
CM Steel

A REAL American
WWE "Total Diva" Ariane or Cameron has been frowned upon ever since she debuted in the WWE as part of The Funkadactyls along side Trinity aka Naomi. She first came across as a total bitch on the new Tough Enough series when she got into with TE host WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin after she was the first to be eliminated off the show. But WWE brought her back to work in the WWE for some reason. And after only a few months she got in trouble with law on a DUI charge and tried to bribe her way up out of it with $10,000 cash for the police officers and she still didn't get released by the WWE but got suspended for two weeks by the E instead.

Now on the WWE "Reality Show" Total Diva she has chosen to go back to train in NXT as her in-ring performance needs major work if she wants to be WWE diva's champion in the future if so be in a diva's title match at all. She's debuted her single "Girl Bye" as a music artist and has even used the title as her own catchphrase. And has the cheerleader boyfriend Vinny as her biggest fan and supporter. But in your opinion, how far do you see Ariane (Cameron) going in the WWE as a single's star, if not her getting released at all?
How Ariane/Cameron stays employed is beyond me. If the Funkadactyl gig had continued, at least WWE could of masked her wrestling imperfections (after all, this is "something she's new to", as she admitted on Tough Enough.) But since she and Naomi (who has become a huge disappointment b/c she actually has in-ring talent) split, Ariane/Cameron has been given time to show what she has in the ring, and it's obvious that there isn't much there. When you continually botch punches, roll-ups (pretty much your entire performance), and (unless you're Kamala) tell the ref to count when your opponent is on her stomach, it's safe to say the "it factor" isn't there.
But call it what it is: Ariane/Cameron is most likely using WWE to "further her brand" to help her music "career". But in the meantime, do the Divas who can actually wrestle a favor: send her to NXT where she can watch that five-star Alicia Fox-Melina match she referred to on Tough Enough as her favorite, set it on repeat, and don't hit the stop button until her contract is up, or you decide to release her. If there's room in the car, send Eva Marie and Rosa Mendez with her because there is no in-ring talent there either. To that point, does anyone know who is currently in charge of training the Divas inside the squared circle?
Aha she's not going to be much. I'm not trying to be a dick here but look at the facts. Does she have enough passion for the business? I give the girl all the respect in the world for even making it as far as she has. It must have taken a hell of a lot of work to even get this far, but in TE I believe she said her favorite match was Melina vs Alicia Fox (or something dumb like that). Seriously. Out of all the great matches in the history of the company and she goes with Alicia/Melina... Secondly, SCSA obviously saw absolutely nothing in her if he eliminated her first. I remember him saving some pretty garbage wrestlers during TE because he "saw something in them". Thirdly as you pointed out, she's singing and whatnot now... Seems pretty stupid to spend your time singing when you're main profession is a pro wrestler and you suck at pro wrestling.

The reason people like Trish become great women's wrestlers, is because they have passion for the business and they are willing to put in tons of work to get results. You'd never see Lita or Trish or Chyna working on a song or participating in a reality TV show because they're not singers or actors... They're wrestlers.
I would get over the Melina/Alicia Fox comment for a few reasons:

1) It was years ago
2) It was probably scripted like a lot of what is on reality TV and WWE
3) She is the only one from that group still around

That being said, I find her hard to stomach. The most interesting moment of her career was the upside pin attempt and referee verbal accosting. They should have turned that in to a charitable campaign against dyslexia. Otherwise I don't find her significantly attractive, capable in the ring, a decent actress, or anything else that makes me want her on my TV.

If she is working some Total Divas magic or has information on Vince that keeps her employed than good for her. The fact that she got to work with the "celebrity" guest worries me though that WWE has more for her in the future. Then again, that makes me feel better about cutting back my Raw viewing along with a few hundred thousand fans over the past month.

And stop with the "passion for the business" crap. You don't need passion and the greatest passion doesn't guarantee anything. Trish Stratus succeeded in WWE mostly because she was able to push her boobs up to her chin.
And stop with the "passion for the business" crap. You don't need passion and the greatest passion doesn't guarantee anything. Trish Stratus succeeded in WWE mostly because she was able to push her boobs up to her chin.

