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Ascension 40

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WZCW's Mr Excitement

We open cold this week as we fade to see Vance Bateman stood in the centre of the ring, microphone in hand. Anticipating a major announcement, the crowd is restless with excitement and is looking forward to an exciting night ahead. Bateman brings the microphone to his mouth and talks over the loud crowd.

Bateman: If I can have your attention for a few moments ladies and gentlemen.

The crowd give a mixed reception of boos and cheers, but do eventually quieten for Bateman.

Bateman: Thank you. As many of you witnessed last night on Meltdown, things got a little out of hand. Ty Burna and his Apostles of Chaos wreaked havoc across not one but two matches and the night was filled with an air of uncertainty throughout. This came to a culmination in the main event when the Apostles of Chaos and their leader Ty Burna did the following:

Meltdown 65 said:
Barbosa slides out of the ring and collects his briefcase, clutching it tightly. He looks to enter the ring once again, but stops in his tracks. He looks at his briefcase and then back at Dave. He shakes his head and mouths “not now” in reference to cashing-in. He decides instead to leave. As he makes his way up the ramp, the Apostles of Chaos make their way down to the ring. Barbosa monitors the two men for a moment before heading to the back as King and K.O. continue their path towards the ring. In the squared circle, Ty is to his feet and stands triumphant over is rival; Dave. The emissary of darkness demands his subordinates hand him a steel chair.

Copeland: What does Ty want with that chair?

Cohen: I’ll give you three guesses Seabass.

As the villainous duo look to comply, Gordito attempts to make the save, but instead is cut off by Chris K.O. who blasts him with a straight fist to the face. At first it appears innocuous enough, but one shot of Gordito’s face later and we can tell it was something much more. Blood begins to dribble from Gordito’s head as we see K.O. has brass knuckles. The referee looks to stop the terrible trio, but tastes Concentrated Banishment for his trouble. King manages to grab a chair and slides it into the ring for Ty. He quickly lifts it and bashes the recovering Dave right in the face. He nails him in the spine with it a second time before wrapping it around Dave’s throat. On the outside, King and K.O. have Gordito in their clutches and set up for the Taste of Chaos on the outside. Back in the ring now, and Ty has begun to choke Dave mercilessly with the chair. The champion struggles for air and is desperate to survive, but before too long, passes out in the ring. Ty finally releases as he notices Dave can no longer feel pain. King and K.O. enter the ring.

The crowd boo intensely at the events from last night. Bateman continues.

Bateman: Those actions are unacceptable. WZCW management has decreed that the three assailants in the match will be disciplined for their actions. However, after much conferring with Chuck Myles and other key figures in the WZCW hierarchy, I can confirm that the Apostles of Chaos will be in action tonight, taking on the team of Steven Kurtesy and Brad Bomb. If at any time during this contest however, the Apostles, Ty Burna or anyone else for that matter, attempts to assault an official or an opponent in an extreme manner, then they will be suspended on the spot immediately.

The crowd gives a positive reaction to the news, in hopes that Kurtesy and Bomb will take down the devilish pairing and that the lord and master of chaos himself, Ty Burna will remain out of the action.

Bateman: With that out of the way, I’d like to get to what I had originally planned to open the show with. There have been two new matches added to the All or Nothing PPV. The first is the match between Barbosa and Titus. This has been sanctioned by WZCW management and these two will collide on PPV for the first time. The second and arguably more important announcement concerns a brand new idea of mine. You see, watching the All or Nothing tournament unfold, I couldn’t help but brainstorm a little, and in that time, I conceived the idea of a new, special concept for All or Nothing. It will not only be a bonus attraction for this PPV, but also help mark the start of the road to Kingdom Come.

The crowd pops big for the mere mention of Kingdom Come and continues to listen intently to Bateman’s words.

Bateman: This match will derive its name from the show itself and thus be known as an All or Nothing match. It will have six participants and will be contested under lucha rules. This means that two men will be in the ring at any one time, but tagging in and out is not required. Merely leaving the ring will allow a new participant to fill in the vacant legal spot. There shall only be one winner and he will be determined through a pinfall or submission. There are no eliminations. There will be one winner along with one man taking the fall. The person who wins the match will have this chance of a lifetime as he receives the final place in the upcoming 2012 Lethal Lottery match, giving them a prime shot at capturing the coveted main event shot at Kingdom Come. However, lose the match, and you will be forced to enter from the start where your odds are incredibly long and the dream, a near impossibility to achieve. The six participants are still being discussed by those of us within WZCW management, but you can expect and an announcement soon. For those six we do chose, it will literally be All or Nothing!

Bateman: I’d also like to take this opportunity to announce two more matches to the All or Nothing card. Chuck Myles was determined to stop me from doing this, but out of good fun, I’d like to announce that the EurAsian championship will be defended in a tag team match.

The crowd cheers loudly as Bateman takes his leave, the major announcement still ringing in their ears.

Connor: Well what a way to kick off the 40th Ascension folks! I’m Cat Connor, as always, joined by my “esteemed” broadcast colleague Jack Cohen and what do you make of that one Jack?

Cohen: Well CC, I have to applaud that move on the All or Nothing match. It’s sure to weed the weak from the pack and give a true talent the best shot at main eventing Kingdom Come.

Connor: I’m not sure that was the intention, but it’s sure to interesting, especially with none of the six men announced as of yet. Anyway, onto tonight’s show and our first contest which is set to be a cracker.
The following match is scheduled for one fall...

On his way to the ring from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing 235lbs, Mick Overlast!

After emerging from the back, Overlast stands at the top of the ramp for a couple seconds, staring into the crowd and slowly turning his head from left to right while taking in the atmosphere. He coolly walks down the ramp, ignoring the crowd before going into the ring. He gets on one turnbuckle and extends his arms and waits for his tag team partner.

And his tag team partner, from Sydney, Australia, he weighs in at 253lbs, Justin Cooper!!

Cooper walks out and stops at the top of the ramp, he looks around at the fans. He then runs to the run and slides in, Justin gets up and climbs onto the turnbuckle where he looks out at the crowd with a blank stare. He gets down and goes to a corner and ignores his partner opposite him.

Cohen: “Well Cooper is certainly going to be a useful partner for Overlast in his WZCW TV debut.”

Connors: “Very true, a former Mayhem Champion and he will be remembered for a great performance in a brutal match at Kingdom Come.”

“And his opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, he is the The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics, S.H.I.T.!”

S.H.I.T. waddles down to the ring in a straight line with no reaction to the crowd who receive him positively. He stops in the ring as he tries to process the noise.

And his tag team partner, from New York City, he weighs 150 lbs, Jack Skinner!

