping him to the mat. Saxton is quick to his feet, but not quick enough to evade a knee straight to the face. He isn't so quick to get up this time as Stormrage excitedly goes for a quick cover, but Saxton, only dazed, kicks out at one. Stormrage gets up and pulls Saxton with him, going for an Irish Whip. He hurls him into his corner and follows with a corner avalanche. He tags in Howard, and gets Saxton up in a stalled suplex while Howard mounts the turnbuckle. Howard comes off the turnbuckle with a missile dropkick! He makes the cover as Stormrage quickly exits the ring, but Saxton kicks out at two.

Connor: This is the kind of efficient tag team work that we've come to expect out of Strikeforce and that we'll need to see out of Action Saxton and Saboteur tonight if they want to win.

Howard keeps the pressure on with repeated kicks to his downed opponent before the referee asks him to back off to check on Saxton. Saxton wants to continue and uses the momentary respite to pull himself up using the ropes. Howard closes quickly and measures an uppercut, landing it hard. He pulls Saxton away from the ropes a little bit and hits a quick snap suplex. He goes for a cover once more but gets only two. Howard backs off again and lets Saxton get to his knees, at which point he lays in with a flurry of kicks before finishing with a brutal kick to the head. Howard opts to tag in his partner instead of covering. Howard pulls Saxton to his feet and Irish Whips him into the ropes while Stormrage gets into position. Howard mistakenly throws Saxton too close to Saboteur, however, who tags in! Saxton rebounds and evades the leg sweep from Howard, throwing Stormrage off his rhythm, causing him to miss the crane kick. Saxton and Saboteur are now opposite sides of Stormage and Howard. They take their opponents down with tandem clotheslines and meet in the middle of the ring with a high 5!

Connor: And just like that all the momentum has shifted in this match, and it looks like these two are on the same page at last.

Cohen: Don't get ahead of yourself, Cat! If I was Action Saxton I wouldn't take my eyes off of Saboteur for a second.

Howard rolls out of the ring as Saxton exits, while Saboteur takes control of Stormrage. He pulls him up and maneuvers the big man toward an empty corner, dropping him with a shiranui. He goes for the cover but the big man forces his way out at one. Saboteur gets up and places a few kicks at Stormrage to keep him down. Mikey rolls into the ropes and the ref calls Saboteur off. Stormrage gets himself to his feet and staggers toward Saboteur. Saboteur immediately starts with the strikes, punching at Stormrage's face. Stormrage exploits his size and answers back, landing some big shots of his own. They trade blows in the center of the ring, with Stormrage looking like he's about to get the better of Saboteur until suddenly Saboteur hits Stormrage with a bell clap, followed by a devastating headbutt, completing the Super Saboteur! Stormrage is flailing wildly on his feet and Saboteur sneaks around, leaps onto his back and locks in a sleeper hold with a body scissors! Stormrage is struggling wildly but Saboteur has got it locked in tight. Stormrage can't get him off and sinks to a knee as he appears to be fading. He sinks to both knees and Saboteur is forced to relinquish the body scissors, but wrenches in even tighter on the sleeper hold. The ref checks Stormrage's arm and lifts it once...it falls. He lifts it once more...it falls. He lifts it once more...but before he can let go of it, Howard is flying into the ring off a springboard and breaks up the sleeper! Saxton is in and he's hot! He spins Howard around from behind and drops him with a roundhouse kick! He kicks Howard out of the ring and brawls with him briefly before they separate to their corners, as the two men in the ring are just getting up.

Connor: A necessary save for Howard there as it looked like Stormrage was out cold from a sleeper.

Cohen: Blatant cheating! But typically, the spineless referees in this organization don't do a thing about it.

Saboteur and Stormrage are both shaking the cobwebs out, Stormrage from the sick sleeper hold and Saboteur from the blow to the back of the head from Howard. Saboteur, unsurprisingly, is on his feet first and doesn't waste time. He knees Stormrage in the face and tries to whip him into his own corner, but the big man staves off the whip attempt, plants his feet, and reverses the whip into a clothesline! Saboteur is down as Stormrage attempts to get his head clear. By the time he seems ready to go Saboteur is getting back to his feet. When Saboteur is up, Stormrage quickly hits him with a belly to belly suplex and goes for a cover, but Saboteur gets a leg on the nearby rope to break the count up. Stormrage gets up and paces for a moment before Howard calls for him. Stormrage takes a look but decides to ignore the call for a tag, shaking his head and seeming to intimate that he has it under control. Howard looks frustrated and shouts again, drawing the ref over. Stormrage turns back to Saboteur, who has quickly taken notice of the situation and blatantly low blows Stormrage! Stormrage collapses and Saboteur scurries over to his corner and tags in Saxton. Howard looks distraught as the ref turns back to the action. Saxton takes control of Stormrage as Saboteur slips out of the ring to recover for a moment.

Connor: Miscommunication between Strikeforce cost them big time there.

Cohen: That great lummox should listen to his buddy! Seems like he at least knows what he's doing.

Saxton picks up Stormrage and goes after him with a punching combination, drawing on his boxing expertise. Stormrage is again difficult to take down despite all the punishment he's taken, thanks to his great size. He keeps the punches coming and finally, with a theatrical flourish, call to the crowd, and a patriotic salute, he throws the Megaton punch, dropping Stormrage to his knees at last. Saxton follows it up with the Kung Fu Buzzsaw Kick, knocking Stormrage silly. Howard is about to enter the ring but out of nowhere, Saboteur pulls his legs out from under him and Howard smacks his face hard on the ring apron. Saxton goes for the cover but Stormrage does just get a shoulder up. Saxton looks angry as he calls for Saboteur. Saboteur slides into the ring and takes Saxton's direction. They pull Stormrage up together and Saboteur takes hold of Stormrage's arms, pinning them as Stormrage struggles weakly. Saxton takes a few steps back, measures, and goes for Black Lightning...but incredibly, at the last moment, Stormrage overpowers Saboteur, breaks out of his grip, dodges, and the kick meets Saboteur square in the face! Saxton looks aghast as Saboteur is out cold. He turns around to meet James Howard flying into the ring with a springboard clothesline that knocks him off his feet! Howard yells to Stormrage to get him up, and Mikey lifts Saxton into a powerbomb position...Howard scrambles to the top rope, flies off, connects with the Chaos Theory as Stormrage slams Saxton to the mat with the Game Over, successfully completing the Headshot! Stormrage goes straight to the pin and get 1, 2, and 3!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners...Strikeforce!

Cohen: Hohoho, Cat, what did I tell you? These two are falling apart at the seams! Saxton got his revenge shot in tonight!

Connor: I just don't believe it, Jack! That was a complete accident.

Howard and Stormrage get up and have their hands raised and share a long look at one another. They celebrate, but Howard is clearly upset about the incident earlier in the match. They exit the ring and head up the ramp in muffled discussion with one another. Meanwhile, in the ring, Saboteur and Saxton are both getting to their feet. Their eyes meet, and they both stand quickly to attention. Saxton shakes his head, apologizing, but Saboteur gets in his face. They're both getting increasingly hotter, angrier, and louder. At the pivotal moment, Saboteur can be heard to say, "Well I think Shaft is a stupid movie!" and Saxton snaps, smacking Saboteur across the jaw! Saboteur holds his face for a moment and looks back at Saxton incredulously, before launching himself at him and the brawl is on!

