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Ascension 33

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
We open Ascension to a panning shot of the crowd when the lights suddenly go out. The crowd pops in anticipation, boos mixed in with the cheers.

Ty makes his way out, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship resting comfortably on his shoulder. Serafina accompanies him as they slowly make their way down the aisle to the ring. They both enter the ring and Ty raises his hand up, the lights returning. Serafina grabs a mic from the ringside assistant and hands it to Ty.

Ty: You know, typically I would come out here, brashly gloating about my latest title defense, but instead I must address something the Ouija has spoken to me. While I am not one to normally lend a helping hand to someone so clouded mentally as Austin Reynolds, I do request that he comes out to this ring, immediately.

Ty lowers the mic and turns towards the entrance ramp. A few moments pass and no sign of Reynolds. The crowd begins to boo as there is still silence from the tron. Ty shakes his head and raises the mic once more.

Ty: This is only for your own benefit Reynolds, or has Showtime already poisoned your mind with his own brand of cowardice? I can wait all day Reynolds, or do I have to go back there and force feed this omen into your skull?

Ty climbs out of the ring and begins walking toward the back when suddenly..

Showtime makes his way out with a mic in hand. The crowd boos him zealously as he raises his mic up.

Showtime: I'm sure your little "omen" Ty is warning Reynolds against taking my advice, am I right Ty? Well you can forget it. Because With his abilities and my experience against you, there's nothing you can do about us taking your World Title. So take your omen, and shove it! Reynolds won't be bothered with listening to you.

Ty stares down Showtime, rage and anger obviously arising inside him. He begins walking up the ramp as Showtime slowly backs up. Ty stops close to the top of the ramp and smirks.

Ty: Why should I not be surprised David? You stand their boasting and the moment your immediate destruction is imminent, you back away and don't fight it head on. Fine, then you can be my messenger boy. Tell Reynolds the Ouija has spoken, and tonight he will lose something he loves.

Showtime: Is that all?

Ty: There was more, but I figured a more simple message would be easier for you to remember, or should I write it down and pin it to your shirt like a good little student taking your report card home? And since you both have shown ignorance towards me as of late, the rest of the message he will have to find out for himself.

Showtime: Whatever game you're trying to play Ty, we see right through it. I've lived through all your tricks, and Reynolds has smartened up to your deception.

Ty: Enough with these conspiracy theories Showtime, why don't the both of you just accept the fact that I am simply superior to you both. Whether I need to destroy you both, or the whole WZCW Roster to retain this title, there is no doubt in my mind that I will end up victorious. This title is mine, and there is no one who will separate it from me. Now run like the dog you are and deliver my message. Thus it is written.

The lights go out and the Chaos symbol flashes across the tron.

So it shall come to pass.

The lights come back on. Ty and Serafina are gone as Showtime stands at the top of the entrance ramp, his face twisting in anger before slamming the mic down and heading to the back.

Connor: This rivalry has just taken an odd twist. Ty appears to want to warn Reynolds of some event, that Reynolds will lose something he loves.

Cohen: Why would Reynolds trust Ty? We all know Ty's ultimate goal is to keep the title, and he will take any route to get there.

Connor: This is true, yet there was a sincere tone to Ty's initial statement. Maybe it's something Reynolds should take into consideration. Regardless, we have a great show tonight. Sam Smith will defend his newly won Elite X Title against Constantine.

Cohen: Poor Smith, he'll be known as a one hit wonder after tonight.

Connor: Alex Bowen teams with Titus to take on King Shabba and Baez. And in our main event, the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship Austin Reynolds takes on the demented Barbosa. But coming up next, we have Wasabi Toyota taking on Mr. Baller!
'We Are One' can be heard over the PA system and from behind the curtain, walks the Brothers In Arms, Scott Hammond walking out with a sombre stare, and Wasabi Toyota following shortly behind him, looking equally as down. They slowly walk down the ramp, Hammond sliding into the ring as Toyota walks up the steel steps and through the middle rope. Hammond takes the mic and stands next to his partner, waiting for the noise of the crowd to subside.

Hammond: Now, everyone knows that we we beaten at Redemption, and a lot of questions have come our way in regards to what the next step is for the Brothers In Arms. The answer at the time was, that we didn't know.

