AS61: Sam Smith vs. Constantine

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Old rivals of the Elite X championship meet once more in the squared circle as Sam Smith will be facing off against the King of the Empire, Constantine. Although this match is non-title and both men share similar agenda's in attempting to take over WZCW by being the best, these two men's egos cannot co-exist in the same ring and never will be looking to give up when the bell rings. Can Smith continue his impressive run or will Constantine manage to pick himself back up?

Deadline is Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per request thread.
Constantine: A man who made his name jousting with justice, now makes a name for himself in a more dangerous and unforgiving arena.

Constantine stands alone in the middle of a WZCW ring. On the outside of the half-assembled ring, a handful of WZCW production staff busy themselves with preparations for another WZCW House Show. The ring ropes lie on the canvas as Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper look on from the outside.

Constantine: And what a success story it has been, hmm?

Cooper gives a derisory s****** as Constantine energetically begins moving around the ring.

Constantine: I mean, his list of accomplishments is impressive. Winning the Elite X Championship is not an easy thing to do. So winning it twice must be congratulated, right?

Cooper continues to stare at Constantine as Bowen begrudgingly nods his head slightly. At that, Constantine stretches his arm out towards his Empire, a finger pointing towards an agreeable Alex Bowen.

Constantine: Wrong!

Bowen immediately stops nodding as Constantine's vicious words echo around the empty arena.

Constantine: Sam Smith, for better or worse, will always be a man of the law. His background is steeped in history that betrays his latest personality change. Sam Smith will always look for justice and what feels right. And that, my dear Empire, is why Sam Smith is the current Elite X Champion.

Constantine looks pleased with his conclusion as a grin begins to sprawl across his face.

Constantine: Politics will teach a man a lot of things but none more important than how to read a man. I fondly recall facing many challengers to my office, all of whom thought they possessed the required level of grit and determination to overcome me. On the surface of things, they seemed confident and wily, assured that they had what it took to best me. But I seen through their guise, their passion finally giving way to their true character. And that, brothers, is how I know that Sam Smith will not be able to handle the challenge that I pose to him.

WZCW's King moves towards his Empire, slowing his energetic pace down somewhat.

Constantine: In the history of WZCW, only a few men have ever become multiple Champions. That very limited echelon of wrestlers contains such names as Ty Burna, a man who could manipulate and control everything to his whim. And whilst Smith may revel in the fact that he shares such illustrious company, he should feel embarrassed about his piddly-ass contribution to that cause.

Bowen and Cooper listen intently as Constantine lowers himself down to the canvas, eventually taking up a seated position on the edge of the ring.

Constantine: Sam Smith, the real Sam Smith, is an imposter, betrayed by own history. Smith wants order, he craves it. A man simply doe not become a lawyer on a whim. Law and order is something which is at the heart of those who practise it, it cannot be shunned at your leisure. As much as Smith protests that WZCW will fall at his feet, he simply does not have it in him. At least the likes of Ty Burna were true to themselves, they never pretended to be anything that they weren't.

Constantine loses himself in his thoughts for a moment, enough time for an opportunistic Justin Cooper to interject.

Cooper: I've seen Smith in action, he's not really wrestling with others in the ring, he's wrestling with himself.

Constantine: Precisely, Mr. Cooper. You see, Sam Smith is a man in turmoil. The cleverly disguised personal battle that wages war inside of Smith is beginning to tear him and everything he loves apart. Even the nearest and dearest to young Sam have started to notice it, his love life is falling apart for goodness sake.

Constantine's words seem to soften now, a stark departure from his impassioned words only moments ago.

Constantine: And now, the façade of power and success is being slowly corroded as the personal battle becomes not-so-personal. Yes, Sam Smith is a man divided.

Bowen: How can you be so sure?

Constantine ponders the unusually quiet Bowen's question for a moment before allowing a look of epiphany to cross his face.

Constantine: Because, my dear Alex, I have seen both sides of the man many claim to be the greatest Elite X Champion ever. I have witnessed the tumultuous personality of Sam Smith in all of it's shameful glory.

Cooper: When?

