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Ascension 14

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Meltdown 39 said:
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Titus comes out to a huge pop with his new World title belt over his shoulder as he makes his way down to the ring.

Blade makes his way out onto the stage.

Blade charges and hits a clothesline, falling to his knees as he hits it. He then grabs Titus by the hair and begins punching the forehead of Titus.

Titus runs off the ropes and hits a knee drop on Blades face.

Titus jumps, hitting him with a flying clothesline.

Blade grabs Titus arm and jumps over the stairs, performing an arm breaker, with Titus’ arm and ribs smashing hard into the stairs.

Blade punches Titus, Titus punches back.

Titus grabs Blades legs locks in a British Figure-Four Leglock with Blade screaming out in pain.

Blade quickly slips beside Titus and flips him, hitting The Blade Runner out of nowhere. Suddenly Vengeance starts to slowly march down the ramp, looking viciously evil.

Copeland: What the hell is Vengeance doing out here?

Both men are out. Blade begins to crawl to Titus and drapes an arm over him. 1... 2..... Titus just kicks out. Blades pulls his hair in disbelief. Suddenly, without the referee seeing, Vengeance slides Titus' new title belt into the ring, with the belt coming to a stop just behind Blade. Vengeance gets up on the apron, distracting the referee as Blade gets up with the title belt and waits for Titus to get up. Titus gets to his feet and turns around into Blade smashing the belt off his skulls. Vengeance jumps off the apron and Blade picks up the now busted open Titus and hooks his arms, smirking. He hits the Halo and goes for the pin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Blade!

Copeland: I don't believe it. Vengeance slid Titus' new title belt into the ring for Blade to use against him. It seems like the ultimate insult to Titus...

Vengeance steps into the ring. The bloodied Titus grabs the pant leg of Vengeance who starts laughing. Vengeance picks Titus up and hits Judge, Jury, and Executioner on him. The crowd boos as Vengeance walks out of the ring. He grabs the new WZCW Heavyweight Title belt, slides into the ring and stands over Titus. He holds the belt high over his head as the show ends.


*Pyros go off*

Connor: Live from Green Bay, Wisconsin is Ascension and after the events of Meltdown unfolded, a lot of questions are being asked, the one in particular is why Vengeance attacked Titus? We still don't know the answer yet but we may hopefully get more information as Ascension goes on!

Cohen: I think it's pointless given that it's obvious why he attacked him, Titus and Vengeance aren't exactly the best of friends. I know this better than you do, I think even Leon knows more than you!

Connor: That being said, we got an exciting match tonight, with our Main Event of Showtime Cougar taking on Ty Burna which should be no less than exciting. We also have a semi-rematch from Redemption, Karnage takes on Austin Reynolds in what he hopes will be a successful defence of the Elite X Title. We got that and Corey Payne, who is free to cash in his King For A Day Contract at any time, facing one of the two men who came up short in the World Title Unification Match, Everest. We got this and more in what will be another action packed edition of Ascension!

Anderson : The following match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 168 lbs, " The Welsh Dragon " Garth Black!

As P.C.P. by Manic Street Preachers begins to play Garth Black slowly makes his way out from the back, obviously still hurt from Phoenix's assault after Redemption. He climbs into the ring and holds his ribs as he awaits his opponent.

Anderson : And his opponent, weighing in at 190 lbs, " The Arrogant Assassin " CardiffCam!

Cardiff's theme begins to play throughout the arena, and no one is coming out. Garth looks at the ref and the announcer, and all look confused.

Anderson : Let's try this again. And Garth Black's opponent, weighing in at 190 lbs, " The Arrogant Assassin " CardiffCam!

Suddenly a choppy video appears on the titantron, it appears to be a home recording, but in the WZCW head offices. We over hear voices as suddenly the camera approaches an opened door to see CardiffCam and Vance Bateman arguing.

Cardiff :You can't do that to me, that's not mine.

Bateman : If this illegal firearm isn't yours, then whose it?

As Bateman says this he points to the table across the room where a large sniper rifle sits.

Cardiff : Sir, this isn't mine I swear!

Bateman : Not yours? You're a god damn assassin! Get out of my office you're fired.

Cardiff : But...

Bateman : I said YOU'RE FIRED.

Bateman notices the camera and the situation being recorded.

Bateman : Hey you!! Security get that man!!

Suddenly the camera blurs as it is obvious the man filming is running out of the building as the camera cuts out.

Cohen : Well it appears Cardiff was more then just a gimmick. I wonder who he was going to attempt to assassinate.

Connor : It probably would have been Bateman, we all saw how furious he was a few weeks back with being placed in a tag team match.

Back in the ring, Garth Black is standing there in a look of confusion as the lights go out. One singular light orange light shines down on the entrance ramp as Phoenix is standing there.

Phoenix : Well Garth, it appears you have no opponent tonight, and if you couldn't tell, yes that was me that filmed that little segment for all of you to see. Amazing what you can do these days, buy a cheap toy and break into someone's locker room.

Phoenix begins to make his way down the ramp.