Well, you don't need passion if you're Goldberg, Lesnar, or Luger cus, well, those guys were beasts! As somebody that isn't going to have everything handed to them, I'd say passion to be the best is a huge advantage. Also, Trish... you're right but you gotta admit she put her work in.
Well, you don't need passion if you're Goldberg, Lesnar, or Luger cus, well, those guys were beasts! As somebody that isn't going to have everything handed to them, I'd say passion to be the best is a huge advantage. Also, Trish... you're right but you gotta admit she put her work in.

But can any of us really say that Cameron has put in less work than Trish? Just because the results are glaringly different doesn't mean Cameron isn't working hard. It just means she sucks.

And as far as guys like Goldberg, Luger, and Lesnar. I would argue that while they may not have as much love or appreciation for professional wrestling as other guys they have probably worked really hard on other things that helped them become bigger successes in professional wrestling.
she's annoying, she's not good in the ring... she has no place on the roster right now...

she's also not worth of her own thread...
I'm sorry, who is Cameron again? Oh, right, the typical woman who likes talking trash and then gets up all in your face if it's even implied that you talked bad about her. Honestly, I just tune out everytime I see her on my TV, regardless of who she's working with.
Some strange reason the WWE hasn't got rid of her despite her lack of talent.

She probably will be Diva's Champion one day, it's not like that title means much like it used to
She's horrible in the ring as well as on the mic. This is the same diva who told Stone Cold that her favorite match of all time was Melina VS Alicia Fox. I cannot fathom how she ever got a job in the WWE in the first place, and somehow still has not been future endeavored yet. I could understand keeping her around as a jobber for the divas who can actually wrestle, and for appearances on Total Divas (I don't watch it and never plan to). That's it though. She's NOT worth pushing. Even The Bellas are better than her and my dislike of The Bellas is not exactly a secret around this forum. Move her down to NXT and make her a jobber for Bayley, Alexa, Charlotte, Sasha, and Becky. I don't see her ever getting any further than she has. Why should she? Only those who actually have any amount of talent should get pushed. I give the divas who are less gifted in the ring a hard time on here, but Cameron is one of the few who legit needs to be future endeavored. She brings absolutely nothing to the table. Nothing.
She could be a great, annoying girlfriend to a male wrestler. I could see her join Titus O'Neil and just nag him every time he loses until the point he starts to win. She could be the Robin Givens to Mike Tyson. The girl can talk and she does have a natural heel attitude. As long as she doesn't try to wrestle, a role outside of the ring could work.
As it's turned out, the Cameron/Naomi feud is ever more underwhelming than the Bella twins "disagreement"; even while Nikki & Brie had nothing develop in their verbal war the past couple weeks, the Funkadactyls program never fully emerged, although it seemed something had been planned.

Oh well, nothing lost there, but I can't see why either girl was kept by the company after the big guy was canned. I don't watch the diva TV program so I can't say whether Cameron & Naomi have any impact on a reality show that they lack in a wrestling ring.

I suppose I'd be more curious to know what the disposition was of Cameron's troubles with the police, which should have been augmented to include bribing an officer. That she kept her job through all that was obvious.....but what kept her out of jail? Did she get only a fine.....which is what she was looking to get by with in the first place when she offered compensation to the police to let her off?

That would be ironic, no? Sort of like Janis Ian singing: "The penalty for attempted suicide is death."

At the 2:45 minute mark.

