Ascension 38

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Connor: Welcome to WZCW Ascension, live at ringside, I’m Cat Connor and next to me is Jack Cohen as we prepare for one last stop before Unscripted.


There are cheers from the crowd as Sam Smith, mic in one hand, steel chair in the other, Elite X Championship around his waist, makes his way to the ring.

Connor: Looks like Sam Smith will be kicking us off tonight. One can only assume he’s looking to resolve these issues with the mysterious vignettes.

Smith: For two weeks, I've been cost victories by mysterious vignettes. I've been tormented both in and out of the ring. I even found my car engulfed in flames. Someone's out to get me, but I'm not going to wait for them to strike first. I'm sick of all this, come to the ring, whoever you are. I'm sick of your cowardice. If you want to do something to me, I'm here... waiting for you.

Smith puts his mic down, allowing him to take his championship and toss it to the corner. He waits for a good 30 seconds, but nothing comes of it. His face ripped with anger, Smith takes the chair and unfolds it, allowing him to sit down on it. He grabs his mic once more.

Smith: I’m more than ready for the long-haul. You want to play games? Well I don’t. I’m past guessing who you are. Ty Burna, Showtime, Holmes, Barbosa – I don't care. I want my retribution. It's high time I--

Smith is cut off as all the lights in the arena go out and a video comes onto the Tron.


Smith stands, and screams for the “coward” to come out and face him. Suddenly, as the video ends, the arena is once again engulfed in complete darkness. Two spotlights begin to shine, one on Smith and one at the entrance ramp. Seconds later, a hooded man walks out, entering the spotlight. He approaches the ring with the spotlight following. He stops at the end of the ramp, not wanting to get into the ring. He stands, pointing at Smith for several seconds, his face still shrouded by the hood.

Connor: Who could this be?

Smith: Go ahead, make my day. Get in this ring and face me like a man.

The hooded man circles the ring. He asks for a microphone from Selena Anderson. He continues to circle the ring until he’s back to where he started. He reaches up and slowly begins drawing his hood back. As it comes off, a look of complete bewilderment crosses Sam Smith's face. He finds himself looking into the eyes of Judas himself. His own brother; Scott Smith!

Cohen: Well, that’s what I call brotherly love.

Scott: Sam, Sam, Sam...It astonishes me how foolish you truly are. Stop playing the victim card, because you're certainly not.

Smith: Scott? Scott, what are you...why? Why did you do it?

Scott: Though I shouldn’t need to justify myself to you, there are two key reasons. First, I’m sick and tired of seeing you as our family’s golden boy. Ever since we were children, it’s been that way. Nobody ever thought to ask how I was doing, it was always about you. Naturally, you let that manifest itself to the point where you believed you were better than me.

That is, until you finally came crawling back to me. You'd been the successful lawyer, but you finally slipped up, didn't you Sam? That's why I'm here, I want everybody watching, everybody here to know what you did. What you've been hiding from them ever since you came here.


Cohen: It’s the heir to the Elite X throne himself; Steven Holmes!

He reaches the bottom of the ramp to see Scott. He examines him for a few moments before breaking out into sinister laughter. Scott soon joins him and the duo shakes hands! Sam is stood aghast in the ring.

Holmes: Ah, Sam, you seem...horrified. You see if you, or these blind hypocrites or WZCW management had actually paid attention, you would have seen this coming from the very beginning. It makes sense after all. Your brother knows you better than anyone and when I discovered his resentment of you, well, it all fell into place. We both had something to gain.

Scott: Exactly, Steven. So, Sam... Do you want to come clean or should I just tell them myself?

Smith: Stop running your mouth, Scott. Let’s face it; you’re an attention-****e. You’re probably blowing smoke out of your ass.

Scott laughs at this notion as Holmes grins manically.

Scott: Jeffrey O'Day.

Smith’s anger is frozen, his face pale.

Scott: Do you remember him? I sure do. Jeffrey was arrested for murder and put to trial; against you! You wanted to send him down, only interested in the money it would bring you. You went through hell and high water, but you got what you wanted. You got Jeffrey put on death row, didn't you, Sam?

Sam replies to his brother, his voice slightly shaking.

Smith: What does that have to do with anything, Scott?

Scott: You know, Sam. You know. The night before the final day of the trial you received an anonymous note. It, it completely contradicted your claims. It PROVED that Jeffrey was innocent!

Holmes and Scott nod with deadpan faces.

Scott: You ignored it, though. You wrongly incriminated an 18 year old boy, and you know what happened to him? He was put to death. Jeffrey was innocent, and you, for all intents and purposes, killed him. Of course, being the coward that you truly are, you fell off the face of the planet. You left your practice, your fiancée and I couldn't find you for months.

Sam begins a reply, his hands shaking terribly.

Smith: That's... that's not true, Scott. I didn't get that boy killed.

Scott: Don't lie to me, Sam. I know the truth...and now these people know the truth!

Smith: I was only doing my job. I wasn't even the lead prosecutor. I didn't want them to kill an 18 year old boy. NOBODY LISTENED TO ME!

Scott looks disgusted as Holmes shakes his head in the background.

Scott: That's not true, Sam! You did nothing! As long as things went your way, you were happy. You celebrated a victory as that boy's mother cried her heart out. You took her only child. You're scum, Sam. A filthy murderer.

Holmes: You’re exactly what I said you were Smith. Nothing but a guilty egomaniac.

Sam grabs his head, the thoughts and memories swirling in his head like a dark cocktail. Finally he can’t take anymore. He roars and leaps forward, jumping gout of the ring. Both Holmes and Scott prepare to flee. Scott trips and falls though. He looks for assistance from the Englishmen, who instead shakes his head and continues to escape, Scott’s face stricken with panic. Sam reaches his brother and begins to assault him. He pummels him mercilessly and screams.


Sam pins Scott up against the ring and begins pounding away at him with vicious punches, only stopping when he has split Scott open. He leaves, proceeding up the ramp.

Connor: Sam Smith has finally reached his breaking point. He’s utterly snapped.

Cohen: I feel unsafe with that murderer out here. What if we’re--wait, what’s he doing?

Sam has stopped halfway up the ramp. With his brother’s body lying limp on the steps, Sam returns to the scene of the attack. He begins stomping away at Scott, inflicting further punishment. He picks his brother up, viciously throwing him into the ringside steps. Sam stares at his brother then turns his attention to the steel chair in the ring.

