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Ascension 10

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Meltdown 35 said:
Everest and Carmen Bratchny are slow in to getting to their feet while Karen is slamming the mat on the outside to get Carmen motivated as well as the crowd who join in a unison clapping.

Bratchny catches Everest in his hold for The Rock Slide, he tries to hit it but Everest jumps out and hits an enziguri to take him down, while holding his back again.

Everest is stands posed and ready to take out Bratchny, but out comes Titus who runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, to stand poised behind Everest. Karen points Everest to turn around, who does so and sees Titus just standing there staring at him with Everest just staring intensely back.

Scene slows down into black and white

They both stand there staring

Resumes as normal

Bratchny breaks it up and holds Everest in a headlock and looks for From Russia With Love while Titus slides back out of the ring but Everest shoves Titus off and grabs him with The Rock Slide which connects. Cover by Everest 1……2……3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!

Scene slows down into black and white

Everest sits up in a position that’s comfortable for his back but sits there staring at Titus who stands outside the ring next to the apron. The ref gives Everest his belt back and holds it tightly while staring at Titus still. Titus eventually heads up the ramp while Everest gets back to his feet, raising his belt in the air, watching on Titus who turns back around and stares back.


*Pryos go off*

Connor: Hello, or Guten Abend as I should say from Stuttgart, Germany as Ascension is live from this beautiful city on it's last show before the Megashow we have on this week, but we have some exciting matches here tonight, but none more important than our Main Event! Titus and Ricky finally meet in the ring as there will be lumberjacks surrounding the ring. No escape for either men as they will look to destroy each other.

Cohen: And I like that more than anything. Especially given Titus' message to Everest last night was just looking at him, I hope to see more out of him and run on pure emotion, otherwise Ricky will be having him for mincemeat with ketchup on the side!

Connor: That's on later tonight, but lets get ourselves started with a match featuring one of the tag champions!

Anderson: The following contect is scheduled for one fall!

Walking Dead by Dj Z-Trip and Chester Bennington hits as the lights go out. The crowd lets out a big cheer as a single spotlight shines on Phoenix as he makes his way to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from The Great Beyond, weighing in at 213 pounds, The Eternal One, Phoenix!

Connor: Phoenix is looking to take flight here tonight on Acsension. This week Second coming looks to be two and 0 in singles matches verse Teach N Kurtesy.

Cohen: Don’t get too ahead of yourself CC, although that is what you’re known to do. Phoenix will have to outsmart the smartest oddball we have in William Teach to do that.

Phoenix poses to the crowd as Slither by Velvet Revolver cuts in. William Teach comes jogging from the back, waving to the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. He slaps the hands of a few fans along the way and gives his chewed up gum to one lucky kid.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is one half of the WZCW tag team champions, William Teach!

Cohen: Class is now in session as the Teacher looks to correct the mistakes of the good Doctor, and he’ll be planing on using Phoenix as his example.

Connor: Teach in is time in WZCW has managed to build an impressive win loss record. We’ll see if he can add to it hear tonight.

Cohen: Adding! I think that’s Teach’s specialty. He’s a shoe in now.

Teach straddles through the ropes. As he enters, Phoenix comes running in with some forearms. Teach still has his tag belt around his waist as Phoenix Irish whips him across the ring. Teach bounces off the ropes, explodes with a jumping Calf Kick. Both men up at the same time. Teach knocks Phoenix down with a clothesline. He waits for Phoenix to get up and starts removing his belt. Phoenix up quickly, charges at Teach. Teach lifts him and Flapjacks him onto the ropes. Phoenix falls to the mat, Teach shrugs his shoulders at the crowd and hands the belt to the ref. He starts stomping away at Phoenix’s upper body. Teach puts Phoenix’s neck over the bottom rope and starts stomping at his neck and shoulders. Teach stands on his back and pulls in the ropes, chocking Phoenix. The ref counts up to 4 and Teach gets off. Teach climbs to the second rope and waves to the crowd and falls back. Reverse elbow connects on the neck of Phoenix. Pinfall attempt. Teach gets a 2. Teach picks Phoenix up to his feet. He hooks his waist and lifts him up. Backbreaker on the knee of Teach. Phoenix rolls in agony as Teach again goes for the cover. Close 2 count.

Connor: Teach has dominated this match from step one Jack. He is not letting Phoenix have a momentto get any offense in.

Cohen: And that’s exactly what he needs to do CC. One mistake and Phoneix will be right back into this match. Fortunatly Teach never makes a mistake.

Teach picks up Phoenix by the ropes and goes for an Irish Whip. He instead drives a knee to the gut of Phoenix and DDT’s him to the mat. He claps to get the crowd into the match and instead of pinning, goes to apply the Texas Clover Leaf. He does as Phoenix cries in pain. The crowd is loud, cheering Phoenix to make it to the ropes and cheering Teach to make him tap. Phoenix is inches away and Teach wisely pulls him back centre still holding on. Phoenix again desperately crawls to the ropes. He is almost there and lunges a hand out that just makes it. Teach lets go on 3 and picks Phoenix up, looking for the Die Cast. Phoenix with a burst of strength, lifts him over his head and on the mat. Both men are down. Ref starts a 10 count and gets to 6 and both men are on their feet. Teach goes for a forearm, Phoenix ducks it and hits a standing full nelson bulldog, The Incinerator. He points to the turnbuckle and climbs it looking, looking to hit Final Flight. Teach jumps to his feet and leaps onto the turnbuckle. The two are trading fists on the turnbuckle. Phoenix misses a right and is now on Teach’s shoulders. Avalanche Landslide connects. Teach with the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, William Teach!

