AS 48: Johnny Scumm vs. Justin Cooper vs. Mick Overlast (Elite X #1 Contender)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Triple X will finally find out who he will be facing at Kingdom Come when Johnny Scumm, who won the right to enter this match by defeating Phoenix, takes on X's two previous opponents in Justin Cooper and Mick Overlast. This will be the last chance for all three men to find themselves a spot on the Kingdom Come and all three will be looking to give it their all just to get themselves on the card... but who has the most desire to earn themselves a title shot?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
X Marks The Spot


Strange this is. Never though anyone would be writing Fan Mail to me of all people. Only recently have I realised that the fans appreciate the work I do out there and I realised that they deserve to be acknowledged by myself for it. It's nice to see that someone really likes my In-Ring work and I hope you enjoyed watching me kick Phoenix's ass! I never thought it was going to happen, but maybe that win really kicked things off for me. Not sure what this week will bring, but I'm hoping that something will lead to me arriving at Kingdom Come, our biggest Pay-Per-View of the year! Don't forget to watch out for me of course, as long as I'm there that is.

It's nice to see you wish to become a Wrestler in the future, don't forget to start training as early on as you can! Being 15, you might wanna hit the Gym at 16, maybe even a Wrestling School. But don't take the whole process on alone. I done that, it takes longer to become accustomed to everything around you. That's why beating Phoenix came as such a shock for me. Have someone by your side throughout the whole time you try and kickstart your Wrestling career. Preferably your family. Growing up from an all not too desirable setting, I can tell you that having no family at my side all these years hasn't made things easy. Get someone alongside you, cheering you on. That'll give you the desire to win and always be better than you think you can be. Talking of this, I saw a familiar face at Meltdown last week. Writing to you has made me want to go and make a visit, thanks for that. Maybe you're making me see even more sense and I'm starting to appreciate everyone, I don't know. But Timmy, don't give up on those dreams of yours, keep them going! I think I'll stop now, I'm just rambling here.

Thanks for your letter.

Johnny Scumm.

"So, how was that? Its my first time remember."

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I'm kidding, you're a real soft arse under there aren't you?"

"Shut it Kline."

Johnny Scumm and Chris Kline are walking down a busy street. People are walking by, not paying attention to anything but themselves. Scumm folds up the letter he just read out and puts it in his pocket.

"Why you walking so fast? Wanna impress old Bateman?"

"Look, you know what he's like. The man's a bastard through and through. He says he has news for me. I can guess what it is already and it doesn't involve a congratulations for beating Phoenix. He's going to tell me that I have no right to be on the shows this week... because I helped someone! Justin Cooper deserved that beating he got from me & I'd love to give him a proper one."

"I don't see why Bateman would punish you Scumm, at all. You done a good deed last week, saving Triple X from Cooper, he couldn't punish you!"

"But. It's. Vance. Bateman. What don't you understand about that? Left here by the way. He's not going to reward me for attacking one his "Superior" stars, is he?"

"You can't say that until it happens."

"Fine. Oh look... here's the man himself."

Vance Bateman is standing, waiting outside WZCW HQ for the two men as they gradually approach him. He's got a large grin on his face as if he really wants to deliver his news.

"Gentlemen! Welcome to the HQ, again. How nice to see you, of course. Please, come straight to my office, I really have some things to tell you!"

"You seem... happy Bateman. I don't like it one bit."

"Well, maybe you should start liking people who aren't just WZCW fans! Now, follow me."

The three men all make their way to the office of Vance Bateman, as Bateman opens the door briskly.

"Please, take a seat. Chris, you can join us if you want."

"Yeah, allright. Gotta see his reaction!"


"Oh nothing, just Scumm."

"Kline, shut up."

The two men take their places in their chairs as Bateman finally sits down opposite them, still wearing a wide grin.

"What's with the shitty Joker impression Vance? Or did the wind change?"

"Johnny Scumm... congratulations. Last week has to be your best week on record since you signed up at this place. The win over Phoenix, then saving Triple X from a possible injury, you done well."

Scumm chokes on his own spit at Vance Bateman's words.

"Sorry, what? You're actually saying I've done good? What was with hating me?"