Connor: What is he...oh dear lord.

He jumps into the ring, picks up the weapon and exits. He squares up for a shot on his brother. Scott has somewhat regained consciousness, attempting to get onto his feet, but failing miserably. Sam smashes the steel chair across his back sending him back down to the ground. Sam picks Scott up by the head, laying his head across the steps. He lifts the chair up above his head and viciously brings it down onto his brother's head. There is a collective gasp from the stunned crowd.

Cohen: This psychopath should be stripped of his championship, fired and thrown in jail!

Sam drops the chair, staring at his brother. The blood has begun to seep out of Scott’s head. Sam yells out a primitive cry as he grabs his championship from the ring corner. He takes two fingers and dips them in the now pool of blood that is forming. He wipes the blood on his chest and leans into talk to Scott.

Smith: What I wouldn't do for my brother...

EMT’s comes to ringside to check up on the Scott as Sam leaves, holding his championship up high.
We cut back from commercial to have Scumm, Paradyse, Skinner & Ale already in the ring waiting with Sean Cruz and SHIT waiting on the outside for their partners. Cruz and SHIT have been waiting for quite some time and are looking back at the entrance ramp to seem what's happening.

Cohen: Can we get this match started please?

At that moment, a camera feed being broadcast backstage appears:

We cut to Alex Bowen throwing Ewan Kampa into a maintenance ladder, causing Kampa to fall awkwardly and hit the concrete ground hard. The ladder eventually topples over and smacks Kampa on his face. Bowen catches his breath momentarily as he whips the bit of blood from his face. He walks over to Kampa and gets in his face as he lies on the ground.

Bowen: Don't you EVER try to ambush me again!

Bowen rapidly picks up the ladder and smashes the face of Kampa several times before he leaves the room, leaving him unconscious.

We cut back to the arena where the crowd and Bowen's team mates are confused. The opposing team seems happy with the results.


The crowd cheers and forgets about the situation as Bowen comes out wielding his Mayhem Championship and holds it high in the air.

Anderson: And their tag team partner, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 247 pounds... the WZCW Mayhem Champion, ALEX BOWEN!

Cohen: I think Bowen just made this into a handicap match for his team. Not the smartest move he's done.

Bowen begins walking down the ramp and as he gets half way, Scumm runs out of the ring and straight towards Bowen to try and take him out. Bowen is prepared and whacks Scumm using the Mayhem title. Scumm drops to the ground and Bowen mounts him, wailing at him with punches. Everyone watches on as Bowen picks up throws him into the steel barricade. Bowen picks up his title and keeps walking down the ramp.

Connor: I think Bowen just made this into a tag team match for his team. Not the smartest move on Scumm's part, right Jack?

Cohen: They didn't need that punk to beat them anyway.

Bowen meets up with Cruz and SHIT as all three men get into the ring. Bowen holds his championship up once more before handing it over to the referee. He stands tall in the ring as Cruz and SHIT stand on the apron. Skinner and Paradyse slowly back off as Ale steps forward and tells Bowen to bring it. The ref signals for the bell and the match begins.

Bowen quickly rushes at Ale and delivers some devastating chops to the chest however Ale just takes the damage and smiles wickedly as it doesn't do much of an effect. Bowen clasps his hands together and tries for a double axe handle to the chest, making Ale stagger slightly. Ale is not happy as Bowen goes for some punches. Ale grabs the hand of Bowen and headbutts him, knocking him down. Bowen gets up quickly and rushes at Ale who hits a big boot to stop Bowen in his tracks. Bowen slowly makes it to his feet as Ale is there to greet him with some knee strikes to the abdomen and chest of Bowen, causing Bowen to be brought to his knees. Ale picks up Bowen for a military press and slams him into the canvas. The force is large enough to have Bowen bounce back up to his knees, allowing Ale to lift him up and body slam him. He readies up for a standing elbow drop but Bowen moves out of the way at the last second and rolls over to tag in Cruz. The crowd cheers as Cruz immediately jumps over the ropes and knee drops Ale to the face, trying to keep the big man down. He goes for the pin but Ale pushes Cruz off with power. Cruz gets on the apron and waits for the big man, taunting him before springboarding over the ropes to hit a shoulder block. Ale staggers as Cruz recovers, prompting Cruz to hit a high angle dropkick that catches the face of Ale. He goes down to one knee and Cruz tries for a springboard crossbody. Ale catches him in mid-air and shakes his head. He performs a Fallaway slam that sends Cruz across the ring to his partners, prompting SHIT to tag himself into the match.

Connor: Uh-oh.

Cohen: Prepare for a crash, CC!

SHIT walks up to Ale who hasn't yet gotten up to a vertical base and smacks him with one handed chop to the chest. Ale clutches his chest a little as SHIT begins hitting knees to the chest of Ale. Ale pushes SHIT back and tries getting to his feet but SHIT big boots Ale in the face. Ale notices that SHIT is mimicking him and gets very angry. Ale tries to swat SHIT away but he moves out of the way and headbutts the back of Ale's head. SHIT hooks the back of Ale's arms and tries for a full nelson slam but he doesn't have the strength to do so. SHIT becomes quite confused at his lack of strength and tries again but to no avail. SHIT makes a comment saying that Ale is very obese, hence why he can't lift him, and pisses Ale off. He grabs SHIT and slams him with a full nelson. He sets up for a leg drop on SHIT but SHIT rolls out of the way and boots Ale in the head before tagging Cruz back in. Ale tries using the ropes to get up and Skinner tags himself into the match. Ale goes in a fit of rage as Skinner tries to tell him it's a tag team match. Ale grabs Skinner and goes to threaten him but Paradyse intervenes and tries explaining the situation. Ale lets go and tells them that they don't his help so he's going to leave. Ale exits the ring and goes up the ramp leaving the match to a booing crowd. Scumm is semi-recovered and asks what's happening but Ale hits the Joker on Scumm, leaving him lying on the rampway as Ale exits the arena.

Cohen: This match is worse than your standard Mayhem match!

Connor: Too many agenda's are bundled in this match.

