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Ascension 19

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
*Pryos going off*

Connor: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to Ascension, the last stop before Unscripted and we got a hot show for you tonight. Firstly we're starting off with...


Cohen: A live performance by that trans...oh wait it's the Tag Champions!

Hunter Kravinoff and Wasabi Toyota come out in casual clothing with their Tag Titles around their waists, they make their way to the ring as they acknowledge some of the fans, they pose to them as they get inside, as the music fades out you can hear the chants of "P.O.T" throughout the arena as Kravinoff has a mic in hand.

Kravinoff: It's good to see our fans in attendance here in Richmond, Virginia respects the Tag Team Championships. Now, much like you fans, we would love to defend this belts with honour and pride. Since winning at Apocalypse, we've been rushed around, through against random teams, when we need to legitimising our run, we need defences, we need challenges. What is the point of being a champion when our pride of defending these belts are not being met? You go on about these Hell in a Cell matches and Careers being put at stake, yet where is the love for Tag Team Gold? You want to see our belts get defended right?

The crowd cheers

But to put things in perspective, here is my partner Wasabi.

He passes the mic over to Toyota who appreciates the cheer from the crowd

Toyota: Since coming here, we have teamed up and showed to be providing good service to this company. We cleansed the Tag Team Championship from the darkness of the Ghetto Stars, but we get thrown against innocent teams and don't even have a match at Unscripted. We would like to defend our belts by whatever means. Please, Mr. Bateman, give us our wish!

Vance Bateman comes out onto the stage to the theme of "Ready to Roll" he heads down the ring to join the Champions in the centre of the ring.

Bateman: So you would like a chance to defend your belts at Unscripted right?

P.O.T. nods in agreement.

I'll tell you what, I've seen you two have been having some interest bouts with the Reckess Youth, why not defend against them? I'm sure you could...

"Rooster" hits as Mark Hancock and Matt Fox appear on the stage to displeased reaction from the crowd.

Hancock: Excuse me? But Mr. Bateman, what is so special about the Reckless Youth? They were fortunate to "beat us" last night on Meltdown, you saw the replays, Tucker Graham cheats by preventing Matt here from coming in and stopping a victory that shouldn't have stood. I feel that you should place us in that match ahead of those undeserving cheats, even Pride beat them on their first encounter, this match is a throwaway!

Bateman: While I feel under no obligation to grant anything, a win is a win and Reckless Youth will still be challenging for the Tag Team Championship this Sunday at Unscripted.

The crowd cheers in excitement.

However, in order to stop these crybabies from moaning all night, I will add them to the match. You wanted competition and the chance to defend your belts Pride? Here's your chance.

In fact, I'm going to add a further twist. Last night on Meltdown, my business partner and co-owner Chuck Myles gave the chance for the fans to vote for the stipulations to Mayhem Championship. While he didn't reveal what as of yet, I'm going to do it right now. What do you say WZCW fans, do you wish to vote for the stipulations with this Triple Threat match for the Tag Team Championship?

The crowd cheers in response.

Let's see, how could we do this...there will be three choices, and must be voted on WZCW.com. The first choice will be...an Elimination Triple Threat Tag Match.

The crowd cheers but quieter than the first cheer.

But in order for a team to be eliminated, both members must be pinned! So the championships could be retained...or won, by one member, or both.

The second choice...going along the lines of elimination rules shall be...an Elimination Triple Threat Tag Team Table Match!

The crowd lets out another big cheer.

Simple really, you get put through a table, you're out. And lastly...I will go with...a Championship Scramble match. 20 minutes, the last team to score a pinfall or submission will be the Champions.

The crowd cheers greatly.

So there you have it Ladies and Gentleman, Unscripted, Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Championships, Pride of Toyota, Reckless Youth, Hancock & Fox. You must vote and choose between an Elimination Match, a Table Elimination Match or a Championship Scramble. Go vote on WZCW.com and the tally will be counted at Unscripted and have one hell of a match. That decision is final!

Now please Gentlemen, I believe our business is done. I'm sure these fans here, while excited for Unscripted, would rather see some Ascension action. So please leave my ring and we will continue with this broadcast shortly!

The five men leave as we go to a commerical break.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

God Bless America hits and Andy Simmons appears at the top of the ramp on his knees. Williams walks down the ramp ahead of him and Simmons follows.

Anderson: Introducing first, from the Streets of Atlanta, Georgia, Andy Simmons!

Connor: One of the new rookies in WZCW, Simmons will surely be looking to make an impact!

Cohen: There’s a reason this guy has never had much....

Simmons takes off his robe and gets into the ring and crosses himself before posing for the crowd. The German National Anthem hits and Wilhelm Wunderbar makes his way down to the ring, speaking to himself in German.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Berlin, Germany, Wilhelm Wunderbar

Connor: And the other new face in WZCW, Das Kaizer, Wilhelm Wunderbar.

Cohen: Look at his confidence! Now this is someone I could get behind.

He gets into the ring and takes off his waist coat before measuring up his opponent. The referee calls for the bell and the men start to circle each other. Simmons holds out his hand for Wunderbar to shake, and Wunderbar glares at Simmons, looking bemused. He shakes his head and slaps Simmons in the face. Simmons stumbles back, dazed for a moment, before charging at Wunderbar. The two exchange right hands and Wunderbar gets the advantage, backing Simmons into the corner. He Irish Whips Simmons into the opposite turnbuckle, but Simmons reverses, sending Wunderbar full force into the turnbuckles. Wunderbar crashes into the corner and bounces backwards into Simmons who rolls him up, 1... Kick out by Wunderbar. Wunderbar looks slightly shocked and rolls out of the ring to compose himself. Wunderbar leans forward against the crowd barrier, shaking his head. Meanwhile, Simmons climbs the top rope and jumps off when Wunderbar turns around. But Wunderbar catches him in mid-air and slams him down on the steel ring steps. Wunderbar takes control now, and rolls Simmons into the ring. He picks up his opponent and delivers a backbreaker across his knee before pushing down on Simmons’ chest and legs, stretch Simmons across Wunderbar’s knee. Simmons screams out in pain, but doesn’t give up.

