AS6 - Second Coming vs. William Teach & Dr. Steven Kurtesy - Tag Team Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

William Teach shocked the World by pinning Phoenix in a tag team bout on Meltdown last week. The Board of Directors have decided to grant him a title shot in result of this achievement. With his partner Matthew Fox being released, he has been granted the ability to choose a replacement for his challenge and he has chosen WZCW Newcomer Dr. Steven Kurtesy to assist in his first attempt for gold.

RP Deadline is Tuesday November 3rd, 23:59 EST.
The scene is Stacey Madison, talking behind a curtain to a authoritative figure, Vance Bateman. Her high pitched voice cuts through the air

Stacey: Absolutely not. No way. Not in a million years.

Vance: Well, you don’t really have a choice, just one interview

Stacey: He annoys the hell out of me. Get that bimbo Serra to do it

Vance: You listen here and you listen good. William Teach is a hot commodity right now and the people want to know what he has to say. Get the hell into that locker room and interview him dammit!

Stacey: Fine! (She huffs and tears her way through the curtain, marching towards the dressing room)

She enters the dressing room with an air of reluctance and sees Teach in the corner with a tape recorder in his hand, playing a tape. Before she can ask, Teach leaps to his feet and races over to her with a big grin.

Teach: Hiya Stace! Whats shakin’?

Stacey: Don’t call me Stace.

Teach: Whats wrong with Stace?

Stacey: I said don’t call me that

Teach: But I had all these cool monikers sorted for you, Stace

Stacey: I mean it!

Teach: Lost in Stace! Stace Jam! What about Stace Ventura?

Stacey: Seriously Teach, shut it

Teach: The Stace of Spades!


Teach: 2001: A Stace Odyssey!

Stacey snaps and jams her hand over Teach’s mouth and whispers angrily

Stacey: Enough with the nicknames. I’m gunna ask you a few questions and you’ll answer nicely ok! Got it? Good.

Teach: (a bit shaken, never stirred) Uh, no problemo Stace….y

Stacey: Good. Now. What’s the deal with the tape recorder? Karnage type diary?

Teach: No I’m not insane, silly! (Teach laughs then checks over his shoulder warily) No, this is a recording of some audio from Meltdown and Ascension. In Particular! (Teach presses play and the recorder plays the voices of Copeland and Cohen)

Copeland said:
William Teach has shocked the World by pinning one of the Tag Team Champions. A fine victory that might see a title shot come from this!

Cohen said:
Well last night, I saw a travesty that was William Teach pinning Phoenix of the Second Coming, and there’s even talk about a possible title match in the works.

Stacey: (looks unimpressed at Teach) Yeah? So?

Teach: Well, I mean, come on! I now have a pinfall victory over Second Coming! In my first match against them! And it wasn’t THAT hard at all! Isn’t that exciting! They said I might even get a title shot!

(Stacey looks hopelessly into the camera before responding)

Stacey: Hey, Idiot! The match listings are already up, you’ve got your title shot against Second Coming this week on Ascension.

Teach: (Looking seriously into the camera) Umm, Phil, could you just turn the camera around for just a quick sec? (Phil does so, and as the camera turns, a high pitched, joyful scream is heard, along the lines of “OH MY GOD! YES! YES! THIS IS AWESOME! THIS! IS! AWESOME!” The camera pans back just to catch the last of a William Teach celebratory dance, replete with moonwalk. The high pitched celebrating cuts short as he regains his composure in a split second and replies to Stacey) Oh, yeah that’s very cool. Can’t wait.

Stacey: (groans) And what about the departure of you partner, Matt Fox?

Teach: Ah yes. Well, we went out for a few celebratory drinks after the match last week, and well, lets say we had a few too many. We ended up in a motel room with a lady of ill repute, 2 cases of apples, pink tuxedos, a suitcase full of golf balls and a water buffalo. Matt Fox won’t be able to wrestle for a long time lemme tell ya. I also want to take this time to sincerely apologize to the San Francisco Zoo, and hope that Mr. Buffles makes a speedy recovery from alcohol poisoning.

Stacey: Ok…But what about a partner?

(At that moment, Steven Kurtesy bursts in from another room with a worried look on his face)

Kurtesy: Is everyone ok? I heard girly screaming...

(Teach points towards Stacey behind her back. Stacey whips around with a sour look on her face)

Teach: Stacey, meet my new partner, Doctor Steven Kurtesy!