Hammond stops for a moment to readjust.

Hammond: In my first match as Wasabi Toyota's partner, I was an honorary World Tag Team Champion and on that night, Wasabi and I lost the titles. And now, here we are, the joint longest reigning champions in the history of this illustrious company, next to the infamous Full House Dave's. The Brothers In Arms have had a great run, and I am in absolutely no doubt that the man that stands next to me is the future World Heavyweight Champion and I the next Eurasian Champion.

Hammond turns to Wasabi and puts one hand on his shoulder.

Hammond: We have had one hell of a run, and I could not have asked for a better teacher in this crazy world of WZCW. You are, simply put, the best wrestler on this roster and I can only hope that your opportunity comes sooner rather than later. Ladies and gentleman mark my words, that by Kingdom Come IV, this man will be in the WZCW World Title picture. In this business, you have very few friends, and a lot of acquaintances. You are truly a great friend, and the Brothers In Arms are going to do something now that not many tag teams have ever really done. We are disbanding, without any arguments, without either one of us turning on each other, and while we are on top. Sure we lost the titles, but there is no one that can tell us that we are not the best tag team in the world.

The crowd cheer loudly, as Hammond passes the mic to Toyota.

Toyota: I have dominated tag team wrestling for the better part of a year now, and after a long discussion with Scotty, we both decided that we both need to fully explore singles competition. Scotty, thank you for those kind words, and I can only say that it was a pleasure to team with such a technical wizard, and it was lovely to be around someone who enjoys pizza just as much as me. I think we both have a great opportunity in the singles division, and it started with you earning a shot at the Eurasian Championship

Toyota hands the mic back to Hammond one last time.

Hammond Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, it has been a pleasure, but now, we go our separate ways. For now, the Brothers In Arms are honourably discharged, thank you.

With that, 'We Are One' blasts over the PA system one last time as Hammond and Toyota turn towards each other and embrace, as the crowd stands and applauds both men. After a long embrace, the two men salute the crowd one last time with their signature pose. Hammond exits the ring and slowly make his way to the top of the ramp. He stops at the top of the stage and salutes Toyota who salutes him back before Hammond disappears behind the curtain.

Toyota remains in the ring as the bell sounds.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Matsumoto, Japan, weighing 550 pounds, Wasabi Toyota!

Toyota raises his hands up in the air to the applause and ovation from the crowd, though the titantron suddenly changes to something happening on the outside. It's Mr. Baller outside the arena with some T-Shirts.

Baller: New and limited edition Baller 1, Ricky 0 shirts, available right now. Get them before I'm 2-0 on Ricky! Be part of the history in the making, were you there when you witnessed Baller going 1-0 on Ricky? Now you can own the official T-Shirt! We got limited supplies so buy them before we run out of stock!

A group of people walk by.

You there! Buy the limited edition Baller 1, Ricky 0 shirts.

Random Guy: How much?

Baller: 30 dollars.

Random Guy: Ha! I wouldn't even spend 30 cents on that piece of...

Baller: Watch your mouth son or I will sort you out.

The group head off laughing as a tech guy approaches Baller.

Tech Guy: Erm Baller, you got a match right now against Toyota!

Baller: Screw the match, I'm 1-0 on Ricky! This is more important!

The camera cuts back to the arena as Toyota looks on bemused at Baller's antics, wondering if he's lost his mind. The referee approaches Selena Anderson and says something to her, he nods in understanding but is still bemused.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, I have just been informed that due to Mr. Baller not wishing to compete, he has been disqualified, therefore your winner is Wasabi Toyota!

The crowd starts booing as Toyota leaves the ring and heads backstage shaking his head, looking very disappointed that Baller didn't show.

Cohen: Good, Toyota's gone. Another week at the food stands for him now!

Connor: How can you say that? He just announced with Hammond that the BiA is no more and his opponent doesn't show? That's poor form Jack!

Backstage we see Scott Hammond watching over what just happened on a monitor.

Unknown: Tsk, tsk. Such a sad moment gets ruined by someone who doesn't care, fancy a tissue?

Hammond turns around to see the EurAsian Champion Blade standing behind him.