Skinner is smiling as he emerges to a fairly positive reaction. He steps in the ring and tries to make nice with S.H.I.T. who is takes no notice of his partner.

Connors: “And their opponents are two men who have had their fair share of disagreements in the past but they seem to have reconciled.”

Cohen: “How does that make for a cohesive unit. Cooper and Overlast will get the win here tonight.”

Skinner begins by circling opposite Overlast. He goes for a single leg takedown but Overlast kicks him in the head. Skinner is dazed and Overlast begins to pound him on the back. He whips Skinner into the corner and then charges at him. Skinner evades him at the last second and Overlast lands chest first. Skinner nails him with a straight kick to the head and then a neckbreaker. Skinner hooks the leg, 1....2...Overlast forces himself out. Skinner gets Overlast in a front facelock but Overlast drags him back to his own corner and Justin Cooper tags in. He takes Skinner down with a body slam and then hits three elbow drops in quick succession. He covers lackadaisically and Skinner easily gets out at two.

Cohen: “How good do Cooper and Overlast look? Very impressive.”

Cooper goes in for an armbar but Skinner tries to shift his body weight towards his own corner. Skinner appeals to his tag partner to come in but S.H.I.T. stands motionless on the apron. Overlast sprints across into the ring and hits S.H.I.T. with a forearm that knocks him off the apron. The ref admonishes Overlast but as he does, S.H.I.T. rolls into the ring, steps on Cooper who is forced to break the hold. He then lifts up the referee and repositions him behind him before hitting Overlast with the Head Chop! The official then tries to drag S.H.I.T. out of the ring which is a struggle.

Cohen: “Hey, get the mandroid out of there!”

Connors: “Damn I’m impressed. I’ve not been convinced that S.H.I.T. could function well in a tag team match but he did well there.”

With the referee busy, Cooper goes to hit Your Final Verse but Skinner reverses it and hits a jaw breaker. He then goes to lock in the Midnight Deadline sleeper. Cooper flaps about before tapping in furious desperation to break the hold. The referee is still busy with S.H.I.T. who is still taking time to get out the ring. Cooper falls back while still in the hold and Skinner is sandwiched into the corner. Cooper then rolls Skinner up. The ref turns around to see it and counts the pinfall, 1....2.....Skinner barely kicks out.

Cohen: “So much for S.H.I.T. functioning well in a tag team, his reluctance to leave the ring is costing Skinner.”

Cooper begins to show his anger and pummels Skinner with punches to the head. The ref counts to the five and Cooper stops at four. Cooper pulls Skinner up and brings him over to his corner. Overlast tags in, him and Cooper go to set up for a double suplex but as they lift Skinner up, the gangly ex-journalist wriggles out and falls back, hitting both opponents with a double DDT. With both men down, Skinner crawls across the ring and tags in S.H.I.T.! The man-robot observes both Cooper and Overlast coming towards him and casually takes both men on with forearms shots and uppercuts to the head. He throws Cooper over the top rope and then drops Overlast with a hip toss, he then picks up Overlast and drops him with a piledriver!

Connors: “Yet again, we see S.H.I.T. pulling out another move from his opponents arsenal.”

Cohen: “Last week he was flipping and diving all over the place and now he is pulling out crazy power moves!”

Overlast clutches his neck instantly but S.H.I.T. still goes for a cover but Cooper pulls S.H.I.T. out of the ring just in time before the referee can count a three. Skinner goes out the ring and then whips Cooper into the ring. S.H.I.T. then whips him into the corner, Skinner comes in and whips Overlast into the opposite corner. Skinner climbs the turnbuckle and begins punching Overlast. S.H.I.T. follows and soon the pair are punching their opponents in unison and the crowd are cheering along., counting to ten! Cooper drags S.H.I.T. off the turnbuckle and hits an atomic drop but S.H.I.T. no sells it and hits the Head Chop to Cooper. Skinner drops Overlast to the mat and then hits the Bronco Buster! S.H.I.T. has Cooper covered in the middle of the ring, 1...2...3!!

“Your winners by pinfall, the team of S.H.I.T. and Jack Skinner!”

Connors: “A chaotic ending sees Skinner and S.H.I.T. get a hard fought win.”

Cohen: “Cooper and Overlast got screwed, how is it possible that both men were in the ring at the same time! The better team lost I tell you!”
We go backstage where Alex Bowen is arriving at the arena, the Mayhem Title draped over his shoulder. As he's walking suddenly he gets his with a Singapore cane. He collapses to the ground and as Sean Cruz comes into the picture and continues assaulting Bowen until a plethora of refs come running in and break it up.

Cruz: This isn't over Alex! I won that title fair and square! Man up and put that title on the line.

Cruz breaks away from the group of refs and tries to attack Bowen again. Bowen gets up and scampers away, dragging the Mayhem Title on the ground as the refs subdue Cruz once again.

Cohen: What is Cruz thinking? That's not how you get a title shot!

Connor: It's clear that Cruz has had about enough of Bowen. He wants that Mayhem Championship back!

Cohen: Cruz is a lying steroid abuser, why would Bateman or Myles bother giving him a title shot?

Connor: Either way this is something we'll hopefully settle next week!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

There are loud boos all around the arena as Showtime Cougar emerges, the spotlight on him as he stands on the stage and smirks.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 219 pounds, from Winnipeg, Canada, Showtime Cougar!

Cohen: The spotlight on Showtime and Showtime alone! As it should be!

Connor: I’m so sick of him and his ridiculous ego!

Showtime struts down the ramp and slides into the ring. He taunts the hostile crowd as he walks around the ring.


The crowd give a big pop as Stan Rogers stomps out onto the stage, his eyes straight forward at his former tag team partner.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 260 pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri, Stan Rogers!

He quickly goes down the ramp and gets into the ring. He tries to go straight for Showtime, but the referee holds him back as Showtime looks on, shaking his head.

Cohen: Wait for the damn bell, Rogers!

Connor: Rogers considered Showtime a friend and got stabbed in the back! You’d be wanting revenge too!

Finally Rogers cools down long enough for the referee to call the bell and Rogers charges forward but Showtime slides out of the ring to thunderous boos from the crowd. Showtime tells the referee to restrain Rogers until he’s ready. Rogers backs up into the corner, almost begging Showtime to get into the ring. Showtime gingerly climbs onto the apron and gets into the ring and this time Rogers doesn’t give him a chance to escape, hitting a Double Leg Takedown on Showtime and starts pummelling him as the crowd cheer him on! Showtime manages to roll Rogers over and starts hitting his own right hands. Rogers pushes him off, sending Showtime roll backwards. They both quickly get up and Rogers charges forward again but Showtime hits him with a swift Dropkick. He tries to take control of the match, locking on a Sleeper Hold to wear the feisty Rogers down. But Rogers starts to get up, with Showtime still trying to put him to sleep. Rogers uses is amazing strength to get to his feet with Showtime on his back! Rogers goes to flip Showtime over his shoulder but Showtime lets go just in time and lands on his feet. Rogers turns around and gets nailed with an Enziguiri! He crumbles to the mat and Showtime goes for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Rogers!

