AS58: Drake Callahan vs. Mikey Stormrage

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Mikey Stormrage's solo career in WZCW starts off on Ascension when he takes on the former World Champion and renowned conspiracy theorist Drake Callahan in singles competition. This will be a tough test for Mikey as the veteran Callahan will be looking to slowly redeem himself and follow-up on his victory over the legend Titus. He'll have to also worry about New Church leader Grand Mystique lurking around the shadows who has seemed to have given Stormrage a new, unfamiliar spark in his eye. No doubt these two will give us a competitive match in probably what will be the main event of Ascension.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 22nd January. Extensions as per thread.
The difference between medicine and poison is in the dose. What you originally used to cure can kill if you consume too much. What happens when you intend to kill something off, but don't use enough poison? Does it make it stronger? Only time will tell, but the poison that The New Church tried to inject into my career has changed me, and I fear the change may not be for the better.

A knock at the door caused me to put down my pen and close the notebook that had served as a makeshift diary. "Just a second." I yelled to whoever was on the opposite side of the door. I stepped over some leftover cords that I had yet to clean up after hooking up most of my electronics and answered the door.

"Hey there."

It was Ashley the girl who lived in the apartment directly below mine. I had gotten to be good friends with her since I moved in. Outside of my adventures with Saxton and Saboteur, most of my free time had been spent shopping for apartment furnishings with her, and moving myself in.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, a little surprised to see her.

"I thought we were going out to lunch, you promised you would take me for helping you get moved in." She stood, tilted slightly to her left, as she often did. That coupled with the outfit she was wearing really accented her curves. Her jeans hugged tight to her hips, her tight fitting top showing off enough cleavage to make you notice, but still hiding enough to make your imagination work. She had a jean jacket over her top, though it cut off at her midriff. My eyes began to wonder, and it took me a few moments to process words.

"Oh man was that today? Damn it, I totally forgot. Give me a couple minutes to get ready and I will be ready to go. Come in make yourself at home." I stepped aside and used my arm to show her to the couch. I quickly ran into my bedroom and looked for something to wear. I started to pick up clothes off the floor, smelling them to determine their freshness. I finally found success on the third try and pulled my green Hulk shirt over my head. I grabbed the same pair of jeans I had worn a week straight and pulled them on. Luckily my belt was still inside. I grabbed a pair of clean socks from my dresser and sat on my bed and pulled them on before slipping on my shoes that I never untied. I looked in the mirror, I was unshaven for months and my hair was a mess. "Hat." I searched for my beanie and put it on, making sure to adjust the visor to the perfect angle to obtain maximum coolness.

"Ready when you are." I said as I walked back into my living room.

"Wow, that was fast." Ashley looked back at me, somewhat surprised at the speed at which I dressed. I simply shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my jacket on the way out. As we walked down the stairs I knew Ashley was talking, but I wasn't paying full attention, my mind choosing to focus on the way her butt moved as she walked. As we stepped outside the cold air bit at my face and snapped my attention back to her words. "You seemed distracted earlier, did I come at a bad time?"

I looked over at her as we walked. "Oh no, I was just thinking about my match this week. Drake Callahan will be a tough test. The guy is a former world champion, arguably the most accomplished opponent I have shared the ring with."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "I hate when you talk about work. Wrestling is so barbaric."

"I don't complain when you talk about work." I countered. Though truth be told as smitten as I was with this girl you would be hard pressed to find a reason for me to complain about her.

"There is a difference. You beat people up for a living. I work in a hospital and make people better. I saw the way you hit that poor defenseless man with a chair last week. That was awful!"

I stopped walking, my tone taking on a bit of anger. "Now hold on, what I did to him was nothing compared to what he has put me through the past few months. If I have my way, it will be nothing compared to what I am going to put him and the rest of The New Church through either!"

Ashley looked at me, her face a mix of fear and confusion. "I have never heard you talk like that. I'm sorry, I didn't know it was such a sensitive subject. "

I quickly apologized. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so angry over it. It is just something that has been weighing on my mind lately." We stop in front of a small bakery and walk in. "Drake talks about his conspiracies, but the real conspiracy is the treatment The New Church is given. They ruthlessly blindside people, and aren't punished. Hell they are rewarded with a spot in the Battle Bowl. Who is responsible for that? That is a real conspiracy."

"No idea." Ashley responds half heartily as she makes her purchase.

"Grand Mystique isn't punished either. He is the ringleader, he should have the hammer brought down on him. Instead he gets away no problem because he is too much of a bitch to show his face. Instead he gets a match against a former world champion himself."

Ashley hands me a cookie. "Here you go, these are the best raisin cookies I have ever had."

"No thanks. Raisin cookies are the reason I have trust issues."

She laughs at me. "Haha, what are you talking about?"

"Raisin cookies look just like chocolate chip cookies to a fat child."

Ashley continues laughing. "Your loss."

As we are leaving Ashley's phone rings. "Hello. No I'm not busy. Yeah, I can cover. Just give me about an hour." She hangs up and looks at me. "I am so sorry to do this, but I have to cover a shift at the hospital."