Blade: A pity really, you're all alone now. No excuses can be made when it comes to facing me for this championship, your efforts will not be in vain however, there's always the Mayhem Championship that you are use to holding!

Hammond gets up into Blade's face.

Hammond: You know, every time I've had a champion get up in my face with such complacency, they ended up being a former champion once the three count's been made.

Blade's expression suddenly changes from a confident to a content expression as Hammond smiles and then walks off.

Elsewhere backstage where Austin Reynolds sits in his locker room, Hayley sitting with him.

Hayley: Austin, are you sure you don't want to listen to Ty? I mean he has a track record of being right.

Reynolds: Anyone can make vague statements darling. For all I know our dog could die at home tonight. That would be something I love that I would lose. It's the same thing Nostradamus did. Vague predictions that could fit into any type of situation that will eventually happen.

Hayley: But Austin, you know Ty wouldn't bother doing something like that.

Reynolds: Like hell he wouldn't. He knows that I face Barbosa tonight, and I have to be on my absolute A game in order to defeat him. Throwing this at me is only an attempt to take my focus off my match. Showtime was right, Ty is just trying to mislead me.

Hayley: I can't believe you're trusting that man after what he did to us Austin. Look how long it took Dom to recover. He made us suffer and now you're listening to his advice?

Reynolds stands and turns away towards Hayley, his hands clenched in fists.

Reynolds: You may be right Hayley, but Showtime's done something that I haven't, and that's beat Ty in that ring. If I have to make a deal with the proverbial devil to win, then so be it.

Reynolds walks out of the locker room as Hayley looks on concerned. We cut to a darkened area of the arena where Ty and Serafina are mid-conversation.

Ty: You know what you must do Serafina.

Serafina: I understand, I will keep watch and protect if necessary.

Ty: Good, now go we do not have much time left.

Ty leans down and kisses Serafina's forehead before walking away.

Cohen: What are those two up to? This can't be good.

Connor: It sounds like they are trying to prevent this omen. We will have to keep watch over this. Coming up next we have the Elite X Championship match, after this!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Elite X Championship!

Constantine makes his way out as the crowd boos him loudly. He stops at the top of the ramp with his chin to his chest. He throws his arms up and his head back before making his way down the ramp. He jaws at a few of the fans at ringside before sliding into the ring and throwing his arms up once more.

Anderson: Introducing the challenger first, from Washington D.C. He stands 6'4" and weighs 265 lbs, Constantine!

C.R.E.A.M. hits the PA and Sam Smith makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, the WZCW Elite X Championship wrapped around his waist. The crowd cheers him loudly as he makes his way down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans before stopping in front of the ring and staring down Constantine. He walks up teh steps and enters the ring, unbuckling the Elite X Championship and holding it high into the air.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Washington D.C. He stands 6'2" and weighs 235 lbs, the Elite X Champion Sam Smith!

Cohen: A former lawyer against a former politician. You know who wins that battle CC? The ex politician.

Connor: And why would that be Cohen?

Cohen: Because a politician makes the laws, the lawyer has to interpret them. In other words, Constantine decides the rules, Smith has to play by them. And I'd take the creator of a rule over just the player.

The ref holds up the Elite X Championship before handing it to the ringside assistant and calling for the bell. The two men lock up and Constantine use his power to back Smith into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break but Constantine hits a knee to the midsection before pounding away on him. The ref backs Constantine up as Smith collects himself in the corner. Constantine goes for a clothesline but Smith ducks under and rolls him up, 1.....2.....Constantine kicks out. Both men are up and Constantine sends Smith into the ropes. Constantine lifts him up for the Axis of Evil but Smith counters with a big DDT. Smith quickly hooks a leg, 1.....2..Constantine kicks out. Smith drags him up and tries lifting him up for a suplex. Constantine blocks it and counters with a suplex of his own, however Smith floats over and lands wrong, his leg buckling under him. He holds his leg in pain as the ref checks on him. Constantine tries to go after the downed Smith but the ref pushes him back.

Connor: This does not look good. Smith's leg just buckled under him. That may have been a torn ACL possibly.

Cohen: They need to stop this match and award the Elite X Title to Constantine by default!

