AS 94 SuperShow: elegANT vs. ??? (non-title)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

In a special exhibition match before his big Elite X championship defense at Unscripted, elegANT will be taking on a mysterious opponent in the main event of Ascension. elegANT has been on the roll of his career since winning the championship and with Bruce Irwin being the only confirmed competitor, the General Manager of Ascension Rebecca Serra decided it would be worthwhile to test the skills of elegANT against an unknown opponent. For elegANT's sake, let's hope he is ready for the task.

Deadline is Thursday, June 4th, at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Hello, friends. My name is elegANT and I am the WrestleZone Championship Wrestling Elite X Champion. Later this week, I and the rest of the stars of WZCW will be performing live in New Delhi for the first time ever and I couldn’t be more excited. I am always enthusiastic to travel to new places with WZCW, but that is multiplied now that I represent the company as a champion.

At this show, I will not be defending my Elite X Championship. Instead, I will be facing a mystery opponent in a non-title match. I have no idea with whom I’ll be stepping into the ring with, but my goal is to put on the best show for all of you, just as it is every night. That mentality led me to becoming Elite X Champion and defeating Ty Burna, the most successful man in WZCW history.

I know that time have been rough in your country lately. Wrestling cannot fix that. But what we can do is give all of you an escape for a few hours and hopefully put some smiles on faces that really need them. I can’t speak for my opponent, especially since I don’t know their identity, but I know that at the first ever Ascension Supershow, coming for the first time from New Delhi, my job is to put on the best match I can and I promise to do just that.
A goodbye

Dilip: You really want to do this?

Veejay: Yes, about time I did this.

The reporters were waiting impatiently for Veejay. No one had seen or heard from Veejay since Gold Rush PPV. While Scavengers 2 broke all the US box office records in last 3 weeks, Veejay was nowhere to be seen. And after all this time, he decided to have this press conference at his residence in Mumbai. Everyone was wondering what this was about. Everyone had been there for at least 3 hours, but Veejay hadn’t come out of his mansion yet. While everyone waited, a car entered the premises. It was none other than Saffron. The reporters flocked towards her car, but the security kept the reporters at bay. Saffron slowly got out of the car and walked inside the mansion with her security at her tail.

Saffron: Veejay, are you sure you want to do this?

Veejay: I have made up my mind, Saf. I am not going to change my mind.

Saffron: You don’t have to do this, not because of me.

Veejay: I want to do this. In fact, I need to do this.

Dilip: Okay, if you really need to do this, let’s get to it. The reporters have been waiting for quite some time now.

Veejay takes a deep breath.

Veejay: Let’s do this.

Veejay walks with Saffron by her side. As he walks out the door, he holds Saffron’s hand tightly and pulls her closer to himself. There’s a buzz in the air. A few fans who had gathered there start chanting ‘Veejay.’ Veejay walks to the podium with Saffron close by. He adjusts the mic and clears his throat.

Veejay: Whoa! What an audience!

A few hands are up in the air as reporters are trying to ask questions. Fans are eagerly waiting for what Veejay has to say.

Veejay: I know you all have lot of questions. But this is not the time to answer them. I am here to make an announcement, and that’s all I’ll do. But before that, I’d like to thank all of you for taking the pain and coming here.

Reporters are waiting with baited breath, listening to every word Veejay has to say. Veejay, takes tightens his grip on Saffron’s hand, takes a deep breath and continues

Veejay: For a long time, you people have known me as that big name superstar. I have been the unanimous king of Bollywood. Then I went to Hollywood and made waves. Not only that, I was one of the hottest, if not the hottest, stars of WZCW. I had it all. I was on the top of the world. But then Gold Rush happened. And something changed in my life.

Random reporter1: Yes, you were cheated out of your opportunity for the WZCW World heavyweight championship.

Veejay: You may look at it that way, but for me, it was something different. After that brutal match, when doctors were tending my injuries, I saw two eyes looking at me, worried for my health.

