Ascension 119 - Flex Mussel versus Kagura

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Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
He continues to run through the competition as Gold Rush approaches. Nobody is hotter than Flex Mussel at the moment as his devastating Mussel Bomb continues to kick ass and take names. After ambushing Vis Imperium and laying waste to 3 out of 4 members of the group, Flex is riding high but what effect will the attack on Meltdown General Manager, Vance Bateman have? Meanwhile, Kagura was knocked out of the Gold Rush tournament by Lynx. With very little time before Gold Rush she’ll need a victory over Flex to swing things in her favour and avoid getting lost in the shuffle of the event. A win over Flex would surely give Kagura a boost and put the spotlight back on her.

Deadline for RPs is Monday 3rd July 23:59pm (Central)

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The monsieur of muscle walks up the ramp of Ascension 118 as the crowd has somewhat mixed reactions to what just occurred. One half seems to be particular fond of Flex’s stance against Vis Imperium and the subsequent power bombing of Vance Bateman but then others still remember that it’s Flex and he’s hurt countless others with that move. This seems to not only confuse the crowd but the number one contender himself as he slowly makes his way up the ramp not sure whether to revel in what he’s done or treat the fans the way he treats his enemies. He turns around one last time to see paramedics tending to Bateman who is still laying in the wreckage of the Mussel bomb through the table. He lingers for a bit but eventually makes his way through the curtain but doesn’t get very far as Ascension general manager Becky Serra quickly rushes through the curtain and stops him.

Serra: What the hell was that Flex?!?!?! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!

Flex: If Bateman didn’t want to go through that table he shouldn’t have stopped me.

Serra: Is that really the best you got? You just powerbombed a corporate official of WZCW! Do you really think that’s just going to go unpunished?

Flex: Is Banks or the Board of Directors going to fire me? Just cancel the Gold Rush main event or replace me with someone else? Someone more qualified to be number one contender right now? I don’t think so!

Serra: I’m sure any one of the Gold Rush competitors would love to take your spot!

Flex: Tell me I wouldn’t run through them! Tell me you didn’t look in my eyes out there and see just how different I am than one year ago. And don’t think I forgot about all the problems that you and Bateman caused me last year. Don’t pretend that either one of you didn’t have this coming. I was willing to put that aside but Bateman stopped me from getting my hands on Cooper and that was one a grave mistake.

Serra: Flex you are out of control! There is no way Banks will let this stand, there is no way you can just go on and continue hurting everyone in your path like this!

Flex: Anybody who is currently standing in my way of the World Heavyweight championship is just a victim waiting to happen. I don’t care if it’s a wrestler, a general manager, or the owner of the company. This company is bowing at my feet one way or another. Stay out of my way Serra, I don’t want anymore unneeded casualties but I will not hesitate to Mussel bomb you.

The fitness freak leaves Serra speechless as he walks away from the Ascension general manager who is still stunned from what she’s witnessed. Camera crews, backstage workers, and those alike begin to avoid eye contact and interaction with the bodybuilder at all costs as he walks down the hallway to the locker room. He walks in and checks his phone to see at text from his assistant Charles saying “Got your bags packed and waiting in the car, don’t think you’ll wanna stick around very long considering what you did”. The monsieur of muscle then turns around to exit and opens the door to see his former lover/Amazonian like Russian fugitive Svetlana standing right in front of him.

Flex: What the hell are you doing here?

Svetlana: Saving you from immense pain. Follow me.

Flex: Why on God’s green Earth would I do that? Why are you here? How did you even get back here?

Svetlana: I’ll explain later you ungrateful swine, do you want to face a planned assault from your upcoming opponents corporate cronies or not?

Flex: You think I’m afraid of them?!

Svetlana: What you’ve grown in talent and pride you’ve lost in your intelligence.

Flex: Yeah whatever, time to go finish this.

Flex brushes past Svetlana only to be put in a stranglehold by Svetlana and he quickly passes out.


An undisclosed amount of time later the number one contender wakes up in his living room to see Svetlana cutting fruit with a gigantic knife and Charles massaging Flex’s head, while Maria stands over him with a flashlight to his eyes.

Flex: What is going on?!

Maria: Well you’ve been passed out for quite some time.

Flex: How long?

Maria: Almost two days now....

Flex: I don’t believe you….

Charles: Unfortunately it’s true boss….

The bodybuilder turns his attention away from his allies and to his ex lover.

Flex: What did you do to me?

Svetlana: Once again, save you from bodily harm you ungrateful swine. Your enemies were coming for you, you could not take them on, and the beating you would have sustained would not have been ideal going into your World title match. Apologies if I went overboard on chokehold, had to up to restraint to make sure I took you down. You’ve gotten stronger since we’ve last seen each other.

Flex: What has she been doing since I’ve been passed out?