Cohen: Pff, rookies. Wunderbar should’ve gone straight for the cover after slamming the runt into the steps.

Simmons manages to give Wunderbar a quick knee to the head, making Wunderbar release Simmons from the submission. With Wunderbar still down on one knee, Simmons delivers a quick dropkick. Both men get up quickly and Simmons hits Wunderbar with an Armdrag. Again, both men get up quickly, but this time with Wunderbar getting up slightly slower. Simmons goes for a clothesline, but Wunderbar ducks under it and hits a European Uppercut, sending Simmons backwards into the corner. Wunderbar Irish Whips Simmons into the opposite corner and runs after him, but Simmons jumps up to the second rope and goes for Whisper in the Wind, but Wunderbar moves out of the way and Simmons crashes to the mat. Wunderbar smirks, before going for the pin, 1... 2... Simmons kicks out. Wunderbar flips Simmons onto his front and goes to work again on his back, driving his knee into Simmons’ back while locking his arm in an Armbar. Simmons doesn’t give up and reaches out for the ropes, but can’t quite reach them. Simmons manages to crawl towards the ropes and clutches them. Wunderbar instantly lets go of the submission and starts stomping at the back and shoulders of Simmons. He picks Simmons up and gets him in a Waistlock before delivering a huge German Suplex. Wunderbar keeps his hands locked around Simmons waist as both men get up and Wunderbar delivers another German Suplex, this time with a bridge, 1... 2.... Simmons just about kicks out.

Connor: Simmons is going to need to dig down deep to make a comeback!

Cohen: Assuming he even has time, it looks like Wunderbar is about to wrap this one up.

Wunderbar sets Simmons up for the Eagle Suplex, but Simmons gets his arms free and suddenly jumps up on Wunderbar’s shoulders, hitting him with a hurricanrana. The referee starts the ten count as both men are down on the mat. Wunderbar starts to get up first, but Simmons quickly follows him. They break the referees count at 7 and Simmons runs at Wunderbar. Wunderbar attempts a roundhouse kick, but Simmons ducks under it. He springboards back off the ropes and hits Wunderbar with a Tornado DDT. Simmons gets back up quickly and starts to measure up Wunderbar. Wunderbar pulls himself to his feet in the corner and Simmons runs at him and hits a big Dropkick. Wunderbar stumbles out of the corner as Simmons runs up the turnbuckles and hits Wunderbar with a Whisper in the Wind. Simmons goes for the pin, 1... 2.... Wunderbar gets a shoulder up. Simmons points to the top turnbuckle and the crowd give out a cheer. He climbs up to the top rope and crosses himself before going for the God Bless Splash but Wunderbar gets his knees up. Simmons rolls around on the mat, clutching his ribs for a few moments before both men start to get up. Simmons walks into a kick to the gut and Wunderbar hits the Kaizer Suplex, 1... 2.... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Das Kaizer, Wilhelm Wunderbar!

Wunderbar stands over Simmons and raises his arms, shouting in German before he gets out of the ring and makes his way back up the entrance ramp.

Connor: An impressive display by both men, this will have surely put them on the map!

We cut backstage to Stacey Madison who is front of the Ascension sign.

Madison: Ladies and Gentleman, with me at this time is the challenger for Big Dave's EurAsian Championship, Titus!

The camera pans back to Titus which gets a huge cheer from the fans.

Titus: Greetings Stacey.

Madison: I see your respect is growing, that's good to see while it lasts. Now Titus, with your final match looming so near, how does it feel that you'll be watching the All Roster Battle Royale tonight knowing someone better than you could possibly win the World Heavyweight Championship on the same night you leave this company?

Titus: Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your vote of confidence. Secondly, I shall be watching the Battle Royale, as anyone backstage should be doing. These guys are the possible future, better than me? That's an opinion but at the moment I would say maybe. However I'm lining up to do something that very few people have done in this company, and that is beat Big Dave!

Madison: A very bold statement Titus, given that your track record going into this match compared to his is, well, laughable. I mean he's been unbeaten for almost a year! What hope do you have when records like that are going against you?

Titus: Records were made to be broken, Stacey.

Madison: And a broken down former champion isn't going to be the one to do it!

Titus: Broken down?! Did you watch Meltdown?

Madison: Yeah, and it ended the same way as Ascension did, with Big Dave standing tall over you!

Titus: And you've been in this business how long? Everyone knows whoever has the advantage at the show before the PPV is the one lying down for three count!

Madison: But if we look at Apocalypse, you were made to eat your words there!

Titus: This isn't Apocalyspe though is it? Everyone is saying the script should end my career, but at Unscripted anything can happen!

Madison: The situation is the same though, an Extreme Rules Title match, a dominant opponent, face it Titus, the end is coming. While it will be a shame to be the last person to interview you at this company, it was nice while it lasted!

Titus: There's times when actions speak louder than words, you will see that come Unscripted but for now we shall see who our Number One Contender will be.