"No biggie. I have an interview I need to do later anyway, so this will let me get that out of the way and then I can spend the rest of the day playing Xbox. I finally got everything hooked up, well hooked back up after Saxton and Saboteur had their way with my stuff."

We walk back to the apartment building making idle small talk. I sent a text to Becky Serra to let her know I will be available for the interview sooner than expected. When I get back to my apartment I give her a call. "Hey Becky, Mikey Stormrage, you ready to do this thing?"

"Sure, just let me get my notepad." A rustling is heard on the other end of the phone. "Okay, first I have to ask, was it your intention to get yourself disqualified last week?"

"No, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good."

""You promised vengeance on The New Church, with the main target being Grand Mystique. Do you think the loss puts you behind schedule in that quest for revenge?"

I laugh. "Becky there is no time table for revenge. It may happen this week, it may happen a month from now, but when it does you and everyone else will know."

Becky takes a moment, presumably to jot down a few notes, before the next question. "How is your relationship with Saxton and Saboteur? Are they upset that you are the reason for the loss last week?"

"Let me tell you, those two are something else. I have had my fair share of battles with them, and we have inflicted a lot of pain on each other, but we have a great mutual respect. They have suffered at the hands of The New Church themselves, and want their chance to get their own revenge. For them revenge is probably regaining the belts we fought over for the better part of the last four or five months. They want to prove they are the best team currently in the business, and I'd bet money on them doing it."

"So do you think they are better than Strikeforce?"

I pause a moment before I answer. "Strikeforce is dead Becky. It seems I'm the only one who has come to terms with that. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about the remaining member of Strikeforce. The guy who is left from Strikeforce. That guy has a name, it is Mikey Stormrage, and he is going to avenge a wrongful death."

She takes a few more notes. "Ever since Unscripted we have witnessed a new side to you. How do you explain it? "

"Grand Mystique and New Church have sinned Becky. I am the punishment of God. If they had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon them."

"Wow." Becky stammers over her next few words. "Off the record, I hope you are able to at least put a stop to them. They have nothing but harm since they walked through the arena doors. How do you feel about your opponent this week, Drake Callahan?"

"A fallen prophet. I remember at Kingdom Come he came to the ring dressed as Fluttershy. Before his match that night we talked about the show. Grown men enjoying a show marketed to little girls, it is crazy but we shared that bond. Since then I'm not sure what happened. He supposedly cleaned up his act, kicked his habits, but he is no role model. He hides behind talks of his legacy and conspiracies, but you can't outrun your demons Drake. You will have to answer for your past. The pain you feel in the ring against me will be nothing compared to those you have sinned against. It is not my intention to bring Drake down with those who have sinned against me, but if he stands in my way, he will be an unfortunate causality of the war I rage. "

"I think I have enough. Good luck this week."

"I don't need luck Becky, revenge is my destiny."
"I know what it is to be alone."

I was in the moment. The lights were bright, highlighting every inch of my face and body. I wasn't a vain person, but this profession demanded that I look a certain way, and since quitting drinking and really dedicating myself to my craft, I knew I looked good. Some say the beard took away from my good looks, but I preferred it. I know Stoya likedit, too. Behind me was a WZCW backdrop; I'd dispensed with interviewers and microphones. Half the interviewers wouldn't have even spoken to me, anyway. Not without good reason, admittedly. But this was it - this was the moment that I lived for. The cameras were rolling, recording and preparing to send out my words to the WZCW Universe. It had been too long since I was really here, really feeling the adrenaline as I thought not about the championship, or the bigger picture, but right then and there - my match against the would be superstar, Mikey Stormrage.

"Believe me when I say it - I've been alone for a long time. And I know what you sycophants are saying out there - but Drake, think about how long you've worked for the Powers Talent Agency, and think about your girlfriends, and everyone who used to love you. And I say - you have no idea. People surrounding you backstage, people living with you, people going to dinner with you - that's one thing. But in the ring, the best in the world know that the only way to survive is to do it alone."

I let a little rage creep onto my face, let my eyes pop a little bit. I wondered, briefly, how in control of it I really was. Was I letting it out - or was it forcing its way there? It looked good for the camera, at least.

"I've done it all on my own. I hit this company with absolutely no one and nobody at my side, not in the ring, not in the back, nowhere. And you know what I did? I staked my claim in the Sprint for the Spot battle royal. And before anyone could blink, I was in contention for the Elite X Champion, and I haven't looked back since. All I do is win gold in this company, and I do it by myself. I was the Mayhem Champion, and I carried it with pride until I was Eurasian Champion. And when I was forced out of this company by the first great conspiracy committed against me, what happened when I came back? Before any of you knew what was going on, I was stealing the show in the Lethal Lottery, competing in King for a Day, and despite everyone and everybody in this company trying to hold me back..."

I gave them a dramatic pause. I knew the camera is zooming in on my face.

