Arn Anderson


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Inspired by another thread, I saw his name mentioned and it got me to thinking: why does no one ever talk about this guy anymore? It's not like he was bad in the ring. Some of his stuff is as good as anyone. He got over with absolutely no gimmick at all. He was just a tough guy that got in the ring in his trunks and his boots and would beat people up. As the Enforcer he wasn't a big man but he was every bit as tough as anyone in wrestling. He never held a world title but he dominated the TV title and was a multi time tag champion with multiple partners. One of two men to ever be in every incarnation of the Horsemen, why is he never remembered?

The only thing I can think of is that he was seen as just Ric Flair's sidekick. Flair dominated the spotlight and while I wouldn't say he kept Arn out of it, Flair is the biggest reason Arn wasn't in it. It wasn't like Anderson had no talent. He was as good in the ring as Flair and could cut better promos when he was on his game. Flair was pushed as a superstar while Anderson just was there in the background. What are your thoughts on this man and why doesn't he get the respect that he deserves?
I think the "problem" with Arn Anderson is that he was never seen as an individual wrestler. In the minds of most fans, he's always coupled with other people. Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard and most notably Ric Flair.
It's too bad though.After watching "Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen" DVD, I was left thinking that Arn was a lot like an earlier version of Stone Cold; a no nonsense ass kicker who didn't dress flashy and just went about with his business.
Ironically, I was thinking about this yesterday..I think Double A is so underrated it's not funny. The T.V. Title practically belonged to the Enforcer, formed an awesome tagteam unknown as the Brainbusters with founding Horsemen member Tully blanchard. As The Brain Busters they ended Demolition’s record-breaking 478-day title reign and became the first team to win both the WWF and NWA World tag-team titles and so forth. Besides Jake Roberts, Arn's DDT is second to none and without a doubt did the best spinbuster I have ever seen. I think the reason he was seen as Flairs lackey was to take off some pressure on Flair, so Naitch can style and profile.. Rumour has it Anderson would fool women employees that were naive and new to the wrestling business by making them think he was in position to make make them or break them if they didnt perform sexual acts, the women not wanting to loose their jobs would do. One incident is when he walked in on Major Gunns and said "it's time for a cat bathe".. I guess being in Flair's shadow had it advantages lol...
I think its probably because he didn't have very much of a gimmick. Its hard to remember someone like that when he's surrounded by people like The Nature Boy. I'm only 19, so I basically remember him not much as a wrestler, but just as someone who was just... there on WCW, and briefly in WWE while Flair was owner of RAW. He wasn't bad at all, he just didn't have a flashy gimmick to keep his legacy remembered.
Well, I think Shawn acknowledge him during an ambush interview with a wrestling website..I wasn't able to comprehend his statement but surely he was mentioned. Well, I mean, HBk is not a Ric Flair fan for nothing.
Arn Anderson was always one of my favorites. As said earlier, he was the Stone Cold of the 70's and 80's. He went about his business, whooped some ass, and earned some respect in the process. The reason he isn't remembered much, outside of the Horsemen, is probably because he didn't have a "look", or a gimmick. He was never flashy like Flair, and he was never the prettyboy like Bret or Shawn.

While I believe he isn't as memorable as some of the others, he always gets his due respect when brought up in conversation among wrestling die-hards. Being remembered as an original Horsemen is nothing small, so I can't say he's disrespected, just not on the forefront of everyone's memory.
Being in Flair's shadow and never getting a main event push on his own certainly doesn't help Arn's legacy.

Another problem that no one has brought up though, is that he hasn't been onscreen much since his arrival to WWE. He's been a backstage agent through most of his time since WCW was bought, and so many of the younger fans barely know who he is. WWE has yet to induct him into the HOF or do any kind of specials on him except for the Horsemen DVD. If he were involved in a few storylines, he'd get a lot more recognition than he does currently. But because he's backstage, he's out of the limelight.

I mean, look at Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco. Two legends in the business, but modern fans wouldn't have any idea who they were, if they hadn't been onscreen as Mr. McMahon's stooges during the Austin/McMahon feud. Being involved in current storylines may cheapen a legend's legacy with die-hard fans, but amongst the rest of the fans, it ususally keeps their legacy alive. Perhaps Arn is in need of similar treatment?
Double A is truly one of the greats. The words most synonomous with Arn Anderson is repect and tradition. I agree with those that see him as a Stonecold of yesterday. I'd venture to say that he's a cross between Austin and Benoit.

I loved his matches because he could have a good match with anyone. He was just a solid, no-nonsense, methodical wrestler. He always looked in control of his matches, which was always a plus for the fans and no talent hacks like Lex Luger (the SOB who ended his career). I really feel that Double A was the corner stone of WCW through the 80's and into the mid 90's. He had that oldschool NWA feel.

As far as being in Flair's an extent it's true. Ric is just so larger than life that it would be tough for almost anyone from that era to outshine him. To their credit though, those are two guys who really are friends and both looked out for each other. Flair often talks about how he was always trying to work Arn into an angle, and Arn always credited Ric as being the greatest of all time. Alot of people bash on wrestlers trying to get their friends over, but in all honesty who out there wouldn't try to hook up a friend if they had the power to do so?

BTW, if you haven't, get your hands on a copy of his book "4ever." It's partially written in Kayfabe but there is enough true story in it that makes it worth reading.
Good thread Klunderbunker
I think the reason arn isnt realy mentioned is cause he was never pushed a single star, granted he had the talent to be one he is called the best wrestler to never hold the main gold by many wrestlers, he was always jus flairs right hand man or body guard type figure, in my opinion arns great he introduced many moves that we see today (spinebuster, gordbuster, stalling suplex, etc..) i myself dont understand why hes not mentioned that much anymore i can just say its probably because people just simply forgot, who knows..
Anderson is an all-time great no doubt. However, I disagree with people saying that he was "overshadowed" or never got a main event push.

I think Double A was perfectly cast as a tag-team specialist and as "The Enforcer". He's just a brilliant support player. He just works as part of a stable, whether it's the Horsemen, The Heenan Family or The Dangerous Alliance.

I think people forget now-a-days that really good wrestling shows rely as much on a solid mid-card and tag-division as on the main event. That's where it's gone wrong since about 2002 for me. People seem to think that if a guy doesn't get pushed to main event status or given a run with a world title that he hasn't "made it". This is a mistake I think.

Whenever I see a card for a PPV, which has the Brainbusters, or Arn Anderson in a TV title, match I know there's going to be a solid under-card. I don't know, I just think that certain guys are right for a certain level. I always thought Mr. Perfect was absolutely ideal for the IC title back when it meant something -- I don't regret that he never held the big one. Same with Arn.

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