Connor: Teach picks up a very impressive win here on Acsension tonight. Which team do you think has the momentum going into Kingdom Come.

Cohen: One win for each team, but Garth fought a hell of a contest verse Kurtesy on Meltdown. Tonight the Phoenix burned quickly and their only hope is a total Rebirth by Kingdom Come.

Teach celebrates his victory outside the ring with the fans and Phoenix slowly recovers in the ring. Teach is walking up the ramp holding his WZCW tag belt high in the air. Phoenix stares at him between the second and third rope.

Titus enters the arena as he is intercepted by Leon Kensworth

Kensworth: Titus, Titus! I have to ask you. What were the intentions you had when you appeared in Everest's match with Carmen Bratchny last night?

Titus: Leon, my friend. It's about sending a message in response to what he did last week! Now, my focus is on finishing what Ricky started, and I don't plan on anything stopping me from doing that! Will catch you later!

Titus heads off with Leon looking slightly bemused
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Hello" hits the load speakers as Matt Royale comes out and descends down the ramp with his advisor behind him. He walks around the outside of the ring and then stops in the corner to talk to his advisor for a brief moment before entering the ring and waiting for his opponent.

Anderson: Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 235 pounds, Matt Royale!

Connor: Wrestling’s royalty will be looking to get further motivation and preparation for his King For A Day Match as he looks to go one on one with the Elite X Champion, Frankie Smith, who’s been on quite a roll of late!

Cohen: Well he’s just going to use this match to send further messages to the Elite X League members who are in action tonight. The champion won’t back down from any challenge just yet!

‘In Too Deep’ by Sum 41 plays throughout the arena as the Elite X Champion comes out through the curtain and walks down the entrance ramp, holding his championship belt high in the air.

Anderson: His opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 238 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, Frankie Smith!

He slides under the ropes and climbs the turnbuckle, displaying his championship belt to the crowd. He looks around before pointing his traditional gun symbol at his title and then at the crowd before descending from the turnbuckle.

Connor: Since winning the Elite X Championship at the Lethal Lottery, Frankie Smith has overcome the likes of Carmen Bratchny, Austin Reynolds and Showtime Cougar, he’s definitely been a stronger competitor since the championship came into his grasp.

Cohen: How can you count Showtime when that match was no contest due to Lars getting himself involved a week too early with him?

Frankie hands over the championship belt to the referee who passes it to the timekeeper and signals to get underway as both stand toe to toe in the ring, both of them trash talking before Royale gives a majestic pose where Frankie then hits an elbow into his face, followed by a second and a third, and then pushes Royale against the ropes for an irish whip, catching him with a samoan drop on the return. He gets Royale up and hits a huge DDT and then goes for a quick cover 1…….2…kickout by Royale.

Frankie then tries to lock his arms around Royale’s head for the anaconda vice but Royale quickly squirms out of it due to his familiarity with that move. Both get up and Frankie goes for an ole kick but Royale dodges it and then wraps his arms around Frankie for a german suplex, he connects and still holds on when they both get up, but Frankie elbows him in the head and reverses the positions, grabbing him in a half nelson hold. He goes for a backbreaker that connects, followed by a second and then a third which knocks Royale’s lights.

Connor: Frankie’s got the control here!

Cohen: While I would object to Royale abuse, this is just the mark of a good champion!

He gets Royale up again, he swings for a right, but Royale ducks and hits a couple of his own before hitting a dropkick to get the champion off of his feet. Royale then rushes as quick as he can to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top, looking for the moonsault. Suddenly Frankie is on his feet and shoves Royale off balance to have him sitting in a precarious position. Frankie then gets Royale on top of his shoulders in a fireman’s carry position and doesn’t waste time in hitting The Final Message. Cover by Frankie, 1……2…….3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Frankie Smith!

Connor: Well Frankie Smith was certainly not playing around on this occasion, no doubt carrying forth momentum into Kingdom Come with this victory!

Cohen: The League members better have been watching because if they’re lucky, Frankie might show some mercy!

Frankie gets his belt handed by the referee and his hands raised before heading out of the ring up the ramp with a smile on his face as Royale’s advisor tries to revive him in the middle of the ring.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is an Elite X League Match!

"Headstrong" by Trapt begins playing as Austin Reynolds makes his way out to the entrance ramp. He walks down to the ring and slides in, pointing to his tattoo and spreading his arms out.

Anderson: Introducing first, from The West End of London. He stands 6'0" and weighs 190 lbs, Austin Reynolds!

Ace makes his way out to a large chorus of boos. He walks down the entrance ramp with a cocky look on his face. He slides into the ring and holds his arm up to another loud booing from the crowd.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Brisbane, Australia, he stands 6'1'" and weighs 231 lbs, Ace David!

Connor: And here we go with another Elite X league match. Reynolds looks to gain another point and then hope that Karnage falls to Steel to even have a chance to winning the league and go onto Kingdom Come for another shot at Frankie Smith.

