AS 66: Saxoteur vs. The Sacrificial Altar (D.C./Westhoff)

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the Frog
Another challenge stands in the way of the rocky relationship between two members of the Sacrificial Altar, Mason Westhoff & D.C, as they take on the WZCW World Tag Team champions and upset tea party hosts Saboteur & Action Saxton in tag team action. A win here could propel the Altar into the tag team title scene and establish further influence in WZCW but the champions won't be taking this contest lightly as Mason Westhoff is a familiar enemy who they'd love to vanquish on their quest to Kingdom Come.

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.
A car engine revs in the background as we fade into picture. We see a white Nissan GT-R pulling into the drive way of a white house. The bright sun illuminates the car's paint job and chromed rims. As the car idles for a few seconds, we take a look at the front of the house. There is a small palm tree planted smack dab in the middle of the front lawn, surrounded by a small brick ring. The lawn itself is barely twenty feet long. The driveway is to the left of all of this. On the other side of the car, there is a black metal gate separating this house from the one beside, however it's covered by a bougainvillea.

The engine turns off and with that the driver side door opens. From the car emerges DC. Wearing a plain white T-shirt, faded jeans, and sunglasses. He gazes up at the sky. Slowly spinning in a half circle as he turns to face the house. He places his hand on the roof of the car and gently taps it. DC shuts the door, spits on the ground, and finally sighs as he walks around the hood of the car. He takes the small walkway of oddly placed circular stones, peering at the palm tree. He shakes his head and turns his attention back to the door.

Once he reaches the door he hangs his head. Trying to look in through the stained window cut out in the center. He knocks on it in a sort of rhythm and rests his arm against the archway. After a brief few seconds the door slowly opens.


Before DC can even finish, he is grabbed by a blond woman from the other side of the door. She embraces him in a long hug that goes on for what seems like minutes. No words are spoken as DC, who was caught off guard, wraps his arms around the woman as well. Shes wearing a tummy cut shirt and white pants. Her blonde hair shows a mix of black and red streaks. The woman buries her face into his shoulder.

Hey kid...

She pulls herself away from him and manages to bring herself to some form of normality. Her mascara has begun to run a little down her cheeks as she smiles at DC.

So... H-how you been?

GOOD! Good, I mean. I'm going to be going back to work soon. Eli is working on a photo shoot for some magazine.

She looks towards the car a bit puzzled.

Isn't this when he bursts out of the car? Says something about my chest.

He doesn't know I'm here.

Oh? Isn't that sort of his thing to keep tabs on you?

Yeah. Look, can we go inside?

Gosh! You'd like that wouldn't you?

DC kind of fidgets in place as the girl crosses her arms. Tongue in cheek style look on her face. She's loving how awkward DC is feeling right now. D, on the other hand, tosses his arms to the side.

What do you want me to say? I'm sorry? I miss you? I lo-

She places her index finger on his lips. Cracking a smile as she does so. She steps away and walks into the house with DC in tow. D shuts the door behind him, and turns to face into the house.


At last we learn the woman's name. D walks past a flight of stairs to his right and towards the kitchen. Lindsey briefly walks by the doorway from the left. The sound of a glass coming to rest on a table sounds as D finally enters the kitchen. Lindsey has taken a seat at a black glass top table. A very contemporary looking kitchen, white walls, black fridge, etc.. She has a cup in front of her, filled with Pepsi from the two liter beside the cup. She takes a sip as DC sits on the opposite side.

So? Why're you here?

I came here because, I don't...

As D struggles to spew the words from his mouth, Lindsey stares at him wide-eyed. Teeming with excitement, she seems to be practically getting off on this sight. DC doesn't know what to say!

Her smile slowly turns to worry though as DC buries his head in his hands. She reaches across the table placing a hand on his arm.

I have, no idea what I am doing... Have you watched?

Lindsey nods her head as D lowers his hands. He isn't crying, but has more of a severely troubled look on his face.

You're running with Grand Mystique now. Didn't think that was really your bag.

It's not.

Then? Why are you exactly?

That is the problem I'm having. I went to GM... Christ this sounds like a broken record.

DC stands up from the table, pacing slightly. He rubs his chin as Lindsey cradles her glass. D grips the back of the chair he stood up from as he looks at her.

I just needed something. Anything! But the more time I spend trying to buy into this s*** the more pissed I'm getting! Look at me! I went from cloud f***ing nine and traded it all in for what?

Lindsey doesn't seem entirely invested in D's speech as she nonchalantly takes a sip from her drink.

Do you even remember why you left?

As she sits her glass down onto the table she twirls her finger around the brim. She isn't making eye contact with DC, who is staring right at her.

