AS49: Chris K.O. vs. Barbosa

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The main event of Ascension this week will feature Ty's right hand man Chris K.O taking on Barbosa, a man who failed to win the Eurasian Championship and become the Number One Contender for the World title. K.O has been sent over to Ascension rather than compete in the handicap match on MD to keep things in check whilst getting rid of a problem once and for all. However, considering Barbosa's mental state, no-one will know for sure who he has problems with...

Deadline is Tuesday, June 12th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
*A black cascade of padded nothingness.

That was all that had comprised Barbosa's world for what seemed like forever.

The occasional crack of light brought nourishment and medication in equal amounts.

However, that medication appeared moot. Being ignored, abandoned, used and abused seems to have finally broken something.

Because, now, there were no voices. They had vanished some time during the fiasco that was Kingdom Come.

Now, there was nothing. He was nothing; a seemingly emotionless, directionless husk and in this padded cell, darkness reigns.*


*The darkness is broken by the fading in of a computer screen. The slience interrupted by the tapping of a keyboard.*


Mister Alhazred: What should I replace the reports with, my lord?

Ty Burna: I do not care what you put. I just need you to get him out.

Mister Alhazred: It should be rather straightforward. These facilities use antiquated and simplistic firewalls to hide the most confidential of information. If you have ever visited a hospital, rest assured that your records are at the fingertips of even the most rudimentary of hackers.

*Knowing that he has let his enthusiasm for technology get the better of him, Alhazred winces before turning to face the inevitable heated Ty Burna stare.*

Ty Burna: Do I look like someone who needs a lesson in the not-so-subtle intricacies of ICT?

*Instead of verbally replying, Alhazred dips his head in a chastened manner: the only sound he emits is from his continued tapping of keys. After a few tension-filled moments of the owner of WZCW looming over his subordinate, Ty Burna glides silently away from the computer terminal Alhazred is stationed at. However, before the Harbinger of Chaos disappears, he issues one last demand.*

Ty Burna: Just get him out. He has a job to do on Ascension.

Mister Alhazred: Yes, my lord.


*A door opens to admit an official-looking individual carrying a laptop into a small conference room. There, he joins two similarly clad others at a table, offering handshakes to them both.*

Dr Rivers: Hello, Dr Crawford, Dr Harrigan. I would say that I was happy to see you both again were it not for the circumstances of our meeting here today.

*Both Drs Crawford and Harrigan nod their heads somewhat solemnly at that observation. Dr Rivers then opens his laptop for his notes as the meeting begins.*

Dr Rivers: It is unfortunate but we must do our duty.

Dr Crawford, you last reported that Mr Barbosa - no first name given - was, according to his Rorschach, Holtzman and Thematic Apperception Tests, "no more mentally troubled than you are or I… [showing] a remarkable flexibility of mind and none of the manic-depressive or bipolar tendencies [and that] he is no more egocentric and driven than any other professional athlete." Is that still your report?

Dr Crawford: Unfortunately, no. It would appear that the stress and strain of his day to day interactions have profoundly exacerbated his condition. Instead of demonstrating traits of the schizophrenia and bipolar disorder that troubled him, he is now virtually unresponsive to most auditory, visual and even physical stimuli. He is still aware of his surroundings and is capable of taking on nutrients and fluids when he needs them. It is almost as if he has purposefully shutdown, waiting for something to happen.

Dr Rivers: Yes, it seems we were right to have misgivings regarding Mr Barbosa's test results during our last meeting. Dr Harrigan, have you anything to add at this point?

Dr Harrigan: I would just like to expand on my colleague's comments on the last month being particularly troubling. As with our previous examination, I have delved into his professional career as a wrestler.

The company he works for, WrestleZone Championship Wrestling, has recently held what they consider their biggest annual event - Kingdom Come. The pressure of performing on such a grand stage seems to have been the catalyst to this latest breakdown.

There are reports of him causing a disturbance in a hospital ward and then disappearing into the forests of Kentucky to, as one of his colleagues in WZCW put it, "look for his best friend" in the run up to the event.

Then at the event itself, he caused such grave injuries on one of his opponents that he was ejected from his match before its conclusion. Then despite his emotional and destructive outburst, he walked calmly out of the building, the Cowboys Stadium in Dallas, and sat down in the middle of a heavily trafficked road...

