Ascension 1 - Garth Black and Phoenix vs The Driveby Express

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Two of WZCW's top tag team contenders clash for the rights to be called number one.

RP deadline is August 4th 11:59 EST.
We are in Dr. Thompson's office as Malik Jones & James Baker are in there for a therapy session.

Dr. Thompson- James, Malik. Thank you guys for coming.

Malik Jones- On behalf of my client. It's no problem at all for us to be here.

Dr. Thompson- So James why have you been acting the way you've been acting as of late?

*James gives the silent treatment.*

Dr. Thompson- Does he always do this?

Malik Jones- Unfortunately yes he does do this at times. I don't know why he does it, but he does this & yet his family & I are the only ones who know how to deal with the silent treatment.

Dr. Thompson- When did this whole ordeal occur exactly?

Malik Jones- Well all this occured at MD 23 where The Driveby Express lost to Garth Black & Phoenix where James's partner Kyle Christiansen got injured by Phoenix & Black. Well let's just say that James's mind set has drastically changed since that night occured.

*Malik's phone rings*

Malik Jones- Oh sorry I gotta take this.

*Malik answers the phone.*

Malik Jones- What up who's this?

*Other person answers.*

Malik Jones- Oh hey what up dog.

*Other person speaks*

Malik Jones- Oh really. That's great.

*Other person speaks.*

Malik Jones- Well that's great news. I'll tell him immediately. Alright later dog.

*The call ends.*

Malik Jones- James. I got some great news.

*James nods his head wondering what the news is.*

Malik Jones- Kyle Christiansen has officially been cleared to compete & The Driveby Express will officially reform on the first edition of Asension as y'all will face Garth Black & Phoenix. How do you feel about that dog?

*A big sadistic smile then appears onto James's face.*

Dr. Thompson- What exactly does that mean Malik?

Malik Jones- Simple Dr. Thompson. It means that James approves of this matchup. Yo James do you have anything to say about all this?

*James then shifts the camera onto him.*

James- Yeah dog I got something to say bout that. Phoenix, Black. We meet again on the first ever edition of Ascension as Kyle & I reform The Driveby Express to gain a bit of revenge on you two suckas for putting my tag team Kyle on the shelf.

*James then goes underneath the couch & pulls out his spiked out stick.*

Malik Jones- James. Put that damn thing away.

James- You see Phoenix & Black. I discovered bout a week ago that you two can't beat us without either myself or Kyle getting injured so with that being said. I will level the playing field just a little bit as this here is my spiked out bat & I will bring it with me to Ascension as both Kyle & I will beat the holy hell out of you two. You know now that I think about it a bit more, I find it fitting that both of our teams will be facing off on the first edition of Ascension cause the first edition of Ascension will be known as the night that The Driveby Express not only send Phoenix & Black down to the fiery depths of hell, but it will also be the night that The Driveby Express gets a bit closer towards our goal & that goal is to become the WZCW World Tag Team Champions.

*James then hits himself in the head with the Spiked out bat a few times til blood starts flowing from his head.*

James- See what I just did to myself guys. I want every tag team in WZCW to take notice of this cause not only will Phoenix's & Black's blood will be flowing from their heads on Ascension, but this will be the very result that will happen to any of the worthless tag teams that dares to step in our way. With that being said. Tag teams of WZCW & more importantly The Full House Daves, If I was you guys I would watch really carefully on what The Driveby Express is truly capable of & believe you & me, it ain't gonna be a pretty sight to watch.

*James then licks his blood that's flowing from his head & onto his hand while Dr. Thompson is freaked out & Malik looks on in amazment as he realizes that James is a brutal force who destroys whatever is in his path.*

*The camera then shuts off.*
Garth Black has a microphone and he is backstage, alone.

No interviewer bashing this week. No gimmicks. No funnies. Nothing. It's a new start here on the first ascension and it's a new start for me and Phoenix. A second coming of the Second Coming, if you will.

He starts walking with the camera moving back capturing his face

Since the dawn of wrestling, there have been countless injustices, some of them have been carried out here, in this very company. Some of them happened very recently. And some of them happened to let the Full House Dave's keep their title.

He stops walking

Well enough is enough, and we're going to take what's rightfully ours. It's time for us to make a new start, and now, on Ascension, it's time for wrestling for wrestling to make a new start. Let's see an end to this constant unfair decisions and a start to the right people winning. Let's see a start to people like me and Phoenix who've fought our way to the topget what we deserve, because right now, there's nothing but inequality and unfairness in this company.