Copeland: Showtime has managed to be one step ahead of his former “friend”...

Showtime gets up and sizes up Rogers, who is slowly getting to his feet. Rogers is up and Showtime goes for a Spinning Clothesline, but Rogers catches him and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex! Showtime flies across the ring and lands hard. Rogers, being willed on by the crowd gets to his feet and hits Showtime with a big clothesline. Cougar quickly gets up, but he’s caught by another. Rogers picks him up and Irish Whips him across the ring. Showtime returns and Rogers lifts him up into a Gorilla Press but Showtime struggles out of it and lands behind Rogers before quickly hitting the Backstage DDT. Showtime hooks Rogers’ leg, 1... 2... Kick out! Showtime keeps hold of Rogers’ leg, trying to wrap it up with the Commercial Break, but Rogers kicks him away and Showtime collides with the turnbuckles. He stumbles backwards into Rogers, who is now up, and gets hit with a Belly to Back Suplex. Rogers goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Showtime. Rogers gets up and feeds off the cheering capacity crowd. He picks up Showtime and hits a Bodyslam before picking him up and hitting another. Showtime tries to crawl away but Rogers picks him up by his hair and places him on his feet. Showtime is dazed and Rogers grabs him in a Front Facelock and lifts him up into the air. Rogers holds Showtime in the air and walks around the ring as the crowd counts the seconds that Showtime has been upside down. After fifteen seconds, Rogers falls backwards, sending Showtime crashing to the mat and floats over into the pin, 1... 2.... Showtime gets a foot on the ropes!

Cohen: He cannot be beaten!

Connor: Well Rogers has been in control for a long time, but Showtime is showing his experience.

Rogers gets up and asks the crowd if they want to see Showtime take a Powerbomb, to a hugely positive response from the audience. Rogers picks up Showtime and gets ready to lift him up for the Powerbomb but Showtime drops to his knees and hits Rogers with a lowblow. The crowd boo loudly and the referee calls for the bell as Rogers falls to the mat and Showtime uses the ropes to hold himself up.

Anderson: Here is your winner by disqualification, Stan Rogers!

Connor: We should’ve seen this coming!

Cohen: It doesn’t matter, in a month, no one will remember the name Stan Rogers!

Showtime rolls out of the ring and slowly walks up the ramp, holding his midsection. He turns around and shouts “You’re lucky this time!” at his former partner, who is using the ropes to get up. Showtime backs up the ring, looking with great spite in his eyes. Rogers is up and he asks for a microphone. He takes a deep breath before talking.

Rogers: Typical. Typical cowardly Showtime, running away when he’s met his match. I already know the answer to this, but I’m hoping you’ll surprise me. What I’m proposing is you versus me at All or Nothing. Showtime versus Stan Rogers one more time.

The crowd cheer loudly at this potential match.

Rogers: So for once in your life Showtime, find some balls between your legs and accept my challenge!

Showtime stands at the top of the ramp, looking like he's contemplating accepting Rogers' challenge. But he then shakes his head and turns around, going through the curtain. The crowd boo and Rogers looks irritated inside the ring.

We go backstage where Leon is standing by with Mr. Baller.

Leon: Baller coming up next you face Chris Beckford. Now the last time you two faced off...

Baller: Was that supposed to be a joke Leon?

Leon: Uhm....no no it wasn't.

Baller: Keep your jokes to yourself Leon. We all know what happened last time Beckford and I were in a one on one match. I'm here to talk about another item.

Leon: What would that be?

Baller: The All or Nothing match! I was screwed at Unscripted, and thanks to a very incompetent lawyer my lawsuit fell through against WZCW. I deserve to be in that match and gain the final spot in the Lethal Lottery. As for Beckford, let's just say he better make sure his head is screwed on tight. And you better believe that!

Baller walks off as we go to commercial.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, your next match is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: First, from Miami Florida, weighing 230 pounds; MR. BALLER!

Baller moves out from behind the curtain that separates backstage from the arena and struts cockily to the ring. The entire arena blasts him with utter hatred. Baller doesn’t care though and soaks up the hatred he’s being dealt as if it were the air he breathes.

Connor: Mr. Baller’s had a pretty impressive last 6 weeks or so, but lost his last two matches.

Cohen: Wait, wait, wait. First off, Titus was incredibly fortunate to pick up any sort of win there against a true star like Baller, and second, he didn’t lose inside Hell in a Cell, the Apostles of Chaos prevented him from even being involved in the decision.

Connor: Regardless, he hasn’t won in the last two efforts.

As Baller enters the ring, the music changes...


And his opponent, from Leeds England, weighing 226 pounds; CHRIS BECKFORD!

Beckford’s usual wide smile is slightly smaller than usual and while he’s clearly full of energy, he’s less active to show it. He walks past a camera, showing off his wrist tape with the initials G.S. written on them. He taps the tape before pointing upwards. He repeats and then sprints down into the ring.

Connor: Chris Beckford is looking to return to winning ways too after he was unsuccessful in his attempt to become the first ever two time EurAsian Champion.

Beckford and Baller meet centre of the ring as the referee calls for the bell to signal the start of the contest. Both men unleash right hands at one another, connecting at the same time. They both take a step back before looking to execute dropkicks. Once again, they follow each other with near symmetry, only this time, while Baller looks to use a hurricanrana; Beckford places him down into the mat and locks him into a Boston crab. Baller though is quick into the ropes to force a break. Beckford backs off to allow Baller to his feet, but quickly puts him back to the mat with the faceplant. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Once more Beckford backs off, this time allowing him to use a springboard dropkick, but Baller anticipates it and counters with a dropkick of his own, knocking Beckford down. Baller then executes a standing moonsault and gets a 1...2...KICK-OUT! Baller backs off to give himself a head start as Beckford gets to his feet, before delivering a bulldog. Unsatisfied, Baller opts to go for a standing leg drop. He motions that he’s just hit a slam dunk before nailing the move. 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Cohen: What an exhibition from Mr. Baller so far. He looks like he’s in the form of his life.

Connor: True Baller is dominating now, but you shouldn’t count Beckford out this.

Cohen: Do you ever say things that aren’t corny CC?

