AS61: Action Saxton & Saboteur vs. Barbosa & S.H.I.T

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Four men - four extreme personalities.

The main event of Ascension this week is set to be huge - WZCW's Newest Odd Couple will be teaming together again to take on WZCW's Original Odd Couple in what should be an odd contest. Saboteur & Saxton are looking to lick their wounds from Aftershock as they stare down the dangerous and unpredictable team of Barbosa & SHIT, as well as the "always present in the background" team of the Empire watching their every move. WZCW would like to wish their condolences to the referee assigned to this match by Vance Bateman.

Deadline is Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Central). Extensions as per request thread.
*The poker room fades into view. All three Barbosas are present around the poker table. All three are holding the top of their heads.*

The Smoker: That still hurts. We definitely got a calling card from Drake Callahan and that steel chair.

Manic: Was it the same calling card as before?

*Manic reaches into his pocket and produces…*

Drake Callahan
Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire.

"Turning any setback or slight, imagined or real, into a vast, insidious conspiracy against me."

Est. 2009

The Smoker: No, you moronic imbecile! It was a metaphor! And why are you carrying that around?

Manic: In case we need to call him?

The Smoker: We are talking about the rather large dent in top of our head!

Manic: Yeah, that really hurt! Why did Drake do that?

The Smoker: Because he still thinks that Ty Burna has dropped serious weight, learned Spanish and taken to wearing a mask for a return to WZCW.

Depressive: Those are all entirely possible.

The Smoker: Yeah, but then what about the large difference in height? We have faced El Califa Dragon…

Manic: And we won!

The Smoker: …and he is definitely not Ty Burna.

Depressive: We would not put anything past the Harbinger of Chaos.

The Smoker: Maybe not but if Ty Burna was around, we would know.

*The Depressive takes a moment to answer.*

Depressive: Yes, we would…

*The Depressive then quickly moves on before his momentary lapse is questioned.*

Depressive: Regardless, we have nothing to fear from Drake Callahan. He has made his point to us and while we still do not believe him, we will not be having any more trouble from him.

The Smoker: Why do we say that?

Depressive: Because he got what he wanted - a victory. He thinks that in defeating us, he has justified his wild theories and he will not risk a reversal of that victory by sticking his nose in our business.

Manic: Drake is such a big silly!

The Smoker: Yeah, he is almost as crazy as we… as the Empire! They stuck their nose in our business on Ascension and they will likely do so again next week too when we face Action Saboteur…

Depressive: Speaking of Action Saxton and Saboteur…


*Barbosa and SHIT are sitting at the bar of a hotel function room. The lights are down low but it can be made out that Barbosa is in a sharp black tuxedo while SHIT's cardboard shell is painted black with strategic spots of white to make it seem like it is wearing a tuxedo. It also has a bow tie stuck to its neck. Suddenly, the air is filled by the cords of the opening song.*

MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, the bride and groom!

*The room erupts in applause as Barbosa wipes away a tear from his eye.*

Barbosa: Beautiful.

*SHIT cocks its head to the side, a gesture that is becoming a regular occurrence during its time spent in the company of Barbosa, particularly this manic aspect.*

SHIT: Barbosa is suffering a nasolacrimal duct malfun…

*Barbosa fails to listen to the query of his robotic companion, firmly transfixed by the slightly awkward first dance.*

SHIT: QUESTION: Why do people get married?

Barbosa: Because they love each other, oh and the presents.

[/b]*As SHIT digests that latest nugget of insight, the groom waves to the crowd and soon the dancefloor s swamped by more couples dancing.*[/b]

SHIT: QUESTION: What is the purpose of the wedding party?

Barbosa: To celebrate your love with your friends and family.

*As all shapes and sizes continue to take to the dancefloor, the first dance gradually comes to an end and over the clapping of those in attendance, including Barbosa, the music takes a rather sudden change as the party really gets started.*

*From amongst the crowd on the dancefloor, someone shouts out.*

"Do the robot!"

*SHIT immediately stands up, brushing away Barbosa's frantic and flailing attempt to stop it.*

SHIT: Threat idenitified! Defensive posture initiated! Launch counter-measures!

*Before SHIT can launch said attack, it itself is flattened by a charging Barbosa and an "accidental" shoulder tackle.*

Barbosa: Whoa! Whoa, there Poo. They are just dancing and we do not want to spoil the party.

*Accepting Barbosa's outstretched hand, SHIT scans the immediate area and seeing that no one is closing in to attack it, he stands down from action stations and retakes its seat at the bar as Barbosa throws some seated robot shapes.*

SHIT: QUESTION: Why are we here?

*Before Barbosa can answer, the latest song comes to an end.*

MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, as you no doubt know or have realised, we have a karaoke station set up here on stage and we are about to have our first victim.

*With that, Barbosa stands.*

Barbosa: We are here… to have fun!

*The next four minutes and eleven seconds were a journeyed blur to Barbosa as he discovers his inner rock star, belting out the lyrics, playing up to the crowd and occasionally gesturing to the largely unresponsive SHIT who had eventually joined him on stage.*

MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for Mr Fap…six…oca… Mr Fapsixoca and SH… I can't say that!

*As the MC struggles with their names, Barbosa and SHIT step down off the stage and head back towards their spot at the bar. However, from the assembled crowd, a woman steps forward and catches Barbosa's attention.*

Barbosa: Whatever it was, we didn't do it!

*This draws a giggle from the woman, who then reaches a key card to Barbosa before leaning in close and whispering in his ear.*

Woman: Room 43

*As the woman then moves away, a perplexed Barbosa looks back and forth from the card to the back of the departing giggly woman before then turning back to SHIT.*

Barbosa: What's in Room 43?

*SHIT does not answer but when Barbosa turns back to the woman, she has already moved off.*

Barbosa: We do not know what to do with this…

*Suddenly Barbosa is wracked with a massive cough, doubling him over.*

***cough cough cough***


Barbosa: We do.

*With a quick look back at SHIT, Barbosa moves off.*

Barbosa: Don't wait up…


Depressive: Speaking of Action Saxton and Saboteur… "disappointment and ultimate defeat lie at the end of their fun-loving, double entendre-laden rainbow."

The Smoker: Wait, we have heard that before.

Depressive: That is because we said it months ago in the run up to our last encounter with our upcoming opponents.

The Smoker: Which we won.

Depressive: We may have won then but that synopsis of Saxton and Saboteur has yet to be proven correct.

The Smoker: So what does that matter? We will beat them again like we beat them before, the spoon-fighting morons that they are.

Depressive: Successful spoon-fighitng morons. And that continent-hopping experience only made them stronger, leading them to dominate the tag team ranks for months on end. That alone suggests that Action Saxton and Saboteur have improved greatly in the intervening months since we last stepped into the ring with them.

