AS 89: GR QF: Chris K.O. vs Veejay

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FlexAmerican Dynamite


The Gold Rush tournament continues on Ascension as the former Eurasian champion and veteran Chris K.O. takes on the Veejay who had a more than impressive showing at Revolution despite coming up short against elegANT. Can the bollywood star overcome his setback and advance in the tournament or will Chris become one step closer toward the ever so elusive World title?

Deadline is Wednesday, February 25th at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
The moment of truth

Principal Mathews: Why, Vijay, why?

Principal Mathews was not happy. He had a disappointed look in his eyes.

Principal: Why do you keep doing this? Why can’t you be more civil?

He wasn’t mincing words. He looked at Vijay, in his bloodied shirt, across the desk.

Principal: Why did you do this?


A few minutes ago….
Everyone on the field was stunned at what they were seeing. A 7th grade student was beating the hell of a 9th grade student. No one dared to go near them, let alone try to separate them. Someone must have informed the teacher, as she rushed down there and went straight to the scene. She tried pulling one off the other, but couldn’t, so she asked for help. After a minute or so, some custodians came to help her out. Eventually, they were able to pull them apart. The 9th grader was bleeding from his ear and lips and had a swollen eye. The other one was largely unharmed.

Teacher: Stop this! Why are you two fighting?

9th grader: It’s all his fault ma’am.

The larger boy could barely keep his tears under control.

Teacher: Vijay, why are you beating Rakesh?

Vijay didn’t seem to hear. His eyes, red with anger, were fixed on Rakesh.

Teacher: To principal’s office. Now!


Back in principal’s office…

Principal: This is the third time you have beaten someone up this week. What’s your problem, Vijay?

Vijay: He started it. I liked his pen, so I asked if I could borrow it for some time. He refused.

Principal: So you started beating him?

Vijay: No. I took his pen from him. Then, he attacked me.

Principal: You cannot just take someone’s stuff without asking.

Vijay: I didn’t. I told him that I am going to take his pen. And then I took it.

Principal: Vijay, how many times will have to tell you? You keep picking fight with anyone and everyone. If it wasn’t for your dad, we would have expelled you long time ago. Why can’t you be more like your dad?

Vijay: Because I am not my dad. Expel me if you want to. I don’t care.

Vijay stormed out of principal’s office. The principal was frustrated. ‘Drop him home. And call his dad. I want to talk to him.’


That evening…

The gate read ‘Chauhan villa.’ It was a huge mansion. Inside, in the large hall, Pruthvi Chauhan, the famous movie producer and owner of Pruthvi Cinemahouse, was pacing up and down, waiting for his son. As soon as Vijay entered, he went off.

Pruthvi: Vijay, come here! You got in a fight, again? How many times have I told you to stay away from such fights?

Vijay: None of your damn business, pa. Mom, I am tired. Can I have something to eat?

Pruthvi: No! First answer my question. Why did you fight again?

Vijay: I am tired of answering your questions, pa! I don’t think I need to answer anymore. Mom, can you please give me something to eat?

Pruthvi: No, you’ll not get anything to eat. Listen to me…..

Vijay didn’t seem to heed him. He threw his bags and books away and stormed to his room upstairs, leaving his dad fuming. As Pruthvi tried following him up the stairs, his wife, and Vijay’s mom, interjected.

Mom: Let me talk to him. You please keep calm.

Vijay was standing at his window, looking out at something when his mom came in.

Mom: Son, what happened?

Vijay: Leave it mom. I don’t want to talk about it.

Mom: Come on, you can tell me.

Vijay: No mom. I am sick of it. You’ll take dad’s side. You’ll take teacher’s side. Nobody likes me. And I don’t want to be liked by anybody.

Mom: I am not on anybody’s side. Tell me what happened.

Vijay turned around, teary eyed. He wasn’t sure what to say. He just wraps his hands around his mom and hugs her tightly.