Phoenix : Oh and Garth, how are those ribs? You know I had no intention of doing this to you, at first I respected you, even though it was you that caused our downfall. Even after you cost us the tag team championships, I still respected you. But at Redemption, when you had your hand raised. I simply lost it. You are not the better man, and I'm going to show you that right here, right now.

Phoenix climbs into the ring and charges Garth as both men begin to brawl. They begin trading punches as Garth gets the upper hand. Garth goes to whip Phoenix into the corner but it is reversed as Phoenix grabs Black and whips him into the ring post shoulder first. He pulls Garth out and sets him down in the corner as he attempts to kick him but Garth grabs his foot and trips him up. He jumps on top of him and starts punching him. He gets up and picks up Phoenix and delivers multiple suplexes to his bitter rival. Garth goes to the top for a moonsault but doesn't see Phoenix roll out of the way as his misses his target. Phoenix is slow to his feet as he walks over to Garth and yells in his face.

Connor : We need security out here ASAP.
Cohen : Forget that, let these two clear the air between them.

Phoenix picks up Garth and hits him with the Immortal Driver. He rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair from the announcer area. He rolls back into the ring and smashes Garth in the back with it. Phoenix continues to pummel Black with the chair while he is down on the mat. Security runs down to the ring to break up the assault. Some men hold back Phoenix as others attempt to get Garth out of the ring. Two guards roll him out of the ring and begin helping him up the ramp when Phoenix breaks loose in the ring and charges the men , knocking Garth to ground and pummeling him with punches now.

Cohen : The hatred between these two men has escalated to a whole new level.
Connor : They really need to get Phoenix out of here.

Security has gotten Phoenix off of Garth and pinned to the ground now as two guards help Garth up once again and help him to the back. As Phoenix is on the ground, he begins yelling.

Phoenix : This isn't over!......I'm going to end this once and for all and show the real second coming.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Enya Stomp" by Gammer and Re-con hits as Beckford makes his way out to a loud cheer from the crowd. He runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring. He jumps up to the middle turnbuckle, posing for the crowd before backflipping off.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Leeds, England. He stands 6'1" and weighs 226 lbs, Chris Beckford!

"In Too Deep" by Sum 41 begins playing and Frankie Smith walks out to the top of the entrance ramp with a determined look on his face. He walks down the entrance ramp while not acknowledging the booing fans on each side of him. He enters the ring and stares down Beckford from his corner.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland. He stands 6'3" and weighs 238 lbs, Frankie Smith!

Connor: I have a feeling whoever wins this match should be considered as a favorite for an Elite X title match. Beckford has had his issues with Reynolds, and Frankie Smith is still upset over loosing his title to Karnage.

Cohen: That flying monkey Beckford has no business being near the Elite X title. Frankie was robbed of his title and he has every right to reclaim it.

The referee signals for the bell as Smith looks to tie up with Beckford. Beckford slips behind him and connects with a few kicks to the leg. Smith turns around and goes for a chop, but Beckford is able to duck that and bounce off the ropes. He comes off with a flying clothesline, knocking Frankie down. Beckford goes for a quick legdrop, however Smith is able to roll out of the way. Frankie hits a spinning forearm as both men get to their feet. He whips Beckford into a corner and follows up with a clothesline, causing Beckford to drop to a sitting position. Frankie lines him up and connects with an ole kick, and Beckford drops to the ground quickly. Frankie goes for the pin, only getting a two count.

Connor: No surprise here, these two have started fast. Frankie is trying to overpower the faster Beckford.

Cohen: And looks to be doing a damn fine job of it as well CC. If he can keep him grounded this should be an easy victory for Frankie.

Frankie picks up the downed Beckford and quickly connects with an exploder suplex. He locks on a knee bar quickly, looking to damage Beckford's leg. Beckford rolls over and kicks Frankie off and gets up, connecting with a dropkick. Frankie is up quickly and charges Beckford, but he falls for a quick headscissors, sending Frankie into the corner head first. Beckford runs towards him and hits a dropkick in the corner. Frankie slowly walks out from the corner trying to shake the cobwebs loose. Beckford hops up and sits on the top turnbuckle. Frankie turns around and Beckford grabs him by the head. He comes off the top turnbuckle and hits a big tornado DDT! He goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Frankie slowly starts to get up. His eyes look glazed over as the ref checks on him.

Connor: Frankie doesn't look right. He looks dazed. I think that Tornado DDT did more damage than normal.

Cohen: He may have a concussion CC. Of course the only way Beckford could win this match is to intentionally injure Frankie.

Frankie pushes the ref away and charges wildly at Beckford. Beckford counters by lifting Frankie up and hitting an atomic drop. Beckford goes to the ring apron and signals for Frankie to get up. Beckford springs off the top rope and connects with a springboard dropkick. Beckford poses for the crowd momentarily to a loud round of cheers. He lifts Frankie up and connects with the Cross Drop. He gets up and quickly jumps up to the top turnbuckle and signals to the crowd for the Cross County. He jumps off and connects with it, getting the three count.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Chris Beckford!