The Smoker: Does it really? The tag team division is a joke. Beat one team and you are the champions, beat that same team again and you are the champions for at least a month. Absurd.

Manic: But Saboteur nearly won the Big Gold Belt!

The Smoker: At least that disaster was avoided… We might not like Showtime but at least he looks like he could possibly be a champion. That pyjama-wearing faux-assassin, who hasn't the brains he was born with is worse championship material than… than…

Depressive: A manic-depressive schizophrenic who suffers frequent mental breakdowns and hangs about with a Freudian-inspired Ugandan Wildmen, sumo wrestling Yakuza and a man in a box, who thinks he is a robot, all the while speaking to himself in the first, second and third person at any given moment?

Manic: Yeah! Wait… No! Yes! No! We… we have a sore head…

The Smoker: Hey! There was only one Wildman. And we never liked him.

Manic: Yes, we did!

Depressive: We cannot continue to underestimate these two. That one of their number almost won the world title last week is just the tip of the iceberg. Clearly, their in-ring proficiency remains significant but it is their peculiar antics, far from being a burden, that seem to be a source of added strength. Much like ourselves, consciously or not, they use it to distract and dominate their opponents rather than allow it to distract themselves.

So while we might think that "Saxton is too busy perpetuating a tired stereotype and blaxpoitating it to charge his chick magnet," he and his partner will instead be busy kicking our collective rear ends.

*This brings a quiet to the poker room.*

Depressive: Fortunately, we again have an ally to help us out…

The Smoker: No, no! No, no no! It hit us over the head…


*Barbosa then heads off in the direction of the woman who had given him her room key earlier, clearly unwilling to wait until later. He finds the woman not far from the spot he and SHIT had earlier take up at the bar.*

Barbosa: Hey, baby. Ready to show me what is in Room 43?

*Barely suppressing another giggle, the woman turns around to face her suitor.*

Woman: What would you like there to be in there?

*Barbosa thinks for a second before leaning in and whispering in her ear, much like she had done mere moments before. However, instead of illiciting a look of perplexity, Barbosa's whisper brings a look of queasy horror to her face.

Thrity seconds later, Barbosa arrives back at the bar, taking up his spot beside SHIT once more, only now wearing the remnants of the woman's drink and a big red hand print across the side of his face.*

Barbosa: Just as we thought - frigid.

*Barbosa then reaches over to the drink that he had bought earlier, takes a sip only to promptly spit it out.*

Barbosa: What the hell is this?

SHIT: He said it was "Hard Lemonade"

Barbosa: Bartender! Take this pisswater away from me and get me a bottle of Crown Royal.

*The bartender scurries away, quickly returning with the bottle and two glasses, although S.H.I.T makes no movement toward the one proffered toward it.*

Barbosa: And charge this to room 43.

The bartender nods and leaves in silence, not asking any questions of the clearly irritated customer and his black box wearing accomplice.*

SHIT: Room 43 is a vault?

*Barbosa looks sidelong at SHIT.*

Barbosa: What?

SHIT: Room 43 contains finances?

*Barbosa then twigs that SHIT is enquiring about how he is to pay for his refreshements.*

Barbosa: You could say so.

SHIT: These finances belong to you?

*Before answering, Barbosa empties his glass and then pours himself and SHIT a large measure.*

SHIT: Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology does not imbibe alcoholic substances.

Barbosa: You really do have a lot to learn… Anyway, they are both for us.

*As Barbosa throws back his neat libations, SHIT returns to its questions.*

SHIT: QUESTION: Is that why we are here? To learn?

Barbosa: That might be why you are here. We are here to bang a bridesmaid.

SHIT: QUESTION: Why do people get married?

Barbosa: Because they are idiots.

*With that, Barbosa pulls out a large cigar and a box of matches from his jacket pocket and begins to light it up, only for SHIT to interrupt him.*

SHIT: QUESTION: What is the purpose of the wedding party?

Barbosa: To get so drunk that you can get away with saying or doing anything to the people you hate the most - your friends and family.

*Barbosa then returns to the process of lighting his cigar, but before he can, he is interrupted again; this time by someone loudly clearing their throat behind him.*

???: Ahem! Excuse me. You cannot light that indoors.

*Barbosa turns around to see an elderly couple starring daggers at him.*

Barbosa: Really? We could have sworn it was possible. Hold on a second…

*Barbosa then lights the cigar and takes a few puffs.*

Barbosa: See it was entirely possible, you stupid old fools.

SHIT: Human law dictates that you cannot smoke that indoors!

*Barbosa lets out a large, smoke-filled sigh.*

Barbosa: We are starting to regret bringing you as our plus one. Why don't you try to get into the swing of things? You already stand out like a sore thumb, so why not mix in with everyone else? Do something spontaneous.

*While SHIT is processing this suggestion, someone taps Barbosa on the shoulder.*

???: Hey, buddy, did you just call my grandparents "stupid old fools" and make unwelcome advances on my girlfriend?

*Another smokey sigh escapes Barbosa, before he turns to face his accuser.*

Barbosa: Forgetting for the moment that your frigid girlfriend gave us her room key and your grandparents are clearly old, stupid and foolish, we are most certainly not your buddy. Can't you see we only socialise with the man in a box?


*The upset boyfriend/grandson punches Barbosa right in the kisser.*

Barbosa: That didn't hurt.

*Barbosa smiles at the lack of impact from the punch. He turns back to the bar, takes a swig from the increasingly empty bottle and flexes his muscles, clearly about to retaliate. However, before he can, another voice is heard.*

SHIT: Spontaneous Action Initiated! Target acquired!

*With that, SHIT nails Barbosa with an overhand chop!*

Barbosa: Okay, that hurt.

*Barbosa then staggers away from both his assailants, towards the top table of the wedding party. He shakes off the cobwebs and thinking that he has put enough distance to complain to his erstwhile companion, turns back in the direction of the bar.*

Barbosa: What the hell did you do…

SHIT: Spontaneous Action Initiated! Target reacquired!

*As Barbosa turns around, he is engulfed in a Scaled Humanoid spear that takes them both over the top of the top table and into what remained of the wedding cake!*


The Smoker: …and gored us into a wedding cake! That ridiculous cardboard monstrosity hit us over the head when we were about to teach that cuckold idiot a lesson in how to punch, score with his hot girlfriend and then drink whiskey until the sun came up.

Depressive: It was our own fault.

The Smoker: What? How?

Depressive: Because we gave it insufficient input. Leaving Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology to interpret the hidden or unsaid meaning of things is only going to give it the opportunity to interpret said input in an unconventional way.

*This draws a blank look from both Manic and the Smoker.*

Depressive: We must think of it as a child.

Manic: And children do the craziest things!

The Smoker: Oh shut up!

Depressive: That is exactly how we must continue to treat Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology. By agreeing to follow us and perhaps even learn from us, it has essentially become our dependent.