Baller has Beckford with him and looks to execute a swinging neckbreaker. He manages to turn, but Beckford grabs onto the ropes, while Baller hits the mat. Beckford is then quick to latch onto Baller as he attempts to get up and drills him with a DDT. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Having turned things around, Beckford believes he can take an opportunity to head up to the top rope. He is in the midst of climbing when Baller gets to his feet. The basketball aficionado is only truly aware of Beckford’s presence when he sees him positioning himself up top. Baller uses great speed as he bounces into the ropes, crotching Beckford in the process. Though sweating and hurting, Baller s******s and shows off to the crowd’s disgust. Next, Baller climbs the ropes to meet Beckford up top. He grabs his fellow veteran and talks a little trash to him before slapping him hard in the face. Baller laughs a little more before finally looking to execute a legitimate wrestling move as he looks to deliver a hurricanrana from the top. However, Beckford blocks him before he can even lock his legs around the Leeds native. He looks to executer the move again, but it is only blocked a second time. Beckford now smashes Baller in the ribs with a knee, but rather than allow him to fall to the mat, Beckford keeps the winded Baller up top with him in order to deliver a sunset flip powerbomb! The crowd goes wild following the stunning manoeuvre.

Connor: Wow! That’s possibly a match ending move right there.

1...2...KICK-OUT! Beckford is surprised that Baller had enough to get out of the pinning predicament, and takes a few moments to reset himself while Baller begins to stir slightly. With his foe still gathering himself on the mat, Beckford looks to apply the Boston crab for a second time in the match. Baller is almost immediately aware of the hold due to the severe pain he is in. He screams out and tries to claw his way to the ropes, only to be dragged back further by Beckford. Baller continues to wriggle and writhe in the centre, but slowly etches his way towards the ropes. The crowd are demanding that Baller tap, but the former tag team champion is tougher than they may think and finally reaches the ropes after a relatively long struggle. Beckford reluctantly releases Baller, before signalling that the end is near. He lifts Baller to his feet and looks to execute the Cross Drop. He twists Baller around, but in a similar way to how Beckford avoided Baller’s neckbreaker; the former Mayhem champion avoids the move. Instead of grabbing the ropes though, he pulls Beckford down with a backslide. 1...2...3! The crowd are surprised as is the majority of the WZCW staff...except for Jack Cohen of course.

Cohen: YES! Baller is back to winning ways once more!

Anderson: Eh...he--here is your winner; MR. BALLER!

The crowd seems to erupt into a mass of boos as Baller slithers his way to the outside, his hand raised triumphantly. Beckford can’t believe his bad luck and simply shakes his head. Baller crawls away up the ramp.

Connor: Well, uh, it appears Mr. Baller has in fact won, with a backslide of all things.

Cohen: A wins a win, and you know all about these bad clichés CC.
We go backstage in a darkened locker room. Candles are lit all around and as the camera moves, it settles on Ty Burna sitting in a chair, his hands folded over. The Apostles of Chaos James King and Chris K.O. stand in front of him, Serafina on the side.

Ty: Any word on the damage done to Big Dave?

Serafina: No master, we do know he was checked by paramedics, but we are not sure if he was taken to the hospital.

Ty sits and remains contemplative. He nods his head and gazes up at the Apostles.

Ty: As you heard the decree by our "esteemed" manager Vance Bateman, we are not supposed to attack any WZCW official nor attack any WZCW wrestler with extreme measures.

K.O.: What do you propose we do then Ty?

A sinister smile forms on Ty's face as he unfolds his hands and spreads his arms out.

Ty: Destroy Kurtesy and Bomb inside that ring. There is nothing they can do when you deliver the pain and punishment they deserve within legal bounds.

King: Will we be limited like this for the future?

Ty's smile widens even further and his face takes on a manic expression. He begins laughing loudly as he throws his head back.

Ty: You let me worry about that my friend. Soon no one will be able to place any sort of restrictions upon us! Now go, deliver unto our foolish enemies, the Gospel of Chaos!

King and K.O. seem to be infused with energy after their leader's words. They nod and quickly exit the locker room as Serafina looks down at Ty.

Serafina: What do you have in mind Master?

Ty: It will all be revealed soon enough.

We go to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!

Brad Bomb makes his way out as the crowd cheers. He points out to the crowd before making his way down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. He reaches the ring and removes his hoodie, throwing it into the crowd. He slides into the ring and holds his arm up.

Anderson Introducing first, weighing in at 261 lbs, Brad Bomb!

Steven Kurtesy walks out to a large pop from the crowd. He stands at the top of the entrance ramp and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before walking down the ramp. He slaps hands with the fans before entering the ring. He bows to the crowd which elicits another pop.

Anderson: And his tag team partner, weighing in at 235 lbs, Professor Steven Kurtesy!

The lights dim as the crowd begins booing immediately. The crowd begins booing as James King and Chris K.O. make their way out to the top of the entrance ramp. They stare out at the crowd before removing the hoods of their cloaks. They walk down the ramp while paying no attention to the fans. They slide into the ring and both hop up onto a turnbuckle. K.O. holds his arms up in the shape of an X while King raises his arms up as well.

Anderson: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 462 lbs, Chris K.O. and James King, The Apostles of Chaos!

Connor: Steven Kurtesy now teams with Brad Bomb tonight, as he continues to try and derail the Apostles of Chaos.

Cohen: Why does he bother? The Apostles have already left him handcuffed to the Cell, and beat him last week. Brad Bomb meanwhile almost had his career ended by the Apostles at All or Nothing.

The ref signals for the bell and James King and Brad Bomb start the match off. The two lock up and Bomb uses his power advantage to gain a headlock. he hits a knee to the midsection before whipping King across into the ropes. Bomb quickly lifts King up and connects with a sidewalk slam. He immediately hooks the leg, 1....King kicks out. Bomb drags him up and whips him into the ropes again. Bomb telegraphs a back body drop and King capitalizes with a kick to the chest, forcing the bigger man to stand straight up. King follows up with a big clothesline, sending Bomb to the mat. He backs up into the ropes and rushes forward, dropping a stiff leg drop across the throat of Bomb. He covers him, 1......2......Bomb kicks out. King gets up quickly and drags Bomb to the Apostles' corner. King tags in K.O. The Apostles deliver a double suplex, causing Bomb to hold his back in pain. K.O. covers him quickly, 1.....2.....Bomb kicks out.

Connor: Bomb is in a bad spot early with the Apostles making a quick tag and the double team maneuver.

Cohen: I'm not surprised. Kurtesy is the brains of his team, and that's not saying much. The Apostles are showing why they're a team to be reckoned with.