Cohen: I told you! It's the end of these two! Haha!

Connor: Frustration is getting the better of these two friends, I'm sorry to say!

The brawl is heated and has the two moving. They spill out of the ring and keep it up on the outside. They just keep at each other as they move up the ramp and onto the stage, and slip back through the entrance way still going to town on one another.

Connor: We'll try to get a camera on these two when we come back!

Steven Holmes slowly walks out onto the top of the stage, ignoring the fan reaction he is receiving. He walks to the ring with a rather serious look on his face.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Buckingham, England, weighing 235 lbs, The Elite Steven Holmes! Already in the ring his opponent, from Puerto Rico, weighing 268 lbs, Armando Paradyse!

Paradyse throws his arms up and manages to get something of a cheer from the audience.

Connor: Paradyse getting a nice reaction for his return here tonight.

Cohen: Yea, but don't expect it to be a good return for him. One up and comer has already gotten the better of Holmes in recent weeks and The Elite one will most certainly not let a mistake like that ever happen to him again.

Holmes shuffles his feet inside the ring as the bell rings. The two opponents lock up, Paradyse with the size advantage starts to back up Holmes. Holmes quickly moves his feet and Scissor Sweeps Paradyse. Holmes follows bay locking in a Chinlock. Paradyse is near the ropes and manages to grab onto them. Holmes breaks the hold at 4 and backs up to the centre of the ring. Paradyse gets to his feet and faces Holmes who calls him over. The two meet at centre and lock up again. Paradyse goes for a knee to the midsection. Holmes side steps in. He grabs Paradyse from behind and has him in an Abdominal Stretch. Holmes pushes down with his free arm on Paradyse’s ribcage to apply extra pressure. The ref checks on Paradyse and as he does Holmes reaches back and grab onto the top rope. Paradyse cries out in pain and the ref sees Holmes holding the ropes and begins to a 5 count. Holmes lets go at 4 and then elbows the ribs of Paradyse dropping him to the mat. Holmes delivers boots to the chest and face of Paradyse, keeping him on the mat. Paradyse is down and Holmes bounces off the ropes and hits a Knee Drop. He goes for a cover. 1... 2. Paradyse kicks out.

Connor: All Holmes so far in this contest. It is not looking like it’ll be a good return for Paradyse.

Holmes stands over Paradyse and slaps the back of his head. Holmes lifts Paradyse to his feet and puts him in a Full Nelson, Superiority Complex. Paradyse swings his body around trying to shake Holmes off. Holmes has the move locked in tightly. Paradyse stands straight up and has Holmes off his feet. Paradyse runs back and crashes Holmes into the corner, breaking the hold. Paradyse paces back to centre and turns around going for a spear. Holmes moves and Paradyse goes shoulder first into the corner. Holmes paces around the ring a smile on his face for the first time in this match. He pulls Paradyse from the corner and lifts him onto the turnbuckle. Holmes climbs up to the top rope and pulls Paradyse to his feet. Superplex from the top rope. Holmes with the cover. 1... 2.... Paradyse just kicks out.

Cohen: Holmes is out here sending a message to his Kingdom Come opponent Big Dave. He’s been next to flawless so far here tonight.

Holmes stands up and begins to mimic the way Big Dave moves around the ring and even delivers signature taunt of Dave’s which gets the crowd really booing Holmes. Holmes turns to look at Paradyse who is on his knees. Holmes helps him to his feet and then lifts him up onto his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry position.

Connor: Holmes has Paradyse up on his shoulders and looks like he’s going for Big Dave’s Stamp of Authority.

Cohen: What an impressive display of strength by WZCW’s Elite one.

Holmes laughs as he has Paradyse on his shoulders. Paradyse swings his arms and begins to elbow Holmes. Holmes tires holding the larger opponent and Paradyse slides off the back and on his feet. Holmes turns around and Paradyse lifts him up in the air with a Flapjack, sending Holmes face first into the corner. Holmes turns and falls onto his bum, his head resting on the bottom turnbuckle. Paradyse bounces off the far ropes and comes charging in with a boot. Running Facewash in the corner. Paradyse slaps his chest and gets some cheers from the crowd. He turns back to Holmes and stomps his foot.

Connor: Holmes going for a big kick to end this match. Can he connect?

Holmes is to his feet and Paradyse shuffles towards him and goes for a kick. Holmes ducks under and Paradyse misses. Paradyse turns around and Holmes grabs him across the neck. Holmes hits a Lifting Side Slam.

Cohen: Checking Out. Holmes just hit Paradyse with one of Big Dave’s signature moves.

Paradyse rolls over on the mat. Holmes stands above him and lifts him up by the neck and has him in a Camel Clutch position, Aristocracy Reigns. Holmes rears back and yells at the audience. Paradyse has little fight left in him and soon taps out. Holmes throws him to the mat soon after and raises his arms.

Anderson: Your winner by way of submission, Steven Holmes!

Cohen: I hope Big Dave is watching in the back because Holmes just showed everyone here why he will defeat him at Kingdom Come. Holmes put on a wrestling clinic here tonight.

Connor: Certainly not the return Armando was hoping for. Holmes was 100% focused for his match and it showed. Big Dave will no doubt look to make a statement of his own later tonight when he faces Blade in our main event.

Holmes leaves the ring as the ref checks up on Paradyse. Holmes smiles up the entrance ramp and turns back to the ring and raises his arms to loud boos. He points to the audience and then to himself as he goes to the back.
We cut backstage where Vance Bateman is sitting in his office. The lights suddenly go out briefly before coming back up, only with James King standing in front of Bateman's desk.

King: I have a message from Ty.

Vance: Go on then. Actually, before you begin, tell him that I did not agree to a 5 on 5 match.

King: That's exactly what he sent me here for Vance. He says that while you came up with the match in the first place, he never got to put his personal spin on it. As half owner of WZCW he has used his power to make the match 5 on 5, with myself and Alex Bowen as his final two members of his team.

Vance sits back in his chair, contemplating the message.

Vance: And if I refuse to agree with the terms?

King: It has already been written into the contract.

Vance: Very well then, I will find a fifth member for Team WZCW.

King: Good to hear, Vance.

The lights go out and come back up, leaving Vance alone in his office as we cut away.

We go to the backstage area where we see Action Saxton and Saboteur continuing to brawl. They're near the large exit door in the back of the arena and the area is filled with miscellaneous objects left over from setting up. Saboteur is in control and sends Saxton sprawling with a mean left hook. He searches around the area and finds a large metal trash can. He takes the lid off and smashes it over Saxton's head. He shouts at Saxton, "That's for all the dumb movies you made me watch!" He grabs the trash can itself and dumps its contents on Saxton. "And that's what I think of Mr. T!" Saxton falls to his knee and grasps at Saboteur. Saboteur kicks him aside and searches around once more. He sees a pile of boxes and picks up Saxton, trying to hurl him into them, but the big man puts the brakes on. He turns around and yells, "Not today, suckah!" before kicking Saboteur square in the gut and throwing him into the boxes. "And Shaft is the greatest movie of all time!" Saboteur, only momentarily stunned, leaps out of the boxes and starts pounding on Saxton. The two keep brawling, on the move now, until they crash through the doors and outside the arena. The camera runs after them as we move to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is for the scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Tag Team Championships!