Titus walks off as Stacey looks on like she doesn't care, followed by a sigh.
Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

“Suicide Messiah” hits and Jordan Lights bursts out from behind the curtain. He slams his fist down on either side of the stage with pyro going off before running down into the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 255 pounds, “The Justice” Jordan Lights!

Lights does his fist slam taunt on each turnbuckle as the opening notes of “Hero” play and Constantine comes out onto the stage. He throws his arms up and pyro goes off before heading down the ramp toward the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Washington D.C. and weighing in at 265 pounds, Constantine!

Constantine enters the ring and the two men start circling each other almost immediately as the bell rings. Lights sets up and goes at Constantine for a collar-and-elbow tie up, but is instead met with a right hand to the jaw. Lights stumbles backward as Constantine cracks a smile and connects with a headbutt. The force of the strike sends Lights back into the ropes. He rebounds off into a flowing DDT. Constantine gets back to his feet and taunts the crowd, which is met with a shower of boos. He then mounts Lights and lays into him with right hands, landing seven before the referee pulls him up. Constantine argues with him, giving Lights a stomp below the belt without the ref noticing. More boos reign down, and Constantine poses again to make the boos even louder. He picks up Lights and hits him with a backbreaker, but rather than letting him drop he picks up Lights again and tosses him overhead with a fallaway slam. Constantine goes for a pin, 1…2… and Constantine pulls up Lights’ shoulder. Constantine signals that it is all over before picking up Lights, dropping him with an Axis of Evil, lifting him up once more, and planting him once again with the Collateral Damage. Constantine, smiling once again, goes down and barely lies his body on top of Lights for the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, Constantine!

Constantine uses his boots to roll Jordan Lights’ nearly lifeless body to the floor, with the ref following to make sure Lights is okay. Constantine motions toward Selena Anderson for the mic she holds. He takes a couple deep breaths and begins to speak.

Constantine: Ladies and gentlemen, I am a man of the people. And I know, the people want to see Constantine out here entertaining them. Isn’t that right?

The crowd is all over Constantine, making it barely audible when he begins speaking again.

Constantine: Very good. I have decided, for all my loyal supporters, that something special should happen at the Unscripted pay-per-view. I spoke to Myles and Bateman, and you will see Constantine at Unscripted. Oh, yes you will. And delegates, a bit of my political background will be at work in this match. You see, I will accept a few different challengers for Unscripted. And you, supporters of the Constantine campaign, will vote on WZCW.com to choose my opponent. I await my challengers, and I await your vote. My name is Constantine, and I support this message.

Constantine shows another huge smile and exits the ring, his music drowned out boos from the crowd.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Ecstasy of Gold begins playing as Hunter Kravinoff makes his way out to a mixed reaction. He walks hastily down the ramp and enters the ring. He rises and holds up his WZCW World Tag Team Title.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Uganda. He stands 6'2" and weighs 245 lbs, one half the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Hunter S. Kravinoff!

Psychotically Deranged hits and Dr. Steven Kurtesy makes his way out on his own as white lights flicker around the arena. He walks down the entrance ramp slowly removing his suit on the way and down to his ring attire. He enters the ring as the crowd boos him loudly.

Anderson: And his opponent, from San Diego, California. He stands 6'2" and weighs 235 lbs, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: On Meltdown we found out that The Crashin Movement was indeed involved with stealing the Mayhem Championship, but we had no idea that Steven Holmes would be the one to join them.

Cohen: Simply put CC, this whole situation was genius on the part of the Crashin Movement, and I have a feeling it was all thanks to our psychiatrist friend Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

Connor: Should Kravinoff be concerned about outside interference tonight? The Crashin Movement showed a ruthlessness I have not seen from them before last night.

Cohen: I think they should be afraid of Kravinoff. He told me in the back he killed grizzly bears for fun, three at a time when he was in the Canadian Wild.

Connor: The Pride of Toyota do face a tough challenge at Unscripted, taking on Reckless Youth and Hancock and Fox in a triple threat tag match with stipulations chosen by our fans.

Cohen: I think Hunter lives for those kinds of matches. The more danger involved with the match, the more excitement he gets out of it.

The ref signals for the bell and both men lock up in the middle of the ring. Kurtesy gains advantage and applies an armbar and backs Kravinoff into the ropes before whipping him across. Kurtesy goes for a shuffle side kick but Kravinoff catches his leg. Kravinoff backs Kurtesy up but Kurtesy goes for an enziguri, only for Kravinoff to duck under and drag Kurtesy up and connect with a Tiger suplex. He bridges it and gets a two count as Kurtesy kicks out. Kravinoff pulls Kurtesy up and tosses him into the corner before unloading multiple shots to the head and midsection before whipping him into the other corner. He rushes forward and goes for a clothesline but Kurtesy gets the boot up and knocks Kravinoff back. Kurtesy follows up with a running neckbreaker and covers Kravinoff, getting a two count.

Connor: Back and forth action so far in this match. Who do you like to win the Battle Royale tonight Cohen?

Cohen: Whoever wins is insane. If I were in that match I would just hop out of the ring immediately.

Connor: Even if it meant a shot at the WZCW World Title was on the line?

Cohen: Fine CC, you go enter that battle royale and let me know how it goes after Vengeance and Ty have torn you to shreds. You've seen the KFAD match earlier this year, it's like a playground for them.

Kurtesy pulls Kravinoff up and hits a knee to the midsection before hitting a quick scoop slam. He applies an Indian Deathlock and Kravinoff reaches out for the ropes immediately. Kurtesy tightens the hold and Kravinoff begins pulling himself slowly to the ropes when suddenly Kurtesy breaks the hold and drops a knee across Kravinoff's back. He then pulls Kravinoff back to the middle of the ring and applies a single leg Boston Crab, wrenching back on the hold as Kravinoff struggles in pain.