"I used to dislike you. But, I dunno. You've started to see sense recently, its kinda cool. You can't hate everyone always and well... now I don't hate you! In fact, I'm giving you a reward!"

"Well... talk about my day getting better. Does it mean I'm going to Kingdom Come?"

"It does! You'd be fighting against Triple X, fighting for the Elite X Championship!!"

"Hang on a minute there Bateman... I "would" be?"

"Well... there is a catch, obviously."

"Just like everything around here. What is it? I've gotta swim every ocean on Earth 10 times?"

"Nothing that extreme. You're gonna have to fight in a Number One Contenders match this week on Meltdown. It won't be a Singles match unfortunately, but a triple threat match. You'll be taking on your former rival, Justin Cooper, along with Mick Overlast, who demanded a match against Triple X, before I made this little scenario come to life."

"Riiiiiiiight. You want me facing off against Overlast, the guy who thinks he's all that, but really isn't and Justin Cooper, the guy who cheats to win, even in matches where cheating would be thought impossible?"


"You've got it Bateman. Bring Meltdown on!"

"We gonna shake for this or what?"

"You know what, you're finally seeing sense, why not?!"

Scumm stands up and extends his hand out to Bateman. Bateman's hand reaches Scumm's and they shake, both with a slight smirk on their faces, still looking pleased with each other.

"I won't let you down Vance, that Elite X shot is mine, don't you doubt it."

"I never did Scumm... I never did."

Scumm begins to walk out and tapping Kline on the shoulder, he signals his friend that its time to leave. Kline hops up, nods at Bateman and begins to leave with Scumm.

"What was that?! You and Bateman best friends all of a sudden?"

"Look, he's seen sense and so have I. He doesn't like the guys that are and were rude to him and well... I'm just gonna patch things up with people as time goes by. People move on and sometimes, so do relationships between two others."

"Starting to sound like you're in love with him Scumm."

"Stop being childish Kline, you're more annoying than anything right now. I need to focus on Meltdown. Justin Cooper, Mick Overlast, they don't have anything on me. Cooper was beaten by Triple X last week, he thinks that he's gonna beat the guy who took down Phoenix? Right now, out of each man in this match, I am in the best condition and I'm in the highest place I could be."

"Well, you've definitely got the mental edge. Physically, you're superior to Overlast, but Cooper could be a struggle."

"I know that much. He's good, but he's not THAT good. After last week's loss, he'll be struggling to pull one off, let alone pull a win out the bag."

"Sounds like we're pretty much sorted for this week! I'll be at ringside providing nobody tries to stop me. I'm only there as a watch, I know that. I ain't gonna ruin this for you Scumm."

"Good man Chris. This is my last chance to be at Kingdom Come, we can't screw this up. Cooper & Overlast, you're mine. Then Triple X, that Elite X title will, unfortunately, not be yours come the Pay-Per-View."

"Lets see what happens Johnny, you can do it if you put your mind to it."

"Putting my mind to it is all I will be doing. Now, after Meltdown, get some bags and pack your stuff up. Before the show, we're off to visit a familiar face I saw in the crowd last week."

"Who is it?"

"That doesn't matter now Chris. I'll focus on beating Cooper and Overlast first, then we'll talk about it more. I'll see you at Meltdown".

Chris Kline & Johnny Scumm reach the entrance once more and this time, upon a quick hand slap, walk in different ways. Scumm pulls the letter back out of his pocket, reading it to himself, but will he be this focused at Meltdown and become the Number One Contender?
Mick Overlast: The hell is all this?

Overlast is walking through one of the hallways backstage at Ascension. What he's referring to is the mess left by the Action Saxton/Saboteur brawl that actually led out of the arena and into the streets. He steps over a few cardboard boxes, navigating through the minefield of debris when he comes across Leon Kensworth, who's watching the show on the monitor in the backstage interview area. Leon hears someone walking by and turns around to see that it's Overlast.

Kensworth: Mick, care to do a quick interview about next week?

Overlast stops walking and glares at Kensworth, then smiles and nods his head before venturing over to the interview area.

Overlast: I guess I can give you a few minutes of my time, Leon. I'm in a considerably good mood for once.

Kensworth: I assume it's because of your No. 1 contender match next week.

Overlast: That, and a couple other things I've been thinking about. They put a smile on my face.