You told me, that you weren't sure what you wanted to do with your life. You told me you'd be back later. You walked out the door and I didn't see you for almost two years now... And then out of the blue, a random phone call from Eli. Says he's got something lined up if I'm ready, "oh yeah, and D just called".

She shakes her head, as a small tear starts to build in her left eye. It slowly makes its escape, rolling down her cheek and disappearing somewhere below the table. She's not weeping, it's two years of emotion rushing through her.

Mandee didn't even know what her father looked like. So I found out what station W.Z.C.W. aired on and she watched it with me. When you came on the screen I said to her "there's daddy!" But it sure as hell wasn't the man I remembered.

She stands up and walks around the table towards DC. As she approaches him he releases grip on the chair, sinking his head as she approaches closer. Once the two are face to face, he musters enough courage to look her in the eyes.

I'm not going to pretend that after all this time I'm not happy to see you, because I am.

She places her hand against DC's cheek. Pausing only for a few seconds, before reaching it back and slapping DC hard across the face. D doesn't react to it. Honestly, he kind of deserves it.

But don't think for a f***ing second you can just come back like nothing happened!

Time seems to stand still as D finally responds to the punishment by wiping his hand across his cheek. He blinks with wide eyes, shaking the stars from his sight and steps back from Lindsey. He doesn't look at her at first...

Okay. So, let me bring you up to speed. Right now... as we speak... my brain is really having a lot of trouble remembering what patience is. That isn't good news for a lot of people.

Now his gaze turns to her.

I have the Grand Mystique, whispering life lessons in my ear. I have Mason Westhoff, preaching to me about following a path I'm not entirely sure I want to go down... And all of this... All of it, was because I needed to fill the void I had when I walked out that door.

So I've been trying to piece together what kind of man I want to be for the rest of my life, while being told I need to set my pride and ego aside. I need to believe in something far bigger. I'm supposed to have faith in something that I can't even touch. So far, all it has gotten me is two losses now. I'm losing grip on who I am and I don't even know if I can handle that. I'm making rookie mistakes. I f***ing know I'm better then this...

And I'm supposed to team with Westhoff again, who is probably losing his mind over how jacked up things have been since I showed up. So he isn't going to trust me, I don't trust him, I don't know who GM is, and Whitman is probably going to go crazy when he gets there.

And I'm supposed to balance this life?

Lindsey stands a bit still, eyeing DC as she turns her head away from him. Doing what she did a few minutes ago, and half paying attention to what he is saying.

I came here to try to fix things. Between us, my mind, and my life. I gotta tag with Mason against Black Dynamite and Scorpion an-


You can practically hear the record scratch noise in Lindsey's head.

Action Saxton and Saboteur.

She's not having it. Her frustration seems to be getting the better of her.

I gotta find a way to beat these guys. I can't lose again. Im gonna snap if I lose another match. And with GM and Mason preaching wisdom... I sure as hell can't win with all the bulls*** running through my head. You are the only person that knew how to keep me on track! So don't assume I thought I could walk back into this house like nothing happened! I came here because I need your help!

You need help beating a f***ing ninja and a blaxploitation character!? Are you hearing yourself talk!?

I thought you said you watched the shows...

You're impossible! I watched the shows so your daughter knew what you looked like! I knew you were running with Mystique because Eli told me! You really think I was watching the show because I wanted to know characters and storylines! You want advice!?

Lindsey gets in DC's face. Considering she's shorter then him, figuratively at least, she may as well be towering over him.

Put your f***ing priorities in check. Because you're caring more about complete strangers, forgetting you have a daughter and wife you've left behind.

I do-

AND WHEN YOU REMEMBER THAT! Then, you can come back here and talk to me about "Action Braxton and Sabutore"!(pronounced wrong in speech).

DC kind of backs away. He lifts his arm upward, in that pose that Sean Bean does in the "one doesn't simply meme" but stops in that place. He clutches his fist in this state and seems to just be bursting with frustration. He turns and walks down the hallway from which he entered. Not breaking stride as he opens the door. Lindsey is right behind him, desperately trying to grab at him to keep him there. He leaves the door open as he bursts through the archway and into the Nissan in mere seconds. He's already peeling tires out of the driveway and down the street by the time Lindsey has shut the door. She's inside the doorway, this should be mentioned. Her head is resting against the glass window cutout as the engine noise from the GT-R fade into the distance. She collects herself taking a deep breath as it escapes her with the sound of a soft voice.