The Smoker: What? We do not want to be dragging that box around like it is child.

Manic: It did look rather good in its tuxedo though.

Depressive: As usual, you fail to see the big picture. Not only is Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology becoming dependent on us, its burgeoning interest in humanity provides us with the opportunity to skew its experience and understanding, moulding it into an instrument for us to use to achieve our own objectives.

*This silences the others briefly.*

The Smoker: And what are our objectives?

Depressive: In the short term, we get past Saxton and Saboteur…

The Smoker: Again.

Depressive: …then we deal the final crushing blow to the Empire. They started a fight that they were not ready for and with SHIT by our side, they will not know what hit them come Lethal Lottery.

The Smoker: And what about in the long term?

Depressive: Our long term objectives remain the same as they have always been…

Manic: Try to take over the world!

The Smoker: No, just the world of WZCW…

Depressive: With this plan, we will have someone to watch our backs in the Lethal Lottery.

The Smoker: It did take numerous men to eliminate us last time…

Depressive: We will someone to distract the champion and other challengers.

The Smoker: That always worked well for Ty Burna…

Depressive: And someone to help us retain the title for longer than a honeymoon.

*A reminder of Barbosa's short reign as champion quietens the poker room.*

Depressive: A new Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology will be created by us. It may evolve but if we are careful, it will never rebel.

The Smoker: We have a plan then…

Manic: And soon the Big Gold Belt again!


*The wedding cake incident had not led to any more violence between the pair but needless to say that they were no longer welcome at the wedding party.

However, by the pounding in Barbosa's head, which was neither a hangover from Drake's assault nor from the impromptu overhand chop but a hangover in the very real sense, and the dishevelled look to the Scaled Humanoid - it's bow tie was somehow stuck to the top of its head, probably with a piece of wedding cake - the party had not finished for either of them.

Sitting at they were now in this coffee house, Barbosa could not make much headway on the thoughts of their companion on the night before. Had it had fun, hated every minute of it or was there a mentally damaged sociopath beneath that cardboard exterior incapable of experiencing and understanding such emotions?

They also knew that Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology was probably attempting to make sense of what it had experienced at this very moment.

Almost as if on cue, SHIT breaks the silence.*

SHIT: The Barbosa who is depressed…

*Barbosa was intrigued at how quickly Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology had learned to recognise which Barbosa was in control at which time, even given their hungover state. It warned them not to underestimate this automaton.*

SHIT: Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology needs input.

Barbosa: We thought you might.

SHIT: QUESTION: Why do people get married?

Barbosa: Because they are lonely

SHIT: QUESTION: What is the purpose of the wedding party?

Barbosa: To show your friends and family that you are no longer lonely.

SHIT: QUESTION: Why were we there?

Barbosa: We could go into a long explanation of our wishing to expose you to a large section of human nature but instead may we ask you a question, Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology?

*By not immediately protesting, Barbosa decides to take this as tacit agreement.*

Barbosa: What have you learned from this experience?

*The cyborg looked off into the distance or at least that is what it looked like - a human action almost - Barbosa thought to themselves that making this machine answer its own question would not only help this Scaled Humanoid develop, it would allow them to collect their own information about how malleable and potentially dangerous it was…*

S.H.I.T and Barbosa are sat at the bar of a Hotel function room, why? It did not know yet, still, it was getting a very good view of a large flurry of Human behaviour, all of them celebrating, dancing, hugging, kissing, laughing and joking. This would be happiness? Perhaps, or perhaps not, whenever someone had tried to describe happiness to S.H.I.T it always seemed to be a long term thing, a long term satisfaction of a life lived well. S.H.I.T wondered if what it felt while dissecting an opponent in the ring was happiness, it was after all its primary function... Or perhaps that was a more short term thing, S.H.I.T had heard the Humans talk of joy, it looked at the dancing Humans, their mouths were certainly curved upwards in that “smiling” look it had heard about, it looked at how richly dressed they all were, was your attire part of the process?

It looked to its left, then down at itself, Barbosa had insisted that they dress for the occasion, him as smart (as the Humans define it) as S.H.I.T had ever seen him, S.H.I.T itself looked what the Humans would call “dapper” with a fine tuxedo painted over the usual system control on the front of its sophisticated armour, it resembled a square penguin. It was dressed as well as any of them, yet it was not feeling any different from normal. Was Barbosa? He himself seemed engrossed in the overriding sound, what the Humans would call music.


S.H.I.T watches as he wipes a tear away from his eye.


S.H.I.T cocks its head, an act of questioning, one that it found itself repeating around its former enemy, former? Current? S.H.I.T did not know anymore. Certainty had been removed from its life when it had gone crashing through that table at Unscripted. Why was this sound beautiful to him? What was that leaking from his eye? Was he malfunctioning?

Barbosa is suffering a nasolacrimal duct malfun. . .

Suddenly the audience begin clapping as a Male and Female, elegantly dressed, the Female clothed in a long flowing white dress, Barbosa had pointed her out to S.H.I.T as the Bride earlier, take positions in the centre of the dance floor. “The happy couple” Barbosa had stated, although S.H.I.T was unsure which Barbosa or indeed the tone in which it was said. S.H.I.T turned its gaze on the people Barbosa had indicated as the "Brides Maids" earlier, attempting to take in their expressions.

Why do people get married?

Barbosa takes his wide eyes from the dancing duo and looks at S.H.I.T.

Because they love each other, oh and the presents.

More and more people join the dance now, the ones already there beckoning the seated to join them.

What is the purpose of the wedding party?

To celebrate your love with your friends and family.

The dance floor is becoming crowded and the Humans are acting as they are wont to do by trying to force those not eager to do dance to get up and do so, S.H.I.T watches as a resisting older Woman is taken by the hand and dragged up onto the floor by a laughing man, it watches her change in attitude as she lets loose and begins to enjoy herself as well. The first dance comes to an end with the audience clapping, including Barbosa.

The next song comes on.


“Do the robot!” Came a shout from the other side of the hall.

On the word “Robot” S.H.I.T rises to its feet, Barbosa reaches out to stop it but misses by a fraction as S.H.I.T seeks out the shouter and his intentions. Finding neither it reverts back to default settings, or in laymans terms; S.H.I.T exists only to destroy.

It reaches out to grab the nearest person, an unsuspecting waiter, but before its claw like hand can grip his shoulder S.H.I.T is knocked from vertical to horizontal by a heavy figure ramming his shoulder into its midsection and landing on top of it. Rotating its head to get a better look at its assailant it spies it is none other than Barbosa.

Whoa! Whoa there Poo. They are just dancing and we do not want to spoil the party. He said, climbing back to his feet and offering S.H.I.T a hand, which it accepts to help it back to its own feet. They both return to their sitting positions, S.H.I.T stationary and Barbosa attempting some kind of seated robot.

Why are we here?