Cohen: Was all that really necessary? Did Beckford have to continue damaging an already injured Frankie. He may have hurt him seriously.

Connor: You should know Cohen, you do whatever is necessary to win. Regardless, the important story here is Frankie is still out. And here come the trainers.

Beckford's arm is raised and he exits the ring as trainers quickly enter the ring, checking on Frankie Smith. After a few minutes he sits up as trainers pour water on his head. They help Frankie out of the ring and walk slowly with him up the ramp.

Connor: This is a serious situation with Frankie Smith fans. We will keep you updated on his condition as soon as we find out.

We cut backstage to EurAsian Champion Big Dave who is looking at someone off camera.

Dave: I'm not sure what your problem is exactly, but you've loosened up too easily. I mean you really want this night to be your last one? You might as well lay down for the 1,2,3 and keep your tail between your legs. Had it been anyone else, I would have had no problems with sorting this out myself, but as it's you, I might as well see if you can still keep your head held up and at least say you quit with your pride intact!

The camera backs out to reveal he's talking to Karnage.

Karnage: What do you want me to say? I need...time off. I need space to think about things, but I will not allow myself to be easy picking for Austin Reynolds tonight, I will plan to walk away as the Elite X Champion and vacate it immediately after.

Dave: At least you have the spirit to keep it going, now just prove yourself out there later tonight...

Dave walks away as Karnage looks on with a mixed expression on his face.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” plays throughout a now darkened arena, the beats build as lightning like strobes flash around the place, Phoenix appears on the stage to a series of boos while he slowly scans the arena. After a couple seconds, he begins to slowly walk toward the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from The Great Beyond, weighing in at 213 pounds, Phoenix!

Connor: Phoenix sent an interesting message to his former tag partner Garth Black to say their story is far from being over, but how will he far against the new Tag Team Champion, James Baker?

Cohen: With complete confidence, I don’t expect Phoenix to give a weak match on any given day!

Phoenix enters the ring, stopping for a moment to scan the crowd as “Hail Mary” kicks in over his own music as the new Tag Team Champion emerges from the curtain, displaying his belt proudly to the crowd. Black & white lights flicker while James walks to the ring slapping hands with the fans.

Anderson: His opponent, from Compton, California, weighing in at 232 pounds, he one half of the new WZCW Tag Team Champions, James Baker!

Baker stops outside the ring and looks at the staring Phoenix in waiting, he raises his belt high towards his opponent’s direction before dropping it and sliding in as they both start a fist exchange as the bell signals. Baker wins out of the fist fight, backing Phoenix against the ropes, bouncing him off of them and is caught with a hurricanrana on the rebound, Phoenix is quickly back up only to be caught by a clothesline from the tag champion. Both men jump onto their feet and challenge each other to make a move, Phoenix does so with a high kick but Baker grabs it and swings it away only to be caught by a Dragon Whip from his opponent followed by a kick to the chest while Baker is still on the mat.

Phoenix gets Baker back up to his feet but is caught by a headlock by his opponent only for Phoenix to lift him up and slam him back down to the mat. He goes for the second try to get Baker up but with a lot more caution this time, he then irish whips his opponent to the corner only to be surprised when Baker runs up the turnbuckle and hits a sudden moonsault on Phoenix, followed by a cover 1……2…..kickout. Baker gets up and runs at the ropes to go for a Shining Wizard only on the return he finds Phoenix is still flat on his back, he stops and sighs for a second only for Phoenix to get a drop toe hold to drop him to the mat followed by an elbow to his back.

Cohen: See what I mean?

Well he certainly getting plenty of offence in that’s for sure.

Baker rolls himself to the edge of the apron and is slow to get back up, he ponders for a moment as Phoenix follows him to the outside and grabs his head to go for a slam onto the ring except for Baker’s foot blocking it and then countering with a shove of his own which dazes Phoenix and gets his head caught in a lock as Baker looks to think of hitting Da Extreme Knockout on the outside, he gives a signal to the crowd but takes too long as Phoenix recovers and shoves him off and hits a clothesline. Phoenix takes his time to get back on his feet but rolls back into the ring once up, he kneels on the opposite side to where Baker is and just watches while his opponent takes his time to get back on the apron.

Baker gives a signal of execution as he grabs the top rope and uses it to springboard himself up in the air to go for a hurricanrana only Phoenix is quick to act and suddenly hits the Rebirth out of nowhere with full impact. He takes a moment but gets an arm over 1……2…….Baker gets the shoulder up. Phoenix looks agitated but gets up quickly and gets on top of the turnbuckle, without an hesitation or crowd pleasing attempts he goes for the Final Flight and lands right on top of Baker 1……2…….3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Phoenix!

Phoenix immediately exits the ring and walks up the ramp slowly without looking back at his victim, he just continues up the ramp and heads straight out through the curtain.

Connor: Phoenix came to Ascension tonight with the intention of sending a message to Garth Black, I think it’s clear what that message is.

