AS3 - The Full House Daves vs Titus and Steamboat Ricky (Elite X title match)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Due to the situation with the elite x championship being stolen, the board of directors sees fit to have have titus replace everest to team up with ricky to face the FHD

Titus has added that if one of the tag champions pins him, he will relinquish the elite x title
in adjustment to this, Everest will now face world title contender Bratchny on meltdown

RP Deadline is September 8, 11:59 EST.
We open on a shaky camera filming inside of a car. We hear some voices, one of the voices has a British accent and the other has an Australian twang.

Voice 1: Is this it? Yeah that’s it, pull over here

Voice 2: Let’s do this then. Still got it on you?

Yep, hasn’t been off me since we got out of there

Hopefully this will be enough to convince him to do it. That we’re changing everything since doing that

I know, it’s brilliant

You don’t think he’s going to, you know, screw us out?

Nah, you can’t make a deal like that and back out when we’ve set the stones in motion. Bottom line is we’re taking over!

Right, I’ll grab the camera and you get set. You go first and then I’ll go next.

Sounds of car doors opening and closing, and then another which is followed by the camera shaking and being taken out of the car. It’s a dark night in the middle of nowhere, on what looks to be a road. Water can be heard rushing, so it must be a bridge. The camera moves in a shaking manner to what looks to be a bridge side, only shots of feet can be seen so far

So you’re going to set it there and begin when ready?

Yeah, best way to see it and add to the effect. Can you start it zoomed in on it and then out on me?

Yeah, I can do that. Oh wait, is this on already?

The camera cuts out

The footage comes back and is out of focus for a few seconds, when it re-focuses, it’s revealed that we’re looking at the Elite X Championship

Ready, and go!

The camera zooms out and a man comes into shot, it is Big Dave of the FHD

Dave: Well, here we are, a bridge in the middle of nowhere. The Elite X Championship sitting there, just as we took it from “Tommy Gunn” back on Ascension. Now before people start thinking “Where’s the joker from last week? Where’s the guy struck with awe about Everest? FHC and whatnot?” The fact is, where I may have been struck with awe that night of teaming with the World Champion, the fact is that I, along with my partner Ace, were insulted by a man who thinks he knows better! A man who is “exclusive to Ascension” invades Meltdown and then chooses to insult our moment of glory with Everest?

We got the victory but that wasn’t enough, we made a deal, the message was clear, Ricky was not supposed to walk out of Meltdown last week! And what did you do Titus? You tried to be a hero, you tried to be the man of glory, saving the good from evil and look what happened. You’re a champion without his belt, you’re less of a man than you are a hero! If there’s one thing that people love more than a hero is to see a hero fail! I’m not saying we’re your villains, but rather the people who see you for what you are and that is a failure. You failed to save your precious championship from being taken and come All or Nothing, you are going to fail to be the World Heavyweight Champion!

This belt, this Elite X Championship, has you caged. You remain exclusive to Ascension, is that what a champion is these days? No! A Champion has freedom, to go where they please, to defend their honour and pride at any location on any given day. You, much like Ty Burna, have become jokes because you’re not free and you both certainly carry no honour. It’s flaws like these in the WZCW which we are sent to fix and it’s going to start this week, hopefully on Meltdown, and continue to All or Nothing and beyond! The word has been given and Titus, we’re demanding you to face us at Meltdown, get out of your cage and unleash your hell upon us as we give you no mercy! Hell, if you can even beat us with that joke of a pirate, we may even consider giving you back this “belt”.

Big Dave picks up the belt

Now Titus, it’s no secret, this belt means nothing to me right now, it’s worthless, pointless, just like you. How you got into that World title match is beyond us, but the fact is, as promised you will not become World Champion, for two reasons. 1. We guarantee it. 2. This holds you back! (Dave holds up the belt to the camera) The fact is, would you beg for this, would you cry just to get it back? Would you be man enough to admit that you need to drop this to even consider being the man that everyone thrives to be? How about I do the favour for you? All it takes it one big throw and I might as well do it now. Because with this you’re nothing, and yet without it, you’re still nothing.