Cruz meets Skinner in the middle of the ring and asks for his partner Paradyse. Skinner shrugs and pretends to go for the tag but blindsides Cruz with a spinning heel kick, knocking Cruz down. He runs off the ropes and kicks Cruz in the face before hitting a standing knee drop and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Paradyse calls for the tag and Skinner brings him in. Paradyse is cheered by the ladies and he struts in, talking trash to Cruz. He looks over at his crawling body and kicks Cruz a couple of times. He picks him up and hits a snapmare. He then soccer kicks Cruz's back hard before hitting a dropkick to the face of Cruz. He goes for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Paradyse yells at the ref to count faster. He goes over to Cruz and picks him up, telling him stuff to his face before he sets up for the Rico Sunshine. Cruz counters out of it and delivers his signature kicking combination to Paradyse before dropping him with a DDT. Both men are on the ground looking for a tag. Cruz drags himself over to Bowen and tags him in. Paradyse goes over to Skinner but just before he can make the tag, Scumm pulls Skinner off the apron and gets the tag. He wearily gets into the ring as Bowen is waiting for him and he hits the Ride the Lightning on Scumm.... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell as Skinner and Paradyse are dumbstruck at the scene. Bowen's music plays and he raises his hands as Cruz comes over to Bowen and gives him a hug. Bowen rejects the hug and grabs his Mayhem belt.

Anderson: Here are your winners... Sean Cruz, SHIT & Alex Bowen!

At that moment Skinner and Paradyse hit the ring with a rage and attack Bowen and Cruz respectively. The four have a full on brawl before SHIT enters the ring and tries calculating who to attack. The crowd boos as Ale has re-emerged from the back and makes his way down the ring. SHIT goes after Ale and all six men are attacking each other with Scumm lying motionless on the canvas. Hell continues to break loose until the Ascension theme music plays and Vance Bateman comes out. The men proceed to stop as they all look at Bateman who has a microphone in hand.

Bateman: I set this match up tonight to see who would be the most appropriate challenger for Alex Bowen's Mayhem title come Unscripted but seeing how the champion picked up the victory and all of you decided it would be a fun idea to have an after-party, I think there is only thing I have in mind for you, Mr. Bowen.

Bowen looks at Bateman confused as he grabs his belt off the canvas.

Bateman: What was that you said last week? You could take on all of these men and still win? It was something like that, wasn't it? Well, I think it's time you put your money where your mouth is and take on every man you see right now.

Bowen looks around to all the competitors who in turn look at each other.

Bateman: However, instead of taking them on all at once, you'll be taking them on individually at the PPV... in a Mayhem Gauntlet match. Every time you defeat an opponent, another one will emerge. The match only stops until every man has had a chance to compete for the Mayhem title. Naturally, as the champion, you will be the first one out Mr. Bowen. As for the order of opponents, that is what the fans will decide. They will choose when each of these six men will enter the match. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

Good luck to you all.

Bateman leaves the arena as Bowen stares at all his potential challengers. He raises his belt up high before exiting the ring and heading up the ramp. The rest of the challengers are eyeing each other and Bowen off.

Connor: I know Bowen lives and breaths Mayhem but I don't think he's going to survive this one.

Cohen: Don't get too worried, CC. Hopefully this match will knock some sense into Bowen for being an idiot and getting himself in this predicament in the first place.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall....On his way to the ring from Leeds, England, he weighs 226lbs, Chris Beckford!!”

Beckford runs as Enya Stomp gets a great reaction for the ever-popular Yorkshireman. He bounds down to the ring and slides in before climbing onto a turnbuckle.

“There is no doubt in my mind that if Sam Smith didn’t have his mind on Unscripted, this would have been a great match.”

“The actions of our Elite X champion are shameful and will put a horrible shadow over tonights’ show.”

“And his opponent, from Washington, D.C., he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, he is the Assassin, Sam Smith!”

Smith walks down to the ring, with his title clutched in his grasp. He shows no emotion but he is visibly intense and focussed, undistracted by the mixed reaction he has received.

“Beckford would be desperate to get another shot at Blade and Smith will have to somehow defend his title against the destiny of the future Elite X champion, Steven Holmes.”

“Both men have not been in great form prior to this and clearly a win would do wonders for them, not least for their confidence.”

Beckford moves in to tie up but Smith stops him with a kick to the gut. He whips him into the corner but Beckford springs up onto the middle rope and flies into Smith, taking him down with a quick dropkick then he hits Smith with a clothesline as he gets back up. Smith crawls to the rope to back away from the attack but Beckford catches up to him and goes to hit a faceplant but Smith backbody drops him out of it.

“I expect this to be back and forth, technique vs speed.”

“Bad technique vs unorganised chaos? Great.”

Smith grabs a front facelock and hits a snap suplex. Beckford clutches his back but Smith goes on the attack, hitting a back breaker and then a side slam in quick succession. He covers, 1.....2.....Beckford kicks out but before he can escape, Smith locks in a body scissors and a rear chin lock. Smith leans back and wrenches, applying a massive amount of pressure on Beckford.

“Remarkable torque on this hold from Sam Smith. Beckford just cannot get any offense in from this position.”

“If he could break Beckford then that would be ideal.”

As he keeps Beckford, Smith pounds on with stiff forearm shots across Beckford’s chest. He releases the scissor hold and lifts Beckford up for a piledriver but Beckford drops his weight down, goes behind Smith and catches him with a school boy, 1....2....Smith powers out.

Smith whips Beckford to the ropes, Beckford ducks a clothesline as he come back and then hits a crucifix head scissors as he rebounds from the other side! He runs to the ropes, jumps the middle rope and hits a springboard leg drop! He hooks the leg! 1....2....Smith kicks out again.

“Chris Beckford is speeding things up again. He’s as good as anyone in the company when he cranks it up!”

“Sam Smith is desperate, we saw this earlier! He knows he won’t have this chance at the pay-per-view.”

Smith gets up slowly now. Beckford goes to hit the Cross Drop but Smith counters with an arm drag. Smith goes up top but hesitates enough for Beckford to kick out and stop him. Beckford climbs to the middle rope and looks to set up for a frankensteiner. Beckford sets himself on the top rope but as he climbs onto Smith’s shoulders, Smith lifts him up and brings him crashing down to the mat with a huge powerbomb!!!! Smith’s eyes bug out and he screams as he immediately locks in the Double Jeopardy!! Beckford struggles but Smith wrenches it back so tightly that Beckford has to tap out!!

