AS 78: Cerberus vs. Eve Taylor and Aubrey Sloan

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Cerberus have avenged their loss to Young Justice, scoring the victor for tier team in the six man tag team match. Now, they get to take their talents back into regular tag team matches, facing the unlikely duo of Aubrie Sloan and Eve Taylor. What will Cerbeus do against this team, especially with a tag team title shot coming their way at All or Nothing?

Deadline is Thursday, April 10th, 11:59 PM CST. Extensions available on request
The relaxing sounds of water flowing, bird chirping and flutes singing playing through the mix tape almost sends Eve Taylor to sleep as she gets treated to an intense massage at the Beauty & Spa Relaxation Center. The professional masseuse continues working on her shoulders, digging right into the bone as Eve relaxes, letting out a large exhale of air before resting her head on her arms, allowing the cucumbers on her eyes to shut out everything. A wafting smell of incense smacks her taped nose as the candle wicks continue to burn slowly, providing a beautiful aroma to an already relieving atmosphere.

"My sanctuary of peace" Taylor whispers to herself, dozing off in the process.

However, as Aubrey Sloan timidly walks into the room wearing nothing but a white robe, attempting to cover up as much of her body as she can, she notices this "sanctuary" of Taylor's and becomes very anxious and worried. The brainwashing noises blasting from the devil's speakers infect Sloan's ears almost as badly as the melting wax statues block her nose with hellish stink. The lady standing over the unconscious Taylor begins delivering hard chop after hard chop along the exposed back of Eve. Sloan looks towards this priestess, noticing the enjoyment she gets in delivering each blow to her tag team partner, unleashing a sudden burst of anger inside Sloan.

Aubrey pounces on the masseuse, knocking her down to the ground as she applies a straightforward submission hold on her.

"You will not hurt her! You will not sacrifice her, voodoo witch!" Aubrey reiterates in a loud voice.

Taylor, slightly sleepy still, peeks through her cucumber and sees what is happening, going from peaceful to panic in less than a second. She jumps up off the massage table and tries to pull Aubrey off the screaming woman.

"Let go, Aubrey."

"But she's trying to hurt you." Aubrey says, stating her case.

"No she isn't. She's helping me relax!" Eve pleads.

After a couple more seconds, Sloan releases the hold and the woman scurries towards the corner in a balled like position, looking at Aubrey as if she was the most menacing thing she'd ever witness. Aubrey stands back, not sure what to think as Eve tends to the woman.

"Are you okay?"

The woman nods, still in shock.

"I apologise for that. She was the other girl alongside me who got ambushed by a bunch of masked men. We're still very much traumatised and alert and jumpy at the first sign of violence... I'm sure you can understand."

It takes the woman a moment to process what Eve had just said and why Aubrey would have mistaken her methods for an attack, eventually nodding with a slight concern on her face. Eve helps her up and apologises once more. The woman takes a look at Aubrey once more before exiting the room, allowing to give the two some space. Eve turns around to Aubrey who still looks confused about the entire situation.

"I'm... sorry. I thought she was performing... some kind of weird ritual." Aubrey explains as she looks around the room. "The candles; the music; your limp body lying on a platter in the center of the room as a lady prepares you for the sacrifice."

Eve follows Aubrey's pointing fingers as she shows each object as she describes her thought pattern, accepting that Aubrey is not entirely privy to this particular environment. She nods, understand the situation and puts her hands on her hips as she looks back at Aubrey, who is still trying to find a way to cover up her exposed areas of the body.

"Well... I guess we should try something else to relax, then?" Eve asks, as she grabs her robe and throws it over herself.

Aubrey watches on obliviously as Eve attempts to properly clothe herself with the robe and remove the small tightly-wrapped towel that concealed her body prior, in an awkward fashion. Eve darts a quick smile towards Aubrey, making it awkward for Sloan who has no idea how to react.

"Umm... should we go orrrr-?"

"Yep, great idea." Eve interrupts enthusiastically, looking to escape this weird situation.


Eve & Aubrey enter themselves to another part of the relaxation center, which in fact is outside the building where the real birds, water and slightly-talented "mid-life crisis" flute players of nature reside, performing their daily duties among the ecosystem to keep the environment alive and healthy. There is a rather large and inviting natural pool, accompanied by a waterfall in the midst of everything, with deck chairs and yoga mats located at specific points of the area to allow a nice view of the lush flora.

