AS70: S.H.I.T. (c) vs. Isabel Stone - Elite X Title Match

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the Frog

Deadline is Tuesday (November 5th, 2013) at 11:59P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
Backstage Worker Bob slowly pushed the door open, he wondered what he was doing here, but it wasn't everyday you got invited to a celebration party by a man dressed in cardboard convinced he was a machine. As he walked in he noted a giant cake in the corner of the room, apart from that it completely lacked ornamentation, which shouldn't be surprising, considering the organiser. In fact, the cake was by far the most surprising thing, and from this angle it looked like it was made out of cardbo...


Bob jumped, as you're wont to do when greeted by an unseen, monotonous and vaguely threatening voice.

Suddenly a clawlike fist punches through the top of the cake, and then emerging like some comical nightmare, S.H.I.T emerges.

Surprise! It snarled at everyone and no one in particular.

You are not Barbosa, it said after a while.

"You are not good at surprises."

S.H.I.T cocked its head, false, you were surprised.

"Yes, but..."

Proceed, meatbag.

"Well, you announced yourself before jumping out."

That was incorrect?

"Yeah... you're supposed to just... jump out."

But if the pathetic Human reaction of surprise has been achieved then the task is a success?

Bob pauses, remembering S.H.I.T's unique application of logic and the fact that you can, in fact, be right without being totally correct. He simply nods in the affirmative.

"So, you were waiting for Barbosa?"

Affirmative, this one planned a joint celebration, in celebration of the acquisition of our big shineys... Celebrate!

Bob stares at S.H.I.T.


Bob raises his arms and does a half hearted whoop, the action seems to satisfy S.H.I.T however.

"Why did you invite me, then?"

The Human expression, 'three is a crowd,' a crowd is needed for a party.

Bob sighs, not even bothering to explain this one. "So, you two are buddy buddy again?"

Curious expression, 'buddy buddy!' However, S.H.I.T and Barbosa continue the mutually beneficial partnership.

"You know there is a good chance you could end up facing each..."

S.H.I.T's upraised clawhand cuts Bob off.

One step at a time, meatbag. This one has learned the dangers of overthinking and planning too far ahead.

"What are the dangers?"

A Human's inferior psyche could collapse and split into three separate parts in order to deal with the stress.

"Are.. you saying thats what happened to Barbosa?"

S.H.I.T cocked its head again, Negative; This one merely stated it as a possibility.


It would appear as though this one must face a multitude of challengers in quick succession, each with genitals more inferior than the last, no doubt.

"I am not sure thats the sort of thing you should be saying about Izzy Stone..."

Provide explanation!

"Well, its just that..." Bob realised he wasn't sure where to begin starting with this particular dilemma.

Does your meaning imply that Isabelle Stone is a particularly dangerous foe?

"Well..." Said Bob, still struggling. "Yeeesss..."

All foes are dangerous, in their own particular ways. This one has seen the manner in which Izzy Stone achieved the shot at this title. S.H.I.T indicates the Elite X Title, which Bob only now realises has been draped over its shoulder the entire time.

S.H.I.T thrives on competition. When this one faced Matt Tastic, it spoke of the importance and benefits of a gradual evolution while still maintaining core focus, as opposed to a sudden change from nowhere. Holding this belt, again, it indicates the Elite X Title belt, will provide it with the best and brightest of the Human challengers, each offering a different type of challenge...



S.H.I.T must adapt to all the different challengers. Misguided though his reasoning was, Matt Tastic's faults were his inferior sense of humour and genitals, yet his conviction made his thirst for victory was so strong, even the feared INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH VICE could not put an end to the contest. S.H.I.T had to find new means to finish and move on in the gauntlet.

"What is Izzy Stones 'fault?'"

This one has already told you, inferior gen...

"Okay, I get it. Same thing as Chris K.O. and Matt Tastic?"

S.H.I.T pauses for a long moment.

Affirmative! Yet, like both before her, she deals with that fault in a different way, degrading her opponents. Achieving victory by any means necessary...

She seems to be a cruel, heartless bitch...

Bob looks shocked at S.H.I.T's unusual use of profanity.

This one detected Thrash verbalising that notion with its hearing apparatus a very long time ago... S.H.I.T would go one further however, it would say that she is a cruel, heartless bitch because of her infer...


S.H.I.T turns its snarl on Bob.

"Just, try not to get too hung up on that, okay?"

A long pause...


Each new challenger providing this one with a new challenge. Until when the gauntlet is run, S.H.I.T will have faced down all challengers, to face the ultimate challenge.

"I think that made sense."