The ref asks Smith if he can continue and Smith nods, slowly dragging himself up by the ropes, limping badly. Constantine immediately takes advantage and throws Smith into the corner and begins punching away once more. Smith covers up but Constantine stomps away on his injured leg, forcing Smith to yell out in pain. He drags him from the corner and lifts him up before dropping him with a backbreaker. He drops Smith to the ground and covers him, 1....2....Smith kicks out. Constantine immediately goes to work on the leg, stomping away at it before applying a leg lock. Smith struggles against the hold, desperately reaching for the ropes as Constantine keeps the hold locked in. Smith punches away at Constantine, finally getting him to relinquish the hold. Constantine is up quickly and lifts him up and throws him across the ring with a fallaway slam. Smith lies near the corner, holding his leg from the impact. Constantine drops a knee right across the leg, again causing further damage before going for another pin, 1....2....Kick out by Smith!

Connor: While I can certainly respect Smith's resiliency, I don't think he has a chance to fight back against Constantine. He can barely stand and he's getting beaten to the punch at ever turn.

Cohen: I'm giddy CC. What kind of acceptance speech will Constantine gives us after he wins the title?

Constantine is to his feet once more and taunts Smith, yelling at him to get up. Smith slowly lifts himself up via the ropes. Constantine rushes towards him but Smith counters with a drop toe hold, sending Constantine face first into the middle turnbuckle. The crowd gets behind Smith as he gets to his feet. He waits for Constantine to get up and immediately applies the Sleeper Hold! Constantine fights to escape the hold but Smith holds it in as tight as he can, applying a body scissor as well. Constantine drops to one knee as he begins to fade. The ref checks on Constantine but he waves him off. Constantine gets back up to his feet and drops to his side, landing directly on Smith's bad leg. Smith yells in pain as the full force of Constantine crashes down on top of him. Smith relinquishes the hold, allowing Constantine the opportunity to lift Smith's leg up and drop it down knee first into the mat. Constantine signals for the end and lifts up Smith. He sends him into the ropes, but Smith stumbles, messing Constantine's timing for the Axis of Evil and Smith rolls him up out of instinct, 1.....2.......3!

Anderson: Here is your winner and still Elite X Champion, Sam Smith!!!

Cohen: Are you kidding me?!?!

Connor: That had to be purely accidental. I don't think Smith meant to roll him up like that. Regardless he escapes with his Elite X Championship.

Cohen: I don't think he's getting off that easily CC.

Constantine sits up with a shocked look on his face as the ref lays the Elite X Title across Smith's chest and raises his hand. Constantine gets up and paces around the ring, absolutely fuming at the loss. Smith slowly drags himself to the ropes and begins pulling himself up to his feet. Constantine turns and notices this. He runs towards Smith and sends him flying out of the ring with a flying knee. Smith crashes to the outside as Constantine follows suit. He again stomps away at the leg, even setting it against the barrier and kicking square into it. Smith curls up in pain, grasping at his leg.

Connor: Is this really necessary? Can't Constantine just take the loss like a real man?

Cohen: He's putting Smith out of commission! They'll have to award him the Elite X Championship after this.

Constantine grabs Smith and pulls him up, sending him back first into the steps. Smith crashes hard and knocks the top steps off. Constantine goes under the ring and grabs a chair before walking over to Smith and smashing the chair across the knee and leg. He grabs Smith's leg and sets it atop the steel steps and brings the chair down hard across it once more. Smith tries to crawl away as Constantine raises the chair up high as the crowd boos him loudly. He hits a running kick to the head, stopping Smith once more. He drapes the chair around Smith's leg and grabs another chair. He lifts it up and slams it down on the other chair. Finally refs and other officials run to the ring and push Constantine away as EMT's check on Smith. Constantine looks down and notices the Elite X Championship. He picks it up and yells at Smith that Smith doesn't deserve this title. Constantine backs up the ramp as he looks over his handiwork as the EMT's help Smith back to his feet and start making their way to the back via the side exits.

We go backstage where Becky Serra is standing by with Alex Bowen and Titus. Bowen has the Mayhem title draped over his shoulder.

Becky: I'm here with Titus and the Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen. Tonight you two face off with Baez and King Shabba. Any thoughts going into this match up?

