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AS17: Titus vs. Showtime Cougar

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Apocalypse saw something nobody ever thought would happen, Titus lost the World Heavyweight Championship to Vengeance, also in this match Showtime Cougar countered a Ty Burna interference and gave him a Final Act off the stage, where Showtime was recovered from the wreckage but Ty was missing.

In some controversial action, Vance Bateman has decided the two allies of late will face off this week, he places it as Showtime winning his match giving him enough to boost up his chances to go for the World Heavyweight Championship, so facing the former Champion is his best test. Will these two keep the respect they have for each other in this match or will one of them show that chasing the gold that will always remain the important element here?

Deadline is Tuesday 13th July 23:59 EST
We're stood in a corridor with Chuck Myles and Stacey Madison

He's been in there for two days, hasn't left at all.

So what's he been eating?

I assume he took some in with him.

You assume? You know what happens when you assume?

I make an ass out of you and me.

Exactly, he's alive though?

Yeah, he keeps playing music, same few songs.

And these are?

The most random mix. Have you seen Buggsy Malone?

Yeah of course I have

“You could have been anything that you wanted to be” then you hear “Pain for pleasure” by Sum 41.


Then he plays the Smash Bros Brawl theme, then you hear the new adventures of Superman theme.

Let me guess he also plays “Video killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles?

Well yes, how did you?

They're all his entrance themes he's ever had.

Well I thought that but there's two other things you hear, one is the song “holding out for a hero”

And the other thing?

He keeps shouting “GAZZA, GAZZA, GAZZA!”

Good grief woman, he's been in their two days playing entrance themes, holding out for a hero and shouting Gazza and you've just told me now?!?

Well erm

Get me Garth Black in here RIGHT NOW

A techie runs off as Stacey and Myles look at each other.

You want to hope he's allright

I want to hope he's allright? This was your doing!

The techie appears with Garth Black and Vance Bateman rather quickly

What the hell is going on here?

He's lost it

Mr Myles, I'm intruiged as to why you've asked for my assistance on the matter?


That answer your question? Get the hell in there or you're fired and sued for a million dollars

Good grief, OK.

The door opens and you can see that the room is dark aside from the bit of light coming in from the hall way.


I'm going to put the light on OK?


No, I will put it on.

The light comes on and the room is covered with writing all over the walls.

What on Earth is this?

The camera pans to Titus who is sat looking really gaunt, he's wearing a tin foil hat rocking back and forth.


Well yeah they're linked, all linked to you.


But you lost fair and square, Vengeance was the better man in the match.


You need to keep going, you have Showtime on Meltdown.


Yes, I hear you.


The light goes off as the door closes.

He's gone.

At Apocalypse​

Vengeance is slowly back up to his feet and it’s clear to the fans that he’s been busted wide open, the blood pouring down his forehead and he begins to realize what Titus has done to him as his rage builds up again and he screams out loud, grabbing the chair immediately and sliding into the ring, looking ready to take out Titus, he takes the chair in both hands, and immediately takes out the referee with it which shocks Titus as much as the rest of the crowd. Vengeance tries to follow up with a chair to Titus but he dodges and hits a drop toe hold and uses it to lock in the British Figure Four Leglock which has Vengeance screaming in agony, he’s never tapped out before, but with the referee out it makes no difference. Suddenly out of nowhere comes Ty Burna who breaks the hold

Copeland: What the hell is Ty doing here?

Cohen: He’s taking over a match that should’ve been his.

Ty rolls out of the ring, grabs the belt and gets inside the ring, he stands ready in waiting and bashes Titus over the head with it, looking happy with himself as the crowd boos heavily.

Cohen: Homerun!

He raises his hands as Vengeance interrupts him, giving some instructions to double team as they both pick him up and drop him with a double chokeslam like move. He instructs him to leave as he says he’ll make the pin, but as Ty heads out he stops for a moment, looks at Vengeance and then immediately hits the Consecrated Banishment, taking his partner down.

Conner: Ty just took out his own partner.