Lindsey turns around, looking up at the ceiling, holding the pain of DC leaving once again without seeing his daughter. She walks towards the stairs and begins to go up them as the screen fades to black. The last traces of noise heard are of a mother, distracting her confused daughter with laughter and tickle fights... Or something... I don't know.
There is but one airport in all of North Dakota, and despite the fact that few people will ever find themselves travelling to the Roughrider State, the North Dakota Regional Airport is a complete zoo. North Dakota may be the least visited state in the Union, but any time WZCW comes to town, the crowds will follow. Couple that with the fact that this June weekend happens to be the height of Medora Musical season, and you have the perfect recipe for a very busy airport.

Saboteur happens to be one of the tens of thousands of people at an airport built to support maybe a handful of flights each day, and just like the majority of his fellow travelers, he is waiting in line at security.

But something is different about Saboteur; the man that once locked a WZCW employee named Bob in a vending machine after taking too long to bring him animal crackers seems to have developed the patience of a saint. What is it that has brought WZCW’s most unpredictable employee such peace?

Saboteur: Oh Chelsea, who needs an airplane when you give my heart wings with which to soar above the earth. Permission to land a kiss, my dear?

Saboteur gives Chelsea, his recently acquired military-grade Chinese sex doll, a peck on the lips. He breathes a contented sigh and snuggles up to his companion.

Saboteur: Soon you and I will be in China to attend Saxton’s swearing in ceremony as an official Kung Fu Master, and we will celebrate by eating a traditional meal of giant melon that is served after ceremonies such as this. But in the mean time, I get to enjoy the scenic North Dakota Regional Airport with the company of the most beautiful woman in the world while I recount the heroic victory Action Saxton and I achieved over Rush and Smith.

Chelsea is unresponsive, but Saboteur seems to think she is speaking to him.

Saboteur: Well that’s not how I remember it! I specifically remember Action Saxton and I winning that match!

Chelsea: …

Saboteur: A DQ win is still a win, silly goose!

Chelsea: …

Saboteur’s brow furrows, as Chelsea seems to have struck a nerve.

Saboteur: Grrr you’re right! Those two pieces of human chloroform punked us good! If I saw them right now Chelsea, you know what I’d do, I’d give ‘em one of these!

Saboteur starts throwing punches and kicks in the air, performing a maneuver that would be sure to strike fear into the hearts of his opponents. That is… until he is interrupted.

TSA Agent: Excuse me sir, please refrain from outbursts such as this one. Air travel security is very serious.

Saboteur: And who exactly are you to tell me not to show off my legendary karate skills?

TSA Agent: I’m a TSA Agent sir, and as long as you’re in this airport, I’m in charge. Are we going to have a problem?

Saboteur: Wait a second… TSA Agent? Chelsea, who are Action Saxton and I fighting again?

Chelsea: …

Saboteur: That’s what I thought. Oh Mr. TSA Agent: a word?

The TSA Agent doesn’t have a chance to respond before Saboteur punches him square in the mouth. The TSA Agent falls to the floor, only to get whacked in the stomach by a military-grade Chinese sex doll named Chelsea, whom Saboteur is no wielding as a weapon.

The people waiting on line for security cheer as Saboteur downs a much hated TSA Agent, but the fight has barely begun. Two more TSA Agents are charging at Saboteur, billyclubs drawn.

Saboteur: It looks like Grand Mystique has an army at his command. Too bad they are no match for Saboteur!

Saboteur launches himself at the charging agents and hits them with a double lariat. The two stay stay down, but yet another TSA Agent springs into action. Saboteur parries a billyclub swing and thrusts his palm into the agent’s chin, sweeps the agent’s legs, and stomps on the agent’s stomach to put him down. With four TSA Agents down, Saboteur begins to feel a sense of victory. This sense is short lived, however, as four more TSA Agents swarm Saboteur from all directions and surround him.

Saboteur: You jerks have made me and my fellow passengers feel like cattle for the last time? You’re gonna make me take my shoes off? I’ll take my shoes off… and beat you with them!

In a few quick motions Saboteur has removed his boots and tied them together to create a pair of improvised nunchucks. The TSA Agents charge at Saboteur but are quickly defeated as Saboteur swings his nunchuckboots around with the fury of a rabid raccoon. More TSA Agents pour into the battle and one after another they are put down by Saboteur and his nunchuckboots, and with each fallen TSA Agent the crowd of passengers grows louder and louder in their roaring approval for Saboteur.

Saboteur must have downed thirty or forty TSA Agents, but with each TSA Agent he defeats, two more attack. Saboteur is soon surrounded by two dozen TSA Agents, and he knows that this may be his swan song.

Saboteur: After this point you will only be allowed to have two ounces… of blood!

