AS8 - Titus vs. Mr. Baller

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite the unknown attack, Titus will stop at nothing to get to his World Title shot at Kingdom Come. This week he takes on Mr. Baller who came close to winning the Mayhem Title against James Baker. How will Titus' momentum fare on his journey to Kingdom Come? Or will Mr. Baller shock the world by beating the man with the World Title shot?

Deadline is Tuesday 15th December 23:59 EST
The camera fades in with Mr. Baller limping back to the locker room after his tough loss to James Baker.

Baller: Shit man. I’m so close every time and I just come up short. I was sure this would be the beginning of a new era for me, and I don’t care what the results say this is a new era. James I am not done with you, by Kingdom Come I will be the new Mayhem Champion.

Mr. Baller picks up the baseball bat from his match

Baller: James, your boy Malik got a good taste of this bat in our match. He tried to interfere in our match and he got the first taste of what I am going to cook up. This is a new me, and I am glad of it.

Mr. Baller is still limping as he runs into Stacey

Stacey: Hey Baller, due to your rage at Becky I am forced to interview you, and don’t your dare touch me or I will get your ass suspended. May I begin?

Mr. Baller realizes what is at stake and calms down

Baller: Yeah, go ahead.

Stacey: Titus challenged you to a match this week. What are your thoughts on this?

Baller: Ahh… I knew you would bring this up. Titus, Titus, Titus see for you this is just going to be a tune up for you to get prepared for Kingdom Come. I know you won’t be focused on me, as you think I am the loser of this company. Well that is where you are wrong, Titus. I have nothing to lose in this match and everything to gain. I am going to give you everything I got, but unlike my match that just happened I will be victorious. Then Bateman will understand why I deserve another chance at the Mayhem Title.

Stacey: Titus then also decided to make it Mayhem rules. Does this put this match in your favor after your first Mayhem rules match with the champ?

Mr. Baller hears Stacey’s question and puts a big smile on his face as he stares into the bat

Baller: Titus you may be the super hero but this bat right here is your worst enemy. This bat is going to be your Achilles heel. Making this match Mayhem rules is going to be the moment you regret in your sorry little life. This is the match where I show myself and who I am as a superstar in this company. Don’t underestimate me Titus, or you won’t make it to Kingdom Come and that’s a promise.

Mr. Baller walks away, bat in hand, as he heads to his locker room.
Backstage we see the all too familiar face of Becky Serra who is stood with the Lethal Lottery winner Titus.

Becky: Hey Titus, how are things going?

Titus: Not bad, seems like a lot of changes going on.

Becky: : rWo, Lethal Lottery and you being attacked?

Titus: I was talking about your new hair cut!

Becky: Most of the guys have lame ass attempts to flirt with me, yet it's the guy I know who keeps it professional who notices the change.

Titus: Well everyone else seems more interested in your...

Becky: TITuS don't go there!

Titus: What? I was going to say superior interview skills, silly!

Becky: Yeah, well lets get back on track. Bad week for you last week, we'll start with the attack on you: who was it?

Titus: Who was it? I didn't see who it was, they attacked me from behind but there were two of them. So it's obvious who it was really, the rWo. Two of them, which combo I know not. Ricky and Dave seems the most logical choice of the two.

Becky: Why's that?

Titus: Think about it, Ace beating me down? That is some what laughable given his current state of play.

Becky: : I guess you're right there, but then we had your contract signing.

Titus: Lost focus, very simply. The moral of the story is never, EVER stop a fight to give someone a pen.

Becky chuckles at this

Titus: There's one thing I realised though, I underestimated Everest. It has been such a long time since it was me and him in the ring together I just assumed it would be a walk in the park. However that is not the case, we saw ruthless Everest, that same Everest who beat Manzo, who has beaten Ricky, who has beaten Bratchny, who buried Lars Reidar alive, who was the last of six in that infamous match. He has something and I really am going to have to step up my A-game.

Becky: Well he is the WZCW World Champion, it doesn't come easy!

Titus: It doesn't Becky, that much is true. In fact not one belt in this company comes easy. We have the EurAsian and Elite X leagues just to get a number one contender. There's the tag team tournament, then there's the best of three matches for the EurAsian. It's an exciting time for WZCW.

Becky: You missed the Mayhem title off that list.

Titus: That much I did. I love that belt, you face the champion and you get a title match plus it's no holds barred...Easy to win, hard to keep hold of. From a fan point of view they are brilliant matches, James Baker is doing well at the moment and he did fantastic last week against my opponent for this week: Mr Baller.

Becky: That guy is a creep.

Titus: He seems to get his enjoyment by shouting at you, as though someone who is not trained in the ring is the only person he can overcome.

Becky laughs out loud at this

Titus: Believe you me Becky, this week is a Titus that you don't want to mess with. It's me getting in my A-game, the focus that had me win the Lethal Lottery, wint he Elite X and hold it for the longest reign in WZCW history, the same focus that had me act my way to four Oscars. I know how this works, but this will not be an easy match.

Becky: How will it not be easy? You're facing Mr Baller.

Titus: First off you have me, a guy who has made his way up from the very bottom in Meltdown one up to being number one contender today. Then you have what is essentially the second top guy in the company against someone who doesn't really know a lot about winning. Can you imagine what it will do to him if he wins? That would push him up from the joke he's seen to a competitor who can beat the best. With it being Mayhem rules anything goes. He could throw twenty basketballs off me, hire the rWo, try and run me over. Anything to get that win. So Becky that's how it will be hard, but it gets me in the frame of mind for my title match and Kingdom Come. This week it's Baller and I offer him my luck, may the best man win!
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