Before Barbosa can reply to this one a voice over a microphone interrupts, informing the assembled crowd of the karaoke stage is open for use.

We are here, he said, indicating the open stage, to have fun!


The next four minutes and eleven seconds precisely seemed like an eternity to S.H.I.T as it had been dragged onto the stage by the Manic incarnation of Barbosa and stood watching as he unashamedly belted out the written lyrics, committing that fatal sin of closing his eyes for the chorus. Once or twice he had leaned across and put his microphone in front of S.H.I.T, perhaps indicating he would like some kind of Human duet, S.H.I.T remained silent mostly, content to stand there like the fiercest of Emperor Penguins, but did attempt it on one part of the chorus that had been repeated several times before, although it was not sure how audible it was over Barbosa.

For some reason the Humans clapped this display, S.H.I.T has been clapped before, clapped and cheered, usually when it was Piston Chopping a victim or applying the Industrial Strength Vice. It had also been electrocuted for those same acts. This was unusual for it. It turns to Barbosa as they leave the stage, who in turn is looking as confused as S.H.I.T probably felt.

What is in room 43?

S.H.I.T processes the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of possibilities but before it can answer Barbosas question thoroughly he seems to ask another.

We do not know what to do with this. . .

Suddenly Barbosa is racked with a massive cough, doubling him over.

*cough cough cough*


We do. Says one of the other Barbosas, with a quick look back at S.H.I.T he adds. Don’t wait up.

S.H.I.T watches Barbosa walk off. “Don’t wait up” he had said. He clearly wanted to be alone, perhaps in this room 43, S.H.I.T could understand that, it wondered what had become of its box, what had become of RXJ who at this point was no doubt successfully masquerading as S.H.I.T itself. Right now surrounded by all these people and none of them having the decency to be hostile, it was starting to miss that tranquillity. Had pledging to follow the Barbosa been a mistake?

As usual S.H.I.T takes the most direct route to its destination, the bar, the route was straight through the dance floor. S.H.I.T was attracting the kind of attention a cardboard robot would, a pretty young girl making her way through the crowd, sharing a short dance with as many men as she comes into contact with, makes eye contact and rarely doesn’t show some sign of displeasure. S.H.I.T watches her movement with the others, which consists of a short twirl before being pushed on, she stops in front of the Machine and raises her arm.

“We don’t want to spoil the party.”

S.H.I.T takes her hand and follows the movement it had already witnessed the others make, twirling the young lady around and pushing her on, a short, sharp jab in the small of her back, eliciting a squeal of pain and sending her face first onto the floor. S.H.I.T, completely oblivious, moves on to the bar. Just in time for the returning Barbosa.

Just as we thought – frigid.

He reaches over and grabs the glass the Manic had ordered, taking a sip, he soon spits it out.

What the hell is this?

He said it was “hard lemonade”

Bartender! Take this pisswater away from me and get me a bottle of Crown Royal.

The Bartender scurries away, quickly returning with the bottle and two glasses, although S.H.I.T makes no movement toward the one proffered toward it. Instead taking note that the one referred to as the Smoker now seemed in charge.

And charge this to room 43.

The bartender nods and leaves in silence, probably wisely.

Room 43 is a vault?

Barbosa looks sidelong at S.H.I.T


Room 43 contains finances? S.H.I.T said, indicating the bottle. Barbosa seems to cotton on.

You could say so.

Your finances?

Barbosa empties his glass and refills it and S.H.I.T’s own.

S.H.I.T does not imbibe alcoholic substances.

You really do have a lot to learn. . . Anyway, they are both for us.

Is that why we are here? To learn?

That might be why you are here. We are here to bang a bridesmaid.

At last, talk of violence. The smoker empties his glass again and appears to relax somewhat, S.H.I.T decides to see if it can get a new perspective on some old questions.

Why do people get married?

Because they are idiots. He said, removing a cigar and putting it to his mouth, he begins checking his pockets for matches.

What is the purpose of the wedding party?

To get so drunk you can get away with saying or doing anything to the people you hate the most – your friends and family. He said, reply slightly hindered by cigar. Something seems to catch the madman’s attention, S.H.I.T follows his line of sight to see a pair of clearly annoyed old Humans looking at Barbosa with their nostrils.

“Excuse me. You cannot light that indoors.” Said the man, in tones that would suggest he’d rather be talking to something he had stepped in.

Really? We could have sworn it was possible. Hold on a second. . .

Barbosa finds his matches and lights his cigar, exhaling the smoke directly into the man’s upturned nostrils.

See it was entirely possible, you stupid old fools.

Human law dictates that you cannot smoke that indoors!

Barbosa sighs and now turns on S.H.I.T.

We are starting to regret bringing you as our plus one. Why don’t you try to get into the swing of things? You already stand out like a sore thumb, so why not mix in with everyone else? Do something spontaneous.

S.H.I.T stops. Spontaneous, spontaneity was difficult. S.H.I.T had no imagination, once when it had felt lonely it had unknowingly created a world for itself to live in for a while, until it had discovered its own creation. An exact copy of the place where it had last had Human contact. A church no less.


What could S.H.I.T do? Except. . .

S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

Spontaneous Action Initiated! Target acquired!

S.H.I.T raises its arm and brings it down on the unsuspecting Barbosa who reels back.

What the hell did you. . .

Spontaneous Action Initiated! Target reacquired!

S.H.I.T covers the distance between them and takes Barbosa down with the same move he’d used on the Machine earlier, directly over a table and crash landing on what remains of the wedding cake. Shrieks, cries and laughter can be heard in the background.

Suffice to say the “Ultimate Inmate” and the “Mechanical Man Machine Of Mechanics” were no longer welcome at the party after that incident, although there had been no more violence between them. Together the next day they sat in a coffee house, Barbosa clearly attempting to shake more cobwebs than either of the strikes he had taken had given him, he had made an effort to clean some of the cake off himself but S.H.I.T was plastered, its once fine black tuxedo covered in white and pink cream, its bowtie stuck to its head by it did not know what and what could only be the plastic groom attached to where its nipple would be.

It had done something spontaneous however, although judging by Barbosas reaction even that had been wrong. Once again it was at a loss, where to start? Having blood and organs was more complicated than S.H.I.T could have ever predicted.

The depressed Barbosa was in control now S.H.I.T noticed. Time for some new perspective on some old questions.

The Barbosa who is depressed. . . S.H.I.T needs input.

We thought you might.

Why do people get married?

Because they are lonely.

What is the purpose of the wedding party?

To show your friends and family that you are no longer lonely.

At least this conversation with the most reasonable of Barbosas had gone largely uninterrupted, S.H.I.T could envision itself making some headway.

Why were we there?

We could go into a long explanation of our wishing to expose you to a large section of human nature but instead may we ask you a question, Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology?

This wasn’t according to the script. S.H.I.T hesitated and Barbosa pressed on.