Kensworth prepares the set quickly for the interview, then signals to the cameraman to start filming.

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time is one of the participants in the triple threat No. 1 contender match for the Elite X Title, Mick Overlast. Mick, you must be excited about the possibility of getting another shot at Triple X, this time on the biggest stage of them all at Kingdom Come.

Overlast: Well, Leon, it does feel good. Triple X is a fluke champion. Why he got a title shot in the first place is beyond me. Is it because he did a few jumps and flips in the Lethal Lottery? Is it because of his cute straight-edge lifestyle? I don't know, but I disagree. He's green; he hasn't put in the time like I have with this company. He'll be exposed, all in due time.

Kensworth: As you know, a non-title match between Triple X and your fellow Son of Destiny Blade will also take place at Ascension. Will you learn enough from that match to help you, should you face Triple X at Kingdom Come?

Overlast rubs his chin while thinking about the answer to that question.

Overlast: To be honest, Leon, I never thought about that. I suppose I could learn a few things from that match. I guess I'll have to watch and do some scouting.

Kensworth has a surprised look on his face, not getting the answer he was expecting from Overlast. He stammers a bit while trying to think of his next question.

Kensworth: Well, of Blade, some will say he's doing all your work for you. He was the one who asked for you to get this shot –

Overlast puts his hand up, cutting Kensworth off mid-sentence.

Overlast: Let me stop you right there, Leon. I'll say this. Yeah, I haven't had the best of luck these past few weeks, and yes, I was starting to question the way I was doing things. But it doesn't take away from what I've accomplished so far here in WZCW.

Anyone who says Blade does my work for me is a moron. I am more than capable of beating anyone in this company...and I do mean anyone. I didn't need his help to get where I am. You want proof? Go look at what I did at Meltdown. Ace Stevens is a former champion, but guess what? I dismantled him in that ring. You know who gave me a better fight than Ace Stevens? That freak who carried a pumpkin with him to the ring. You know who else gave me a better fight? That nerd Internet Warrior. What I did against Ace Stevens is only a preview of what's to come at Ascension and ultimately at Kingdom Come.

Kensworth: Let's talk about this Ascension match for a moment. You have a little bit of history with your opponents, Johnny Scumm and Justin Cooper.

Overlast: You see, Leon, when I heard Johnny Scumm was one of my opponents, I was confused because I forgot he was in the company, let alone relevant enough to earn an Elite X Title shot. I was tempted to ask Bateman if Aftershock was canceled because that's where Scumm deserves to be. He's not on my level; never has been.

Kensworth: The fans are starting to take a liking to him.

Overlast: And that's relevant how? The fans know as much about wrestling as the Kings of Hate know about winning matches, or as much as you know about picking up women – absolutely nothing. And here's a message for you, Johnny Scumm!

Overlast points to the camera as if it's actually Scumm.

Overlast: I hope you enjoy the adoration of the mindless drones while it lasts. Once they realize that the only thing you're good at is jobbing, they'll turn on you fast, and you'll go back to being the curtain-jerker that nobody gives a damn about.

You've been given more shots at a title than anyone I've seen for no apparent reason, and you've blown them all. Yet, in a decision that falls right in line with the ass-backwards way this company is run, you not only get ANOTHER shot, but it's also for a more prestigious title than that garbage Mayhem belt. I plan on proving to the world that you need to be knocked down to the bottom rung of the WZCW ladder, right where you belong, once and for all.

As for Justin Cooper, I broke into this company with him. And who would've known that his little Australian Jay-Z gimmick at the time would be normal compared to what he's become? The guy has brainwashed a bunch of peons to get on their knees and kiss his ass and do whatever he says. He runs around with a former male stripper and a guy who has bigger boobs than Stacey Madison. Then to top it all off, he calls his little cult the “High Society.”

Where I come from, High Society is actually worth something; it means an item of high value. Justin Cooper ain't worth the crap that comes out of his huge lackey's ass. A few weeks ago, he went out and bought a replica title belt for his match with Everest to mock him, then looked like a total clown when the old fart beat the hell out of him. Well, I hope he held onto that belt because that's the closest he's going to get to a REAL title in this organization.