He pauses looks at the floor briefly, and then begins talking, albeit more calmly

But in order for us to make this fresh start, this clean break, we need to face a familiar old foe. For a new beginning, we have to show that we have not moved backwards. To do that we have to beat Drive by express, who have stayed still since our last encounter. Well, Kyle Christianson has stayed still, because he had to, because we put him in that state.

Is it right to injure a fellow competitor? No, but sometimes it's just what you have to do, especially when an entire organisation is against you. In order to rise above our rivals, we have to make sure that there are no rivals. That, is exactly what I intend on doing this week and I'm sure Phoenix does too.

Black starts to walk again

See, after we lost to the Full House Dave's though I walked the corridor of the shadow of defeat, I feared nothing because I had Phoenix beside me and the belief, that I knew we had been wronged, and redemption would come. That redemption will come tonight when we expose the driveby express for the frauds they are yet again. Baker is speechless with fear and Christianson is still MIA, I'm not sure he'll turn up, so I don't fear a thing, and I assure you, this time we will not be cheated by anyone.

He drops the microphone and barges past the camera which watches him pace away.
The setting is a gym full of workout and equipment and punching dummies. All the windows have shutters over them allowing no light to get in. Nobody is in the gym. Except for one man. The camera focuses in on the man who is wearing sweatpants and a sports jersey. The jersey doesn't have a regular name on it, instead on the back it simply says "The One and Only". The man, Kyle Christiansen walks over to a light switch and flips the lights on. He looks into the camera. He begins to speak with the same confident and arrogant tone he always has.

Kyle: Ah, (he takes a moment to sigh) it feels good to be back. For the last few Meltdowns and one pay-per-view I have been sidelined with an injury. I don't have to tell you people what the injury was, so I won't. In those few weeks it seems my tag team partner has gone completely psycho. Carrying around some stupid stick and bashing people into a state of unconsciousness. We've seen some new champions and the return of the original Chairman. Some might say WZCW carried on perfectly well without me. But how can a company survive without its most gifted competitor? Simple, it can't. But now that I've returned to in-ring action I'm sure I'll be welcomed back with open arms. Now in my first match back me and James Baker, face off against some of WZCW's lowest levels of competition, Garth Black and Phoenix. As I recall the last time we faced they won, but only because I got injured halfway through the match. But when I was completely healthy, we dominated the two of them. Black wants to say his team got screwed and says that won't happen this time. I agree, there will be no need for any types of dirty tactics.

He stops and executes a punch combo on the sparring dummy he is standing by.

You see I am simply going to decimate the two of them until they can no longer continue. I see no need for pins or submission in this match no matter what the rules say. They "injured" me. Now I want my revenge. And I don't care who gets in my way, whether it's the ref, Black, Phoenix, or even my tag partner, I will taste the bitter sweet satisfaction of revenge and I guarantee it.

He takes a breath and throws a few high kicks at the sparring dummy.

I have been training for this return ever since being injured. Everyday, eight hours a day, in this gym, non-stop training, to prove to myself what I already should have known. Every loss I suffered in WZCW was pure fluke, me being overconfident. But that will no longer happen. I am one hundred percent serious from this day forward. This is a message for everyone in the locker room, I am not an ordinary man, no, I am "The One and Only Kyle CHRISTIANSEN!"

He walks over to the camera and turns it offs and the scene fades.
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The scene opens backstage after the tag team title match at Civil Revolution. Phoenix is walking toward the locker room, face paint running down his body, with his head hung and looking depressed. Becky Serra approaches him.


Phoenix gives Becky a look of pure spite. He is clearly disheartened from the loss, and is not in any condition to talk to anyone.

Yes, Becky. Just the person I wanted to see after I got pinned to lose the tag titles. What the hell do you want?

Phoenix, I’m not here to interview you. I just wanted to say that was a great match. I’m sorry anyone had to lose…

Yeah, yeah, yeah cut the crap. Look, I know Garth and I have attempted to make your life miserable on many occasions, but that does not give you the right to come here rub in the fact that we lost.

Phoenix, I’m

Sorry? Yeah, sorry that what you said made me yell at you. Look, you may think you know us from all of the interviews you’ve done since you arrived in WZCW, but you will never understand what it is like to lose a title match. Some of the strongest, smartest, and most talented men in the world call WZCW home, but losing those pieces of gold and leather can bring us to tears. Until you know that feeling, don’t you ever come up and talk to me after a loss again, understand?

Becky nods her head yes.

Good. Since you’re hear anyway, make yourself useful and go tell the Daves that they will see a new side of Phoenix until those belts are a part of the Second Coming.

Phoenix leaves Becky standing alone, trying to soak in everything that he told her.
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