Maria: Mostly just working out and sleeping in your bed, she just barged in here with you over her shoulder and we were kinda afraid to say no to her being here.

Flex: Jesus, get out of here Svetlana. You left months ago and now you pop out of the blue expecting me to let you crash here?

Svetlana: I’m here as an insurance policy to make sure you achieve your dream you idiot.

Flex: I don’t need you to win the World title.

Svetlana: Stop listening to your pride and hear what your brain is saying. We may have been apart but I never stopped watching you Flex. And I saw when you foolishly decided to take on all of Vis Imperium at once. You held your own long enough but it wasn’t enough to survive. And after what you did to the general manager you’ll surely be a higher target. In fact you may just be public enemy number one. And these two will not be enough to ensure your victory. Hence why I’m here.

Flex: You really expect me to believe you’re here to help me after everything we’ve been through?

Svetlana: You’ve gained much strength since we last met Flex. And you’ve reached heights that I wasn’t sure you’d be able to reach. We might not be lovers anymore but I do still consider you my greatest student, and I will do anything possible to make sure that you become World champion. So no, I’m not leaving and I will be staying here until your World title match is completed.

Svetlana finishes cutting her fruit and leaves the living room to head back to the gym.

Flex: You guys seriously couldn’t get her out of here?

Maria: She trained you of all people Flex, do you really think we can take her on? Plus she’s got a point, you’re greatly outnumbered against Vis Imperium and corporate authority she may just be our secret weapon to even the odds against your enemies.

Charles: And speaking of enemies Svetlana isn’t the only woman from past coming back to haunt you. You’ve got a match against Kagura this round.

Flex: Ozhora huh?

Maria: Nope, changed her name. Now it’s just-

Flex: Aww I forgot it’s Daikonran now isn't it?

Maria: Nope, it’s actua-

Flex: Oh wait don’t tell me Joheki?

Maria: No-

Flex: Kojima?

Charles: Come on man, you know that’s way too cool for her.

Flex: So true.


Flex: Huh...she finally decided to keep it simple I guess. Regardless yet another name change since we’ve faced each other doesn’t intimidate me one bit.

Charles: Well she did knock you out of Gold Rush tourney last year.

Flex: I wasn’t ready for World title contendership. In retrospect losing to her was the right thing to happen, after all soon after that I rectified my loss to her in dominating fashion. And this time will be no different.

Maria: Do you really think it’ll be that easy? You’re public enemy number now not only for being number one contender but also because of what you did to Bateman.

Flex: I’ve faced Kagura four times since I’ve been in this company. At each time we’ve both been in different stages in our career. The first time I was still a tag team champion while she was the Elite champion, and I beat her. At her best and at her highest point as one of the premiere champions in the company I beat her without the help of any of my stablemates. And just a short time later the tables had turned and her use of treachery and my naive trust in the crowd led to me losing out on a World title shot. But in our next encounter I beat Kagura, and at that point I was a much angrier, lost, and remorseless individual. Which brings us to our next encounter. You see each time I’ve faced off against her she’s either had a different name and each time has signified a different version of herself.

The monsieur of muscle finally gets up from the couch and takes a quick swig of water from a glass sitting on the counter.

Flex: The last time we faced each other I demolisher her. And this was before I had a purpose, before I was number one contender the World title, before I was on such a path of destruction that was going through the entire roster. In the last year since her victory over me I’ve come leaps and bounds while once again she struggled to get past the second of the Gold Rush tourney and has done nothing significant since my first victory over back when she was Elite champion. Kagura is a tricky competitor who is never to be underestimated but that’s not what this is, her lack of last name signifies that she more than ever is at her most basic form. Lost and not sure where she falls on the roster she’s just floating by, and I’m sure she’ll give this match her all but a loss for her doesn’t matter, it doesn’t affect her in anyway. Me on the other hand, to lose this close to my biggest match ever, would simply be a distraction I could not afford. And that’s the difference between me and her, she is just floating around waiting for her next opportunity while I am more driven than I ever have before. She’s the last obstacle before I get to Cooper, and I don’t intend to let her of all people slow me down. I will take her down and remind her why in our series of matches I have only grown better while she has stagnated.

Maria: You really think you know her that well huh?

Flex: I never forget those have given me losses in this company. I watch all of my past enemies closely, she’s no different. You all think I’m not thinking straight because I want to take them all on alone but you don’t realize I’m thinking this through more than you think. Svetlana is now a useful tool for the moment but she is not my secret weapon, follow me.

The monsieur leads his sister and assistant to the closet where his drugged out and and enraged grandfather is chained.

Maria: What the hell have you done to him?

Flex: You think I’ve been drugging him and making him mindless for no reason. But this man is the one mindless monster with nothing stopping him from ripping everyone apart, no concept of consequence or repercussions. He’s perfect.