Cohen: Kurtesy's got the big game hunter down here. I never understood the single leg boston crab.

Connor: What don't you get about it Jack?

Cohen: Wouldn't it make more sense to lock both legs in and give the person a less chance to roll over? Seems pointless to hook just one leg.

Connor: You can put more pressure on the one leg this way though.

Cohen: Have you wrestled CC? I didn't think so so shut up.

Kravinoff finally reaches the ropes and the ref forces Kurtesy to break the hold. Kurtesy motions for Kravinoff to get up. Kurtesy positions himself to go for the Prescribed Sedation. He hooks Kravinoff's head but Kravinoff reverses it into a reverse DDT! He locks in the other half of the Ugandan Death Knell and Kurtesy taps immediately!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Hunter S. Kravinoff!

Connor: Kurtesy tapped after Hunter barely got the hold locked in. Why did he tap so quickly?

Cohen: It's simple CC, he's saving his energy for the Battle Royale tonight. There's no need to struggle and waste energy on a match that means nothing when a more important match lies ahead.

Kravinoff let's go of the hold and Kurtesy slides out of the ring immediately. Kravinoff's arm is raised by the ref as Kurtesy makes his way up the ramp quickly as Holmes and Crashin appear at the top of the stage with questioning looks on their faces. Kurtesy motions for them to follow him and they exit to the back as Kravinoff looks on.


Backstage we cut to Serafina walking through the hallway. She stops and begins chatting with a stage hand. She seems to be awfully happy.

Serafina: Hi there!

Stagehand: Um hello...

Suddenly Tarja attacks Serafina from behind and slams her hard into the wall. She begins slapping and hitting her in the face while Serafina covers up. Tarja drags her up by her hair and throws her into the adjacent cafeteria. The Tarja jumps on top of Serafina and begins slamming her head into the ground as the few wrestlers in the cafeteria scatter around them. Serafina rolls over and begins punching away at Tarja before pulling her up and kicking her in the midsection. She grabs a nearby glass of water and throws it right in Tarja's face, only infuriating Vengeance's charge. Tarja spears her onto a table and the two continue to go at it, when Johnny Klamor enters the cafeteria to see the fight.

Johnny: Ladies, ladies! There's no need to fight!

Johnny tries to break the two up and wraps his arms around Tarja's waist and pulls her off of Serafina. Serafina charges forward and Johnny ends up in the middle, the two women throwing slaps and punches at each other only to get absorbed by Johnny. Finally the two women shove Johnny away and he trips, landing face first into a coconut cream pie sitting on a table. Tarja grabs Serafina and throws her hard into the wall Serafina grimaces in pain as Tarja stands over her.

Tarja: I told you little wench that your constant insults to me would be your undoing.

Tarja winds up for a slap across the face but Serafina blocks it and trips Tarja. She gets on top and continues to pound away on her until a load of officials run in and pull the two ladies apart. They try to get at each other again until Serafina is pulled completely out of the cafeteria. Johnny looks on as he tries to wipe his face of the whipped cream.

Johnny: You know I had that under control until you all showed up. I do have special way with the ladies.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

“The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” plays throughout a now darkened arena, the beats build as lightning like strobes flash around the place, Phoenix appears on the stage to a series of boos while he slowly scans the arena. After a couple seconds, he begins to slowly walk toward the ring but stops when he reaches the bottom

Anderson: Introducing first, from Heliopolis, weighing in at 213 pounds, Phoenix!

He turns around as ‘Bliss’ cuts in to a massive hearing of boos as dark red lights start to flash. Blade walks out on to the stage heading straight down and walking to meet Phoenix, he acknowledges him as he heads straight into the ring with his partner for the evening.

Anderson: And his partner, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, Blade!

Connor: These two have certainly been having quite a close alliance which has had its flaws, but in the end, who will be the first the to betray the other to get an Elite X Title shot?

Cohen: Why do you slander these men so harshly CC? They’re not going to be lead by the belief that gold will only complete them unlike that Elite X Champ of ours!

“Enya Stomp” plays as Chris Beckford appear at the top of the stage, he spreads his arms out and looks down at the ring as both Phoenix and Blade stand in the ring. He shrugs his shoulders and bolts down to the ring, sliding in. He’s quickly on his feet again before jumping onto the bottom left turnbuckle. He spreads his arms again and does a backflip off of it as his opponents stand back and watch in a sarcastic manner.

Anderson: Their opponents, first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Beckford!

“Headstrong” immediately kicks as the short bursts of gold and silver flash at the top of the ramp as the Elite X Champion emerges from the top of the stage, raising his belt to the crowd and his arm outstretched, he paces down the ramp with a smile on his face as the crowd continues to cheer for him.

Anderson: And from the West End of London. England, weighing in at 190 pounds, his is the WZCW Elite X Champion, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Austin’s been on quite a roll with the Elite X title, but how will this match turn out given he’s pairing with a former rival to face a pair who have been doing a lot of plotting behind people’s backs?

Cohen: Well this is why Reynolds has to be careful, he’s letting the gold get to his head and believing people want to team with him or be on his show when he’s purely creating enemies. It’s no wonder why they want that belt off of him!