Saboteur swings his nunchuckboots wildly and brings a few TSA Agents down, but he is quickly tackled to the ground and handcuffed. The crowd boos the TSA Agents as they drag Saboteur and Chelsea, whom is also handcuffed, away from the security checkpoint and into the tiny office area of North Dakota Regional Airport.


Saboteur finds himself locked alone in an interrogation room, hands cuffed behind his back, Chelsea out of sight. Saboteur, however, does not take the fight lying down, but rather sitting in a chair behind a metal table.

Saboteur: Come in here you cowards! Unhand me now and I will make your butt kicking swift and merciful! Also, why does such a small airport have so many freaking TSA agents?!

Saboteur’s cries are answered quickly as two men walk into the room.

Saboteur: More TSA goons? When is GM going to stop sending in his faceless lackeys and give me his lapdogs?

Director Connor: How did you know we were sent here by the General Manager of the TSA? You know what? It doesn’t matter. My name is Director Connor, and I’m in charge of the North Dakota Branch of the TSA. This man here is Mr. Williams, and he is our branch’s lawyer.

Saboteur: So… you’re D.C., he’s MW, and you were sent here by GM?

Director Connor: If you want to reduce us to our initials… then yes, I suppose that is correct.

Saboteur’s eyes narrow as he realizes he is now in the room with his two opponents for next week’s match.

Saboteur: Well hear this you egomaniacal tool and hopelessly blind follower, when I get out of these handcuffs, and I will get out of these handcuffs, I will beat you both so hard that you won’t be able to make it to Ascension next week!

Connor and Williams look at each other, perplexed.

Director Connor: Look, threatening us won’t help your case right now. In fact, we’re here to help you. Williams, show him the evidence.

Mr. Williams reaches from outside the room and brings in Chelsea, who has a sticker reading “EVIDENCE” stuck on across her chest.

Saboteur: How dare you objectify my girlfriend like that!

Mr. Williams: Objectify her? She IS an object!

Saboteur: So you’re part of an evil cult AND sexist?! The first part is forgivable, but I will have none of the latter sir!

Mr. Williams: She’s a Chinese Sex Doll, and from our initial tests, she is riddled with traces of mercury. This leads us to believe that your little outburst out there was the result of acute mercury poisoning. Would you agree with this assessment Mr. Saboteur?

Saboteur: Never! The only poisoning Chelsea has done to me is poisoned me with love!

Director Connor: That doesn’t even make sense.

Saboteur: You don’t make sense!

Director Connor shakes his head and pulls out a chair across the table from Saboteur. He takes a seat and lays some folders and papers out on the table.

Director Connor: Alright, I guess we’re going to have to do this the hard way. Our initial investigation tells us that you’re a professional wrestler with WZCW. Is that true?

Saboteur: Not just any wrestler, I’m one half of WZCW’s tag team champions and greatest duo in the history of the sport! But to answer your question, yes, I do wrestle for WZCW.

Director Connor: And it says here that you have been prone to violent outbursts in the past, such as this past Ascension when a routine tea party turned into a brawl with two men named Rush and Sam Smith.

Saboteur: Hey man, they started it, not me; going on about how Saxton and Saboteur are a joke and ruining professional wrestling.

Director Connor: Saxton?

Mr. Williams: I believe he means Action Saxton, sir: the actor turned professional wrestler. He and the perp are tag-team partners.

Director Connor: Oh right, he’s the fellow that made all those terrible blaxploitation movies. What was that one he did with Prince?

Saboteur: I’ll have you know he won a Blackademy Award for The Color Purple Rain!

Director Connor: And where is Action Saxton today? Why isn’t he with you now?

Saboteur: Because he’s already back in China where he is preparing for the ceremony to officially announce that he is going to be replacing Master Chop Onion as the master of Master Chop Onion’s Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation.

Director Connor: Master who?

Saboteur: Master Chop Onion? Why, he’s only the most famous Kung Fu Master with an onion for a head, duh.

Director Connor: So let me get this straight… you are a spandex clad maniac that is in a romantic relationship with a Chinese Sex Doll, and you are also tag team champions of the biggest wrestling company in North America along with a former blaxploitation actor, and your partner is currently in China where he is the guest of honor at a ceremony where he will replace a giant, humanoid onion as the master of a ridiculously named dojo?

Saboteur: Well when you say it sounds ridiculous, but yes, that’s the gist of it.

Director Connor smirks.

Director Connor: Maybe Smith and Rush are right: you are too much of a joke for the tag team championship.