Stacey stands in shock...
Steven Kurtesy, in his usual suit apparel, is standing at the dressing room door with his hands on his hips looking around the room, analysing it. William Teach is seen nodding his head up and down with a huge smile on his face, chewing some gum. Stacey Madison turns around towards Kurtesy and looks a little shocked, confused and unimpressed.

Him? The guy who thinks he's superman over there?

Exactly... he's a doctor you know, honey.

As Stacey turns around to make a comment about what Teach said, Kurtesy walks up from behind and puts his hand on Madison's shoulder.

Is everything alright, ma'am? Did Mr. Teach over here do something to frighten you?

Stacey looks at Kurtesy and shoves her shoulder to shake off Kurtesy's hand.

That wasn't me at all...

Kurtesy looks a little confused at what he has heard, and slowly turns his attention to William Teach. He points at him and whispers something to Teach.

Yeah... sorry about that.

Rrright... well, since I am no longer required as I have done what I have come here to do, I shall be leaving.

Well it was nice to meet you Stacey. I'll just wait here for my interview. Mr. Bateman told me a gorgeous woman would be doing my first, you haven't seen Becky Serra have you Stacey?

Stacey looks horrified and a little offended at Steven by what he said. William Teach sports a worried look on his face. He slowly and silently walks away, being very cautious not to be dragged into anything.

Excuse me?

Have you seen...

I heard what you said.

Oh, did you pass gas?

Stacey looks even more horrified, slowly turning into disgust.

I'm a lady, and ladies don't pass gas. You know what, how about I conduct your interview? I'm already here anyway and I don't think Serra has the intelligence to conduct first-timers such as yourself Kurtesy.

Sounds like a plan Stace.

What did you call... nevermind.

Stacey inhales deeply. As she slowly exhales, she pushes her hands slowly in front of herself to calm her down.

As you probably already know from the match listings assuming you did check them unlike some people, your debut match here in WZCW will occur on this week's edition of Ascension where you will be teaming with William Teach to take on Second Coming for their Tag Team Championships. What makes you think that you can waltz into this prestigious company and be handed everything to you on a sliver platter?

Stacey stares directly into Kurtesy's eyes not blinking and keeping full eye contact, sporting a cold yet smug facial expression. Kurtesy stops to think for a second and gives a small chuckle.

Wow, Teach was right. You do play rough and hit below the belt... quite honestly Stacey, there isn't any proof that you can use to say that I have been spoon-fed through the ranks.

When the company was advertising for new applicants and shortlisted the best of them, you somehow skipped developmental and entered the main roster. You didn't even prove yourself here at all and now you get a championship match? How is that not being spoon-fed?

Well you said it yourself Madison, WZCW decided to make a short list of the best applicants. Guess who one of those men were? You also said that I skipped developmental and apart of the main roster. Well, if I am one of the best that WZCW had to hire me and make me skip training, I'm guessing that management has high hopes with me. I mean, c'mon Madison... they even allowed me to compete for the Tag Team Championships with Mr. Teach.

Kurtesy points towards Teach in the corner. The camera turns to show Teach sitting on the bench with his tape player. He hits the play button and holds it to his ears.

Copeland said:
William Teach has shocked the World by pinning one of the Tag Team Champions. A fine victory that might see a title shot come from this!

Cohen said:
Well last night, I saw a travesty that was William Teach pinning Phoenix of the Second Coming, and there’s even talk about a possible title match in the works.

(whispers) Great stuff...

Teach begins to rewind the tape recorder and the camera pans back to Kurtesy and Madison. Stacey looks unimpressed.

I understand now, someone needs to carry that idiot.

Madison, I believe that idiot over there pinned the WZCW Tag Team Champions without the help of his partner. Teach can definitely hold his own in the ring. I mean, he has defeated the likes of the monsterous Murfish and single-handedly won his match at All or Nothing that featured five entrants. He has been on quite the role thus far and has no problem in getting the job done.

So, does that make you the weak link of this unit then?

Kurtesy takes off his glasses, folds them up and hangs them from his suit pocket. He looks at Madison.

Weak link am I Stacey? There is no weak link to this unit Madison. How can a man who has had more victories than losses teaming with someone who has been offered a championship match in his debut be considered weak? I'm a psychologist by trade and I possess the uncanny ability to dissect people by coming into eye contact with them. Don't believe me Madison?

