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Ascension 3

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Last week

Meltdown 27

Harrys: The following six man tag team match is scheduled for one fall

Ricky is running circles around Second Coming who have no idea what to make of Ricky’s signature opening.

The FHC enter the ring, with Ace and Big Dave climbing onto the turnbuckles and raising their belts to the fans, with Everest standing in the middle, raising his belt out to the fans at the same time.

Everest hits Ricky with a spinning heel kick

Black gives Ace a judo throw

The FHD give a double back flip to elevate Black up and send him back to the mat

Cohen: Better be thankful that’s not you in there Titus

Titus: The FHD mean nothing to me right now. No doubt their ladder match is going to be fantastic, but my focus is on the World Title holders.

Ricky climbs onto the turnbuckle and shouts “Man over board!” as he hits an elbow drop onto Big Dave.

Titus: Watch out Ricky!

Everything breaks down between the FHC and Second Coming

Everest catches Ricky into The Rock Slide and covers Ricky, 1…...…2……...3.

The three champions go on to leave the ring and look behind at the three fallen men. The FHD look at Everest who gives a nod at them and they run back to the ring and start to beat down on Ricky. Dave picks him up and Ace hits Ricky with his belt which busts Ricky open.

Copeland: Would somebody stop this?

Cohen: Time to be a hero Seabass!

Titus runs into the ring and takes out Dave with his Elite X belt

The FHD slowly head up the ramp with an angry look in their eyes staring at Ricky and Titus stand side by side with Titus raising his belt in the air.

Ascension 2

Anderson: The following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Elite X Championship

USA heads out holding the American flag

Kyle Christensen comes out onto the stage, looking pumped

Tommy Gunn shooting his tommy gunn into the air

Kyle goes to run at Tommy from behind who side steps and Kyle hits a running knee into USA who’s in the corner

Connor: Tommy being cautious with his approach but nicely applied with quick thinking

USA catapults Tommy into a corner

Kyle and USA exchange fists, ending with USA falling outside the ring

Two men in fedoras, sunglasses, fake moustaches and trench coasts come walking down the ramp

Connors: Something doesn’t seem right about those two

Tommy runs at ropes and hits a double Tit Drop on USA and Kyle with deadly affect and covers Kyle 1…….2…….3.

The two trench coat men walk over to the timekeeper and get the Elite X belt off of him. Tommy leans through the second and third rope and says “Give me the belt” to which they oblige with the belt in his face. They both get in and start beating down on Tommy. One of them holds his up and the other hits him with the Elite X belt, taking him down. The two remove their moustaches, sunglasses and their hats to reveal it’s the FHD who start taunting the fallen champion.

Connor: The FHD are attacking Tommy without cause!

Cohen: He provoked them! That’s the cause

The FHD they head up the rampway with the Elite X belt and taunt Tommy with the belt and challenging him to follow pursuit, but he’s still groggy but has enough strength to stare back at them with anger. The FHD then run out of the arena with the belt on them

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, I don’t know what this means but the Elite X Champion has just had his belt stolen…


*Pyros going off*

Connor: All or Nothing is virtually upon us but not before we stop here in (location) for Ascension. Hello everybody, Cat Connors here, alongside Jack Cohen, and Jack, this night is certainly not one without controversy!

Cohen: Indeed, but whilst the brilliant FHD have been granted a shot at the Elite X Championship in our Main Event tonight, it came about from them getting Titus’ attention by stealing the belt! It’s genius and Titus got what he deserved last week and will get more punishment this week by finally losing his belt!

Connor: That remains to be seen, but it will be an exciting main event nonetheless. Now we’re about to open with some new faces as Selena Anderson will get us under way!

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Whispers” plays throughout the arena as a confident Ashleigh Falkno walks in a fast –paced stride straight to the ring; he slides into the ring and looks sadistically around the ring as he prepares for the match.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Kings Cross, Australia, weighing in at 260 pounds, Ashleigh Falkon!

Connor: Two new debutants appearing here tonight on Ascension, Ashleigh Falkon and Joshua the Baptist, both of impressed at one of our house shows. I’m looking forward to seeing these two in action!

Cohen: Shame you’re not Seabass, because I would have believed you with that Falkon in the ring.

‘Comatose’ plays out as Joshua, with a bible in him, runs out onto the stage and down the ramp, stopping right before he gets to the ring, he hands his bible to someone in the front row. He enters the ring and kneels towards one of the turnbuckles while saying a prayer.

Anderson: His opponent, from Nashville Tennessee, weighing in 145 pound, Joshua the Baptist!

Connor: This will be an interesting debut with the cruiserweight Joshua in action, looks like he's made with speed on his side

Cohen: And God. The trigger of his career I suppose...

Connor: I didn’t think of you as a religious man Jack?

Cohen: If it impresses you, then I am indeed!

The referee signals for the bell as the two debutants start circling around the ring, Joshua has a defence style approach while Falkon looks for a chance to challenge his opponent. Falkon stops and gives a complimenting pose towards Joshua who responds with a dropkick, Falkon gets back up and smiles with a wink at Josh who hits another dropkick, runs towards the ropes and catches a crossbody onto Falkon who just got back up, cover 1……2 kickout. Both get back up again and the crowd applauds the action, Falkon waves at them and Joshua goes for a right fist, which Falkon catches and uses a judo hip throw to take down Joshua for the first time in the match. Joshua gets back up to which Falkon hits a snap suplex, runs at ropes and goes for an elbow but Josh rolls out of the way and Falkon hits the canvas.

Cohen: Hail Mary that was a quick counter!