That is one of the major reasons Cameron doesn't belong anywhere near the main roster at this point in her career. As a huge wrestling fan, that is without a doubt one of the biggest turn offs any wrestler or diva can do. The single most basic rule in wrestling is simply forgotten by this incredibly green diva. In short, no. I don't ever see he becoming more relevant than she is now. The way the diva's division is set up currently lets women like Cameron get by without having the most basic fundamental knowledge about wresting. As long as you play the part of a diva you'll do fine in the industry although Cameron won't likely ever be Diva's Champion. With that, I really liked the thought of her being paired with a male wrestler to help them gain some tremendous heel heat. Keep her out of the ring and in the corner of a Zack Ryder, Titus O'Neal or even a Justin Gabriel. Cameron can thrive off the undercard wrestlers that crave some of the attention that she can potentially bring. If she relies heavily on her obnoxious attitude, we could very well be looking at the next Vickie Guerrero. By doing so, she can help elevate some of the finest superstars on the bottom of the WWE card.

There's untapped potential there believe it or not.
Never have I hated any person in pro-wrestling more than her. She has no business being anywhere near a ring or an arena. First, she embarrasses herself on Tough Enough with the "Melina/Alicia Fox" incident, then she tried to bribe a cop when she was pulled over and arrested, and now she can't even execute a pinfall right. I also remember a backstage segment between The Funkadactyls and The Bellas where she told them that "she grew up watching them" :wtf:. She signed with the WWE only 2/3 years after The Bellas did, how old must she have been when The Bellas made their debut? I don't know how she is off-screen but I get the feeling that she's exactly like her on-screen persona in real life, a dumb egotistical jerk that thinks she's a rockstar when she isn't. She doesn't have an ounce of talent in her bone. I hope she gets released tomorrow, she's an absolute disgrace to the WWE and to the wrestling industry.
I don't hate the woman because I don't know her personally and don't want to. Her attitude sucks, and she is an embarrassment in the ring. I'm not a wrestler but even I know that your opponents shoulders have to be touching the mat for the ref to start a count. That match was just flat out horrible and she single handily put the Diva's division back a few notches, which is not an achievement to be proud of.

If she has the opinion that she's better than anyone else, then she should be able to back it up and she can't. I don't watch Total Diva's and this is one of the main reason's why. Don't want to see them in the ring, so won't waste my time watching a reality show about them either. How she still has a job is amazing.
The woman is useless in almost every aspect of professional wrestling, and it amazes me that she is under contract to WWE. She is awful, and always has been. The fact she was voted off Tough Enough first, and then STILL got hired is strange, then she gets arrested and tries to bribe a Police Officer...and then STILL DOESN'T GET RELEASED?!WWE has fired employees for far less in the past, so her continued employment is a mystery.

But that pinfall attempt.... FUCK ME! How can any person hired to be a wrestler not realise someone's shoulders have to be pinned to the mat to win a match? Has she never watched a match in her life? It was one of the sloppiest things I have ever seen in wrestling, and the fact is she probably doesn't care in the slightest and will not have shown the slightest effort in trying to improve.

When you hear of people being sent back to NXT for extra work, or talent getting cut...why doesn't she get fired? Maybe she gives Vince good blowjobs, or walked in on him when he was fingering Patterson's arse or something...
Remember when Trish, Lita and Torrie and Stacy?

When people actually cared about the female wrestlers and divas.

Now it's a big joke.
How did she become the only one from WWE Tough Enough that season to actually work on the main roster? She was the first one eliminated. Luke and Jeremiah were awesome and the winner, Andy, wasn't all that bad either. So how the hell did she get picked up when she was the worst on that show?
Well one poster mentioned her being an annoying girlfriend to Titus O'Neil I think that could make some funny storylines or even have her join Slator Gator
Well one poster mentioned her being an annoying girlfriend to Titus O'Neil I think that could make some funny storylines or even have her join Slator Gator

can't have her pretend to be a "girlfriend" of anyone while she is on Total Divas and we see her real-life relationship playing out...

while we know the storylines and wrestling is fake, you have to try to at least make it seem somewhat realistic...

this is why I hated the Bellas feuding in the first place... they are sisters, they hang together outside the ring regularly at events and social gatherings and that was never going to stop for the in-ring angle...

while i am sure other wrestlers do as well, you don't see it... i am sure rollins/ambrose/reigns are stlll friends but you don't see them posting photos at bars and events outside of work

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