AS47: Steven Holmes vs. Armando Paradyse

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Armando Paradyse returns to competition and WZCW this week as he is scheduled to face a man who has been on a rampage as of late, Steven Holmes. It is going to be a task and a half for Paradyse to get back into the swing of things as well as try to combat the man who is surely looking to use Armando as a statement for Big Dave... will he survive?

Deadline is Tuesday, April 17th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The scene opens inside Club Vo, Armando's exclusive nightclub. He is in the middle of a bunch of people dancing. All of them are drunk and are having an exciting night. He stops dancing and rushes to the bar and asks for a shot of Tequila. He glances to the right of him and sees an older woman checking him out. He gets a disgusted look on his face and turns his head to the left of him where he sees a very attractive girl.

Hola senorita. Can I get you a drink?

Sure, I'm Debbie.

He yells to the bartender to get him another shot for Debbie.

Very nice to meet you Debbie. I'm Armando. Armando Paradyse.

Armando Paradyse? Why does that name sound familiar?

Armando smiles as he gets to show off and tell her what he does for a living.

Well, you might have seen me on TV. I'm a professional wrestler in the top notch company, WZCW

Oh my! That's where I know you from. My ex-boyfriend loves WZCW. His favorite was Steven Holmes.

How did you feel about Mr. Holmes?

Honestly, I thought he sucked. And he's not even that good looking! Wrestlers are suppose to be you.

Gracias senorita. So my opponent this week is Steven Holmes. I'm returning to action after being out for several weeks. I'm hoping to score some brownie points with Vance Bateman if I win and hoping to challenge Triple X for his title at Kingdom Come IV.

Well, I'm sure you can beat both of them. But, unfortunently I have to go home and study. I'll see you later Armando.

He stares at her as she walks off. He drinks his shot of Tequila and gets all pumped up and goes back to the dance floor where he starts dancing with a girl. After about seven songs of non-stop dancing they go to the VIP section to get familiar with eachother.

So you say your name was Tori?

Yeah, it's Tori. You're Armando Paradyse right? I watch WZCW all the time and I'm pretty happy your coming back! You are one of my all time favorites and I think that you should have retained the Mayhem Championship against Justin Cooper.

I'm actually glad he took the title off my hands. I'm above the Mayhem divison and I don't want to be weighed down with that title. I have my eyes set on something a lot more prestigous.

So who are you facing this week?

I'm taking on Steven Holmes on Ascension. A stepping stone to Kingdom Come. Last year around this time, I was a joke and no one thought I'd be here now.

He pauses and gets real tense. His right eye starts to twitch so Tori smacks him.

Did you just hit me?

Yeah, you were going all psycho on me.

Senora, I think we need some drinks. I'll be right back with a bottle of Grey Goose.

He gets up and walks off into the club, dancing and moving to the music. He goes back up to the bar and Becca, a bartender who works for Armando. She sees him and reaches for the Vodka. He smiles and starts to flirt with her.

Becca, you know me too well.

I know, So who is the lucky lady tonight?

well it was for some girl I was going to take home, but I think you look like you need a shot or two.

I would but I don't drink. So the buzz around Vo is that you are challenging Steven Holmes for his Elite Title this week.

Well, that was my goal but a few weeks ago Triple X won the title from him. So I'm just going to destroy him.

What makes you think you can do that?

Becca, I beat him before. It was him and his former partner and reigning World Champion, Steven Kurtesy in a handicap match!

Handicap? If I recall, you had Sean Cruz as a partner, and he did all the work.

I wore them two down before that bastard Sean Cruz came in and stole the win right from under me! This time, It's just me and Holmes.

I hope you try your hardest.

Try? I don't have to try to beat him. I dethroned a King, Becca! I dominated the most dangerous divison in WZCW. No one in WZCW is in my league or even close to it. I'm going to rip Stevens head off and put him out of a job.

Armando reaches down his pants and pulls out his pipe that he used in the Mayhem Title match at All or Nothing.

Do you always have that thing on you?

Armando looks a litte embarrased.

Never mind that. My pipe and I have been through alot, as you know. This is the same pipe I used to make Alex Bowen pass out during the match at All or Nothing. The same pipe I used to beat Sean Cruz to a bloody pulp before that very match and It's the same pole I'm going to use to decapitate Steven Holmes. He stands no chance against me.

Armando walks off, the pipe in one hand and the Vodka in the other. He smiles as "Sexy and I know it" comes on and he begins dancing and drinking with a group of girls. After a few songs him and a couple of the girls head outside to the smokers section.