Bowen: It's no secret I want to break Baez's record for longest Mayhem reign, and this is a good test for me if I can do that. While I'm not facing him one on one, a victory over him in any fashion will go a long way for me.

Titus: As for Shabba, I've done my research on the Republic of Zimbabwe, I think Mr. Shabba has some explaining to do.

Becky: What do you mean by that?

Titus: Listen once more, he's king of the Republic of Zimbabwe. I didn't know republics had monarchies Becky. But that's beside the point. Bowen and I are going out there and kick their asses all around this great arena!

Bowen: Oh and Baez, you couldn't hold a candle to the original masked man of WZCW.

Titus: Bowen! Let us go defeat tyranny and squash evil dead in its tracks.

The two men walk off as Becky looks on confused. We cut to a recap of Meltdown before going to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Goodbye" hits the speakers and out comes Baez walking frantically around the entrance ramp to a booing crowd. He stops in the middle of the ramp staring out to the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Rat's Ass, America, weighing in at 225 pounds... Baez, The KILLJOY!

Baez rolls underneath the bottom rope and heads towards the turnbuckles, blankly staring into the crowd again. As he goes to another turnbuckle, "Show Me My Opponent" hits and King Shabba enters the arena who is being escorted by Nnamdi to the ring.

Anderson: His tag team partner, from Harare, Zimbabwe, weighing in at 223 pounds... King SHABBA!

The crowd boo's as the King orders the crowd to bow to him. He unrobes and enters the ring with Baez who is on the fourth turnbuckle staring into the crowd.

Connor: This pairing seems... interesting, to say the least.

Cohen: The greatest tag teams over time started off as being classified as such, CC. Maybe we could see something here tonight.


The crowd cheers loudly as Titus emerges from the back along with Alex Bowen holding his Mayhem Championship up high. Titus applauds for Bowen and the two taunt for the crowd before heading down to the ring.

Anderson: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 472 pounds, the WZCW Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen and TITUS!

Bowen slides into the ring as Titus climbs up the steps, waiting on the apron as the referee tries to get the match underway. Baez tries to communicate with Shabba that he is starting first but he doesn't budge. Baez shrugs and gets on the apron.

Cohen: Looks like Shabba has his eyes set on the Mayhem Champion.

Connor: If he gets the pin on Bowen, he'll definitely be in the running for a title shot.

As the ref rings the bell, Bowen begins rallying the fan to get them going. Shabba looks annoyed at this and tries ramming Bowen down with a shoulder block. He hits Bowen and knocks him back into the ropes. Shabba hits a drop toe hold on Bowen off the rebound. He gets up and raises his hands in the air with the crowd booing. Bowen gets up and takes down the King, following it up with mounted punches to the face. Shabba tries covering up so Bowen grabs his dreadlocks and forces to get him up to his feet. He lets go and hits a chop that sends Shabba back down to the ground. Shabba quickly rolls to the outside and shakes off the attacks, looking embarrassed. Nnamdi consults the King as Baez tells Shabba to watch out. Neither man listens as Bowen exits the ring and sneaks up behind Shabba, grabbing him by the hair again and smacking him onto the apron. He then throws Shabba into the steel steps. He holds his hands high and the crowd cheers for Bowen. Baez can be seen shaking his head and looking less interested in the match. Bowen grabs Shabba and puts him into the ring, following behind to go for a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Shabba.

Connor: The champ is dishing it out to King Shabba.

Cohen: He'll get his comeuppance soon enough with the way Alex treats royalty.

Shabba tries to crawl to his partner for a tag but Bowen grabs his leg and stops him. Shabba uses his leg strength to push Bowen off and he leaps at Baez, tagging him on the chest. Baez looks a little annoyed at the tag but seems relieved he is in the match. He enters the match with Bowen on the ready who tries to strike but Baez evades and delivers a springboard dropkick. Baez begins quick kicks on Bowen as he tries getting to his feet. He tries for a suplex on Bowen but he blocks it and delivers one of his own. He goes over to Titus and tags him in to a cheering crowd. Baez is up as Titus comes in, delivering a couple of punches before hitting a Kesagiri chop, stunning Baez's arm. He hits a European uppercut to Baez who turns around and clutches his jaw, allowing Titus to hit a reverse DDT on Baez. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Baez. Titus attempts an ankle lock on Baez but he twists it around to go for a small package on Titus... 1... 2... Titus just manages to kick out. Both men get up at the same time but Baez is first to act by delivering a hurricanrana that drives Titus' head straight into the mat. He goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Titus. He tries getting up but Baez locks in the Full Nelson with body scissors to keep the legend grounded.