Vijay: Everyone wants me to be like dad. They want me to be a good boy. And no matter how much I try, I can’t be like him. Everybody loves him. Nobody loves me.

Mom: Who said nobody loves you? You are my boy, my king son. And who wants you to be like your dad? You are Vijay, my boy.

Vijay: No mom, it’s all lie. No matter what happens, I’ll never be able to get out of his shadows. It’s better if I leave.

Mom: Shut up! Are you all grown up suddenly? You are just a small boy.

Vijay: I am no longer a small boy, mom. I know what I need to do. I know what I want to do. And no matter what I do here, I’ll always be Vijay Pruthvi Chauhan. I want to create my own identity. I want to be me.

Mom: In due time, son. This is not the time.

Vijay: Mom, you’re the only one I ever listen. Just this one time, let me make an exception. I want to carve a path for myself. You always say how proud you are for me. I’m going to prove it to you.

Vijay turned his back on his mom. The writing was on the wall.


[FONT="] Veejay picks an almost lifeless elegANT up for the fireman’s carry cutter but elegANT begins to furiously smash elbows in Veejay’s face. The Bollywood star is forced to shift the ant’s weight to a nearby turnbuckle he sets him on the top rope of. Veejay scales to the top rope again looking to hit another top rope hip-toss but is instead met with three devastating head-butts! Veejay falls to the canvas and elegANT stands on the top rope, measuring his opponent, and hits a Good Day, Sir! He immediately for the cover![/FONT][FONT="]




Veejay rewinds the tape and goes through the whole clip again. He has a stern look on his face. As he goes through it one more time, Dilip enters the room.

Dilip: This again? How many times would you go through this now? It’s done, it’s over. Time to move on.

Veejay says nothing. Dilip takes the remote away and switches the TV off.

Dilip: You’ve been sitting here all day long doing nothing but watching this match. Redemption is done. There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s time you move on. Let it go. You have bigger challenges in front of you.

Veejay: Chris KO.

Dilip: Exactly! A former Eurasian Champion! A true veteran of this game. He could well be your biggest challenge till date.

Veejay: He is the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced in WZCW till date. But how am I going to fight him? I couldn’t even beat an ant.

Dilip: Are you high or something? *checks up on Veejay* You don’t have fever.

Veejay: What are you doing?

Dilip: You can’t be Veejay! Tell me who you are.

Veejay gets up and goes to window. He looks out in the vicinity.

Veejay: You know what Dilip? I feel like that 12 year old boy who didn’t know what to do with his life. Today, I am as lost as that boy was. I don’t know what I am doing here anymore.

Dilip: What’s going on? What’s happening to you? One loss and you are all broken down?

Veejay: It’s not the loss. I lost to a broken man. I lost to someone who I had systematically broken physically and mentally. I gave it all and I couldn’t win.

Dilip: Come on. Look at the man who you are going against. He was buried alive by his oldest enemy in Ty Burna. And he came back! Not only that, he won his very next match.

Veejay: I am lost Dilip. I don’t know what to do. Where would I go from here?

Dilip: Come with me.

Dilip drags Veejay with him outside the hotel. Veejay unwillingly accompanies him. Dilip asks him to enter the car.

Veejay: Where are you taking me?

Dilip: Just sit tight and watch.

The car cuts through the heavy traffic of a busy LA and screeches to a halt just outside a huge billboard. The Billoboard had this scribbled on it: WZCW presents: Gold Rush. Dilip and Veejay get out of the car:

Dilip: You see this? This is what you’re fighting for. You win this tournament; you go on to win the WZCW World Heavyweight championship. You prove all your doubters wrong.

Veejay: You really believe I can pull this off?

Dilip: Am I talking to someone else here? Of course you can pull this off! I have seen you wrestle. I have seen you fight. And I have sure as hell seen you fight dirty. Chris has just come back to WZCW after a huge loss to Burna. And even though he won against a returning James Howard, he is still vulnerable. It’s your chance.