Veejay looks at Saffron.

Veejay: After that night, I reevaluated. Is it worth it? I thought to myself. My first reaction was revenge. But then I thought that Slaughter was doing what he had to. Was I doing what I needed to? I talked to Saffron. And I had my answer.

People start talking within themselves. Everyone’s waiting for the words that most almost know by now.

Veejay: So, after putting a lot of thoughts into this, I have finally decided. I am officially retiring from professional wrestling. That means I am also retiring from WZCW.

The murmurs grow louder. There are a few dropped jaws in attendance.

Random Reporter2: But, when you joined WZCW last year, you had vowed to bring WZCW World Heavyweight title home. What happened to that promise?

Veejay: I remember that. And you know I was this close to fulfilling that promise. But you know what? Things change. Sometimes life gets in the way. Priorities change. So that’s what’s happened to me. And who knows? Someday, someone from India would bring the WZCW World championship here. I wanted to be that person, but it turns out it’s not me.

Veejay takes a sip from the glass of water kept on the podium.

Veejay: So, before I bow out, I’d like to thank everyone for all of their support through thick and thin. I may not have appreciated it earlier, but I know how important it has been for me. I’d also like to thank my WZCW brethren. I know I have made quite a few enemies there, but I learned something from everyone. elegANT. You truly are a gentlemANT. The Beard made me star of WZCW, a force to reckon with. Chris KO, well, hard luck. And Slaughter, you know that if I ever, EVER come back to WZCW, you are on top of my shit list. But thank you. Without you, this step wouldn’t have been possible. Everyone in WZCW, despite what you think of me, you have made me a better person. Thank you WZCW! And once again, I’d like to thank every one of you for coming and listening to me. Thank you and stay strong!

Veejay starts leaving the podium. Reporters are also restless as they want some more answers. Suddenly, Veejay turns back to the podium.

Veejay: Yes, I forgot to mention. I am getting married, to Saffron, very soon. So, thank you. Live long and prosper.

Veejay leaves the whole crowd bewildered and walks back in his mansion. Dilip, open mouthed, walks behind Veejay and Saffron. The door is closed behind them.

Dilip: Are you shitting me? You took such a big decision, and you didn’t even bother to tell me?

Veejay: Relax. You are going to be my best man. No one else but you.

Dilip: So that’s it? You are quitting wrestling, tying the knot and going to live a settled life?

Veejay: It wasn’t easy. But because of her, my life’s changed. I know where my priorities lie.

Dilip drags Veejay away from Saffron in the corner.

Dilip: You told me this was all a ruse. Now suddenly, you are marrying her? Not only that, you are going to quit the very thing you love to do, that is, hurting people? Are you really Veejay?

Veejay: I know. But last few weeks I have been reflecting on what’s going on in my life. All the money, name and fame that I have, what will I do with all of that? I know it all started as a treachery. But I never knew I could also fall in love. For the first time in years, I felt like letting go of every pain and misery that has followed me for years. It was about time I turned a corner.

Dilip looks completely shocked, surprised.

Veejay: I know it’s not easy for you to swallow. But things change, Dilip. You just gotta accept the facts.

Dilip: And now what?

Veejay: I have Hollywood projects on my plate, so I’ll go back to the USA. But before that, I have something that I need to finish.

Dilip: What’s that?

Veejay: One last match. I requested a retirement match on WZCW’s tour to India. And guess what? I’ll go against elegANT. One last match against an old foe. And at the end of that match, I’d just want to say good bye before I leave India for a new journey in my life. For the first time in my life, I don’t care if I win or lose a match. I just want to enjoy the moment. Come with us to Delhi.

Dilip: You are an asshole! I know you know that.

Veejay: *laughs* I know. I also know that you’ll arrange something grand for my wedding.

The scene starts fading to black. In the background…

Dilip: You know I will. So, honeymoon on an island or…
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