Connor: Nice early action from both men here

Falkon gets up holding his elbow, Josh runs grabbing the hurt arm and throws his opponent over his shoulder, he then picks up Falkon by the head and hits a pendulum backbreaker. He picks up Falkon again and irish whips him into the corner, runs into him and hits a knee into the abs, climbs the second rope and hits a monkey flip on Falkon who lands on his feet. Falkon turns around and runs at Josh who’s back on his feet and hits a hurricanrana, both get back up and Falkon hits a DDT, cover 1……2…..kick out by Josh.

Connor: Near fall for Falkon, both are picking up the pace here

Falkon stalks Josh from behind and grabs Joshua for the german suplex, but Josh holds onto the ropes and uses his force to get Falkon rolling backwards, Falkon goes the assault again but Josh evades to hit a german suplex onto him. He starts hitting the Reign of Fire, stomping away onto Falkon who reacts in pain from the stamping. Joshua stops and signals for the end. He picks up Falkon, throws a slingshot suplex, still holding on, he throws another suplex.

Cohen: Here it is comes, the Calgary!

He grabs Falkon’s leg to complete with a final perfectplex, but Falkon blocks the attempts, he breaks the hold and then hits the Falkon’s Grip, slamming Joshua to the mat and locking his neck in the vice, after a few moments in the hold, Josh is able to roll out of the vice and goes for another attack but is thrown with a belly to belly. Falkon uses the chance to climb the turnbuckle and sits waiting for Josh to get up and he hits the Flight of the Falkon, cover 1……2……3

Anderson: Here’s your winner, Ashleigh Falkon!

Cohen: Awesome! Falkon wins via the Falkon Punch! Deadliest punch there ever is!

Connor: Erm…nevermind! Excellent match by these two debutants, no doubt these two will go far here in the WZCW, but Falkon gets the win tonight, here on Ascension!

Falkon starts celebrating by climbing the turnbuckle and waving to the crowd in a wave of cheers and flashes, Joshua leaves the ring and walks up the ramp looking disappointed and then up to the sky mouthing "I'm sorry" as he exits through the curtain. Falkon continues to celebrate, eventually leaving the ring.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Because of Me” starts and after a few seconds Royale enters onto the stage. He walks down the ramp with a cocky stride while smirking through his sunglasses. He enters the ring goes to the top rope looks at the crowd taking off his sunglasses and looks down in disappointment.

Anderson: Introducing first, from St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 235 pounds, Matt Royale!

Connor: Matt Royale is set for action against another newcomer tonight and he has an interesting connection with this rookie

Cohen: Yeah, it’s Matt for all! As Matt Fox will show us what he’s got against one of the rising stars here in the WZCW, Matt Royale

Connor: He’s definitely got great potential having taken Karnage to the limit last week, he will surely give a hard welcoming to his opponent here

Royale climbs down from the turnbuckle as “Voices” erupts to a wave of boos

Cohen: Come on guys, he’s just debuted and you already hate him!

Matt Fox walks out onto the stage and down the ramp as clicks his neck, he stares at Royale on his way down, giving no emotion, he slides into the ring and gets up standing and staring at Royale who looks so small compared to him.

Anderson: His opponent, from Oakland, California, weighing in at 353 pounds, Matt Fox!

Connor: Good grief, look at the size of him compared to Royale, I swear someone told me he was only 6 foot 1!

Cohen: He’s certainly no jolly green giant but man he’s big.

The ref signals for the bell as Royale stands there, looking with an uncertainty about this giant who still just stares at him with no expression. Royale side-steps to one side and all that Fox does is turn his head accordingly, like a snake watching his prey. Royale takes a deep breath and moves closer to Fox who just overshadows wrestling’s royalty. Royale quickly looks behind him and he’s caught out as Fox just lifts him in the air and gorilla press slams him. Royale lays on the campus in pain as Fox goes over and picks him up, he raises one arm in the air as he looks to destroy his opponent. He irish whips Royal against the ropes who goes for a clothesline but Fox stands tall, Royale runs at the ropes again and uses all of his might a royal spear to take down the giant. Royale looks relieved at his successful take down but Fox sits up and Royale goes for another run and hits a knee at Fox’s head, he covers him 1….. power out by Fox who gets up with a more intense look in his eyes.

Cohen: David better get out of there because Goliath does not look happy!

Connor: I’d hate to be in his shoes

Cohen: Certainly wouldn't fit in them!

Royale runs to the far side as Fox follows him sliding out of the ring in pursuit, Royale runs on the outside with Fox follows him by just walking. Royale slides back in the ring and goes for the baseball slide on Fox who just catches his legs and pulls him out of the ring, slamming his head against the mat. Fox picks up Royale and rolls him back in the ring with him holding his head. Fox climbs in over the top rope and grabs Royale by the hair dragging him onto his feet. He raises his arm in the air and hits Hard Times onto the smaller opponent, cover 1…..2…...3

Anderson: Here is your winner, Matt Fox!

Connor: Well Matt Royale came and tried. You did your best, don’t be disheartened from this, but ladies and gentleman, Matthew Fox has arrived on the scene!

Cohen: He’s big, he’s bad and I like him. Welcome to the WZCW Fox!

Fox raises his arms in the air in celebration, he picks up Royale and throws him out of the ring and continues celebrating. Royale who’s a bit more conscience gets up and looks at Fox with some anger, he goes over to the timekeepers place and grabs a steel chair. He climbs the turnbuckle with the chair, only to look and see Fox is standing there staring at him, Royale smiles as Fox glares at him. Royale then jumps off the turnbuckle with a steel chair and slams it into Fox’s face, knocking him down. Royale runs out of the ring as fast as he can, when he reaches the stage he turns around and says “You don’t disrespect wrestling royalty!” At the same time Fox sits up to shocking surprise to Royale, Fox turns his head slowly towards the stage and Royale runs out of the area with Fox staring at him with an evil look in his eyes. Fox gets up and exits.