And when he was taken into custody, he continually screamed for a "Tie" so he could "finish what we started at the Lethal Lottery."

Dr Rivers: So his obvious depression has escalated into a determination to commit suicide? That is deeply troubling. I think that there is very little that can be done for Mr Barbosa's freedom this time. No amount of personal references, even from an equally disturbed Ugandan Wildman would be able to encourage this board or its overseers to overlook these events.

*Drs Crawford and Harrigan again acquisesce to this synopsis with cursory nods.*

Dr Rivers: Now, to prevent us from being open to any accusations of being contaminated by the process, we agreed to have an independent evaluation of the patient; a report that I have been reliably informed has been stored on our system this morning. It is merely a formality but I think that it is worth the extra layer of proof.

*Dr Rivers returns to his laptop to retrieve the report. After a few clicks, he begins to read. However, as he progresses through the report a growing look of confusion and incredulity appears on his face.*

Dr Rivers: Surely, this cannot be right…

Dr Crawford: Is there a problem?

Dr Rivers: The independent report states that the episode Mr Barbosa suffered in Dallas was merely a one-off aberration brought on by the stress of the situation.

Dr Crawford: How can that be? We know it is not a one-off.

Dr Rivers: Even more shocking is that the report demands that Mr Barbosa is to be released into the custody of a wealthy individual with a lot of pull...

Dr Harrigan: We must appeal this verdict.

Dr Rivers: Of course, but that will not stop him being released today. He must have very powerful friends somewhere…


*Ty Burna and Mister Alhazred are seated in the back of a moving limosine. The Harbinger of Chaos appears to be in a deep meditative state, while the Doctor seems to be wrestling with saying something.*

Mister Alhazred: Lord Burna…?

*The Owner of WZCW gives little immediate recognition that he has heard his subordinate, but before Alhazred can dig his own grave by asking again, Ty's fiery eyes open. Taking this as an acknowledgement that he has been heard and allowed to continue, Alhazred presses on.*

Mister Alhazred: Lord Burna, if I may be so bold to ask… why are you going to such lengths to try to recruit Barbosa again? He has proven to be untrustworthy and uncontrollable at every opportunity.

Ty Burna: And what part of that does not sound like a perfect addition to the Age of Chaos? Someone capable of brutalising anyone in my path. Look what he did to that pain in my side, Black Dragon.

Mister Alhazred: But he was completely unreceptive to bribery.

Ty Burna: Not completely. There is one thing he wants…

*When a look of confusion washes over Alhazred's face, clearly unable to get his master's meaning, Ty raises his hands before himself, indicating that he would be the bait for Barbosa to do what he wants.*

Ty Burna: And if he wants that match he has been pining for for 18 months, he will do as I say, starting with the match I have set up for him against Chris KO on Ascension.

This will be the perfect opportunity for Chris to demonstrate his role in this new Age of Chaos for WZCW. Barbosa will test him to the very limit and when he comes out the other side unscathed my choice for foremost Apostle will be fully validated.

*Quieted by the subject of Chris KO and not wanting to risk provoking the rage and glowing eyes of his master, Alhazred attempts to keep the conversation specifically on Barbosa rather than on the Kingdom Come antics of Chris KO.*

Mister Alhazred: But what if Barbosa does not do what you want him too?

*Ty gives something of a shrug.*

Ty Burna: Then he will cause more chaos.

*The look of confusion returns to Alhazred but only briefly to be replaced by realisation.*

Mister Alhazred: Ooooh! It's a Xanatos Gambit! Barbosa causes chaos no matter what!

Ty Burna: And if you have failed to secure his release, you will be walking to Ascension…

*With that threat lingering the air, the gradual decline in momentum lets the passengers know that they have arrived at their destination. Alhazred peers out the tinted windows of the limosine towards the doors of large facility. After a few tension laden minutes, the masked man points out the window.*

Mister Alhazred: There he is!

*At the top of the steps into the building, Barbosa emerges into the bright light of outside. Aside from a slight squinting of his eyes due to the sunlight, the man who is usually a cauldron of barely contained rage, depression and hyperactivity appears blank. Even the coldness that has permeated his stare in recent months is gone.

There is nothing.

