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AS 45: Mick Overlast vs. Ricky Runn

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Two future main eventers of WZCW look to square off against each other in what is developing into a blood feud between two of the hottest tag teams in the company: Runn Reynolds Runn & the Sons of Destiny. Overlast is looking for revenge for the tag team championship contest whilst Runn is avenging Reynolds for what happened in the Lottery, who is absent this week. Can Runn continue his dominance over the SoD or will Overlast make Ricky run?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
It is a dark and rainy night in Chicago, Illinois. And the cities daredevil, Ricky was driving through the city streets. His black Corvette slicing through the streets with precision and speed, Ricky’s eyes were focused on the road in front of him. After the events of Lethal Lottery, you would think Ricky would be more than pleased with his performance. But it wasn’t enough; he wanted to win it all. He wanted to be main-eventing his first Kingdom Come. But Blade and the Sons of Destiny took that away from him. Rachael was sitting beside him in the car. Despite the way Ricky was driving, Rachael did not have her seatbelt fastened. Then again, why would she need the seatbelt anyway? She turns to look at Ricky and says loudly over the music speakers.

“Hey Ricky, you won your match, and you kicked ass at the Lottery, why are you upset?”

Ricky tried to ignore the voice. He is still in disbelief that this voice in his head was still speaking to him. Rachael then repeats herself.

“Ricky, are you trying to ignore me? “

Ricky’s driving finally got him to his destination. He pulls up to the empty, Lake Michigan. He parks his car right at the front of the Lake and turns off his car. Letting the rain beat upon his windshield and then turns to Rachael and says in a disappointing tone.

“You think that was good enough? Rachael, for me, for Austin, for anybody in the backstage, our goal is to hold the World heavyweight title. If you’re wrestling and you settle for second best you shouldn’t be in WZCW, period. Reynolds and I keeping our titles is one thing, but winning Lethal Lottery would have elevated me in ways you could not even imagine. But no, Blade and his Destiny cronies beat me out of the match. Then took out Reynolds shortly after, that’s not what I would call a successful showing.”

Ricky then looks away from Rachael and rests his head against the steering wheel. Rachael releases a sigh and places her hand on his shoulder and says with a look of concern.

“Oh Ricky, you did your best. You can’t take that away from yourself. Look at what you accomplished that night. You reversed Hammond’s finisher into your own. The crowd went ballistic. Then you went on to killing Lethal Lottery. Look at when you started; you were not even on the Pay-Per-View card for Apocalypse. But now you and Austin are stealing the show with your tag titles. All your doubters are turning their heads to see what you have done in your short time in the business. You outlasted everyone in your graduation class, Jackson Williams, Ewan Kampa, and even Stan Rogers. Every day you pull off the impossible and change the mind of anyone that doubts you. And the best part is you are only getting better, and better. By next year, if you are not picked as a favorite to win it all, then you just need to prove them wrong, yet again.”

Ricky couldn’t help but smile and look up to Rachael and says with a gentle smile.

“Thanks…Thanks a lot Rachael. That means a lot to me. And you’re right, I am only getting better. This week Reynolds and I are goi~”

Suddenly, Ricky’s phone begins to ring loudly. Ricky pulls the phone out of his pocket. Looking at the caller I.D it was his agent, Rob. Ricky answers the call and says in a now, happy tone.

“Yeah Rob, what’s going on?”

The end of the line is barely audible.

“What do you mean Austin can’t make it to the shows this week? He’s getting more tests done on his neck? Dang, what a bummer….Any idea on what I am doing at the shows then? I don’t plan on retaining by myself against Ty and Constantine….Singles match? Awesome, no I don’t plan on losing, who am I facing at the show then? Mick Overlast? So then why are you worried Rob? This is going to be an easy match. Thanks for the info Rob, see you around.”

Ricky then hangs up the phone and throws it into the cup holder of his car. He looks over to Rachael and shrugs his shoulders and then asks.

“Want to see where Reynolds and I train at?”

Rachael grins and nods happily.

“That sounds awesome! Let’s go!”

Ricky grins and starts up his car and quickly peels out of the lake. He then picks up his speed as he gets onto the highway. Quickly making his way to the gym, and in just a few minutes, Ricky and Rachael made it to Reynolds’s gym. Ricky then drives to the back and parks his car. He quickly jumps out of his car and makes his way to the Gym back door with Rachael in tow. After unlocking the gym doors, Ricky smiles and locks the door once Rachael made it inside. He takes a deep breath, taking in that freshly cleaned gym smell. He then turns on enough lights in the gym in order to walk around without tripping over anything. Ricky turns to Rachael and says with a grin.

“Wait here, I need to go change. Feel free to look around.”

Ricky then turns and walks into the small locker room and goes to his locker to change. In the meantime, Rachael began walking around the gym carefully. Rachael then finally made her way to the Championship case Reynolds had installed. It held all his Elite X title, and his tag title with Ricky’s sitting beside it. She smiles and reaches through the case to try and touch the Elite X title, but to no avail. Ricky, now in his workout clothes, his old wrestling shorts, and his wife-beater shirt. His hair was pulled back into a pony-tail so his hair wouldn’t get in the way. He walks up behind Rachael and says.