The crowd erupts to their feet as the champions burst out from the curtain with Ricky getting the crowd pumped up and a big smile across Reynold's face. They both spread their arms out before Ricky sprints down the ramp and into the ring whilst Reynolds takes his time by hi-fiving the fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 390 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds; Runn Reynolds Runn!

Connor: The RRR Express have a chance to make this a historic night and solidify themselves in the history books. If they can defend their titles tonight, they will not only become the first team to successfully defend the tag belts more than once but will head into Kingdom Come tying for longest reigning champions alongside the Brothers in Arms and the Full House Daves.

Reynolds and Runn have finished taunting for the crowd and have handed over their belts to the referee who keeps them held.


The crowd boos as the two men walk out, keeping a small distance away from each other whilst taunting the crowd. West has a smirk on his face whilst Bull seems a little... off.

Anderson: And the challengers, at a combined weight of 431 pounds, Joe West and Darren Bull; the Kings of Hate!

The two of them enter the ring and stand on the opposite side of the ring from the champs. The referee shows them the titles before holding them up high for the crowd to see. He gives them to the ringside staff before he orders for one man from either team to start off the affair.

Cohen: Y'know Cat, the Kings have a chance to make a name for themselves here as well by stopping the RRR from making history... as well as becoming champions of course.

Connor: Let's see if they can control their behaviour to concentrate on this match first and then I'll start contemplating your statement.

The bell rings as West and Runn have decided to start things off.

Runn goes to tie-up but West slaps him across the face to start the match. Bull laughs as the crowd "ooo's." Runn doesn't take too kindly and goes to charge but West takes him down with a clothesline, followed by a dropkick. West quickly grabs the arm of Runn whilst he is recovering and twists it around, locking in an armbar to keep the pressure on Runn. Ricky goes for a forward roll and then untwists his arm but half-way through the twist, West pulls Runn towards him and locks in a sleeper hold. Runn is doing all he can to resist and escape, almost slipping out a few times but West keeps him held. Runn goes for a counter to the move but West transitions the submission into a neckbreaker. He goes for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out. West goes over to his partner Bull and tags him in. West picks up Runn and locks both his arms behind his back, allowing Bull his pick of what spots to punch with the crowd booing at these antics. The ref gets to 4 before West drops the arms and gets on the apron. Runn falls to the ropes and tries using them to get up as Bull walks over, picking him up and whipping Runn across the ring. Bull waits and tries going for an attack but Runn ducks, allowing him to hit a springboard moonsault onto Bull with a pin... 1... 2... Runn almost had the pin but Bull just managed to get a kick-out. Bull cannot believe what happened and tries getting up before Ricky but Runn is first to his feet and hits an enzuigiri on Bull, knocking him down. He goes over to his partner and tags in Reynolds to a big pop. They set up Bull in the corner and the two perform a Monkey flip into a kick to the face, allowing Reynolds for a pin... 1... 2... West comes in and breaks up the count. The ref is trying to handle removing West and Runn from the match as Reynolds slowly picks up Bull, who seems to be almost out of it. As soon as West gets on the apron, Reynolds throws Bull to his corner and tells West to tag in.

Cohen: A ballsy move by Reynolds wanting to compete with the fresher man.

Connor: It seems like Darren Bull is doing next to nothing in that ring and I don't think Austin is the kind of person who wants to wrestle someone who isn't taking his time seriously.

West obliges and tags himself in, leaving Bull in a heap in the corner. He shakes his head at Bull before he enters the ring. Reynolds extends his hand out to see if West wants to play a test of strength, who accepts and puts his hand out too... only to kick Reynolds in the stomach and hit a couple of elbows to the back of Reynolds. He goes to whip Reynolds across the ring but Austin reverses, sending West and meeting him with a dropsault. Reynolds is up and runs at the ropes again as West gets up quickly, hitting West with a leg lariat. He covers West but he kicks out at one. A smile appears on the face of Reynolds as he picks up West, knowing he has competition to work with. He whips West into the corner and follows up with the roaring elbow, knocking down West. He goes over to the ropes and tries for a springboard diving headbutt but West rolls out of the way in time, forcing Reynolds to hit canvas. West uses this time to knock Reynolds in the face with his knee, stunning him for a moment so he can lock in the koji clutch. Reynolds tries his best at reversing the move but the body positioning of West isn't allowing anything. The crowd is getting behind Austin to keep the match going as Reynolds slowly crawls towards the ropes as West applies more pressure. Finally, Reynolds gets a hand on the ropes and West does not let go until the count of 4. He gets a talking to by the ref but he ignores it as he drags Reynolds in the middle of the ring and pins him... 1... 2... kick-out by Reynolds.

Connor: Smart strategy West is employing here: wear down the hi-fliers with submissions.

Cohen: If he had some help from his partner he may have been able to do more damage to possibly achieve victory.

West is a little frustrated as he looks over to his partner who is just about recovered, not ready to be tagged in yet although West looks like he could use a quick breather. He waits for Reynolds to get up and he measures him up: roundhouse kick by West, knocking Reynolds silly. West goes over to the ropes and hits a springboard kick off the ropes, once again knocking Reynolds down. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... Reynolds kicks out as Runn breaks up the pin. West chases Runn but he gets to the apron first. West slaps Runn across the face and Ricky responds with a harder slap of his own, the crowd cheering as West turns around into a lungblower by Reynolds. Both men are down, center of the ring and are looking for their partners. Reynolds is able to tag in Ricky as well as West for Bull. Bull runs in and tries hitting Ricky but he ducks, grabbing Bull from behind to hit the Ricky Runndown. The crowd is shocked and gets to their feet as Ricky signals for the end. The crowd is cheering massively as he hits the R&R from the top rope... 1... 2... 3!

Cohen: What!

The referee signals for the bell as Ricky gets up, having his hand raised by the ref. He cannot believe it himself that he won the match just like that, retaining their titles. The ref grabs the belts and hands them both to Ricky as Reynolds is sitting up with a smile on his face for Ricky.

Anderson: Here are your winners and still WZCW Tag Team Champions; Runn Reynolds Runn!

Connor: That is one of the quickest endings to a match I've ever seen! It's almost as if Bull didn't even try.

Cohen: West isn't going to be too happy about this: all his hard work gone down the toilet in a few seconds.

Connor: Well... at least the RRR Express can now celebrate as the only team to defend their tag team titles more than once.

Runn has helped Reynolds up and both have exited the ring, celebrating with the fans and walking up the ramp with the belts. West is up and sees Bull stirring from the previous shots. He is visibly livid at his partner who has no response, shaking his head as Bull tries getting up.


