We're backstage and Garth Black is standing with Stacey Madison
Garth, this week you defend your tag team titles for the first time, coming off of a non title loss. What do you have to say?
Well, it's simple really, myself and Phoenix didn't really turn up last week and Teach got the win, this week, things will be different.
How do you know that?
Well, for one thing, he appears to have acquired a new partner, which I can only assume is because his last one found him so repulsive that he left.
He was released from the company actually.
Really, oh well. Not to worry.
You really haven't been paying much attention round here have you?
No, no I haven't. Truth be told, I had a really bad virus last week, but I still fought and I still gave a decent account of myself, as did Phoenix.
Not decent enough, evidently.
No, evidently. I'll be honest, I'm still recovering, but that won't stop me from putting in the performance of a lifetime this week on Ascension. The Second Coming took far too long to get where we are now to throw it all away after a few weeks.
So what will be your plan of action?
Well, quite simply to win. But if you want me to go into detail, then I suggest you come to my sermon later.
Your sermon?
Yes. I will be giving it to the disciples.
You call your fans disciples? Your Christ complex is going too far.
I don't have a Messiah complex, thank you very much. We are the Second Coming of tag team wrestling. We have something to say about this sport, and people want to listen. That makes them disciples. Listen, just because the only people who follow you are the the fashion police, don't take it out on me.
Whatever, for the sake of journalism, I'll go to your sermon. Where is it?
In St. Garth's of the Apostles church.
Just ask the disciples
Garth leaves, Stacey is left looking puzzled
We see Stacey backstage. She sees a load of fans wearing Second Coming t-shirts.
Excuse me, are you a fan of the Second Coming?
Yes, we're his disciples. We're on our way to the sermon now, as it happens.
Where is it?
St. Garth's of the Apostles church
Where is that?
Right here.
They are led to the dressing room door. The words "dressing room" have been covered by masking tape, which has "St Garth's of the apostles" written on it in marker pen, with horrendous handwriting.
They enter the room, and find it dimly lit, with candles lining an aisle between two sets of rows of steel chairs. The Tag Team titles are hung on the wall perpendicular to each other, so they make a cross behind a makeshift pulpit, made from a ladder with a collapsed table rested against it.
First the Second Coming, then the Garth Black entrance music is played, badly, by Garth Black with a Casio keyboard on the organ setting. Once he's finished, he walks down the aisle, then climbs the ladder.
We have set aside time here today to stop, be still and reflect upon the greatness that is the Second Coming. My partner Phoenix is currently on away on a mission, so I will be taking the service alone today.
We shall begin with the first reading, which will be read by one of my esteemed disciples
Garth randomly points at the one of the fans who gave directions to Stacey before. She points at herself in a "who me?" fashion. Reassured by Garth's nod, she steps forward and climbs to the pulpit as Garth steps down.
The first reading is taken from The Book of Phoenix, Chapter 4 Verses 8-10...
And though they walk through the valley of the shadow of defeat,
The tag team champions feared no evil, for the disciples were with them,
The rematch is nigh, and the doctor and the teacher will cheat,
But the true champions will overcome and then condemn.
Condemn them to the darkest depths of wrestling hell
Reduce them to complete mediocre obscurity
Check them into the Heartbreak Hotel
Cleanse them from their horrid impurity.
And when their work is done the second coming will advance
To the Lethal Lottery match in two weeks time
And then seize their righteous Garth-given chance
And prove themselves ineffably sublime.
Here endeth the reading.
Thank you very much for that reading, now we shall have the lesson for the day.
And the lesson is simple. Things are not always as they seem. When the Second Coming is in full sway, then the whole world will turn upside down. For example, The teacher will become the student, and the doctor will become the patient. The Second Coming will be in full sway this weekend...
Stacey has had enough by this point and stands to leave
Look, disciples, we have our most recent convert, give her a hand.
Everyone claps, as Stacey leaves, and the cameraman follows her out, as Garth continues with his service.