AS63: Steven Holmes vs. Connor Reese

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the Frog
Steven Holmes has done a magnificent job of getting into the head of the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime, in the cycle building up to their bout at Lethal Lottery. However, he must now take on a challenger who could possibly his future opponent. Connor Reese is the only member of the roster that is guaranteed a spot in the Lethal Lottery, and one has to wonder if we are witnessing a preview of the main-event at Kingdom Come V?​

Deadline is Wednesday, April 24th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)​
We open on a beautiful, idyllic Sunday morning. Things appear beautiful and serine as the sun glows brilliantly high in the sky. Birds tweet and all the clichés are adhered to. One might imagine this morning mood to be in a film or a storybook, but this is reality and in the real world darkness lurks behind every corner as is apparent here. An ominous, black cloud comes into scene. It creeps across the sky to the point where it blocks the light so many have worshiped over the years. The animals fly away in fear and those who are self-aware feel the gaze of a monster not too far away. We pan to see a manor now overly familiar to you dear reader; Holmes Manor. As the weather takes a most disturbing turn, a flash of lightning strikes and a menacing figure stands at the window. The heavens open and it begins to rain. We cut inside the room to view the figure; Erik Holmes.

The monstrous Erik appears deadpan. His job in life is to brutalise and batter into submission. He is an emotionless killing machine. Then, suddenly the mystique breaks. He smirks sinisterly, something devious this way comes. In the reflection of the window appears his brethren, Steven. WZCW’s “Elite” enters and he is in a foul mood. This is the darkness that the weather had foretold. The number one contender for the World’s Heavyweight Championship storms in, papers of some sort in hand. He slams the papers to the floor and stands with his hands to his hips, child like almost. Erik turns to face his brother, his smirks still fixated on his face. The two men’s emotions are contrast as they confront one another. Then Erik addresses the white elephant in the room:

Erik: Angry are we?

Steven: Anger would cover a percentage of the emotions I feel at this time. I have viewed the facts and figures of all those employed on the WZCW roster and while I have a substantial deal it pales in comparison to one man in particular. This man isn’t a champion, nor is he perceived even as a “top tier” talent by those powers in their ivory towers. Nay, it is the contract of my opponent this week; Connor Reese.

Erik: And this warrants your childish behaviour?

Irate already and with Erik’s playful jibes not helping his condition any, Steven glares at his brother. Erik’s smirk remains, continuing to poke fun at his brother’s displeasure. Steven sneers.

Steven: What you may see as childish is in fact a gross injustice that is in need of rectifying itself. As the future World Heavyweight Champion and the omnipotent overlord of the entire wrestling industry I should be the man with the highest pay check. I should be the man who rules over all in the monetary stakes. I should be the man who controls all including petty pawns such as Connor Reese.

Erik: But what difference does this make for you? You’re already the richest man in WZCW. You’re a member of the aristocracy and a fat pay check from WZCW would only serve to over-inflate your already enormous monetary situation.

This defiance of immediate acceptance and lack of agreement pushes Steven further. His brow dips and the look of fury before becomes far more disturbing. It is an expression that one might expect the gates of hell to have reserved for Satan.

Steven: Lest I remind you Erik my dear brother, I was the man who brought you from the brink of irrelevance. I am the man who peeled your corpse from the blood stained floors and brought you out of the darkness and into the light. I am not only a brother to you, but a saviour. I shall be treated as such, but as a favour to you, I will humour your request for further explanation to my situation.

In order for my goal of omnipotence to be achieved, in order for my capturing of the World Heavyweight Championship to be glorified further and in order for my God hood to become total and unbreakable, I must rule WZCW in all aspects. I must command the highest pay check. I must command more power within the roster. I must hold the championship of the world. I must destroy the false idols that already exist.

Erik’s smirk has fallen. Now his expression is one of distaste. He looks his brother up and down, familiar with this tirade as Holmes has spilled this same rhetoric for months now since he re-acquired the services of his long forgotten brother Erik. He is along for the ride and a believer in the cause though and while the persistence and repetitive nature of his approach may annoy the already disgruntled Erik, he must play along for his brother’s sake. He forces his expression to become a neutral look.