K.O. lifts Bomb up and hits a quick European uppercut. He backs Bomb into the ropes and tries to whip him across, but Bomb counters and K.O. eats a clothesline on the rebound. Bomb turns and quickly tags in Kurtesy, which causes a large pop from the crowd. Kurtesy immediately goes to work, connecting with a few strikes to the face of K.O. He follows up with repeated kicks to the right leg of K.O., forcing him down to one knee. Kurtesy runs towards the ropes and bounces off, but K.O. suddenly stands and delivers a perfect looking dropkick, stopping the professor's momentum. Kurtesy grabs hold of the ropes and slowly drags himself up, shaking the cobwebs out as K.O. gets to his feet and slowly stalks the downed Kurtesy. He goes to grab Kurtesy but Kurtesy suddenly lifts K.O. over and sends him to the outside! Kurtesy rolls to the outside as K.O. tries to regain his feet. Kurtesy delivers a solid kick to the midsection, sending K.O. sprawling across the ground. The crowd cheers as Kurtesy bows to them before lifting K.O. back up to his feet. Kurtesy tries to whip K.O. into the steel steps but K.O. reverses and sends Kurtesy into the steel steps. The ref's count has reached 5 as K.O. rolls in and back out to break the count. He stomps away on Kurtesy before delivering repeated lefts and rights. Kurtesy tries to cover up but the blows are taking their toll. Bomb drops off the apron and goes to help his partner, but King meets him halfway with a flying clothesline!

Connor: The ref needs to get these guys back into the ring. This might just become a mugging rather than a wrestling match!

Cohen: What do you mean might? It already is!

The ref orders King back to his corner as he backs off holding his arms up. K.O. drags Kurtesy up and tosses him back into the ring. K.O. enters the ring and immediately goes for the cover, 1......2.......Kurtesy kicks out. K.O. drags Kurtesy to his corner and tags in King. King enters the ring and the two whip Kurtesy across. K.O. connects with a running knee strike and King delivers a leg drop immediately afterwards. King covers Kurtesy, 1......2.......Kurtesy kicks out again! King applies a leg lock as he has Kurtesy in the middle of the ring. Kurtesy scrambles, trying to reach the ropes as Bomb slowly gets back up onto the apron. He slams his fist onto the turnbuckle, trying to get the crowd behind Kurtesy. Kurtesy sits up and punches King, trying to get him to release the hold. He does it once more and King releases the hold, but only to get up first and stomp on Kurtesy's leg. Kurtesy grasps his leg in pain but King doesn't give him a chance to rest. He lifts him up and hits a knee to the midsection. King runs to the ropes and bounces off. He goes for a running neckbreaker but Kurtesy stands up straight at the last second and King crashes to the mat. Kurtesy quickly gets the tag to Bomb who comes in, his face awash in anger. King is to his feet but not for long as Bomb hits a huge clothesline. King bounces off and gets back up but Bomb grabs him and sends him over with a belly to belly suplex! Bomb doesn't bother with the cover though and begins throwing repeated rights. King covers up and the ref is forced to pull Bomb off. Bomb throws his arms up and yells as the crowd gets behind him.

Connor: Brad Bomb is fired up and taking it to the Apostles!

Cohen: But with what partner? He can't take on the Apostles by himself. With the damage done to Kurtesy, Bomb is on his own.

Bomb turns back towards King who is scrambling to tag in K.O. but Bomb cuts him off, dragging King back into the center of the ring. King turns over and tries to kick Bomb off but Bomb catches his other leg as well. He wraps his arms around King's legs and flips him over, applying a Boston Crab! King holds his head in pain as he tries to reach for the ropes to no avail. Bomb sits back into the hold, forcing more pressure on King's back. The ref checks on King who refuses to give up. Suddenly K.O. rushes into the ring and delivers a big boot to the back of Bomb's head, breaking up the hold. The ref begins admonishing K.O. as he slowly backs up to his corner. Bomb struggles to his feet but King is slowly getting up as well. Bomb turns around and with the ref's back turned, King delivers a low blow! Bomb drops to the ground as the crowd begins booing loudly. K.O. sees the damage done and exits to the apron, yelling for King to tag him in. King gets to his feet and tags in K.O. who quickly rushes into the ring, delivering his patented strikes to the head of Bomb.

Cohen: A genius maneuver by the Apostles. They've slowed down this bull to a crawl.

Connor: A cheap shot. They should be disqualified.

Kurtesy finally gets back to the apron in his corner. He stands favoring his right leg while K.O. drops Bomb hard with his clinching slam. K.O. signals for the Butterfly effect. He motions for Bomb to get up while pacing the ring. Bomb gets to his feet and K.O. delivers a kick to the midsection. He hooks the arms but Bomb suddenly counters with a back body drop! The crowd immediately gets behind Bomb as he tries to figure out where he's at in the ring. He finds his corner and begins making his way there. K.O. grabs hold of his leg, trying to stop him from making the tag. Bomb turns over and kicks K.O. off of him! Bomb is able to make the tag and Kurtesy enters the ring as K.O. tags in King. Kurtesy immediately connects with a spinning heel kick, knocking King to the ground. K.O. tries to intervene but Kurtesy quickly hits Prescription Sedated, sending K.O. face first into the mat. Kurtesy grabs hold of King and hits the Circel of Life butterfly suplex, sending King over and back first into the mat. Kurtesy drops an elbow across the chest of King and goes for the cover, 1.......2.......King kicks out!

Connor: Kurtesy now changing the landscape of this match! Kurtesy's got both of the Apostles down and King right where he wants him!

Cohen: Don't get too excited now CC. This match isn't over by a long shot!

Kurtesy is back to his feet as the crowd is now red hot. He clotheslines K.O. to the outside. He motions for his finishing maneuver and grabs hold of King, but King gets a thumb to the eye and rolls out of the ring as Kurtesy drops to one knee, holding his face as his eye pulsates in pain. Bomb yells to Kurtesy to tag him in. Kurtesy does so as King rolls back into the ring. Kurtesy slowly exits the ring but just as he does so, K.O. undercuts his leg, sending Kurtesy back first across the apron and then down to the ground. K.O. runs back to his corner as Bomb lifts King up for a spinebuster! While in the air K.O. is able to make the blind tag as Bomb delivers the devastating maneuver. King is down as Bomb crawls to the top turnbuckle, waiting for King to stand up. As King stands, Bomb goes for a cross body but K.O. quickly shoves King out of the way and grabs hold of Bomb's arm and drops him face first to the mat. K.O. locks in the The Burning Crusade as King applies the Amnesty Strikes! Bomb tries to fight out as Kurtesy stirs on the outside. Bomb has no choice and taps out as the crowd begins booing loudly.

Anderson: Here are your winners, The Apostles of Chaos!

Connor: I don't think Bomb realized K.O. made the tag.

Cohen: Of course he didn't. The Apostles did everything necessary to win tonight, and Bomb once again finds himself in the clutches of the Pipeline of Pain.