Cohen: A victory over the current Tag Team Champion is certainly something, especially given he used to be a holder of that championship.

Connor: Regardless, we know the issues between Phoenix and Black are far from other, and you just know that they won’t stop taking out their frustration on the other members of the roster until the score has been settled! Well speaking of tag teams, we got Heavy Artillery and Crash-Klinic in action next…


We cut backstage to Carmen Bratchny who’s walking around in a tracksuit, he walks into a locker room and sees Karen on the phone.

Karen: No no, I assure you that’s not the chance, you know that he paid his dues long ago…

She turns around to find Bratchny there, she says nothing more as she hands the phone over to him.

Bratchny: Hello?

There is silence between the two as he listens carefully

Что? Вы должны шутить? Вы выпускаете угрозы мне? Я собираюсь возглавлять прямо назад к Москве, чтобы уладить это раз и навсегда. Вы лучше, быть готов!

He hangs up the phone immediately and grabs his bag, immediately heading to the door but stops for a moment

Bratchny: I’ll be back soon, I promise you that

He walks off

Karen: Be careful!
Anderson: This following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Carry on Wayward Son” hits and the lights flicker as Jordan Lights and Max Karzai enter the arena.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 458 pounds, Heavy Artillery!

Karzai jumps to the top of a turnbuckle and holds his left hand in the "Rock On" symbol as Lights shakes the ropes and raises his fists once more. The music cuts out and “Black Betty” starts to play as Doug Crashin makes his way to the ring, stopping just before he enters with a mic in hand.

Crashin: Tonight, you will see the Crash-Klinic begin our climb to the top of the tag team ranks by dismantling the former champions. Tonight will begin a new dynasty in the WZCW Tag Team Division. Ladies and gentlemen, I am Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Incredible, Doug Crashinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

A chorus of boos follows Crashin’s introduction of himself as “Bad Case of Lovin’ You” starts to play and Dr. Steven Kurtesy calmly makes his way to the ring.

Crashin:And my partner, Doctor Steven Kurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtesyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Both teams go over some last minute plans as the bell rings to start the contest. It’ll be Kurtesy and Lights starting off the contest. They lock up and Lights forces Kurtesy into a neutral corner. The ref asks for a clean break and gets it. The Doctor shakes it off and goes in for another lock up, this time he pushes Lights into a neutral corner. The referee calls for the clean break but won’t get it as Kurtesy chops Lights hard across the chest in the corner. The ref backs Kurtesy out to admonish him, but gets a shove for his efforts as Kurtesy heads back to punish Lights some more. Lights has other ideas, however, and throws Kurtesy into the corner and begins driving his knee repeatedly into the midsection of Steven Kurtesy. Lights backs out before the 5 count and yells to fire himself and the crowd up. Kurtesy stumbles out of the corner and runs into a running crossbody from Lights into a pin that only gets 1. Lights wastes no time before wrenching away at a chinlock looking at his partner to plan what comes next. Lights gives Kurtesy one more strong wrench in the chinlock before dragging him into the corner and tagging in Karzai. They shoot Kurtesy off into the ropes and hit him with a double dropkick. Karzai into the pin, 1…2…and a kick-out by Kurtesy.

Connor: Heavy Artillery really taking it to Kurtesy early on. Crashin might not get a chance to back up his words from before this contest started.

Cohen: You just wait, CC. It’s just a matter of time before the Crash-Klinic takes control of this match.

Kurtesy is still lying on the mat dazed. Karzai runs off the ropes and goes for a leg drop, but Kurtesy rolls out of the way at the last second. Both men slowly make it to their feet. A kick to the gut of Kurtesy leads to Karzai lifting him up into a fireman’s carry. Kurtesy is able to slip out, however, and drop Karzai with a neckbreaker. Karzai lands hard and Kurtesy uses the opportunity to tag in Doug Crashin. Crashin comes in toward the now standing Max Karzai and hits a kick to the leg followed by one to the midsection. Karzai ducks the third, which was coming at his head, and tries to take down Crashin with a bulldog. Crashin is able to reverse it, however, and drop Karzai with a reverse DDT. A cover by Crashin, 1…2. and a kick-out by Karzai a little after 2. Crashin hammers Karzai in the face with a couple forearm shivers before dragging him to the corner where Kurtesy is tagged in. Crashin hits Karzai with a backbreaker, and Kurtesy comes off the second rope with a leg drop to finish Crashin's Burn of Kurtesy. Cover on Karzai, 1…2…and a kick-out by Max Karzai. Kurtesy wastes little time in locking in a single leg Boston Crab.

Smart move by Kurtesy, continuing to work on the back. The Crash-Klinic is clearly in control right now.

Cohen: I told you they would take charge here. This match is over whenever they decide it is.