"Your winner by submission, The Assassin, SAM SMITH!"

“Chris Beckford put up a tremendous fight but in the end, the champions’ quality shone through.”

“It’s a damn abomination that Smith was even allowed to compete here tonight. But Beckford is nothing like the step up in competition that Steven Holmes will present at Unscripted.”

Smith rolls out of the ring, grabs his title and clutches it again as he walks away from ringside.
We cut backstage where James King is walking towards the entrance ramp. Chris K.O. stops in midway and the two nod at one another.

K.O.: You know what you need to do.

James nods and rubs his wrists.

King: He won't be disappointed.

King begins walking off as K.O. nods once more and watches on.

The crowd boos heavily as James King emerges from the darkness on the stage, raising his fists up in the air. He takes a deep breath as his eyes scan the arena as he walks down the ramp.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Jose, California, weighing 250 pounds, James King!

Connor: James King will be facing off against Steamboat Ricky. A man who last week, he assaulted with even being provoked, let’s take you back last week to Meltdown.

Meltdown 62 said:
The crowd roars in anticipation of the legend associated with the music roaring throughout the arena as Steamboat Ricky enters the arena with his high level of enthusiasm. He gives gun notions and quick salutes to the fans as he heads down the ramp before he's knocked to the floor along with the cameraman. The crowd starts booing heavily as Blade looks bemused with a small satisfied grin at the same time, seeing Ricky getting assaulted. The figure's head is blocked from view as grabs Ricky, dragging him to the steel steps and slams his head hard into them. He does it again before pacing away a couple of steps, and we see it's James King doing this heinous act.

King looks under the ring and drags out a baseball bat and swings it around a couple of times as he waits for Ricky to stagger up off the steps. He takes a step towards the legend before going full force and hitting Ricky's stomach with the front end of the bat. Ricky leans on the ring edge for support for a moment before King takes a hit at Ricky's head. Ricky's down and out on the floor as King gives a notion that he's hit a home run before dropping down and using the baseball bat to choke Ricky. He stops after a while and gives him a couple of stomps. He begins to slowly step back and looks towards Blade who's expression hasn't changed, staying rather observant about all of this. King's about to continue on his way, but Blade then extends his hand, gesturing to King to place Ricky in the ring. King stares at him before smirking back and proceeds to carry out Blade's wish. He pulls Ricky up and rolls him into the ring before heading off.

Blade places the championship belt down and heads towards Ricky, he motions to the ref to start the match. The ref looks disgusted but does so anyway as he lifts Ricky up and drops him with The Halo. Blade places a single foot on Ricky as the referee gives a three count in disgust.

Connor: Just despicable. Why would King do that?

Cohen: To prove a point. Given how Baller went from defeating Ricky to getting a World Title shot, it must have sparked in King’s mind that Baller has a route to success mapped. King’s just making his own journey.

King is watching the footage with a smirk on his face but his eyes roll towards the stage as he stares in wait.

The fans jump to an uproar as Ricky comes out onto the stage and gives a bang notion to them.

Anderson: His opponent. From Tortuga weighing…

Anderson is cut short as Ricky has sprinted into the ring and spears down King and unloads with some rights on him as the bell sounds. The referee counts up to four and gets Ricky off of King. He tries to argue with the ref but then shoves him and knees King in the head. Ricky tries to continue the offence but the referee stops him and drags him to one side to keep it under control as King rolls to the outside. The crowd is booing as Ricky’s frustrations have grown. He shoves the ref out of the way, knocking him to his knees as Ricky reaches for King through the ropes and is met with a hard chair shot. King slides the chair under the ring and Ricky falls to the outside as the referee is back up and wondering what’s going on.

King smirks as his eyes stare at the crowd, knowing what he just got away with. He pulls Ricky up and then shoves him between his legs and drops him with a piledriver onto the floor. Ricky is down and out as King stands up and is effectively doing a repeat assault of Ricky.

Connor: This hasn’t become a match, but a brutal beatdown like last week, somebody stop him!

King drags Ricky up one more time and gives him a look with evil intentions as he throws Ricky towards the announce table, sending him over. Connors and Cohen managed to avoid the Ricky shaped missile but Ricky isn’t doing as good. King steps around and gives Ricky a kick to the head. He steps away as the referee tells him to get back in the ring. King does so as he watches the ref and Cohen check on Ricky. King slowly then raises his wrist and starts to tap at it with a slow and controlled pace. The crowd boos at King’s taunting and he rolls under the ropes, shoves the referee out of the way, drags Ricky across the floor and rolls him into the ring. Ricky is still unable to stand but has some movement in him, this does no good as King pulls Ricky up one more time and hits My Mystery. He stands over Ricky and paces around him as the crowd continue to boo his actions. King then covers Ricky with a pin attempt, 1……2……3.

Anderson: The winner of this match, James King!

King shoves the referee away as he makes his way out of the ring. He heads up the ramp and stops to look at the replay of the action that took place and does nothing but smirk once again at his actions. He turns his head to look behind and see Ricky still down and out before resuming his walk up the ramp and leaving the arena.

Cohen: CC? You ok?

Connor: Yeah, just fortunate not to be hurt. But that was not a match we just witnessed. That was a brutal beatdown, Ricky wasn’t able to defend himself.

Cohen: Strange thing is, Ricky is the legend of Mayhem wrestling. But King proved himself to more than just Mayhem, he was chaos. Even words escape me here, CC. I know that King went a little too far, and I can only hope that Ricky isn’t seriously injured.

Connor: King is going to be a marked man for certain, with guys like Everest, Brad Bomb and others willing to defend the honour of Ricky. It’s going too far!

Cohen: That is true. But unfortunately, King’s found something he likes and it works in his methods of success.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Barbosa comes out to a loud chorus of boos. He appears calm walking towards the ring as he reaches for a fans popcorn bag and grabs a handful.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing in at 237 pounds, Barbosa!

Barbosa rolls into the ring and grins from ear to ear.


The crowd suddenly cheers and a very focused Titus emerges from the back.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Keystone, Kansas, weighing in at 215 lbs, Titus!

Connor: Titus looks rather angry here tonight.

Cohen: No doubt may have had something to due with Baez’s little mockery of Red Mask on Meltdown.

Connor: Baez has been on a one man crusade to destroy Titus. I hope it doesn’t distract him tonight against a very difficult opponent in Barbosa.