Veejay: And that’ll be enough?

Dilip: You are not that 12 year old boy anymore, god damn it! You are Veejay! You are a fucking superstar! Go get him.

Veejay: Come to my match. Be at ringside this time. May be I’ll need you.

Dilip: Sure, but do I get to bring my gals to ring side?

Veejay: Yeah, yeah.

Dilip: Awesome! Now, before we do any of that, we need to go to the comic con. We have a meet and greet with fans and promotion of Scavengers 2.

They get in the car as the scene fades away.
Who Wants to be a Shlumdog Millionaire?

There is a cold sweat on a pale forehead. It sits underneath a blinding spotlight. A large group of peers sit in the darkness that encompasses the scene. We see a pair of purple lips and a black mustache on a caramel-colored face. The lips speak in a very heavy Indian accent.

Indian Lips: I’m going to ashk you one more time Mr. K.O., is that your final ansher?

The question is coldly delivered as the camera reveals that Chris is sitting opposite to the host of India’s #1 Daytime Show, “Who wants to not be a street beggar?” His name is Vishnu Hakeem, and he, along with a live-studio audience, is waiting for Chris to respond. Chris looks down intently at a computer screen in front of him where the question and multiple choice answers are displayed. (Let’s pause right here and take a step back to explain how we got to this moment.)

It’s two days after Dirt K.O. successfully beats James Howard. Chris is in WZCW Headquarters with his manager, Steve the Volleyball, tucked underneath his arm. He walks into a room with in his hawaiian-style attire. There is Backstage Bob going over some documents. He is sitting at a small desk in the small office. The wallpaper is tacky off-white, but Chris appreciates the humble display. Chris smiles.

Chris: Bob, did you get your own office?

Bob looks up at Chris and then gives his office a once over. He smiles as he looks back down at his work.

Bob: Yeah, it’s Leon Kensworth’s old one.

Chris: Fantastic.

Chris sits down on the single chair the occupies the other side of Bob’s desk.

Bob: Okay - first, congrats on getting in the Gold Rush tournament. I’ve been a fan of yours since I first joined the company. I'm happy to see you finally get another shot title contendership.

Chris nods in appreciation.

Chris: Thanks, Bob. I really appreciate it. Hopefully I won't let you down.

Bob: Second, why I called you in here is because Bateman is having me dish out PR and charity duties.

Chris: Great, so am I doing Make A Wish?

Bob: Um.. no. Sorry, S.H.I.T. and Alhazred got the rest of the requests that we didn’t give out to Tastic or Stormrage.

Chris: Damn. How about Feed the Hungry?

Bob: That program has been discontinued since we sent Wasabi Toyota as an ambassador.

Chris: Hmm, Celebrity Boxing?

Bob: There is an opening, but they want El Swago or nothing.

Chris: How about something with Kony 2012?

Bob: That stopped trending years ago.

Chris: Well, then what do you have for me?

Bob: Well, there is this one thing. A celebrity game show in another country. All proceeds will go to charity of course.

Chris: I’m listening.

Chris pulls Steve up to his face and whispers to him.

Chris: I hope it’s Japan’s “Eel or not Eel.”

Bob: It is India’s “Who wants to not be a street beggar?”

Chris: Interesting. It just so happens that I’m fighting Veejay this round who happens to be from India. What are the odds?

Bob and Chris share an awkward exchange of looks and silence before Bob finally chimes in.

Bob: *ahem* Anyway, I knew you would probably be willing so I already have your tickets and travel arrangements booked. Good luck, Chris.

The two stand up to shake hands as we switch to a shot of a plane flying overhead. We then go through a series of clips seeing Chris getting ready for the upcoming show. We see him meeting executives at the airport. We then see him in make up. The camera also shows a makeup artist applying blush to Steve, who is sitting in a chair next to Chris. Finally, we get the iconic camera pullback and dramatic music from India’s hit game show “Who wants to not be a street beggar?”