Karzai screams out in pain and reaches for the ropes, but he has a ways to go. Lights is on the apron pacing and screaming trying to get the crowd into the match and give his partner the boost he needs to get out of the hold. Karzai crawls and finally reaches the ropes, but he is as far from his corner as he possibly could be.. Kurtesy takes full advantage of the 5 count before releasing the hold. Kurtesy walks toward Jordan Lights and taunts him. Lights dives into the ring out of instinct and is restrained by the referee. While the ref’s back is turned, Crashin and Kurtesy drag Karzai into the corner, sit him down, and start using their boots to choke the remaining energy out of him. Lights finally leaves the ring as Kurtesy picks up Karzai and drags his near lifeless body to the corner that Crashin has returned to. Kurtesy tags Crashin and they hit You Forgot Your Apple. Crashin plays to the camera before making the pin, 1…2…and a kick-out at the last possible second by Max Karzai! Crashin looks down at Karzai and then at the ref in complete disbelief. He yells at the referee about the count for a few moments before picking up Karzai and signaling that it’s all over. Crashin kicks him in the gut and sets up for the Crashin Cutter. Karzai is able to shove him off into the ropes, however, and connect with a massive spinebuster! Both men are checked by the ref as they lie motionless on the mat. He begins the ten count soon after.

Connor: The resilience of Karzai pays off as he is finally able to catch one of the Crash-Klinic in some offense of his own. He needs to make it to Jordan Lights in the corner.

Crashin looks a bit dazed, but is able to get to his feet before Karzai can reach Lights. Karzai is able to use a drop toe hold to take Crashin down, however, and dives to tag Jordan Lights! Crashin gets back to his feet and stumbles right into a European uppercut from Lights. The impact causes Crashin to stumble off the ropes and into a big boot from Lights. As Crashin goes down hard, his partner Kurtesy runs at Lights, but gets picked up and dropped with a powerslam. The ref goes to usher Kurtesy out of the ring. As he does so, Lights signals to Karzai who makes his way into the ring, holding his ribs. Lights lifts Crashin up in a suplex and Heavy Artillery drops him with the Smoldering Light! Karzai rolls out of the ring as the ref turns around to the count the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: Here are your winners, Heavy Artillery!

Connor: Great tag team match and a big win for Heavy Artillery.

Cohen: Heavy Artillery got lucky. The Crash-Klinic is about to break through and Dr. Steven Kurtesy will once again be atop the tag team division here in WZCW.

Connor: No doubt there. Speaking of breaking through, Corey Payne is up next and will be looking to make his mark further as he takes on Everest. Will this be paving the way for Payne to World Championship glory? Let's find out

We cut backstage to Corey Payne walking through the backstage area, he's quickly intercepted by Leon Kensworth.

Leon: Corey, just a quick word before your match. Now that Redemption has passed you can cash in your King For A Day Contract at any time, the question is, will we know when that happens?

Payne ponders a thought.

Payne: Well Leon, all I can is that I have already have everything set and signed for, the match is confirmed to happen soon. Will you get to know now? You will soon enough

Payne walks as Leon looks bemused.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Supernova Goes Pop" by Powerman 5000 hits as Everest makes his way out. The crowd boos him mercilessly as he walks down the entrance ramp, sneering at the crowd. He walks up the steel steps and into the ring, gazing out at the fans. He poses for a moment as the crowd obliges him with an even louder round of boos.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California. He stands 6'0" and weighs 205 lbs, Everest!

"Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed begins and the crowd begins cheering wildly. Corey Payne makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp and begins kicking and punching into the air. He begins walking down the entrance ramp, slapping hands with fans when suddenly the lights start flickering and go out suddenly. "Blackened The Sun" by Tech N9ne interrupts Payne's music as static light begins going off in the arena. Ty suddenly appears behind Payne, who had turned back towards the entrance stage. The lights come back on, and Payne is yelling for Ty to get him. Ty spins Payne around and connects with a huge right hand.

Connor: Why is Ty here? He's not even involved with this match! He didn't capitalize on his shot at gaining the KFAD title shot, so why won't he let this die?

Cohen: It's clear he's going to finish what he started CC. He's going to break that roided up MMA wannabe once and for all! I for one applaud Ty's concern about the drug use in this company.

Ty continues pounding away at Payne, as Everest watches on intrigued from the ring. Ty picks up Payne and slams his head into the barrier. He throws Payne back onto the entrance ramp and stomps away at him before picking him up once more. He leads him down to the ring and throws him head first into the steel steps. Ty hovers over Payne, as the boos from the crowd becomes deafening. Ty goes under the ring and grabs a chair. He walks over to the steel steps and kicks the top one off. He stomps away at Payne for a bit more before grabbing Payne's oft injured leg and sets it on the steel step. Serafina comes out from the crowd and grabs Payne's leg as Ty lifts the chair up and swings it down, connecting directly across Payne's knee. Payne screams out in Payne as Ty continues to swing the chair down on his knee. Ty finally drops the chair, now completely dented and goes back to punching away on Payne.

Connor: That's enough Ty! You've made your point, there's no more need for this!

Cohen: Destroy him Ty, let's clear this company of it's worst steroid abuser!