Titus gets into the ring. The two exchange stares as the ref gives instructions and calls for the bell. The two pause briefly before locking arms in the middle of the ring. Barbosa tries to push Titus towards the corner. Titus uses Barbosa’s momentum and falls back, rolling Barbosa to the mat and staying above him. Barbosa gets back up quickly and goes for another lockup. Titus quickly gets behind Barbosa and drops to the mat, tripping Barbosa from behind. Barbosa quickly rolls over and kicks his leg out, preventing Titus from staying on top. Barbosa pulls him self up by they ropes and studies Titus. The two lock up again and Barbosa is able to turn it into a Side Head Lock. Titus wiggles his head free. Barbosa bends over to find Titus. Titus leap frogs over Barbosa and runs towards the ropes. Barbosa swings with a big right hook, Titus baseball slides underneath Barbosa. Barbosa turns and Titus knocks him to the mat with a Dropkick. Barbosa gets up and rather than attacking Titus, starts applauding him before one of his other personalities takes over and scolds him.

Connor: Even Barbosa was impressed with Titus’ quick exchange. At least some of him.

However Barbosa no longer appears thrilled or impressed as he looks to strike Titus. Titus sees the change in Barbosa’s mood and shuffles around the ring. Titus goes for a spinning heel kick, mostly to keep Barbosa at bay. Barbosa stays back and then charges at Titus. Titus stops him cold with a European Uppercut. Barbosa stands straight up and Titus goes to Irish Whip him into the corner. Barbosa doesn’t move and then reverses Titus into the opposite corner. Barbosa charges right behind him and levels Titus with a huge Clothesline, almost sending Titus over the ropes. Barbosa grabs Titus by the head and comes running out from the corner with a Bulldog. Barbosa with the first cover of the match gets a short 2 count. Barbosa grabs Titus arm and bends it at a high angle as he helps him to his feet. Barbosa then quickly hooks the head and turns Titus around, dropping him. Hangman’s Neckbreaker. Barbosa again with the cover. 1... 2.. Kick out by Titus.

Cohen: A steady dominating pace from Barbosa. The three minds must by in sync with each other right now.

Barbosa grabs Titus and lifts him up from behind. He then drops him onto his knee with an Atomic Drop. Titus hobbles as Barbosa runs past him and bounces off the ropes. Barbosa goes for a Clothesline. Titus ducks it and takes Barbosa to the mat with a Scissors Sweep. Titus grabs the foot of Barbosa and starts twisting it, Ankle Lock. Barbosa cries out in some pain and quickly starts moving his arms and pulling himself towards the ropes. Barbosa reaches out and gets a hand on the bottom rope. Titus relinquishes the hold before the count of 4. Titus lifts Barbosa to his feet and Irish Whips him across the ring. Titus stands in centre and jumps up for a Hurricanrana. Barbosa catches him in mid air and takes a sharp 45 degree turn to the right, throwing Titus back first into the top turnbuckle. Titus hobbles away from the corner, back in obvious pain. Barbosa slowly stalks behind Titus waiting for him to stop. Titus finally does and Barbosa grabs both his arms, crossing them and dropping back with a double knee backbreaker, Split Personality. Barbosa with the cover 1... 2..... Titus just gets an arm up.

Connor: Titus kicked out. Unbelievable.

Cohen: Titus kicked out. Quite possibly career threatening for him.

Barbosa lifts Titus up from behind. He sets him up for the Doppelgänger. Titus flips over Barbosa and lands on his feet. He quickly gets his arm over Barbosa’s neck and drops him, Reverse DDT. Both men lay down on the mat as the ref begins a 10 count. 1... 2... 3... Titus has crawled to the corner. 4... 5... Titus is up to his feet and Barbosa is on his knees. 6... 7... Titus is standing on the top rope and is waiting for Barbosa to turn around. Barbosa stumbles to get to a vertical base and even tugs on the ref’s shirt. He turns and Titus leaps at him with a Flying Clothesline. Barbosa pulls the ref in Titus' way as well and all three men collide. Barbosa was hit the least and is trying to revive the ref. Titus gets to his feet but hears a reaction from the crowd as Baez is walking down the entrance ramp holding a fake looking Oscar trophy. Baez gets to the ring and jumps onto the apron as Titus shouts at him, moving closer. Barbosa meanwhile as lifted the ref somewhat to his feet and rests him against the second rope. He sees Titus and goes to attack him. Titus moves closer to Baez and Baez swings with the trophy. Titus moves and Baez ends up hitting Barbosa in the head, breaking the trophy. Barbosa stumbles back as Titus knocks Baez off the apron. Titus then turns to Barbosa and leaps up over top of him. Tit Drop! Titus rolls over Barbosa and covers him shouting to get the refs attention. The ref makes the count. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Titus!

Cohen: Outrageous. Titus should’ve never won.

Connor: What do you mean? Baez was trying to attack Titus.

Cohen: Exactly. Had it gone to plan Titus wouldn’t have won this match.

Titus stands up but hardly has anytime to celebrate as Baez is standing outside the ring, now holding a mic.

Baez: Titus, Titus. I just want you to know that I never not liked you before we had our feud. I thought you were a pretty cool guy, but now after fighting you, after hearing you whine about wins and loses and merchandise, and seeing how you hide behind a mask when know your going to get your ass beaten.

You see Titus. I have an unhealthy obsession now. And that is that even though I know and you know and each and everyone of these fans know that I beat you at Apocalypse, that in the record books it will forever read Baez over Red Mask. Not Baez over Titus.

So I have hear in my pocket a contract for a match at Unscripted. You sign this contract and this will be the last time we face each other. I promise that I will stay out of your affairs and your business and we will just move on.

Baez pulls a crumbled up piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket. He reaches through the rope and Titus quickly snatches it. Without reading it, Titus signs it and throws the pen and paper both back at Baez.

Baez: Well don’t you even want to know what match it is you signed up for. Well I’ll tell you what, I’ll announce it right here right now. Titus you and me aren’t going to be facing each other in no ordinary match. We will be fighting... in a Luchas de Apuestas.

And the 3 wagers we will be putting up that the fans will vote on are... Hair vs Hair... see I have some sticking out back here. Number 2 Contract vs Contract... where the winner owns the losers contract. And the third option and a personal favourite of mine that Chuckie thought of... Mask vs..... Oscars!