What have you learned from this experience?

S.H.I.T processed long and hard.

Humans are not always honest. . .

Barbosas posture immediately changes, his interest piqued at this.

What makes you say that?

The Human that was the Bridesmaid, on her outside exterior she showed happiness that the Bride had found such a commitment. . . However, her face betrayed. . . Jealousy. . .

Envy perhaps?

. . . Possible emotion! She was faking happiness whereas inside she only desired what her friend had?

It probably isn’t as black and white as that, she may well have been happy for her friend but also envious of her. . . Success, shall we call it?


We believe it is a Woman's goal to tie a man down to marriage.

. . . Confusing! Nothing is. . .

At face value?

Correct term!

A short silence is broken this time by the depressive.

We imagine Action Saxton would be feeling the same had Saboteur somehow won the World Title from Showtime.

Happiness and envy! Too many emotions!

Yes, processing more than one emotion is difficult for those of us who are more used to it than yourself. We should know. He added to himself quietly.

Victory may have been easier for S.H.I.T and Barbosa if Saboteur had won. It may have spread discontent between the pair.

It still might. Although we wouldn't bank on it. Everything about the pair would appear dysfunctional and yet they succeed, and keep succeeding. Sometimes it is easy to forget that underneath those silly exteriors lie two highly trained opponents. Perhaps some of their success lies with their opponents forgetting that.

Much like with yourself.

S.H.I.T sat in silence, it wasn't overly used to the idea of being compared to any Human, much less its two Ascension opponents, they would appear to be as polar opposites as polar opposites could be.

Humans underestimate S.H.I.T at their peril! S.H.I.T is Ultimate Fighting Machine!

Barbosa nods, yes, and people who prepare for a match with. . . with a man in a cardboard box learn that to their cost.

Not Box! Sophisticated Armour!

Not Man! Ultimate Fighting Machine!

Barbosa simply nods. Apparently choosing not to mention the time when he'd cut that armour with a simple pair of wire cutters.

That is the point we are trying to make.

People that think S.H.I.T is "man in box" are destroyed!

Barbosa nods again.

The same as people who expect the three Barbosa's to fight amongst themselves and crumble as a result!

Both sit in silence for a long while, Barbosa absent mindedly flicking some wedding cake off the shoulder of the Machine.
The scene opens with Saboteur making his way through his friendly local massive video game conglomerate, GameStahp. His best friend/roommate/hostage, Garrett, in tow, Saboteur ignores the massive displays for new games like Call of Dookie and God of Gore III, for he is on a mission. He finally finds what he’s been looking for: the strategy guide section. Saboteur begins grabbing books at random and tossing them aside as he tries to find the specific guide that he wants.

Saboteur: Grand Felony Auto? No. Modern Mayfair Two? No. Assassin’s Greed? Negatory. A-ha! WZCW 13! Exactly what I was looking for.

Garrett, ever the polite young man, has been attempting to clean up the mess that Saboteur has left in his wake, but his interest is piqued as Saboteur thumbs through the pages of the WZCW 13 strategy guide.

Garrett: What are you looking for in there, Saboteur?

Saboteur: Well, I’m stuck on the level where you have to beat S.H.I.T. and Barbosa in a tag team match on the main event of Ascension as Saxton and Saboteur! Every time I think I have them beat, S.H.I.T. reboots his software and kicks out of my pin attempts. Surely this book has the answer to my conundrum.

Garrett: Saboteur, I know for a fact that A) you haven’t played a video game made after 1986, B) there are no levels in WZCW 13, it’s a simulation game, and C) there is no function in WZCW 13 that allows S.H.I.T. to reboot his software. Are you just trying to find advice for your match on Saturday?

Saboteur: No! I just have a super special copy of WZCW 13 that they only give to real wrestlers like me. It’s extra realistic so it prepares you for real life scenarios you might encounter in the ring, like S.H.I.T. rebooting his software. Maybe this strategy guide can tell me which orifice I’m going to have to shove my boot up to break his circuitry.

Garrett: If you have a, “super special copy of WZCW 13,” then why are you buying a regular strategy guide for it?

Saboteur: Because… shut up and give me $20 so I can pay for this thing, I left my wallet at home.

Garrett: I already gave you all my money when you wanted to buy that remote control helicopter at Brookstone.

Saboteur: Stupid helicopter… they should say that it will break after just one crash on the box!

Garrett: You flew it into a ceiling fan!

Saboteur: Whatever. So you don’t have any money?

Garrett: No, but there’s an ATM on the other side of the mall, I can go get some more cash.

Saboteur: On the other side of the mall?! But that’s so far away! No, we’re going to need to do something much more reasonable than take a five minute walk.

Saboteur starts to rub his spandex clad palms together.

Garrett: I don’t like it when you rub your palms together Saboteur, I know you’re scheming… what do you have in…

Saboteur: We’re going to pull of a heist at WZCW Headquarters!


Saxton: A heist at WZCW Headquarters!? Have you lost your entire damn mind, fool?

The scene has shifted to a dark room in Saxton and Saboteur Tower. Saxton, Saboteur, and Garrett are seated at a large round table with a dim lightbulb hanging over it. They are joined by their favorite alien mentee of all time, Krypto, and WZCW’s foremost and only intern that still talks to Saboteur, Alvin.

Saboteur: Years ago, but this is still a brilliant idea! It’s a little known fact that there is a safe located deep down beneath the WZCW Headquarters that contains unknown riches!

Saxton: Sucka, that’s just an urban legend like New York City toilet alligators or frozen yogurt!

Saboteur gives a confident nod in Alvin’s direction.

Alvin: Actually, it’s true. During my first week at WZCW I accidentally went to the sub-sub-basement and I saw it… the fabled WZCW Vault.

Saxton: Now why the hell would WZCW keep a vault in their sub-sub-basement? Wouldn’t it make more sense to put all the money they make in a bank where it can earn interest or some junk?

Saboteur: Because this money isn’t used for WZCW funds… all the money in it belongs to a very powerful shareholder in the WZCW corporation that uses the vault to store his share of the company’s funds.

Alvin: All of which he uses on alcohol.

Saxton: So you’re telling me that, not only does this guy keep his money in a vault where it just sits there without earning any interest or anything, but he’s saving it all to spend on alcohol? What’s in there, a couple hundred dollars?

Alvin: By my estimation… millions.

Silence sweeps the room as all of its inhabitants take in the gravity of the situation. That silence is broken rather unceremoniously by Krypto.

Krypto: Is that a lot of money? I still haven’t figured out the exchange rate on this planet.

Saxton: Sucka, that’s the type of money that men kill for and women divorce for. In legal terms: that’s a butt load of cash.

Garrett: But how are we going to get in?

