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Ascension 26

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
We’re backstage and see Baez entering the building, the heavy boos of the crowd can be heard from the arena, Leon Kensworth approaches him.

Kensworth: Baez, quick word. What were you thinking attacking Gordito like that?

Baez stops in his tracks and turns to face Leon.

Baez: My actions will be explained later, but at least today, I am above Gordito’s level!

Baez walks off as Leon looks on confused.

*Pryos go off*

The camera pans around the arena showing all the different signs and ecstatic fans excited to be on the air, we then arrive at Cat Connor and John Cohen.

Connor: What a difference 24 hours can make, things are getting lively and we’re still weeks away from Kingdom Come! Cat Connor alongside Jack Cohen here, now Jack, how are you feeling about tonight’s contract signing taking place later on?

Cohen: Intense, you just know Ty Burna and Showtime Cougar aren’t going to keep their hands off each other. You just know it’s going to take one slip from either guy and the place is going to explode!

Connor: Not to mention that tonight should see a lot of questions answered as Meltdown brought up a lot of them, but apparently we got an announcement by Vance Bateman right now, he’s in the ring.

The camera reveals Vance Bateman standing tall in the ring with a microphone in hand, he nods towards Anderson.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, your General Manager of Ascension, Vance Bateman.

The arena boos heavily at Bateman who waits for them to calm down.

Bateman: Alright, alright, calm down. I know you don’t like me when you found out that I screwed Reynolds out of the Elite X Championship. But face the facts, the ratings went up because of it! Now to important matters, I want to firstly congratulate Showtime Cougar on representing Ascension and winning the Lethal Lottery this year, I’m sure you will make a fantastic challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship and the contract signing will take place later tonight.

But I have some more pressing issues to attend.

Showtime, I meant what I said that you are a superb Elite X Champion, but through powers beyond my own, it has to unfortunately end tonight.


Showtime Cougar comes out with the Elite X Championship around his waist, he looks bemused at what Bateman just said. He enters the ring and stands very close to Bateman.

Cougar: Wait, let me get this straight, you say I’m the best Elite X Champion in the history of Ascension but that must end tonight? Did you take the wrong medication my dear Bateman?

Bateman: I actually said you are a superb champion. But if you would let me finish, there was a meeting with the Board of Directors last week and despite every appeal I could come up with, they have ordered me to vacate the Elite X Championship with immediate effect.

The crowd cheers at the news, Showtime looks around surprised by their reaction.

Bateman: The reason being is because they wish to see the Elite X Championship defended at Kingdom Come, but also because a champion cannot challenge for another belt.

Showtime looks disapprovingly at Bateman.

Cougar: So have me defend the belt against Ty Burna, winner takes all, it would be like a warrior taking on a yellow and red maniac!

Bateman: I already tried that and everything possible. I have gone through everything, but their order stands.

Cougar: Very well…at least I know when to vacate a belt at the appropriate time unlike a former EurAsian Champion!

He unhooks the belt from his waist and holds it in both his hands.

Cougar: Well, we must part my dear friend…

Suddenly “Hero” kicks in as Constantine comes out. Bateman is looking further unsure of himself as Showtime smirks at the sight of his friend arriving inside the ring.

Constantine: With all due Bateman, Show, surely you didn’t forget about me? I mean, what a perfect time to get everything rolling for the Showtime Power Trip, the ultimate alliance, holding both the Elite X and World Heavyweight Championship, the two of us would be unstoppable! You don’t even need to put on a match, you said the belt had to be vacated right? Well why bother trying to find challengers when you got Showtime’s best friend to carry the belt? It’s almost like Showtime never gave it up at all!

Bateman and Showtime nod while the crowd boos heavily at his suggestion.

Bateman: That is one thing I actually hadn’t considered. They said the belt had to be vacated from Showtime, they didn’t how and if it should be vacant in general. But this decision is purely down to Showtime. I can make it happen, but it’s your choice.

Showtime nods and gives it some thought, Constantine smiles knowing what the outcome is going to be. Showtime nods to himself with a smirk as the crowd boos heavily, he walks over to Constantine with the Elite X belt in one hand, the mic in the other, he presents the belt which the crowd boo heavily. Constantine goes to grab it but Showtime indicates that his friend to stop.

Cougar: I wish to make this formal. Constantine, it is with great honour and privilege that I present you with…NO!

As Constantine is shocked at the decision, Showtime bashes him off his feet with the belt and kicks him out of the ring. The crowd is unsure what to make of this as Constantine is on the floor and paces back as Cougar picks up the belt and the mic again.

Cougar: Constantine, if there’s one thing I didn’t expect you to be, is that you would be so gullible! You fell for the same trap that Milenko did years ago, you expected to get everything out of this alliance when all you did was make things…easier for me. You got me the Elite X Championship, you helped distract Austin Reynolds from me and you help make winning the Lethal Lottery act like clockwork. Given I have better success against Ty Burna than you do against the most simple minded men in that locker room, you have outlived your usefulness with me! Bateman, consider the Elite X Championship…vacated!

Showtime shoves the belt into Bateman’s abs before he goes on to smirk at the events that just happened. Bateman interrupts thing quickly.

Bateman: Hold it, hold it. Constantine, that decision was not mine, but this is. If you or anyone else interfere with the contract signing later tonight, you will be suspended without pay for a whole month, meaning no Kingdom Come for anyone!

Constantine looks pissed before he heads off behind the curtain as Showtime walks off, smiling at how things turned out.

Connor: Well, who would have thought that tonight we would see the Elite X Championship vacated but also no more Showtime Power Trip?

Cohen: I don’t know whether I should feel sad about it or congratulate Showtime on playing all of us. You should have know better Cat!