So I don't care...the people can cheer for a loser and the High Society can go on drinking its Kool-Aid, as far as I'm concerned. At Ascension and eventually at Kingdom Come, they WILL see the real light. They will see that Mick Overlast WILL be the Elite X Champion. And they will see that Mick Overlast IS a force to be reckoned with in WZCW.

Overlast smiles wickedly and slaps Kensworth on the shoulder.

Overlast: Have a great night, Leon. I know I will.

Overlast walks out of the camera shot, leaving Kensworth looking in his direction, still awkwardly holding out the microphone.
The scene opens inside the local news station of Sydney. The broadcast has just finished their final story and now the camera focuses on the main reporter. She has blonde hair and sits in between two male colleges. After a long day on the job they all seem very tired a ready to go home. The woman gathers her papers, coughs, and then leans forward on the desk.

"Well that concludes our broadcast for tonight ladies and gentleman. As always we here at Channel 9 appriecate all the support we get from our local community and without you we would not be able to bring you the important news from around the world. From Karen Hallows and---"

The broadcast begins to cut out for a moment. It looks like the broadcast will be lost but at the last minute the connection returns.

"As I was saying, I'm Karen Hallows and from everyone here at Channel 9, good---"

Once again the static returns and the broadcast is cut off again. The screen is now grey and black with little blocks moving around. It makes a loud buzzing sound as the connection tries to be repaired. After a few moments the broadcast returns once again and the reporter is now very frustrated.

"It appears we are having some technical difficulties ladies and gentleman. While the connection seems to be working allow me to sign off from the team here at Channel---"

For the third time the reporter is cut off. This time the screen is completely black and the voices of the news crew can be heard in the background.

"What's going on?"

"I want to go home."

"Hey something's happening!"

As one of the crew members alludes to the screen is now lighting up with a white it. Slowly a picture begins to cover the screen. The news crew is now can no longer be heard in the background and it appears they are powerless to stop the situation at hand. The screen now displays a logo that takes up the entire screen.

Taking Control
Resistance Is Pointless
Time Is Now
High Society

When the graphic disappears we are no longer shown the news room of Channel 9. The scene has changed to the compound known as the High Society. It's poorly constructed houses, the people looking sick from a lack of food, and its fearless messiah Justin Cooper all indicators of where we now view. As always Justin wears a custom made suit looking clean and professional while his people struggle to survival under his control. Justin stands outside of his house, which is about ten times better than the rest, when Iris walks up beside him. Looking very arrogant Justin makes his way down the front steps of his house as Iris follows. The two men walk toward the camera and Justin positions himself in the middle of the shot so he gets the most attention while Iris stands to the right.

People are seen stumbling from exhaustion in the background but their messiah pays no attention to the needs of his people. In fact Justin takes extra measure to ignore the cries for help by calling for one of his guards to drag the people off the street and out of the view of the camera. The guards do as told and soon enough all the people who were falling down and crying out for help are now nowhere to be seen.

The messiah smirks at how easily his orders were followed. Justin looks around at his society and sees how things are crumbling around him. Since coming into power the High Society has never been in a position of wealth but has mostly been struggling with the basic because of the attitude of Justin Cooper. The people are so weak that they cannot fight back against Cooper and his main group of followers. Cooper has surrounded himself with the stronger members of the cult and now controls all of the muscle that could have overthrown him or even posed any threat to his leadership.

For now Justin begins to walk down a long stretch of dirt road which has been made by members of the society. Cooper looks directly at the camera and begins his address with Iris by his side.

"Ladies and gentleman allow me to welcome you here on this fine day. I know some of you may be a little confused while others are completely clueless as to what is happening. This will only take a moment and then we will restore power to the television station and you may go on watching your shows."

Justin looks across at Iris and places his hand on the shoulder of his second in command.

"I understand that some of you watching this may not know who I am or what I do. For those of you I would like to introduce myself. My name is Justin Cooper and I am the messiah of the High Society. This man to my right is Iris and he is a warrior."

Iris nods in agreement.

"Not in the literal sense of course. He doesn't go out and fight people but he is a representation of what a warrior should be. He is what I call an inner warrior."

"Warriors are much more than men who engaged in combat. They are men who know when to fight and when to think of another way to achieve victory."