Cohen: And just like that, the momentum switches again. Now all Baez needs to do is keep the pressure up and force for a submission.

Connor: Baez will need to do a lot more than that to get Titus to submit.

Bowen begins smacking his foot on the steel steps and gets the crowd riled up to cheer for Titus as he does his best not to submit. Shabba becomes frustrated with the crowd as Titus begins feeding off the cheers, trying to get to his feet. As Titus gets to his feet, Baez quickly switches to a tight headlock to give a nookie to Titus. He laughs at the crowd as he goes to switch into a Russian legsweep but Titus reverses it into a swinging neckbreaker. The two men lay on the mat and crawl towards their partners with the crowd cheering on Titus. Baez reaches Shabba first who jumps in the ring. Titus tags in Bowen to a cheer from the crowd and hops into the ring, hitting jabs on Shabba with the crowd chanting along... followed up with a discus clothesline. Shabba gets up and Bowen catches him with an atomic drop with a bionic elbow to finish up. Bowen clasps his hands together and waits for Shabba to get up. As he does, he hits the derby shot on Shabba, knocking him down. He signals to the crowd that it's about to end but Baez comes into the ring and takes down Bowen from behind, assaulting him. The ref tries to hold back Baez but its no use. Titus eventually makes to his feet and takes down Baez, sending him to the outside of the ring. He follows out and keeps Baez at bay as Shabba manages to get up to see Bowen in position. He begins beating his chest and sets up for the B2K. As Shabba goes for the kick, Bowen ducks the shot and turns the move into the End of Days. He goes for the cover on Shabba as Titus enters back into the ring... 1... 2... 3!

The crowd roars as the bell rings for the match's end. Bowen's music hits the speakers and Titus comes over to Bowen to congratulate him and raise his hand in victory.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Titus and the WZCW Mayhem Champion Alex BOWEN!

Connor: What a great win for Bowen here tonight, taking down another possible Mayhem challenger in the process.

Titus and Bowen celebrate in the ring as Baez shrugs and head up the ramp without a care in the world as Nnamdi pulls Shabba to the outside to try and revive him.

Cohen: I hope the King is okay!
We go backstage where Barbosa is making his way towards the entrance when he is stopped by Leon Kensworth.

Leon: Barbosa, tonight you face the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. A victory tonight certainly would put you back in the picture for the World Title. Any thoughts?

Barbosa: We...I mean I believe that Reynolds had his opportunity at the title at Redemption. Why should he be handed another opportunity without having to earn it. We earned my shot at Lethal Lottery the difficult way. It's typical of how we are held back due to not being marketable to the world.

Leon: Well Reynolds wasn't pinned in the triple threat match at Redemption.

Barbosa: And neither were we, I mean neither was I at Lethal Lottery. I should have gotten another chance, but because Reynold's has a pretty face, he gets it without any work. Just like Everest; these pretty boys get things handed to them on a silver platter. I think we'll go out and readjust his features. Then he will know what it is like to be a monster.

Barbosa walks off as we cut to Reynolds exiting his locker room. Hayley tries to plead with him one last time but he shrugs her off. As he walks out of the picture, Serafina walks and stands directly in front of the locker room door. She crosses her arms and looks around nervously.

Connor: Austin Reynolds better have eyes in the back of his head. And he has to deal with Barbosa on top of all this next!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Can't Get You Out of My Head begins playing and Barbosa makes his way out out. The crowd boos him as he hastily walks towards the ring. He rolls under the bottom rope and sits down in the corner staring at the entrance.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Bedlam. He stands 6'1" and weighs 237 lbs, Barbosa!

Reynolds makes his way out to the entrance ramp to more boos than cheers from the crowd. He spreads his arms out as silver and gold pyro go off behind him. He walks down the ramp while staring a hole through Barbosa. He jumps up onto the apron and enters the ring, standing opposite Barbosa.