Big Dave turns around to go and throw the belt

Ace: Woah woah, wait wait Dave stop!!

The camera shakes and drops to the ground and it cuts off
We’re back with Ace and Dave, this time off camera. Dave is sitting on the car bonnet with annoyed look on his face and Ace is on his mobile while holding onto the Elite X belt

Ace: Right ok, so we’ve been given the match with Titus

And Ricky is his tag team partner

And if one of us pins Titus, they become the Elite X Champion?

Ascension? Well it would have been better if it was on Meltdown

The board of directors made this decision? Well I’m pretty certain Titus will not be getting this back at all then! Well thanks for letting us know, I’ll get back to you, but see you on Ascension?

Sure ok, chat soon!

Ace hangs up the phone, Dave crosses his arms

Dave: So, we got a chance to belt Titus for the belt? On Ascension? Certainly made this plan work to an extent

But Dave, surely this is what you would agree is the best chance for us to have greater momentum going in All or Nothing? I mean one of us can be the Elite X Champion!

And be exclusive to Ascension? It certainly doesn’t benefit our cause. We’re already good enough to go anywhere with our tag belts, that Elite X belt is going to hold us back like does for Titus!

Come on dude, you appreciate championships more than anybody I know! If you don’t want this belt, then let me have a chance of winning it. Plus it means taking out some rage on Titus for last week’s insults. This is the steps to put us to further greatness. I mean come on, I know you. Your pride is with the belts you wear, surely the Elite X belt means a lot more than you say?

I guess…

Dave, seriously, I’m sure if one of us wins it, then surely the other could go for the EurAsian belt or the Mayhem title, this would be solidifying our status as the greatest tag team even more! Holding both the tag team titles and single belts, it can’t get any better than that? So what if we don’t get the match on Meltdown, fact is, they comprimised the situation to our demands and gave us this chance. It just shows we actually have more power and influence than most of the WZCW roster! Think about it: Big Dave, World Tag Team Champion and Elite X Champion! It has a great ring, but naturally not as much as Ace of course!

Dave smirks

I suppose you got a point there. Alright, you’ve convinced me. We will go out there and take out the trash and one of us will become Elite X Champion, what better way to prove our point about Titus. This week, he’s a worthless champion, at the end of All or Nothing, he’s a worthless nobody!

Exactly dude! It’s his for the losing and ours for the gain, it will make us more intimidating to those Second Coming Clowns, who don’t even know anything about championships or gold, Titus will know what it’s like to be them after this week, Second Rate! And hopefully this ladder match will teach them the first thing about messing with us, quit while you still have the chance! Now let’s get out of here and head to Ascension, for where bitter sweet victory awaits me…


Us, and the Elite X Championship will remain where it is now, right in our custody!

They hi-five and head back to the car

Lets do it, this is the real deal! Though I must admit, I enjoyed making that tape

Yeah but you want to save that anger for real target and not for belt, you might be holding it properly by the end of the week!

For sure! To Ascension!


They both get in the car and drive off. As they do, the video camera they were using is thrown out of the window, breaking apart as it bounces off the ground.

Fade out
We're backstage and we see the locker room of tag team champions “Full House Daves” the door is shut but you can hear the Daves laughing.

Man I'm gunna get those two bit mugs, they took his belt!

The camera swings around to the corridor to reveal Tommy Gunn walking towards the camera with his hat on and SuperSoaker4000 in hand, walking along side him is Johnny Klamor.

JK Can I get some questions Titus?!

T I'm Tommy and I need to sort these crooks out, see!

JK Look, I need to interview you about your upcoming matches. Please can I ask a few questions?

T Yes you can, but first the FHD, the mugs!

The camera shows the FHD locker door once again as Tommy Gunn goes to grab the handle. A hand grabs his shoulder and pulls back behind the camera. About five seconds later Titus steps forward in his usual attire

T Leave this one for me Tommy, they're mine, but not now, I shall let them gloat.

