MD60: Stan Rogers & Showtime Cougar vs. Jackson Williams & Ewan Kampa

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
New competitors and new Tag Team Contenders take on each other this week in an exhibition match on Meltdown. Showtime Cougar and newcomer Stan Rogers have a Tag Team title shot at Apocalypse, and Chuck Myles has decided to let the team have a warm up in the form Jackson Williams and Ewan Kampa, two men who earned their contracts through that battle royal but came up short to the new challengers. Which of the newest tag combination will get the victory and will veteran experience influence the outcome?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST
Stan Rogers
Tag In, Tag Out 2: Old School Boogaloo

A young(ish) Stan Rogers is sat at a table in a tavern. A tavern that wouldn’t look out of place in a Clint Eastwood movie. A tavern where Woodbine smoke and beer appears to be the default smell. He is surrounded by four similarly large men who – unlike Rogers - have had the good grace to wear civilian clothes in a public place. Rogers, on the other hand, has opted for an outfit of black, high-wasted wrestling trunks and black wrestling boots. After all, you never know when you might be called upon to wrestle. The veteran wrestler and strongman slams down his tankard on a table already littered with glasses, bottles, tankards and cigarettes.

“... and then I said, I said we can do this the easy way, or... or the hard way!”

“Actually Stan, that was me.”

“Shut up!”

“What? I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink, Stan.”

“You leave m-my wife out of this! She’s a lovely, lovely lady!”

“I didn’t say anything about your wife.”

“You may be my tag team partner, but you’re not so smart!”

“I think it’s time to go now, Stan.”

“I’m... I punch you in the face.”

“Don’t punch me.”

“Shut up!”

The wrestling veteran makes a fist with his right hand. He slowly and drunkenly lifts up his arm. And then...​


Stan Rogers immediately sits up in bed. Beads of sweat run off of his bald head. There is silence in the dark room, save for the sharp intakes of breath by Rogers. The darkness of the room is broken only by the streams of moonlight which enter the bedroom through the gaps in the thick drapes. Also woken from their slumber is Rogers’ wife. Well, Rogers’ eighth wife, to be exact.

Stan! What the hell!

Sorry. I, erm, need to go make a phone call.

Rogers leaves the room, wrapping his 6 foot 3 inch frame in a cashmere dressing gown as he walks. Yes, even the mighty Stan Rogers enjoys comfortable nightwear. He is still breathing heavily as he makes hi s way down the stairs, passing photographs of everything from his wrestling accomplishments to his great-grandchildren. In the lounge, he reaches for the telephone and proceeds to dial.

“Ahoy hoy.”

With exasperation heavy in his voice, an evidently tired Alex Brigstocke answers.

“Hello Stan.”

“I can’t do this tag team thing.”

“What? Why? Is this because of what happened on Ascension? Look, Cougar is a complicated guy. He’s a veteran of the company; of course he’s going to be a bit hard on you. Have you never been hazed before?”

“It’s not that. Well, it’s that a bit. I’m not happy about how he spoke to me. Like... like I was nothing. And the fact that it was filmed just adds insult to injury. It was my debut an-“

“Stan! It’s early in the morning, we’ve got a big day tomorrow. What is it?”

“It was the dream. It happened again.”

“Oh no. Not the dream.”

“Are you mocking me, son?”

“Stan, its three o’clock in the morning. I really haven’t got time for this. What do you want to do? Quit? Give up on a title opportunity? Give up on Stantime?”

“What? What in the blue hell is Stantime?”

“Um, it’s the tag team name.”

“No it’s not. There ain't going to be a tag team.”

“This is a title shot. Pretty much every wrestler in the world would want to be in your position.”

“I know. But I’ve never been able to tag with others. And this dream, it was like a pemonition. A premotion. It was like I could see into the future.”

“So what, because you punched one of the greatest wrestlers to have ever lived – who also happened to be your tag team partner – you can never tag again?”

“Well, um, yeah.”

“You’ve got an interview with Becky Serra tomorrow. You want to pull out, you announce it then. I’m going back to sleep.”


Sat in a plush hotel suite, Stan Rogers and Becky Serra are already in the middle of the interview. It’s the kind of hotel where marble floors are the norm and classic renaissance paintings adorn the patterned walls. Stan’s agent, Alex Brigstocke, stands behind the camera set-up tentatively watching the conversation unfold. The gruff, Midwestern voice of Rogers is in direct contrast to Serra’s perky, female tone.

“So as we come to the end of the interview, what are your thoughts on not only your opponents at Meltdown, but also your partner, Showtime Cougar?”