Constantine: Cast your minds back to All Or Nothing 4, if you will. It was the 256h of December and as families enjoyed their festive period, Sam Smith was put to the sword by the true King of WZCW. That night, Sam Smith defended his Elite X Championship against Steven Holmes and John Constantine. The odds were firmly stacked against me as Holmes and Smith embroiled themselves in a guts-or-glory war over the destination of said Championship. It was only after I had beaten Sam Smith to within an inch of his life, that Steven Holmes was able to capitalize and pin Smith for the win. And although Holmes' name was engraved onto that Championship, it was John Constantine that won the match...

Constantine stops for a moment as he silently thinks. His tone has deepened as a look of woeful reminiscence sweeps over him. Bowen and Cooper remain silent this time, not willing to interrupt Constantine again. Not now. Finally, Constantine snaps out of his daze, a renewed and encouraging tone in his voice.

Constantine: It was that night, after the match, that Sam Smith showed his true colours to me. And it was in that moment, more importantly, that I knew I had the better of Smith. Deep down, I kept this moment with me, knowing that if our paths were to ever cross again, that I would show the world exactly what Sam Smith was and remains.

Constantine climbs to his feet again as workers continue to work around him and his Empire. Looking around the workforce, Constantine scans for his target.

Constantine: You!

Constantine stretches his arm out, a pointed finger also extended in the direction of a member of the production crew. The young man stops working, looking into the fiery and motivated eyes of The Power Trip.

Constantine: Run along up that ramp and play the tape I brought for tonight.

Crewman: B-B- But I ca-

The stuttering and obviously nervous crewman is immediately cut off by an enraged King.

Constantine: Now!

Without a seconds hesitation, the crewman leaves his post at the side of the ring and sprints up the ramp, eventually disappearing through the curtain. For a while, there is nothing, only the deafening silence of an empty arena as Constantine and his Empire wait. Suddenly, the titantron flicks into action, revealing a scene to the watching eyes.

Constantine carefully fixes his tie, a wide smile plastered upon his features. The locker room is empty now. The losers and winner from earlier on in the card have gone now, the rest of the wrestlers involved in matches elsewhere. Constantine, for the first time that night, is all alone with his thoughts. After such an explosive match, a moment with his thoughts pleases Constantine.

As Constantine finishes fixing the details of his pristine appearance, a dejected former Elite X Champion bursts through the far door, his head dipped and sweat still rolling off of his brow. Smith moves inside the room, not even noticing the smiling Power Trip across the room. Smith rests himself against the wooden construct that holds his belongings, He slams his hand against the side panel, frustrated with himself seemingly. With a sigh, Smith turns around and plants himself on the wooden bench. Finally, Smith raises his chin, noticing Constantine for the first time.

Constantine stares at Smith, that same prevalent smile still etches upon his features. Smith shakes his head in disbelief as Constantine begins a slow walk towards the former Champion.

Constantine: Don't be upset, Smith.

Smith continues to look at the approaching Power Trip, his bottom jaw hanging slightly as the effects of his match take hold.

Constantine: At this point, you're probably feeling as thought you've let everyone down. All those fans in their seats watching you finally bend to breaking point.

Constantine finally reaches Smith before bending down to match eye contact with the defeated former Champion.

Constantine: But you can't think about them right now.

The Power Trip's understanding words are betrayed by his smug expression and the condescending tone behind them.

Constantine: You have to focus on yourself now. You have to focus on the fact that you are not good enough to share a ring with two legends like myself and Holmes.

Smith's reaction to Constantine's sudden scathing words is now what is widely expected as he darts up from his seated position. Constantine shoots to a vertical basis also, meeting Smith's forehead as Smith presses his brow against that of The Power Trip.

Constantine: Now, now, Smith. Let's not do anything hasty. I mean, this night has already been a bust for you. You've lost your beloved Championship, how would you feel about losing your livelihood too?

Smith holds his ground, a proudly aggressive look on his face. Constantine smiles once again, backing away from the former Champion.

Constantine: You can't be surprised by what happened, Smith. How long have I been telling you that you don't have what it takes. You've been matched against two icons of this business, two men who will surely go down as the best that this company has ever had to offer.

Constantine's smile fades now as a look of passionate venom replaces it.

Constantine: Face it, Smith, you're pathetic!

The prideful former champion backs away from Constantine, shaking his head.