King and K.O. refuse to let go of the hold as Bomb continues to tap out. The ref tries to separate them but the Apostles refuse. Finally Kurtesy slides into the ring with a chair in hand, forcing the Apostles to release the hold and roll out of the ring. King and K.O. stare up into the ring at Kurtesy with smug looks on their faces. They slowly back up the ramp as Kurtesy checks on Bomb. The two turn to exit to the back when suddenly.

Kurtesy: This isn't over!

The two Apostles turn back towards the ring, stoic expressions on their faces now.

Kurtesy: I demand we have another match. But this time, it's just you and me Chris. No interference from anyone, let's see if you're skilled enough to fight on your own.

K.O. and King look at each other for a moment before K.O. turns back to Kurtesy and nods his head. The two turn and exit to the back as Kurtesy returns to checking on Bomb.

Connor: It looks like we have a match made for next week. Chris K.O. will take on Steven Kurtesy one on one.

Cohen: Does Kurtesy have a death wish? K.O. has been on fire ever since the formation of the Apostles. There's no way Kurtesy can win.

Connor: I think Kurtesy just wants a fair fight against one of the Apostles.

Cohen: He's a dead man. Even if Kurtesy somehow gets the win, I don't see him getting out of the arena unscathed.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos heavily as Blade emerges onto the stage with a smile on his face, closely followed by Scott Hammond. He takes a deep breath and absorbs the atmosphere that the audience is giving Blade whilst Hammond looks around the arena shaking his head. The two head down the ramp, discussing with each other.

Anderson: Introducing first, being accompanied by Scott Hammond, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds; BLADE!

Connor: This newly formed alliance is coming to us on the heels of a victory against the current EurAsian champion on Meltdown. I wonder if they can make their streak 2 for 2 on Ascension?

Cohen: Don't be so silly, CC. These are the two greatest psychological masters in the world teaming together. How can they lose?

They enter into the ring, still discussing between each other. They almost look like they aren't even worried about the upcoming match.


The crowd gets excited and off their feet as Action Saxton makes his presence known. He shows off his moves to the crowd, trying to get them fired up.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds; ACTION SAXTON!

He walks down the ramp, sparring with a couple of fans for fun before sliding underneath the bottom rope. He stands his ground in the center of the ring, not afraid of the apparent handicap. He stares straight at Hammond and tells him to leave. Hammond does not such thing, mouthing off at Saxton. Blade then tells Hammond to grab a chair and enjoy. Hammond smiles as he exits the ring and goes behind the timekeeper's bench and pulls out a steel chair. Saxton readies his defense as Hammond teases using the chair on him but instead unfolds it and slowly sits on it, relaxing comfortably for the match. Saxton lowers his guard from the potential attack... but Blade strikes from behind and hits Saxton with a flurry of offense. The referee signals the bell to begin the contest.

Cohen: The match has just started and already they've got the mental advantage.

Connor: And it seems they're better at cheating and under-handed tactics too. Always a great way to show your dominance.

The crowd boos as Blade has momentarily neutralised Saxton on the ropes. He smiles before attempting to whip him, which Saxton reverses to whip Blade. He comes at Saxton with a clothesline attempt but Saxton ducks the attempt and responds with a knife-edge chop. Blade ducks that and slips behind Saxton, locking his arms around Saxton's stomach to a hit a German suplex. He keeps the arms tucked around Saxton, forcing the big man to his feet once to hit another German suplex. Blade goes for a third but Saxton hits some well-placed elbows for an escape. He goes for the last big elbow but Blade switches his position and performs a belly to belly suplex on Saxton instead. He goes for the cover on Saxton... 1... 2... kick-out. Blade tries to end the bout quickly as he goes for his patent Texas cloverleaf but the leg strength of Saxton pushes Blade straight into the corner, hitting his head on the top turnbuckle. The crowd cheer as Saxton is up and goes to the corner, performing a rolling snapmare out of the corner to move Blade away. Saxton decides to climb to the top of the corner turnbuckles, ready for a high risk attack. Blade senses the danger and gets up quickly, almost running up the turnbuckles to catch Saxton and hit him with a powerslam from the top. Both men crash into the canvas and feel the effects of the impact. Blade, being the man on the offensive for most of the match thus far, is able to summon the strength to go for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Saxton. Hammond applauds the quick work that Blade has done to Saxton in the early goings of the match.

Connor: Apart from the sneak attack, a very impressive start from Blade.

Cohen: What did I tell you? Saxton has no chance with walking out of here with the "w" tonight.

Blade is up and signals for the end of the match, growing bored fast of Saxton's lack of offense. He measures up his man and goes for the Halo but Saxton flips Blade over, causing the crowd to cheer on the big man. Blade gets up quickly and tries to take out Saxton before he recovers but Saxton knocks him down with a punch. Blade tries this again and gets the same result. A third time is met with a different approach but Saxton nails him with a knife-edge chop for his efforts. The crowd is beginning to get behind Saxton as he whips Blade across the ring. Blade tries going for a quick belly to belly on the rebound but Saxton traps Blade and delivers headbutts to Blade, slightly dazing him. Saxton lets go and hits a spin kick, truly making Blade groggy for a moment. Saxton takes the opportunity to give him the roundhouse kick, knocking him down. He goes for the cover on Blade... 1... 2... kick-out. A look of concern grows on the face of Hammond as Saxton gets up, getting the fans riled up. He now decides that it's a good time to finish the match and does the theatrics in preparing for Black Lightning to occur. At this point, Hammond jumps up from his seat, knocking it over. He readies himself, catching the eye of Saxton. However, Saxton notices that he isn't the target of Hammond's concern and looks behind him, he sees James King walking onto the stage, standing there watching the match. Saxton glares at King and tells him to come down and fight. King just smiles at Saxton which confuses him. Suddenly, Blade clutches behind Saxton and hits the third German suplex he was looking for in the night and bridges the move for the pin... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell as Blade has won the match. The crowd is both shocked and appalled at the result, booing in the direction of both Blade and King. Hammond is noticeably happy with the result.

Anderson: Here is your winner; BLADE!

Cohen: He didn't even need to use his finisher on Saxton to get the victory. What a performance.

Connor: If James King didn't come out here to make the distraction, Saxton could of had this match. Speaking of which, what is King doing?

James King begins walking down the ramp before it turns into a run towards the ring. Hammond sees this and directs and aids Blade to get out of the ring, telling him its not their fight. King slides into the ring where Saxton has nearly recovered from the shock loss and he attacks him whilst he is grounded. Lefts and rights are thrown furiously with the crowd objecting to every hit. He continues his assault on Saxton until Saboteur bolts from the entrance ramp to make the save. The crowd cheers as he comes to Saxton's aid.

Connor: There is starting to be some really bad blood happening between these guys.