Cohen: Reynolds doesn't deserve this opportunity Double C. I mean he weasels into the league just because that loser Zander decided he couldn't cut it here in WZCW and now Reynolds has a chance to actually win the league and doing only half the work.

The referee signals for the bell and they move to the middle of the ring and lock up. Ace pushes Reynolds back into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Ace goes for a clothesline but Reynolds rolls under and connects with a dropkick which knocks Ace back into the corner. Reynolds rushes and jumps forward going for a forearm smash but Ace moves and slams Reynolds face first into the top turnbuckle. Ace goes for a quick roll up and gets a two count. Ace drops a fist across the forehead of Reynolds and then drags him up to his feet. He kicks him in the midsection and bounces off the ropes and goes for a scissors kick, but Reynolds dodges and hits a quick roaring elbow, knocking Ace back once more. Reynolds follows up with a high jumping leg lariat, knocking Ace to the outside.

Connor: It looks like Reynolds will rely on his speed advantage to keep Ace off his feet and keep him guessing. It's a smart strategy from the relative newcomer.

Cohen: And what happens when he runs out of steam Double C? Or when Ace finally gets a hold of him and grounds that flying monkey for good?

Ace struggles to his feet on the outside as Reynolds looks out to the crowd before bouncing off the ropes and goes flying to the outside with a suicide dive, crashing into Ace. Reynolds get to his feet first and drags Ace up and slams his head into the steel steps and slides him into the ring. Reynolds climbs up to the top rope and waits for Ace to get up. Reynolds jumps off and goes for a missile dropkick but Ace moves to the side and Reynolds crashes into the mat. Ace signals for Reynolds to get up. As Reynolds gets to his feet, Ace comes bouncing off the ropes and connects with a flying forearm smash, knocking Reynolds down once again. Ace goes for the cover and gets a two count. He drags Reynolds up and connects with a few rights before going for another kick to the midsection. Reynolds catches his foot but Ace counters with an enziguri, connecting hard against the side of Reynolds head.

Cohen: See what I mean Double C? You can only fly so long before getting burned by it. Now Ace has full control of this match and should be bringing the point home for the rWo.

Connor: Reynolds is in a tough spot here, he's got to get some distance between him and Ace in order to regain his composure.

Ace quickly drops the leg across Reynold's throat and goes for the cover again, getting a two count. Ace gets a frustrated look on his face as he drags Reynolds up again. He whips him into the ropes and goes for a bicycle kick, but Reynolds rolls out of the way and turns around, connecting with a spinning heel kick. Both men collapse to the mat and the ref begins the ten count. At around nine they both reach their feet and begin exchanging blows in the middle of the ring. Ace takes advantage and whips Reynolds across the ring with a Dragon Whip. Ace signals for his Rock Out finisher and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He comes off twisting in midair, but Reynolds rolls out of the way at the last second and Ace crashes hard into the mat. He struggles to his feet only to get lifted up and dropped with the Ratings Killer! Reynolds hooks both of Ace's legs and gets the three count!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Austin Reynolds!

Cohen: What happened? Ace had the victory well in hand!

Connor: The quick striking Reynolds earns the point here and you know he will be paying close attention to the Trevor Steel/Karnage match coming up a little later tonight.

Reynolds gets to his feet and the ref raises his hand. Reynolds climbs up to the second turnbuckle and points at his start tattoo as Ace rolls out of the ring and retreats up the entrance ramp.

Connor: Don't go anywhere, we have USA facing off against Rush in a two point league match!
Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, the following match is scheduled for one fall and is a two pointer match in the EurAsian and Elite X Leagues.

"The Star Spangled Banner" by Jimi Hendrix begins playing as USA rushes out to the entrance ramp full of energy. He turns around and salutes the American Flag on the Titan tron before turning around and running into the ring and salutes the fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Corpus Christi, weighing in at 257 pounds, USA!

10,000 Fist by Disturbed hits the PA system and blares throughout the entire arena. Walking to each beat of the music Rush emerges out through the backstage curtain methodically massaging the palms of his hands. He begins to make his way down the ramp to the cheers of the live audience.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 361 pounds, Rush!

Connor: We have not seen Rush in quite sometime here on Acsension, and the crowd certainly has not forgotten about him.

Cohen: This is a battle between two of the most liked wrestlers in WZCW. Ironicly, I’m not not a fan of either.

Connor: Big surprise Jack.

The bell sounds and both men meet in the centre of the ring. USA raises a hand and they lock up for a Test Of Strength. Rush slowly begins to get the upper hand and slowly forces USA to his knees. The crowd cheers USA on and he slowly gets back on to his feet. He begins to push Rush back into a corner. The ref starts to count to 5 and USA and Rush slowly release. USA backs up slowly. Rush surprises him, runs up and picks him up quickly for a bear hug. USA shouts out in pain, but quickly begins smashing the side of Rush’s head and forces him to let go. USA goes to run off the ropes, Rush runs towards the adjacent ropes. Rush meets USA in the centre, knocks him down with a Pounce. Rush bounces off the ropes, USA rolls under. Rush runs back with a clothesline, USA ducks it. Rush comes back, Samoan Drop by USA. USA on the second rope. He salutes the crowd and knocks Rush down with a flying clothesline.

