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AS 41: Stan Rogers vs. Mr. Baller

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Rogers is at a crossroads, with his request for another match against Showtime denied, how will the old schooler handle this denial? Meanwhile Baller has demanded a spot in the 6 man match at All or Nothing, with the final spot in the LL on the line! Will Baller get his wish with a victory over the impressive Stan Rogers? Or will Rogers throttle Baller and go after Showtime with renewed vigor?

Deadline is Tuesday, December 6th at 11:59 PM EST.
Wrestling In Suburbia

It had been a while since I had seen my friend, Stan Rogers. It would be crass to claim that his ongoing rivalry with his former tag team partner had consumed him. However, the more he got involved in watching tapes, examining matches and of course training, the less I saw of him. The less anyone saw of him. So upon being contacted by his concerned wife, I felt it necessary to pay my cohort a visit. Despite the many miles which separated us, I travelled from my home in Boston to see him at his permanent residence of Butcher Street in a quiet, leafy suburb of St, Louis, Missouri - hardly the stereotypical location for a character such as Stan.

“Ah, Alex.” I am greeted upon arrival by Roger’s wife, a rather young sixty-year old lady whose conservative mannerisms are in direct contrast to that of her husband’s. As we exchange pleasantries, we walk through the rather large post-Colonial house, where the neutral-coloured walls of the hallway are littered with the achievements and photographs of not only Rogers himself, but of his six children. For someone so seemingly disinterested in all things aesthetic, Rogers’s house is remarkably neat - although that can perhaps be attributed to his house-proud wife, rather than his own doing.

“I’m afraid Stan has become awfully withdrawn. Work is all he thinks about. If he’s not focusing on wrestling strategy, he’s out running or lifting weights.”

“So you’d like me to talk him out of it?”

“Oh, Alex, if it was only that simple. We both know Stan and his, um, shall we say stubborn personality”.

“Indeed we do”, I reply, knowing fully of Stan’s ‘hothead’ tendencies.

“He’s just in here”, she says, pointing a finger towards a white door. “I don’t know what you boys do, but you’re partnership has lasted this long – you must be doing something right. I’ll leave you too it.”

As I open the door, I can hear grunting – exasperated grunting. With his wide frame hunched over a television set - he repeatedly hits the monitor in a way not to dissimilar to how a gorilla would salvage for food in the jungles of Uganda.

“Having some trouble there?”

To my surprise, he jumped up from the set and embraced me rather strongly. This was most uncharacteristic of Rogers - even at his happiest of times.

“Um, hi, Stan”, I replied, feeling that physically reciprocating his affection was perhaps a little too personal for our relationship. “So what are you doing?” I ask.

“Um, at the moment, I’m talking to you.”

“I mean with the set.”

“I’m trying to get the blasted thing to work.” he says as he continues to bang his hand against the blank screen of the television.


“Why? WHY?!” he asks, putting particular emphasis on the latter question.

“Yes. Why?”

“Because I need to watch more tapes.”

“Of Cougar?” I ask, already expecting that to be the answer.

“No. I’m watching this thing called ‘hop hip’. It’s apparently what youths listen to.”

“Hip hop? Really?” I ask.

“Ah, you’ve heard of it.”

“Um, yeah, but why are you watching hip hop?”

“I’m wrestlin’ a kid called Mr. Baller at the weekend. I have to know him.”

“And you’re going to know him by watching... MC Hammer?” I ask as I pick up one of the tapes.

“Sure, why not?”

“OK, for once, I understand what you're trying to do here - and I support. Getting into the mindset of your opponent is key to success. However, MC Hammer just isn’t the right type of hip hop. You need to watch more Eminem, or Dr. Dre”, I say, exhausting my incredibly limited knowledge of the musical genre. “It’s a bit more ‘street’.”

“Ah, so this kid is from the streets?”


“Like an urchin.”

“Not really. But never mind that, what have you been doing about the Cougar situation?”

“We don’t get cougars in Missouri.”

“I’m talking about the Showtime Cougar situation.”

“Oh, that kid. Yeah, I gave him the challenge for a match. It’s up to him if he wants to be a man or a weasel”.

“What if he chooses the latter?” I ask.

“Then I’m gonna take out my anger on the urchin kid.”

“Have you watched any of Mr. Baller’s matches, or have you just stuck to bad, 80s hip hop videos?”

“I have. Hell, I’ve watched more modern wrestling in the past few days than I have in my entire life. And you know what? It's all crap, son.”

“All of it?”

“It’s like these kids never went to wrestling school. He couldn’t go more than two minutes without botching. They should change his name to Mr. Botcher.” As is often the case, Stan guffaws heartily at his own joke.