Saboteur’s eyes narrow and his heartbeat speeds up. He clenches his fists and they shake in rage. Saboteur’s face turns bright red, a fact that is lost upon Director Connor and Mister Williams as they are only able to see Saboteur’s mask. But Saboteur will soon make his anger known…

Saboteur: A joke? I’ll tell you what’s a joke: two grown men taking orders from a delusional has been that hides under a mask. You think what you do is so important, that you’re saving everyone from themselves, but in reality the TSA is just a minor inconvenience that nobody takes seriously. People are happy to see Saxton and Saboteur, but when people see the TSA? They roll their eyes, shake their heads, and count down the seconds until you leave them alone and they can forget about you forever.

The room is silent for a moment as Connor, Williams, and Chelsea are all taken by surprise at Saboteur’s passionate speech.

Director Connor: … our GM doesn’t wear a mask.

Saboteur: Lies! I’m sick of your lies and your questions and all of this malarkey! I’m leaving!

Director Connor: You can’t leave, you’re under arrest!

Saboteur: No, you’re out of order!

Director Connor: That’s not what I said!

Saboteur: Well then how about you say goodnight!?

Saboteur leans back in his chair and flips the table over with his feet, slamming the metal table right into Director Connor’s face. Saboteur jumps to his feet, but he still remains handcuffed. Mr. Williams is blocking the door, but Saboteur is unintimidated. Saboteur leaps towards the door.

Saboteur: Out of my way, suit!

Mr. Williams: Connor, now!

Saboteur turns around to see Director Connor aiming a tazer right at his chest. Connor fires, but Saboteur’s lightning fast reflexes allow him to duck the shot and the tazer’s prongs plant themselves firmly in Mr. Williams chest. The lawyer convulses a few times before he falls to the ground, likely soiling himself in the process. Saboteur has no time to laugh at the hilariousness of a grown man pooping himself, though, as Director Connor is about to get back to his feet. Saboteur rushes to Connor and delivers a swift kick to the face, knocking Connor out cold.

Saboteur breathes a sigh of relief following the battle, but he knows he has to work fast to uncuff himself and get out of the interrogation room before backup arrives. Saboteur reaches into Connor’s pocket and grabs the handcuff key. Saboteur sheds his shackles, grabs Chelsea, and busts out of the interrogation room. Several TSA agents have already started running towards Saboteur, but they are no match or the speed and quickness of Saboteur. The race to the exit begins, and Saboteur leaves the agents eating his dust.

Saboteur explodes out of the exit, but finds himself surrounded by angry air travelers whose flights were delayed because of the incident that Saboteur instigated. Saboteur knows he has to play this cool, otherwise he will have to deal with a mob of angry citizens.

Saboteur: The TSA guys are in there, and they’re ripe for a beating.

The crowd roars in approval as they charge into the TSA offices, ready to repay the TSA for all the time that they have wasted with pointless security checks and privacy breaching pat downs. Saboteur pushes in the opposite direction of the crowd, desperate to flee the scene before he can be further implicated in the events that just occurred.

Saboteur soon finds himself in an all but abandoned airport, as all the passengers and TSA agents are currently embroiled in a conflict in the TSA offices.

Saboteur: Well Chelsea, we got out of that situation, but how are we going to get to China? They said that all the flights out of here are being held up because of what we did!

Chelsea: …

Saboteur: Fine, because of what I did.

Saboteur’s eyes wander briefly before he notices a man pushing a giant cart full of packages and good, including a giant melon.

Saboteur: Excuse me sir, where are these packages and this giant melon going?

Employee: These packages here? I’m about to put them on a cargo plane to China.

Saboteur: But I thought all the planes were grounded because of that riot that I… I mean… some lunatic caused?

Employee: Nah, just commercial flights. Cargo planes are still going and leaving.

Saboteur: Hmmm… that gives me an idea. How about you give me this cart full of packages and melon in exchange for a hundred bucks?

Employee: A hundred bucks? Not worth it. I do like your little lady toy over here though…

Saboteur narrows his eyes and clenches his fists…

Chelsea: …

Saboteur: You’re right hunny, we’ve had enough violence today.

Saboteur turns to the employee.

Saboteur: How about a thousand bucks?

Employee: Deal.


We see several packages being places on a conveyer belt leading to the back of a cargo plane. A giant melon is the last thing two cargo workers place on the conveyer belt, and there is no sign of Saboteur anywhere. The plane takes off, and this narrator gets the funny feeling that Saboteur will be making it to Action Saxton’s ceremony just in time.
Signal Panic, Inc. presents
Action Saxton
"The Crowning of A New Master!"