Connor: USA flying high, knocks down Rush with a clothesline.

Cohen: Both men moving quick to start, but these powerhouses will soon slow things down and bring the real offence out.

USA waits for Rush to stand up. He goes for a powerslam. Rush with some elbows, makes USA stumble as he picks Rush up. He falls back, Rush on top. Ref gets to 2 and USA gets an arm up. Rush sits on top of USA and begins to swing some wild haymakers. Ref counts to 5 and Rush gets up. Rush picks up USA and throws him into the ropes. Big Boot by Rush connects. Rush picks up USA and throws him in the corner. He starts working the ribs on USA, and then starts choaking him with his foot. Ref gets to 4 and Rush lets go. He backs up to the corner and crouches down. He starts to run, looking for a Big Splash. USA moves and Rush eats turnbuckle. USA from behind. Hits Old Glory. He goes for the pin. 1... 2..., kick out by Rush. USA drags Rush to the bottom corner and begins Mudhole stomping Rush. The ref counts all the way to 5 and pulls USA off.

Connor: Both me really bringing it tonight. They are really turning up the physicality.

Cohen: This match is a very important match for both competitiors. 2 points to the winner. And while Rush will not be facing Showtime at Kingdom Come, he can sure ruin USA’s chances.

USA picks up Rush and is looking for a Bunker Buster. He tries to pick Rush up, but Rush fights it. A second time and he still can’t get him up. They’re by the ropes and Rush flips USA over the ropes. USA hangs on to the top rope and pulls himself onto the apron. Rush stands in waiting, hits a dropkick. USA flys off the apron and crashes into the announce table. Ref begins a 10 count. USA struggles to his feet. The ref gets to 7 and USA finally stands up. 8 and USA slides into the ring. Rush is ready and meets him with a falling double hand axle. Rush picks USA up and hits him with an overhand chop. USA by the ropes. Rush Irish Whips him, reversed by USA. Rush bounces off the ropes. Powerslam by USA. Both men are down. The ref begins counting to 10 and USA is up by 7. He bounces off the ropes, clothesline on Rush, doesn’t take him down thou. USA trys again and Rush still stumbles on his feet. USA runs off the ropes and leaps at Rush. Rush catches him with a Bear Hug. He swings USA side to side, USA screaming out in pain. The ref checks his hand. Holds it up once and it falls. A second time and it falls as well. He holds it up a third time and USA keeps it up. The crowd roars as USA shakes his fist and begins punching the face of Rush. A headbutt and Rush releases the hold. USA grabs Rushs head and jumps up, hitting him with a sit down face buster. Both men get up slowly. USA goes for a swinging neckbreaker. It connects. Cover by USA. Gets a 2 count. USA picks Rush off the mat and moves to the turnbuckle. USA on the second rope going a tornado DDT. Rush punches out of it and grabs USA by the throat. He lifts USA off the turnbuckle and turns around. USA knees Rush in the gut and Rush drops him. USA runs off the ropes and crossbody’s into Rush. Rush catches him. Sitout swinging backbreaker. Rush stands up and pounds his chest and climbs the turnbuckle, looking for a moonsault. USA gets up and clubs him from behind. He hooks his arms and looks to hit the Bombs Bursting in Air. Rush wiggles out, falling off the side still hooked to USA’s left arm. USA’s head is under Rush as Rush picks him up for a powerbomb. USA with some punches trying to escape. Rush starts to run and throws USA hard to the mat. Cover by Rush. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is you winner, Rush!

Connor: Rush with an impressive win over USA tonight.

Cohen: More important there CC. With the lose USA is offically out of the Elite-X league. Now it’s only Karnages to lose.

Connor: Right you are Jack. And listen to the crowd Jack. They are impressed by both men’s performance.

The ref raises Rush’s hand as USA slowly gets to his feet. Rush extends a hand and USA hesitates, but then shakes it. The two talk for a bit and then USA pats Rush on the back and leaves him to celebrate inside the ring.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is an Elite X League Match!

"Meet The Monster" by Five Finger Death Punch plays as Trevor Steel makes his way out. He walks down the entrance ramp, not raising his head or acknowledging the fans at all. He enters the ring and sits down in the corner, waiting for his opponent.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He stands 6'1" and weighs 270 lbs, Trevor Steel!

Karnage walks out to the entrance ramp, the crowd booing him mercilessly. He walks down the ramp with an intense look on his face, never taking his eyes off Trevor. He slides into the ring and let a ferocious roar as he stretches his arms out.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Scotland. He stands 6'5" and weighs 287 lbs, Criminal Karnage!

Cohen: This is where it ends CC. Tonight is the night Karnage is proclaimed victor of the Elite X League, and there is not a damn thing that hack Trevor Steel can do about it.

Connor: Trevor has been on a losing streak as of late, but he still has his pride to fight for. If he can defeat Karnage tonight, it opens the door wide open for Trevor and Reynolds to possible make a comeback.