Kurtesy gives a small chuckle and then becomes serious.

Let's discuss... Garth Black. A man who parades around these parts claiming that he is the superior intellect. He tries to hide his insecurities about himself as a person via showboating, using intelligence as his mask. Adopting this personality has allowed him to gain a confidence about himself and has subsequently taken it to the next level with the mindset of being above everyone else... taking shots at people wherever he can to make himself feel better and try to get inside his opponent's heads. He does this by using his "intelligence" to create fancy poems from the "book of Garth." Sure... he might have the intelligence to bring forth creative ways of trash-talking, but its what happens in the ring that counts. The only major success he has had here in WZCW involves Black relying on a tag team partner to do what he lacks in wrestling ability.

Speaking of partners, this brings me to Phoenix. Someone who truly believes that he is riding down the path of righteousness by helping out others and giving them advice all because he decided to turn his life around. Now, I'm not knocking someone who has chosen to do the right thing... but to force-feed your beliefs down people's throats and create an aura about yourself stating that you have experienced hell before is just another way of making yourself holier than thou and hiding your incapabilities.

I have seen many patients in my lifetime Madison... from little bickerings to absolute nut cases... these two are nothing special, not in the ring nor their efforts in making themselves look strong to intimidate their opponents. I can read them more easily than Garth can read from his parchments. When they come to face the master of psychology (points to himself) and the extremely talented, excellent record of William Teach (points to teach), Second Coming will crash and burn, just like Phoenix. Trust me when I say this Madison... it's okay, I'm a Doctor.

Kurtesy pinches his suit shirt outwards and let's go. He grabs his sunglasses and puts them back on. Madison looks unimpressed.

You still haven't answered my initial question.

There is no need Madison. All your answers to every possible question that you can throw my way about this week's Ascension will be given to you in the squared circle. And I have Teach as my witness.

At that moment, Teach walks into the picture frame and puts his arm over Kurtesy's shoulder. He smiles at Madison.

Listen to the man Stace... he knows his stuff, especially everything he stated about William Teach. There is no denying that William Teach is the greatest rising star on the roster, and with Kurtesy... the greatest newcomer... there is no way that we can be stopped. We are definitely going to re-define the meaning of "Teach Us."

Multiple voices from the background are heard shouting "TEACH US" loudly as soon as Teach finishes. Teach, Kurtesy and Madison jump a little from the noises and look around to see where it may have come from. When the voices stop, Teach and Kurtesy look at each other weird. Kurtesy & Teach turn to the camera.

Second Coming... How does that make you feel?

The scene fades with both Kurtesy and Teach looking directly into the camera. Kurtesy points towards the camera and Teach chews his gum with a smile on his face.
We're backstage and Garth Black is standing with Stacey Madison

Garth, this week you defend your tag team titles for the first time, coming off of a non title loss. What do you have to say?

Well, it's simple really, myself and Phoenix didn't really turn up last week and Teach got the win, this week, things will be different.

How do you know that?

Well, for one thing, he appears to have acquired a new partner, which I can only assume is because his last one found him so repulsive that he left.

He was released from the company actually.

Really, oh well. Not to worry.

You really haven't been paying much attention round here have you?

No, no I haven't. Truth be told, I had a really bad virus last week, but I still fought and I still gave a decent account of myself, as did Phoenix.

Not decent enough, evidently.

No, evidently. I'll be honest, I'm still recovering, but that won't stop me from putting in the performance of a lifetime this week on Ascension. The Second Coming took far too long to get where we are now to throw it all away after a few weeks.

So what will be your plan of action?

Well, quite simply to win. But if you want me to go into detail, then I suggest you come to my sermon later.

Your sermon?

Yes. I will be giving it to the disciples.

You call your fans disciples? Your Christ complex is going too far.

I don't have a Messiah complex, thank you very much. We are the Second Coming of tag team wrestling. We have something to say about this sport, and people want to listen. That makes them disciples. Listen, just because the only people who follow you are the the fashion police, don't take it out on me.

Whatever, for the sake of journalism, I'll go to your sermon. Where is it?

In St. Garth's of the Apostles church.


Just ask the disciples

Garth leaves, Stacey is left looking puzzled


We see Stacey backstage. She sees a load of fans wearing Second Coming t-shirts.

Excuse me, are you a fan of the Second Coming?

Yes, we're his disciples. We're on our way to the sermon now, as it happens.

Where is it?