Saboteur slides into the ring and he and King exchange punches until Saboteur ends up getting the better of King. The crowd cheers as King is whipped off the ropes and taken down with a clothesline by Saboteur. Whilst King is temporarily out, Saboteur goes over to Saxton to check if he's okay and tries to help him out. However, undetected by the crowd or anyone in the ring, Dr. Alhazred has managed to get into the ring with his power glove active and stalks his prey. Saxton alerts Saboteur as Alhazred makes a move. Saxton pushes Saboteur out of the way as Alhazred his the glove to punch Saxton right into the stomach, knocking the wind out of Saxton who drops to the ground.

Cohen: And the power glove is back! Looks like we now might have the answer concerning Alhazred's alignment.

Alhazred looks at what he has done and laughs as the crowds hero is almost out. However, he turns around to see Saboteur charging him and he flees the ring. Saboteur stays in the ring to protect his fallen comrade as Alhazred drags King out of the ring. Before any more shenanigans occur, the Ascension theme song is heard and Vance Bateman has come out with a mircophone in hand.

Bateman: James King, you may have found a loophole in the whole interference clause I set at the top of the show but I'm not going to let this incident go unpunished.

The crowd cheers as King, who is being held up by Alhazred, looks confused.

Bateman: It seems you and your old partner have gotten back together. Well I can live with that decision because this has given me an idea for next weeks show. Since you've been having a gripe with both Saxton and Saboteur, and since the two of you are buddies again, why don't we have ourselves a tag team contest. Action Saxton & Saboteur verses the reformed Forgotten Powers!

The crowd cheers in excitement as Saboteur nods at the idea with Alhazred and King staring at each other. Bateman leaves the scene as Alhazred and King look towards Saboteur and Saxton has gotten to a sitting position.

Connor: The re-uniting former tag team champions will be competing here next week. I wonder how well will this sit with Ty Burna and King's new partner, Chris K.O.?
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 505 lbs, Stephen Holmes and John Constantine!

The crowd boos loudly as Stephen Holmes and John Constantine make their way to the ring slowly. Both men climbs the stairs and pose before entering the ring.


There are cheers from the crowd as Sam Smith, Elite X Championship around his waist, makes his way to the ring.

Connor: Tonight Smith gets to face the two men he’s beaten at the last two PPV’s.

Cohen: No no CC. Tonight Smith is going to face two men who’s mission is do dethrone Sam Smith as champion. Tonight will be further demonstartion of that fact.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, from Washinton DC, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!


Titus comes out to a good response. He walks down slowly and sticks his arms out to high five some of the crowd. He reaches Smith waiting and they quickly shake hands before sliding into the ring together.

Anderson: And his partner, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 225 lbs, Titus!

Titus will start for his team and him and Smith slap double high fives as the bell rings. Constantine wastes no time and knocks Titus down from behind. Smith tries to get into the ring, but the ref keeps him on the outside Constantine pulls a struggling Titus towards his corner where Holmes jumps in and starts stomping him before the ref notices. Constantine slaps his hands together, making the ref think a legal tag has been made after he’s returned his attention to the match. The ref starts counting Constantine out. Before that happens him and Holmes deliver a Double Suplex. Holmes rolls on top of Titus for the early cover. 1... 2 Titus kicks out. Holmes grabs Titus arm and goes for an Armbar. Titus rolls over to his feet before Holmes can lock the hold. Titus grabs Holmes legs and flips over into the cover. 1... kick out by Holmes. Titus and Holmes get to their feet. Spinning Heel Kick by Titus. Holmes ducks it and trips the legs of Titus. Holmes with a Head Scissors on Titus continuing to wear at him early on in the match. Titus kicks his feet up as he tries to squeeze loose. Titus gets his legs under him and stands up just enough to have Holmes pinned. 1... 2.. Holmes breaks the hold. Holmes is to his feet. Titus stops him in his tracks with an European Uppercut. Titus Irish Whips Holmes into his corner where he makes the tag to Smith. Smith jumps into the ring and the two Irish Whip Holmes into the ropes. Holmes bounces back and is hit by a Double Dropkick. Smith into the cover. 1... 2. Holmes kicks out.

Connor: Some good teamwork early on in this contest.

Cohen: Yea, perhaps Titus taught Smith how to act like a wrestler.

Smith lifts Holmes up and sends him back hard to the mat with a Snap Suplex. Holmes reaches out to his corner. Smith walks behind Holmes and locks in a Sleeper hold. He lifts Holmes to his feet and tries to drag him away from the corner. Holmes elbows and runs forward. Constantine swings over Holmes and strikes Smith, breaking the hold. Constantine tags in and levels Smith with a Lariat. Constantine climbs on top of Smith and starts delivering Mounted Punches to the face of Smith. The ref counts to 5 before Constantine gets up off Smith. Boos shower down on Constantine as he patiently waits for Smith to stand. Smith does and Constantine comes in from behind with a Chop Block. Constantine starts stomping on the fallen Smith before tagging in Holmes. Constantine holds Smith’s arms to the mat, allowing Holmes to hit a clean Knee Drop from the middle rope. Holmes with the cover. 1... 2... Smith kicks out. Holmes sits Smith up and locks in an Abdominal Stretch. Constantine fakes entering the ring, distracting the ref and allowing Holmes to grab onto the ropes to further stretch Smith. Titus tries to intervene, but the ref sees him enter and stops him. As Titus is being escorted, Constantine enters the ring and boots the midsection of Smith repeatedly. Constantine again claps his hands, making the ref think a tag has been made as Holmes releases the hold.

Connor: Smith has been isolated in his opponents corner. He needs to make a tag out before Constantine and Holmes put this one away.

Constantine is stomping on Smith before he helps lift him to his feet. Constantine grabs underneath Smith and lifts him up to a horizontal base, looking to hit a Fallaway Slam. Constantine laughs while holding Smith as he circles around the ring. He turns to face his opponents corner when Titus leaps onto the top rope and flies at Constantine with a Clothesline, knocking all three men to the mat. Titus stays on top of Constantine throwing punches as the ref pulls him off. Constantine gets up immediately and yells at Titus. Holmes tags in and continues the offense on Smith.

Cohen: That there wasn’t a smart move by Titus. His partner continues to be double teamed and now he’s pissed off Constantine.