Alvin: It won’t be easy. I dug up some documents that outline the vault’s security features. It’s a 400 ton vault with specialized bio-metric scanners. It requires 4 key cards and 20 physical keys that must be turned in the correct order. On top of that, there is a security question that must be answered with the proper pronunciation and inflection of the vault’s owner. If we make a mistake on bypassing any of those security measures, a miniature nuclear bomb will explode, likely killing all of us.

Saboteur: And that’s just the security measures on the outside of the safe. Who knows what’s on the inside? Laser tripwires, automated machinegun turrets, a three headed monster dog… all of these are distinct possibilities.

Saxton: So what’s the plan man, and does it involve me in ripping off my shirt and punching a giant hole in the safe?

Alvin: No, I’m almost certain that that would set off the nuclear bomb and kill us all.

Saboteur: What if I strap a massive bomb to the vault door and detonate it at the exact same time as the nuclear bomb goes off? Would the explosions cancel each other out?

Alvin: I’m almost positive that’s a no.

Garrett: I’m sorry, but can we consider the fact that we’re risking our lives so Saboteur can get $999,980 more than he actually needs to buy a strategy guide that he thinks will help him and Saxton beat S.H.I.T. and Barbosa this week. Can’t we just do an 80’s training montage and call it a day?

Saboteur: It’s not just about the money anymore, Garrett, it’s personal this time…

Garrett: What do you mean it’s personal? What has WZCW done to wrong you lately? Didn’t you just have a shot at the World Title?

Saboteur: It’s not WZCW… it’s just that things haven’t been falling my way lately. Saxton and I have failed to reclaim the titles two PPVs in a row and even though I gave Showtime all I had, it still wasn’t enough. What Saxton and I need right now is a big win, and pulling off this heist is exactly the type of thing that could put us right back on the track to carrying around those tag titles.

Saxton: And shoot, with the millions of dollas down in that there vault, we could buy a robot to help us train for our match with S.H.I.T. this week and a psychologist that can teach us how Barbosa’s funky brain works.

Alvin: And it’s about time I finally start getting paid for my work at WZCW!

Garrett: Wait, you don’t get paid? Isn’t that illegal?

Alvin: It’s an unpaid internship! I figured that it would be a good way to break into the business, but they make me do way too much crazy crap to not get paid!

Garrett: And what about you, Krypto? What’s your stake in this?

Krypto: I’d like to send a postcard back to my friends on my home planet, and intergalactic postage is REALLY expensive.

Saboteur: And Garrett, you’re doing it because I told you to, and if you don’t, I’ll have you doing janitor duty at Saboteur Tower!

Saxton: You mean Saxton Tower.

Garrett: Fine, I’ll do it, but you still haven’t told us the plan.

Saboteur: That’s because I was waiting to put it at the end of the RP so as to leave the reader with a good hook!

The rest of the room stares curiously at Saboteur.

Saboteur: Good, now that I have you attention, let’s begin…

Alvin is going to use his staff key to let us into the Staff Only Elevator, which we will then use to go down to the sub-sub-basement of WZCW Headquarters. Once there, we will need to knock out any security down there, which is where Saxton and I will come in. I’ll use my sweet assassin skills to shoot them with tranquilizer darts, and Saxton will use his 3 Finger Throat Chop to immediately put them to sleep.

Saxton: Actually, I’m only using two fingers now. More of a challenge for my manly self.

Saboteur: Then when we get to the vault we use this device from Krypto’s home planet to hack into the computer system that monitors the vault. The device should allow us to shut down all of the electronic based defenses, leaving the key combination, which is where you come in Garrett.

Garrett: Me? I don’t know anything about picking locks, much less picking locks in the exact correct order, the failure of doing so resulting in a nuclear explosion!

Saboteur: That’s okay, because Alvin already stole the keys and made copies!

Garrett: Okay, but what about the proper order?

Saboteur: We have it on good authority that this “code” will help us crack the safe. The code is: Up up, down down, left right left right, B, A.

Garrett: That’s only ten keys…

Saboteur: Then do it twice, or something. The point is, you have to open those 20 locks, and once you do we’ll hit pay dirt!

Garrett: If we don’t get blown up first…

Saxton: Sucka, when has a Saxton and Saboteur plan ever failed before? Besides, if I learned anything in my Blackademy Award nominated film, Action Saxton in: Action Breaks The Bank, it’s that everything winds up working out for the better in a heist.

Saboteur: And remember boys, once we agree to do this, we don’t speak of this to anybody ever, got it?

Saxton: Fo sho, brotha.

Krypto: Affirmative!

Alvin: Got it.

Garrett rolls his eyes and sighs.

Garrett: Alright, I’m in.

The five put their right hands one on top of the other.

Saboteur: Okay, “Let’s go Saboteur” on three! Ready?

Alvin: Um, how about “heist” on three?

Saboteur: Ugh, fine, “Heist” on three. One, two, three!

Group: Heist!
Signal Panic, Inc. Presents
Action Saxton & Saboteur
"A Fine Day For A Payday!"

WZCW Headquarters: A grand skyscraper scraping the sky, each of its 12,000 windows glinting in the sun. The outside is kept immaculately clean, the parking lot is full of nice cars and one hearse, indicative of their talented and wealthy staff. Through the front door, catering staff, workers, and interns steadily stream in and out through a pathway leading around the perimeter of the building. Lining said pathway is a collection of carefully-trimmed green hedges, cut into carefuly-sculpted shapes such as a rectangle, a big rectangle, and a slightly smaller rectangle.

And hidden inside these bushes were Action Saxton, Saboteur, Garrett, Alvin, and Krypto.

"All right, suckas, the coast is clear," Action Saxton said, lowering his hands from his eyes.

"You remember the plan, right?" Saboteur asked.

"I'm going to help you get into the staff elevator and head down to the sub-sub-basement," Alvin said, "and we're gonna get paid!"

"Good work, Theodore," Saboteur whispered. "Remember the codenames."

"Wh-" Garrett stammered. "Codenames?"

"Yes, Garbear!" Saboteur replied. "Codenames. We can't get recognized by WZCW staff if we use codenames."

"Saboteur, I-"

"My codename's Ronin!" Saboteur hissed. "Garbear, you can't just go calling me 'Saboteur' in broad daylight! That guy in the Subway truck might have overheard!"


"Dark Chocolate, is the coast still clear?"

"Clear as my fine, smooth skin, sucka," Saxton replied.


"What's my codename?" Krypto piped up. Saboteur turned to face his alien buddy and sized him up.

"You can be..." He paused, thinking. "Crypto."

"My name is already Krypto."

"No, not Krypto! Crypto!"

"I do not understand."

"Look, nevermind," Saboteur said, throwing his hands in the air. "Dark Chocolate, do you have our disguise?"

"You're damn right I do," Action Saxton replied. From his back pocket he retrieved a very large, bright pink cardboard box. The rest of the gang stared at it.

"What is that?" Alvin asked.