Anderson: And his opponent, from The West End of London. He stands 6' and weighs 190 lbs, The Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Reynolds came so close multiple times at Redemption to become World Heavyweight Champion. Now it seems he's taken a more sinister attitude towards the situation. We'll see if that helps him in this match.

Cohen: I'm not so certain that will be the case CC. He's stepping into Ty's realm, and there's none more sinister than him. Meanwhile he has to contend with Barbosa. I have to put my money on Barbosa this match. He seems to be the more clear headed as ironic as that sounds righ tnow.

The ref signals for the bell and the two men lock up. Barbosa with an aggressive armbar gives him the advantage and he sends Reynolds into the ropes. Barbosa goes for a clothesline but Reynolds tucks under and hits a dropkick off the rebound, sending Barbosa to the outside. Barbosa stands up and paces outside the ring, studying Reynolds who motions for him to get back into the ring. Barbosa slowly climbs up onto the turnbuckle and reenters. They lock up once more and Barbosa shoves Reynolds back before connecting with a running knee strike. Reynolds bounces off the mat but is quickly to his feet where Barbosa meets him with an STO. Barbosa covers Reynolds, 1....2...Reynolds kicks out. Barbosa lifts Reynolds up and sends him into the corner. He hits with a few strikes before wrapping his arma round Reynolds' neck and comes out of the corner for a bulldog but Reynolds resists and Barbosa crashes back first onto the mat. Reynolds hits a discus lariat on the rising Barbosa and immediately covers him, 1....2....Barbosa kicks out. Suddenly Showtime walks out to the top of the ramp and the crowd boos him as he saunters his way down to ringside. Reynolds stares at him for a moment as Showtime claps and nods approvingly.

Cohen: It seems Reynolds has gained some help on the outside with Showtime joining us.

Connor: But can Reynolds trust him? Showtime hasn't exactly ever been one to rely on.

Cohen: Nonsense. Showtime is a stand up guy and looks like he's ready to put his past issues behind him.

Reynolds turns his attention back towards Barbosa who surprises him with an overhead sambo suplex, sending Reynolds flying across the ring. Reynolds slowly rolls out of the ring as Showtime checks on him. Barbosa looks to exit the ring and continue his attack but stops as he sees Showtime. Reynolds gets up and stares at Showtime for a moment before sliding back into the ring. Barbosa immediately connects with a shot to the head and follows up with a swinging neckbreaker. He hooks the leg, 1....2....Reynolds kicks out. Showtime pounds the mat yelling at Reynolds to get up and fight as Barbosa applies a reverse chinlock. He swings Reynolds around while in the chin lock, forcing Reynolds to fight against the hold more. The ref checks on Reynolds who waves him off before getting to one knee and hitting a few elbows to the midsection. He knocks Barbosa off of him and runs to the ropes but Barbosa grabs him and connects with a backbreaker and drops him down with a side slam. He covers Reynolds, 1.....2.....Reynolds kicks out once more.

Connor: Well Showtime's presence certainly swung the momentum of the match, but not in the way Reynolds would expect.

Cohen: True, but Showtime may have something up his sleeve.

Barbosa quickly follows up by dragging Reynolds to his feet and shoving him into the corner. He connects with a few rights before sending Reynolds into the opposite corner. As the ref watches Reynolds, Showtime trips Barbosa before he rushes towards Reynolds, face planting him hard into the mat. He quickly walks away as if nothing happened. The ref warns him and Showtime holds his hands up. Reynolds takes advantage and uses his shoulder to ram Barbosa into the corner, connecting with rights and lefts before connecting with a dropsault, dropping Barbosa down to a seated position. Reynolds backs up into the opposite corner and rushes towards Barbosa, connecting with a sick dropkick to the face. Reynolds gets up and drags Barbosa to the middle of the ring and covers him, 1.....2.....Barbosa kicks out. Reynolds rolls out to the apron and pulls himself up. He springboards off and connects with a diving headbutt! Both men are down from the force of Reynolds' headbutt. The ref starts the 10 count as Barbosa and Reynolds both pull themselves up. Reynolds goes for a roaring elbow but Barbosa ducks and hits an inverted atomic drop before hitting yet another STO, downing Reynolds as Barbosa lays an arm over him. 1....2....Reynolds kicks out again!