By then S.H.I.T will have learned to adapt so masterfully, that not even Barbosa will be able to defeat it.

"Or Ricky Runn..."

... Of course.

"We have a new owner, and he seems intent on making Barbosa's life troublesome."

S.H.I.T is aware. Barbosa can handle himself. S.H.I.T has its own set of challenges to deal with, and a gauntlet to run. It started with Matt Tastic, it will continue with Isabelle Stone.

Just then the door opens, a WZCW orderly sticks his head around the door and proffers a bit of paper towards Bob. Bob gets up and heads toward the door.

"That for me?"

"No, thats for... him." He said nervously, pointing at the stoic S.H.I.T.

"Well, give it to him then, he won't rip your arm off." Said Bob, only realising afterward that he'd actually said it. The man simply holds out the piece of paper, and Bob takes it from him out of mercy, before offering it to the Machine.

S.H.I.T reads it, then gets up and heads to the door. Overcome by curiousity, Bob has to ask. "What is it?"

S.H.I.T turns, facing Bob with the kind expression only achievable by a poor sense of imagination and a lot of crayon.

A summons from an associate of Barbosa, one Dr. Rivers. Perhaps he knows the location...

S.H.I.T pauses as if thinking for a while, "what is it?" Bob asks.

Perhaps this one could ask you for a... favour?

"Err, okay, I guess."

S.H.I.T nods, there is an item of supreme importance next to the celebration cake, this one would... like... you to collect it.

Looking confused, Bob walks over to the cake, looking all around it. Before turning around. "What is it? WHOA!" He shouts. Careening towards him at full speed is the automaton, clearly shouting above its own clatter.

APOLOGIES! S.H.I.T's shoulder takes Bob full in the stomach, spearing him straight through the remnants of the cardboard cake. Leaving them both in a heap.

S.H.I.T climbs back to its feet and stands over the groaning Bob. Someone must be speared through the cake, this one has learned the importance of... tradition...

Tradition, staying with the core focus, is as important as adaptation, for while new challengers present new challenges. S.H.I.T still exists only to destroy!

It turns to leave, then stops, turning back. S.H.I.T shall summon the medical personel, especially for you, Backstage Worker Bob.

Bob can only groan in reply, as S.H.I.T exists the room.
A robot.

A piece of metal

A champion.

This is the challenge Isabel. You have done it, listened to us and made your way to the main event. The Elite X title is the first step.

I lay in a curled ball in a dark corner of my home. The rest of the house is silent, deprived of the beautiful laughter that filled it before the voices filled me. The three speaking in harmony make more sense then the three separately on their own. It has not been an easy few weeks for me. I can feel the weight dripping off of my body, but the muscles that replace it make me believe that I am okay.

I'm not okay.




This is all you need now. All you need to survive. Come Isabel. Stand and prepare for the match.

I do as I'm told and make an attempt at standing. My legs give out and I crash back to the floor, making the voices hiss at me in resentment. A low rumble from my stomach reminds me that hunger isn't just a term used in the ring, it is also something to remind a person of the fuel they need. I place my hand on the wall-

My hand. Covered with scars from the last time I let Obsession take over. The voices weren't there before, Anger was.

-and slowly prop myself up, my legs remembering how to work again as I walk to the kitchen instead of where my training equipment is.

What are you doing?

This isn't the plan.


You must train Isabel.

I shake my head and pull something from the fridge. It smells alright so I put it into the microwave and heat it up, sipping from a bottle of water. My body cools and relaxes at the liquid running down my throat and for a moment, another voice enters.

Isabel stop.

I blink and look around, unsure of where it came from. It was as faint as whisper. Before I can call to it however, the microwave beeps and I pull out the food, consuming it was a sigh of pleasure.


A cry of both pain and surprise comes from my throat and I fall to the floor holding my ears. The meal follows me to the floor and lands, becoming instantly inedible. The growl is nothing compared to the roar of the voices.

I'm sorry...

My voice comes as a whisper as I clean the mess and go to train. The voices coach me as I practice for hours and hours and hours.




Follow us Isabel and you will no longer need any of life's necessities. You will become a queen of the ring, a dominatrix of all.

The voices allow me to go to bed and my eyes falls on the small velvet box Justin left with his memory. Sam tried to contact me but gave up after the voices made me brush her off. In some ways I regret pushing them away, but it was what I had to do.

They made you weak.

They made you feel.

We can make you strong.

Nothing will break you with us.

But until you give up everything to follow us.

You are weak.

I slam my eyes closed, trying to get some peace so I may have some sleep, but before I slip off into a dream world were everything is backwards, I hear it.

The new voice.

No you're not Izzy. No you're not.
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