Connor: I don’t think anyone expected it, least of Constantine. But the crowd is getting all fired up, so let’s get on with a match right after this break!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The Hills Have Eyes hits and Alex Bowen emerges with his bottles and poses for the crowd.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, Alex Bowen!

Bowen gets into the ring before kicking the bottles into the crowd. He gets up on the turnbuckle and looks into the crowd before standing in the ring waiting for his opponent.

Connor: Well he didn’t have the best outing in the Lethal Lottery, but he’s strong willed and will look to start fresh here tonight!

I Made it hits and Justin Cooper walks out onto the top of the ramp. He looks out at the crowd before running to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, Justin Cooper!

Cooper gets up onto the second rope and looks out into the disapproving crowd before getting off the rope and turning to face his opponent.

Cohen: I like this kid. He’s dope, yo!

Connor: Don’t... Ever do that.

The referee calls for the bell and the two men lock up in the centre of the ring. Cooper gets the advantage, getting Bowen in a headlock, but he’s pushed off into the ropes. Cooper returns and he’s hit with a dropkick from Bowen. The crowd cheer as Cooper backs up into the corner, holding his jaw as Bowen stands across from him, looking focused. Cooper gets up and walks forward, pushing his opponent. Bowen looks angry and unleashes a flurry of right hands on his opponent. Cooper staggers backwards into the corner, and Bowen Irish Whips him into the opposite turnbuckle. He crashes into the turnbuckle and Bowen hits him with a big clothesline. Bowen picks up his opponent and hits an Inverted Atomic Drop, before hitting him with a series of chops, making Cooper’s chest turn bright red. Cooper stumbles backwards into the ropes and Bowen clotheslines him out of the ring! Cooper gets up on the outside and looks furious as the referee starts to count him out. Bowen goes for a baseball slide, but Bowen moves and Bowen lands on the outside. Cooper kicks him in the gut and grabs him by the head and throws him backward into the announce table. Bowen collapses to the floor, clutching the back of his head as Cooper breaks the referee’s count. He picks up Bowen and hits a Scoopslam on the outside, causing a loud thud to echo through the arena before rolling Bowen back into the ring and going for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Bowen!

Connor: Bowen was in control until that awful move by Cooper! Bowen could have a concussion!

Cohen: I know, it’s great, isn’t it?

Cooper gets up and starts stomping at Bowen’s already hurt head. He picks up his opponent and delivers a European Uppercut to Bowen before Irish Whipping him across the ring. Bowen bounces off the ropes and Cooper hits him with a Hip Toss before going for another pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Bowen. Cooper grabs Bowen’s arm and tries to lock in an Armbar, but Bowen rolls backwards and is able to roll up Cooper, 1... 2... Kick out! Both men get up quickly and Bowen starts to fight back as they exchange right hands. Bowen blocks a right hand and hits Cooper with a big headbutt, dazing Cooper, before following up with a Snap DDT. Cooper gets up and Bowen hits him with a Bionic Elbow before going for a pin, 1... 2.... Kick out by Cooper. Bowen walks over to the corner and climbs up onto the second rope. He signals to the crowd before leaping off, but Cooper manages to roll out of the way and Bowen crashes to the mat. Both men slowly get to their feet and Bowen swings a right hand, but Cooper ducks under it, grabs Bowen by the head and hits a Jawbreaker! Cooper takes a moment to catch his breath before going for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Bowen! Cooper looks frustrated as he gets up and calls for Your Final Verse, and measures Bowen, who is using the ropes to pull himself up. Cooper grabs Bowen for the move, but Bowen kicks Cooper in the gut and tries to go for The End of Days! Bowen lifts Cooper up, but Cooper struggles out of it and lands on his feet. He grabs Bowen’s arm and twists it, going behind Bowen before he hits Testing, Testing, Check out of nowhere! Cooper covers his opponent, 1.... 2.... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Justin Cooper!

Connor: A good outing from two of WZCW’s young talents!

Cohen: I’m glad that Juggalo got what was coming to him...

Cooper stands over Bowen, smirking, before getting out of the ring and making his way up the ramp as the audience boo him.

We're in the backstage area as Vance Bateman is walking with security, holding the Elite X Championship, he's intercepted by Stacey Madison.

Madison: Mr. Bateman, with the news of the Elite X Championship being vacated, what are the plans to determine a new champion?

Bateman: Stacey, I have literally gained possession of the belt within the last 20 minutes, I don't have an answer right now. But it will be stated right now that effort and determination will be noted during the past number of shows to see who will shall challenge for the belt. I will have a definite answer by next week. Now if you excuse me, I need to have this locked safely away!

Bateman and the security team walk on, leaving Stacey behind, Gordito suddenly walks up behind her.

Gordito: Say Stacey, have you seen a mask man about 'yay' high, possibly carrying a steel chair and some onion rings? I need to have some words with him.

Madison: I have not no, why don't you do something decent like go back to your bar or something?

Gordito: Shame Stacey, I was going to offer you free drinks on the house next time you visited The Sludge Pit, but no Mojitos for you!

He walks off as Madison watches on.

Madison: I actually like Cosmopolitans actually!

Stacey walks off in disbelief.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Far From Over" by Rev Theory hits the speakers and out comes Jordan walking with a hood over his head, followed by Lilith. As the music picks up, he lifts his hood up and screams with his hands in the air. At that moment, DK Wilton comes out smirking and meets up with Lights, who the two shake hands before heading down the ring. The crowd garners a mixed reaction for the team.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 490 pounds, they are the team of DK & "The Justice" Jordan Lights!

Connor: This seems to be an interesting pair we have here. Lights is considered a veteran of the roster and knows what it takes to run a successful tag team, whilst DK is a young, rising superstar who has loads of potential.

Cohen: Not to mention they have a good taste in managers!