Taylor smiles widely as she disrobes, revealing her swimsuit underneath before diving into the water. She surfaces, throwing her wet hair back with pellets flying through the air. Sloan is surprised to see that Taylor is wearing clothes, making Aubrey a little more embarrassed that she did not think of doing the same.

"Come on in, the water's fine!" Eve clichés.

"NO!" Aubrey shouts, startling Eve. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay, well... try to relax."

"But I am relaxed."

Eve sighs and begins paddling towards the edge of the water, leaning on the rock formation. She looks up to Aubrey standing near the door.

"Then why did you want to come here?"

Aubrey pauses for a second before answering: "You were critically-acclaiming this place as a must-attend attraction... and I didn't want to say otherwise."

"Why not? I wouldn't have gotten angry if you did." Eve reassures her. "Did you want to leave?"

"No, no. If this makes you happy then it's okay. I'll just... sit here..."

Aubrey quickly plants herself on a jagged rock sticking out of the ground as if it was as comfortable as sleeping on a bed made of marshmallows, looking around to find something to entertain herself. Eve gets over the apparently new crippling fear she has developed of sitting directly on sharp and ripping-comparable furniture and leaps out of the pool, heading towards Aubrey. She sits on the ground carefully beside her and looks directly at Sloan.

"Hey... we're now sort of a tag team, Aubrey. We're basically friends." The last word gets Aubrey's attention. "It's not about what I want and you following me around like a drone, and to be honest, it should never be like that because it's completely degrading... but what I'm trying to say is that you should view yourself as an equal to me. There is no need to follow my command. You're out in the world for yourself now and you can make any decision you want - well, within reason, of course -"

"So..." Aubrey interrupts, "we're friends?"

Eve looks at Sloan stumped as a smile appears on her face. "Uh, yeah, we are. You'd be stupid not to think so..."

Taylor realises the moment she said the final words that she did a mistake. Eve stumbles over her words, trying to string a sentence together to apologise until Aubrey begins laughing loudly. Eve stops and lets Aubrey laugh before tuning in, laughing at herself.


"No need to apologise, friend."

Eve smiles before holding out her hand, opting for a handshake.

"No worries, friend."

Aubrey lets off a smile too and gives Eve a hard hi-five instead, causing Eve to grimace in pain and clutch her hand as Aubrey gets up and feeling like a million bucks, ignoring that she accidentally hurt Eve in her moment of joy.

"So... according to what you said before, I would very much like to leave this place and go train for our next match. Is that okay?"

Sloan looks down towards Eve who is doing her best to hide the pain.

"Yep." Eve nods, answering in a wincing voice, doing her best to smile to conceal the pain.

Aubrey looks very happy with herself and nods, turning around and leaving the premises as Taylor struggles to get up. She gets to her feet and begins waving her now dead hand around, trying to get the blood flow back. She picks up her robe, with her phone almost dropping out. She catches it with her bad hand and is barely able to keep it secure in her hand. She wraps the robe around her wet body and looks at her phone, revealing 1 new message.

"I'm going to have fun texting." Eve mutters to herself as she looks to find and follow the elated Aubrey Sloan...

... her new friend.
Flex: Svetlana my love, it has been a long time since I’ve gazed upon your beauty.

The monsieur of muscle Flex Mussél can be seen sitting at a table in the visiting room of a minimum security penitentiary opposite of his mentor, his inspiration, and the woman of his dreams Svetlana. However compared to the sight of her previous glory on the walls of Cholesterolia she looks rough, battered, and even wearing an eye patch.

Svetlana: I’m sorry it took so long for me to get in communication with you. My reluctance to follow this establishment’s rules made my privileges very limited.

Flex: They haven’t hurt you in here have they?

Svetlana: These weak, spineless, and very low muscle toned guards/prisoners can’t hurt me. It took a majority of them just to handcuff and transfer me from cell block to cell block.

Flex: Well why haven’t you escaped this wretched place?

Svetlana: Unfortunately due to my many years stuck in captivity and lack of consistent nutrients I've lost considerable strength. I fear if I continue to be stuck here I won’t make it much longer Franklin.

Flex: They call me Flex now…but continue on.