Smith: Harsh words coming from a puppet, John. Go take a long and hard look in the mirror -- you're Steven Holmes' errand boy. You think this partnership will take you to the top? You think you and Holmes will wreck havoc through WZCW?

Constantine's face shrivels up with anger.

Smith: I can't say I'm convinced. The Elite X Championship should have been yours tonight, not his. You let him take what you had earned, you let him make you his bitch. I don't know about you, John, but I'd rather be the one that took the pin than the one that gave it away.

A stunned Constantine struggles to find a rebuttal.

Smith: We both lost to Steven Holmes tonight, John. We were both second best. I'll remember this night if we ever share a ring together again -- whether it be at Kingdom Come, Ascension, Meltdown, or a bingo hall. I'll remember what a spineless bastard you are, Constantine. But hey, you got what you wanted out of our match-up tonight, right?

Constantine gathers his things and storms out of the locker room, leaving the former champion standing all alone.

The titantron flashes once more, finally shutting off. Bowen and Cooper turn to Constantine who has turned away from the screen in anger.

Constantine: Sam Smith, at this time, the face of the impassioned WZCW crowd was revealed to me as nothing more than a sore loser. Holmes and I entered that match with only item on the agenda and that was removing the Elite X Championship from around the waist of someone so undeserving. And as I stared into Sam Smith's punitive eyes as he sat in that locker room, I thought for a moment that I had been mistaken. Perhaps Smith was a worth Champion after all. But as I drew him out, baiting him with every word, Smith showed what he really is. He simply could not resist firing back at me, betraying everything he stood for at the time.

Cooper and Bowen continue to watch their leader as he continues his diatribe.

Constantine: And here we are once again. Sam Smith is the Elite X Champion and I the worthy yet completely under-matched challenger. For the second time in our history, we will stand toe-to-toe in a WZCW ring and decide who the better man is. And when I do finally crush Sam Smith and destroy all of the momentum that he so desperately clings to, the real Sam Smith will once again be prevalent. The cracks that exist in his personality will be torn apart by a ruthless challenger without mercy. Once again, Smith will be helpless as I destroy everything he has...

The former politician stops again, his tone once again deepening.

Constantine: And perhaps then, WZCW Management will see the folly of their ways and will gift me my Championship match against Smith. As he crumbles into a shell of a man, I will finally take his Championship from him, leaving him with nothing. The ultimate destruction of Sam Smith will send a spine-chilling message to WZCW Management.

Constantine again picks up pace, his menacing tone returning.

Constantine: And in the ashes of what remains of their former beloved Elite X Champion, a new Champion will rise, his Empire standing united and resolute behind him.
All or Nothing 2012:

Constantine carefully fixes his tie, a wide smile plastered upon his features. The locker room is empty now. The losers and winner from earlier on in the card have gone now, the rest of the wrestlers involved in matches elsewhere. Constantine, for the first time that night, is all alone with his thoughts. After such an explosive match, a moment with his thoughts pleases Constantine.

As Constantine finishes fixing the details of his pristine appearance, a dejected former Elite X Champion bursts through the far door, his head dipped and sweat still rolling off of his brow. Smith moves inside the room, not even noticing the smiling Power Trip across the room. Smith rests himself against the wooden construct that holds his belongings, He slams his hand against the side panel, frustrated with himself seemingly. With a sigh, Smith turns around and plants himself on the wooden bench. Finally, Smith raises his chin, noticing Constantine for the first time.

Constantine stares at Smith, that same prevalent smile still etches upon his features. Smith shakes his head in disbelief as Constantine begins a slow walk towards the former Champion.

Constantine: Don't be upset, Smith.

Smith continues to look at the approaching Power Trip, his bottom jaw hanging slightly as the effects of his match take hold.

Constantine: At this point, you're probably feeling as thought you've let everyone down. All those fans in their seats watching you finally bend to breaking point.

Constantine finally reaches Smith before bending down to match eye contact with the defeated former Champion.

Constantine: But you can't think about them right now.

The Power Trip's understanding words are betrayed by his smug expression and the condescending tone behind them.

Constantine: You have to focus on yourself now. You have to focus on the fact that you are not good enough to share a ring with two legends like myself and Holmes.

Smith's reaction to Constantine's sudden scathing words is now what is widely expected as he darts up from his seated position. Constantine shoots to a vertical basis also, meeting Smith's forehead as Smith presses his brow against that of The Power Trip.