Connor: I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of these two in the ring together!

Cohen: While I respect Royale for standing up to Fox, did he have to make such a big gesture to really anger the big man?!


We’re backstage with Titus and Ricky who have been sitting and watching the last match.

Titus: Damn, that Fox is quite a beast. But credit for Royale for battling against the odds! Now this is much like how things appear to look for tonight against the FHD. Yes they are the tag team champions and they could win my belt tonight, but Ricky I need you to promise me you’ll do whatever you can to help me get my belt back. We could still lose as a team tonight and retain the title but I need to make sure all is back with me, rather than nothing.

Ricky: Arrrrgggghhhh, ye got me promise matey. We’re closer than a wetch is to her undergarments, we beee reclaiming ye golde tonight. That I promise thee!

Titus: Now this brings up the other issue about All or Nothing…

Ricky: Don’t bee worrying about that for now matey. Lets take thee battle to thee wardogs for now and focus when thee time is right. Friends fighting for goode, arrrggghhh

Titus smiles

Titus: Yeah….yeah
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Fight the Power” plays as Marcus Chambers enters the arena, he bows his head and raises a clenched fist and heads down the ramp and slides into the ring

Anderson: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing at 248 pounds, Marcus Chambers

Connor: Marcus Chambers teams up with Rafael De La Noche in a preview of All or Nothing against Excellency and Trevor Steel, this should be a good warm up to that match

Cohen: It should be when you have Chambers and Rafael teaming up, I think they could do this on a regular basis as they will beat the other two right here!

Helloween starts to play as Rafael comes out and walks down the ramp with a smirk on his face given who his tag partner is

Anderson: And his partner, from Madrid, Spain, weighing in at 225 pounds, Rafael De La Noche!

Connor: Rafael definitely looks confident about this match. Quite interesting given the team is the lighter one out of their opponents

Cohen: It’s because they’re quicker, faster and stronger!

Rafael climbs in the ring and raises his arm in the air and goes to talk to Chambers to discuss tactics while “Five Finger Death Punch” cuts in as the lights go out. They come back on to reveal Trevor Steel and Excellency on the stage who looks ready for action

Anderson: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 530 pounds, the team of Excellency and Trevor Steel!

Connor: You got to love the unison that these two are bringing to the ring right now. Will this give them a better psychology coming in as a team?

Cohen: Nah, throw a bucket of chicken in there and they will fall apart!

Steel and Excellency head down the ramp and get into the ring, raising their hands together, they turn around and start exchanging fists with their opponents as the referee signals for the bell. They continuing brawling until Steel and Excellency have them against the ropes and Irish whips them both, but when they reach the other side, they grab hold of the ropes and slight out and starting heading up the ramp to a series of boos. Excellency and Steel follow pursuit and take the two down before they even reach the halfway point of the ramp. Excellency drags Rafael back to the ring as Steel knocks Chambers’ face into ramp and heads back to his corner.

Excellency meanwhile picks up Rafael and Irish whips him and catches the return with a sidewalk slam, he gets up runs at the ropes and hits a leg drop on his opponent and goes for a cover 1….2… kickout. Chambers has got back to his corner as Excellency resumes the attack on Rafael. He does another Irish whip but Rafael counters with a lariat using all momentum to knock him down. He tags Chambers in who hits a knee to Excellency’s head as he tried to get back up. He hits a few knocks to the head and then taunts Steel on the side, he tries to get in but the ref holds him back as Chambers and Rafael make another tag behind his back.

Connor: Illegal tag by Chambers and Rafael

Cohen: Nothing the ref can do about it. Smart strategy there

The ref turns back around as Rafael picks up Excellency and hits a European uppercut and questions the obvious change but accepts Rafael as the legal man. Rafael goes for another Irish whip but Excellency reverses and hits a spine buster and goes for the quick tag to Steel who jumps in and drops a headbutt on the downed Rafael. He gets up and drops a seated senton, squashing Rafael, cover 1…..2….Chambers breaks the count. The ref goes to get Chambers out of the ring as Rafael low blows Steel and hits a half nelson backbreaker followed by a cover, ref turns back 1…..2.. kickout by Steel.

Rafael picks up Steel and drags him to the corner and bounces his head on the turnbuckle. He goes for some rights and lefts, he takes a few steps back and runs at Steel who runs out of the corner and Rafael bounces off the turnbuckle. He gets back up and is caught with a side effect, he picks up Rafael, irish whips him and jumps on him with the Lou Thesz press, hitting the rights, he gets up and runs to the ropes but Chambers pulls the top rope down, making Steel fall to the ground outside. Chambers protests that he fell over!

Connor: Come on ref, keep them controlled

Cohen: He is CC, can’t you tell? Your vision appears to be worst than his!

Rafael tags Chambers who jumps off the apron onto Steel, he grabs him by the head and slams it against the announce table, and again. He then rolls him back into the ring, climbs the turnbuckle, measuring the distance, turns around and goes for the moonsault, hit to perfection, cover 1…..2…kickout.

Cohen: Come on ref, can you count to three or not?

Chambers gets up and starts to stalk Steel who slowly stirs and uses the ropes to help himself up, Chambers is waiting impatiently, slamming the mat and the moment Steel turns around, Chambers goes for the AA but Steel counters with a reverse DDT. He starts to crawl to his corner as does Chambers to his. The referee keeps watch of both teams for the tags Chambers reaches Rafael first but Steel makes the tag to Excellency to cause the crowd to erupt.