“Wait, who are my opponents?”

“Jackson Williams and Ewan Kampa.”

“Really? They got contracts? It’s like WZCW will let anyone in these days. It will be like wrestling with my young grandchildren – who I always beat, by the way. Not only can they not get it done in the ring, their charisma... it’s like... it doesn’t exist. I mean, holy crap, what moron signs these people?”

“And your partner? He seemed to show some disdain for you at Ascension.”

“Meh, he’s Canadian.”

“I’m sorry?”

“He’s Canadian. I’m not going to pay attention to what he says.”

Serra looks to her producer, clearly unaware of how to deal with a 265 pound, borderline xenophobic wrestler.

“Um, Mr. Rogers, with all due respect, what does-”

“Let me tell you what’s wrong with Canadians. They want to be us. They love the cold. They love hockey. They’re violent. They have Thanksgiving in October. They talk funny...”

“But some of the best wrestlers in history have been Canadian.”

“But not the best. You want to know why? Because I’m the best. The best in the world. And I’m St. Louis born and bred, son.”

“OK, thank you Stan. That’s all we have time for.”

As Serra turns to the camera, Stan moves uncomfortably in his seat. He clearly wants to say something else, but just can’t seem to find the words – very much a rarity for Rogers.

“Some may love him and some may hate him, But Stan Rogers is-”

“Ms. Serra, can I – can I just stop you? I need to say something. At both Meltdown and Apocalypse, I will not...”

Rogers’ eyes catch his friend and confidant Alex Brigstocke amidst the jungle of cameras, technicians and wires. He is using both his hands to motion a belt around his waist.

“I... I will not take any crap from David Cougar! If he wants to treat me like dirt, fine. But I am not a man who will take it lying down. He may be a veteran of WZCW. But I’m a veteran of wrestling. If he wants to slap me in the face, I won’t stop him. But I will punch him in return. Because slapping is for girls. And believe me, I punch a lot harder than he slaps.”
Scene opens inside Showtime David Cougar's dressing room. Showtime is seated on a leather coach and the iconic TV personality is casually flipping through channels on his big screen as he appears to be waiting for someone. He stops the on the E! channel, which has an old episode of The Show currently running. Showtime stops and stares at the screen. A smile crosses over Showtime's face, perhaps reminding him of better times before he shakes his head and changes to the next channel.


Announcer: And we are here with our Beer Jugging champion Drake Callahan who has just successfully defended his belt after downing 181 beers. Drake, how does it feel?

Drake: Feels like... it... when your mother... that I who... was with...


Announcer: I'm standing with Carson City's very own champion against crime, Chief Anoki Akec...


Announcer: And the crowd is pouring boo's and glass bottles down on the Juggalo Fighting Champion Milenko...


Announcer: The only true North American wrestling federation, the AACWF, African American Championship Wrestling Federation, is proud to present the greatest champion this federation and this world has ever seen... The Enigma Marcus Chambers...


Showtime turns off the TV and tosses the remote beside him on the couch. An annoyed look spreads across the face of Showtime, but it quickly disappears at the sound of the door handle turning. Young Allen Lewicki enters the room with a pad of paper and pen.

Allen: Hello again Mr. Cougar.

That’s Showtime Allen. I told you once before. Write it down.

Yes sir Showtime.

Allen quickly scribbles that down as Showtime pours himself a drink.

Allen are you ready to begin.

Does this mean I have a job here?

Allen I didn’t ask you to come in here and ask a whole bunch of shit questions. That’s what Leon or Stacey would do. You’ll find out when all other auditions have tried. Now get ready.

Something is not right with this show. I know it has everything to do with me not being World Heavyweight Champion, but this show has been a success for years with my star power at the helm without the world title, so it has worked before. I feel more and more it is because of the huge brightness that is my spotlight, being trampled and covered up by those jealous of it’s direction on me. I am no longer placed at the top of the card, having to be subjected to the lower rungs in WZCW and, gasp, semi-maineventing with EurAsian Champion Blade. That is so almost 2 years ago for me.

I started doing something new very recently and that is watching TV. Can you believe a big TV star like me barely watches TV. I don't watch anything scripted, I only watch wrestling; to study, learn, and improve in my matches. And I started flipping through channels and what do I find? Old long forgotten wrestlers of WZCW’s past, guys who couldn't cut bread here and I gladly had to cut for the benefit of the show, have all gone on to become champions. Albeit champions of a much lesser sense and in a way smaller and less publicized organizations, but champions nonetheless. These guys are cashing in on the spotlight that I shared with them. They are using it for their personal gains. Where’s my championship? Where’s my title shot?