Ty stands back up and holds his hand up. Blood begins trickling down his arm as the camera zooms in on Payne, revealing a crimson mask developing on his face. Ty steps back and motions for Payne to get up. Payne struggles mightily to get up, eventually using the ring post to balance on one leg. Payne turns towards Ty just as Ty rushes forward and connects with his Consecrated Banishment bicycle kick, causing Payne's head to snap back. Ty stands over Payne once more and lets out a roar. The crowd continues booing relentlessly as Ty picks Payne up and rolls him into the ring. Everest quickly demands the ref signal for the bell, which the ref does so hesitantly. Everest puts a foot on Payne's chest, and the ref counts the three count in disgust.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Everest!

Connor: This was a sick attack on Payne by Ty. And to make it even worse, he handed Everest an effortless victory over Payne as well.

Cohen: I don't know what you saw CC, but I saw a valiant Everest put on a wrestling clinic in there. Ty was merely there studying possible opponents.

Everest forces the referee to raise his arm in victory. Ty and Serafina enter the ring as Everest exits and back up the entrance ramp, acting as if he just one the title all over again. Ty and Serafina stand over Payne, mocking him while he tries getting up once more. Payne manages to get to his feet once more, only to be blasted with the Consecrated Banishment once more. Ty smirks and laughs maniacally as he exits the ring with Serafina and trainers quickly run down to check on Payne.

Connor: Our trainers have had a busy night tonight. First Frankie's concussion, and now this decimation of Payne by the hands of Ty Burna.

Cohen: It's about time they earn their paychecks. But after this display of power, I would hate to be Ty's opponent tonight, which just so happens to be his rival Showtime.

Connor: And that match is our Main Event tonight right after our next match. It is for the Elite X title as Karnage defends against Austin Reynolds.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Elite X championship!

Headstrong hits and Austin Reynolds makes his way out on to the stage. A determined look is plastered across his face as he makes his way down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, the challenger, from the West End of London, Austin Reynolds!

Reynolds gets into the ring and walks around to the four corners, looking out into the crowd.

Conner: Reynolds has had Elite X opportunities before... Is this his night?

Cohen: Maybe, we could see a new member of the “I pinned Karnage” club

Skillet hits and the crowd let out huge heat as Karnage stomps his way out.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Scotland, the Elite X champion, Karnage!

He makes his way down the ramp and gets into the ring, directing his cold stare at Reynolds as the referee takes his belt. The bell rings and the two men start circling each other, sizing each other up. Reynolds trash talks a bit, but Karnage doesn’t react and instead throws the first right hand at Reynolds’ face. Reynolds is caught off guard and stumbles backwards into the corner as Karnage follows up with a second, third and fourth right hand. Karnage backs up a bit, then runs at Reynolds and hits a big splash in the corner before grabbing him and throwing him across the ring with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Karnage gets up and stands over Reynolds with a slight smirk on his face. Suddenly Reynolds grabs Karnage and rolls him up in a Schoolboy, 1... 2.... kick out by Karnage! Karnage looks furious and starts stomping on Reynolds. He attempts to drop a knee on Reynolds’ head, but Reynolds rolls out of the way. He quickly gets up and hits the limping Karnage with a discus lariat, taking him down. Reynolds again goes for a pin, 1... 2... kick out by Karnage. Reynolds tries to go for the Liontamer but Karnage uses his leg strength to push him into the corner. Karnage gets up, still limping slightly as Reynolds comes out of the corner. Karnage hits a few shots to his head and then goes for an Irish whip. But Reynolds stops himself at the ropes by hooking his arm around them. Karnage runs at Reynolds, but Reynolds delivers a back body drop, sending Karnage over the ropes to the outside. Reynolds gets onto the apron and waits for Karnage to get up before springboarding off the ropes, attempting an Asai moonsault. But Karnage gets out of the way, as Reynolds crashes to the floor.

Cohen: Crash and burrrrn!

Conner: If Karnage hadn’t moved, this match might be over now...

Karnage picks up Reynolds and hits him with another Belly to Belly Suplex on the outside, throwing Reynolds back first into the steel steps as the referee counts them out. Reynolds crashes into the steps as a look of agony spreads across his face. Karnage slowly walks over to him and picks him up before rolling him into the ring as the referee reaches 7. Karnage goes for a pin, 1... 2... kick out by Reynolds! Karnage starts to look a bit frustrated as he backs into a corner and measures Reynolds for the Early Release. Reynolds manages to get to his feet and Karnage runs at him. Reynolds ducks under the clothesline and turns Karnage around before kicking him in the gut. Reynolds struggles to get Karnage in the Ratings Killer, but Karnage powers out and pushes Reynolds at the ropes. Reynolds returns and Karnage attempts a big boot, but Reynolds ducks under that too and keeps running to the opposite ropes. This time Reynolds returns and hits a big leg lariat on Karnage, taking both men down. Reynolds goes for the pin, 1... 2.... kick out by Karnage. Now Reynolds backs into the corner, waiting for Karnage to get up. Slowly, Karnage gets to his feet, but Reynolds rolls forward and connects with the Millions and Millions! Karnage goes down and Reynolds goes for a pin, 1... 2... kick out!