I'm Amy and this is Cassie.

I'm Armando Paradyse.

Armando Paradyse? Aren't you the owner of Club Vo?

Si, I am. How do you like it?

It's amazing! We come here like every weekend your open.

Why are you open every other weekend?

Well, I'm a professional wrestler and the weekend I'm not open is a week I have a match.

Oh my! So your like a celebrity!

Si senorita, I guess I am.

Amy whispers something in Cassie's ear and they both start giggling.

Why do you have a pipe?

Well, Amy, This is the sime pipe I used to end Sean Cruz's career. I beat him so bad with this, he had to retire. Same thing with Alex Bowen. And it's going to be the same thing I have in store for Steven Holmes and Triple X after him. Kingdom Come is our biggest ppv and I missed out on it last year. This year, I'm going to the biggest event of the year.

Amy and Cassie both look at him pretty strange and start laughing.

Wow, that's kind of creepy. And sick.Why do you carry that with you?

It makes me feel at ease.

And what the hell is Kingdom Come.

Armando facepalms himself and starts to shake his head.

Why do I always go for the dumb girls?

He starts walking off and heads into the bathroom. He turns on the water and washes his face. He looks up and stares at himself in the mirror.

Steven, I'm coming for you. You may be one of the best in the business right now but I'm the best. I have all the talent I need to beat you. You think you have to worry about Big Dave, think again. Your not even going to get close to him. I hate to be the man you retire to but I am that guy. I'm your worst nightmare and I'm going to literally kill you Steven.

He stares at himself in the mirror and then punches it, shattering the glass. He looks at his knuckles now covered in glass and blood and starts to laugh like a maniac. He walks out of the bathroom and back to the dance floor. The Scene cuts out.
We open in a grand exhibition hall of an art gallery. The place is filled to brim with the upper echelon of the art world, and this fundraising event is sure to make quite a bundle. All are dressed in clean, delightfully expensive clothing. We find ourselves focused on one painting in particular, with one man staring directly at this piece of art; Steven Holmes. This all seems rather familiar, almost as if we’ve been through this before. With a creeping sense of déjà vu, a female enters the scene. She is young, attractive and has two glasses in her hand. She utters a word.

Woman: Steven...

With his name spoken, Holmes turns his head and body in general his face is initially glum, but soon picks up. He is in better condition than the last time we saw him address an opponent, though there remains something different, something unique within the depths of his eyes. His grin, as ever, is dominantly sinister.

Holmes: Ah, my dear Felicity, a pleasure.

He swiftly steals one of the glasses from her, filled with what can only assume is a fine wine or, more likely champagne. He takes a quick shot of it, dampening his mouth and throat with the bubbly liquid. The woman now identified as Felicity looks rather bemused.

Felicity: Thirsty were we Steven?

Holmes: Indeed. It’s far too hot in here, and I’d rather not go outside as it’s bloody cold. The suit may be fantastic to look at, but it’s a tad short on the thermal side.

Felicity snickers a little at Holmes joke. Proud that he made her laugh, Holmes’ smarmy grin crosses his face.

Holmes: I do hope that this drink wasn’t for anyone else.

Felicity: But of course not Steven, always for you. It was such a lovely surprise to hear you were coming this evening; you seemed to have dropped off the radar for awhile. Become embroiled in a blood feud of sorts doing that primal pastime of yours?

Though she may giggle away at this, Holmes’ grin drops into a non-existent pit. Instead it is replaced by a stone-wall of dead-pan. Holmes’ expression is near blank though the eyes burn with a passion, a hatred.

Holmes: As a matter of fact Felicity, I have recently gotten tangled up with an individual named Big Dave who, suffice to say doesn’t get along with me. Nor I with him. I suppose it didn’t help that I attempted to snap his neck like a twig and put an end to his livelihood.

Taking a step or two back, Felicity is horrified by this sudden turn of darkness by Holmes. She gasps out of surprise in fact. The most disturbing thing of it all though is how casually, calm and composed Holmes said it, before following up with another dash of alcohol.

Felicity: Why on earth would try and do that Steven?

Holmes: Why it’s really quite simple I--


Before Holmes can begin to detail his reasons, a loud crash is heard from the left of our two main characters. Sharply, Holmes turns his head, with his body following to observe what is going on. His eyes narrow as a gentleman clearly not dressed for occasion has stumbled his way into the private occasion. Some sort of nightclub goer has had far too much to drink and wants to party his way into the art exhibition for no real reason other than to cause some fuss. Security is swift to apprehend the party animal.