Reynolds climbs into the ring and slaps fives with Beckford as they head to the opposite corner to Phoenix and Blade as they get ready for this tag match, the champion will start first against Phoenix, the tag specialist. Reynolds hands over his belt to the ref who passes it over to the timekeeper as he signals for this match to get under way. Phoenix immediately tags Blade in and both try for a double clothesline against Reynolds who ducks under, bounces off the ropes and hits a spinning heel kick to take down Blade and then emerges back on his feet to hit a clothesline on Phoenix who rolls out of the ring, he heads over to Blade who’s on one knee but is playing possum and fireman carry’s him over his shoulder, landing flat on his back, Blade jumps to his feet and lands a legdrop on the champion. He grabd Reynolds’ by the head and drags him to the corner, shoving his head against the turnbuckle pad, followed by an elbow into the face. He paces out of the corner before returning with a knee into the gut as Austin holds onto the ropes, Blade Irish Whips him to the opposite corner but Reynolds grabs the ropes and lifts himself up the air as Blade tries to tackle him but now has Reynolds behind him who shoves him into the turnbuckle head on followed by a quick kick the rib. He climbs outside the ropes and ascends the turnbuckle, locking onto Blade’s head while signalling to the crowd and hits a tornado DDT from the top and goes for the cover, 1…..2….kickout by Blade.

Reynolds pencil rolls the his corner and tags in Beckford who climbs the turnbuckle and measures the distance between him and Blade, looking for the Cross County, only for Blade to roll further from distance, so Beckford drops down to pursue the Prodigal Son, he reaches over and is met with a thumb to the eye as Blade tags Phoenix in who gets behind Beckford and hits a release German suplex on Beckford, he gets up and stomps on Beckford’s left foot before getting him up on his feet and Irish whips him into the corner, Beckford bounces out of it and is met with a reverse backbreaker and then a cover by Phoenix, 1…..2….kickout. Phoenix tries to get his legs wrapped around the young man from Leeds but he’s quick to shuffle out of it, he rolls to the ropes and holds on while on one knee but Phoenix is up first and runs over to kick him hard in the rib, he’s pulled up to his feet again and Irish whipped into the corner but stays put this time, Phoenix runs over and hits a shining wizard, hurting the ribs again, but when he goes for the bulldog, Beckford overpowers it and lands Phoenix on the top rope in a very uncomfortable position. Beckford holds onto his ribs to take a moment but runs at the ropes and uses it as a springboard to dropkick right into Phoenix’s face, dropping him to the floor outside.

Cohen: Beckford’s a coward, first he hurts a man in an illegal place and then dumps him down like garbage!

Connor: Only Phoenix’s arrogance are to blame and Beckford was just taking advantage of the situation.

Beckford walks over to his team’s corner as the referee is counting Phoenix out on the outside, Blade runs in to try and stop this while his back is turned, but the ref is quick to turn as Beckford tags Reynolds in only for the ref to stop him and tell him to get back to the outside as he didn’t see the tag to which the crowd boos heavily from this, during this Phoenix has rolled slowly back into the ring despite holding his crotch in pain. Blade reaches out to get Phoenix to tag him in, but an annoyed Beckford runs and hits him with a dropkick to knock him off the apron, he runs back to his corner to try a tag again as the ref is now paying attention but is tripped by a drop toe hold by Phoenix who gets back to his feet, drags Beckford to the centre of the ring and locks on the camel clutch, stretching the already hurt ribs of Beckford.

Austin tries to get the crowd going by starting a clap to motivate his partner who’s in a painful position, the ref asks him if he wants to quit but Beckford shouts no, with his face in anguish, it’s hard to tell how long he will last but the crowd clapping is getting him motivated. Blade then shouts something at Phoenix who drops Beckford out of the clutch, heads over and tags him saying “Finish him”. Blade walks over and gets the worn down Beckford up onto his feet, he locks his arms in a double underhook hold, signalling for the The Halo, he looks around but then spots the turnbuckle, he unhooks Beckford and drags him to the corner, throwing him up on the turnbuckle with a smile on his face while saying “You like heights, don’t you Chris?” and locks the underhook on the top rope but Reynolds starts shaking the ropes as Blade is losing his balance and Beckford gets an arm free and punches him in the face, which knocks Blade off the top rope and lands right back onto the canvas flat out. Despite being worn down Beckford slowly gets up onto the top rope and signals for the Cross County, as he lifts off into the air, Phoenix climbs inside the ring and spins in a 450 motion and hits the Rebirth on Beckford right as he is about to land the Cross County, the crowd is in awe of what has just occurred as Phoenix rolls outside and Blade rolls over to get an arm on Beckford, 1……2…..Beckford gets his foot on the ropes.

Connor: I can’t believe it! Beckford just kicked out after taking the Rebirth during a Cross County! This is unbelievable!

Cohen: Just means more punishment for him CC, nothing more.

Blade is sat up against the ropes after the failed pin attempt, holding his hair in disbelief as Phoenix is getting back up in his corner, so he proceeds to crawl over to him, still feeling the pain from taking the bump from the top rope as Beckford crawls over to Reynolds, despite being slowly is determined to get there. Reynolds and Phoenix both reaching out, desperate to get the tag first, it goes to Blade and Phoenix who rushes in and grabs Beckford’s leg, dragging him up off the canvas only to met from a sudden dropkick from him and with a rush of adrenaline, gets the tag to Reynolds who comes storming in with the crowd behind him. Reynolds unloads some rights on Phoenix and then goes for the Irish Whip but it is countered by Phoenix, only when Reynolds reaches the ropes he uses the momentum to lift off with an Asai moonsault and lands on the upright Phoenix, taking him to the floor and with a cover 1……2….kickout. Reynolds is up first and grabs Phoenix to lock in the Ratings Killer, only for Blade to come at him from behind and break the hold, leading for Phoenix to lock in the Return to Heliopolis who has Reynolds down on the floor, while this is occurring, Beckford runs in and hits a hurricanrana on Blade to roll him to the outside to the floor followed by a dropkick to Phoenix in the face, releasing Reynolds from the hold, Phoenix is up to his feet and Beckford goes for the Cross Drop but Phoenix counters it into a German suplex which has Beckford down and out.