Charles: For what?

Flex: The final weapon that keeps all of Cooper’s allies from helping him, and making sure that World title leaves with me.
Atlanta, GA
Hartsfield-Jackson Airport
Post Meltdown 141...​

Kagura sighed as she grabbed her bag and made her way through the airport terminal. Her lover Derrick was at her side. He turned and offered her some words of encouragement.

“You fought well tonight. Even in defeat, you looked strong.”

She scoffed. She had nearly died. It was cruel irony knowing that Lynx hadn’t beaten her. She defeated herself. And once again her dream of becoming a champion was pushed just beyond her reach. She clenched her fist as Derrick shut his mouth. He could read the atmosphere. Even if Kagura could speak she probably wouldn’t have anything good to say. She’d probably blame herself.

The couple soon came to a fork in the terminal. Derrick was going to return to Japan on business, while Kagura was going out West for her next match. She didn’t want him to go, but this was probably for the best. It seemed as if the nightmare was over. She didn’t feel that gigantic weight on her shoulder anymore. That disturbed feeling that she used to get whenever she found herself alone. That ghost wasn’t stalking her anymore. After that night in the hospital it was like all the hauntings just came to a stop. Maybe the curse really was broken. Because of that, Derrick was going to return the book to the Tokyo museum and cultural historical society. There was no need to keep it around any longer.

They embraced each other and kissed. His touch felt like fire, and she wished with her whole being that he didn’t have to go. She felt a little bit stronger whenever he was around. He was her guide in this strange world. He was her voice when she was rendered mute. He was her warmth whenever her body grew cold in the middle of the night. Watching him go was depressing.

“Well, I’m this way. Promise me you’ll be careful, alright? I’ll call you when I land in New York.”

She nodded. He was only going to be gone for a week. After settling his business there he was planning on canceling the lease on his apartment and moving to the States. She wasn’t planning on moving back to Japan anytime soon. The thought of putting this nightmare behind them and taking their relationship to the next level really excited her. There was just one problem. As she stood there and watched him go old feelings of regret began to surface in her mind.


She had to see her old manager one more time. Conveniently enough, St. Louis was on the way to Denver. Though it felt kind of weird that she’d be performing in St. Louis the following week for Gold Rush. What sense did it make to backtrack hundreds of miles like that? Was Denver not worthy enough to host a pay per view? Really, whomever came up with this travel schedule should be shot. With her recent luck the plane would probably fall out of the sky before reaching St. Louis. It would be fitting imagery to her life right now. At least she could get some rest on the plane, knowing that if her dreams were interrupted it would be by mass panic and probably some fire as the plane crashed, rather than some demon trying to choke the life out of her as she slept. Like a lethargic zombie, she grabbed her bag and slowly trudged down to her gate.


She rested on the flight, but sleep just wouldn’t come. She wore nondescript clothing and dark glasses to mask her appearance. Even though she was far from being an “A” list celebrity, people knew her. It wasn’t too uncommon for at least one person to stop her in an airport. She enjoyed interacting with fans, or at least she had. She couldn’t really remember when that stopped. Probably around the time she performed the ritual on Sasuke. Everything after that just changed. It was as if she began living someone else’s life. Little hobbies that she used to enjoy, like flower pressing, she no longer enjoyed. Instead she developed a taste for hard liquor and used sex to regulate her emotions. Even being around people, she just couldn’t stand it.

Sex had been the reason why she and Derrick had first been together. When she left him, she began to subconsciously rely on prescription painkillers instead. Luckily, she was not forced into rehab, but the accidental overdose did earn her a strike against the company. Banks was pissed. She saw a psychiatrist, but was particularly vague on the hauntings at the behest of Derrick, otherwise she might have been thrown into the nearest psyche ward. Instead he had prescribed something for the depression. He had told her that she was a “classic case.” It helped that she was a foreigner, and she made it seem as if she could barely understand English and was struggling with culture shock. Score one for lying to a medical professional.

Even though her life seemed to be better on the surface, she wasn’t happy. And her recent failure at Meltdown 141 was the cherry on top of the shit sundae that was her recent career. She had been so energetic, focused, and driven. So why wasn’t anything going her way? The Eurasian title should have been hers! Gold Rush; she had worked so hard only to be bounced out by an opponent that she had defeated before. Correction; she took herself out. Maybe she was still cursed after all.