They slide into the ring and taunt on separate turnbuckles before their music fades out, prompting "Black Betty" by Ram Jam to play through the speakers. The crowd boos as Doug Crashin emerges from the curtain, strutting out and showing off how good he looks without injury, with microphone in hand. Anderson begins to speak, but Crashin interrupts her.

Crashin: Selena, you're beautiful and all, but not right now honey. Let the real announcer do the job! It's been a while, so let me ready myself.

Crashin clears his throat.

Crashin: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 479 and a half pound... yeah, I lost some... the men who will walk out of Ascension tonight victorious and will go on to reclaim their WZCW World Tag Team Championships... "Mr. Incredible" Doug Crashin and his partner... the "Elite" Steven Holmes... The Crashinnnnnnnn Movement!

Beethoven's 5th Symphony hits and out comes Steven Holmes who is greeted with more boos as he walks down to the ring with Crashin.

Cohen: I think it's safe to say that when Doug Crashin retires, he has a definite spot as a ring announcer!

Connor: Or maybe as the new color commentator for Ascension!

Cohen: Hey now CC, play nice!

The music has died down and Steven Holmes/DK are on the apron in their respective corners. Crashin & Lights decide to start off and the referee rings the bell.

Crashin begins by trash-talking to Lights, shoving him multiple times and proceeding to do star-jumps to show off his lack of injuries. Lights doesn't take kindly and delivers a big boot to Crashin whilst in mid-air. Doug falls down hard and Lights goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Crashin, who is shocked. He gets up and is met with a couple of forearm smashes, with a European uppercut, before being whipped across the ring. He hits the high knee on Crashin who stumbles down and tries reaching for the ropes. Lights gets him up to the second rope and strangles him, with the referee reaching a count of four before pulling Lights off. DK hits a boot to Crashin's face whilst the ref isn't looking, which the crowd boos. Lights tags in DK and they pick up Crashin and send him across. They deliver a double dropkick, Lights gets on the apron and DK pins... 1... 2... kick-out. DK gets up and delivers a standing knee drop to Crashin, who crawls to the turnbuckle for assistance. DK follows and picks up Crashin, setting him up for the tree of woe in the corner. He begins kicking Crashin in the head a couple of times, forcing the referee to push him back. As the ref isn't looking, Holmes helps untie Crashin but is still in the woe position. Lights tries warning DK but he doesn't listen as DK runs and tries for a corner splash, but Crashin drops to the ground making DK hit the turnbuckles. Crashin immediately gets up and hits an exploder Crashin suplex. Crashin goes to the corner and tags in Holmes. They wait for DK to get up slightly and they hit the double roundhouse kick to the back/chest of DK. Holmes goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by DK. Holmes gets up and hits a knee drop of his own to DK, who crawls to the corner. Holmes taps his head and pulls DK out of the corner, not looking for a repeat situation, and delivers a huge vertical suplex to DK. He follows through with the cover... 1... 2... kick-out again. Holmes immediately locks in a body scissors on DK who tries to unhook the legs of Holmes. The crowd is mixed as to what they want DK to do, but he eventually hits a couple of elbows to the chest of Holmes that forces him to let go. DK gets up and measures Holmes. He goes for a kick but Holmes reverses and delivers a belly to back suplex on DK. Holmes goes to Crashin and tags him in, with the both of them stomping on DK before Holmes gets back on the ropes.

Connor: Frequent tags equals the key to success in tag team matches.

Cohen: It comes with experience... and it looks like DK is learning the hard way.

Crashin raises his arms in the air, taunting DK in the process as the crowd boos. As DK tries getting up, Crashin kicks DK in various spots before he gets to his feet. Crashin tries for a big kick to the chest, but DK catches the leg and tries kicking Crashin in the stomach, who blocks it too. DK drops Crashins leg and Crashin spins him around. DK comes back with a dragon whip kick to Crashin, forcing him down to a kneeling position. DK smacks Crashin in the back of the head with a kick of his own and goes for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Crashin. DK drags Crashin to his corner and tags in Lights. DK picks up Crashin into the corner, gets on the apron and holds him into position as Lights hits both knee strikes and shoulder thrusts in the corner. They stop as the ref hits a four count, breaking them up. Crashin walks groggy out of the corner into a sidewalk slam by Lights. He goes for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Crashin. Lights brings Crashin back to the corner and sets him up as he tags in DK, who runs at Crashin with a successful corner splash, followed by the Hey Bulldog. He goes for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out. DK immediately locks in a side headlock on Crashin. The crowd jeers Crashin to tap out, but doesn't give up. He eventually gets his hand to the ropes, forcing DK to break up the pin. DK tells Lights he has this and picks up Crashin, locking him for a DDT... but Crashin counters into his patent Crashin Crush. Both men are down in the ring and try getting to their respective corners as the ref counts. At the count of 3, they superstars begin to move. Once 6 hits, DK gets to his corner and tags in Lights. He immediately runs in and attacks Holmes from preventing the tag. He kicks Crashin a couple of times as Holmes tries to get into the ring to protest. As the ref is busy with Holmes, DK and Lights wail on Crashin with multiple kicks and punches. Holmes gets back on the ropes and waits. DK and Lights whip Crashin across the ring and attempt a double clothesline. Crashin ducks, Holmes blind-tags in without DK/Lights knowing, and Crashin runs into DK/Lights, attempting to counter them with a double DDT. DK/Lights counter and chuck him over the top rope, but Crashin lands on the apron. DK goes after Crashin but he low-bridges the rope sending DK down to the floor. Crashin laughs at him but Lights kicks him off the apron. Holmes sneaks into the ring unexpectedly as Lights yells at Crashin. He turns around to see Holmes kick him in the gut and sets up for the IMPERIAL IMPALER! Lights clutches his head on the mat from the impact as Holmes rolls him over for the ARISTOCRACY REIGNS submission. Lights tries to do something, but there is nothing else but to tap.