The stage was set. The time had come. Thousands upon thousands of ninjas, students, and fans had gathered in front of what was once Master Chop Onion's Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation to witness the ceremony that would change the school's destiny forever. A large wooden stage had been erected in front of the school's large, ornate double doors, and on that stage were the entire Sacred Council of Chinese Kung Fu Masters, a very large melon, and Action Saxton. The Badass Brother was decked out in ceremonial robes worn by all kung fu masters during their swearing-in, as well as a white headband over his luxurious afro. If you had asked anyone on that day, they would have told you he looked as ready as ever to take over his old master's dojo, and Action Saxton would have not disagreed.

As the council leader stepped up to the podium to make a dramatic speech, Action Saxton looked out on the crowd to see faces familiar and new, men and women from all his walks of life - Marceline, Kung Fu Jones, Miles King, fans and fellow students, trainees and film partners. Everyone who is everyone was there.

Everyone, that is, except for Saboteur.

"Ladies and gentlemen, people of all ages," the council leader said, his voice echoing across the still-buzzing crowd, "we are gathered here today to officially welcome this man, Action Saxton, as the newest member of our council, and to appoint him the new leader of the Dojo of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation."

There was a smattering of polite applause from the crowd. The man turned to Action Saxton, who was standing straight up in his robes and still squinting, looking around the crowd for signs of his spandex-clad comrade. The master cleared his throat and continued.

"Master Chop Onion was a visionary in our field, a rebel and an excellent teacher. He will truly be missed, but after several weeks of deliberation and some very intense discussions with Action Saxton himself, the council has decided that truly, there is none better to take over the dojo than he."

The crowd cheered loudly, clapping harder than ever. Action Saxton grinned, coolly, looking over the mass of people in front of the school.

"Now, before we get to the cutting of the ceremonial melon," the council leader said, indicating the extremely large melon on the stage, "I am sure we would all like to hear from the man himself."

At his words, Action Saxton stopped looking around and nodded. He stepped up to the podium, robes billowing behind him. The council leader smiled.

"The floor is yours, Master Saxton."

"Thanks, sucka," Master Saxton said as he took the mic from the old man. He turned out to the throng of excited people, raised the mic up to his lips, and began to speak.

"Listen up, suckas," he said. "When I was just startin' out, Master Chop Onion would always say the same thing to me. 'It's all in the mind'. Now, bein' my goofy-ass kid self, I never knew exactly what the hell that meant. I was just a young kid who wanted to learn kung fu. I didn't pay attention to his crazy-ass Chinese proverbs. I never asked him and he never told me, and that, suckas, is one of the best things about Master Chop Onion. He expected you to figure it all out for yourself, and that, suckas, is exactly what his students did."

Action Saxton shook one of his floppy purple sleeves and readjusted his grip on the mic.

"To me, kung fu was never 'all in the mind'. To me, kung fu was all in the real world, kicking some ass with fists of fury and flyin' feet. It wasn't until that sucka made me eat some Wheaties and wise up that I realized exactly what he meant. When I shoveled the Breakfast of Champions in my mouth, it all became clear to me. Yeah, kung fu is one hell of a physical art, but the mental strain it puts on you is some of the most strainin' strain you will ever strain, suckas."

The crowd is nodding in agreement as the masters look on and Action Saxton continues.

"When you are a kung fu master, you need dedication in both body and mind, and suckas, that was something I was not willing to have. I was perfectly fine bein' a student of the game. Suckas, I have fallen many a foe in my time bein' trained by Master Chop Onion. You remember the time I punched a dinosaur so hard he hit the evil invading alien spaceship and made it crashland into the pile of robots that were taking over the world in my hit Blackademy Award-winning film Action Saxton Battles Robots, Dinosaurs, and Aliens? There is no way I would have been able to punch that hard if it was not for my master's training."

The crowd, all of whom are fans of Saxton's work, are nodding to each other.

"As a student of the game, I entered one of the best damn wrestling companies in the business, WZCW, and as a student of the game I found friends, foes, people who are good, and people who are bad. I traded blows with the best of the best, the worst of the worst, and Armando Paradyse. Suckas, I changed the wrestling business when I chopped to the top with my dashing good looks and superior striking technique. I became a wrestling icon after becoming a movie star! My posters graced orphanages across the country as every little sucka with a dream prayed to the stars each night wishin' they could be as good as the Badass Brother."

Action Saxton winked at the crowd.

"I don't blame, them, suckas, because it felt great bein' me. But after a while I realized that it just ain't as much fun bein' you if there ain't anybody to share it with. And that, suckas, is when I met my boy, my tag team partner, and one half of the tag team champions with yours truly, that sucka Saboteur."

He looked out at the audience one more time, in the vain hope that he'd see him, but there was no flash of black and yellow, no katanas protruding out of strange places, and no sex doll named Chelsea sitting next to him. Action Saxton shook his head, and valiantly pressed on with his speech.