Party Animal: DUDE! LET ME GO!

Security attempts to bring him to his knees and then to his front, lying him down on the cold, marble floor. Holmes begins to move towards the incident, casually handing his glass back to Felicity as he does.

Felicity: Steven, what are you--?

Party Animal: Come on maaaaan. This is so not fair.

Security is prepared to use excessive force in order to deal with trouble maker, but just as one guard gets his baton out to strike, Holmes calls out.

Holmes: LET’S NOT!

The guard looks at Holmes with disgust at first; this is before recognising just who this man is. The guard is quick to nod in agreement. Holmes shoots him a smirk, before returning his attention to the Party Animal.

Holmes: Now then, release the poor gentleman into my hands.

The security surrounding the animal look at one another with a sense of fear and quickly release the animal. Holmes’ grin is comprised of, in essence, pure evil.

Party Animal: Oh hey, thanks man, I appreciate i--

Before he can conclude his statement, our Party Animal is flung hard into the wall by Holmes. His hands grasped tightly around his shoddy t-shirt. Holmes moves in quickly, his face a mere few inches from the poor drunken fool’s.

Holmes: Now then, let’s talk, shall we?

Party Animal: Huh? T--talk about what?

Holmes: Oh you know just anything like say, fear?

The Party Animal’s eyes widen as he realises that he’s not been freed from punishment, merely dropped into the proverbial pit of eternal damnation. Holmes’s shadow casts a dark, atmospheric feel over our animalistic friend. Then, he begins to notice something.

Party Animal: Say, aren’t you in WZCW? Yeah, you’re that Steven Holmes dude.

Holmes is surprised that he is recognised, but chortles a little, a pleasant smile now on his face. The Party Animal joins in with the laughter. Then, Holmes stops. The Party Animal soon follows suit, though embarrassingly only after a few second delay. The once pleasant smile is morphed into a creepy, slithery one.

Holmes: Now that I know you’re a fan of my workplace, let’s put fear to one side for the moment. Lets discuss what I’m going to do this week on Ascension when I face a man much similar to yourself; Armando Paradyse.

Again, the Party Animal’s fear is apparent as he gulps audibly.

Holmes: You see Mr. Paradyse is a notorious party loving gentleman. He’s a big fan of the culture. He enjoys it like no other. Many find that to be an endearing quality. I find it to be a disgusting lack of professionalism. His work is sloppy, his talent is null and his presence is severely lacking. He is however, a suitable opponent for a man on the edge such as myself. You see, Armando Paradyse’s talents may well be nonexistent, but he makes for a fine test for my plans to unleash hell upon Big Dave.

At this point, Holmes removes his hands from the party goer’s clothing and instead moves his right arm up towards the neck whilst the left blocks a potential escape route.

Holmes: Paradyse seeks validation, but it will not come at my expense. I will annihilate him, testing, trying and contorting him in ways never before seen. He will be like a puppet on strings being manipulated to my every whim as I prepare for the glorious true battle against Big Dave. And this is where fear comes back into it my dear boy. You see, when I looked across from Big Dave on Ascension last week, all I saw was determination, grit if you will. He’s a hardnosed bastard. I seek to break that nose.

Simple assaults and sneak attacks will not suffice though. In order to strike fear in the soul of Dave I need to accomplish something truly, utterly evil. This will cause Dave to breakdown into a wretched, terrified shell of himself as we stand face-to-face on the grandest stage. Dave will know fear come Kingdom Come, regardless of how it is done, he will acknowledge it.

Holmes’s emphasising has gotten him closer and closer to the face of the Party Animal, so much so that he is nose-to-nose with him, staring deep into his petrified eyes. Almost salivating, Holmes moves backwards as his elite friends watch in a state of shock and awe. He grins wildly and snickers dastardly.

Holmes: Big Dave’s time shall come. Armando Paradyse’s time is near. Your time my dear boy...IS UP!

Holmes relinquishes his position as the poor party dweller’s state of shock prevents him from running. Suddenly we hear a slight running water sound. Holmes’ grin is swallowed by a scowl at first, before he realises what has just happened.

Holmes: You’ve just defecated yourself haven’t you?

The Party Animal is too afraid to answer and tears slowly begin to well up in his face. Holmes cackles dramatically and his dark laugh fills the halls of the art exhibition. Holmes signals for security to escort the man off the premises as he continues to laugh heartedly. We close with the sound of a twisted man’s howls filling our ears.
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