Excellency catches Rafael with a belly-to-belly and kicks a running Chambers in the face. He picks up Rafael and hits a fall away slam on Rafael he turns around and is met with a 187 from Chambers. The referee tries to get Chambers out of the ring as Rafael makes the cover, the ref turns around and goes for the count 1….2….kickout. Rafael slowly gets up and then drags Excellency up with him as well, he goes for the Nike’s Gift but Excellency powers out of it and hits The Crowning on him, he goes for the cover as Steel runs in to take out Chambers, 1….2…..3

Anderson: Here are your winners, Trevor Steel and Excellency!

Connor: What a fine performance here, these four men are showing why they are real up and coming stars in the WZCW

Cohen: But they cheated, Steel’s involvement at the end caused the match to end controversially

Connor: Sounds like your vision needs correcting there Jack. But nonetheless a great win for Steel and Excellency who will go to All or Nothing with a great motivation for their side. But Chambers and Rafael should not be disheartened, they worked had and almost had it, they proved to be a challenge as they have done over the past number of weeks!

Cohen: And they will be again come All or Nothing! It’s going to be a night that Steel, Excellency and USA will never forget!

Steel and Excellency stand in the ring with their arms raised as Rafael and Chambers walk slowly back up the ramp staring back with anger, looking at their opponents knowing that this is not over yet. They head out discussing amongst themselves as Steel and Chambers exit the ring with a smile on their faces after a big victory.

We're backstage with Vance Bateman in his office, there's a knock at the door

Bateman: Come in! Ah, Zander Young, welcome to Ascension, a pleasure to have a talent such as yourself here tonight. Looking forward to your match with Garth Black tonight?

Zander: I sure am. I'm just grateful for the opportunity, sir

Bateman: That's great and all, but I have some news for you. Now it's no secret that Chuck Myles isn't treating your situation with Frankie Smith seriously, I mean he took you off of Meltdown and kept Frankie there. Now while it benefits me and my show, it certainly doesn't benefit Myles.

Now, I'm sure you know the Main Event tonight is the FHD vs. Titus and Ricky for the Elite X belt, now whoever the champion is after tonight, they will have you or Frankie as the next challenger.

Zander: What do you mean sir?

Bateman: I'm saying that while your match is No Disqualifications. I have also made it a Number One Contenders Match for the Elite X Championship. No matter whoever the champion is, after All or Nothing, it will be either you or Frankie challenging for the title.

Zander: Oh wow. Thanks for the opportunity Mr. Bateman, sir. I will be sure not to let you down.

Bateman: That's great, just doing the right thing here. Now go and get ready for your match, it will be up soon!

Zander: Right sir, and thank you!

Zander leaves Bateman's office.

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, it has been confirmed. Frankie Smith and Zander Young's No Disqualification Match at All or Nothing has a new stipulation. Whoever wins will be the Number One Contender for the Elite X Championship! This is certainly a great benefit for whoever wins that match, and deservedly so!

Cohen: I'm so glad you believe Frankie Smith deserves it. He is a fighting man and deserves to the champion.

Connor: Well her has to get through Zander Young first. Speaking of All or Nothing...

We cut to a splitscreen of Criminal Karnage and Celeste Crimson heading through the backstage area

Connor: Coming up next, it's the match to determine the Special Referee for the Blade/Baller match, it's up next after the break!
Connor: Well Ascension has proven to be quite a night so far, hasn’t it Jack?

Cohen: Oh definitely CC! But this match is one I’m looking forward to. My favourite woman, after you, Celeste is up against Karnage, the winner result in Blade or Baller’s choice for the referee.

Connor: Should be a good match, Selena Anderson will explain the rules right now

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Now if Celeste Crimson wins, Mr. Baller will pick the special guest referee for his match at All or Nothing, if Criminal Karnage wins, then Blade will choose


Karnage comes out with Blade to a huge pop from the crowd, they both head down the ramp, slapping the occasional hand on the way down. They get into the ring, Karnage mounts the turnbuckle and Blade points at him from the turnbuckle.

Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied by Blade, from Scotland in the United Kingdom, weighing in at 287 pounds, Criminal Karnage!

Karnage dismounts the turnbuckle and has a chat with Blade as they await his opponent.

“We Fly High” plays as Mr. Baller comes, holding what appears to be a red rug. He places it down and pushes it, rolling it down the ramp, he then does a royal type bow as “10s” by Pantera plays throughout the arena as Celeste comes out of the onto the stage. She puts her hands on her hips with an unimpressed look

Harrys: His opponent, being accompanied by Mr. Baller, from Petersburg, Russia, The Submission Queen, Celeste Crimson

She starts to walk toward the ring, being followed by Baller. Celeste leaps up onto the ring apron, and grabs the top rope. Celeste then slingshots herself over the top rope and into the ring. Celeste will then taunt the crowd at the turnbuckle, Baller gets inside the ring as Celeste climbs down. All four people stand facing off. The ref tells Blade and Baller to get out of the ring, Blade does as such but Baller starts taunting and mocking Blade and Karnage, only for Celeste to suddenly grab him and throw him over the top rope to the cheer of the fans.

Cohen: Hahaha, Baller gets show the way out by the Submission Queen!