Connor: A back and forth match here, both of these men want this victory. A win for Barbosa gets him closer to the world title picture, and Reynolds wants to pass Ty's first test.

Cohen: Who decided Ty gets to book these shows now? I mean after all he's not the GM, Myles and Bate...

Just then the crowd pops as Ty appears in the crowd and hops over the railing. He surprises Showtime and sends him sprawling across the outside. With the referee's attention diverted to the brawl outside, Reynolds hits a low blow on Barbosa and Barbosa crumbles to the ground. He lifts him up with a backbreaker uranage, sending Barbosa back first into Reynolds' knee. Reynolds stares down at Barbosa before climbing to the top rope. He jumps up with a beautiful moonsault, connecting right on top of Barbosa. He hooks the leg but the ref is too busy trying to get Ty and Showtime out of the ringside area. He finally turns around and begins the count, 1....2...Barbosa kicks out! Reynolds sits up with his head in his hands before banging the mat in frustration. Meanwhile Ty and Show have continued their battle on the outside. Showtime takes advantage by sending Ty shoulder first into the post, but Ty counters with a straight kick to the midsection and a flying knee. In the ring Barbosa staggers up and Reynolds hits a roaring elbow, stunning Barbosa. Ty jumps up onto the apron readying a flying attack at Showtime, but Reynolds goes to bounce off the ropes and runs right into Ty, knocking him to the outside and forcing Reynolds to stumble towards the center. Barbosa recovers in time to lift Reynolds up and hit the Doppelgänger! He covers him, 1....2....3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Barbosa!

Cohen: Ty just screwed Reynolds!

Connor: That was a pure accident and you know it Cohen.

Cohen: Then why did Ty bother coming out here? If he didn't Reynolds would have likely won.

Connor: Was it fair to Barbosa to be fighting two men? Ty evened the odds by taking out Showtime. Odd that he decided to help Barbosa in this manner however.

Barbosa sits up and the ref raises his hand in victory and Barbosa suddenly jumps up and begins celebrating before sliding out of the ring and running up the entrance ramp towards the back in excitement. Meanwhile Ty has hit the Consecrated Banishment on Showtime, knocking him out before sliding into the ring. Reynolds shove Ty, yelling at him that he cost him the match. Ty tries to motion he was merely trying to take out Showtime but Reynolds doesn't want to hear it. They begin trash talking when suddenly a voice can be heard on the tron.

Hayley: HELP!!

The tron suddenly cuts to a video feed. The camera focuses in on Serafina laid out in the back, a steel pipe next to her. The camera quickly rushes towards the parking lot as the sound of squeeling tires cuts through the feed. The camera gets there just in time to see a black car taking off into the night. Reynolds immediately exits the ring and runs towards the back. Ty watches for a moment before the lights go out in the arena momentarily before coming back. The camera has returned to where Serafina is. Ty walks in and kneels down checking on her before cradling her in his arms. Reynolds runs past and into the parking lot, clearly not in time to catch the vehicle. He yells out Hayley's name but to no response. His face becomes manic with desperation when he turns towards Ty who is still tending to Serafina.

Reynolds: You did this! This is all your fault!

Ty: I did nothing of the sort, did you not see Serafina was trying to watch out for your woman? And now she has paid the price for your ignorance!

Reynolds: This is another trick isn't it Ty? Make it look like it was someone else while you two are account and present for?

Ty: You have lost your mind Reynolds. I tried to warn you of this. I told you what was going to happen. I did my best to prevent it but ultimately this was your own doing.

Ty stands up and the two stare down before Reynolds runs off and jumps in his car and takes off as Ascension goes off the air while Ty lifts Serafina up into his arms staring out at the parking lot.
Who wrote what:
Falkon: Titus/Bowen vs. Shabba/Baez
Phoenix: Toyota/Baller
Ty: Opening, Backstage, Constantine/Smith, Reynolds/Barbosa.

Love and rep will be greatly appreciated. I shall now go back to nursing my hangover.
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