Vishnu: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we have celebrity guest, Chrish K.O., all the way from the United Shtates. Chrish will be competing in the upcoming Gold Rush tournament to crown the new WZCW World Heavyweight #1 Contender. Not only that, but he will face India’s own, Vijay Chauhan, in the firsht round of the tournament.

The audience applauds the mentioning of the famed Bollywood actor, Vijay, as well as the show’s special guest, Chris K.O..

Vishnu: Now, Mr. K.O.. Let us not waste anymore time. I welcome you. You are playing for charity today. One that you selected on your own. What is your charity?

Chris: Thanks, Vishnu. I am honored to be here. All of my winnings today will be going to support the victims of the hellacious raptor attack that occurred in the United States a week ago.

Vishnu: Wonderful. Let ush play. First question, for 10,000 rupees. The saying “the times they are a-changin’” refers to what decade in the United Shtates? A) 60s B) 70s C) 00s D)30s

Chris looks down at the screen in front of him with the question and possible answers.

Chris: First off, I love Zelda. Second, ~~~~~

Chris goes into a trance as we cut to a flashback that holds significance to how Chris might know the answer.


We see little Chris K.O. sitting on the floor with some other kids. They look up at an elderly woman who is sewing and sitting on a rocking chair.

Grandma K.O.: Now kids, let me tell you how your grandpappy and I have been in love for many years. We always had an attraction to each other when we were younger, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that we really began exploring our sexuality. We made hanky panky several times to the sound of Bob Dylan.

All the kids cover their ears and yell out “ew!” We switch scenes and the kids are now sleeping in in several bunk beds at night. Chris wakes up to the sound of “The Times They Are-A Changin” by Bob Dylan playing in his grandparents house. A look of fear coats his eyes as he pulls the covers up over his face as he tries to not think about old-person hanky panky.


We return to the game show. Chris twitches a little bit before spouting out the answer.

Chris: "A," final answer.

Vishnu: That is correct, sir!

The audience claps.

Vishnu: Now, for 60,000 rupees. What kind of animal is a black panther? A) Herbivore B) Carnivore C) Omnivore D) Alligator

Chris: Hmm. I- ~~~~~~

Chris goes into a trance again as it appears we are going into another flash-

Chris: For the last time, no more island flashbacks! "B," final answer!

Vishnu: That is…..correct!

The audience claps some more. Chris smiles as we appear to fast forward through a portion of the game show.

Vishnu: Okay, Mr. K.O. You are two questions away from winning 50 million rupees!

The audience cheers as Chris strokes his beard.

Vishnu: You have two lifelines left. The phone-a-friend and the 50-50. Here is your next question. How high is a regulation men’s volleyball net? A) 5 Feet B) 6 Feet C) 8 Feet D) 7 Feet

Chris pauses as he studies the quesiton on the screen.

Vishnu: A lot is riding on this Mr. K.O.. Remember that you can walk away now with the money you have already won for your charity.

Chris: Hmm. You know what, I think I am going to phone a friend.

Vishnu: Alright, let’s get our AT&T line up and-

Chris: Actually, I have my own phone if that is okay.

Vishnu: Uh-, sure.

Chris pulls out a pink Disney Princess fake phone from his pocket. He bangs it against one of his hands and some candy falls out of it. He eats the candy and then flips the phone open. He presses some buttons and then holds it up to his ear. We hear the audio of the phone ringing until it stops as if someone has picked up on the other end.

Chris: Hello? Yeah, hi. Steve, it’s me. Yeah, I’m in a bit of pinch. Yeah, I know you said I wouldn’t make it this far. Look, I’m running out of time, I gotta give you the question. Wait, what? You’re here?

The camera shines a spotlight on Steve the Volleyball in the audience. He has an Iphone 6 Plus propped up against him.

Chris: Oh, hey buddy! Great, you already know the question then. What can you tell me? Uh-huh? Yeah... Of course.