Connor: So much for being on the same time

Cohen: Celeste doesn’t need a team, she can do it all alone

The referee checks that everything is in order and signals for bell. Celeste and Karnage lock up immediately, leading to Karnage locking onto her head, she then pushes him to the ropes and hits a backflip kick knocking him down but he gets back up again, Blade applauds this. Baller gets up again from the throw and shouts “Go get him Celeste!”, Karnage shrugs his shoulders and hits a chop on the Submission Queen, followed by another and another, he then irish whips her and hit a spinebuster, he goes to try and lock the sharpshooter but she escapes easily. Both stand toe to toe and lock down again, Karnage then lifts up Celeste on his shoulders but she counters with a rolling DDT. Karnage holds his head while sitting, Blade looks on in concern while Baller claps at Karnage’s problems.

Connor: Looks like that head problem is coming back again for Karnage

Cohen: Perfect situation for Celeste, expect her to capitalise!

Celeste goes over to Karnage, who still checking his head, and locks a sleeper hold on him, he looks in pain while trying to catch his breathe as Blade starts a motivation clap with the crowd to get behind him. After a while of being in the hold, Karnage is looking faint, the ref goes to raise his arm….1, he raises the arm a second time….2, he goes for the third…Karnage throws his arm back up. He starts finding his feet again to a point where he stands up tall, lifting Celeste up with a back drop, slamming her to canvas. Karnage gets back up tells Celeste to “Get up”, who does and receives a brainbuster. He gets up again and runs at the ropes, only for Baller to grab his leg and stop him, Karnage turns to look at Baller questioning him what he’s doing. While he is distracted, Celeste gets back up and grabs him from behind and throws him throw with a release german suplex. Karnage holds his head again, Blade calls “Are you ok?” as Celeste hits standing moonsault, cover 1…..2…kickout.

Connor: Near fall there, Celeste is establishing her dominance again

Cohen: As she always does

Baller slams the mat in disbelief, calling at the ref to give a 3 count. Celeste goes up to the top rope and waits for him to get back up, when he does she goes for the thrust kick to the head but Karnage drops down out of the way and Celeste lands awkwardly. He goes to wait in the corner and as she turns around, he runs for the spear but she hits an enziguri on his head, to which Karnage goes down screaming in agony. She goes to try and lock the Omoplata but he rolls an inside cradle 1……2….kick out. Both get up at the same time and Celeste starts to measure on and goes for the Spirit Crusher but Karnage ducks and runs at the ropes and hits the Early Release, cover again 1….2… Baller jumps on top of the apron and the referee goes over to get Baller down.

Connor: Oh come on! Karnage had it won!

Cohen: Nothing like keeping on an insurance policy!

Karnage goes over to Baller and the ref, he grabs hold of Baller and throws him off of the apron onto the security barrier, the ref tells Karnage to back off. He starts stalking Celeste who’s up on one knee, she then is fully back up in the corner, she turns around and Karnage runs for another spear but she moves out of the way and hits his shoulder into the ring post. She rolls him onto his back for the cover 1….2…kickout. Celeste looks annoyed that Karnage won’t stay down for the pin. She goes to climb the turnbuckle for a high impact move, but suddenly Blade tells the referee to look at Baller who’s doing nothing, with him distracted, Blade jumps up and pulls the top rope, causing Celeste to crotch on the turnbuckle. Blade tells Karnage to go for it, he slowly gets up, holding his head, eventually realising that Celeste is still on the turnbuckle, he goes and stands facing away from the turnbuckle, pulling Celeste over his shoulders. He starts running and hits the Solitary Confinement. Cover by Karnage 1……2……3

Anderson: Here is your winner, Karnage!

Cohen: Why does everyone keep cheating Celeste out of her rightful victory?!

Connor: Blade was levelling out the damage caused by Baller. I hope Karnage is ok

Cohen: Now I wonder who’s going to be the “referee?”

Blade and Baller enter the ring as Celeste exits and walks back up the aisle with a disapproving look on her face given what’s happened. Blade raises Karnage’s arm in sight of the victory, Baller stands holding a microphone with a smile on his face

Baller: Well, congratulations, you got your pick, but I suppose it’s no secret who!

Blade grabs his own mic

Blade: I suppose so, but I announce that the referee will be none other than…Karnage!

The crowd erupts in excitement as Karnage stands between the two men. Baller still smiles

Baller: That’s fair enough, quite predictable of you really! By the way, how’s your head Karnage?

Karnage raises his hands up saying he’s nothing getting involved and turns around to exit. Blade is about to follow

Baller: I suppose one thing though

Karnage and Blade stop and stand tall in the ring, with Karnage between Blade and Baller

Baller: You know how it’s like to have your win belittled. By the man claiming to be your friend!

Karnage stands there thinking for a moment, he holds one hand up to his head. He slowly lowers it as he stares at Blade, he then starts looking angry. Blade tries to reason with him only he is suddenly speared by Karnage, taking the wind out of him. He crouches above the fallen Blade, shouting explicit words at him. He gets up and is about to spear Baller who shirks, but Karnage doesn’t move with an evil smile on his face. He exits the ring to a crowd of boos, halfway up the ramp, he turns around and shouts “I’ll see you at All or Nothing!”

Connor: Ladies and Gentleman, we have shocking developments here. The referee for All or Nothing has been confirmed as Karnage, but he’s turned on his friend Blade just seconds ago

Cohen: Karnage has shown his true colours and I like an honest man like him, you can’t be a reformed convict! Bring on All or Nothing, where everything is on equal terms!

Connor: I don’t know how equal it will be, but this should be one hell of a match. Speaking of great matches, ladies and gentleman, we still got the Elite X Title on the line, Titus and Ricky against the FHD, if Titus is pinned, we have a new champion. Will the FHD complete their task and take the belt completely or will Titus regain his property? It’s our Main Event tonight!
Anderson: This match is scheduled for one fall.