We return to the ongoing explosion of Action Saboteur as they brawl throughout the city. We join them on a nearby short bridge over a shallow stream. The two are kicking and fighting and yelling increasingly silly insults at one another as they brawl on. "Do you remember that time you told me Aunt Jemima's syrup was racist, and I agreed?" Saboteur yells as he strikes Saxton in the face. "I lied! I think it's great, and that you're just overly sensitive!" Saxton howls in physical and emotional anguish. "That was serious to me! I sent a petition!" Saxton responds with a punch to the jaw that sends Saboteur to the edge of the bridge. He follows with a heavy clothesline that sends them both into the water. "Ah! Help! I can't swim!" Saboteur screams. "The water's a foot deep, fool!" "That was enough to drown Jimmy Hoffa!" The two struggle to escape from the water and come out fighting still, now dripping wet.
Anderson: The following non-title contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd pops as Triple X walks out with the Elite X Championship. He raises the title up over his head at the top of the ramp. He then puts it over his shoulder and then makes an X with his arms before racing to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 220 lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Triple X!


Justin Cooper walks out to loud boos. He is not in a particularly good mood and walks down to the ring, eyes fixed on his opponent.

Anderson: And is opponent, from The Suburbs, weighing in at 240 lbs, Justin Cooper!

Connor: Justin Cooper appears to still be in a foul mood after his loss to Everest 2 weeks ago. Let’s see if those lingering thoughts have any effect on his match with Triple X tonight.

Cohen: Oh they will affect his match CC. Cooper is going to lay a stomping on this phony bologna champion we have on Ascension.

Cooper enters the ring and stares a hole directly at X. Triple X removes his belt and hands it to the ring announcer and the ref calls for the bell. Cooper and X meet at centre and lock up. Cooper twists X arm and moves around in behind X holding the arm. X reaches with his other arm to try and grab Cooper. He eventually grabs the head and hops up before sending Cooper forward with a Snapmare. Copper gets back to his feet right away and the two immediately lock up. Cooper again gains the advantage and puts X in a Side Headlock. X moves Cooper to the ropes and the two bounce off them. The momentum allows X to push Cooper off, who runs towards the opposite ropes. Cooper bounces back and X drops to the mat. Cooper hops over and rebounds back off the ropes. X stands up and leaps up in the air. Cooper ducks under coming back. Cooper picks up speed as he hits the ropes and looks for to hit a Forearm Smash. Triple X looks back, jumps and spins. Spinning Heel Kick connects. Copper hits the mat hard, but is right back to his feet. X follows with a Dropkick putting Cooper back to the mat. Cooper tries again to rush back to his feet. X grabs the head and turns Cooper around. Neckbreaker! X goes for the cover and gets a long count. Triple X picks Copper up and Irish Whips him. Copper reverses sending X into the ropes. Triple X bounces back and hits a Flying Forearm Smash. X nips back up to his feet and the crowd is starting to come alive. X stands in the opposite corner and waits for Cooper to stand. He begins stomping his leg on the mat is preparation for a Superkick.

Connor: Triple X is looking to put this match away early with the X-Rated kick!

Cooper is just about to his feet. Triple X moves closer to Cooper and is about to kick him when Cooper drops down and rolls out of the ring, the crowd booing Coooer loudly.

Cohen: You called that too soon CC. Cooper isn’t a rookie like his champion opponent and knows that he needed to catch a breather if he wants to show this kid up.

Cooper paces around the ring. Triple X rolls out and begins to follow Cooper. He grabs Cooper from behind. Cooper surprises him with his awareness and runs forward. Cooper sends X right into the steel stairs. Cooper starts stomping on Triple X's chest keeping him pinned against the stairs. The ref is up to 4 on his 10 count. Cooper lifts X to his feet and delivers a Backhand Chop across the chest before rolling him into the ring. Cooper slides in right after. X is to his feet and throws a punch at Cooper. Copper strikes back with another Backhand Chop. He then follows it with a European Uppercut sending X to the mat. Cooper doesn’t give Triple X much time to breath and helps him up to his feet. Cooper lifts X off the ground and throws him to the mat with a Scoopslam. Cooper cockly paces around the ring rather than go for the pinfall. He sees Triple X start to sit up and runs at him, booting him in the face. Cooper then goes for the cover. 1... 2 Triple X kicks out. Cooper doesn’t let his opponent back up and drives a Elbow into his chest. He follows that up with 2 move Elbow Drops before going for the cover again. 1... 2.. X kicks out. Cooper lifts X to his feet and signals for Your Final Verse. He has set up, but X elbows out of it. X grabs Cooper by the head goes for a Necklock Backbreaker, Adrenaline Rush. Copper elbows the back of X and stops the move. X holds his back and turns around. Cooper grabs X head and leg. Fisherman Suplex with a Bridge. The ref slides in to count the pinfall. 1.... 2..... X just kicks out. Cooper does not let up on his opponent and grabs X’s arm and locks in an Armbar.

Connor: It seems like an eternity since the champ has had any offense on his challenger and now Cooper could be seconds away from upsetting Triple X.

Cohen: Upset? I’ll remind you CC that Triple X is still an unproven talent despite being champion. We are weeks away from Kingdom Come and everybody not on the card including Justin Cooper is looking to make a statement.

Triple X tries to break free of the Armbar, but Cooper has it fully locked in. X is trying to roll and slide himself closer to the ropes. He reaches with his free arm, but is unable to reach the ropes. Cooper pulls back and seems about ready to break X’s arm off. Triple X tries to reach with his foot. His foot just grazes the ropes and with one short slide over just gets his foot resting on the bottom rope. The ref counts up to 4 and Cooper lets go, but not without mouthing off to the official. Cooper turns and drags X towards the turnbuckle. Cooper hops onto the second rope and helps X to his feet and up the turnbuckle. Cooper is standing on the top rope and has X in a Double Underhook position. He is about to hit the Remix on him. X breaks one arm free and grabs the ropes. Cooper lets go of the other and hits X in the back. Triple X stands up and flips Cooper over as he crashes to the mat. X turns around sitting on the top rope catching his breath as Cooper slowly recovers in the ring. Cooper gets to his feet and turns back towards X. Triple X leaps and hits a Hurricanrana throwing Cooper into the corner. X hobbles over to Cooper and elbows him a few times in the corner. He goes for an Irish Whip. Cooper reverses. X is running towards the corner with Cooper close behind. Triple X steps up to the top rope. Whisper in the Wind connects! X with the cover. 1... 2... Cooper just kicks out. Cooper and X slowly get to their feet. Cooper is up first and swings at X missing in the process. Triple X grabs his head quickly. Adrenaline Rush connects this time. X is to his feet and begins to feed off the fans cheers. He steps beside Cooper and hits a Standing Moonsault on him. He then stands up and goes for a Shooting Star Splash to complete the X-Press. Cooper just rolls out of the way and X hits the mat.

Cohen: Mistake by triple X made. Cooper looks to take advantage of it.