The referee signals for the bell, the Movement's music begins playing and Holmes let's go of the submission. The ref raises his hand as Crashin slides back in the ring and Dr. Steven Kurtesy makes his way down to the ring to celebrate.

Anderson: Here are your winners... Doug Crashin and Steven Holmes, the Crashin Movement!

They three men exit the ring together and head up the ramp as DK begins stirring on the ground and Lilith enters the ring to check up on Lights who is moving.

Connor: This was essentially a battle of wits here tonight between these two teams. Lights and DK did an impressive job of giving the former tag champions a run for their money, but experience as a team was the main factor for the Movement's success.

Cohen: Maybe the doctor's psychological powers have rubbed off on Holmes and Crashin. Maybe Lights was distracted by Lilith during the match. I know I was! Either way, both teams have established their presence in the tag division. The Brothers in Arms better watch themselves!

We're inside Bateman's office which has a board sheet next to him with the words King For A Day at the top, he's penning down some ideas. His laptop has Chuck Myles appearing via Skype.

Bateman: So a definite yes to those two?

Myles: Well given how they performed, they definitely should be in there based on merit for certain!

Bateman: Plus having another shot at the World Title at stake will definitely motivate them.

Myles: Agreed. Not to mention, I like seeing an animal trapped in a cage!

Bateman: So that settles the first two participants, Gordito and Barbosa are officially entered into the King For A Day Elimination Chamber

Myles: Good stuff, now those two qualifiers should definitely happen!

Bateman: You definitely know they could go one last time with that Chamber at stake.

Myles: For certain, but the other two have been having some very good performances and they definitely should be in a qualifier.

Bateman: If you think so.

Myles: So then I get Dave vs. Everest for the final time, the prize is entry into the Chamber!

Bateman: Dammit Chuck!

Myles: Too slow my friend. But you get Kravinoff against Phoenix, I'm sure they will at least get something out of that.

Bateman: Well good luck with having the inmates running the asylum there.

Myles: Any ideas for potential competitors?

Bateman: Hmm, had a couple of people but they need to prove themselves...and there is one guy who's had experience with this sort of match that could work.

Myles: Would certainly keep them under control.

Bateman: Well let's review that situation while the show goes on.

The camera moves outside of Bateman's office to reveal Baez is standing outside and listening in. He shakes his head and then walks off.

Connor: So Jack, we've heard it here first. The King For A Day is returning! And already set to go into The Chamber are Gordito and Barbosa, that's already a scary thought to think of.

Cohen: But CC you missed the bigger news, Dave and Everest go at it one last time with the Chamber at stake! And Kravinoff against Phoenix in the other qualifier. I wonder who's going to go in next?

Connor: Maybe it will be one of the two competing next, Baller or Reynolds, let's find out!
We come back from commercial and Baller is in the ring, awaiting his opponent. Headstrong hits to a major pop and Austin Reynolds emerges. He looks out at the crowd, smirking before looking straight at Baller, clearly looking like he wants to take out his frustration that he didn’t finish unleashing at the Lethal Lottery on Baller.

Anderson: Introducing, from The West End of London, England, Austin Reynold!

Connor: It’s safe to say that Reynolds was very dangerous at the Pay Per View!

Cohen: He should’ve been banned from the Lethal Lottery match after his actions in the match with Constantine! If you can call it a match.

Reynolds quickly goes down to the ring and ref rings the bell. Baller rushes forward at Reynolds, but Reynolds clotheslines him. Baller gets back up and runs at Reynolds again, but he’s hit with a back body drop. Baller rolls around in pain before Reynolds picks him up and drags him over to the corner. He smashes Baller’s skull against the top turnbuckle repeatedly, before the referee forces him to back off. Reynolds runs at Baller, but Baller manages to move and Reynolds collides with the turnbuckles. Baller dropkicks Reynolds in the back, causing Reynolds to hit off the turnbuckles again and fall backwards onto the mat. Baller sees the opening, and goes over to the corner. He goes for the Buzzbeater, but Reynolds gets his knees up and Baller crashes into them. He rolls on the ground, clutching his ribs before Reynolds picks him up and quickly hits the Ratings Killer. Reynolds covers Baller, 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Austin Reynolds!

Reynolds raises his arms, an intense look on his face. He climbs up on the turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd, a small smile appearing on his face for the first time in weeks. He gets off the turnbuckle, but Constantine comes out of the crowd and attacks him from behind with a steel chair, delivering a hard shot to Reynolds’ spine. Constantine lifts Reynolds up and hits the Collateral Damage to Reynolds on the chair! Reynolds writhes in pain as Constantine calls for a microphone, which is quickly handed to him.

Constantine: It’s not over!

Constantine drops the mic and rolls out of the ring before backing up the ramp, looking at Reynolds with a look of utmost loathing. The referee gets into the ring and manages to help Reynolds up. Austin locks eyes with Constantine and the two stare each other down for several moments.

Connor: This doesn’t make sense... Surely Showtime is the one Constantine should be angry at?

Cohen: I’d rather have Reynolds punished for his actions than Showtime.
“The following match is scheduled for one fall.”

“On his way to the ring, from his Hidden Underground Laboratory, he weighs in at 178lbs, this is Dr Alhazred!!”

Alhazred slowly walks through the curtains with his right fist raised high. He continues to walk down the ramp with his fist up. When climbing the stairs into the ring he removes his power glove.

Toyota’s music begins and as Toyota emerges, he gets a great reaction.

“And his opponent, from Matsumoto, Japan, he weighs in at 550 lbs and is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, this is the Matsumoto Mauler, Wasabi Toyota!!”