Constantine: Now, now, Smith. Let's not do anything hasty. I mean, this night has already been a bust for you. You've lost your beloved Championship, how would you feel about losing your livelihood too?

Smith holds his ground, a proudly aggressive look on his face. Constantine smiles once again, backing away from the former Champion.

Constantine: You can't be surprised by what happened, Smith. How long have I been telling you that you don't have what it takes. You've been matched against two icons of this business, two men who will surely go down as the best that this company has ever had to offer.

Constantine's smile fades now as a look of passionate venom replaces it.

Constantine: Face it, Smith, you're pathetic!

The prideful former champion backs away from Constantine, shaking his head.

Smith: Harsh words coming from a puppet, John. Go take a long and hard look in the mirror -- you're Steven Holmes' errand boy. You think this partnership will take you to the top? You think you and Holmes will wreck havoc through WZCW?

Constantine's face shrivels up with anger.

Smith: I can't say I'm convinced. The Elite X Championship should have been yours tonight, not his. You let him take what you had earned, you let him make you his bitch. I don't know about you, John, but I'd rather be the one that took the pin than the one that gave it away.

A stunned Constantine struggles to find a rebuttal.

Smith: We both lost to Steven Holmes tonight, John. We were both second best. I'll remember this night if we ever share a ring together again -- whether it be at Kingdom Come, Ascension, Meltdown, or a bingo hall. I'll remember what a spineless bastard you are, Constantine. But hey, you got what you wanted out of our match-up tonight, right?

Constantine gathers his things and storms out of the locker room, leaving the former champion standing all alone.

One loss can change a career -- it can change the entire course of someone's life. A few months after Sam Smith lost his first Elite X Championship, he had fallen off the map. Sam Smith was a ghost, a shell of himself. A transformation had been brewing inside of Smith -- as was evident upon his sudden and unexpected return to WZCW. In his own words, Smith had said he was ready to destroy the company and fans that had destroyed him.

As he laid in the ring, consciousness fleeting after an attack at the hands of Sons of Destiny, fear overtook Sam Smith. A fear so great that shattered his psyche -- a fear that he would never wrestle again, that he would be the world champion that he had dreamed of being since he was a little boy, wrestling around his backyard with kids from his neighborhood. Days passed, weeks passed, and the fear only grew greater -- it consumed Sam. Sam wanted nothing more than to be in the ring, but he couldn't.

With every passing show, Sam watched as his name was never mentioned. The fans forgot about him, WZCW forgot about him. Just like that, one of the greatest Elite X Champions of all time in WZCW had been erased from the annals of history. All of Smith's fears had been realized; Sam's career was over and he was left to put the pieces together on his own. His fears had alienated him from those he cared for most, he'd completely disconnected from the outside world. Staring at the harsh reality of what his life had become, all of Sam's fears faded and slowly transformed into anger. It wasn't his fault he'd been injured -- yet, he was abandoned.

Sam directed his anger and focused, he would once again be in that ring and the spotlight would shine on him. Nobody would take away what was rightfully his. Upon his return to WZCW, Smith was once again cast aside, his character shift viewed as nothing but cheap talk. Smith's anger grew, as he wasn't going to allow himself to fade again. WZCW and its fans would realize what they had done.

Another Elite X Championship reign and a 7-match win streak followed, but his anger had finally reached its boiling point when he was told he would face John Constantine at Ascension 61. The seeds of hatred hadn't been planted inside of Smith's head as he lay on the canvas with his career in jeopardy, they had been planted during his encounters with John Constantine.

Constantine was a slick-talking, conniving rat of a man who couldn't take Sam Smith's gold alone, try as he might. He lost to Sam, yet was granted another title shot -- with Steven Holmes in the mix. Constantine was stupid; he gave up his chance at glory because he was deceived by Holmes' speeches promising fame and grandeur. He was blinded by the promise of bright lights, never once taking a step back to realize that Holmes was using him.