"This, sucka," Action Saxton said, "is one of the most damn important things I have ever owned. It was given to me on the battlefield during my time as a secret agent by my comrade-in-arms, Solid Dave. This is my Love Box."

" box?" Garrett asked.

"Damn right. This sucka saved my ass from becoming grass on many occasions, and it also gave some ass in the tall grass, can you dig it?"

"It's roomy and inconspicuous," Saboteur said. "Once we're under this thing, we'll look like a completely normal cardboard box. We can use this to follow Alvin to the staff elevator and no one will even know we're there."

"It's perfect!" Alvin exclaimed. "Everyone, get under the box. We're going in."

There is a mad jostling as the crew-sans-Alvin push and shove against each other to get inside the box.

"When I give the signal, go."

"Don't order me around, Theodore," Saboteur said from under the Love Box. "I'm the guy calling the shots in this heist."

"It certainly is roomy inside this cardboard contraption," Krypto said.

"Only the best for Action Saxton, sucka!" Saxton said.

"Can we get this over with?" Garrett groaned.

"Okay, guys," Alvin said. "Let's go."

He strolled down the path, as the Love Box jerkily followed behind. The many pairs of legs swung to and fro as the cheerily whistling Alvin pushed the large front doors open. He walked to the reception desk, the Love Box following behind.

"Hello and welcome to WZCW Headquarters," said the large receptionist in a floral dress. Her voice sounded like a sick tuba. "What is your business here today?"

"Hello, ma'am," Alvin said politely. "It's me, Alvin. You know, I work here. I'm the intern."

"Oh, yes," said the receptionist, peering over her glasses. "Good to see you. Are you aware you're being followed by a pink cardboard box?"

Inside the box, all five men inhaled deeply. Alvin tugged on his collar and cleared his throat.

"Uh, yeah!" he stammered. "Yeah! This is, uh..."

"Brad Pitt in a box!" hissed Saboteur. "Receptionists love Brad Pitt!"

" WZCW superstar, The Box!" Alvin finished.

"Darn it, Theodore!"

"The Box?" the receptionist asked.

"Yeah! Uh, new wrestler, uh, Tyrone wanted to see the guy before he got put up against the review committee. He even has a great catchphrase!"

He tapped the Love Box with a foot, nervously.

"Can you tell," Saxton said, "what The Box is packing?"

"So, yeah, Tyrone thinks this guy is destined for big things, so, uh..." Alvin trailed off.

After a moment, the receptionist leaned back. "Go ahead, boys," she said. "Staff elevator is down the hall to the left."

"Thanks," Alvin said, and hurried down the hall, the Love Box following behind.

After a few moments, the gang stopped in front of a large, silver elevator door. Alvin looked to the left, and then to the right.

"Okay," he said, "the coast is clear."

With a very loud groan, the men and alien threw off the Love Box and stretched. Action Saxton reached down and put the box back in his back pocket before joining in the stretches.

"Guys, we don't have time to stretch," Alvin hissed. "The doors are open! Get in!"

"Shouldn't we have stayed in the box if we're going to have to sneak past the guards in the sub-sub-basement?" Garrett asked, getting inside the elevator.

"That's crazy-talk, Garbear!" Saboteur said, standing next to Garrett. "Action Saxton can't do his 2 Finger Throat Chop inside a Love Box!"

"Yeah, sucka!" Saxton said, standing in the back. "Well, I probably could, but there are plenty of other things I would prefer to do with my two fingers inside that box. Throat choppin' is pretty low on the list, you dig?"

The doors closed, and the elevator started making its way down, past the lower floor, past the basement, past the sub-basement. After a few moments of uncomfortable elevator silence, Alvin looked around.

"Hey," he said. "Where's Krypto?"


"It certainly was nice of WZCW to install a special elevator for my species' use," Krypto said to himself as he used his alien screwdriver to open the air vent next to the elevator. "That is certainly progressive of them in a way I did not expect of humans."

The cover fell off with a loud clang, allowing Krypto to slide into the square hole in the wall. He wriggled forward, onto the slope of the vent, and started sliding.

"Oh, what fun!" Krypto exclaimed, slip-sliding away. "WZCW certainly has changed since I was first hired!"


"He's gone!" Saboteur wailed. "Gone forever, and it's all my fault!"

He sobbed into Garrett's shoulder, who was awkwardly patting him on the back. Saxton glared at his tag team partner.

"Dammit, sucka, we can't get like this now!" he said. "You know as well as I do that that goofy alien jive turkey has an excellent sense of direction. How many times did we mail him to Abu Dhabi, only for him to turn up again?"

Saboteur disengaged from Garrett. He giggled. "Yeah, we did that a lot. We should do it again."

"Don't worry about him, sucka," Saxton continued. "He can take care of hisself. Right now, we got a job to do."

"We'll be at the sub-sub-basement in about ten seconds," Alvin said. "Be ready."

Action Saxton and Saboteur nodded at each other and got into battle stances, Saxton raising his fists and Saboteur his tranquilizer gun, Garrett and Alvin retreating to the back. The doors opened.

"Stick 'em up!" yelled Saboteur, pointing his gun at the back of a guard who had been standing just outside the doors. The guard yelped and stuck his hands in the air. Saboteur nodded, and the rest of the team sneakily moved past the two. Once they had moved on, Saboteur squeezed the trigger, and the guard fell to the ground, snoring. Saboteur put the gun back into his spandex and walked to the side.

In the other room, Saxton squatted and snuck up behind a guard.

"C'mon, sucka," he whispered, holding out two fingers. "C'mon..."

He straightened up and with a loud kung-fu yell chopped the guard in his throat with two fingers. The guard went flying and hit the opposite wall, falling to the ground with a thump.

There was a loud noise, like a very short siren, as all the guards turned to look at our heroes.

"They've spotted us!" said Alvin. "Emergency maneuvers!"

"Okay!" said Garrett. He curled into a fetal position and hid in a corner.

"Garbear is down," said Saboteur. "Looks like it's just us now."

"It'll be just us when we take on those suckas SHIT and Barbosa!" said Saxton. "Ain't none of these suckas gonna get no peace!"

Saboteur unloaded with his tranquilizer gun as Action Saxton ran the perimeter, knocking out guards left and right. Alvin hung back, cheering on our heroes, and Garrett just cried. After several intense minutes, the final guard dropped.

"This was even easier than I thought it was gonna be," said Saxton, breathing hard.

"It almost seemed a little too easy," Saboteur replied.

"My research indicated there would be one more guard than this," Alvin said. "Everybody stay alert!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, a loud clinking noise echoed throughout the basement. The clinking grew louder and louder, echoing inside our heroes' ears. It was the sound of spurs on concrete, taking measured step after measured step. The figure making the noise started at one side of the cavernous room and stopped in the middle, directly under a spotlight. He wore a long black trenchcoat, had long grey hair, and black gloves. He pointed at Alvin.