Erik: Very well, what do you propose in order to gain a better fee for your services?

For the first time Steven smiles, knowing what is necessary.

Steven: Oh but it’s oh so simple; I will slaughter the infidels. Connor Reese shall serve as an example of what happens to those who defy their new ruler in this world. He will serve as a standard. What i do to Connor Reese will live in legend forever as I turn him from potential future star to putty to be discarded as another failed pet project of WZCW management. It will be a point where people will recognise that the old WZCW is drawing to a close and the new is on the rise. Reese’s destruction will allow me to point out how woeful it is that I am paid less than a man who has failed on numerous occasions to make a respectful impact. Reese will be a warning for David Cougar.

Cougar already has been broken mentally, but a wounded animal is dangerous still. Cougar is rabid as a result of his continued grinding down and regardless of what the consequences are for his assault on me, I will be prepared to put the animal down. Connor Reese’s annihilation will kill multiple birds with a single stone. I will provide reasoning for a higher fee, I will establish why I am the omnipotent overlord in waiting and I will give David Cougar further cause for concern.

His brother’s latest rant concluded Erik nods. A moment of silence strikes as the two brothers stare at one another, tensions appearing to have risen. Steven though cracks his familiar smile and laughs as only he can. Erik responds by doing the same and in that moment it becomes apparent just how similar these two men can be. We begin to pull out as the rain outside increases in its volume and the thunder and lightning clatters down, signalling that something dark is on the horizon.
Three Days after Ascension 62: New Orleans, Louisiana

The crowd erupts, seeing the imposing figure of the former power lifter as he emerges through the curtain. Clapping his hands together, a cloud of chalk fills the air.

Crowd: Five! Five! Five

Hearing the crowd, the big man smiles holding his hand in front of his face, seemingly obsessed with the number of fingers he sees before him. In response the crowd chants the number even louder.

The Champion’s music plays before his opponent has even entered the ring. He turns and scowls. The crowd is more vocal in their distaste for the interruption, booing and cursing as he slowly raises the title before making his way to the ring, cocky smirk never leaving his face. Entering the ring he hands the title to the ref.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for our main event of the evening! The following match is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and is for the SWN United States Championship!

The crowd roars. The announcer is almost good enough to raise Connor’s heartrate with excitement. A golden voice can’t change the inevitability of the unfortunate’s defeat.

Announcer: Introducing first, standing in the corner to my left, the challenger...

Longston raises an arm, popping the crowd again.

Announcer: He weighed in this morning at 285 lbs, he hails from Tampa, Florida and is the national powerlifting champion Ewen Longston!

Ewen climbs to the second rope, right hand in the air, prompting another round of “five” chants.

Announcer: And standing in the corner to my right, the champion...

Reese leans idly in the corner, ignoring the hostile response of the inbred fans and the thinly veiled disgust of the ring announcer.

Announcer: He weighed in this morning at 234 lbs, hailing from “The Dawn of a New Era” he is “The Next Generation Superstar” Connor Reese.

The ring announcer rolls his eyes at Reese’s presumptuous titles, before stepping out of the ring. In the distance Reese hears the bell. Slowly the competitors approach one another, wary of any tricks the other may pull.

Longston strikes first, his hard fist colliding with Reese’s jaw. The champion staggers but keeps smirking at the bigger man. Instead of striking back though, he holds his arms out to the side presenting an open target.

A knee impacts on Reese’s midsection, doubling him over before Beil tossing him across the ring. Reese quickly rises, openly inciting more punishment. Stinger splash, whip across the ring for a clothesline followed by rib crushing shoulderblocks. The corner to corner blow has bloodied the champ, but he quickly rises. Still doing nothing to defend himself, the big man continues the onslaught. He scoops the smaller man up, driving his back over his knee three times before tossing him aside with a fallaway slam. He pushes Reese down and covers.