Phoenix stands in the corner, waiting for Reynolds to get up to his feet after that RtH, he has him measured and ready, he goes for the second Rebirth of the night but Reynolds ducks under it and reverses into the Ratings Killer which connects, cover attempt, 1…..2……3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Chris Beckford and the Elite X Champion, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: Fantastic match! This was certainly Pay Per View worthy!

Cohen: Regardless of the loss, I bet we’ll see Phoenix and Blade challenge for the title at Unscripted!

Reynolds has his arm raised while on his knees, he looks pleased with the victory until “Ready to Roll” plays and Vance Bateman comes out onto the stage.

Bateman: Firstly, I want to say congratulations to the four of you for what was an amazing match!

The crowd cheers and applauds approvingly.

But of the three possibilities that are in that ring before me, I cannot decide who is more worthy of having the opportunity to challenge you for the Elite X title Mr. Reynolds, or even in what kind of match. So, I’m going to do what has been done earlier and hand the opportunity to you, the fans. Since you love the Elite X Champion so much, you can decide who will be his opponent out of Chris Beckford, Blade or Phoenix. Not only that, you will also decide what type of match they will compete in, and I got a few in mind. Stay tuned to WZCW.com and you’ll find out more. Congratulations once against Austin, the fate of your championship is beyond you or me now, I will see you at Unscripted!

Bateman leaves as Reynolds looks slightly surprised at the decision and looks around at his three possible opponents, he rolls outside the ring as he receives his belt from the referee and heads back up the ramp with Beckford slowly behind him.

Connor: Well I’ll be, that’s the fourth viewer’s choice match we have for Unscripted, this time Austin Reynolds match stipulation AND opponent will be decided by the fans.

Cohen: So much for all that pandering that Reynolds has done, he’s screwed!

Connor: I doubt it. But the only thing I know for certain is that after the break, we’ll be deciding who will be the fourth and final contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, it could be anyone from Matt Fox to Everest, Jordan Lights to Blade. Who will be joining Vengeance, Ty Burna and Showtime Cougar at Unscripted? Find out next!
Anderson: The following contest is an over the top Battle Royale where the winner will receive the last spot in the 4 way Hell in a Cell match happening at Unscripted!

“O Fortuna" hits the arena as Vengeance appears through the curtain. With the WZCW Championship strapped firmly around his waist, Vengeance continues his descent down the ramp.

Connor: What is Vengeance doing out here?

Cohen: No doubt here to watch and get a first hand look at his third victim at Unscripted.

Connor: Folks the Battle Royale will continue after this commercial break.


We return from commercial and The Crashin Movement, Kurtesy, Holmes, and Crashin, all enter the ring.


Anderson: And finally, from Los Angeles, California, Everest!

Everest marches down to the ring, with a mad look on his face. He walks around the ring and stares at Vengeance sitting by the Announce table. Standing in the ring is The Crashin Movement, Gordito, Scott Hammond, Chris Jones, Wilhelm Wunderbar, Mark Hancock, Matt Fox, Alex Steele, Tucker Graham, Jordon Lights, Chris Beckford, Phoenix and Blade. Everest marches up the stairs and into the ring.

Connor: So Jack, who is your favourite here to win tonight?

Cohen: Well CC, I’d hate to go against Everest, cause one on one he’d decimate the whole roster in there, but my money is on The Crashin Movement because they have strength in numbers.

Connor: True, but there are other teams in here as well, like Reckless Youth, Fox and Hancock, and Blade and Phoenix.

The ref waits for Everest to enter the ring and then calls for the bell. All the men begin to brawl as “Goodbye” by SR 71 hits and Baez runs down the ramp with a steel chair.

Cohen: He can’t be in this match, he’s a champion.

Connor: Baez informed Myles he was going to enter regardless. Well here he is now.

Baez slides into the ring. Crashin is the first to meet him and is hit hard over the head with the chair. Kurtesy is next and he gets whacked over the head and rolls under the ropes and out of the ring. Holmes looks at Baez with a scared look on his face. He runs and leaps over the ropes and tries to escape through the crowd. Baez does the same thing, leaping over the ropes and begins chasing Holmes.

Cohen: What the hell just happened?

Connor: Well Jack you got what you wanted, Baez is out of the match and so is Holmes.

Crashin slowly gets to his feet. He seems unaware of where he is. Gordito spots him and grabs him from behind. He runs to the ropes and throws Crashin over top. Crashin is eliminated. Everyone begins to pair off. Steele is working on Fox, Hancock is battling Graham. Gordito is jumped by Jones who is trying to put him over the ropes, while Hammond and Everest are fighting in the corner. Lights and Beckford are fighting each other in the other corner and Kurtesy is still out on the outside. Phoenix and Blade are both working on new comer Wunderbar. Both try to flip him over the ropes, but he knocks them away with punches. Wunderbar continues to connect with punches, until Phoenix quickly hits him with a knee to the gut, allowing Blade to connect with a stiff uppercut. Phoenix and Blade Irish Whip Wunderbar across the ring. They both lift him over their shoulders and drop him neck first on the ropes. Wunderbar holds his neck as Phoenix and Blade lift him from behind and over the ropes. Wunderbar is eliminated. Phoenix and Blade nod their heads and then attack Lights and Beckford. Meanwhile Everest has Hammond up on the ropes. Jones runs in to help Everest out. Gordito marches in and knocks Jones away and then starts working over Everest. Everest angrily shoves Gordito to the corner and starts stomping on him. Hancock has Graham against the ropes. Hancock looks to clothesline Graham over. Steele notices and stops trying to put Fox over the ropes. He grabs Hancock in the nick of time and turns him around. He Irish Whips Hancock to the opposite ropes and then drops on his hands and knees. Hancock jumps over Steele and is hit by a Dropkick from Graham. Graham and Steele slap five then pick up Hancock. They Irish Whip him into the ropes and hit a double clothesline, sending Hancock over the ropes. Hancock is eliminated. Graham and Steele shake hands. Fox goes running towards them. Steele pushes Graham out of the way and absorbs the blow, causing both men to go over the ropes. Steele and Fox have both been eliminated.