"Brother!" he exclaimed. "It has been so long!"

"Simon!" Alvin gasped.


Krypto crawled along the metal tunnel, listening to the banging coming from all directions.

"I must say, this elevator is cozy but inconveniently long," the alien said to himself. "I would think that upward movement would be automatic."

The vent started leading sharply upwards as the alien wrestler continued to crawl. The banging and crashing on the outside seemed to be getting further and further away as he moved upwards.


"That is right!" Simon said. "It has been quite a while since we last spoke, Alvin! Four years, if I am correct! Four years since I joined this infernal company, three since I was sent down here to rot!"

"Sucka, what the hell is he talking about?" Saxton asked Alvin.

"My brother Simon was an intern in WZCW, just like me," Alvin replied. "One day, they reassigned him, and I never heard from him again."

"That is right!" said Simon. "And while you were gallivanting about WZCW offices making friends with the wrestlers, I was forced down here to live in the dark and the cold! But no longer. Prepare youself, Alvin! I shall kill you and take my spot as WZCW's greatest intern! And I will never enter the darkness aga-"

Simon's impassioned speech stopped very abruptly. After a moment, he keeled over with a creaking noise and crashed to the floor. Alvin and Saxton looked over to see Saboteur holding his tranquilizer gun in front of him. He looked over at his teammates.

"Man, that guy was boring!" he exclaimed. "C'mon, get Garrett, I bet the vault's just up ahead!"

Action Saxton nodded and picked up Garrett like a football, walking forward with the rest of the gang. After twenty seconds of walking, they stopped in front of a wall. Attached to the wall was a very, very tall ladder.

"The vault's at the top of that ladder," Alvin said.

"Let's conquer this sucka," said Saxton. He cracked his knuckles, seized a rung, and started to climb.


Krypto's trip through the air vent had ended rather abruptly when it dumped him in the middle of a very large and dark room. After making sure nothing was broken, he held his hands out in front of him and started feeling his way around. The ground made a strange, glassy clinking noise wherever he stepped. Finally, his hands found a large, tubular metal object. He felt it for a bit, and then reached inside of his jumpsuit to withdraw a Flashlitron 2000. He turned it on to see what the large object was.

It was a nuclear bomb.


"Damn, nothin' like a good workout, right?" said Saxton. The other three wheezed in response. The climb had been long and arduous, but they had finally made it. Right in front of them was the fabled WZCW Vault. The door looked about as heavy as Hollywood Jameson after a night at the Golden Corral, as shiny as Krypto's spaceship, and as impenetrable as Armando Paradyse.

"So this..." Saboteur panted, "is where we go to the next stage of our plan."

He dug into his spandex and withdrew a large metal cylinder. He placed it on the door.

"I don't know how Krypto's alien technology exactly works, but from what I hear I think you just have to push..."

Saboteur leaned forward with all of his might, pushing the cylinder against the vault door. He strained and strained, and finally was rewarded with the sound of fifty loud beeps and whirs as every electronic defense shut down. He bounced back, panting, and pointed at the door.

"Garrett, go pick the locks!"

"I told you, I don't know how to-"


Garrett withdrew a coathanger and an ice pick from his pockets and gingerly stepped forward. With trembling hands, he moved his tools to the first lock.

He paused, and looked over his shoulder at Saboteur.

"Remember what I said," Saboteur said. "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A."

Garrett looked at the locks. His hands started to shake even harder.


Krypto stared at the bomb.

"I am glad I remembered to pack my Coremulator 4000," he said, holding up a large, green object. "The core of this contraption will surely provide power for my spaceship, and I'm sure RJ will also appreciate it."

He started to set to work on removing the core of the nuclear bomb, placing the Coremulator 4000 on the side and pushing. After a moment, he paused.

"I must wonder why humans are keeping a nuclear bomb here."

He shrugged, and went back to pushing.


"C'mon, Garbear!" Saboteur yelled. "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A! Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A!"

"I can't handle the pressure!" squealed Garrett. He tossed the lockpicking tools into the air and went back into the fetal position.

"You suckas are being too soft and taking too long!" roared Saxton, tearing off his shirt. "Stand the hell back! I got this!"

He put his fists up, drew back, and punched the door with all his might, tearing it completely in half.

"No!" Alvin screamed. The gang's eyes grew wide as the large atomic bomb that had been perched at the top of the vault fell down. It was as if the entire world was in slow-motion, as everyone ducked, covered, and the bomb hit the ground with a clang.

Nothing happened for a long time. Finally, a green head poked itself out from behind the bomb.

"Hello," said Krypto. Saboteur's masked eyes grew wide.

"It's worse than a bomb!" he exclaimed. "It's a Krypto cloning machine!"

"Naw, sucka, that's just Krypto!" Saxton said.

He turned towards the vault.

"But nevermind that alien sucka, we got untold riches to behold!"

The Badass Brother flexed and pulled apart the doors. What they saw made their jaws drop.

"Is that..." Garrett said.

"...malt liquor?" Alvin finished.

The vault was filled from one side of the wall to the other with bottles upon bottles of the finest malt liquor. The bottles of the amber-colored liquid paved the floors and papered the walls.

"We did all that, and there isn't even any cash inside this thing?" Saboteur groaned. "I'm starting to have some serious regrets."

"Nevermind that, sucka!" whooped Saxton. "We gonna have a party tonight!"


Several hours later, Action Saxton raises an almost-empty bottle high in the air.

"I just- I wanted to toast all you suckas," he said. "You suckas are the best damn suckas I ever had the pleasure to be suckas with."

In a corner, Krypto snored in agreement, the thirty bottles surrounding him shaking and clinking.

"We're going to beat SHIT and Barbosa!" said Saboteur.

"You're damn right we are!" said Saxton in agreement. He drank the last of his alcohol and threw it back into the vault, where it landed on the other empty bottles. "You see, we may not have gotten the money for a strategy guide, but I say we showed that we can handle five guys working as one just as good as Barbosa, and we can handle our cardboard just as well as SHIT. And when it comes to throwin' down, ain't nobody gonna beat the best tag team in the business!"

Alvin gave him a thumbs up. Action Saxton continued.

"So you listen up, suckas, and you listen up good! Me and Saboteur, we just got done with the training of a lifetime, and we are focused and ready to lay the smack-dab on all y'alls asses. We are the Badass Brother and the sucka whose name starts with S! We are the best damn tag team this company has ever seen! Through the thick and the thin, all we do is win! We are Action Saxton and Saboteur, and when we get on a roll, so do the heads! When we get down, we take suckas to town! And when we're in the ring, we- we- We wrestle, suckas! That's what we do! That's what we do!"

With a cheer, Action Saxton reaches in and grabs another bottle of alcohol. Another mission accomplished for Action Saxton and Saboteur.
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