Svetlana: Well…Flex, over the years while you’ve prospered into the man you are today I’ve been stuck inside her fighting for my life. You became successful due to my training while I became imprisoned for giving you the gifts you use today.

Flex: I’m very grateful for what you’ve done for me, without you I’d be a useless fat slob.

Svetlana: My point exactly, what I’m trying to say is that you owe me a favor.

Flex: Anything for you.

The Amazonian mentor leans in closer to her protégé to keep her words concealed.

Svetlana: I need you to break me out of prison.

Flex: Svetlana….I…I don’t think that’s possible. That’s highly illegal and I’ve got a career now, a corporate company, and a best friend that needs my help.

Svetlana: Who was there for you when you had no friends? Who was there when your parents just left you with me because you had an insatiable craving for calories? You needed me Franklin, now I need you.

Flex: My name is Flex…

Svetlana: I don’t care what your name is! You owe everything you have to me; all I’m asking is for you to save me from this hellhole.

The prophet of health becomes nervous and begins to sweat due to the glaring menacing presence of his mentor and reluctantly becomes submissive to her will.

Flex: Fine, just…give me some time okay.

Svetlana: Get it done soon Franklin.

The table begins to move like a heavy weight has been released from it as the Amazonian like woman leaves Flex and allows the guards to escort her back to her cell.

Flex: It’s…..Flex.

After spending a couple of agonizing minutes worrying and contemplating his options the fitness trainer leaves the visiting area only to be greeted by his tag team partner/best friend Ramparte who was watching the conversation from afar.

Ramparte: So that is Svetlana huh? Prison seemingly hasn’t done her any favors.

Flex: Watch it Rammy, there’s a lot of things I’ve tolerated lately but the slandering of that magnificent beauty will not be one of them.

Ramparte: You’ve been uneasy and on edge ever since you got that phone call from her. I would think you would be happy that in just a week we’ve not only wrecked Young Justice but have also gained an opportunity to win the tag team titles.

Flex: Unfortunately in a TLC match, combine that problem with the caped crusaders and dragones always double teaming us and our statistical chances of winning decrease greatly.

Ramparte: Something is seriously wrong when I become to positive one in this relationship.

Flex: Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed anytime we have either team right where we want them they decide to use the buddy system and seemingly run us off like frightened puppies. You’ve seen the amount of alliances forming lately. We need someone else watching our back; we need a third head for Cerberus. I think Svetlana could be that essential element in our cause, which is why we need to break her out prison.

Flex’s partner begins to laugh upon immediately hearing the suggestion of the fitness trainer. He takes a few seconds to compose himself before continuing on with the conversation.

Ramparte: Don’t get me wrong I agree, a third member of Cerberus would greatly increase our chances of WZCW domination but Svetlana is not that third member. She’s a shell of her former glory, plus that whole being stuck in prison thing is a whole other problem. I’m a very attractive man Flex, I can’t go to jail.

Flex: We can discuss the details later in a much safer place but it has to be done my friend. She’s the love of my life and she can help us.

Ramparte: I just think a guy with your physical attributes and stature would want a woman more pleasing to the eyes.

Flex: Regardless of your standards love isn’t always about looks my friend.

Ramparte: Don’t be crazy Flex; you’ve seen the desperate and miserable losers who beg you to make them physically fit not for their own health but for the sole purpose of the opposite sex finding them attractive. Hell that model chick Eve Taylor stays healthy purely for the goal of men staring at her in modeling ads.

Flex: Well that’s different; nobody wants to cuddle with flabs of fat.

Ramparte: Look I saw you in there sweating it out and hanging on every word she said. All I’m saying is that we have bigger concerns at the moment than love. There will be plenty of much more attractive, shallow, and eager to please women that will come running for you once we become tag team champions.

Flex: I’d be much more inclined to believe your rhetoric if I ever saw you with the opposite sex.

Ramparte: What are you implying Flex?

Flex: Well I wouldn’t exactly call you a socialite buddy. I also wouldn’t call the eerie tone of your mansion a panty dropper.

Ramparte: I’m not going to argue with you about sexual conquests. The fact that you are unaware of them just goes to show how easily I can separate work from emotion unlike yourself. Not that there’s a need for emotion since most women are all the same.

