We see two large pinboards each taking up a wall, not akin to how we see in the cop shows when they're trying to solve a crime.
On one wall we see various pictures of WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Everest. The other wall is divided up into two sections. One side it says 'rWo' and on the other it says 'attackers'.
We see Titus move forward towards the attacker sign, he's holding a scotch glass half filled coke on the rocks as he's looking intently at the board. We see the attacker side of things, there is a table set out with the following:
Confirmed----Likely-----Unsure-----Not likely-----Definitely not
---------------rWo (alibi?)----- Karnage-----Steel-----Gordon Brown
--------------Everest-----Cougar-----Bratchny-----Barack Obama
--------------Lars-----Ty Burna-----USA-----Red Mask
---------------T&K-----Frankie-----Zander-----Hannah Montana?
Titus grabs the picture of Karnage from the unsure pile and places it in the confirmed column. He puts down the coke.
He then pics up a piece of string and pins part of it to the picture of Karnage. He then puts the piece of string to the other side of the board, the one that is dedicated to the rWo.
He sips his coke.
Titus then sticks another picture of karnage to the rWo board. The pictures are in a diamond formation:
Big Dave=======Ace David
Titus then picks up his Coke whilst taking a small sip. He walks over towards the attacker side where he follows a red piece of string from where it says rWo into an alibi section:
rWo alibi - Ricky = injured, Dave = with his sister Ace = Ascension
Titus sighs rather loudly as he puts his drink back down. He then proceeds to pick up a marker and walks towards the board.
He paces up and down in between the one marked rWo and the one marked attackers. He places a giant question mark on the side that says confirmed.
Titus sighs a huge sigh as he realises something. He turns around back to the table as he picks up his glass of coke and hurtles it across the room.
Titus lets out an annoyed groan as the glass smashes off the Everest side. He picks up another piece of string. He takes the string and pins it on top of the question mark. Then he places the other end into the middle of the rWo diamond.
He stares at this for a short while. He then turns around and tips the table over.
Clearly frustrated Titus begins to kick some of the things about on the floor.
Titus stops, he turns and looks at the rWo board once again whilst still holding the marker.
Titus: DAMMIT.
Titus draws a question mark in the middle as we fade to black.