"I won it all. And I did it alone. No one was in the ring helping me. I didn't get to tag out. I didn't get to run away when the going got tough. I gritted my teeth and fought through the pain. I persevered. Every hold I broke myself. Every pin attempt I broke out of alone. Every counter I pulled off on my own. Every piece of offense delivered in that ring - mine. I know exactly what it is to be alone in WZCW, and believe it when I say it - it's hard as hell."

I took a step back and ran my hand through my hair, preparing for the next phase.

"So I know how hard it is for this pathetic piece of lard Mikey Stormrage to have to be on his own. It's hard for any WZCW superstar, even the morbidly obese ones who can't put down the onion rings to pick up a dumbbell every now and again. But it's especially hard for the lazy, weak willed, and spineless sacks of crap who put themselves into the tag team division. Every tag team on this roster is two failed superstars, chumps who couldn't make it on their own and have banded together in some kind of perverse symbiotic relationship that keeps them alive long after they should have been shown the door. Each one of them relies on their partner to do all the hard stuff. 'Here, let me drag you to the ropes', says useless sack of crap to talentless hack. 'Hey, let me break up that pin for,' says wannabe superhero to wannabe movie star. 'Let's hit this move together,' says failed mixed martial artist with a broken neck to 500 pound goo monster. You're all so pathetic. And you all walk around like you're the bees knees. Wearing titles like they mean something, like the tag team championships are worth a damn. They should be made out of pennies, just to show you how worthless they really are."

I cracked a grin, letting the audience worldwide hate me and my smile.

"It must be awful to go from that coddled little play world that you pretend is wrestling to the real show, Stormrage. Now you've gotta do it all on your own. No one's here to bail you out. No one's here to be your buddy. It's time to go one on one with the greatest superstar in WZCW history - me. I've been in wars you can't even imagine. I've won the world title and had it stolen from my rightful possession. I've bled inside Hell in a Cell. I've all but killed men in pursuit of victory. And if you think for one second that you're even remotely prepared to face a man of my caliber, you've got another thing coming. So get ready to step out of AAA and play in the big leagues, little boy - or should I say, extremely huge fat boy - and try your hand at wrestling alone for a change. It's not going to be a pleasant experience for you. But if nothing else, when your skull is cracked and you can't breathe, you'll be able to say this - you did it alone."

I let my grin grow wider for the final shot.

"And it turns out, when you go it alone, Mikey, you just really suck."


A few moments after the cameras stop rolling, I step aside. The crew verifies they've got everything they need and I walk over to Stoya, who was waiting in the corner. She was playing her smartphone at something or other, probably emails. If it concerned me, she'd tell me. She looked up as I approached.

"All done?"
she asked.

"We're good here. It's been too long since I did that. It feels bad to let those feelings out, sometimes,"
I replied.

"Oh, maybe we should get you a therapist,"
she teased.

"Hilarious. Can we be serious for a moment?"

She shot me a brief glance, then put her phone in her pocket and met my stare evenly.


"Did you look into what I asked you to?"
I replied. She gave that damn shrug of hers that managed to be nonchalant and sensual all at once. How could she possibly do that?

"Yeah, but I didn't find much. Anderson said she just flubbed her line. Wrote down the wrong name on the cards, or something."

"The wrong name? Or the wrong details? Damn it, it doesn't matter. No one on the roster says they hail from Parts Unknown anymore."

"I don't get why you're so obsessed with it."

"Because there's clues everywhere, Stoya. Someone is laying people out backstage and leaving notes behind. Someone convinced Titus to go after me. Someone is pulling strings in this company. And that someone doesn't want me to be world champion, I'm convinced of that. Any little mix up, any little mistake - maybe it's a clue as to who's running things around here."

"So...what, you think it's El Califa Dragon? I checked him out. He seems to be who he says he is. Luchadore who wants to make it big north of the border. Pretty normal stuff."

"I don't like it. I've been doing some more thinking - when I became champion, no one had heard anything about this guy. But then he comes into the company, and right around then I can't seem to pick up a win. I lose my title, and instead of a fair rematch, I get put into a four way Hell in a Cell. Coincidences? I don't like it. Now there's people 'messing up' his, there's something fishy about him, Stoya."

"Other new people have come into the company since then. Maybe it's the new caterers."

"Don't get me started on those guys. I'm convinced they're part of it, too. All they ever offer is garbage food, like they're trying to destroy my conditioning. This goes deeper than you can possibly imagine, Stoya. And think about this - Califa was hot shotted as soon as he came into the company. Everyone else gets stuck with Aftershock duty. He stood out then, and he stood out the other night. He's been here at all the right times, had access to all the right places. I don't buy it. Not for a second."

"So you think he's got some kind of grudge against you?"

"I want to know who's under that mask. I'd bet my bottom dollar it isn't some Mexican day laborer."

"Then who?"

"Some who disappeared right around the time I won my title. Someone who I could never go anywhere as long as they were around. Someone with old blood against me. Someone like..."

I trailed of as my eyes widened. I had it. I finally had it.

Stoya said, her eyebrow raised.

"I know who it is. And if they think they're hiding in the shadows any longer, they're sorely mistaken. This ends now."
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