The referee signals for the bell as both men circle each other in the middle of the ring. They lock up and Karnage shoves Trevor down to the mat. Trevor slowly gets up with a determined look on his face. He quickly rushes Karnage and drops him with a Lou Thesz press and begins punching away at Karnage. The ref counts to four before pulling Trevor off of Karnage. Karnage wipes his face off before getting to his feet and stares down Trevor. Trevor rushes Karnage again but gets knocked down by a diving shoulder block. Karnage quickly mounts Steel and begins punching away, stopping only at the count of four from the referee. He drags Steel up and whips him into the ropes and picks him up in a military press. He holds Steel up in the air for a minute before slamming him hard into the mat. He goes for the cover but gets a two count.

Connor: This is a hard hitting match so far Cohen, there's nothing pretty about this one.

Cohen: That's an understatement, have you seen what Trevor looks like CC? Him being in any match makes it an ugly one.

Karnage picks Trevor up from the ground and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline off the rebound but Trevor ducks and connects with a clothesline of his own off the ropes. He quickly drops an elbow across the chest of Karnage before picking him up. He kicks him in the midsection and lifts him up and hits a body slam. He stomps away at Karnage before going for the pin, getting a two count. Trevor gets up with a frustrated look on his face and picks Karnage up once more. He applies a rear waistlock and attempts lifting him up for a German suplex but Karnage counters with an elbow to the face. Karnage lifts Steel up but Steel floats over and hooks both of Karnage's arms and begins headbutting him repeatedly. After the eight headbutt Trevor releases Karnage as both men stumble backwards.

Cohen: What idiot would just use his head as a weapon like that on purpose? I doubt it did much damage to that brain cell deficient brain of Trevor, but look at what it did to Karnage. He could have a concussion from that!

Connor: Trevor has slowed Karnage down and has taken control of this match Cohen, I think that's reason enough.

Trevor shakes his head and connects with a discus punch, knocking Karnage into the corner. Trevor rushes forward and goes for a big splash in the corner. Karnage catches Trevor and drops him down hard with a spinebuster out of nowhere! Karnage quickly covers Trevor but only gets a two count. Karnage struggles to his feet as does Trevor. They both get up and begin throwing bombs at each other, Trevor taking advantage. He suddenly hits a throat thrust and lifts Karnage up for the Michinoku Driver! Karnage counters with elbows to the side of Trevor's head, causing him to drop Karnarge. Karnage gets to one knee and Trevor rushes him once more, but Karnage counters with a huge spear! He lifts up Trevor's near lifeless body and connects with the Solitary Confinement, covering Trevor and getting the three count.

Anderson:The winner of this match and the Elite X League winner, Karnage!

Cohen: Stand up and applaud the Elite X League winner CC, Karnage came to Ascension tonight with one thing in mind, to clinch his spot in the Elite X Title match at Kingdom Come. Frankie should kiss his title goodbye.

Connor: An impressive victory for Karnage, now he goes into our Megashow with the hard work done. He is now going on to Kingdom Come to face Frankie Smith for the Elite X Title.

Karnage gets to his feet and his hand is raised by the ref. He pumps his fist into the air as the crowd boos him loudly. He exits the ring and raises his arm once more as he walks back up the ramp. Trevor remains motionless in the middle of the ring.


We're backstage as Karnage comes through the curtain celebrating. He's intercepted by Vance Bateman who takes him to one side off camera. As time passes Trevor Steel comes through and a loud "WHAT?" is heard! Steel looks over and stands waiting while Karnage and Bateman re-enter the shot.

Karnage: ...and Ricky just did that despite just winning the league and getting a title shot?!

Bateman: Given the results of the night, he did that with all rWo members in the leagues. This won't affect your title shot, it just means I have to make a few changes. You better get going as you'll be due in the Lumberjack Match.

Karnage leaves in disgust

Bateman: Now Steel, I don't know if you just heard but this concerns you. Ricky has pulled all three rWo members from the Leagues. Now Big Dave and Karnage will get their title shots, but you were scheduled to have a two pointer next week against Dave himself. Now, you get the points automatically, but you're tied with Austin Reynolds for points at 3 a piece. Karnage was originally scheduled to face Austin but as Ricky pulled him out, it means I have to offer you the chance to face him to get second place.

Now I realise Austin replaced Zander and Zander beat you in the league. However Austin did not beat you, so you will be able to make up for last time around

Steel: What’s the benefit of coming second when the league is won?

Bateman: The benefit is that both the members of EurAsian and Elite X League that come second will be placed into the King For A Day Elimination Chamber. So while the league is more or less over, you and Austin will battle it out for the right to enter the Chamber at Kingdom Come

Steel thinks for a moment

Steel: I accept the terms! Thank you for the opportunity

Bateman: You should thank Ricky and the rWo for this one.

Steel changes his smile into a look of surprise after that realisation

Steel: Right…I gotta prepare for…lumberjack…

Steel leaves as Bateman watches on

Connor: I don’t know if you just missed that. But apparently Ricky has pulled the rWo out of their last matches next week and Bateman’s allowing Trevor Steel to face Austin Reynolds, the winner gets the King For A Day spot!

Cohen: What a coup. Now given that either Blade, Rush or Beckford could get in via the EurAsian League, I wouldn’t expect Steel to think twice at failing on this occasion. But bring on the Megashow already, it’s getting me excited for Kingdom Come!