Flex: Svetlana is a once in a lifetime woman!

Ramparte: Aside from her physique I can’t imagine her personality is any more interesting than any of the women I’ve encountered. Not to mention the ones in the WZCW locker room.

Flex: You can’t fool me, I saw you eying Aubrey Sloan on Ascension. She seems to be the only woman who is just as socially inept as you are. You two are probably a match made in heaven.

Ramparte: A talented girl but unless she plans on lying down in the ring and giving us the victory I have no use for her.

Flex: Well I think it is safe to say you have no real understanding of women.

Ramparte: Says the guy who has spent more time doing jumping jacks than going on dates.

Flex: Fine, maybe we both don’t know a lot about women. Maybe that’s why Amber Warren has been so elusive. We can’t truly learn how to counteract the strange surge of emotions in the female dragon if we don’t understand those of the regular female.

Ramparte: Well a double date must be in order then. Aubrey Sloan and Eve Taylor are both the key to understanding one half of the tag team champions.

Flex: I doubt either will want to go out with us prior to our confrontation.

Ramparte: It’s not them we are courting my friend; we will find two willing mates in a place used for social gathering in the case of the most commoners. Today, we got to the mall.

Flex: Ram getting himself involved with social activities in public? I think I’m starting to rub off on you, can't say I'm proud of using my perfect physique to lure women that are not my soul mate but I'm in.

Ramparte: Good, hope your girlfriend in there won’t be jealous

Flex: Nothing to be jealous of, just a little research being done. I’m saving myself for her anyway.

Ramparte: Well she’s been in a prison for a long time my friend, I don’t think there’s much left to love.

A couple of hours later

The hounds of hell and health can be seen at a food in court inside a public mall. Ramparte can be seen scoping out the potential female suitors while Flex nervously gulps down some low fat milkshakes. This is noticed by the catalyst and he groans impatiently at the monsieur of muscle’s lack of confidence.

Ramparte: Why are you so nervous? Cerberus is a pair of successful and attractive men that any two women would be lucky to have.

Flex: It’s just I’ve never done this before. When I was a child girls were repulsed by my weight and I’ve spent all my time getting buff instead of learning to “run game” as most of my peers would say it. Now to think I’ve have to approach two of them?! I can’t deal Rambo, let’s just forget about this and go lift some weights or something.

Ramparte: It’s not that difficult Flex, it’s not you talking to them and it’s me talking to one and you courting the other. I’ll work my magic while you’ll complement one of them on their bicep or calf muscles. It’ll be just like a regular tag match of ours; we each take one and help out the other when necessary. Think of it as a precursor to our match against Aubrey and Eve.

Flex: Well I want the Eve of the group; I respect any woman with the true discipline to keep her body in perfect condition. She doesn’t quite have the physique of Svetlana but it's on par with Amber Warren, it might be even better.

While Flex continues on about his fascination with the model the other head of Cerberus carefully scopes out the objects of his desire. The world almost slows down for him as he is able to pick and choose his prey. Upon scanning thoroughly through the surrounding area his attention is caught by two females deep in conversation on the other side of the food court. One is a brunette while the other is blonde much like Ramparte. The brunette is decked out in a Titus t-shirt while the blonde is wearing a classic S.H.I.T. hoodie. Quickly coming to the conclusion that they’re easy marks for WZCW talent the catalyst yanks Flex away from his drink and the tag team heads over to the female fans.

Ramparte: Excuse me ladies, I’m sure you know who we are, autographs and photos can wait. Instead, tell me and my friend here the complex set of emotions roaring inside you.

Confused and annoyed by the interruption of Ramparte the two women glance behind them wondering if the blonde haired athlete is actually speaking to them. Upon realizing he is indeed greeting them they’re forced to respond

Brunette: I’m sorry…do we know you?

Flex: Great opening line there buddy….

Ramparte: Are you not wrestling fans?

The women quickly glance toward each other and then to the WZCW related merchandise they’re wearing and let out a giggle before continuing the conversation.

Blonde: Oh right, these are our boyfriends shirts. They’re big fans of the whole wrestling thing, they take us to shows when they’re in town and even have us watch it with them every now and then. I think I remember you though. You’re blonde, highly talented, really attractive….aren’t you Showtime Cougar?