“Seriously? That’s all you’ve got?”

“It’s not all I’ve got. I know the kid likes to do flips because, um... because he can I guess. That or he doesn’t understand pro wrestling like most of these kids.”

“Most?” I ask questioning whether Stan could possibly believe such an unfair statement.

“You’re right, son. None of them get pro wrestling. Now, can you help me with the talking box or not.”

“Have you tried plugging it in?”

Noticing that the plug is loose, Stan simply replies, “thanks, son.”
As another week of WZCW TV goes off the air, Mr. Baller is seen backstage searching for General Manager Chuck Myles. Baller is coming off of his dropped lawsuit and his victory over Chris Beckford. As Baller continues checking every door backstage, Chuck Myles appears behind Baller, and seems bewildered as too what he is doing.

Myles: Uh Baller, you looking for something?

Baller: Yeah I’m busy right now… Wait Myles is that you?

Myles chuckles

Myles: I guess you are looking for me then. Walk with me.

Myles starts off without Baller, which leads to Baller speed walking to keep up.

Myles: So how is that lawsuit of yours coming.

Myles says with a smirk.

Baller: Oh don’t worry, I may have hired a faulty lawyer and the first lawsuit may have been dropped but I can always get a new lawyer and come right back at it.

Myles: And I’m sure you will, is that all you wanted to tell me?

Baller: Please I wouldn’t waste my time with something like that. You think I care if whether or not you know you are going to lose all the money you have and your job? However, there is one thing I do want to talk to you about that can help solve all of your problems.

Myles: And I can’t wait to hear about what this is.

Baller: I heard Bateman’s announcement on Ascension tonight, and since he is useless to talk to, I wanted to express my interest in being placed in the match. Since I decimated Beckford tonight, I don’t think it would be that hard to place me in the match. You place me in the match, and I will not pursue any more lawsuits and save us both time and money.

Myles thinks about it for a second.

Myles: Well Baller you make a very good point here about the time and money but we both know you have no true case against me here, however, I will put you in to consideration for the match.

Baller: Consideration? That’s it… Were you not watching me out there tonight, hell I should be the number one contender for the World Championship anyway.

Myles: Let’s not get too far ahead of yourself here Baller. You make it seem like Beckford as been a to player here in recent weeks.

Baller: I know that, but still look at what I have done in the past few months, I should be a god damn lock to be in that match. I was just a number one contender for the World Title a few weeks ago and got screwed out of my only shot. Just out of respect for the screw job, I deserve to be in.

Myles: Again you make great points, but Vance and I have to come up with the list of six collectively, and we all know you haven’t been on his good side as of late, and I haven’t been too fond of you either as a matter of fact. The fact that I had to waste my time on a lawyer for your shenanigans really pissed me off.

Baller: Are you kidding me? I have been getting screwed here time and time again and to hold the lawsuit against me is again garbage. In fact you shouldn’t hold outside of the ring activities against me to determine title shots. You are just building my case for me here Myles. Any half competent lawyer can pull this off for me. Now do you want to go down this road again?

Myles: No I don’t, just for the sake of not wasting my time and money again. Here you know what I’ll make you a deal. I’ll place you one on one this week against Stan Rogers on Ascension since Meltdown is filled for this next week already, and if you perform well, Bateman and I will consider you for the match. I’m sure Bateman won’t mind.

Baller: Consider? You will put me in that match and I won’t stop till I get it.

Myles: Whatever you say, anyway I got to go talk to Bateman about the All or Nothing Match now please just get out of here.

As Myles walks away, Baller turns the other way and begins to head to his locker room to pack up his things and head home. As he starts his walk he begins to talk to himself.

Baller: Stan Rogers? The man who couldn’t even be smart enough to learn from Showtime, an overzealous rookie who thinks he can make it on his own. This kid has no chance to make it in this business. Stan, this is a new generation and you think you are apart of it yet you wrestle like you are from 1855. This is a new breed, the athletic guys are what it is like, ground and pound is a lost art, and that is if you even call it an art. Here in WZCW your style will never last, and you will be gone within a year. It is All or Nothing for you just to survive in this business and for me this is All or Nothing to get what is rightfully mine. A goddamn WZCW World title shot.

There is no doubt in my mind that if I enter the Lethal Lottery at number 20 that I will be victorious. And the only way to do this if I get into this All or Nothing match that I should already be in. However, if impressing those feels is what it takes then Stan Rogers I feel sorry for you. I will not let you get in my way of getting to be the World Heavyweight Championship. I will walk out of Ascension, All or Nothing, Lethal Lottery, and ultimately Kingdom Come with my hand raised and there is not a goddamned thing you can do about it.

And you better believe that!
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