Smith watched as Constantine served Holmes, almost like a slave. They were not equals. Holmes was Constantine's master, but Constantine didn't realize it. The proverbial shackles grew tighter around his wrists as he gave up his chance at glory to Holmes, but he didn't realize it until the bitter end. What struck Smith most was the ease with which his title reign had been ended. The challenger -- Constantine -- had somehow received another shot at the gold, stacking the odds against Smith even further. It was like WZCW wanted Smith to lose his gold. After all, it was the title reign that was never meant to be, right?

Smith was never supposed to beat Baller to get a shot at the gold. He was never supposed to beat Winters for the title either. As more challengers fell at his feet, the odds seemed increasingly steeper. A few snide words here or there, and Constantine had managed to convince Sam that it wasn't just a coincidence anymore. The seed had been planted -- Smith's distrust for WZCW was alive and well, all because of John Constantine.

One would think that Constantine, who was so aware of Smith's problems, would realize that the wool was being pulled over his eyes before it was too late. He didn't. Instead of fighting back against it, Constantine decided to become that which had left him defeated. Constantine built his own empire, he had his own stooges now.

Sam Smith's hatred for John Constantine is second only to his hate for WZCW and its fans. Smith's first encounters with Constantine are what began unraveling the corners of Sam Smith's life and left Sam Smith in the darkest place imaginable. Smith's journey to the World Heavyweight Championship -- and, by extension, the top of WZCW -- travels along a hate-filled path of retribution. He will right the wrongs committed against him and then return them tenfold, tearing WZCW down brick by brick.

Defeating John Constantine isn't just another brick to be torn down, it's the equivalent of an old west standoff -- the battle that looms on the horizon, only to be broached when the time is right. The time for John Constantine to fall at Sam Smith's feet is long overdue; Smith needs to defeat Constantine to validate that he truly is "back" and ready to fulfill the goals which he has spoken of since his return to WZCW.

This isn't about good guys or bad guys. This isn't about championship gold. This is about a deep-running hatred between two men, setting the stage for a bloody beat down inside the WZCW ring. This one, however long overdue it may be, is personal.


Scott Smith's car came to a stop at a clearing overlooking a small lake; this little spot was his sanctuary. He'd been coming here for years, just to get a moment alone -- a moment of clarity. This wasn't a place he shared with many people. It was a private patch of land, but the owners had been neglecting it since Scott was a teenager. The fences and dirt roads had been overrun by wildlife, the beauty of nature running its own course -- it's what made this place so special.

Scott found himself coming here more often lately. His father's health was getting worse and it was weighing on Scott. He was alone to deal with it, his brother Sam was running from his problems leaving Scott with no choice. Scott sat on the hood of his car staring out at the serene water, accentuated by the sun dipping off behind the horizon. A memory from a day very similar to this (just over 12 years prior) began washing over Scott...

...A younger Scott Smith sits on the hood of his beaten-up pick-up truck, his younger brother Sam by his side. The two brothers were sharing one last moment of peace together before they had to split off into the real world -- the elder Smith back to his job, the younger Smith off to his first year of college.

Scott hands his brother a bottle of beer and starts speaking.

Scott: This is the last time I'll be sneaking you one of these for a whole, but I doubt you'll have much trouble finding these at college.

Sam laughs at his brother's remark.

Sam: You're probably right, man.

Scott sighs, patting his brother on the back.

Scott: I can't believe you're already in college, Sam. It seems like just yesterday we were playing basketball in the driveway and you were running into the house crying to mom because I wouldn't let you win.

Sam shoves his brother lightly.

Sam: You were an ass.

The older brother lets out a chuckle.

Scott: We need to do this whenever you're in town -- make it a habit of coming here. Before you know it, we'll be grey old men back here for another set of beers.

The two brothers silently peer out at the water for a few moments before Scott speaks again.

Scott: What do you think you're going to be like in ten years, Sam? I remember thinking about that question before I went out to college and just being overwhelmed.

Sam shakes his head.

Sam: I have no idea, Scotty. Ten years is a long time. I mean, I can't imagine I'll be too different, but I can't see into the future. What about you? You've got this fresh new job under your belt -- you think it's a long term thing?

Scott scoffs.

Scott: Just because I'm older doesn't mean I know any better. Who knows? I'm just going to let things unfold as they may and enjoy this one life I have.

Sam raises his bottle as Scott does the same. The Smith brothers clink the necks of their beers together and take a long drink.

Sam: To wherever the hell this wild life takes us then.
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