Connor: Well, where gold is concerned, the Mayhem Title is on the line, it’s up next!
We come back from a commercial break to reveal 3 men in the ring. They are: John Smith, The Killjoy and Mr. Baller. All 3 men are looking at each with fierce tension as they dream of capturing their first championship in their WZCW careers.

“Hail Mary” by 2Pac hits the arena and James Baker comes out onto the stage area. Black and white strobe lights flicker as Baker stands on top of the ramp, spiked baseball bat in his right hand and slung over his shoulder. He begins to make his way down the ramp as fans stretch their hands out to touch him.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and will be contested under Mayhem rules. Introducing first, the challengers. John Smith, The Killjoy and Mr. Baller. And now introducing, the champion. Weighing in at 232 pounds, from Compton, California. He is the WZCW Mayhem Champion… Da Extreme Gangsta, James Baker!

Connor: A very tough test for James Baker tonight. He has been constantly under pressure from those who want his Championship

Cohen: It has been a decent reign, CC. But this is the night that the belt comes away from around his waist.

Baker continues down the ramp as John Smith immediately comes out of the ring and begins to pummel Baker with heavy punches that drives him backwards. He drops his bat and Smith continues the assault as Baker is driven back up the ramp. Meanwhile, Baller has taken the offence to Killjoy and has taken him into the corner. Baller mounts the turnbuckle and starts to punch the face of Killjoy as the crowd count in unison. On the seventh punch, Killjoy grabs the legs of Baller and staggers out of the corner with Baller hoisted high on his shoulders. Baller makes it difficult to keep him up there and Killjoy eventually has to drop him. As Baller comes down from his elevated position, he grabs the head of the Killjoy and plants him with a DDT. One of the referees from ringside jumps into the ring as the initial referee makes his way up the ramp with Baker and Smith. Baller covers Killjoy but can only manage a 1 count before Killjoy powers out.

As Baker gets to the top of the ramp, he lands a few punches to the face of Smith. Smith recoils and runs at Baker as he attempts to make amends for allowing himself to be hit earlier. As Smith runs at Baker, Baker moves out of the way and uses Smith’s own momentum against him as he drives Smith into the Ascension set. Smith crumples to the floor as Baker removes his ring attire and gets ready to brawl. He picks up Smith and tosses him off of the stage. The crowd cheer very loudly as Smith disappears from view. Baker jumps off of the stage and continues his assault of Smith. Meanwhile, Baller is still in control of The Killjoy. He has mounted him and is punching him ferociously. He stands up and signals to the fans that the match will be concluding soon. He does not notice that Killjoy is stirring and grabs the legs of Baller. As he pulls them away from under Baller, Baller collides with the canvas. Killjoy takes a second to set himself and as Baller gets to his feet, Killjoy lands a bulldog that takes Baller to the canvas again. With Baller on the mat, Killjoy and Baker start to exchange right hands. Killjoy runs at Baker, looking for the clothesline but Baker ducks under it and nails Da Xtreme Knockout. Baller comes out of nowhere, also going for the clothesline on Baker, but Baker ducks and hits another Da Xtreme Knockout. Baker looks at Killjoy then at Baller, trying to decide who to pin. He goes to pin Killjoy first, 1... 2... Kick out! Baker then scrambles over to Baller, 1... 2... kick out!

Connor: Baker made a mistake there, he hesitated when deciding who to pin! But you can't take anything away from these 4 men, they're putting it all on the line!

Cohen: Baller is still my favourite to win it!

Baker slowly moves towards the turnbuckle and starts climbing it. He gets to the top and straightens up, about to deliver All Eyez On Me, but Baller quickly shakes the top rope, causing Baker to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top turnbuckle. Baller walks over to Baker and climbs up the turnbuckles. He stands on the toprope, jumps up and delivers a huge hurricanrana to Baker, who is sent flying across the ring. Baller picks himself up with the mat but turns around into a chair shot from the bloody John Smith. Baller crumbles to the mat and Smith delivers a second and third chair shot for good measure. He turns around and is met with a dropkick from Killjoy taking him down. Killjoy picks up the bloodied Smith and irish whips him. Smith bounces back off the ropes and delivers the Incapacitation to Killjoy who falls to the mat, clutching his ribs. Now Baker is back up, delivering a flurry of right hands and kicks to Smith, who stumbles backwards into the ropes. Baker goes for a big forearm shot but Smith ducks under it and grabs Baker by the throat. He lifts Baker up, about to deliver the chokeslam, but Baker reverses it into Da Xtreme Knockout. Baker goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs up it, but out of nowhere a chair shot from Baller hits him square in the head and he falls off the turnbuckle, plummeting to the outside. Baller goes to pin Smith, 1... 2... Killjoy breaks it up! Killjoy clotheslines Baller out of the ring, goes onto the apron and hits the Death From Above. He pins Smith, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and NEW Mayhem champion, The Killjoy!

The referee hands Killjoy the belt. Killjoy raises it above his before getting out of the ring and making his way up the ramp as all 3 other men look on

Connor: How disappointing for the other 3 wrestlers in this contest, especially Baker who has defended the title so bravely over the last few weeks. But I guess there can be only one winner.

Cohen: Cry me a river, CC. The Mayhem title scene just got even more interesting as we have a new champion!


The camera cuts to backstage, outside Blade's locker room. Suddenly the door opens slowly and Karnage steps out, smiling menacingly. He closes the door behind him and walks down the hall.