He gets two. Both men quickly rise. Reese’s arms once again extend to the side, Longston wasting no time to take advantage, dropping him with a hard scoop slam. While the champion once more returns to his feet, he lowers the arms of his singlet and begins clubbing on his chest. The crowd stands in anticipation of what’s about to happen. He rebounds off the ropes and charges like a freight train crushing the challenger. He gestures to get up the crowd wanting to see the neckbreaking bastard get what he deserves.

This time though, Reese doesn’t get crushed. Instead he counters the bull rush with a simple drop toehold and applies a headlock. The strong man powers to his feet, only to find himself quickly taken down again with a Russian Legsweep, an octopus hold quickly applied to keep him grounded. Slowly though he rises again, carrying Connor with him. The dance continues, Connor countering Ewen’s attempts at offence at every turn while the bigger man forces himself free of every submission attempt.

It’s clear though that the strategy is paying dividends. The big man aches, struggling to breathe. His power sapped by Reese’s strategy. The champion executes the AES, Ewen desperately extending his foot to the ropes, no longer able to break the holds. Slowly it dawns on him that he has no answer. Reese allowed him to attack to learn his arsenal. He makes it, forcing Reese to give him space.

The champion releases his victim and lets him stand. Longston stands before his bloody foe and drops his guard, arms extending away from his sides he welcomes the punt to the midsection to set up KO:E.

Before he can make his submission official the hold is broken by a belt to Reese’s head. The bell is sounding like an alarm. Chaos in the ring.

Reese rolls away, his assailant content to let him flee. The crowd cheers their new hero. PJ Gabriel has arrived for vengeance...

Four days later: Conference Room –STA Headquarters

Alexander Stark fingers Connor’s chess piece as Wunderbar completes his report. “That is indeed an interesting development, Wilhelm. Concerning, too. Lowering one’s guard against high calibre opponents is unlikely to pay off, even with Hebi’s mind at work.”

Wunderbar rolls his eyes. Nobody needs to be told that allowing your opponent free shots is a bad strategy. Least of all eine Kriegsmaschine “Perhaps we shall have a chance to see if this is a unique instance in his next match.”

“Ideally, you would test him. Though he knows you too well to consider lowering his guard as a ploy.” Stark drums his fingers on the tabletop for a moment. “In any case, you may be able to help him prepare for his next opponent. You’ve wrestled him before, albeit in different circumstances.”

Wunderbar frowns. “I have? Who has Connor been scheduled against?”

“He will be facing the number one contender to Showtime’s World Championship, Steven Holmes.” Stark pauses, as he waits for Wunderbar to stop laughing. “Do not underestimate him Wilhelm.”

“The Etonian is still employed, and he is in contention for World Heavyweight Championships? Mein gott! His tongue his tongue is browner than I expected.” He wipes his tears of mirth away. “This is good news, at least. Holmes is, no doubt a step above Ewen. However... he is weak.”

“Elaborate, if you please.”

“A man like Steven Holmes has never had to fight for anything in his life. He inherited wealth, and status. With that he could manipulate others. He never learned the importance of fighting against the odds, unaided. When he found the going tough, he would bribe his way to success, or recruit someone to handle the heavy lifting. When that is stripped away he is nothing special. I am sure he has only the finest training, and has a technical advantage over Connor but that can only go so far without the ability to fight.” Wunderbar pauses, considering his next words carefully. “I have had Steven Holmes in my grip. I felt him surrender to the Kaizerlock. I heard him surrender to Christopher Jones’ Angel Lock. He may convince others that he can fight, he may convince himself that he is as wonderful and talented as his toadies say he is, but he will never convinced me. In a few days time, he will never be able to convince Connor either. You can learn the measure of a man by how he reacts to pain. Steven Holmes will never be more than inadequate. Connor will make him submit. I am sure of it.”

“I hope you are right Wilhelm. However, I am willing to overlook Holmes. He has grown since his time with Kurtesy and Crashin. Just because you submitted him two years ago does not mean he is the same now as he was. I agree that submissions are the best route for victory, but it will not be so easy. Steven Holmes would not be where he is today without talent to back up his funding.” He pulls out another file. “Now, onto other business...”