Toyota slowly walks to the ring waving to the crowd and smiling. Once in the ring he rips off his jumpsuit and throws it into crowd before entering the ring, ready for action.

“Both these gentlemen had a great showing at the pay-per-view.”

“Alhazred got screwed out of the Eurasian title match”

“And the behemoth Wasabi Toyota won the tag titles as part of the Brothers in Arms.”

Alhazred starts aggressively as he tries to punch Toyota but the big man merely shakes it off.

“And I think if it wasn’t clear to Dr Alhazred, he knows now what a challenge he faces”

He backs up to the ropes and tries to connect with a swinging hammer-like blow but Toyota raises a big boot that meets with Alhazred’s chest. He is met with such impact that he bounces straight up and Toyota picks him up and drops him with a hard press slam. Toyota goes to cover but Alhazred stumbles outside the ring. He tries to reach for the Power Glove but the referee takes it from him. Toyota looks on bemused. Alhazred throws a minor tantrum and Toyota gestures to him to enter the ring and continue.

"It's a shame that the crooked ref won't let Alhazred bring in his Power Glove. It's like his third arm. He looks lost without it."

He gets in and Toyota offers him a free shot. Alhazred psyches himself up and charges forward but Toyota sidesteps and Alhazred charges straight into the turnbuckle! Toyota charges forward and crushes Alhazred between him and the turnbuckle.

"Oh....that's horrible."

Toyota stands back and Alhazred crumbles to the floor. Toyota goes to cover....1......2......Alhazred barely escapes. Toyota picks him and goes to lock in the bear hug but Alhazred begins to desperately pummel Toyota’s head with repetitive smacks to the head! The big man is visibly dazed. Toyota lets Alhazred go and he runs off the ropes and hitting a hammer-like blow with his forearms. Toyota wobbles Alhazred runs the other side and repeats the attack!

“The power that Alhazred is offering in these punches is going to the key if he is going to have any chance against someone as good as Wasabi Toyota.”

Desperate to get Toyota off his feet, he quickly climbs the top rope and dives off but Toyota takes a step back and meets him with a sharp kick to the throat!!

“Alhazred’s oesophagus is going to be destroyed by that devastating kick.”

“And look what he has in mind now!!! That fat fu---”

Toyota ascends to the middle rope and nails a somewhat inevitable Banzai Drop for the 1......2......3!!!

“Ladies & Gentlemen, your winner by pinfall, Wasabi Toyota!!!”

“Dominant pinfall victory for one half of the Tag Champions!”

“Alhazred is plucky and for a moment he had Toyota going but without the Power Glove, he just couldn’t drop him, didn’t have the raw power. But the young Doctor Alhazred should not be disheartened at all. Many more experienced names have struggled to drop Wasabi Toyota. I like his guts though.”

Toyota leaves as Alhazred rolls around clutching his throat. The referees try to help him and then a couple of medics come from the back to help him.

We're back with Bateman in his office as he's pondering over ideas regarding the Elite X Championship situation. There's a knock at the door which grabs his attention as an assistant comes in with some papers.

Assistant: They're ready to see you Mr. Bateman

Bateman: Very well, send them in.

The assistant goes outside and brings in three guys, The Agony, Action Saxton and Armando Paradyse. The assistant then hands over the papers to Bateman.

Assistant: Here are the contracts, sir!

Bateman: Very good, I'll need you again in a moment.

The assistant stands in the corner as The Agony, Action Saxton and Armando Paradyse stand in a line in front of Bateman's desk.

Well gentleman, congratulations! You have proven yourself to be worthy competitors and have earned the right to call yourselves WZCW Competitors.

Saxton: Erm, Mr. Bateman, excuse me! But my opponent never showed!

Bateman: He didn't?

Saxton: Nah, he refused to be in a building that use to be a strip club!

Bateman: How odd, never mind. You're in anyhow, so will sign these contracts now for you.

Bateman grabs a pen and signs the contracts.

Bateman: Right, these appear to be in order. Hmm, I seemed to have signed four here, oh well, probably just a duplicate.

He notions over to the assistant.

Get these sent to HQ straight away for filing.

Assistant: Yes sir! I'll take care of this duplicate for you.

The assistant heads off as the three new debutants stand still, Saxton and Paradyse try their best not to smile but can't hold it back.

Bateman: Well now, go and get yourselves acquainted with the staff, don't screw this up! Now leave please!

The three guys head off as Bateman gets back to work.
"Psychotically Deranged" hits as Dr. Steven Kurtesy makes his way out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd, he gets himself pumped up and ready for action before heading down the ramp.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing the Crashin Movement, weighing 235 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy

Connor: Kurtesy is back into singles action after losing the Tag Team Championships at the Lottery. Here’s hoping he can continue the success of his comrades earlier on.

Cohen: Do you doubt the dear Doctor? Watch your words there CC!

Kurtesy rolls under the ropes and chooses not focus on the crowd but rather the stage he just came from as "Invisible Wounds" kicks in to a decent pop from the crowd as Michael Winters emerges from the stage. He gets down on one knee, bows his head and prays before getting up and heading down the ramp.

Anderson: His opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 267 pounds, Michael Winters!

Connor: Winters had an impressive run in the Lottery, only for his morals to get in the way of his plans.

Cohen: He fell for the same trick most people do, assume Celeste is weak because she’s a woman. Once again, she proved them wrong!