Copeland: Wait, is it Karnage that Blade has been talking to these past few weeks? Karnage of all people!? What does this mean? What side will the conflicted Blade be on tonight?

Cohen: I'm not sure, but it's nice to see that Blade has started keeping better company.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is our main event and is scheduled for one fall. It will be contested under lumberjack rules and no disqualification.

Connor: What a match this ought to be. Two worlds are about to collide when Titus and Steamboat Ricky face off for possibly the last time for a while. A great feud has emerged between these two men and this may be Titus’ shot at redemption.

Cohen: Redemption!? CC, this is just another scheduled beating of the number one contender. The rWo have proven time and again that they are the most dominating force in WZCW and Titus thinks it’s a good idea to put them all together? He is a braver man than me.

Connor: So many ups and downs in the history of Ricky and Titus. Could this be the grudge match that both men want? We are about to find out…

A loud flurry of booing fills the arena. The hate of the fans is evident as Ricky comes out on to the stage. He is flanked by the rWo collectively. Ace is on his left and Karnage and Dave on his right. Ricky looks both ways at the men who are flanking him and grins a little.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 260 pounds, from Tortuga and accompanied by the rWo… Steamboat Ricky!

Connor: A very organised and determined unit. The rWo have been very dominant since their inception and will go into Kingdom Come contesting both of the Mid-card Championships and Ricky’s Real World Championship.

Cohen: WZCW has never seen such a dominant stable, CC. With the recent addition of Karnage, the rWo have become the total package. I fear for the rest of the roster…

Ricky begins to move down the ramp at a slow pace. The fans that are on the side of the ramp are throwing verbal abuse at him. However, Ricky looks focused on the task at hand and takes no notice of them. Once he arrives at the ring, Ricky goes up the stairs and into the ring. He looks out ito the deep crowd and one final roar or booing goes around the arena.

A deafening roar comes from the fans as the number one contender to the WZCW Heavyweight Championship comes tearing through the curtain looking very determined. As Titus stands on the stage, Trevor Steel, Blade and Carmen Bratchny appear from behind him. All 4 men meet on the stage and Steel places his hand on Titus shoulder before all of them begin to make their way down the ramp.

Anderson: Now introducing, his opponent. Weighing in at 215 pounds from Keystone City, Kansas. Accompanied by Trevor Steel Blade and Carmen Bratchny… Titus!

When you talk about dominant units, Jack. You need to talk about this team. Some of the best talent from the WZCW roster line up behind Titus tonight and might just give the rWo some troubles.

Cohen: This band of hippies, Russians and arsonists don’t even deserve to be here, CC. These men should be banned from ringside in case any more trouble occurs.

Titus leads the 3 other men down the ramp as he slaps some of the fans hands on the way down the ramp. As they arrive at the ring, the rWo move around the back and away from them. Titus rolls under the bottom rope and looks Ricky in the eye before mounting the turnbuckle and giving the fans one last cheer.

Titus drops from the turnbuckle and the referee makes his final checks before signalling for the bell. Both men start out cautiously and after a few seconds of circling the ring, Titus and Ricky lock up in the centre. Ricky uses his weight advantage to push Titus into the corner and lands a heavy knee to the gut of his opponent. Ricky launches Titus across the ring and into the opposite corner. Ricky runs at Titus and as he is about to make contact with a large splash, Titus moves out of the way causing Ricky to crash into the padded steel. As Ricky recoils out of the corner, Titus uses a lariat to take his opponent over the top rope and crashing to the floor below. Before Ricky can get to his feet and compose himself, Carmen is already upon him and immediately tosses him back into the ring. The crowd cheer loudly as Titus lands a few stomps to the back of Ricky. He picks him up and whips him off of the ropes. As Ricky comes back at Titus, Titus hits a European uppercut that takes Ricky to the canvas with some velocity. Titus picks Ricky up and sets him against the ropes. Titus uses this opportunity to whip himself off of the opposite ropes and on his return, Ricky ducks and Titus’ momentum carries him over the top rope and onto the floor below. Almost immediately, Ace is onto him and is pummelling Titus with some hard punches. Dave soon joins in the attack and lands some stomps to the Titus head. Blade and Steel run around and the rWo back off. Blade helps Titus to his feet and gets him back into the ring.

Connor: Would you look at this!

Cohen: That is exactly why the rWo are out here. It is also the reason that they are the most strategic and dominating force in all of WZCW.

Ricky is quick to take advantage of the beating though and immediately begins to mount some more offence. He picks Titus up by the hair and whips him off of the ropes. Ricky attempts to land a lariat but Titus ducks under his arm and as he returns Ricky locks in the sleeper hold. Titus struggles for a second and then the life in his seems to disappear. Titus’ arm is waving as a sign that she still ahs some life in him. After a few seconds, Titus drops to one knee and more pressure can be applied to the hold. Titus begins to fade as Karnage yells advice to Ricky from the outside. After a few more seconds, Titus is taken to the canvas and Ricky is in control. The referee looks concerned for Titus and begins to check his status. He raises Titus’ hand once and it drops to the canvas again. He tries again and Titus’ hand drops to the canvas once more. On the third occasion Titus manages to keep his arm in the air. The fans begin to cheer as Carmen begins a chant for him. Titus struggles to his feet and against the ropes. He uses this pressure to whip Ricky across the ring. As he returns, Ricky again locks in the sleeper hold and the crowd is muted. Titus is quick to get out of it though as he lands a drop-toe-hold that takes Ricky down. Titus locks in the ankle lock as Ricky screams in agony.