The camera shows Steve sitting there idly as Chris continues talking to him.

Chris: Alright, you are sure? Great. Thanks, bud.

Chris hangs up the phone and puts it back in his pocket.

Vishnu: Well, what will it be?

Chris: I trust the guy on the other end of that phone call. I’m going with "8 feet," final answer.

Vishnu: "8 feet".. Oh, I’m sorry Chris. You’re going to have to stay here a little bit longer because that answer is correct!

The crowd cheers as Chris raises both of his arms in victory! There is a sense of hype in the air as Vishnu tries to calm them back down.

Vishnu: Alright, alright. We have one lasht question. For 50 million rupees. Oh, and I think you may have hit the jackpot with this question, sir! The final question is: Which of the following is Indian’s own, Vijay Chuahan’s, highest grossing movie ever?

Chris takes a big gulp as his nervousness temporarily overrides his senses. He begins sweating, and his hearing is muffled. He vision is blurred as he vaguely sees each possible answer pop up on the screen as Vishnu recites them. Chris finally snaps out of it.

Chris: I’d like to use the 50-50.

Vishnu: Alright, computer please take away two of the wrong answers.

A jingle plays as the computer calculates.

Vishnu: You are left with A & B. What will you decide?

Chris doesn’t know. However, he hates the idea of losing in the final moments of such an excruciating gauntlet. Out of impulse, he speaks out.

Chris: “A.”

Vishnu: Okay...

Vishnu pauses for a moment as he examines Chris.

Vishnu: I’m going to ashk you one more time Mr. K.O., is that your final ansher?

The question is coldly delivered as Chris looks down intently at a computer screen in front of him where the question and answers are displayed. Chris reaches up to wipe the sweat off his brow.

Chris: No, it’s not my final answer.

The audience lets out a little gasp as they wait in anticipation for the conclusion.

Vishnu: Oh, then will you choose “B?”

Chris: I….. I don’t know. I don’t know the answer.

Vishnu: You don't know? If you don't choose "A," it hash to be "B." However, you are able to walk away with what you have. 10 million rupees will surely help your charity.

Chris: I mean.. I don’t really know anything about Veejay at all if I'm being honest. I don’t know anything, yet I am going up against him in the first round of the Gold Rush tournament. That scares me. I was gone for a long time from the fed, and since I have been back I have been consumed by other things. So much so that I have completely ignored the fact that the landscape of WZCW has changed immensely.

Vishnu: I see, but the quest-

Chris: I can’t just ride on past successes or my length of tenure in the fed, Vishnu. There is a slew of new superstars who are hungry. Veejay is one of them. He is just as hungry as I was when I first joined. Just as I hungry as I need to be now going into this tournament filled with 7 other great competitors.

Chris pushes back his chair and stands proudly with his hands clasped.

Chris: I remember now why I first started fighting in the clubs that take place in the basements of dive bars. I fought to win. I fought to be the best! And the only way that I can prove that is by climbing the mountain to the top and whipping out my cock…… spaniel and showing everyone that I can be #1 Contender and own a dog too. (Seriously, though. Like, has Grizzly Bob been the only roster member to actively own a dog during his tenure?)

Anyway, I’m walking away for now Vishnu, but I’m taking the money I won here tonight and redirecting it to a new charity. 100% of proceeds go directly to the kicking Veejay’s ass foundation!

Chris stops as his princess phone begins to ring a playful tune. He pulls it out of his pocket and flips it open to his ear. He only has it there for a few seconds before putting it back in his pocket.

Chris: Apparently that is not a real charity. So the money will still go to the raptor victims, but the point still stands! Chris K.O. is on a hunt for gold! Suck it, Trebek!

The scene pauses. We pull back to see that Backstage Bob is watching the taped show with Chris.

Bob: So, guess who is not going back to India anytime soon?

Chris playfully shrugs as the scene fades to chartreuse with a corny sound effect.

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