Winters takes off his t-shirt and passes it to one of the children in the crowd before rolling under the ropes, he stands tall in front of Kurtesy as both stare down each other, feeling a sense of expectation on the both of them. The referee sounds for the bell, they take a pace closer and start exchanging words between each other. Kurtesy seems willing to offer him an appointment but Winters indicates something wrong with that and points up to the heavens. Kurtesy then shrugs and they engage in a collar and elbow tie up, Winters the heavier of the two men is able to get Kurtesy back into the corner as they keep a tight lock until the doctor uses his strength to push Winters backwards but they still keep locked on, even when they make it back on their feet. Kurtesy then hits a palm strike into the face and locks around the arm to take Winters down with the Japanese arm drag, keeping hold, Winters then kips up to his knees and slams Kurtesy over his shoulders with a fireman’s carry.

Both men are back up to a vertical basis only for Kurtesy to be quick to execute a spinning wheel, Winters ducks under it and runs at the ropes, bouncing off and hits a flying forearm, he gets back to his feet only for Kurtesy to trip him up by a leg grab and tries to hyperextend it. He then uses the chance to go for a single leg Boston crab, however Winters remains resilient about it and shoves Kurtesy back with his feet and both men are back up again, receiving an applause from the crowd. They lock up again, with Kurtesy being quick to get a headlock on Winter’s head though Winters powers out of it by shoving Kurtesy forward, rebounding off the ropes, he catches him with a sidewalk slam and follows up with a cover, 1……2……kickout by Kurtesy.

Connor: What a beautifully executed match by both men.

Cohen: It’s almost like watching the best in world in action!

Both men get back up, albeit slower, and Kurtesy goes for a kick to the leg of Winters, he kicks again, and again, he goes for a final time which is caught by Winters, he lifts him up and Kurtesy ends up doing a full flip and clotheslines him straight back down and goes straight for the Hypnosis to keep Winters down. Winters keeps his head strong while trying to block the move, wiggling his fingers he tries to keep his body active as Kurtesy keeps the move on tightly. Winters then rolls onto his abs as the doctor remains tight gripped on him to the point that both men are standing tall again, with Winters elbowing Kurtesy in the abs, and again and then hits a backwards slam to get Kurtesy off his head. Winters takes a moment to catch his breath and just in time for a quickly revived Kurtesy to receive a DDT, he goes for the pin attempt, 1…….2…….kickout.

Winters pulls Kurtesy up and feels the pain of a kesagiri chop, Kurtesy follows up with another and another and finishes up with a facebreaker knee smash to get Winters down, pin attempt, 1……..2……kickout. Kurtesy wastes no time in keeping up offence by getting Winters up and into the corner by bouncing his head off the turnbuckle. He then drags him out and throws him straight into the turnbuckle, falling onto the outer apron, Kurtesy takes a few minutes to relax while Winters gets himself back up. He goes between the middle and second rope, to which Kurtesy acts upon and grabs him by the head, dragging him through the ropes, he looks around the arena and then drops him on his head with a DDT, cover, 1……..2…….kickout by Winters.

Connor: This is one tight encounter but someone is going to give in soon!

Cohen: It’s not going to be Kurtesy, that’s a guarantee!

Kurtesy rolls up to his feet and stands poised over Winters who uses the ropes to pull himself up, Kurtesy feels the moment to end this has come and waits for Winters to turn around and goes for the Prescripted Sedation, but as Kurtesy grabs his head, Winters counters it into The Crucifix, the crowd are ecstatic and Winters goes for the pin, 1……..2…….kickout! Winters looks shocked as he thought he got the victory out of it. He picks up Kurtesy who’s still reeling from the finisher and puts him ready for the full nelson suplex, but Kurtesy grabs his head and hits the Prescripted Sedation as intended, third pin attempt, 1………2……..kickout. Kurtesy holds his head in disbelief and rolls Winters up, only he’s met with a kick and Winters sets him for the powerbomb, he lifts him up in the air and as he drops Kurtesy down, Winters goes off his feet as Kurtesy has counters into a package, 1……..2……..3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy rolls out of the ring and lands on the outside as he’s amazed by how the match just went down. The crowd are applauding both men for such a showing, Kurtesy eventually gets up as Winters is on his knees looking in shame but Kurtesy acknowledges his opponent, knowing he had a tough challenge. As he slowly makes his way up the ramp, he’s met by his colleagues, Holmes and Crashin who join in celebration of his victory. Winters stands alone in the ring and acknowledges the appreciation he’s receiving from the fans despite the loss.

Connor: What a match! I hope these two get it on again soon because this was just nonstop action, only to be ended by Kurtesy’s use of the package.

Cohen: Even Winters made a believer out of me, take a bow son you deserve it!

Connor: Well it’s still not over yet, we got Blade and Baez up next, followed by the contract signing for Kingdom Come. It’s been one hot Ascension I can tell you!


We see Blade walking backstage before his match. As he nears the entrance to the arena, he sees Chris Beckford standing against a wall, EurAsian Title on his shoulder. Blade visibly tenses up, but Beckford smiles and begins to speak.

Beckford: Relax, Blade, it’s not like that. I just figured since you accepted my open challenge for Kingdom Come, I should scout some of your matches. I’ll be back here watching your match with Baez. Good luck.

Beckford walks away, still smiling. Blade stares back at him for a moment before shaking his head and continuing his walk.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

“Goodbye” hits and Baez makes his way out onto the stage and then down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Rat’s Ass, America and weighing in at 225 pounds, Baez!

Baez poses in the corners of the ring as his music cuts out and “Bliss” plays and Blade comes out onto the stage and poses before heading toward the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland and weighing in at 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade removes his coat as the bell rings to begin the match. The two men circle for a moment before they lock up in the center of the ring. Neither man can gain a real advantage, but Baez is able to back Blade into the corner. The referee calls for the break, and as his count gets to 3, Baez breaks with a hard double slap to the chest of Blade. Blade looks furious as Baez slowly backs away. Blade charges out of the corner, but Baez sidesteps him and Blade rebounds off the ropes and into a hurricanrana from Baez. Blade is able to get back to his feet, but spins right into a dropkick to the chin from Baez. Blade goes down and Baez pins him, 1…2 and Blade kicks out. Both men get back to their feet a circle each other again. They tie up and Baez swings for a right hand. Blade ducks it and runs the ropes and connects with a clothesline off the rebound. Baez gets back to his feet and walks right into a belly-to-belly suplex by Blade. He goes a cover, 1…2 and Baez kicks out.