Connor: What a riveting match we have got here, folks. Both men are giving it everything and neither is willing to quit,

Cohen: Especially the real World Champion, CC. Look at the determination on his face. That is why he is the true World Champion.

On the outside, Big Dave is pleading with the referee to break the hold but the referee is taking no notice and is asking Ricky if he wants to give up. Ricky is vehemently screaming no and is only a few inches away from the bottom rope. Ace and Karnage go around the ring and begin to scream abuse at Titus lumberjacks. The referee turns around to see what is going on and Dave uses this opportunity to push the bottom rope a little into the ring, Ricky grabs it just before the referee turns back around and Titus is forced to break the hold. Titus appeals to the referee but nothing he says is changing his mind. Titus goes over to Ricky once more and grabs his head in an effort to get him to his feet. As he gets up, Ricky lands a few punches to Titus gut and then lands a DDT that takes both men to the canvas. The referee begins his count and at a count of 4, both men are on their feet. Titus lands a few chops to the chest of Ricky that drives him into the corner. As Titus attempts to strike Ricky, Ricky blocks it and reverses the situation. He hammers Titus with a few heavy punches and the pulls him out of the corner and drags him to the ropes. He whips Titus across the ring and as Titus comes back at him, he tries for a running hurricarana. After a lot of transitioning Titus ends up on Ricky’s shoulders in the powerbomb predicament. Ricky uses this opportunity to powerbomb Titus over the top rope and to the floor below, leaving him in a crumpled heap.

Connor: I don’t believe it. He could be dead! Titus has just been broken in half. This match cannot continue.

Cohen: Yeah, call it off. Ricky is the clear winner here.

The crowd gasp in horror as they see Titus fall from 10 feet in the air. Carmen and Steel move around the side of the ring and meet Titus on the ground. Carmen signals to the back for help but before he can continue the request, Karnage and Big Dave have come from nowhere and are attacking Steel and Carmen. Ace takes this time to inflict more punishment on Titus as he lies on the canvas immobile. Carmen deals with Big Dave and then rescues Titus as he hits Ace with a heavy knee to the face. A very clear divide is evident as the rWo watch as Steel gently rolls Titus back into the ring. All of the men look ready to go but as Blade comes from behind Steel and Carmen with a chair, the rWo scatters and Titus affiliates move back around the ring. As Ricky continues his assault on Titus, he picks him up once more. Titus looks in a bad way and as Ricky attempts to land a pumphandle slam, Titus uses all of his reserve to land a reverse DDT to his opponent. The crowd cheer loudly at this and both men are down. The referee reaches a count of 6 as Ricky gets to his feet and moves over to Titus. He picks up Titus and Titus lands a few punches to Ricky. The crowd cheer as he lands a few chops to Ricky and then launches himself off of the ropes and lands a flying clothesline to Ricky. Titus looks to be building some momentum as a sickening thud comes from outside of the ring. Titus stops in his tracks as he inspects what has happened. He looks out and sees Carmen Bratchny strewn out on the floor with Blade standing over him with the chair in his hand.

Cohen: I knew it! I knew Blade was a badass and he just hit Carmen Bratchny with a chair.

Connor: Are you kidding me!? Is everyone against Titus right now? Titus has just been dealt a major blow as one of his lumberjacks has been taken out by another.

Titus looks shocked and dismayed. Trevor Steel runs at Blade and he too get strewn out by Blade as another sickening crash fills the arena. Blade looks Titus in the eye as Karnage moves around the ring to meet Blade. Karnage has a wide smile on his face and as he gets closer to Blade, Blade snaps out of his trancelike state. He slowly raises the chair above his head once more and the smile on Karnage’s face disappears. He tries to reason with Blade who is now staring at him intently. Karnage backs off and Blade makes his way up the ramp. He turns around to look at Titus once more before mouthing “IT WAS ME”. Titus looks absolutely shocked and does not notice Everest coming from behind him. Everest takes Titus by surprise and as Titus turns around, Everest plants him with The Rock Slide. Everest quickly rolls out of the ring and Ricky gets up as the rWo look on with surprise. Ricky picks up Titus and lands the Blunderbuss. Ricky climbs on top of Titus and the referee counts the fall. 1…2…3.

Anderson: Here is your winner… Steamboat Ricky!

Connor: I do not believe what just unfolded before my eyes.

Cohen: Get used to it, CC. The strong are running the show and Titus needs to realise this.

Blade was the other attacker and Everest cost Titus this match when he was in control. That’s all we have for Ascension this week. Join us next time to see the fallout of this tremendous night for WZCW.

We go off the air as Everest makes his way up the ramp, smiling very widely as Titus begins to regain consciousness.
Steel/Karnage, Ace/Reynolds - Ty
USA/Rush, Phoenix/Teach - Show
Mayhem Title - Dave/Blade
Titus/Ricky - Dave
Royale/Frankie, Backstage/Opening - Phoenix
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