The crowd responds in shock. Before Titus can respond he is jumped from behind by Barbosa. Baez quickly slides in and both men begin to stomp away at Titus. Barbosa goes to lift Titus up and deliver his finisher. Suddenly the crowd pops and Toyota is hurrying down the entrance ramp and climbs into the ring. Baez is the first to meet him and Toyota swats him out of the ring with one chop. Barbosa jumps Toyota before he can defend himself and starts clubbing him with forearms. Barbosa tries to Irish Whip Toyota across the ring. Toyota reverses it and then lifts Barbosa up on his shoulders coming back, Samoan Drop. Toyota stands up and waits for Barbosa to get up. Baez has jumped back onto the apron drawing Toyota’s attention. Toyota runs over and knocks Baez back off the apron. Toyota walks over to Barbosa to lift him up. Barbosa quickly grabs Toyota’s arm and has him in a Locoplata, Bipolar Disorder. Barbosa leans back on the hold, but soon has to let go and roll out of the ring as Titus has recovered. Titus checks on Toyota, thanking him and helping him to his feet as Barbosa walks back up the stage ramp staring at Toyota in the ring.

Connor: A lot of personal feuds will be decided at Unscripted. Baez and Titus will each put up something in a Luchas de Apuestas, while Barbosa and Toyota will fight to at last crown a new King for a Day.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"2nd Sucks" begins playing as The Internet Warrior makes his way out to a good pop from the crowd. The lights begin to flash back and forth as he walks slowly to the ring, staring out at the crowd. He climbs up on the apron and enters the ring, extending his arm and finger up into the air.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 201 lbs, The Internet Warrior!

"Beethoven's 5th Symphony" hits as Steven Holmes makes his way out, his nose turned up towards the fans as they boo him loudly. He walks down the ramp slowly and enters the ring, staring down the Internet Warrior as he stretches against the ropes.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 240 lbs, Steven Holmes!

Connor: After the actions of Sam Smith earlier tonight, I think Steven Holmes may want to watch is back tonight in this match.

Cohen: That lunatic Smith needs to be put in a padded room and the key thrown out. Holmes is the epitome of a wrestler's wrestler, and he'll prove it after dispatching this wannabe Internet Warrior.

The ref signals for the bell and Holmes immediately locks up with Warrior, overpowering him and connecting with knee strikes to the midsection. He whips Warrior into the corner. Holmes follows up with strikes to the midsection before an elbow to the head. Warrior stumbles out and Holmes follows up with a belly to belly suplex. He drops him down to the mat and covers him, 1......2.....Warrior kicks out! Holmes lifts him off the ground bu his mask but Warrior shoves Holmes off and connects with a flying knee! Holmes is dropped hard and immediately rolls out of the ring. Warrior points up to the ceiling before bouncing off the ropes and goes flying through the ropes to the outside, crashing into Holmes and into the barrier!

Connor: Internet Warrior using his speed advantage, he's going to have to go all out like this if he wants to keep Holmes off balance.

Cohen: He's just an annoying fly that won't go away. Holmes will squash him, just like he'll put Smith away sooner than later.

The ref begins the ten count as Warrior pulls himself off the ground and backs away from Holmes. Holmes slowly gets to his feet and Warrior goes for another flying knee strike, but Holmes slides away from the knee and catches Warrior in the air, spinning around and slamming him back first into the ring post. The crowd goes quiet as Warrior drops to the ground, holding his back in immense pain until Holmes stomps away on him. The ref's count gets to seven, and Holmes quickly rolls into the ring and back out to break it. He grabs Warrior and drags him over to the barrier, slamming him head first into the barrier. He follows it up with a knee to the midsection and then slamming him back first into the apron. He throws him into the ring and drops a knee across the forehead. He quickly covers Warrior, 1....2.....Warrior kicks out!

Cohen: What did I tell you CC? Holmes is showing his vicious streak right here. Warrior doesn't stand a chance.

Connor: Warrior keeps fighting though, a big kick out after the damage done on the outside.

Holmes lifts Warrior up but Warrior with a sudden drop toe hold stops Holmes' momentum. Warrior bounces off the ropes quickly and connects with a big dropkick on the rising Holmes. Warrior is pumped now and so is the crowd as Warrior grabs hold of Holmes and drops him down with a DDT. Warrior rolls out to the apron and slingshots off, dropping the knee across the chest of Holmes. Warrior quickly bounces up and signals for the Time For Bed. Suddenly a commotion can be heard from the entrance stage as Sam Smith begins making his way out with a chair in hand.

Cohen: What in the hell is he doing here? Someone get him out of here!

Connor: I think he's here to pay Holmes some payback for earlier tonight!

Smith reaches the ringside area but security suddenly rushes down and try to subdue Smith. Meanwhile Warrior watches on inside the ring, throwing his hands up, frustrated with the distraction. Warrior turns around and Holmes connects with a high knee strike of his own! He immediately locks in the Aristocracy Reigns, positioning Warrior so Holmes stares directly at Smith on the outside. Smith tries in vain to get loose of the security guards. The ref signals for the bell as Warrior has no choice but to tap out. Holmes locks in the hold more, finally releasing it at the behest of the ref.

Anderson: Here is your winner via submission, Steven Holmes!

Connor: Holmes capitalized on the distraction, and makes Warrior tap right in the face of Smith.

Cohen; Warrior shouldn't have taken his eyes off of Holmes. That's a dangerous mistake to make.

Holmes stands up and yells at the security, telling them to get Smith out of here.

Vance: That's enough you two!

Vance Bateman walks out onto the entrance stage with a mic in hand.

Vance: You two want another fight, fine. But we do it at Unscripted. Sam Smith, you will be defending your Elite X title against Steven Holmes, and of course our fans will have the right to decide the match stipulation!

The crowd roars as Smith nods his head with a sick smile on his face. Holmes paces inside the ring listening to the announcement.

Vance: I don't need anymore distractions this evening. Both of you will leave this arena immediately! Get them out of here!

Security grabs hold of Smith and begin walking him out as another set of security guards enter the ring and force Holmes out, and both men are dragged to the back.

Connor: We're going to settle this bitter feud at Unscripted, and our fans choose how they're going to do so!