I’m the one still in the spotlight. I’m the one controlling what goes on around me.

Showtime if I could say something.

Allen I’ve told you before about cutting in while I’m talking. What is it?

You do have an upcoming title shot.

Really? Well when did this happen?

At that non-televised show. Do you remember?

Frankly since it was untelevised I doubt I would remember. Not to mention how could any of my viewers find out or be aware of it. Not to mention my drinking. Who again is my partner?

Stan Rogers.

Mister Rogers?

No that's Fred Rogers.

Well who's Stan Rogers?

Your tag team partner.

I can see your superhero name is Captain Obvious. No shit he's my tag team partner Allen, I'm asking you what do you know about him... if anything.

Well I hear he's very old school. The only video I can seem to find of him is all black and white.

No kidding eh? God I remember him looking so strong in the battle royal match. How old is he?

Not sure, I'm still trying to get in contact with his 6th and 7th wives.

Guy's more of a player than I am.

Yea, but he's really strong, regardless of his age. He's like a blast from the past or something. He even did a promo 2 weeks ago on the radio.

Radio? I thought I made that form of communication extinct.

Well he churned out a winner last week with his promo.

Are you saying he won based of the quality of his promo?

Allen blinks a few times. The only kind of blinking you would see on TV when someone breaks the fourth wall.

Showtime you were in that match. Why don't you tell me how Stan Rogers won?

Well first of all Stan Rogers didn't win. Showtime David Cougar and Stan Rogers won the match.

Did you even enter the ring?

Yes of course I did, how dare you insinuate that I didn't. The match has to start when I enter the ring. The spot lights always waiting for my arrival. Stan Rogers shared victory with me because I let everyone fight for the chance. I was merely sitting on the outside scouting my potential tag team partners, to which Rogers won. Stan Rogers is a heck of a specimen, and since he pretty well avoids being in the spot light or standing in front of the camera, he will not get in my way of becoming tag team champion. But this isn't all about me. While I swear that I will never make another star who will try to outshine me, I will happily take Stan under my wing and show him the ropes before his black and white nostalgia gets cancelled. Now does he have an agent or associate that I can speak with.

I believe so... his name is Alex. I haven't spoken to them but from what I heard on the street.

Don't ever say that again. Write that down. Who even says that anymore. You're the whitest guy I've seen. You've never even set foot on the street, but continue.

From what I've heard, they think you are pretty down on them. You ignored Rogers on Ascension. He doesn't sound too happy about this upcoming match you have with him Meltdown or even the title shot at Apocalypse.

What can I say, I've been up for weeks plotting how I can remove the title from Ty's shoulder. It's a tiring job staring and directing in your very own show, and the drinking just brings out the worst in me. I'm going to have to go smooth things over then with old Stan. I think we're done today. We'll pick up again sometime after this weeks matches.

Showtime goes to exit the room before Allen stops him and speaks up.

But uh... Showtime... we've barely written anything for the script this week. You haven't even mentioned your opponents, Jackson Williams or Ewan Kampa.


Your oppon...

I was kidding Allen. Of course I haven't forgotten about them, but then again who really cares about them. A guy who wishes he was me, but can't even be recognized as talent by the security in WZCW and a Romeo who spends as much time telling us about a girl he met at a bar as he does about wrestling. These guys don't deserve to lace up my boots, let alone stand in the ring and share the spotlight with me. Me and my Strongman Stan Rogers are going to make sure Jackson and Kampa's guest appearances are both very quick and very forgettable for them.

Showtime walks back to the coach to grab the remote.

Besides... after seeing my name across from there's, I bet they won't even show up this week out of fear of the embarrassment that I’ll put those 2 rooks through.

Showtime turns on the TV.

Announcer: Oh the agony! The Agony is your new World Heavyweight...


Unbelievable! I need my a god damn title already. What's Rogers cell... or do I have to mail him?

Showtime says this as he walks out of his dressing room, leaving Allen sitting there alone.

I heard a lot of people say big things about The Agony.

I heard that Allen.

Showtime says as he peaks his head back into the room.

Oh and write this down. You got the job. I'll see you again after Labour Day. You and I can agree we wouldn't want to have to pay you a day you'd just get off anyway.

Showtime leaves again looking for Stan Rogers. Allen Lewicki is at first upset that he wont get paid for Labour Day but then starts jumping up and down in the dressing room before calmly sitting down and scribbling down the last few notes as the scene fades.
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