Connor: Both of these men made statements last night on Meltdown, and what a battle we have to see who can back up those actions with a victory here tonight.

Cohen: I hope it is Baez. The way he took out that idiot Gordito last night really impressed me.

Both men stand back up once more and tie up again. Blade is able to take the advantage with a side headlock. Baez struggles for a moment, before escaping and grabbing a rear waistlock. Baez lifts Blade for a German suplex, but Blade is able to block it and slip out to grab a rear waistlock of his own. Blade goes for a release German, but Baez lands on his feet and the two men face off once more. They start throwing right hands at each other, until Blade is able to stun Baez with a shot to the jaw. Blade runs the ropes, but Baez is able to duck the clothesline and plant Blade with an uranage backbreaker. Blade screams out in pain as Baez goes for a cover, 1…2.. Blade kicks out. Blade rolls to his stomach and Baez begins stomping away at the back of Blade. Blade’s face shows pure agony as Baez finally relents in order to roll Blade over and cover him once more, 1..2.. and Blade gets the shoulder up. Baez transitions into a sleeper with body scissors, trying to further wear down Blade. Blade struggles against the hold but is unable to find a way to escape as Baez yells at the ref about the count on the pin a moment ago.

Connor: After a long back-and-forth start to this match, it seems as though Baez has finally taken control of this match.

Cohen: And that sleeper is locked in deep, CC. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Blade pass out before he can tap out.

Baez wrenches the sleeper and Blade seems to be fading. The referee lifts Blade’s arm and it falls. He lifts it again and it falls a second time. The ref drops Blades arm a third time, but he is able to keep the arm up. He is able to pull Baez’s legs apart to free himself from the body scissors, and fights his way back to his feet. A series of elbows to the midsection of Baez free Blade from the hold. He follows up with an uppercut to the jaw that sends Baez stumbling back into the corner. Blade follows and connects with a pair of right hands before lifting Baez and seating him on the top rope. Blade climbs up as well, but Baez meets him with some right hands of his own. Baez swings for another right hand, but Blade ducks it and lifts Baez up onto his shoulder. Blade turns and plants Baez with a powerslam. Both men are down on the mat as the referee begins the 10 count. Blade gets up at 7 with Baez following shortly after at 8. The two men again trade strikes with Blade once again gaining the upper hand. With Baez stunned, Blade kicks Baez in the gut and lifts him for the Halo. Baez shifts his weight, however, and lands back-to-back behind Blade and gives him a back heel to the groin. Blade crumbles in the corner as the referee scolds Baez, who is moving toward the opposite corner. Once Blade gets back to his feet, Baez charges for the Smashmouth, but Blade catches Baez with the Blade Runner! Blade slowly rolls Baez over and gets an arm over him, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Blade!

Blade rolls out of the ring and holds his back as he heads up the ramp. Baez slowly gets back to his feet as the referee checks on him. Baez shoves the ref away and screams at him to get Baez a mic. The ref obliges and Baez begins to speak between deep breaths.

Baez: People have been asking me all day, ‘Why did you attack Gordito?’ It’s simple really. We come from the same background. Mayhem guys who came from nothing and made our mark as champions of that division. Now, we have both moved on, and that’s where the issues begin. I’ve had to work my ass off since leaving Mayhem, but I don’t get the respect I deserve. I am a god-damn 4 time and longest reigning Mayhem Champion! Gordito, on the other hand, has been given opportunities on a silver platter time after time. He gets World Title shots, I am an afterthought in multi-man EurAsian Title matches. He tags with Everest and Showtime, I’m stuck facing the career loser Blade. And now, he is gifted a place in the King For a Day match while I’m on the outside looking in. I will not take this anymore. I demand that Vance Bateman come out here and place me in that match as well!

The crowd boos Baez and after a few seconds, Vance Bateman comes out onto the stage with a mic of his own.

Bateman: King For a Day, huh? I don’t know if I can do that for you, Baez. I mean, you had a nice showing in the Lethal Lottery, but you just finished losing to Blade. That’s not too convincing to me.

“End On 9” hits and Gordito comes out to a nice pop from the crowd. Baez begins pacing in the ring as Gordito begins to speak.

Gordito: Hold on a sec now, Mr. Bateman. This man went through all the trouble of attacking me with a chair last night and trying to use a low blow to defeat Blade to prove that he is worthy of being in King For a Day. Why not give him a chance? Lock him in the steel and see how he handles it. Since he seems to think I get treated better, please do me just one more favor, Mr. Bateman.

Bateman: Fair enough. Baez, you will now join Gordito and Barbosa in the King For a Day match.

Gordito shakes Bateman’s hand as Bateman heads backstage. Baez paces even more furiously after seeing that.

Gordito: See you at Kingdom Come, pal.

Gordito smiles at Baez and heads backstage as Baez is left fuming in the ring.
The theme of Ascension begins playing through the speakers, followed by Vance Bateman who makes his way down to the ramp with documents in hand and receives a small pop from the fans.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the General Manager of Ascension... Vance Bateman!

Connor: We've got some serious business on our hands right now. Vance is clutching onto those papers real tight because what is contained inside is highly important.

Cohen: No kidding. Any person who dares temper with those... well, I think we'll need to call security on the boss!