Disrespect, confusion, and anger are all emotions felt by one half of Cerberus as his confident smirk is soon replaced by crippling frustration. Noticing his partner’s patience is at its limit Flex quickly steps in.

Flex: Funny joke ladies, very funny. You know we are the entity known as Cerberus. If you’re boyfriends are big fans like you say they are then you cannot deny our polarizing presence.

Brunette: Are you the bald guy from those infomercials about those weird fitness products? You’re the exact reason why I hate paid programming.

Flex: Those infomercials were informative, inspiring, and innovative! How dare you not show them the proper respect!

Ramparte: Do you really not know who I am?!

Blonde: Ugh, that’s the exact problem with all you guys. You have no idea how to treat a woman. You just expect us to worship you for being yourselves. I’m honestly getting really sick of your of macho garbage

Flex: Okay let’s all calm down here, maybe you’re right. We don’t know how to talk to women, it’s just we’re wrestlers and we have a match this week against two women and need to know how to get inside their minds and accomplish victory.

Brunette: Men always want to take the easy way out when it comes to women, the truth is there is no easy way to deal with us, we’re more complex and brighter individuals than men will ever be. Truth be told I hope those girls kick your ass.

Blonde: Aren’t you glad we’re so done with men?

Brunette: Totally.

The two women proceed to then turn to each other and embrace in a deeply passionate kiss much to the surprise of Flex and Ramparte.

Ramparte: I thought you two had boyfriends?

Blonde: My bad, I meant these shirts were from our ex-boyfriends.

The two women leave their eating area with their arms wrapped around another thoroughly enjoying the tongue lashing they’ve given to the hounds of health.

Ramparte: And this is why I don’t do social gatherings…

Flex: Well we tried and that's all that matters. Our next location is all up to you buddy.

Ramparte: I know a monastery we can go to, clear our minds of what just happened, seek true answers.

Flex: Sounds good, I need to work off that milkshake.

Ramparte: What will we do about Eve and Aubrey? Our misunderstanding of our female counterparts is beginning to concern me greatly.

Flex: I think the fact is women are wildcards, from Celeste Crimson to Amber Warren the females in WZCW all bring something unique to a company full of men. Eve and Aubrey are no different, however they’ve only teamed once to an unsuccessful effort. We on the other hand are soon to be due a tag title shot. I say we forget about trying to understand them and make sure they understand just how serious we are. We’ll make them, those lesbians, Young Justice, and the Dragones realize that they will be forced to recognize us as their equals and after All or Nothing their superiors. Cerberus will not be overlooked.

Somewhere in an undisclosed location...

Ramparte and Mussél climbed higher and higher over the rocky terrain of the mountain. Gusts of wind blew into their faces, urging them to go back where they came from. But Ramparte was determined to learn the ways of the monks. He was determined to be intune with his partner.

Step after step of cold and cracked marble led them closer to the walled-up fortification on the horizon. Cane struck the white rocks over and over again until his stamina gave out and his legs buckled. Resting, Ramparte sat upon the steps; sweat clinging to his blonde hair.

Still fresh from the climbing, Mussél reached for the canteen he strapped to his hip and offered it to The Man In White. He waved it off.[/INDENT]

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

The very words I live by. Let's get to that monastery you've been going on about then, bud.

Offering his hand, Ramparte accepted it and was pulled back up. Cerberus trekked on- nearing the holy place as the sun descended to twilight. The ground before them had changed from the ghostly sight of marble to the even more evanescent waves of the gneiss rock. The haunting layers of gray, white, and then solid black paved their way in striped composition. The stairway ended and they came upon a clearing of solid gneiss.

Clergymen sat cross-legged on the tile, deep in meditation. A soft humming noise emanated from the pious people.

Uh, Ramparte...

Flex walked across the banded floor, examining the clergy and what they were wearing.

I don't think this is a monastery...

Ramparte tucked the cane underneath his arm and looked long and hard at the ones deep in trance. They all wore matching white gowns. The Catalyst did not feel out of place here with his own attire.

Maybe, maybe not. But they are religious, wouldn't you agree?

I don't know, Rambro. This all seems kinda culty.

Is there a difference?

Before his muscular partner could respond, a woman's voice called out for them.