"Suckas, it was a hell of a ride, teaming with my boy. We had the craziest adventures, the wildest parties, and let me tell you, suckas, I bedded some of the finest babes I had ever spent the night with before. I achieved worldwide success and set tag team records. I was the happiest damn man I had ever been in my life, but even with all my gold, all my success, I knew that I, Action Saxton, was still nothin' more than a student."

Passion and fire flowed from his lips as the Badass Brother's smooth voice continued to boom over the crowd.

"Suckas, comin' up is one of the biggest matches of my career for a hundred and one reasons. Now, Action Saxton and Saboteur, the damn-fine-duo, have taken on evil time and time again. We teamed up against the Apostles of Chaos, one of the most evil groups in WZCW history, and we took on The New Church back when they were Jacobs and Westhoff. Hell, we took out these New Church suckas over and over and we beat them over and over. But this time, suckas, is a different time. They got some different people in their ranks, and they even got themselves a new name, The Sarifical Altar. But if you look at us, me and Saboteur, we're the same goofy-ass tag team champions we always been, right?"

He snapped his fingers.

"Wrong, suckas!" he exclaimed. "Just like those suckas in the Sacrifical Altar changed, we changed as well. We are now two-time tag team champions who take huge steps every single day. Now, if I learned one thing from Master Chop Onion, it's that his kung fu skills should always be used for good. That is the one thing that has been guiding myself throughout my entire life. If you gonna kick ass, kick ass for the right side, and that, suckas, is what I am going to do. I did it when we took out the Apostles, I did it when we took out the New Church, and now that those Sacrificial Altar suckas need an industrial-strength ass-kicking to get their heads on straight, I think that we are the ones to do it."

The crowd cheered. Action Saxton paused, smiling, soaking in the adoration of the assembly, before starting back up again.

"Now, I had hoped to have my boy Saboteur here on stage when I gave this announcement," he said, "but that sucka probably went off to Timbuktu or something. All this speech I have been sayin' that Master Chop Onion had his saying that 'it was all in the mind' and it wasn't until now that I truly understood what he meant. When Rush and Sam Smith ruined my tea party with Saboteur, I was able to keep calm and channel my mental energy not into amusing pointed tongue-lashings, but into pure kung fu skill and energy needed to lay those suckas out. Master Chop Onion's technique was all about pickin' my battles and I damn sure did that last week. I know that the former master wants me to take this place as seriously as he did, and treat it like he treated me, and that takes a level of mental dedication that finally I can say I'm ready for. So, suckas, before I chop this giant-ass melon in half with my bare hands, I would like to formally announce that-"


A loud, wet thudding noise echoed across the clearing. Action Saxton turned towards the giant melon on stage, scowling.

"Who the hell is interrupting my carefully-prepared speech?" he barked at the fruit.

Thump. The fruit thudded in reply. The entire crowd fell silent, watching the melon. Suddenly, with a noise like a large, round, green mother giving birth to a spandex-clad man covered in fruit juice, seeds, and pulp, the melon split in half from the inside and out came Saboteur and his Chinese sex doll Chelsea, the Airborne Assassin's spandex saturated with melon juices.

"Finally!" he gasped. "You'd think they could have at least included a magazine for the trip!"

"Sucka, why the hell were you inside a giant melon?" Action Saxton asked.

"It's a really long story," Saboteur replied. Suddenly, he noticed the large crowd in front of them. "Oh, hey, I'm just in time for the speech!"

"Just in time for the end!" Saxton said. "Sucka, I've been waiting for you all day! There's some important stuff I needed to tell you!"

"It's fine, Saxton!" Saboteur said. "I'm here now, the melon's open, you have a microphone, and I heard you talking about how we're going to beat up those TSA guys for sending all those sleeper agents after me. And after that, we're going to defend our championships at Kingdom Come and hold these babies forever, right?"

He patted his big gold belt with a wet slapping noise. Action Saxton looked his tag team partner up and down, and sighed.

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about, sucka," he said. "Sucka, being a master of this dojo is goin' to have to take all my time. That is why this upcoming match against the Sacrifical Altar will be my final match."

Saboteur dropped the chunk of melon he was eating, causing it to hit the wooden floor with a loud splatter. He looked at his tag team partner, sadness etched across his masked face.

"Y- You mean your final match this week, right?" he asked.

"No, sucka, my final match."

"Your final match...against TSA?"


"'Ever' meaning 'tomorrow', right?"

Action Saxton sighed. "Sucka," he said. "It's been one hell of a time, but all good things must end. This school needs a man that embodies power, intelligence, and good looks, and the only man who fit the bill was me."