Cohen: He must’ve had a second change of thoughts.

Ty looks on disgustingly and begins to leave, though as he’s heading up the ramp he’s intercepted by Showtime Cougar who begins to unload rights on him and slams him back first into the ring edge.

They continue brawling up the ramp as Titus and Vengeance are still laid out, they exchange rights and lefts up the ramp as the referees try to separate them but the brawling continues on the stage, moving dangerously to the end. Ty shoves Showtime away and then tries to kick him off with the Consecrated Banishment but Showtime dodges it and grabs him with the Final Act, taking them both off the stage onto electrical equipment with sparks flying as the fans look on in shock, the referees calling for EMTs to come out and help.

Copeland: Oh my God, OH MY GOD!

Cohen: Both men must be dead.

EMT’s are shown pulling Showtime out of the wreck, but when the camera turns to check on Ty, he is nowhere to be found among the wreckage. EMT’s help Showtime to the back; as they do Ty’s methodical laugh can be heard over the video as it fades black.

One week after Apocalypse​

Scene opens on the set of The Show. The audience is applauding wildly. Showtime stands at the edge of the stage, takes a bow, and then walks off stage to the side, waving at the crowd. Becky Serra is standing there waiting with a big smile. Showtime immediately spots her, flips on a pair of shades, and goes to greet her.

Cougar: Becky Serra, it’s so nice to see you. How are you?

Becky: I’m doing well Showtime, thank you for asking.

I assume you’re here for an interview, am I correct?

Becky nods her head up and down.

Alright then walk with me back to my dressing room we’ll continue the interview there.

Showtime and Becky begin to head back to Showtime’s dressing room. Along the way they are stopped by a stage hand.

Stage hand: Mr. Showtime, you wanted to see me?

Yes, it’s about one of the stage lights, the one that shines directly on me. It’s too bright for my eyes. I want you to change it to either a turquoise or a blue colour, and maybe not shine it directly at me. Maybe get two to shine directly beside me. You think you can do that?

Absolutely Mr. Showtime, consider it done.

The stage hand hurries off.

Lights bothering you?

Yea, it’s still this damn concussion I got from Apocalypse. Too much light and I start to get these pounding migraines. Pills help, but only so much.

Well it’s terrific to have you back on the set and here at WZCW studios. The place just isn’t as busy when you’re not filming your show.

Well thank you Becky for the kind words. I tell you this place easily beats a hospital room any day. Doctors were adamant I stay there for at least 5 days. They ran some tests and deemed it a miracle my neck didn’t get more damaged after what happened at Apocalypse. I did suffer the aforementioned concussion and a few other minor injuries. My head was ringing for days after, but now the ringings stopped and I’m ready to get back to doing what I love to do.

That’s wonderful, now the WZCW fans want to know your thoughts about what happened at that Pay-Per-View. How much of Apocalypse do you remember?

Most of it actually.

Well good, because I was hopping you could give us an in depth look at it.

Sure thing Becky.

Showtime and Becky get to his dressing room. Showtime enter and removes his suit jacket. He takes out two glass and pours himself a small glass of rum. He asks Becky if she’d like some to which she declines. He takes a swig back and they both sit down and begin.

Well I guess I’ll start with my match with Ty. A fantastic match, everything I thought and knew it could be. What made it even more memorable was I was able to make that despicable monster tap. Anyone can pin someone for 3 seconds. Ty will readily tell anyone Drake snuck in and stole a pinfall to win the EurAsian title. I’ll agree with that, but at Apocalypse I refused to stay down for the 3 count and when I locked in the Commercial Break, I forced Ty to do the one thing he’s sworn never to do and that’s tap out. I took the monster and forced him into a timeout.

Well it appeared that the evil Ty snuck out of timeout in a nick of time to cost Titus the WZCW Heavyweight Championship?