She was roughly in her forties with dark auburn hair and pale grey eyes. Pleasantly shaped for her age, her ceremonial garb was of brightest ivory compared to her followers on the ground. An intricate pattern of red Celtic knot-work crept up passed her sleeves and down to the hems of the skirt and enveloped around her. Giving them a knowing look, she spoke up again with a grin playing against her lips.

What is it you Men of The Ebony seek?

Breathing in the sacred compound's air, Ramparte spoke aloud to the Cult Leader and her followers.

You see before you no black, woman. See how I've adorned myself in white?

He extended his arms and turned himself around for her, giving her a view. With a wink, he went on.

I am a white knight riding a dark horse. I am the brilliance of the sun and the might of its very rays. There is none who cherish white as I do.

You are no Man of Ivory.

Shot down, Ramparte grudgingly stepped back. The Cult Leader stepped forward though, reaching out to hold his face with a hand. Reluctant but curious on where this was going, The Man in White let her.

There's obsidian in your heart, false prophet. Something has a hold of you. No, somethings. I do see the finest alabaster deep within. But it is covered in thick oil...

We did not come for riddles.

At that moment, his partner chipped in.

Exactly! We wish to learn your ways in order to better ourselves, madame. You see that my friend here is in urgent need, and I too wish to be this Man of Ivory you talk about.

Not letting go of Ramparte's face, and seeming to ignore The Healthiest Man Alive, the woman peered into his eyes once more. The Catalyst met her gaze head on this time, wondering what she could possibly find out about him.

I see fire.

As part of our rituals, Men and Women of Ivory must pass a test of strength...

Flex perked up instantaneously.

...strength from fire, for The Worshipers of White must make peace with the flames in order to keep the darkness at bay. Follow me.

Cerberus let the Cult Leader guide them across the wavy rock towards a hidden trench off of the seeable path. There, several other White Worshipers were in their inaudible hymns and some were sitting on the ground as well.

Flex whispered to Ramparte.

Whatever happens here man, you know I have your back and you can trust me, right? We're in this together. I won't let anything bad happen to you in our TLC Match, and I won't let anything bad happen to you here.

We are the whispers in the classroom, Mussél. We are those phantoms in the hallway. If you protect my beautiful face, then I will protect your dietary needs. Trust me as I you, and Cerberus can take down a monk and a model on the road towards dragons.

Hot coals littered the ground in front of them. The Cult Leader stood adjacent to them and began a sermon.

Bright the day, blight the night.

Her congregation echoed her word for word in reverence.

Lord of snow, Lady of clouds...I present to you two Men of Ebony who wish to purge themselves of the wicked taint of obsidian and dusk...

Disciples of Grey, present your names to the fires of our Lord and Lady.

Flex Mussél!

Godfrey Ramparte...

...Ray Roading.

Ramparte shook off the whisper in his ear. Now was not the time for angels and voices.

Our Parents of Purest Ivory bequeath to you, Flex Mussél, and to you, Godfrey Ramparte, to step up and take from the pit. One at a time.

The Catalyst walked over first. Gazing down into the fiery coals, he slowly removed the driving glove on his right hand. His hand bared severe burns and The Cult Leader could not help but to be in awe.

The Lord and Lady must have blessed you in years passed.

The Man In White clenched his teeth, not wanting to bring up dead memories and discuss his disfigurement any further than it already has been.

So it would seem.

With that, Ramparte jerked his hand into the coals and let out a yelp of pain. Pulling one out, he held it within his palm and raised it into the air.

Do you pledge servitude to the Worship of White?


Will you be a star in the night when the moon is away?

The heat began to throb within his hand now as he lied some more.


Will you light the path for others to be guided out of the dark?


Return the coal with the others. You are now a true Man of Ivory.

Relief flooded The Catalyst as he dropped it and stepped away from the insane ritual the woman led. Fastening his glove back on, he gave Flex a half-assed encouraging smile.

Surprise and then jealousy filled him inside as he watched his partner and close friend go through the ritual without a hitch. Once completely done, Ramparte pulled him aside and asked him how he managed it without showing the slightest bit of pain.

Flex shrugged it off.

I've trained in harder conditions than holding some warm rock, Ramdude. One day I'll tell ya what I had to do in Taipei.

Respect and envy crept through Ramparte as they were led towards the compound. The Cult Leader talked as they walked.