Her next opponent was going to be Flex Mussel at Ascension 119. Flex was a man that she had defeated before; at last year’s Gold Rush no less. But now he was riding a massive wave of momentum like the one she had caught prior to Apocalypse. At Gold Rush this year, he’d be challenging for the world title. And this time, no one was giving her any odds of standing a snowball’s chance in Hell against him. A gambler would sooner bet against the Sun rising tomorrow than her winning, and that was a terrible thought. It angered her. Her quest for gold was over, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t derail Mussel’s train. It was a dog eat dog world, and fighting was the only thing she had right now. Even if the only reason was to try and prove that she was still worth something, even if no one thought she was. At Ascension, she was going to fight Flex with everything she had. To the point where he wouldn’t be leaving Denver the same man. Maybe she could haunt his nightmares the same way that monster did. No, that was a fate that she wouldn’t wish on anyone. And even then, she’d be merely trying to pass on her hate rather than trying to bear it. This curse was hers to shoulder. The deal she had made with the devil had nearly destroyed her soul. And no one was going to come away from an encounter like that without some deep scars on their heart. But right now, she was like a wounded animal with nothing else to lose.


St. Louis, MI.
Kindred Hospital-St. Louis
The next day…

After spending the night at a nearby hotel, Kagura found herself outside of Sasuke’s hospital room. Derrick had contacted the staff members in advance, so her social visit was expected. The nurse showed her to his room. She stepped inside as the door closed behind her. Turning to look at the bed she saw him still hooked up to the machine that was keeping him alive. His was a case that had baffled the medical community. Even specialists where unable to diagnose anything wrong with him. Even a skeptic like Derrick admitted that the whole thing was creepy and unnerving. Isn’t that the normal thing to do, when science doesn’t have the answer the cause must be the result of magical, or supernatural, or aliens, right? The mind of a skeptic might not understand what was happening, but she did. This was the result of the curse, and it was all her fault.

She took a seat beside him. There were no tears this time. All she could do was sit and wallow in her lonely isolated despair. All she wanted was to be like him. A foreigner that came to America and became a great champion, a man with no fear, quick wit, and unrivaled fury. Sasuke Gozaburo had been her idol, her mentor, and her goal. She was a miko from a poor family who was raised in a small village. Sure, her family history was important, but she was never expected to shoulder the responsibilities of her family. She took up wrestling as a way to earn some extra money, and stuck with it because it was something she was good at. But even then, she never expected to make it to America wrestling in front of a national audience. Sasuke saw something in her. He tried to mold and shape her so that one day she’d be able to realize her potential. And then she became the Elite Openweight champion. He taught her how to carry herself like a champion. Dress like one, express confidence like one, and fight like one. It was the bond that she missed. He was like a father figure to her, replacing the man that had died years ago. She felt ashamed that it had taken so long for her to remember that bond, or to realize that she had been the one responsible for his demise.

She clenched her fist, ‘If I had one wish, a single prayer to be answered, I’d ask the kami to undo all of this. This is not what I wanted. Please, just wake up Sasuke. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’

Suddenly the lights began to flicker and died, leaving the room in complete darkness. She could hear panic outside the room as the staff began to dart back and forth across the hallway. Power to the whole building had gone out. Even the backup generator had failed. She looked down as his life support equipment sputtered to a stop. Kagura gasped and leapt to her feet, desperately pleading. She wanted to call for a nurse, but chaos had overtaken the hospital. This was a critical care ward; everyone was in danger here. It was then that she felt it, the cold icy grip of death.

‘This can’t be happening. The curse was broken! So why was she here? Why won’t she leave me alone?’

She backed away from the bed as she felt something grip her neck. She screamed and felt to the floor, throwing her hands up as a shield. Her eyes were wide. She could hear the laughter as the evil spirit materialized, right beside the bed. Kagura tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come, instead she bowed and pressed her head into the floor.

‘Please, spare his life. You can have mine instead. I never wanted this to happen. I was selfish. I realize now that my actions have consequences. But please don’t do this. I love him. He’s like a father to me.’

She suddenly felt the vengeful spirits hand on her chin, as her eyes rose to meet hers. They were black and soulless. Not an ounce of humanity left. Still, Kagura mentally pleaded, doing her best to communicate with her body language.

‘You should know me by now; I’m a fighter. I’ve fought for everything that I have ever had in this world. I’ve fought for honor, for revenge, for love, and for my livelihood. I have tried my best to banish you from this world, but I realized very quickly that I didn’t have the strength to do it. But Derrick did. His love saved me from your curse. I am not bound to you any longer. And now I realize that the only way that I can save Sasuke is through love. You can have my life, if it’ll bring back his. Please. I understand what you are, and what you need to sustain your existence are souls like mine. Go ahead. I’m ready to die.’

The onryo smiled and grabbed her by the throat. Kagura felt her body being lifted as she felt the demon’s grip on her heart. Her breath became lodged in her throat. She was choking. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she fell to the ground unconscious. She had blacked out. The ghost released her grip on the girl, and slowly walked over to Sasuke’s bed. She laid one of her rotten hands gently on his chest and then disappeared. The lights to the hospital suddenly flickered back on. When the nurses came to check his equipment, they found Kagura passed out on the floor.
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