Holmes locks Smith in another Abdominal Stretch. Smith cries out in pain as Titus tries to rally the crowd to its feet. Smith reaches out to his corner, but is too far away. Smith rocks back and with a burst of strength flips Holmes over top to the mat. Holmes gets up and spins around to attack. Smith with a boot to the gut, DDT! Both men are down as the crowd really starts to get loud. Titus reaches out shouting encouragement to Smith. Holmes is to his corner and gets the tag first. Constantine runs in. Smith tags in Titus before Constantine gets there. Titus leaps over ropes. He lands on his feet and drops Constantine with a Kesagiri chop. Constantine is up quickly and Titus European Uppercuts him into the ropes. Titus with an Irish Whip, Constantine reverses. Constantine catches Titus coming back with a Sidewalk slam. Titus counters it into a DDT. Titus with the cover 1... 2... Holmes breaks it up. Smith runs in and start punching Holmes before knocking them both outside the ring.

Cohen: The ref has completely lost control of this contest.

Titus gets up and goes to attack Constantine. Constantine plays possum and delivers a Drop Toe Hold, putting Titus neck first into the ropes. Constantine stand behind Titus and waits for him to stand. Titus does and Constantine grabs him from behind and goes for a spinning back slam, Collateral Damage. Titus rolls over on his feet and kicks Constantine behind the knee. Constantine falls and Titus grabs his ankle. Ankle Lock! Constantine looks to be in agony. Titus wrenches at the ankle and he pulls Constantine back to centre. Holmes recovers from the floor and slides into the ring, before rolling back out. Smith sees Holmes enter and jumps in from his corner. The ref only sees Smith enter and asks him to leave. The distraction allows Holmes to jump back in and deliver High Tnee to the face of Titus. Holmes grabs his partner and drags him closer to the corner.

Cohen: Now that is smart strategy by Holmes, tricking Smith like that.

Holmes exits the ring before the ref sees and Constantine makes the tag. Holmes walks over to Titus and grabs him before he can make the tag to Smith. Holmes grabs Titus by the waist and pulls him to his feet. Belly to Back Suplex. Holmes wraps his legs around Titus waist, Body Scissors. He holds Titus in a Sleeper Hold for further pressure.

Cohen: From being in control to being... done. Thats the life of an actor and for Titus right now.

Connor: Holmes and Constantine have been bending the rules all match. Can Titus and Smith overcome the challenges they are facing?

Titus is looking fazed as his arms are waving around slowly trying to swat at Holmes. Titus’ arms start to drop and the ref does the arm drop. Titus holds his arm up the first time and swings it around meekly. He pulls his other arm a little closer to the ropes. Titus reaches out and Holmes pulls back. Titus elbows Holmes with the other arm, then pulls out forward just grabbing onto the ropes. The ref counts to 4 and Holmes lets go. Holmes starts to tell the crowd that this match is over. Holmes grabs Titus and sets up for Imperial Impaler. Titus lifts Holmes up and over the ropes. Holmes grabs the ropes and lands on the apron. Titus with a Spinning Heel Kick. Connects solidly. Holmes is out as he does the nestle tea plunge on the concrete.

Connor: Holmes is out cold!

Titus crawls over to his corner. Constantine sees his partner out and springs to action. He jumps down and grabs his partner and drags him to the ring. He picks him up and rolls him into the ring. Titus is closer to his corner with Smith shouting on. Constantine hops on the apron and tags Holmes hand as he rolls out of the ring again. Constantine runs and Titus makes the tag. Smith runs in. Clothesline by Smith. Constantine gets up, Smith Arm Drags him back to the mat. Smith grabs the legs and goes for Double Jeopardy. Constantine pushes him back. Constantine gets to his feet and Head butts Smith to stall his momentum. Constantine goes for a Suplex. Smith gets the leg behind and blocks it. Constantine tires for it again. Smith blocks and then hits a quick Snap Suplex counter. The cover. 1... 2.. Constantine kicks out. Smith gets up and climbs onto the turnbuckle. Constantine is on his hands and knees, but Smith still signals for Elbow Drop. Smith jumps. Constantine catches him in mid air. Counters with Fallaway Slam! Constantine drapes an arm. 1... 2.... Smith kicks out.

Cohen: Come on John, put this one away.

Connor: Neither team is giving up. It's any mans match right now.

Constantine is first to his feet, but is visibly exhausted from his return match so far. Titus sees Johns dazed stare and climbs onto the turnbuckle. He leaps with a Clothesline. Constantine sees this, grabs Titus in mid air, Axis of Evil. It throws them right near Constantine’s corner as Titus rolls out of the ring. Constantine reaches for his partner, but Smith grabs Constantine and turns him around. Smith kicks him in the gut and lifts him up for Final Judgment. As he does Holmes tags the foot. Smith hits the move and goes for the pin. The ref tells him that’s not the legal man. Holmes runs in from behind, hitting a Doublehand Axle to the back of the head of Smith. Holmes stands over top of Smith and continues to punch at the back of the head. The ref counts up, but Holmes stops himself soon after and locks in Aristocracy Reigns! Holmes with a crazed look on his face. Smith is very out of it from the blows to the head and soon moves his hand slightly back and forth tapping.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Steven Holmes and John Constantine!

Cohen: A brilliant return for Constantine and a superb victory for Steven Holmes over the Elite X Champion.

Connor: Both teams did work well here tonight, but in the end Holmes and Constantine were more in sync and able to steal a victory tonight.

Cohen: Steal? But you’re right. Titus has his head in the clouds about Barbosa and the World Title. I doubt his head was even in this bout, leading to Smith having the fend of two guys.

Holmes releases the hold and throws Smith to the mat. Constantine is to his feet and the two raise their arms and celebrate their victory.

Connor: Two guys who both clearly have a personal vendetta against Smith and are working together to destroy him. Smith may not be champion if these two continue to wreak havoc on our Elite X Champion.

Cohen: Perfect... finally an Elite X champions with class.

Connor: Oh whatever Jack. Thank you all for watching. This is WZCW Ascension. I’m CC. We’ll see you next time.
Who wrote what:

Funkay: Mr. Baller vs. Chris Beckford, Opening
Showtime: Smith/Titus vs. Holmes/Constantine
Blade: Stan Rogers vs. Showtime
Falkon: Blade vs. Action Saxton
Numbers: S.H.I.T./Skinner vs. Cooper/Overlast
Ty: Apostles of Chaos vs. Kurtesy/Bomb, Backstage

Rep these fine gentlemen for their efforts, and drop a review if you have time.

If I may be serious for a moment, we are facing a huge and dire situation right here at home. Hard working Creative members are going without their prescribed dosage of alcohol in order to write effectively. Even the two that don't drink are lacking in caffeine or any other drink of choice that keeps them going. This is a problem only you can solve. Please call 1-800-A-L-C-F-U-N-D to donate your hard earned dollars, so this travesty can be minimized, and if enough donations are sent in, completely abolished. Think of others this holiday season, think of the Creative members sitting in front of their desk, a bottle of beer or mixed drink missing from their daily routine. I believe we can all work towards eliminating this major world problem, of course with your very generous donations.

Thank you.
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