Cooper is standing behind X waiting for him to stand as he is trying to pull himself to his feet by the ropes. Cooper appears confident and even slaps the back of X’s head before lifting him to his feet. He goes for Your Final Verse. Cooper hits the mat, but not Triple X as he grabbed onto the rope and kept himself on his feet as Cooper went for the move. X grabs Coopers legs and flips over Cooper into a pinning bridge. The ref makes the count. 1... 2... 3 as Cooper kicks out just after.

Anderson: Here is your winner, the Elite X Champion, Triple X.

X is still on the mat exhausted as Cooper springs to his feet after the call and is in the refs face about the speed of the count. The ref argues back with Cooper that it was not a fast count. The ring announcer brings Triple X his belt and X holds it up as he stands up. He then drops the belt as he gets hit from behind by Cooper. The crowd boos as Cooper begins to stomp on Triple X.

Connor: This is uncalled for by Cooper. He lost the match cleanly and know he is taking his frustrations out on Triple X.

Cohen: Welcome to the big leagues is all I have to say to Triple X. You always have to watch your back when you’re a champion and Cooper is not happy that Triple X got the ref to make a fast count.

Connor: Oh please Jack. If this were the other way around you would be singing Cooper’s praises.

Cooper continues to stomp away at X. He then picks X up and goes for Your Final Verse. The crowd cheers, but not for Cooper as Johnny Scumm is running down the ramp. Cooper sees and drops Triple X. Scumm enters the ring and the two start swinging fists. Cooper is tired and Scumm begins to get the upperhand. He goes for the big punch and Cooper rolls out of the ring and avoids it. Scumm yells at Cooper as he makes his way back up the ramp. The ref checks on Triple X and Scumm now checks up on his.
Backstage in Vance Bateman’s office we see that Vance was watching this match on his TV when a door knocking can be heard.

Bateman: Enter.

The door is heard opening and Blade and Overlast both enter.

Bateman: Gentleman... what is it that I can do for you both?

Blade: Well... Vance. As you know I am planning my retirement very shortly and it baffles me how my greatness has been unable to be transferred fairly over to young Mick Overlast over here. At first I thought maybe it had something to do with me and then I came to the conclusion that management is not giving my Son of Destiny the opportunity he deserves. Now I understand you have your hands full with Ty Burna and lord knows you can’t get anything out of him, so I propose that Mick Overlast challenges Triple X to a title match at Kingdom Come.

Bateman: Hmmm... is that so. Do you mean the same Mick Overlast who lost to Triple X two weeks ago on Ascension?

The crowd cheers as both Blade and Overlast look unhappy with that answer.

Bateman: You know what though, you are right that my attention has been in other places so here’s what I’ll give Overlast. Not a title match, but a title chance. Next week on Ascension we are going to have a Triple Threat contest where the winner will face Triple X for the Elite X Title at Kingdom Come. And the participants will be, Mick Overlast, Justin Cooper, and Johnny Scumm. Now does that sound fair?

Blade: I guess some justice is better than no justice. Let’s go Mick.

Bateman: Blade before you go I just want to speak with you quickly.

Blade nods his head at Mick and he leaves the office.

Bateman: First, I know you’ve said you are retiring, but is there any way we can convince you to resign with us?

Blade: Ha... You, and Chuck, and Ty, have neglected this star for far too long. When my contract ends after Kingdom Come I am going to be taking a nice long break. Maybe I might return to WZCW, maybe I might go and make it big in another company and be the star there that I should’ve been here. We’ll have to see Vance, but no I am not resigning with a company that doesn’t give me the respect I deserve.

Bateman: Alright I don’t think I can convince you otherwise, but it’s respect of another kind that I need to tell about as well. I’ve been getting some complaints in my office since Triple X became champion. Many have told me he’s too green and that he doesn’t deserve to be champion so soon in his career and that nobody sees what I see in him. I need something to give this title a boost to be able to compete with Meltdown’s EurAsian Title. So in two weeks on Ascension I am making a match, Blade vs Triple X.

Blade laughs to himself at the match, Bateman is about to ask when Blade answers.

Blade: You want to add respect to the title and you have your champion face me. Haha. Bateman... I am going to destroy Triple X in two weeks and then nobody is going to respect you or your champion. See you in the funny pages.

Blade leaves the office as Bateman starts writing up the match contracts for next show.

We return to the brawl as Saxton and Saboteur crash through the automatic doors of a nearby pharmacy. The demolish a rack of comic books near the opening, much to Saboteur's dismay. "My preciouses!" Saxton capitalizes and knocks Saboteur in the back of the head. "Oh yeah! Let's see how you like this!" He exclaims as he tears apart the latest edition of Superman. "No! No, stop, you monster!" "I always hated your comic books! Always! There's no strong, powerful black men in the comics!" Saboteur howls with rage and spears Saxton as customers scatter everywhere. They land near a series of pills on racks. Saboteur stands up and starts throwing the pill bottles at Saxton. "What's this? Side effects include erectile disfunction? TOO LATE!" He screams as he hurls the bottle at Saxton, and then dumps the entire rack on top of him. "I told you that in confidence! You swore by Heathcliff Huxtable you'd never tell! Aaaargh!" In a rage, Saxton tosses the rack off of him and leaps on top of Saboteur, pounding on his face. He drags him toward a rack of candy and unwraps a candy bar, shoving it into Saboteur's face. "Eat it! Eat it you skinny bastard!" "No! It'll ruin my superhero diet! The calories!" "Eat it! Eat it like you wouldn't eat my delicious chicken and waffles, you heartless monster!" They continue to brawl through the pharmacy, destroying the store before they reach the entrance again, leaving behind them a store full of confused customers and destroyed goods.
We return from commercial with Drake Callahan, Constantine, and Matt Tastic standing in the ring with Tastic's music blaring. The music is cut as Anderson begins to speak.

Anderson: The following contest is a six man tag match, scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, the team of Drake Callahan, Constantine, and Matt Tastic!

The crowd pops at the announcement of the three in the ring. All three pose for the crowd which elicits another positive reaction.


Rush makes his way out to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp, rubbing the palms of his hands together as he stares out at the crowd. He slowly makes his way down the ramp and stands in front of the ring.

Anderson: Introducing their opponents, first weighing in at 322 lbs, Rush!


Brad Bomb makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, his hood up and covering his face. As he lets the boos surround him, he throws the hood back and removes it, tossing it aside before making his way down the entrance ramp. He stops next to Rush and the two beasts nod to each other before they both climb up onto the apron and slowly enter the ring as they square off with the other three in the ring.

Anderson: And his first partner, weighing in at 261 lbs, Brad Bomb!

Connor: These two are a fearsome pairing. Both have a mean streak and Rush has shown how much of a conniver he is last week.

Cohen: Oh get over it CC. Rush does what's needed to get the job done. I'd hate to be locked in the Chamber with just one of them, but to be in there with both?

Constantine and Tastic immediately begin jawing with Rush and Bomb when suddenly.


Baller makes his way out, basketball in hand. He dribbles down the entrance ramp before tossing the ball to the side and jumping up onto the apron. He enters the ring and stands between Rush and Bomb, taunting the three others.

Anderson: And their partner, weighing in at 220 lbs, Mr. Baller!