Cohen: This is unfair! Holmes is a wrestler, not some stuntman who takes risks! You know the fans will screw him over!

Backstage we see Big Dave warming up in his locker room as Steven Kurtesy approaches.

Kurtesy: Are you ready? To make a stand and give something in the final step before Unscripted?

Dave looks away in a distant manner, something's on his mind. But he puts it to one side before turning back to Kurtesy.

Dave: You're damn right!

The crowd cheers in anticipation as the two men head off sceen.

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, the last match before Unscripted and our Main Event of the evening is up next. Big Dave and Steven Kurtesy take on Mr. Baller and Ty Burna in a tag team match. Will this affect things before they go into Hell in a Cell? Find out in just a moment!
Anderson: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!

The crowd let out a huge pop as Big Dave walks out onto the ramp with the spotlight shining down on him. Full of confidence, he points out at the crowd before walking down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing 268 pounds, Big Dave!

Connor: Big Dave has had a rough year so far, losing his King For A Day contract, but he could turn that all around in two weeks at Unscripted!

Cohen: Not if Ty Burna has anything to say about it!

Dave gets into the ring and looks out at the crowd before turning to the ramp.


Another big pop as Steven Kurtesy strides out onto the ring, looking calm. He takes a deep breath and heads for the ring.

Anderson: And his partner, weighing in at 235 pounds, Steven Kurtesy!

He slides into the ring and gets up onto the middle rope, looking out at the cheering crowd. He jumps down off the rope and turns to Big Dave. There’s a tense moment before Kurtesy extents the hand and Big Dave reluctantly shakes it.

Connor: Kurtesy has the advantage of being in the Hell in a Cell match with Ty Burna last year. And it looks like he and Dave will work together... For tonight.

Cohen: Not if Ty Burna has anything to say about it!

Connor: That makes no sense, Jack...


The cheering becomes boos as Mr. Baller struts onto the ramp, the usual smirk on his face. He motions to his waist and trash talks his opponents from the ramp.

Anderson: And their opponents, first, weighing in at 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Connor: The definite Wild Card in the World Title match, Baller has skyrocketed to the top this year!

Cohen: Definitely the second favourite behind Ty of course.

Baller gets to the bottom of the ramp and opts not to get in the ring, walking around the ringside area instead.


Overwhelming boos come from the crowd as the arena goes dark and the spotlight shows the World champion emerge. His face is blank as he stares straight ahead.

Anderson: And his partner, weighing in at 235 pounds, the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty seems to glide down to the ring, not breaking his stare towards Big Dave and Kurtesy. He gets up onto the apron and into the ring and holds his World Title high in the air. Dave and Kurtesy discuss the gameplan as Ty stands in the corner and Baller remains outside the ring. The referee takes the title out of the ring and calls for the bell. Kurtesy is starting off against Ty Burna and they walk towards each other, Ty still looking stone-like and Kurtesy looking focused. They lock up and Ty gains the advantage, trapping Kurtesy in a headlock. He takes Kurtesy down to the mat and drives a forearm into his face. Kurtesy tries to push Ty off him, but the champion is unrelenting. Kurtesy manages to hit a knee to Ty’s head and Ty lets go. Both men quickly get up and Kurtesy hits a big clothesline to a cheer from the crowd. Ty gets up and Kurtesy goes for another, but Ty ducks under it and runs at the ropes, returning and hitting Kurtesy with a High Knee! Kurtesy goes down and Ty goes for the first cover, 1... Kick out by Kurtesy. Ty picks up his opponent and backs him into a corner. He hits a series of elbows and knees on the Doctor but suddenly Baller blind tags himself in. Ty gives Baller a cold stare as he gets into the ring and Snapmares Kurtesy out of the corner. He hits a dropkick and goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Kick out by Kurtesy. Baller goes for a Standing Legdrop, but Kurtesy rolls out of the way and quickly gets over to his corner, tagging in Big Dave. Baller panics and slaps Ty’s arm, making him the legal man, before rolling out of the ring. Ty shakes his head slowly and gets into the ring. Big Dave and Ty circle each other as the crowd goes silent in anticipation.

Connor: Can you believe we’ve never seen this showdown before?

Cohen: I can tell you right now who’ll win...

They waste little time getting to it, exchanging swift right hands, with boos for Ty and cheers for Big Dave. Ty manages to get the advantage, backing Dave into the ropes and Irish Whipping him across the ring. Big Dave reverses and sends Ty into the ropes, hitting him with a Big Boot when he returns. Ty quickly gets up, but rubs his jaw as Big Dave sizes him up. Dave tries a Northern Lights Suplex, but Ty elbows his way out of it and Dave stumbles backwards. Ty follows up with a Reverse STO and he quickly tries to lock in the Final Seancé but Dave manages to struggle out of it. Both men get up in the stalemate, with the crowd applauding. They walk towards each other and lock up, with Ty getting Dave in a Wristlock and pushing down on his leg so Dave goes down to one knee. Ty quickly floats over and hits a DDT before going for the quick pin, 1.... 2.... Kick out by Dave. Ty gets back up and again Baller blind tags him in. Ty grabs him and tells him not to do that again when Baller gets into the ring. Baller is frozen in terror for a second, allowing Big Dave to come from behind with a roll up, 1.... 2.... Baller kicks out of it! Baller looks angry after getting caught out and he kicks Big Dave, who hasn’t gotten up yet, in the head. Baller picks up Big Dave and hits him with a Neckbreaker and goes to the top rope. He poses for a few moments before leaping off and hitting Big Dave with a Legdrop! He goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Big Dave kicks out! Kurtesy extends his hand, trying to encourage Big Dave to get back to the corner. Baller looks frustrated as he drags Dave towards the corner and lines him up. Baller goes for the Buzzbeater, but Big Dave gets his knees up!