Now comes the time of meditation, my spiritually-guided brothers. I urge you to go into The Room. Once again, one at a time.

..The Room?

A small enclosed space our first acolytes discover what comes next in their lives. Sometimes they continue the glorious Pure Path, and sometimes they are swallowed back into the Ebony world.

Such is Our Parents' choice for them. Now who shall go first?

The Catalyst volunteered, and went inside.

The Room was completely devoid of light with a worn pillow in the center. Sighing, The Man In White sat down, crossed his legs, and for the first time in his life reflected on what he has done and will do.

Slowly he entered a trance.

He was back inside of his rented room. The bed was neatly done but the angel that has been plaguing him so long sat at the head of it, playing with something. Ramparte approached and heard panting. In her arms was a black Labrador puppy in the throes of dreaming. Across the room another dog ran around the place in great exuberance; not stopping until he clutched tightly upon a bone three times his size. Another noise he heard from behind him, and as he turned he was met face to face with an albino canine.

He glossed over him as the pup started barking, letting his voice be heard. Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, he held him suspended in the air and spoke to the angel.

What manner of tricks are these, red-haired woman?

The gorgeous creature giggled at him, still stroking the shiny fur of the sleeping dog.

No tricks, Ray Roading. These three are of what are and what will be. You see before you your future.

Ramparte took a minute to look around the room once more. Realization finally dawned on him as he gently placed the white pup back onto the floor. The pup sulked off into a dark corner.

There are three dogs. Could this mean there's really a Third Head-

Before Ramparte could finish his question, the vision faded to white and flames erupted before him. A black throne presented itself in front of him. His purveyor of The List was heard in the far off distance.

Seize it, Ramparte! This is all about you, not them! They are merely a means to an end. You are meant for more, Catalyst! More!! More!!!

Let them all burn in their own flames!

Flex Mussél sat on a stool beside The Room. He began to worry a lot about his partner, about Svetlana and the prison they mean to break her from, and for himself. Eve Taylor and Aubrey Sloan were arguably the best female superstars on the roster today, not counting the monster of a dragon Amber Warren has become.

Amber Warren...

Mussél strived to be like her, and now she has gone and set out a match that ends careers. He looked up into the night sky and prayed. He prayed for her well being, and prayed for his partner's.

My followers tell me our other new White Worshiper has been keeping them from their prayers.

He didn't hear her coming, but nodded. Ramparte was being loud.

Any idea on what he could be saying in there?

The same thing he has said since he first shut the door...

Flex stood up and met her gaze head-on.

Burn them all.

Scene fades to white as the song "I See Fire" is heard.

"I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran
Eve Taylor walked along the streets, heading toward the gym that she and Aubrey had picked out for the day. She was running a bit late - that Aubrey lacked a cell phone, or really any form of modern communication, presented a problem. Eve had reached for her phone to text her twice before remembering that. Eve sighed as she wondered what would happen if they didn't set up another meeting every time they parted ways. She wouldn't see her until the next show, more than likely. She wondered what would happen if no one told her where the next show was. Would she simply stop showing up?

Still, she was close. The day was warm but the wind was up, and her hair blew back in the breeze as she turned a corner. The gym was halfway down the block, and she could make out Aubrey standing on the sidewalk. She waved, but Aubrey didn't appear to notice her.

Eve frowned as she made her way closer. It became more and more apparent that Aubrey was intently focused on something across the street. When she was close, she waved again.

"Hey, Aubrey,"
she called out.

The girl did not notice her. The girl had no time for such things. Across the road - shockingly wide for a road, and what was it made of? Some kind of thick, black dirt, all packed together like she had never seen before, and painted. She was beginning to understand cars - great loud things, alright to be in but terrifying to witness from the outside - but why the roads here were made out of whatever it was did not make sense to her. Still, she was past thinking about that as well. In a tree on the other side of the road rested a squirrel, and it was imperative that she catch it.

Eve called again, now standing at the girl's shoulder. She noticed Eve for the first time, and half turned toward her without taking her eye off of the squirrel.

"Eve. It is well that you are here. It is very important that the enemy not escape."

Eve raised an eyebrow. "The...enemy?"

"Do you see him? In the tree, over there."

Eve looked and saw only a squirrel.