As Barbosa stands statuesque at the top of the steps, Alhazred approaches him and carefully coaxes him towards the open door of the limosine. Barbosa continues to stare blankly, even at the outstretched hand of Alhazred, who is careful not to make contact. Gradually, Barbosa makes it to the limosine.*

Ty Burna: Please, sit with me, Barbosa.

*A flash of recognition sparks across Barbosa's face at the sound of the invitation. Followed cautiously by Alhazred, Barbosa then steps inside the vehicle. The door closes behind them as it speeds off to parts unknown.*
"Out damned spot. Out I say!"
-Lady Macbeth

The sound of a flickering florescent light taps into the camera as we see the very light mimicking its’ omitting sound with action. The sound of scrubbing can be heard as we cut to a shot of a washing-brush going across a set of fingers. The camera zooms out and we get a shot of a Chris K.O. intensely scrubbing his hand. He is shirtless and has a pair of black slacks on. The light in the room never rises above a dim hue as the florescent light remains inconsistent with its’ natural purpose of creation.

The scrubbing continues. Chris looks very distraught as he nearly scrubs his fingers raw.

How? How could I have been so careless? The moment was there for the seizing, but I underestimated my very own allies. The match, the rose, Serafina… It was all too much. I lost sight of the goal. I lost sight of my purpose…

And now I stand here like Lady Macbeth and desperately try to erase this spot from my soiled hands. Out, out! You damn spot!

Chris begins to scrub his hand harder before finally embracing the pain that throbs on his digits. His face scrunches in pain as he hurls the brush against a nearby wall in the cramped half-bathroom.

Chris unhinges his eye lids and looks into the mirror at himself.

Tired and hoarding guilt. This is not the state of mind that I hoped to be in after Kingdom Come. I am only a few hours out of the event. Ty loss the World Championship, but gained the entire company. I would trade anything at this moment for the exact opposite. Ty winning the title would of be only a minor inconvenience if he did not control the company. Now he towers over every superstar, championship, and arena that is associated with WZCW.

This is why I clean. Because it is my fault, because I am dirty. I took on the burden of watching over WZCW in this situation, and I failed to do my duty. It is time that I finally rid myself of the vile that I attracted while under Ty’s mentorship. It is time that I stepped into the light.

Ironically, a burst of light enters in the small bathroom as the door flings open. Ian Crawford stands sternly in the doorframe.

Ian: Let us go.

The scene transitions and we see Chris and Ian standing on the side of a busy city street. Ian picks up a newspaper from local vender and we get a shot of the date that signifies that a week has passed since Kingdom Come. Chris examines the back of Ian’s newspaper and sees a picture of Ty Burna, with the caption reading: “WZCW Under New Control.”

Chris omits a groan of disgust as he turns away from the paper.

Ian lowers his paper and proceeds to tuck it under his arm and follows Chris.

Ian: You know, Ty has new found power, but so do you. You are now nearly a billionaire and you are in position to make the first move in this warring chess match.

Chris: First move?

Chris sidesteps a light post as Ian indulges.

Ian: This coming Ascension, after you face Barbosa-

Ah, Barbosa. An interesting choice for Ty to have me face a man that has flirted his alliance with him since day one of the Apostle’s existence. Ty, of course, did not tell me person-to-person about the match-up. In fact, I have made sure to avoid any type of communication with him. I have not even spoken to Serafina about what transpired at Kingdom Come. The white rose interference remains a mystery to most, but all things will come to light this week.

Ty always presented Barbosa as a loose cannon man who was four-faced, a pun on a “two-faced” personality. Barbosa shuffles the deck every set of shows. He pulls a card out at random and plays it. That is his advantage. You never know what mood you are going to catch him in. You never know what he will bring to the table, but luckily I have my own ace this upcoming round. A side of me that has never been seen by anyone in the WZCW. My dark robes will be shed, and my white armor will shine.

Ian: In summary, I think you should reveal your plan this coming Ascension and call out Ty. Make him look like the coward. Hurt him where it counts, his ego.

Chris: By my black sin I allowed him to become king, but by my white sword I will sever his reign. On Ascension, I will become WZCW’s hero. I will slay his chained dragon and challenge his lordship. I will become WZCW’s white knight.

An aerial view shows Chris and Ian walking down the street. They continue moving until they finally get lost in the crowd. The screen goes black.
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