St. Garth's of the Apostles church

Where is that?

Right here.

They are led to the dressing room door. The words "dressing room" have been covered by masking tape, which has "St Garth's of the apostles" written on it in marker pen, with horrendous handwriting.

They enter the room, and find it dimly lit, with candles lining an aisle between two sets of rows of steel chairs. The Tag Team titles are hung on the wall perpendicular to each other, so they make a cross behind a makeshift pulpit, made from a ladder with a collapsed table rested against it.

First the Second Coming, then the Garth Black entrance music is played, badly, by Garth Black with a Casio keyboard on the organ setting. Once he's finished, he walks down the aisle, then climbs the ladder.

We have set aside time here today to stop, be still and reflect upon the greatness that is the Second Coming. My partner Phoenix is currently on away on a mission, so I will be taking the service alone today.

We shall begin with the first reading, which will be read by one of my esteemed disciples

Garth randomly points at the one of the fans who gave directions to Stacey before. She points at herself in a "who me?" fashion. Reassured by Garth's nod, she steps forward and climbs to the pulpit as Garth steps down.

The first reading is taken from The Book of Phoenix, Chapter 4 Verses 8-10...

And though they walk through the valley of the shadow of defeat,
The tag team champions feared no evil, for the disciples were with them,
The rematch is nigh, and the doctor and the teacher will cheat,
But the true champions will overcome and then condemn.

Condemn them to the darkest depths of wrestling hell
Reduce them to complete mediocre obscurity
Check them into the Heartbreak Hotel
Cleanse them from their horrid impurity.

And when their work is done the second coming will advance
To the Lethal Lottery match in two weeks time
And then seize their righteous Garth-given chance
And prove themselves ineffably sublime.

Here endeth the reading.

Thank you very much for that reading, now we shall have the lesson for the day.

And the lesson is simple. Things are not always as they seem. When the Second Coming is in full sway, then the whole world will turn upside down. For example, The teacher will become the student, and the doctor will become the patient. The Second Coming will be in full sway this weekend...

Stacey has had enough by this point and stands to leave

Look, disciples, we have our most recent convert, give her a hand.

Everyone claps, as Stacey leaves, and the cameraman follows her out, as Garth continues with his service.
The scene opens with Becky Serra standing backstage, talking to one of her producers.

There’s no need to worry, we’ll have extra security behind the wall here. They can be out here to help you within 15 seconds. The only way you could be safer is if the Secret Service was here.

Okay. I’m sure he’s changed now, but he’s had anger problems before and he was furious after that loss last week. Better safe than sorry, right?

The producer nods, and motions off screen before heading off screen in the opposite direction. After a moment, Phoenix appears from the direction in which the producer motioned. He smiles at Becky, and gestures toward the crew. Becky and Phoenix position in front of the camera and the interview begins.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Phoenix! Now Phoenix, I know that loss last week must have been tough, but…

Tough is an understatement. I don’t know if I have ever taken a loss that hard. No offense to Teach, but I went into the match thinking that there was almost no chance we would lose. At least when we faced Mary-Kate and Ashley I was prepared for the possibility of losing. That, however, was my fault and I promise that will never happen again. I have learned my lesson,and I am over last week and fully prepared for this week. Now, Becky, I have a question for you.

(confused) Okay…what is it?

If the Daves are Mary-Kate and Ashley, would that make Ricky the dad, Uncle Jesse, or Uncle Joey?

Ummm, I really don’t know? What do you think?

I’m not sure either. For his sake, I would hope the dad because Bob Saget is awesome, but that would create a very confusing family dynamic.

Right… Well, I am glad to see that you are over last week. I must admit that I’m kind of surprised at your attitude. I was worried you’d still be furious, especially since you’ve had anger problems in the past.

I can’t blame you for thinking that. My transformation will never be complete; it’s a work in progress. Part of my evolution as Phoenix was learning patience, and I think I’ve finally achieved that goal. Now, if we may, I would love to talk about our title match this week against Teach and Fox.

You didn’t hear? Fox has been released since the match last week. Teach will be tagging with a newcomer named Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

Where do they find these guys? I mean, a doctor? What happened to the old fighters from the Rockies or Texas? I tell you, wrestling these days…


like sheep in a crack den!

(giggling) Any last thoughts on your match tonight?

All I know is that Teach had better not expect another win, because there will not be a second coming of his result last week against Second Coming.

The scene fades to black.
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