Meanwhile: Hoss Apartment

Sascha unlocks the door. “Ali! Ben! Are you in here?”

The gaunt Coberer looks up from the couch. “No, they are not.” He coughs, wiping the bloody sputum on his jacket. “However, it is interesting to note that the rumours are true.”

Schwarz looks genuinely confused. “What rumours? Ali and I aren’t in the closet, Doctor.”

“Those aren’t the rumours that I’m talking about, although there are whispers about you and the ape.” She shudders at the thought. “I’m referring to the rumours that you’ve been manipulating every notable employee in Alexander’s agency. The Hoss siblings were the last piece of the puzzle. The ones I couldn’t fit in to the web you’ve woven.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” She crosses her arms.

“I think we both know, and the truth cannot hide from Doctor Coberer. You’ve certainly played the game well.” He pauses, and pulls out a small bottle from a pocket, which he drinks from before continuing. “You have a sociopath’s gift.”

“I will take that as a compliment, now leave.” She sounds angry, almost convincing.

“I will in my own time, but not yet. For the German you appealed to his racism to gain his confidence and kept it by being competent. In exchange you used his demands gain contacts at WZCW head office. But once his violence began to disturb you, you stabbed him in the back. Distorting a promo into an arson conviction and framing WZCW for the action. But not to worry, those contacts you made working for Wunderbar gave you tremendous leverage when Alexander was recruiting someone to do his paperwork. Like Wunderbar, he wanted competence but you realised he’s a human spreadsheet. You made yourself indispensible by being the exact opposite, connecting with what passes for his emotions, softening his analysis with a human touch. In exchange for this, you talked him into resignation as an active wrestler and live vicariously through others as it would pay better. Especially for you, as you managed to talk an extra figure into your salary. You even got Wunderbar a new job, albeit one which you have some measure of control over. But it’s young Connor who your machinations have truly harmed. All he wanted in this ‘agency’ was someone he could trust. Instead he got you, someone who would listen to his concerns and deal in platitudes, all the while doing the exact opposite ‘for his own good’. He says he wants no more parties with businessmen, you schedule two more next month. He’s exhausted from training and would like a photo shoot rearranged, you instead extend it by an hour. The shambles with the Ken girl, reeks of your doing. Alexander couldn’t conceive of such a thing and Wunderbar would have no interest, leaving you. And yet all the while you hid your doings behind Stark so he continues to trust you. When he begins struggling to separate who he is from the expectations you helped load upon him, you do nothing to help, leading Alexander to seek me out to fix the mess within him. That leaves the Hoss family. The girl you seduced so that her brother could be signed to this agency. The ape you lied to so he’d accept leaving his pit. After he arrived you hid the truth about Ben’s training, even now she has no clue what Wunderbar’s training consisted of. True, you got it reduced. After months of torture, and after Wunderbar had succeeded with his goals, after he’d have reduced the intensity of his training without your input anyway. In exchange for giving a damn about her and the ape you received a healthy bonus and a lover who worships the ground you walk on for helping her brother live his dream. And you feel no remorse about any of this. Feel glad there is no afterlife, because Satan will appreciate your existence far more than anybody else will once your machinations come into the light.” Slowly, Coberer rises to exit the well furnished living space.

“You are wrong. I regret every day what I have done, what I am doing to Alicia.”

“You feel guilty about her, yet she’s the only one you haven’t directly harmed for your own gain. Interesting.” He brushes past her as he exits...

Meanwhile: The Circus

Connor finishes adding weights to the barbell and slides back beneath it. Unhooking the bar he begins to press the weight, setting a frantic pace. This body... it is perfect, but he must find its limits. Push beyond them. Become more than human. Become what he was. Become Coberer in body as well as mind. And he would, no matter what stood in his way.

Like a snake sheds its skin, he will shed the weaknesses of this body...
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