“Hell of thing isn’t it? The Elite X title, when Reynolds won this title, it elevated his game to the main-event. And Reynolds elevated the titles status to where it is now. Stephen Holmes might have re-invented the title, but Holmes would never be able to achieve what Austin did with that title.”

Ricky then begins stretching, but continues talking.

“Which is more incentive for me to win this match against Overlast this week, Reynolds won’t be in my corner forever. I need to prove that I can be put in the same light as Reynolds. I want to prove that I can win a singles title; it doesn’t matter to me if it’s the Elite title, the mayhem title, or hell, even the World title.”

Rachael smiles and watches Ricky stretch. She then says encouragingly.

“You will be huge Ricky; you might become bigger than Austin. I would put my life on it but…”

Ricky sighs at the awful joke as Rachael rolls her eyes and says with a sigh.

“What, too soon?”

Ricky then walks over to the pull-up bar and jumps up to grip it tightly. And then he began working in clockwork. With each rep, Ricky spoke to Rachael.

“I don’t plan on letting Mick, Hammond, or Blade ruin my future with their idea of a false prophecy. Reynolds and I might have retained against them at Lottery. But I don’t plan on letting off the pedal against these clowns. I’m not going to give Overlast or Hammond any doubt that they do not belong in the same league with Reynolds and I. I plan on showing Mick that his prophecy of beating me, is just a pipedream, and a stupid one at that.”

After several pull-ups, Ricky then moves to the treadmill and starts it up quickly, not wanting to skip a step in his workout.

“At Ascension, Mick won’t be able to keep up with me. I will bring a pace so fast that it will make his stupid little head spin. He says I haven’t accomplished anything without Reynolds; he has been around about as long as a smelly fart and he thinks he can call me a sidekick? What has he done in WZCW? Beat up a few jobbers and blindly follow a drunk around the backstage like a monkey to a tune. It’s disgusting.”

Ricky then picks up his pace on the treadmill, going faster as his face grows a more intense look. In short notice, he quickly hits a mile and jumps on the rests on the treadmill. Waiting for it to stop, once he could step off, Ricky made it to a medicine ball. He raises the ball over his head and then throws it down hard on the ground. As soon as the ball rose back up, he grabbed the ball and slammed it back down. With each moment he could speak, he did with an intense manner.

“Guys like Mick, with chumps like Mick. They forget what they wanted to get out of this business. They quickly hop in bed with big name guys like Blade and hope to go somewhere. The same thing is happening with the Apostles of Chaos. And look how quickly they are to cast aside James King. When I decided to tag with Austin, I knew exactly what I wanted to get out of this tag team. And Austin knew exactly what he would get from me as his partner. He knew he would get someone quick to learn, he would get a young star looking to prove himself, and that is exactly what I have done. And what I have expected from Reynolds is someone to help me with the ropes of WZCW. He is my mentor, a team-mate, and hell, a friend. I couldn't ask anything more from him. We have been in the ring with stars like Showtime, Constantine, and Holmes, and we are the first tag team since the Brother in Arms to defend our titles at a Pay-Per-View. And we plan on doing the same thing at Kingdom Come. I don’t care if it is against the three stooges, Mick, Scott, and Blade. Or if it is against the Apostles, or even if the younger guys like Howard and Stormrage get a shot as a team…Reynolds and I will take them all on and go on to raise our titles high above the ring.”

After finally throwing the medicine ball to the point where Ricky could no longer do it. He lets it drop and falls to his ass and begins to breathe heavily. Rachael smiles and walks over to him and says jokingly.

“Well Ricky, you won’t be able to defend your titles if you die of exhaustion. You got to relax a bit, and focus on just one thing. And that one thing is beating Mick. You’re faster, stronger, and better than him. But you get your mind scatters and you think way too far ahead Rick. Kingdom Come can wait; you just need to focus on beating this douche nozzle. Once you beat Mick, you can focus on who is next. And once you finish that, you can go onto your next opponent. Once you learn this kind of patience, you can then find a way to outpace and beat anybody across from you. Trust me on that Ricky.”

Ricky nods his head and wipes his forehead with his hand from the sweat. He then smiles and climbs to his feet and walks over to a bench and grabs a towel and drapes it over his face.

“You make it sound so easy, and so simple.”

“Well duh, it is that simple.”

Ricky then shakes his head and removes the towel from his face. He looks over to Rachael and says with a concerned look.

"Because I know Mick, and the group he hangs out with. The Destiny clique... I know for a fact Hammond and Blade are going to play a part in this match. And as much as I want to prove I can do this without Austin. It just won't be fair that it will be three against one. And if Lethal Lottery is any indicator to what will happen when my back is against the wall."

Rachael sighs and then says with a comforting smile.