Conner: Reynolds is very wise, going for every pin opportunity he gets!

Reynolds gets onto the apron and waits for Karnage to get up. Karnage pulls himself to his feet, and tries to shake the cobwebs out of his head. He turns around and sees Reynolds springboarding off the top rope towards him going for the Ego Crush but Karnage runs under it. Reynolds manages to land on his feet, but he turns around and is met with the Early Release from Karnage! Karnage goes for the pin, hooking both legs, 1... 2... Reynolds gets a shoulder up! Karnage looks frustrated and starts to argue angrily with the referee, convinced he got a 3 count. The referee walks backwards, cowering in the corner as Karnage’s huge frame stands over him. Karnage turns around and walks right into Reynolds, who is now on his feet and hits the Five Star! Instead of going for the pin, Reynolds gets back on to the apron and waits for Karnage to get up. Karnage gets to his feet and Reynolds again goes for the Ego Crusher, this time nailing it on Karnage! Reynolds goes for the pin, 1... 2.... Karnage gets a shoulder up! Reynolds is in absolute disbelief and tries again for a pin, 1... 2... Kickout by Karnage again. Reynolds, breathing heavily picks up Karnage and kicks him in the stomach, attempting the Ratings Killer, but Karnage hits him with a back body drop. Reynolds quickly gets back up, but Karnage hits him with a huge spear out of nowhere! Karnage goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Again Reynolds gets the shoulder up! Karnage lets out a shout of rage and pounds his fists on the mat. With a murderous look in his eye he picks up Reynolds, who is dazed and barely able to stand. He slaps Reynolds once, with a look of disgust on his face before kicking him in the gut and going for the Solitary Confinement. Reynolds pushes off Karnage’s back and runs at the ropes. As he returns, Karnage leans forward for the back body drop but Reynolds grabs Karnage’s head and puts it between his legs, quickly hitting the Ratings Killer! Reynolds goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Karnage gets his foot on the rope!

Conner: Wow.... Talk about a close call for Karnage.

Cohen: A true wrestler is always aware of his surroundings... Or something...
Whatever... Karnage’s awesome.

Reynolds looks furious at himself and drags Karnage to the centre of the ring and tries to pin him again, 1... 2... Karnage gets a shoulder up! Reynolds can’t believe it, getting to his feet and circling around the fallen Karnage. He picks Karnage up and returns the slap that Karnage gave him earlier, but this seems to snap Karnage out of his trance as he nails Reynolds with a big boot. Karnage leans on the ropes and shakes his head for a moment as Reynolds gets to his feet, holding his jaw. Karnage kicks Reynolds in the gut, and again lifts Reynolds up for the Solitary Confinement. Reynolds again pushes off Karnage’s shoulders, this time landing behind Karnage. Reynolds pushes Karnage at the referee, but Karnage manages to stop himself before colliding with the ref. With the referee’s vision obstructed by Karnage, Reynolds drops down and nails Karnage with a low blow. Karnage drops to his knees, agony on his face before Reynolds picks him up and hits the Ratings Killer. Reynolds goes for the pin, 1... 2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner and the NEW Elite X champion, Austin Reynolds!

The referee hands the belt to Reynolds, who is on his knees and Reynolds looks at the belt in shock, not actually believing what he just did. Suddenly, Hayley and Dominic come down the ramp and get into the ring to celebrate with Austin.

Conner: It took two Ratings Killers and a lowblow, but Reynolds finally managed to keep Karnage down!

Cohen: History has been made ladies and gentlemen!

Reynolds breaks away from the hugs of Hayley and Dominic and climbs up onto the second rope holding his title over his head as Karnage looks down in defeat and immediately leaves the ring to walk up the ramp as Reynolds continues to celebrate his victory.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd roars as the pyro shoots straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, the last and biggest one fades to reveal Showtime as the dim blue light covers the area except for the usual spotlight that follows Showtime on his way to the ring. He acknowledges different members of the crowd by pointing at them and winking at some of the ladies

Anderson: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Cougar is on his way to face off against Ty Burna, no doubt he’s going to be looking to gain some momentum back after coming so close to regaining the EurAsian Championship

Cohen: Close? Big Dave totally dominated the match to the point that Show never pinned him, what chance does he have against Ty who knows how to win?

Connor: But Ty himself hasn’t had a pinfall win on pay per view since All or Nothing…

Cohen: The Lethal Lottery doesn’t count and a team win is still a win!

Showtime climbs up on the left turnbuckle from the outside and raises both arms, thumb tips together fingers straight up before getting down and inside the ring, he walks around with his arms stretched and his hands closed fist. Suddenly the lights and music cut out instantly as the crowd get their lighters out as eventually ‘Blackened the Sun’ starts playing to the images of static flashes of white light. Out onto the stage, emerges a cloaked Ty Burna welcomed by a series of heavy boos, holding his Ouija scroll with Serafina walking alongside him, head bowed down.