Brats like Ty who don’t get their way end up lashing out to prove their point. Defeated and ashamed, Ty sought out to prove that he could control the fate of the WZCW title. I only wish I could’ve been there to stop him from the beginning. After my match, Johnny Klamour pulled me aside and asked me to do a post match interview. It wasn’t until Ty hit Titus over the head with the belt that I was told what was going on. I ran down to help Titus out, but by the time I got there the damage had already been done by Ty. I charged at Ty and he and I brawled up the stage ramp. I had promised something to Ty before our match. Do you remember what that was Becky?

That you’d send Ty to hell?

Exactly, I promised Ty that I would send him straight to hell for his actions, even if that meant that I would have to come along for the ride too. We battled all the way up the entrance stage and when Ty missed his big kick, I grabbed him quickly and threw us both off the stage. I had hopped to see a bright light and Ty’s scared face as I watch him fall deep into the dark pool of hell. The only thing I remember seeing as I was pulled from the rubble was broken tables and equipment, but no Ty. I felt a sigh of relieve in what I had accomplished.

Showtime that’s fantastic, and you remembered it all so well.

Well I don’t remember much about what happened after, but the events that happened at Apocalypse have forever burned themselves into my memory.

So now that Ty has been exiled straight to hell...

He will be back.

What, I’m sorry.

Showtime takes another sip of his rum and leans forward.

I said he will be back. For a normal man, escaping from hell is impossible, for Ty, that’s just something crazy I know he’d enjoy. Ty is still very much amongst us. His sinister laugh can be heard in the hallways. Every time a light flickers, you know he’s there present in spirit.

Could all this be because of the concussion?

No, because others have told me the same things. They see Ty in the shadows here and when they turn to look again he is gone. I sent Ty over the edge with me, to prove a point that I am not afraid of dying. As for Ty, it’s pretty difficult to kill somebody who doesn’t have a soul. Becky don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of Ty. He will be back no question about that, but he’ll only return when he sees fit. Could be a week, could be a month, could be when we’ll least expect it.

Showtime pauses and as he does the lights begin to flicker. Showtime looks at Becky and nods. Becky looks slightly scared. She stands up slowly but ends up bumping a table, knocking over a glass jar sitting on it. She screams and the lights return normal.

What was that?

I think we both know who that was?

Well then lets talk about something else then, not Ty, have you heard about your match at this upcoming Ascension?

Yes, yes I have.

So how do you feel about going one on one with the former champion Titus.

Well Becky it’s dream come true match for myself. I, the star of WZCW, facing off against the only man I could call the face of WZCW, the only man who I could consider more successful and more loved by the fans than myself, Titus. Truth be told, this encounter should’ve been for the WZCW title, this encounter should’ve happened at the only Pay-Per-View where nothing could be expected, at Unscripted. Titus, Showtime, a match like that has a million bucks written all over it.

You say, should’ve, often, would you care to elaborate?

What do you think I mean by should’ve Becky? I’ve had the chance for the past few months to hang with Titus and get to know him. He’s a great champion and a class act wherever you go. Titus has hit some foul luck in recent matches, one thing or another has seemingly gone wrong in his matches and gotten him screwed out of a win. It can be a tough business on the ego, especially when we’re out there every night driven by one goal to win and we don’t complete that goal. I only wish I could’ve been out there at Apocalypse for the whole match to make sure Ty didn’t interfere. For sure Titus would’ve won then. For sure he’d be champion today and for sure that Myles and Bateman would be drooling over the prospect of Showtime and Titus headlining their next Pay-Per-View, but the past is past now and the future is starting. At Apocalypse I beat Ty to stand alone among the potential number one contenders and at Ascension I face the former champion in a match that will have many people watching and even more talking after it’s over. Like I told you Becky, I have been waiting for a match like this since I broke into WZCW. To face a man like Titus, to face a man who has been the very heart and soul of this company for over a year now, I get goosebumps thinking about it and my viewers will too when they see their two favourite wrestlers square off in a contest where the prize isn’t 5 pounds of gold, but to simply see who is the better man. For Titus sake, I hope he does break out of this slump he’s in, I really do, but friend or no friend, this is a business and I will not be lying down to help a friend. Much like I did with my enemy Ty at Apocalypse, I will fight Titus with all my heart and every ounce of energy I got. My body may be banged, but my soul is strong and my heart...