"Ricky, I know it is tough. But this isn't the first time you've dealt with a group of thugs before. You've been bullied relentlessly by groups of people. But when push comes to shove, you were always up to the challenge and took them head on. If you want me to, I will be more than happy to be in your corner for this match."

Ricky cocks his eyebrow and says with an odd expression.

"But how on earth can you ? I'm the only one that sees you. There is no way on earth you can actually help me against Hammond and Blade."

Rachael sighs again and then speaks.

"Well don't think of me as physical backup. But more as moral support. You are so fast, and so strong. It doesn't matter if you are fighting a group or even an army. I know for a fact you will take them on with a smile on your face. Because that is just who you are. You love the thrill of the competition, hell...You love thrill, that is just who you are. Just remember that you can kick as much ass as you can."

Ricky smiles at the words of the encouragement. The scene ends with Ricky removing the towel from his face and going back to the workout routine. His eyes filled with the same fire as before. He knew he is going into Ascension against Mick Overlast, and is going to come out the winner. It wasn't just a gut feeling, he knows he is going to beat Mick. He wouldn't accept anything short of a win.
Leon Kensworth: Well, this is better than a cemetery.

Mick Overlast: You really still haven't gotten over that? Sometimes I wonder if you should be putting on a dress like Serra and Madison.

The two men are sitting on stools in front of Overlast's locker in an otherwise empty locker room. Leon is in his familiar suit, while Overlast is dressed casually in a black polo shirt and dark blue jeans. Overlast sighs and looks to the ceiling as Kensworth waits for Overlast to continue talking.

Kensworth: You know, Mick, I really have some other work –

Overlast cuts him off mid-sentence and tilts his head downward to look Leon in the eyes.

Overlast: I've had a lot of time to think over what happened at Lethal Lottery, Leon. It was probably the biggest failure we've experienced as a group. Hammond and I didn't win the tag titles, and then the three of us couldn't get it done in the Lottery match.

Kensworth: Runn Reynolds Runn seemed to have a lot to do with that.

Overlast: They did. But we learned something that night.

Kensworth: That being?

Overlast glares at Kensworth as if he should know the answer.

Overlast: It's rather simple, Leon. It's been something I've been saying for a while now. Ricky Runn is nothing without Austin Reynolds. Austin Reynolds kept me occupied outside of the ring while that slimy, slippery, greasy body of Ricky Runn slipped out of the London's Calling and surprised Hammond with his own finisher. Had I not been dealing with Reynolds, Runn would've never gotten the win because I wouldn't have allowed it. But you know something, Leon?

Kensworth: What's that?

Overlast: Deep down inside, Runn knows he can't get it done without his little friend. You saw that firsthand at the Lottery match. He had a chance to show the Sons of Destiny that he was his own man, but what happened? We tossed him out. Leon, you should've seen the scared look on his face as we pushed him to the brink of elimination. It was the look of a lost puppy hoping to find its master. The problem is his master was a little too late to rescue him.

Kensworth: You got a little retribution from the tag match then.

Overlast smirks and shakes his head.

Overlast: Not really. But that's what this upcoming Ascension is for. You see, Leon, Ricky's been pissing me off a lot recently, and not just for what he's done inside of the ring.

Kensworth: Go on.

Overlast: I'm sure you've seen his Twitter feed. He's your typical keyboard warrior, sitting behind his computer or phone and calling me out, pretending to be a hardass. Then he has the balls to say he'll beat me again. The thing is he hasn't ever beaten me to begin with! Leon, how can someone say they'll do something again when they've never done it before?

Kensworth: I honestly couldn't tell you.

Overlast: Exactly. He then says he's worried about Blade and Hammond showing up to interfere in the match. Well, I don't need them to kick his ass. This isn't about Blade or Scott Hammond or even Austin Reynolds. This is about Mick Overlast and Ricky Runn. This is personal. Ricky Runn took something that was destined to be mine, and now he wants to talk trash about me like he's someone in this company.

Let's get to the facts: I didn't need Blade and Hammond to get to the level I'm at. I was on my way to becoming a superstar in this company long before they confronted me. Being a part of the Sons of Destiny has simply cemented my place as someone to fear in WZCW. As for Ricky Runn? Without Austin Reynolds, he'd be jerking the curtain on Aftershock with the likes of Darren Bull and Joe West.

At Ascension, Austin Reynolds will not be in Ricky Runn's corner. Frankly, I don't want Blade and Hammond in mine. If the powers that be want to make this a cage match to ensure that, that's fine. I plan on proving to the world that I am superior to Ricky Runn in every way imaginable. I will put him in an immense amount of pain; so much pain that his partner will be coming back to see a literally broken man. And when Reynolds sees Ricky laid up in a hospital bed, all battered and bruised, he'll get the message that their title reign – and ultimately, their careers – are on borrowed time.

Kensworth: You seem awfully sure of that, Mick.

Overlast: Destiny can be a real bitch, Leon.

With that, Overlast gets up and gathers his stuff before walking away from his locker and out of the locker room.
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