“P.C.P” by the Manic Street Preachers hits the PA system as Garth Black comes out to loud cheer from the crowd. He is accompanied by flashing strobe lights as he appears on the top of the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 128 pounds, The Welsh Dragon, Garth Black!

Black makes his way down the ramp as the music roars. As the music speeds up, Black throws his arms out to his side and runs down the ring. Once he reaches the ring, Black runs around the ring and then onto the apron. He enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

Connor: Garth Black looks very intense today. Lets see if he can pull out a win… Over this man!

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 235, from Glasgow, Scotland, Zander Young!

Cohen: Young looks impressive lately. He’ll continue that tonight.

Young appears atop the ramp as “Crawl” by Kings Of Leon hits the PA system. Young walks down the ramp as he gives out some hi-5’s to some of the people who flank the ramp. Upon arriving at the ring, Young throws his arms out and enters the ring immediately after.

The referee brings both men together and checks that everything is in order. Once that is checked, the referee signals for the bell and the match gets underway. Both men circle the ring and eventually lock up. Young grabs the head of Black and puts his opponent in a head-lock. Black manoeuvres out of the move and locks in a wrist lock. Both men take turns to control the match until eventually both men are on their feet. The crowd cheer as they appreciate the skill that is on show from the two men. Again, the two men lock up and Black this time hits a few chops to the chest of Young. Young backtracks with each chop and Black powers forward with yet more chops to the chest. Black attempts another chop to the chest but Young stops it with his arm. From nowhere, Young jumps up and hits a hurricarana to drop his opponent.

Connor: This match has been back and forth so far Jack.

Cohen: Both men are giving us a good display here.

Young gets to his feet and receives a pop from the crowd as he moves to capitalise on his earlier offence. Black begins to recover but Young is quick to mount more offence. Stomping on the chest and limbs of his opponent, Young is wearing down Black. Young picks up his opponent and Irish whips him into the far turnbuckle. Running at him, Young hits a hard clothesline to drop Black once more. Young tentatively moves outside the ropes and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Upon reaching the top of the turnbuckle, Young throws himself off and hits a sunset flip that has a huge impact on Black. Black squirms in pain as Young throws himself on top of his opponent for a pin. 1…2… Kick out! Young goes over to Black to continue the offence but Black rolls him up into a small package. 1…2… Kick out! Young looks confused at what has happened and Black takes advantage of the opportunity by hitting a DDT that has huge impact. Black gets to his feet and recovers his breath.

Black continues the offense and lands a drop kick on his downed opponent after bouncing off of the ropes for more momentum. Black is gaining momentum and hits a missile dropkick from the top rope after Young gets to his feet. He covers his opponent once more. 1...2… Kick out! Young gets up and both men trade punches. Young gains the advantage and hits Black with an uppercut and an elbow smash to inflict some damage. Young whips Black off of the ropes and goes for The Bucket on his return. Black is too wise to the move though and ducks out of the way and hits The Black death. He covers Young. 1…2…3.

Anderson: Here is you winner, Garth Black!

Cohen: A quick ending to that match, it was all he needed.

Connor: A technical match that showed us what each competitor had to offer. Black eventually picking up the win.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall.


Drake appears on top of the ramp as the music roars. He salutes the fans who are cheering for him loudly, with his bottle of beer and smiles widely.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 215 pounds, from Cleveland, Ohio. He is a former Mayhem Champion… Drake Callahan!

Connor: What a match we have in store for you next, ladies and gentlemen. Two great superstars are about to go toe-to-toe.

Cohen: And who knows what destruction Reidar will reap here tonight.

Connor: Drake is more than capable of holding his own against Reidar, Jack.

At that, “Broken Soul” By Original Sin hits the PA system as Lars Reidar emerges to a flurry of boos from the fans. Reidar does not care though and continues his slow-paced march towards the ring and his opponent.

Anderson: And his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Ragnarog, The Broken Soul, Lars Reidar!

Connor: Lars Reidar looks pretty focused tonight, Jack. How do you see this one going?

Cohen: Well, Drake may be a former Mayhem Champion but I see Reidar ripping him apart tonight, CC.

Reidar makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring immediately, showing no fear or intimidation for the task ahead of him. The referee brings both men into the centre of the ring and ensures that everything is in order. Both men stare the other down but neither flinches. The referee signals for the bell and immediately the punches begin to fly. Both men are giving it their all and neither is backing down. Both men trade blows for a moment and from nowhere, Reidar hits a big boot that sends Drake reeling to the corner. Drake recovers and runs at Reidar, Reidar sees it coming and hits a leg lariat that takes his opponent down. Drake is strewn out on the mat, clutching his gut as Reidar begins to capitalise on his early offence. Reidar goes over to Drake and bends down and grabs the hair of Drake. Drake is quick to mount offense though and lands a swift kick to the head of his opponent. Reidar retreats back, grabbing his face in agony. Drake gets to his feet quickly and moves in for the kill. Running at the stricken Reidar, Drake lands a dropkick in the corner. Reidar staggers for a minute and then falls into the sitting position in the corner. Drake gets to his feet and notices Reidar’s position. Drake smiles and then runs at Reidar once more, landing a boot to the face of Reidar.

Connor: I told you he could hold his own, Jack!

Cohen: Pah! Reidar is biding his time, CC. This is smart tactics.