Harrys: Their opponents, first, weighing in at 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

Ty turns towards Serafina who leaves back out through the curtain before he turns to face the ring, he walks slowly towards the ring, heading down the ramp at a slow and steady pace. When he reaches the ring he looks up at his opponent before walking into the ring and placing his scroll in the corner before standing tall and removing his hood staring at Show before removing his cloak and throwing it over the top rope as the two men stand in opposite corners before the referee signals for the bell.

Both men immediately walk straight into the middle and stand chest to chest before forcing their own heads into the other, Showtime then shoves him back and follows up with a quick run up but Ty sidesteps out of the way and Show stops immediately, turning to face his opponent who hits an uppercut on him and then takes him by the head and bounces it off the turnbuckle pad, catching Showtime on the jaw. Ty follows up his offence with a Russian leg sweep, he immediately gets up, runs at the ropes and leaps in the air to drop a knee on Showtime’s head and goes straight for the cover 1…..2….kickout by Showtime.

Connor: Ty Burna’s getting quick on his offence, he must have Corey Payne still on his mind based on his earlier actions.

Cohen: And the way this match is going, Showtime is fighting Ty the same way he fought Dave!

Ty gets Show up onto his feet who immediately kicks Ty in the thigh to release the grip, he follows up with another and hits a dropkick to get Ty off his feet for a few seconds before hitting a second dropkick, Ty expects a third attempt and goes for a clothesline but Show ducks it and grabs Ty’s head to drop a reverse DDT. Show is on his feet again and climbs to the second rope and drops the elbow on Ty’s head, he thinks about going for a cover but then decides to roll Ty onto his front, climbs back up to the second rope and drops the elbow on his back. He forces Ty back up and leans him on the turnbuckle with his back exposed to Showtime, he hits a knee into the back and grabs Ty by the waist when suddenly Ty pushes himself backwards from the turnbuckle, rolling them both backwards with a roll up but Showtime counters with another roll, getting out of it and grabbing Ty’s leg and looks to lock in the Commercial Break but Ty forces him away and rolls to the outside which receives a series of boos from the crowd.

Connor: Just like the coward he is, after all the cheap tactics he did against Corey Payne, now he can’t stand to face…

Ty then suddenly slams the announce table desk which makes Connor and Cohen jump, he gets up in Connor’s face in a threatening manner but then shifts to a smirk. Showtime is still waiting in the ring as Ty walks back to the edge of the ring.

Cohen: Think he just made his point there CC!

Ty is hesitant for a moment as he expects Showtime to take advantage of the situation, so he looks under the ring and slides out a steel chair, he climbs under the bottom rope and challenges Show to come at him while the referee is telling Ty to drop the chair. Ty threatens the ref and then lifts the chair about his head but Showtime hits a quick time enziguri to take down Ty, he grabs his legs again locks on the Commerical Break as the ref gets rid of the chair. Ty isn’t screaming in pain but rather gritting his teeth from the hold applying pressure to the earlier damage that Showtime did to his back. Ty with his eyes locked crawls slowly to the rope while Show keeps the hold locked in, refusing to let go, Ty goes for one long reach to the ropes and manages to grab it to break the hold.

Ty takes a moment from the pain as Showtime waits for his opponent to get up. looking ready to finish this, he walks up behind Ty and tries to lock on his back but Ty elbows him away, turning around suddenly and goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Showtime ducks out of the way and goes for The Ratings Crash which gets a hit, cover 1……2…..kickout by Ty. Show gets up quickly and heads to the turnbuckle as he looks ready to hit a high offense move from there but Ty is up as well and knocks back Show. Ty then climbs up the ropes and looks to be going for his X-plex on his opponent but Show tries to block it and hits his opponent in the abs. He pulls him up to the same level and hits The Final Act from the top rope, cover by Showtime, 1……2……3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Showtime Cougar!

Connor: Showtime gets a good and deserving victory over Ty Burna here, hopefully Corey Payne is able to see this victory and smile.

Cohen: I doubt he’s regained conscientiousness after that assault, but I do hope Payne makes a quick recovery.

Connor: No doubt this victory will put any champion on alert as Showtime looks to try and re-establish his route to gold.

Showtime climbs up onto the turnbuckle and gives his signature pose to the crowd as Ty lays out on the mat but is staring with intent at the victor of his bout. The cold and icy look in his eyes is something to be aware of as Showtime exits the ring and heads up the ramp.

Connor: Well ladies and gentleman that’s all we have time for on Ascension but hopefully we’ll have some answers and updates on the condition of Corey Payne amongst others, this is a serious situation given he is our King For A Day. That being said, with Jack Cohen, I am Cat Connors, we’ll see you next time!
Who wrote what:
Garth Black/CardiffCam - SuperCrazy
Phoenix/James Baker, Showtime/Ty Burna, Backstage - Phoenix
Chris Beckford/Frankie Smith, Corey Payne/Everest - Ty
Crash Klinic/Heavy Artillery -Thriller
Karnage/Austin Reynolds -Blade

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