He climbs up the steel steps and into the ring, which has been furnished with a red canvas, two desk chairs and a table. Selena gives Vance her microphone and exits the ring, leaving Bateman to address the crowd as the music begins to die down.

Bateman: As you may have heard from the announcement made by Chuck Myles on Meltdown, and probably guessed by this unusual set-up we have in the ring, a formal contract signing will take place to officially schedule the main event of this year's Kingdom Come event for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

The crowd gives a rather large pop for the mentions of the PPV and the title.

Bateman: And since we have everything ready to go, let's waste little time by bringing out the man who rightfully earned his opportunity to become the number one contender by defeating 19 other superstars in the Lethal Lottery match, "Showtime" David Cougar!


The crowd boo's heavily as Showtime smiles and walks out confidently onto the stage in one of his custom tailor-made suits. He lets the energy of the crowd get soaked in as he continues down the ramp, thanking the crowd for the reception.

Cohen: This man has been on a tremendous roll recently and definitely deserves to be here in this moment. He's worked so hard for so long to finally get a one-on-one opportunity for the biggest prize on our industry.

Connor: I won't disagree with you there, Jack... but you have to consider the part Constantine has played in Showtime's career as of late. If it wasn't for the former politician, Cougar might not even be here.

Cohen: But as proven earlier, Showtime had all the bases covered so he could get the home run!

Showtime enters the ring, shakes Vance Bateman's hand and is offered a seat on the opposing side of the ring. He obliges the invited and takes a seat. Showtime gets comfortable by leaning back and putting his feet on the desk, showcasing his detailed leather shoes. Vance shakes it off and proceeds.

Bateman: And, of course, the man who will be defending against the number one contender, the current WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... Ty Burna!


The lights darken as the intro of the song plays, prompting the crowd to cheer loudly at the arrival of the World champ. Ty Burna, along with Serafina, emerge through the curtain and stare directly at the ring, with Ty sporting his usual attire along with a long, dark robe and Serafina dressed in a gothic-type suit of her own. Ty raises his World title and makes his way down to the ring, with Serafina following.

Connor: Along with Showtime, Ty Burna has been dominating the WZCW locker room, successfully retaining his championship on numerous occasions and showing why he is the best in the business today.

Cohen: That's because the majority of Ty's reign didn't involve Showtime gunning solely after his championship!

The lights go back to normal settings as Ty and Serafina enter the ring, not taking their eyes off Showtime. Vance offers Ty a seat, who eventually does and sits down with Serafina standing firmly behind him with a hand on his shoulder, stilling staring at Cougar. Showtime is not put off by Ty, but instead smiles back at him shrugging his shoulders.

Bateman: Gentlemen. Chuck Myles and myself decided to arrange the contract signing tonight in public as a sign of good sportsmanship and respect. I hope we can all remain civil during this proceedings and not turn into what happened during your match at Ascension. All I ask of you is to sign your name on the dotted lines in the appropriate spot and shake hands with each other after you both have finished. Showtime, as the challenger, I will allow you to sign first.

Vance pulls out the contract from the documents and places it in front of Showtime, also giving him a pen to sign with. Showtime smiles and politely asks for the microphone that Vance is holding. He hesitantly obliges as Showtime ensures Vance he will not be using it for any physical violence. Showtime turns the pages and immediately signs his name on the contract.

Showtime: Ah... back at square one again, huh Tyrone? It always seems as if we can never get enough of each other. Every time we try to pursue our own paths and stay away from the other, somehow we end up crossing over and meeting up at a fork in the road again. We've fought over every possible conceivable thing there is to fight over... the Mayhem Championship, the EurAsian title... but the difference this time, is that you and I will be doing it during the main event of the grandest stage of them all, Kingdom Come, for the big one, that title you hold so dearly in your lap right now. Honestly, Ty, from the bottom of my heart, I can tell you it will be an honor and a privilege to rip whatever you desire straight out of your grasp and covet it for my own.

Showtime smiles and laughs as the crowd heavily boos the comments made. As he soaks in the moment, he pushes the microphone/contract/pen to Ty's side of the table, waiting for Burna's response. Ty picks up the pen and flicks through the pages. With Ty signing the contract, Showtime, who is still laughing and smiling, looks up at Serafina who notices him. He gives a playful wink in her direction and she sheepishly turns her head away, unknown of what her response should be. Ty puts the pen aside and flips the pages down on the contract, looking back up at Showtime whilst grabbing the microphone.

Burna: I'm not surprised either that we're here, with you signing your death warrant in an attempt to gain something you'll never get from me. I didn't need the Ouija to depict this predication coming to fruition. It's like we've fought each other so many times that I get some sort of sixth sense where I can sense your presence emerging. I also don't need the Ouija to tell me who will be walking out of Kingdom Come the champion, because the World Title is staying tightly fixed around my waist... and there is nothing you or your...ex-boyfriend Constantine can do to stipulate otherwise.

The crowd cheers at the comments, with Showtime dropping his expression from confident to intense, matching the same expression Ty is showing him. The two men stare at each other, leaning forward on the desk nearly going nose to nose. Showtime and mouths "I was the Elite X Champion and took on all comers", Ty counters by showing his World Title, reminding Showtime that he is fighting for the bigger prize. The crowd watches on in suspense, waiting for one of them to respond as the screen fades out to black.
Who wrote what:
Baez vs. Blade, Backstage - Thriller
Mr. Baller vs. Reynolds, Justin Cooper vs. Alex Bowen - Blade
Dr. Steven Kurtesy vs. Michael Winters, Opening, Backstage - Phoenix
Crashin Movement vs. Jordan Lights/DK Wilton, Contract Signing - Falkon
Wasabi Toyota vs. Dr. Alhazred - Numbers

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