Drake gets to his feet once more and picks up Reidar shortly after. He Irish whips Reidar and on the return lands a sidewalk slam on the bigger man. Reidar clutches his back and Drake gets to his feet quickly. Smiling once more, Drake moves to the fallen Reidar. Drake grabs the legs of Reidar and looks to lock in the figure four leglock but Reidar is still too strong. Reidar kicks Drake away and Drake’s back hits the corner. Reidar gets to his feet slowly and Drake looks to capitalise once more. Reidar is wise to his offense this time and moves out of the way of the oncoming boot. On Drake’s turn, Reidar lands a sitout spinebuster. Both men are down and the referee begins his count.

Connor: This is a key point in the match, folks.

Reidar gets to his feet first but is quickly followed by Drake who begins to throw some punches at Reidar. The momentum is with Reidar though and he Irish whips Drake into the corner following some punches of his own. Reidar runs at Drake and runs at him. He lands a big elbow to the face of Drake and inflicts more punishment as he throws Drake shoulder first into the ring post. Drake falls to the mat as Reidar flashes a solemn look towards the fans. The fans boo loudly and Reidar signals the end of the match. Reidar picks up Drake and looks to hit the Sacreligious Desecration. Drake rolls through though and puts Reidar into a small package. 1…2… Kick out! Reidar looks stunned as Drake takes a moment to recuperate. Reidar gets to his feet and throws a big boot at Drake. Drake ducks under the flying boot of Reidar and on his retirn hits a flying elbow of his own. Drake gets to his feet and picks up Reidar. He hits the Hangover and covers Reidar. 1…2…3. Drake picks up the win.

Drake’s music begins to play as he celebrates inside the ring. The referee raises his hand.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Drake Callahan!

Connor: Drake can feel somewhat fortunate with that win, Jack.

Cohen: Travesty! That is the only word I can use to describe that match.

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, speaking of travesties. The championship belt that was stolen is now on the line in our final match of the night, Titus defends his belt with the aid of Ricky against the Full House Daves. It's our Main Event and it's on when we come back.
Connor: Welcome back. The time is upon us, the last match before All or Nothing and it’s the Elite X Championship match. Don’t turn your sets, this will be an explosive encounter!

Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Elite X Championship. Now if Titus is pinned by either Ace David or Big Dave, they will become the Elite X Champion!

‘Over the Seas’ plays out as Ricky comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. He heads down the ramp and high fives fans along the way, he enters the ring and runs in circles around Anderson who tries to remain composed

Anderson: Introducing first, from Tortuga, weighing in 260 pounds, Steamboat Ricky!

Connor: Well Ricky is set to even the score, backing Titus’ cause into reclaiming his property back from the FHD, I hope he succeeds

Cohen: Yeah, like that’s going to happen! I mean why is Ricky involved in this? Cause the FHD beat down him down on Meltdown? It’s not like he’s the Elite X Champion, this should be a handicap match!


The crowd erupts as Titus comes out onto the stage, he partially responds to their reaction but he walks down with authority and slides into the ring and high fives Ricky as he goes to the turnbuckle and gives a thumbs up to the crowd.

Anderson: And his partner, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, Titus!

Cohen: Soon to be former

Connor: Come on Jack, cut Titus some slack!

Cohen: I’m just saying it how it is CC!

‘The Leaving Song’ bursts throughout the arena as the FHD come out onto the stage, both holding the Elite X belt between them. They raise the belt up in the air, taunting Titus, Ricky holds him back and talks to him as the FHD laugh at him.

Anderson: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 499 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Ace David and Big Dave, The Full House Daves!

They head down the ramp and Ace takes the belt as they go into the ring, they climb the turnbuckles and poses with their belts and the Elite X belt. Ace throws the belt to Dave who catches it poses with it. They both climb down and Dave tosses the belt to the referee. Titus goes to take the belt, but the referee tells him to leave back as he presents it in the air to the crowd. The FHD then hand over their tag belts and the referee goes to pass all three belts to the timekeeper.

Connor: Well the time is now, will Titus regain his belt, or will one of the FHD become the new champion?

Cohen: Is that a trick question?

Connor: Who would you back to win the championship?

Cohen: Erm, well I think Ace and Dave will aim to try and pin Titus at the same time, be a co-champion!

Both teams back into their corners as Ace opts to go first as does Ricky, who talks to Titus saying “It’s safer”. The referee signals for the bell and we are under way, Ricky walks slowly towards Ace who uses his pace to move around evading Ricky until they eventually lock up, Ricky irish whips Ace but on the return, Ace hits a flying forearm, Ricky gets back up and irish whips him again, but Ace hits the forearm again. Ricky gets up and for a final time, irish whips Ace who goes for the forearm, but Ricky drops and Ace hits the ropes. With Ace down, Ricky runs at the ropes and hits running diving headbutt onto Ace which causes him to roll out of the ring. Ricky follows him out and tells Titus to stay there. The ref starts a but Ace gets back in followed by Ricky, who Ace kicks on the way in. Big Dave claps on as the crowd boos as Ace uses the ropes and lands a knee onto Ricky’s back.

Ace tags in Dave who poses for a moment and then picks up Ricky by the head, he takes one of his arms and moves him to Titus’ corner, holding out the arm for a tag but every time Titus reaches out, Dave pulls Ricky’s arm back. He does this a couple of times until Ricky elbows him in the stomach, breaking Dave’s hold and he immediately tags Titus who climbs the turnbuckle and hits a hurricanrana to take down the big man as Ricky climbs onto the apron. Titus stands waiting in the corner as Big Dave gets up, he runs and uses a swinging neckbreaker, he picks Dave up into the corner, hits a couple of chops to the chest and hits a bulldog from the corner, he goes for the cover 1…..2…kickout.

Connor: Early attempt by Titus to win, it will take more to keep Dave down

Cohen: You’re right there CC!