Showtime taps on his heart.

is even stronger. Titus and me will electrify the crowd at Ascension. I know I’m looking forward to it and I’m sure Titus feels the same about it.

Becky seems a little hesitant about the last comment. Showtime tilts his head curiously.

Have you talked to Titus since Apocalypse?

No, I sent him a couple voice mails, but he hasn’t responded.

Well I’m sure you’ve heard the many rumours rumbling about Titus leaving WZCW? And just not too long ago Garth Black went to have a talk with him and Titus was babbling about some sort of connection and conspiracy going on in WZCW.

I’ve heard about the rumours. Titus has been down a lot on account of his recent string of matches, but I’ve never known an ounce of quit in the man. As for this breakdown you speak of, I am not aware of it. Is it on WZCW.com?

Yes it is, here I’ll bring it up on your laptop.

Becky sits down and starts to search for the Titus interview. Showtime finishes the last of his rum and watches over Becky’s shoulder. The two wait a minute before the video is done.


I know right, Titus has completely lost his marbles.

No young Becky, Titus has snapped. He is actually far more dangerous than before.


Almost, all Titus needs to find is his will to fight. Titus has become a desperate man, and everyone knows when your desperate to win that is when you are at your most dangerous.

What do you think about what Titus had to say about you?

He has a right to be upset about losing the title, that’s a given. If he really feels that I played some part in costing him his title and his reputation, then I wish I’d never got involved and just let those two ravenous dogs have their way with him. Titus I respect him an immense amount, but the only person he should be blaming for his recent skid should is himself. I had nothing at all to do with the lose of his title, or the reputation he thinks is tarnished. Anything he does from here on in is entirely based on his actions and not some huge conspiracy he thinks is the cause of all his problems.

I feel sorry for him if he wishes to blame all of his problems on the actions of others. He has become blinded by his own paranoid behaviour. And that will be his falling if he choses to step into the ring against me. Titus I consider him to be one of my closest friends here in WZCW, but friendship will be non-existent when we enter the ring. I have one goal in mind when I enter that ring and that is to give a performance of a lifetime to these fans and win.

Showtime waves the camera man closer to him and looks directly at the camera.

And Titus, because I know you’re watching, if you’re not willing to raise your hands and fight back with the Titus that first won the WZCW Heavyweight Title, the Titus that held the Elite X Title for the longest reign ever... then I have a fair warning for you. In my time in WZCW, I’ve made a career about ending the careers of many of WZCW’s superstars. I’ve played a hand in ending the careers of more than just a handful of wrestlers and Titus if you don’t chose to defend yourself your fate may wind up the same way as Ace or Anoki or Drake Callahan. I don’t want it to have to come to that option, but if you step into the ring and chose to just stand there, or worse, lie down and walk away forever, then you alone are to blame for the way your career ended and the tarnished legacy you have created for yourself. Titus if I am to be the one to put you down I will, but when we’re out there I want you to fight me to the BEST OF YOUR CAPABILITIES BECAUSE I WANT TO SHOW TO YOU, TO THE WHOLE WORLD, THAT I CAN BEAT THE BEST, and Titus you were best. Titus, bring the Oscars, bring the Justice league, bring the whole damn Miami Heat team with ya, because I want you to be at your best so The Show can salute, roast, and end your career with a bang.

Becky seems frozen by Showtime’s cold, but serious words. Showtime holds his forehead for a moment.

I’m sorry Becky, my head is just pounding me at the moment. I guess I got a little carried with myself. I think maybe we should conclude our interview here.

Becky nods her head. Showtime stands up and escorts Becky out the door. He turns and walks to the counter. He reaches into his bag and produces a bottle of prescription drugs. He takes one and looks down at the mirror. He sees a reflection of Ty behind him. Showtime quickly turns to look and Ty is nowhere. Showtime shakes his head and sighs. He puts his pills back in the bag as the camera fades.
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