Saboteur was silent as he clutched his now-very-sticky Chinese sex doll. He stared at the ground, his masked face grim with worry. Action Saxton clapped his partner on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, sucka," he whispered, "We'll win this one and you know I'll always be right here if you ever need someone to kick someone else's ass for you. Now smile and wave at the audience."

"Okay..." Saboteur muttered, and joined in the waving, his hand jerking from side to side unenthusiastically. He looked anything but happy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, suckas and honeys," Action Saxton said into the microphone, "thank you all for coming out today, and be sure to tune in to see my final match. Soon, suckas, Master Saxton's School of Kung Fu And Ninja Rehabilitation will be open for business, and I promise to make my mentor proud and honor Chop Onion's memory by keepin' it the bast damn school of Kung Fu and Ninja Rehabilitation in the world. Now if you'll excuse me, we got a match to win."

And with that, he walked off the stage, dragging his dripping, worried tag team partner behind him.
Brother Mason Westhoff was given plenty of reasons as to why his foray into professional wrestling would fail. First, they said, was the travel. How can a man serve his congregation when he’s gone at least 3 nights per week? What the critics didn’t realize was that Brother Westhoff had never lived a typical preacher’s life. Rather than settling in one place for 30 years and having his life revolve around Sunday mornings, he instead travelled the country, speaking anywhere that would have him. He was of the opinion that the smaller the margin of error for returning home in time for service on Sunday, the better.


Brother Westhoff couldn’t bring himself to do anything more than stare out the window as the black sedan he rides in progresses toward the next town. The driver had tried to make small talk at the start of the drive, but had it made clear that Brother Westhoff wasn’t interested almost immediately. He needed quiet time to think, and if staring out into the nothingness between North Dakota and Montana was where he’d find it, so be it.

It hadn’t been a good week for Brother Westhoff. On Meltdown, miscommunication between himself and DC led to James Howard pinning him. As frustrating as that was, the fact that The Grand Mystique brought another member to The Sacrificial Altar without consulting him, especially with how poorly things had gone with DC so far, that really hurt. Brother Westhoff was finding it harder and harder to keep his faith in Grand Mystique, and that depressed him greatly.

A man of faith is losing his faith and he has no idea how to handle it.


Next, they claimed Brother Westhoff’s body wouldn’t be able to stand up to demands of the sport. Sure, he can talk, but can he take a punch? Under those vestments and tailored suits were more physical gifts than anyone could’ve imagined, even Brother Westhoff himself. Not only has he shown the ability to dish out massive amounts of punishment, but also the ability to absorb it. Men who, on the surface, were better suited for life as a wrestler had fallen before him.


Even as he sat in his hotel room hours later, Brother Westhoff still sat trapped in thought. Now, his thoughts have migrated to the team he and DC would face at Ascension 66: the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Action Saxton and Saboteur. It lends itself perfectly to reflection, as Brother Westhoff broke into WZCW challenging Saxton and Saboteur, along with Strikeforce and a few other teams, for those same tag team belts. Back then, it seemed like he had it all figured out. There was a devoted follower in Derek Jacobs, the church in Texarcana, and just about every bit of success you could have, except for the actual titles.

Now, Derek stands against Brother Westhoff, while Brother Westhoff is forced to stand alongside a man he doesn’t trust in DC. But across the ring will be those same two men, the foils to The New Church’s plans for glory. Before, he had only to worry about Saxton and Saboteur as his partner was completely obedient. Now, there will be three men in the ring that Brother Westhoff has to keep an eye on. Victory was looking unlikely at best, and that was as positive as he could be.

A man of faith is losing his faith and he has no idea how to handle it.


There was only one thing that everyone could agree on about Brother Westhoff’s potential wrestling career: his mental strength would be second to none. Many new wrestlers either snap under the pressure of talking with partners, plotting matches, or just the daily grind. To a preacher, taking care of his or herself is only a tiny fraction of the responsibility. Tens, hundreds, or sometimes even thousands of people look to their pastor for guidance on an assortment of issues, big and small. In comparison to being a preacher, that aspect of wrestling would be a piece of cake.


Brother Westhoff was shaken from his slumber by his alarm clock at 7 a.m. sharp. As he groggily turned the alarm off, he remembered calling out to The Almighty for guidance, with a bright light being the last thing he saw before he drifted off.

As the bags were loaded into the car for a trip to the arena for a house show, Brother Westhoff couldn’t help but to smile. His mind was now clearer than it had been for weeks. This week on Ascension, Brother Westhoff was prepared to do battle alongside DC against Saxton and Saboteur. After that, it was time to have a one-on-one meeting with The Grand Mystique.

A man of faith is losing his faith, but he has a plan to salvage it.
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