AS 89: GR QF: Vikram vs elegANT

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FlexAmerican Dynamite


The Gold Rush tournament continues on Ascension as elegANT takes on the squash playing Vikram. The gentlemanly insect is coming off an impressive victory at Revolution while Vikram is still looking to prove how dangerous he can be in the ring. Which man will advance in the tournament to find a new number one contender? Tune into Ascension to find out.

Deadline is Wednesday, February 25th at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
It is early in the afternoon and the entire hoard of worker ants is hard at work preparing the victory party celebrating elegANT’s victory over Veejay at Revolution. Most of the commotion, as per usual for these sort of events, is taking place in and around the kitchen. The controlled chaos quickly turns to just straight chaos as elegANT bursts into the kitchen, followed shortly by Antfred.

Sir, I must insist…

I told you, Antfred, I must see the menu.

I believe you are being paranoid, sir.

I’m telling you, they are after me, and I need to do whatever I can to not infuriate them more.

Antfred lets out a big sigh, not even attempting to hide his frustration with elegANT at this point.

Please explain this to me again, because I am not following your thinking.

Look at the facts, Antfred! Veejay comes after me for a completely contrived reason. He continuously attacked me, but now that I defeated him at Revolution, I expected it to be over. However, on Ascension this week, I’m facing off against Vikram, another wrestler from India! Clearly I have don’t something to cause that entire nation to dislike me! I just don’t understand, I mean, it is well documented that curry is my 12th favorite food!

I don’t think that….

Before Antfred can finish, a worker ant walks past with a tray of food that immediately grabs the attention of elegANT.

What is on that tray?!

Cheddar cheese sliders, sir. Made with the finest cheddar cheese and the best Angus beef.

NO! Don’t you understand? Cows are sacred in India! Whatever shall I do? I have trouble functioning if I know one person has issues with me, much less an entire country!

Sir, the entire country of India isn’t after you. Vikram was just the opponent you ended up drawing for the first round of the Gold Rush tournament. I can’t comment on how he feels about you, but I am sure that there is not some kind of vendetta against you from the entire country of India.

elegANT pauses for a moment, then begins to laugh loudly. He walks over and pats Antfred on the shoulder.

Thank you, Antfred. I’m afraid that being a part of “the business” as the other wrestlers call it, has caused me be a bit touched by occasional paranoia. Your ability to restore my head is invaluable. I hope to be able to keep focus during this tournament, but it will be the biggest opportunity of my young career and I may need you more than ever. I can trust you to stand alongside me, right, Antfred?

Of course, sir.

Excellent. To all of you worker ants, I apologize for interrupting your preparations. I vow to make it up to you one of these days. But for now, we have a celebration to prepare for!

The scene fades to black.
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