"I don' you mean the squirrel?"

The girl nearly exploded. "Of course I mean the squirrel? You wanted to train today, right? Gyms are well and good, but there's nothing like field experience."

"So you want to fight the squirrel?"

"I want to catch it. Dirty creatures, always laughing at you. Always so smug about how fast they are. I can catch one. I can catch as many as I want."

"Aubrey, I'm not so sure -"

"No talk!"

With that, the girl dashed into traffic. Cars screeched to a halt and several horns honked. The girl nearly fell over at the shocking noise of the horns, something she had never heard before. The squirrel was clearly rattled by the noise as well, and bolted down from the tree and down the street.

Eve, mortified, ran after Aubrey and pulled her back onto the sidewalk.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Eve said, shouting before she was able to control her voice.

"I...ah...I did not realize..."

Eve took a deep breath before continuing. "Aubrey, you need to think. This is what we talked about last time. You need to learn the rules around here before you act. You can't just dash into traffic, people will hit you."

"But the squirrel..."
The girl looked forlornly across the road. She shook off Eve and ran a hand through her hair. "He's gone by now."

Eve shook her head. Already, she was back to thinking about that squirrel.

"Aubrey, focus is good, but you need awareness. If you can't be aware of your surroundings and manage them it's going to keep costing you in the ring."

The girl looked at her partner - her friend - and nodded slowly.

"I...yes, I understand, Eve. It is hard. There is so much I do not understand. I think it is easier to ignore it..."

Eve immediately regretted speaking so sharply as she saw Aubrey clearly upset. "Listen, it'll come with time. Until then, I've got your back," she finished with a smile.

The girl returned it and gestured toward the gym. "Well, we are already here. Shall we? There is a ring inside, I think..."

Eve nodded and they headed toward the door together.


After a few hours of working out and sparring, Eve and Aubrey sat in the locker room of the gym alone, both clearly worn out.

"You have some solid submission knowledge,"
Eve remarked, envy creeping into her tone. Aubrey had shown her what it was like to have her Out of Exile put on her, and Eve had not enjoyed it.

"The philosophy of my Master was to teach you to win. To beat the other students. For me, I was so much smaller than everyone else...I can strike hard and fast, but it is hard to beat a man solely with strikes from my perspective, especially when he is well trained. But if I can lock in the right submission..."
She shrugged.

"Where did you learn that move? It is definitely not Chinese in origin."

The girl shook her head. "I know the Master traveled in his youth. He taught me everything I know."

There was a silence between them. The girl thought it was comfortable at first, but as it grew she realized perhaps she should compliment Eve.

"I...ah...I am very impressed with your ability to walk on the top rope. It is...squirrel-like."

Eve frowned at her. "I thought squirrels were dirty creatures."

The girl put a hand over her mouth and shook her hand rapidly. "No, no, that is not what I meant. I mean, sometimes I say that, but they are also fast, and cunning, and agile, and -"

Eve was starting to laugh. The girl was obviously confused.

"Aubrey, I'm just kidding. Thanks."

The girl relaxed, though she was still on edge. She had not meant to call her friend dirty.

"It is about respecting your enemy. That is what the Master taught me. Whatever I say about them, I respect that the squirrels are very fast. It makes the chasing of them more worthwhile."

"It's hard to respect some opponents. Just look at Cerberus. Two walking ego-trips who think they're better than everyone else. What's to respect?"

The girl thought on it. "Mussel is strong. I have seen. He can lift so much. And Ramparte...Ramparte is very smart, I think. He does not miss anything in the ring. He works slowly to a purpose. These are respectable qualities."

"They're still deplorable men. Trying to make everyone else feel terrible, and trying to turn a buck off their misery at the same time..."

"No matter how dirty the squirrel, if it is fast, it is still worth catching."

Eve felt like the statement was ridiculous and she should say something, but the sentiment was sound, so she simply nodded at the girl's "sage" wisdom.

Eve said, standing up and stretching. "Are you ready to get out of here? We should get an iced latte or something."

The girl raised an eyebrow. Eve understood immediately.

"You have got to be kidding me. You've never had an iced latte?"

The girl smiled in response and rubbed the back of her head. "I am sorry...there is so much..."

Eve returned the smile. "Well, we've got time to learn. I think you're going to like this."
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