Titus turns to Johnny who is holding Tommy's SuperSoaker4000

T Johnny my friend, is there anything I can help you with?

Johnny looks really confused at this and drops the SuperSoaker4000 kicking it away with his feet.

JK Are you actually sane? Yes you can do this interview with me.

T Sure thing Johnny, fire away!

JK OK Titus, you are due to go up against not one, not two but five other people in your first ever world title shot. How does that feel?

T It feels great, we have Reidar who I've beaten and who has beaten me, we have Bratchny who I've beaten and who has beaten me, we have Everest who I've never beaten, we have a mystery person and well I know all about mystery people and then we have my good friend Steamboat Ricky. This will be the hardest match of my career, but I for one will go for it. The important thing though is to look at the now.

JK Look at the now?

T Yeah it means focus on what is going on right now, not the future. Right now two scoundrels are in that room (Titus points to the FHD's locker room) with my Elite X championship, the belt I beat Carmen Bratchny to win, the belt I have defended against the likes of Lars Reidar, USA and Kyle Christiansen. That's why I requested this match up, they want the belt? That's fine by me, but they'll have to pin me for it.

JK Yeah, I was going to ask about that, why did you add the Elite X stipulation to the match?

T Simply down to one thing...

Titus points to his head and taps it three times

T Mind games.

JK How does that work?

T An interesting concept, you have two guys that for some reason are trying to take me down. Is their focus me? Or is it that piece of gold with the Red X on it? I think it's the second one, I've done nothing against them, heck I had a match with their main rivals once but they forget that. If both men know they can get that gold from me, both will go for it. The thing with the Full House Daves is whilst they're a team, they're selfish. It comes down to the individuals in the team Ace and Big Dave. You think Ace is just going to let Big Dave win that gold? Will Big Dave be happy at being overshadowed by his tag partner once again? Heck no! It causes a dissension in the grows that seed that was planted.

JK Will it work?

T Will it work? (Titus does a Captain Jack Sparrow impression) Ha, you forgot one very important thing mate...I'm teaming with Steamboat Ricky! Ricky is one solid guy, he has the best in him being kick ass and being calm and collected. He has proven he can be the best in the business so it is an honour to be teaming up with him. He's spot on a hero to the masses, aside from me who else does everyone love? It's Ricky and it's obvious why. He's a fun loving pirate, mate, yet can hold up with the best, a man of integrity. A true friend of mine,

JK Well thanks Titus. Do you have any last words you wish to part with?

T Yeah, kiddies if you look up to the FHDs, please don't. Stealing and cheating is wrong, be good to others, and they'll be good to you!
RP extension ahs been granted to Ricky.
Titus: Ricky...are you sure about this?

Ricky: Yarrrrr! If we be wantin to swab the deck with Bob Saget and John Stamos...and keep yer best be listenin to good ole Cap'n Ricky!

(Ch ch ch ch ch)

*Que strings*

It's a rare condition, this day and age

Ricky is shown entering a house wearing police garb...still with eye patch.

To read any good news on the newspaper page

Titus is shown in the backyard looking at some a big goofy grin.

Love and tradition of the grand design

El Guerrero is shown wearing all white, womens' tennis clothing and draping a white tennis racquet over his shoulder.

Some people's even harder to fiiiiiind....

Polly is shown adjusting that red spinny thing on his big block muscle car.

Well then there must be some magic clue insiiiiiiide these tearful walls
(deer neer neer neer)
Cause all I see is a tower of dreams
Real love burstin' out of every seaaaam

Ricky, Titus, El Guerrero, and Polly are shown pushing the front door closed to keep some overly exaggerated nerd from entering.

As days go by,
It's the bigger love of the faaaaaaamilyyy

The whole crew is shown gathered around a piano, having a grand ole time. The camera pans out wide to the city of Chicago, IL...which actually has little relevance to this group at all. However, the camera continues to zoom out as the scene fades and any chances that Full House (Daves) had of being victorious in the TGIF wars have vanished.
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