The teams separate to their corners as Rush and Drake start out. The ref signals for the bell and Rush immediately locks up with Drake. Drake tries to outmaneuver Rush but Rush simply tosses him across the ring. Drake bounces off the ring but quickly gets up. Drake rethinks his strategy and hits a low dropkick, staggering Rush slightly. However as Drake gets back to his feet Rush grabs him and tosses him into the corner, hitting loud open hand slaps to the chest. Drake covers his chest in pain but Rush doesn't give him a chance to recover. He stands him back up and hits another slap to the chest before lifting his foot and pressing it right against Drake's throat. The ref immediately starts a five count, forcing Rush to break the hold at four. Rush drags him out of the corner but Drake suddenly hits a forward Russian Legsweep, tripping the big man down. Drake rolls towards his corner and tags in Constantine, bringing in power to match power. Rush is to his feet and Constantine roars before hitting a hard right hand. Rush retaliates with one of his own and the slugfest is on. Constantine gains advantage finally and whips him across into the ropes. Bomb makes the blind tag as Constantine hits the big man with a stiff forearm, but it doesn't knock him down. Constantine backs up into the ropes and comes flying forward for a clothesline, but Rush ducks under as Bomb enters the ring and lifts Constantine up before dropping him with a sidewalk slam! Bomb hooks a leg, 1.........2....Constantine kicks out!

Connor: It's not often you see Constantine being outmuscled, but that's what happening here as the blind tag by Bomb leads to the sidewalk slam.

Cohen: Constantine is the only one on his team that can match power for power. He's still no match for Rush and Bomb however.

Bomb starts going to work on Constantine with mounted punches, keeping the former politician grounded. He pulls him up by the hair and whips him into the ropes, lifting him up off the rebound and hitting a wicked powerslam. Constantine holds his back in pain as Bomb throws his head down to the mat and goes for another cover, 1........2....Constantine kicks out! Bomb isn't done however, standing up and stepping directly on Constantine. The ref begins the five count and Bomb steps off at four. He drags Constantine to the corner and tags Rush back in, delivering an elbow drop to the sternum. Rush wraps his hands around Constantine's neck and lifts him up to his feet. He delivers a crushing headbutt, knocking Constantine backwards across the ring. Rush runs towards him to deliver another strike but Constantine drops down and trips Rush with a drop toe hold, sending him neck first into the ropes. The crowd pops at Constantine's reversal, and Constantine is able to make the hot tag to Tastic, who hops into the ring and goes to bounce off the ropes immediately. He slides feet first over Rush's back to the outside before delivering a hard slap to the face to the giant, eliciting yet another pop from the crowd. As Rush covers his face up, Matt delivers a standing dropkick right to the head, knocking Rush off the ropes and into the ring. Tastic hops up onto the apron and springboards over, delivering a big body splash! He covers him, 1........2...Rush powers out and sends Tastic flying across the ring!

Connor: Tastic was able to use his speed and agility to his advantage, but Rush was able to simply push him off the cover.

Cohen: It's going to take a lot more then that to put the big guy down.

Tastic is back to his feet quickly as Rush slowly pulls himself back up by the ropes. Tastic runs towards him and hits a perfect dropkick, staggering him once again. Tastic goes for a few forearm shots, connecting with each one. Rush is forced to cover up but with one hand shoves Tastic clear across the ring again. Tastic rolls over and back to his feet, once more going for another attack but Rush counters with a devastating big boot! The crowd's enthusiasm is deflated as Tastic is flat on his back with Rush trying to shake the cobwebs out. Rush reaches down, and with one hand around Tastic's throat, lifts him back to his feet. He tosses him into the corner before backing up to the opposite corner. He runs forward and goes for a big splash but Tastic is able to roll forward and out of the way! Rush hits head first into the corner as Tastic crawls away and towards his corner. He gets the tag to Drake who enters the ring and begins hitting forearm shots to the back. He is able to get Rush turned around and hits him with everything he's got, repeated forearm shots, kicks to the leg and midsection, finally hitting a dropkick to the chest. Rush still remains standing in the corner, although looking worse for wear from the assault. Drake backs up as the crowd gets behind him, motioning for Rush to come forward. Rush stumbles towards him and Drake hits a kick to the knee, dropping the big man down to the attacked appendage. Drake quickly wraps his arm around Rush's head and delivers a DDT! Rush down face first in the ring as Drake slowly rolls him over onto his back and hooks the leg, 1.......2....Bomb breaks up the pin and lifts Drake up, delivering a vicious Alabama Slam! Drake is down as well as the ref admonishes Bomb for the attack. Bomb stares at the referee before cracking a smirk as he exits to the apron once more.

Connor: Just as Drake gets Rush down to the ground, Bomb runs in and evens the match up once again!

Cohen: Have you noticed the amount of damage Rush and Bomb have delivered by themselves though CC? Baller hasn't even stepped foot in the ring yet while the other five are killing each other.

The ref checks on both men and begins the ten count, Tastic and Constantine are yelling for Drake to get to their corner and make the tag, while Bomb is reaching out for Rush to do the same. Baller meanwhile has his elbow on the turnbuckle, not even paying attention to the match. The count is at seven as both men are to their knees. Finally at nine both men are up and going towards their respective corners. Drake gets the tag to Constantine, while Rush tags in Bomb. Bomb enters but looks towards Baller who is too busy yelling at people at ringside. With a wicked slap to the chest, Bomb tags Baller in. Baller covers up his chest but Bomb grabs him by the back of the head and tosses him into the ring. Rush slowly exits as Bomb gets back to the apron as well. Baller turns back towards Bomb, yelling at him when suddenly Constantine spins him around and lifts him up for a backbreaker! Baller drops to the mat in pain but quickly rolls to the outside as Constantine watches on. Baller pulls himself up and stares into the ring before tossing his hands up and begins walking towards the ramp.

Connor: And where does he think he's going?

Cohen: He has nothing to earn in this match CC. Rather than risk injury prior to the King for a Day match, he's taking his ball and going home. Literally it looks like.

Baller picks up his basketball and begins heading up the ramp as the ref begins the ten count. Suddenly Rush and Bomb run up behind him and grab hold of him. Rush lifts him up and delivers the Rushing Powerbomb, dropping right on the back of his head. Bomb lifts him up and tosses Baller backfirst into the ringpost. The two bulls stand over Baller before lifting him up and tossing him into the ring. Baller stumbles up to his feet and right into Constantine who delivers the Axis of Evil! Constantine tags in Tastic who springboards off and hits the Treble Boost! One final tag to Drake who locks in the Last Call submission! Baller taps immediately as Rush and Bomb watch from the entrance ramp as the ref signals for the bell.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Drake Callahan, Matt Tastic, and Constantine!

Connor: It appears as if Rush and Bomb had enough of Baller's antics and took matters into their own hands.

Cohen: Perhaps, but when it comes down to it, the King for a Day match will be everyone looking out for themselves. They all realize that and Baller was the first one to learn that lesson.