Connor: Now there’s team work Jack. Steele saved his partner from being hit and in doing so was able to eliminate Fox, albeit, himself as well.

Cohen: Yea, too bad this wasn’t a tag match or else I’d be impressed.

Everest has Gordito still in the corner. He pulls him away and hits a big Fisherman's Suplex. Everest looks unamused so he turns his attention to Graham and throws him in a corner. Hammond has Jones in the corner and Jones is holding onto the ropes for dear life. Lights is down at the bottom of a corner as Phoenix forces his foot into the neck of Lights. Blade has Beckford against the ropes and is trying to push him over. Beckford kicks with his legs and hits Blade, sending him stumbling back. Phoenix tries to intervene and Beckford kicks him back too. Beckford turns to the ropes and looks to hit a second rope Moonsault. Blade and Phoenix catch Beckford on their shoulders. Beckford’s momentum allows him to fall backward, hitting a double reverse DDT on them. Jones has a headlock on Hammond and is literally hanging onto his back holding it. Lights and Beckford both grab a leg of Jones, lessing the load Hammond was carrying. Jones realizes what’s happening and screams to be let go. Hammond turns to the ropes and with a burst of power flips Jones over. Jones is eliminated. Hammond turns to both Lights and Beckford and then starts knocking them down with stiff shots. Gordito has gotten back to his knees, but Kurtesy has entered the ring and applies a Fukiwara Armbar on Gordito. Gordito screams in pain. Phoenix and Blade are huddled in the corner going over strategy. Lights and Beckford are both now trying to get Hammond over the ropes. Blade and Phoenix run at them and knock Lights and Beckford away as Hammond fall safely on the apron. Blade has Beckford against the ropes and then falls down and holds both his legs. Beckford is unable to move as Phoenix comes charging at him and knocks him over the ropes with a clothesline. Beckford is eliminated.

Connor: Phoenix and Blade working well together, this time eliminating potential Elite X challenger Beckford.

Cohen: Phoenix and Blade are focused on the potential prize they have in hand. Both could walk out of Unscripted as Elite X and WZCW World Champion. How awesome would that be.

Connor: Well eight men remain in the fight for the final spot left in the Hell in a Cell match. It’s still anyone’s game.

Phoenix and Blade now turn their attention to Hammond and trap him in the corner. Everest has Graham on his shoulders and is trying to put him over the ropes. Lights bounces off the ropes and knocks Kurtesy off Gordito with a knee to the face. Gordito rolls over, holding his injured arm. Lights helps Kurtesy up and backs him up to the ropes with a European uppercut. He grabs Kurtesy and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Kurtesy bounces back and Lights drops him with a Big Boot. Hammond is dangerously close to being put over the ropes by Blade and Phoenix, but is managing to hang onto the ropes. Graham is holding the ropes, preventing Everest from throwing him over. Everest turns towards the ring, and drops Graham with a huge body slam. Lights meanwhile has climbed up the turnbuckle and is waiting for Kurtesy to stand. Kurtesy does and Lights fly’s at him with a Crossbody. Kurtesy quickly hits a Rolling Savata Kick connecting on the ribs on Lights. Lights is down and holding his side. Kurtesy picks him up and throws him over the ropes. Lights is eliminated. Kurtesy turns and Gordito is now up. Gordito traps Kurtesy’s arms and connects with 5 Headbutts before both men fall to the mat. Vengeance has his eyes set on Lights as Lights struggles to get up. Vengeance walks over to lights and kicks him sharply in the ribs. He grabs Lights by the neck and carries him to the announce table. He picks him up high over his head and drops him hard on the announce table. Lights screams in pain as the refs outside the ring try to get Vengeance to stop. The commotion outside the ring has attracted Everest’s attention. he lifts Graham over his shoulder and walks over towards the ropes closest to Vengeance. He and Vengeance taunt each other. Graham wiggles and manages to slide in behind Everest. Everest turns and Graham hits a dropkick that sends Everest over the ropes. Everest is eliminated. Vengeance is laughing his face off as Everest looks furious.

Cohen: I don’t believe my eyes. Of all people, Tucker Graham eliminated Everest.