Titus tags Ricky in who climbs onto the turnbuckle and shouts “Man overboard” and goes for the elbow but Dave rolls out of the way and Ricky hits canvas. Dave gets back up for and tries to hit a boot in Ricky’s face but it’s by grabbed Ricky spins Dave who hits him on the return with the Dragon Whip. Dave picks up Ricky and hits a snap suplex, runs at the ropes and hits a leg drop. He considers the cover, but realises it won’t him the title, he picks up Ricky and irish whips him hard into Titus’ corner, taking Ricky down and Dave tags Ace back in as does Titus on Ricky.

The two legal men start circling around the ring, Titus signals Ace to come on, Ace runs at him but Titus jumps down to the mat, Ace bounces off the ropes and Titus leaps over him and tries to arm drag Ace on the return, but he switches arm, Titus counters by throwing him over his back and then Ace hits bulldog and poses with a smile. The crowd boos while Titus gets back up and Ace goes for the flying lariat but Titus moves quickly so his knee hits Ace’s back, he picks up the mysterious one and goes for a northern lights suplex 1……2..Dave breaks the count as Ricky tries to get in but the ref stops him. While this happens, Ace is kneeling in pain and Titus is back up, only Dave runs behind Ace and uses his back to hit the Ace’s High, spearing down Titus and rolling out of the ring, Ace cover 1……2…. kickout by Titus.

Connor: Near fall there, I thought Ace had it for sure.

Cohen: Ricky distracted the ref for too long, it would have been three otherwise!

Ace uses the chance to tag Dave back in and he goes stomping on Titus who’s still down. He picks up Titus against the ropes and hits a powerslam 1…..2….kickout. Dave goes to use the sharpshooter, locking it on Titus in the middle of the ring, the tag champion shouting the words “Tap, go on tap!” Ricky tries clapping on Titus reaching out to tag him but he’s still far away. Titus starts crawling slowly to the ropes, it looks like he might tap any moment, could he? Will he? He’s only inches away and he grabs the rope forcing Dave to break the hold, but he pulls Titus back in the ring and tries to lock it in but Titus escapes out of the hold, keeping a tight grip on the ropes. Titus slowly moves to his corner but Dave grabs him by the hair and pulls him to the centre of the ring, Dave stamps on him as he goes to tag Ace who climbs in and hits a leg drop while Dave runs at Ricky and spears him through the ropes, taking him to the canvas.

Cohen: Brilliant, just brilliant strategy by the Daves!

Connor: Titus really needs a tag to save his belt

Ace runs at the ropes and for the Live Large but Titus rolls out of the way and Ace hits the mat. Titus gets back up and goes to tag Ricky but he’s still down outside the ring, he calls out “Come Ricky, get up” but Ace goes for a roll up, pulling the tights 1…..2….kickout, Ace argues with the ref that it was three! Titus uses the moment to climb to the second rope and take down Ace with a clothesline. Big Dave is back at his team’s corner calling for the tag while Ricky is still stirring at the apron. Ace gets up and goes to kick Titus but it’s countered into an ankle lock, the crowd gets in a roar as Ace screams in pain for a few moments but he rolls himself taking Titus against the ropes and Ace goes for the tag on Dave. They single for the end as Ace irish whips Titus, when Titus bounces off the ropes, Ricky blind tags him, on the return Titus is hit with the Full House. Dave covers him but the ref refuses to, Ricky jumps the elbow on Dave’s head who falls into the corner as Ricky starts stalking him from behind. He turns around and Ricky goes for the Blunderbuss, but Dave grabs Ricky’s leg and spins him and lifts Ricky onto his shoulders and hits the Stamp of Authority, taking out the sea captain. Dave gets back up but Titus hits the Tit Drop onto him taking him down, causing him to fall on top Ricky, Ace chases Titus out of the ring as the ref goes for the accidental cover 1……2…….3

Anderson: Here is your winner, The FHD! However as Steamboat Ricky was pinned, Titus is STILL the Elite X Champion!

Ace stops and holds his hair in disbelief as Dave and Ricky are down on the mat still knocked out. While this happens, Titus runs at the timekeeper and takes the Elite X belt with a smile of relief, holding his belt close.
Connor: You got to give all four men credit, they took each other to the limit, but Titus is still the Elite X Champion and he rightfully has his belt back!

Cohen: This was a damn steal, the FHD had the match won, they should be having custody of the belt right this moment, damn that Ricky. Titus gets a save again!

Ricky has come to and looks really angry after realising what’s happened, he crawls to the commentary side of the ring and gets out. Ace has helped Dave out of the otherwise, only to look back with an angry steel chair carrying Ricky sliding back in the ring to which Ace drags Dave in a hurry away as Ricky slams the chair on the rope. The Daves continue up the ramp as Titus gets back in the ring with his belt and goes to calm Ricky down, telling him “It’s ok, we saved the belt” and Ricky smiles as Titus raises his hand as they both hold the Elite X belt and Steel Chair above their hands.

Connor: Well that’s a sight to see, both men may have lost the match but they got the job done, Titus reclaims his belt thanks to Ricky. But how will it go come All or Nothing where they must face each other in the six pact challenge for the World Title?

Cohen: People watching right now, this lovely sick sight is going to end come Sunday. Mark my words, there can only be one World Champion and it’s not going to be one of these men if they continue to co-exist.

Connor: But the important matter is that Titus has reclaimed his belt! Ladies and Gentleman, All or Nothing is on the horizon and I will see you there with Jack and Seabass! It’s going to be one hell of a night! We’ll see you there, good night!
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