The three men in the ring stand tall with their arms raised as Bomb and Rush watch from the ramp. They turn and make their way up the ramp as Constantine, Tastic, and Drake all celebrate.
The brawl is rejoined as we see that Saboteur and Saxton have made their way back to the arena in this now hours long brawl. The two are exhausted, half carrying each other as they make their way through the halls, while still feebly punching one another. "Your mom's ugly," Saboteur tries weakly. "You already said that four times." "Well, she's really ugly." They eventually find themselves in front of a door reading "Vance Bateman" and they collapse against it. "Saxton?" "Yeah?" "There's just one more thing." "What?" "I think Soul Train was a terrible show." "OH, HELL NO!" Saxton summons his last burst of energy and spears Saboteur through the door, where Vance Bateman looks shocked as he sits as his desk. "What is the meaning of this?" He yells as the two men beat each other on the ground. Security rushes into the office and separates the men. "This is absurd! If you two are going to fight, then by God, you'll do it in the ring! Get this absurdity out of your systems at Kingdom Come, and stop destroying WZCW property!"

The two men stare at each other with fury in their eyes as they are supported and held back by security. The crowd cheers for the announcement of the match as the scene fades out.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event of the evening and is scheduled for one fall!

Introducing first, weighing in at 236 pounds... Blade!

Here comes a man with ambition. A man who can take care of business.

Connor: A former EurAsian Champion, Blade has shown himself to be lethal in the ring against anyone at any level. A win against a former World Champion may shake some things up this close to the grand spectacle that is Kingdom Come.

Blade makes his way out onto the stage to a very mixed reaction from the crowd. Blade look around the audience for a moment before heading straight down the ramp. Fans boo and hiss at him as makes his way, eagerly, towards the ring. Blade solemnly walks, there seems to be no emotion on his face. He reaches the ring before pausing for a second, looking at the 4-cornered test that awaits him. After a second, he climbs the steps and gets into the ring. He takes another look at the crowd before turning back towards the ramp in preparation.

And his opponent, weighing in at 268 pounds... Big Dave!

Connor: Dave hasn't been the same since his return to WZCW only a few weeks ago, returning at the Lethal Lottery and then going down to John Constantine. One can only assume that his blood feud with Steven Holmes is beginning to take something out of Big Dave.

Cohen: Maybe. Or maybe it's that he doesn’t have what it takes any more. This is the man who lost the Heavyweight Championship only a few shows after winning it. The days of Big Dave are over and Blade will illustrate that perfectly tonight.

Dave emerges from behind the curtain with a smouldering look of seriousness on his features. He waits for a moment before signalling to Blade that it ends tonight. There is a determined attributed about Dave as he coolly saunters towards the ring. He shoots a look at the man waiting for him inside the ring before allowing himself to soak up the reaction from the crowd. He begins to circle the ring whilst Blade watches him from the inside. Dave continues his walk whilst Blade stands with a face void of emotion. Suddenly, Dave launches himself under the ropes and begins his assault on Blade. The referee signals for the bell and this one is under-way.

Connor: What a blistering start to this match. Care to take those words back, Jack?

Cohen: Hmph! Not likely.

Dave backs Blade up into the corner as the crowd begin to get into the match. He launches a volley of vicious chops to the chest of Blade, who recoils in pain. Dave grabs him by the shoulders and forces him back into the corner, much to the amusement of the crowd. There is a hush before each devastating chop and an excitement with every heavy hand that collides with the bare flesh of The Prodigal Son. Dave allows Blade a moment of relief as he steps away from the corner. Blade grasps his chest as moves out of the predicament. Dave keeps one eye on Blade as he steps out of the corner and before Blade has the time to earn a slither of revenge for the early onslaught brought his way, he is nailed with a pumphandle slam that sends a crash around the packed arena. Blade lets out a yell of pain as his back makes contact with the canvas for the first time and Dave covers him. The referee is quick to get to his position and count the pin. The Son is far too fresh however and manages to roll a shoulder out at 1.

Cohen: You're not going to put away Blade with a run-of-the-mill pumphandle slam, Dave. I would have thought that he would have picked that up by now.

Connor: Regardless, this one seems to be getting delightfully dangerous excessively quickly. One can only hope that these fans are in for a treat tonight.

Dave looks keen to put this match to bed early and attempts to continue his assault on the former EurAsian Champion. Blade, however, has other ideas. Dave grabs Blade by the hair and attempts to pull him to his feet but a concealed rake of the eyes sends Dave reeling in the opposite direction. Blade allows himself a moment to collect his thoughts before pressing on with an attack of his own. Dave turns towards his opponent, his eyes still stinging with pain. His vision seems to be impaired as he swing a blind arm in the direction of his opponent. Blade sees this coming and quickly ducks under the arm of the former World Champion, causing Dave to spin around. Blade seizes the opportunity and lands a very rapid belly-to-back suplex that seems like revenge for the pain that he suffered in the early goings of this match. Blade, however, does not try to cover Dave and instead opts into continuing the assault that could put his opponent away. Blade gets to his feet and, with some effort manages to pull his opponent with him. Blade backs Dave up into the ropes and sends him across the ring with an Irish whip. Dave returns to him with gusto and is immediately nailed with a knee to the gut that sends him flying over the limb of the Son and onto the canvas once more. The crowd boo as Blade presses home his advantage with some stiff shots to the face of his downed opponent before finally covering the man. The referee begins his count... 1... 2... Dave pushes Blade off of his torso and breaks the count!

Connor: Blade has really taken control of this match and I don't think it will be too long before we see him setting up for The Halo.

Blade licks his lips with excitement as the thought of taking the former World Champion to task for more time becomes a real thought. He gets to his feet and aims a taunt in the direction of the crowd, who fail to allow him to not get under their skin. The booing and chanting obscures the sounds of Blade moving around in the ring, plotting his next savage attack on his recovering opponent. Finally, Dave begins to recover, the fans willing him on and then some. Blade, however, lies in wait. Stalking him with every movement, the fans at ringside try everything to warn Dave of the imminent attack. Blade, with no hesitation, runs towards Dave, looking to take him out with a German suplex. As Blade wraps his hands around the waist of Dave, the former KFAD winner grabs one wrist and circles round the back of the Son. He quickly nails him with a backbreaker that further targets the weakened back of his opponent. Blade squirms once more as Dave takes a moment to compose himself and catch his breath. He presses ahead and grabs Blade by the arm, pulling him to his feet. Dave feeds off of the energy supplied by the crowd and immediately hits Blade with a beautifully executed DDT that sends both men back towards the canvas once more. Dave quickly rolls on top of Blade, looking to put him away but Blade is still too fresh and the cover is broken at 1. Not disheartened though, Dave climbs to his feet, allowing the plan of attack to formulate in his thoughts. After a second, he seems to have reached a conclusion. Allowing Blade to his knee, Dave lands a heavy kick to the jaw of his uprising opponent that sends a slapping noise around the arena again. The crowd inhale sharply as a collective as Blade is sent to the canvas on his back.

Cohen: Ouch!

You can see that there is no love lost between these two men, Jack. You could go so far as to say that they hate each other. That hate is driving them on towards greatness here tonight. Everyone here is on tenterhooks, they've no idea which way this one is going to swing.