Connor: And now it’s a guarantee. One of these six men will get their first ever PPV match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Everest and Vengeance stand face to face as the refs try to escort Everest backstage. Graham still is in disbelief about what he just did. Blade and Phoenix take advantage of the situation and grab Graham from behind and throw him over the ropes. Tucker Graham is eliminated. Everest sees Graham and grabs him and throws him into the barricade. Everest starts stomping furiously on Graham as the refs try to separate them. Back in the ring, Kurtesy has Gordito trapped in the corner and has his arm wrapped around the rope. Blade and Phoenix turn around and Hammond knocks them both down with a clothesline. Blade gets up first and Hammond drops him to the mat with a Headbutt. Phoenix stands up and Hammond lifts him high over his head. The crowd cheers hard for Hammond to throw Phoenix over and Hammond slowly walks towards the ropes. Blade runs up behind Hammond and low blows him, pushing Hammond and Phoenix over the ropes. Phoenix just manages to get a hand on the ropes and hang o as Hammond tumbles to the floor. Hammond is eliminated. Phoenix quickly gets in the ring and pushes Blade. They both begin to argue and then start to fight. Kurtesy grabs Gordito by the leg and pulls him from the corner. Kurtesy looks to hit a Dragon Screw on Gordito. Gordito quickly leaps off his other foot and connects with an Enzuigiri. Both men are down. Blade and Phoenix continue to trade shots. Phoenix goes for a kick, Blade catches the foot. Phoenix spins around and hits a Dragon Whip, knocking Blade into the ropes. Phoenix tries to throw him over. Blade kicks Phoenix sharply in the shin. Blade turns and tries to Suplex Phoenix over the ropes. He does, but Phoenix manages to land on the apron. Phoenix strikes the back of Blades head, and then climbs the turnbuckle. Blade grabs Phoenix and throws him off the corner into the ring with a Powerslam. Blade stands up a looks around the ring. All three men are down. Gordito is the closest up, standing by the ropes. Blade slaps Phoenix in the face and helps him up. The point at Gordito and smile. Blade runs at him with a clothesline. Gordito ducks it and flips him over. Blade is eliminated. Phoenix then charges at him and Gordito falls and pulls down the ropes sending Phoenix over. Phoenix is eliminated.

Connor: Well Jack, around the ring is back to normal and Vengeance has returned to his seat. Inside the ring we are down to our final two, Gordito, and Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

Cohen: Both men are hungry to make a name for themselves. My money is still on the Doctor.

Kurtesy is up first and runs at Gordito, hitting a low shuffle kick. Gordito falls between the ropes and lands on the apron. Kurtesy straddles through the ropes and onto the floor. He grabs Gordito’s arm and slams it against the ring. Kurtesy walks away for a second and then turns around and kicks the arm. Gordito rolls into the ring. Kurtesy climbs onto the apron and straddles through the ropes. He helps Gordito up and moves him towards the ropes. Gordito reaches out with his good arm and grabs onto the rope. He then elbows the gut of Kurtesy, who lets go of him. Gordito lets fire with three rapid Backhand chops that move Kurtesy back to centre. Kurtesy goes for a clothesline. Gordito ducks it and then turns and hits a Chop Block on Kurtesy, sending him into the middle rope. Gordito stands up, then runs off the opposite rope. He charges at Kurtesy and then leaps on him. Kurtesy bounces off the ropes and falls back to the mat. Gordito sees the opportunity and yells Surf’s Up, Asshole. Gordito grabs Kurtesy from behind and locks in the hold. Kurtesy screams in pain and is soon tapping. Gordito refuses to let go of the hold. He slaps Kurtesy once in the stomach and then releases the hold. Gordito grabs Kurtesy from behind and lifts him onto his feet. He moves Kurtesy to the ropes, but Kurtesy quickly hits a low blow kick. Gordito bends over, and Kurtesy throws him over the ropes. Gordito manages to get a hand on the ropes and is hanging on for dear life. Kurtesy turns around to see Gordito still in it and tries to kick his hand off the rope. Gordito manages to pull himself up and connects a forearm to the face of Kurtesy. Gordito grabs Kurtesy and attempts to Suplex him over the ropes. Twice he fails to get him far off the ground. The third time he lifts him up vertically. Suddenly Gordito’s arm gives out on him and he drops Kurtesy back into the ring. Kurtesy grabs Gordito by the neck and guillotines him off the ropes. Gordito fall back onto the concrete. Gordito is eliminated.

Anderson: Here is your winner, and the Final Contender for the Fatal Fourway Hell in a Cell match for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship..... Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Connor: What an amazing match. Both of these men deserve amazing credit for their efforts, but it was the good doctor who pulled it out.

Cohen: What did I tell you CC, I knew one of those Crashin Movement folk were going to win this one, and Dr. Steven Kurtesy proved me right. And look, now Vengeance is going to congratulate him.

Vengeance is applauding very sarcastically as he climbs up the stair and into the ring. Kurtesy stands up and Vengeance takes him down with a Big Boot. Vengeance picks up Kurtesy and prepares looks to hit Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Ty Burna comes running down the ramp and Vengeance drops Kurtesy. Ty slides into the ring and the two begin to exchange shots. Ty backs Vengeance up to the ropes. Ty goes for an Irish Whip, Vengeance reverses it. Ty comes off the ropes and ducks a Big Boot from Vengeance. Showtime David Cougar runs down the ramps and slides into the ring. Ty bounces off the opposite ropes and goes for Consecrated Banishment. Vengeance quickly maneuvers to the side and rolls out of the ring. Ty instead accidently hits it on Cougar who was behind Vengeance. Cougar had his arms up and managed to block most of the kick, but the force was still enough to knock him on his back. Cougar quickly stands up and gets in the face of Ty, who tells him it was unintentional. They both turn to Vengeance, who is laughing as he walks up the ramp, holding the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

Connor: Well Jack there will be no allies when these four men meet inside the cell at Unscripted.

Cohen: And that man Vengeance is going to prove that he is a dominate champion when he beats all three of these novices.

Connor: The odds certainly aren’t in the champs favour as there is a three in four chance that a first time World champion will emerge from Unscripted. Well folks that about does it. He’s Jack and I’m CC. We will see you all at Unscripted!
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