Iris steps back so that Justin is back in the middle of the camera view and maintains being the main figure.

"What I am here tonight to talk about is just that. Being a warrior or a champion is much more than winning a battle or even so far as winning a war. Just because you can win doesn't make you a warrior. It's a term that is thrown around and when you throw something around time and time again it will soon begin to corrupt."

"That isn't the only thing is it Justin?"

"No of course not because people are ignorant and they do not understand what words can do. Take the word champion which seems innocent enough. Once the word champion meant you were great or you were above the rest of the pack. Now society has made us believe that anyone can be a champion."

Cooper shakes his head.

"Let me make this clear to everyone watching at home and to two special little boys that will face me this week. Overlast and Scumm I'm talking to you. You two live in a world where dreams and aspirations come true each day. A world where pixies fly, horses jump heights never seen before and turtles know karate. This world is the same that says anyone can become a champion. It's nice to dream that such a world exists but it isn't true. It nice think about but the fact is the world we live in does not care about dreams that we have."

"Dreams are for losers."

"Not exactly Iris but dreams are not to be seen has messages from some type of high purpose. Somehow this message didn't reach Johnny Scumm as he ran around backstage screaming like a child about how he's going to Kingdom Come. He wouldn't shut up for hours and it shows how ignorant he is."

"How so?"

Cooper looks back toward the camera.

"Listen up because this is really important."

"I'm all ears."

Speaking softly Cooper turns to Iris whilst keep in view of the camera.

"Johnny Scumm dreams of being a top guy in professional wrestling. Now I have no problem with that but I do have a problem with this fool acting like his path to Kingdom Come is set in stone because he gets one victory."

"He did beat…"

"I don't care who he beat!"

Small pause from both men.

"It was Phoenix in case you were wondering."

"I wasn't but the point remains the same. Johnny Scumm has one victory and that is it. Since All or Nothing Johnny Scumm has defeated one guy."

Cooper allows that to sink in.

"Now somehow he has a chance to get on the biggest event of the year for our industry. This is all because people love a good story about dreams coming true. If not for that then I would be the number one contender to the Elite X Championship. I'm the rightful holder to that claim and I should already be named as the challenger for Triple X at Kingdom Come because of my performance from this past week. It's sickening that Johnny Scumm has a shot to take my spot when he hasn't performed to my ability ever."

"Plus you already beat him Justin. You've got this won."

"It would seem that way but I'm sure Mick Overlast has something to say about that."

"Ah, who cares what he thinks."

"Steady Iris, this boy was trained by Blade for a short period of time. While Blade has failed to be relevant for the last couple months and has never been a World Champion I'm sure even the old bat knows a few tricks. What I fail to see is why Mick is in this match. He lost to Triple X in a poor effort while I took the champion to the limit. It makes no sense to me why he is in the match."

Cooper and Iris continue to walk forward until they reach the end of the path. Standing before them is a large steel fence that is used to keep outsiders from entering the society. Slowly Cooper runs his hand across the fence before looking back at the camera.

"This week is going to be the last time any of us wrestle before Kingdom Come and it will serve as the last chance round for anyone without a match. While I find it annoying that I am grouped with these losers I'm not going to bitch about it. I'm going to do what everyone watching this should do. Everyone needs to toughen up and make the right decisions. In a world where ignorance is plentiful it's a breath of fresh air when someone like me steps forward and guides people the right way. Both Overlast and Scumm and full of ignorance and to honest I was just telling them what they already knew. There is no chance that Scumm wins and faces Triple X at Kingdom Come and the same goes for Overlast."

With his hands now dirty from touching the fence Cooper takes out a tissue from his inner and pocket to clean them. Soon enough his hands are back to their sparkling condition and the messiah makes his way towards a car that is waiting on the outside of the society. Iris opens the door but Cooper does not enter immediately. He straightens up his suit and looks directly at Iris.

"Who's going to Kingdom Come to face Triple X for the Elite X Championship?"

Without hesitation Iris answers.


"Good answer."

Cooper turns back to the camera with a smirk across his face.

"Ladies and gentleman thank you for watching. In just a few short weeks I'll be the Elite X Champion and then not only will the High Society call me their messiah but the entire world will be bowing to me."

Cooper enters the car as the feed cuts out.
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