Dave immediately begins to climb to the top rope, his legs are more confident now than they looked at the early stages of the match as Blade held control of his fate. He sends a hand movement towards the crowd, who go crazy for his participation in that effort. Dave stands on the turnbuckle before launching himself off of his elevated position and into the air. Blade, realising that he is going to suffer the impact of his attacking opponent, just manages to get out of the way with no more time to spare, causing Dave to collide with the unforgiving canvas. Dave lets out a scream of agony as his torso takes the brunt of the impact. Blade, quickly understanding that he needs to take advantage of this rare lapse in judgement, covers Dave and manages to acquire a 2 count before Dave can roll a shoulder out once more. Both men struggle to get to their feet as the effects of this match begin to take their toll on their bodies. Dave, despite his collision, is the first to make it to a vertical basis but is joined by Blade a fraction later. Dave looks to land a heavy punch to the jaw of Blade but the wily former EurAsian Champion avoids contact and lands a devastating uppercut to the jaw of Dave. Dave recoils and, upon turning back to his opponent, is caught with an effortless chokeslam that sends the crowd into raptures. Blade, seemingly out on his feet lies on the canvas along with his opponent. The chokeslam that drove the air from Dave's lungs only seconds ago seems to have taken something out of the Son. Both men lie motionless as the referee begins his double count. Blade begins to stir and notices his downed opponent lying close to him. He slings a heavy arm across the chest of Dave and the referee begins his count. 1.. 2.. Dave manages to get a shoulder up with no time to spare.

Connor: Unbelievable! I can't tell you how many people would have given up there. Blade and Big Dave have been putting each other through the ringer tonight and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.

And that's what we all paid to see, Cat.

The crowd leap to their feet in excitement as the longevity of this match seems to have been renewed with Dave's arm shooting off of the canvas. Blade, although tired, cannot believe what he is seeing. A look of shock is quickly wiped from memory as a look of anger crosses the features of the features of the Prodigal Son. Using his arms to help him, Blade hoists himself onto his knees. Dave lies motionless next to him as Blade mouths some words his opponent's way under his breath. Dave begins to stir now as, with another huge effort, Blade rises to his feet. The anger that once lined his face has now disappeared and a look of sheer hatred has replaced it. Waiting on Dave to move some more, Blade shakes his head in sheer disgust, fully in control of the match. He allows a sadistic smile to appear on his face as Dave pulls himself to his knees with the help of the bottom rope. Dave looks out-on-his-feet but his actions show that there is still some fight in the former world Champion yet. Blade waits, signalling to the crowd that The Halo will be arriving very shortly. Dave, although rising to his feet, is not aware of Blade cruel plans and upon getting to his feet, is placed in position for The Halo. Dave, using all of his experience, manages to squirm out of the hold and onto his feet. Blade launches a fist in the direction of his opponent but Dave, with instinct, avoids the collision. The momentum generated by Blade as he swings for Dave carries him well past his opponent and upon returning to face him is devastated by the Stamp Of Authority! The crowd go nuts as both men lie motionless on the canvas one more time. The referee checks on both parties before continuing his count once again.

This could be it, Jack!

1... 2... 3... 4... 5

Dave begins to stir and crawl towards his opponent...

Cohen: No way!?

6... 7... 8

He raises an arm as he nears the motionless body of one of his fiercest opponents.

Connor: Almost there!


He drops his arm with no time to spare and covers Blade. The referee falls to his position and begins the count as the crowd holds it's collective breath.

1... 2...

Connor: Oh my goodness! This is absolutely breathtaking stuff from these two men. Neither man will give in until they are being wheeled out of here on a stretcher. That's what makes these two men legends in the business.

From nowhere, Steven Holmes pulls the leg of the referee, causing him to fall out of the ring. Homes stands facing the official as a barrage of abuse is send his way. Holmes has mischievous and lethal look in his eye as the referee questions his role in the match. With absolutely no hesitation, Holmes nails the referee with a callous punch that almost breaks his jaw. The referee falls to the ground as Holmes divert s his attention towards the two men in the middle of the ring. There is a look in his eye that would frighten even the most hardened of men. He slowly crawls under the bottom rope and into the ring, his face only centimetres from that of Big Dave. He sneers an evil grin as he purposely rises to his feet, standing over Big Dave. There is a commotion as more referees head towards the ring in an effort to stop Holmes from carrying out whatever sadistic thoughts are crossing his unstable mind. With no time to spare, Holmes lands a heavy kick to the jaw of Dave and pulls the arm of Blade across his opponent. He slides out of the ring and allows a vicious smile to cross his features as he slowly paces up the ramp, always facing the action. One of the referees that ran to the ring has now assumed control of the match and notices the pin attempt from Blade. 1... 2... Dave manages to roll the shoulder out! The crowd explode once more as Dave defies the odds once again. On the outside of the ring, a shocked Steven Holmes struggles to believe what he is seeing.

Connor: Holmes shouldn't even be out here tonight, never mind getting involved in this damn match. His psychotic tendencies are beginning to play havoc with the chances of Big Dave.

Cohen: Steven Holmes can do whatever the Hell he likes, Cat. Hell, he might even climb in there again and beat Dave to a pulp and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

Connor: He'll have to get over his shock first...

Blade and Dave seem finished but both men will not give up. This close to Kingdom Come, they simply can't. Both men pull themselves to their knees and then, after a glance at the exhausted face of the other man, rise to their shaky feet. Dave throws a punch at Blade which connects and is then mirrored by Blade, The crowd seem engrossed in what has shaped up to be a devastating match and are living and dying on every punch. The back and forth continues as Steven Holmes lets the officials on the outside of the ring have a piece of his mind. Blade throws another right in the direction of his opponent but Dave catches him arm before nailing him with The Stamp Of Authority. Holmes' mouth is ajar as Dave slowly but surely crawls across his opponent for the 1... 2... 3!

Connor: An astounding contest from these two men that will surely go down in the history books as one of the hard-fought encounters to ever grace a WZCW ring. Truly amazing stuff.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Cohen: No! This can't be happening! Blade had everything going his way in this match!

Dave slowly pulls himself back up to his feet as the referee raises his hand. Dave turns and stares down Holmes while having his arm raised. Holmes curses under his breath as he paces around the ring to the entrance ramp. Dave's eyes don't move from Holmes the whole time.

Connor: These two are on a crash course for an epic battle at Kingdom Come. But we're out of time here on Ascension, for Jack Cohen, I'm Cat Connor, goodnight!

The camera cuts between Holmes and Dave as they continue their staredown as Ascension goes off the air.
Who Wrote What:

FalKon - Opening, Tag Title Match
Showtime - Paradyse/Holmes, Triple X/Cooper, Segments
Dave - Blade/Dave
Harthan - Strikeforce/SaboSaxton and the longest aftermath of a match I've ever seen.
Ty Burna - Six Man Tag

Rep everyone for their hardwork and lack of tardiness. We've been on a roll this week and I suggest everyone give Harthan that extra bit of loving for the hilarious segment pieces he wrote. I lol'd... hard. You should too... or no Kingdom Come for you.

Numbers has Aftershock this week so bug him for that show, although if you do: he won't hesitate to slap you.
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