Both men are down on the mat as the referee begins to make the count. At 7, both men are up and Baller runs at Big Dave, going for a clothesline, but Big Dave ducks under it. Baller keeps running and Springboards back off the ropes, going for the elbow but Dave catches him with a German Suplex! Both men start crawling towards their respective corners and make the tag! Ty and Kurtesy quickly get into the ring and Ty goes for a Big Boot, but Kurtesy goes under it and goes behind Ty and hits a Dropkick on the champion, which sends him straight into the turnbuckles. Ty bounces back and Kurtesy runs off the ropes and hits him head on with a Spinning Wheel Kick! With the crowd cheering loudly, Kurtesy grabs Ty’s head and arm and locks in the Kommon Kurtesy! The champion starts to fade, the ropes out of reach. Baller hesitates before jumping off the apron and putting Ty’s foot on the ropes without the ref noticing. He quickly gets back on the apron and points out the foot on the rope to the ref. The referee tells Kurtesy to break the hold and Dave angrily gets in the ring, telling the ref that Baller interfered. Baller uses the opportunity to get into the ring and nail Kurtesy with a Jumping DDT! With both legal men down, their partners urge them on to the corner. Finally they make the tag, and Baller swings a wild right hand but Dave dodges it and gets him in position for Checking Out! Baller elbows his way out and hits a Dropsault!

Connor: This match is far too close to call!

Baller goes for a Bulldog, but Dave pushes him off and Baller collides with the referee. Both men look at the ref for a moment before Baller turns to Dave and hits him with a lowblow! Kurtesy’s calm breaks and he storms into the ring and unleashes punches and kicks on Baller! Kurtesy goes for the Prescribed Sedetation, but Ty comes in and hits the Consecrated Banishment on Kurtesy! Kurtesy goes down and rolls out of the ring and Ty turns his attention to Dave, who has started getting up. Dave straightens up and Ty goes for another Consecrated Banishment, but Dave ducks and Baller gets nailed with it instead! Ty looks furious at Baller for getting in the way before Dave clotheslines him out of the ring and covers Baller as the ref slowly crawls over, 1.... 2..... 3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Steven Kurtesy and Big Dave!

Kurtesy slowly rolls into the ring, and the ref raises both Kurtesy and Dave's hands in victory. The crowd cheers loudly but suddenly the lights go out. The crowd boos loudly but the lights come back up immediately, Dave and Kurtesy focused on where Ty stands on the outside. Suddenly Kurtesy and Dave are ambushed from behind by Chris K.O. and James King!

Connor: Another sneak attack by these two?

Cohen: They're taking everyone out!

K.O and King begin throwing lefts and rights, Kurtesy and Dave completely overwhelmed. Ty watches from the outside intrigued, as K.O. lifts Kurtesy up and drops him with the Butterfly Effect. King devastates Dave meanwhile with My Mystery. K.O and King raise their arms as the crowd boos loudly around them. Ty suddenly jumps into the ring and appears to be ready for a Consecrated Banishment. As K.O. and King turn towards Ty, Ty suddenly stands straight and a sick smile forms on his face. K.O. and Ty suddenly shake hands as Ty raises both their arms up into the air as the crowd continues to boo loudly.

Connor: What in the hell!? Ty is behind all of this?

Cohen: It's brilliant CC! He just nabbed two of the best young up and comers in this business, and they're in his corner now!

King grabs a mic from the ringside assistant and hands it to Ty. Ty places his foot on top of Dave's neck as he stands, King and K.O. lifting Kurtesy up.

Ty: The time has come, the Gospel of Chaos have been wrote and revealed to the enlightened. You see, I watched as James King was treated like garbage after his partner was severely injured in a car crash. I watched as Chris K.O. was handed zero opportunities, yet the worthless veterans of this company were given chance after chance. It sickened me to watch such potential wasted, for the likes of these two!

Ty suddenly stomps down on Dave, planting his face right into the mat. K.O. hits with a vicious uppercut, forcing Kurtesy to slump down as King holds up him up right.

Ty: No longer will they be ignored. While others complain about their lack of opportunities, these two have taken it upon themselves to right the wrongs of this company at my direction. At Unscripted they will destroy Everest and Bomb, further imposing their will on the masses, and I will be the dark figure, directing them in their journey. As for these three.

Ty drops down and grabs hold of Dave, looking him dead in the eye before lifting him up and shoving him backwards, connecting with a Consecrated Banishment. Dave drops to the ground as Ty laughs maniacally. He lifts his arms up and the lights begin to flicker, going black for a minute until they come back up, and suddenly the Cell has been dropped down around the ring! King tosses Kurtesy to the outside, and K.O. follows suit with Big Dave. Ty stands in the middle of the ring, Baller still out from the Consecrated Banishment from earlier. Ty lowers his arms and begins speaking once more.

Ty: Did you believe I wouldn't tilt things into my favor? Did you honestly thing me for a fool? This Cell is my realm, and if any of you are going to try and take my title, you will suffer at my hands in this very environment. After I retain the World Title, my associates and I will ensure that you will become nothing more than shells of your former selves.

K.O. goes under the ring and grabs four sets of handcuffs. He hands two of them to King and they immediately handcuff Kurtesy and Dave to the cell as Ty laughs once more. K.O. goes to grab Baller out of the ring but Ty shakes his head.

Ty: He has done enough and has fought valiantly as my partner. End those two!

Ty points towards Dave and Kurtesy as King goes under the ring and grabs two steel chairs. He hands one to King and both me begin slamming their respective chairs into the midsections of Dave and Kurtesy. Both men cry out in pain as Ty exits the ring, standing between the two.

Ty: Do you feel that pain? Do you feel the rush of adrenaline, the hopelessness as you can do nothing about it? Do you?! This is just the beginning, just a taste of the pain you will feel as I mercilessly dissect the both of you in here. At Unscripted, the fall of Big Dave and Steven Kurtesy will sung by the choirs of hell, and they will celebrate the reign of the King of Darkness!

Ty grabs the chair from King and lifts it up, smashing it right across the head of Kurtesy and once more across Dave's head. Blood begins pouring out of both as Ty holds the chair up high as the boos cascade down as Ascension goes off the air with one final shot of Ty, King, and K.O. standing in front of Kurtesy and Dave.
Who wrote what:

Falkon - Bowen/Cruz/S.H.I.T./Kampa vs. Skinner/Ale/Scumm/Paradyse
Showtime - Titus vs. Barbosa
Numbers - Chris Beckford vs. Sam Smith
Blade - Ty Burna/Mr. Baller vs. Big Dave/Kurtesy
Ty - The Internet Warrior vs. Steven Holmes, Backstage, Ending segment
Phoenix - James King vs. Steamboat Ricky, Backstage
Funkay and Crock - Opening

Rep these gentlemen, and prepare for Unscripted! Reviews and booze money are encouraged as well.
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