Are We WWE Shareholders Or Are We Fans?

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
We were having an interesting discussion in the Bar Room about this topic, and I actually wish it would have started here.

It seems like a bi-product of many fans going from "Markhood" into "Smarkhood" tends to be that instead of following one's original principles of what they personally enjoy seeing as "fans" of the product, that instead they base their ideologies of what constitutes a "good" product by something else. That is whether or not the product fits in with Vince McMahon's goals for WWE.

JMT said it best ....

jmt225 said:
I hate it when people say, "Well, Vince McMahon wants to do this and that, and it's good business." rather than just explaining how THEY feel about the product. None of them say, "I really like what WWE is doing." They all say what WWE is doing is smart because it's getting kids to watch the show. What the fuck is that shit? It's like they force themselves to like the show, just because WWE is doing good business.

Seriously, when did everyone become a business man on the fucking internet? Who gives a shit about looking at pro wrestling from a business perspective? Is this board populated by WWE stockholders? If not... then why the fuck does it matter what makes sense from a business perspective? Silly me, I thought we should be looking at this from the vantage point of wrestling fans, not promoters. Saying you understand why losers are pushed or why WWE is PG doesn't mean that it's justified to the fans.

Seriously, this how WWE fans think: “This guy and show sucks, but at least it all sells merchandise and gets ratings for the company. It all makes Vince McMahon an even richer prick than he already is, so I guess I’ll just like whatever shit I’m told to so long as it makes master Vince happy.”

Sorry for the rant, but I've been waiting to say that shit somewhere. It's why for the most part I stay away from the WWE forums here; hardly anyone can think for themselves.

And that is exactly what I am getting at.

We were having some discussions in the "Blood thread", and these were some of the things I observed people saying that pretty much sums up the above mentality ....

Look what you all fail to realize is that WWE has gone PG, and being PG they can't have blood, or they can but Vince just doesn't want it. I, like most of you, was going nuts when I saw John Cena start bleeding wearing a Mini-Crimson Mask, I was ubber happy, but when I saw the Doctors come and glue Cena was I surprised? Not in the least.

Look guys Vince McMahon is pushing the Family Oriented WWE PG on us, he won't just break that because John actually started bleeding, I don't like that he had them fix it but I understand it 100%, I can just see were if he had continued to bleed and they went into the crowd like they did and some of John's blood accidentally dripped on to someone then there would have been Madness.

Vince needed to stop that due to their PG rating. What's the big deal? It didn't take that long to stop Cena bleeding, and it was a very good match. Sure, blood would have added another element to the story of the match but it's been shown time after time that they're capable of having good high profile matches with zero blood.

That was one hell of a match last night and I honestly I think Cena/Orton outdid themselves last night putting on the best match in their feud ever. Now the bleeding part. Okay if this were any other sport other than MMA, the athlete would have been cleaned up so I don't see what the issue. With all the disease going around, bleeding and open air wounds are dangerous these days. Do I miss the blood in wrestling? Yes as it adds to the suspense but it's not necessary. Plus the cut happened 20 minutes into a 60 minute match. Cena could have lost a large amount of blood if the cut had remained open for 40 plus minutes. It didn't take away from a great match and if you are naysayers of Orton/Cena, get this PPV when it comes out on DVD. It was a well done match from beginning to end.

And these are just examples from one single thread on the forum. I could find endless examples of this all over the wrestling forums across the Internet. Examples of IWC members who have abandoned their principles of what they want to see as fans, and instead judge the product based on what is best for Vince McMahon and his corporate goals.

So what do you think of this latest trend of fans being more concerned about what Vince thinks is best, as compared that what fans personally enjoy seeing? Are you a fan or a shareholder? And is there a reason why fans can't think anymore and provide their own opinions, as opposed to being spoon fed by Vince McMahon?
So? Let people like the product for whatever the hell they want. I mean seriously, if they're not bitching about one thing then they're bitching about another. What about smarks who complain about guys because of their backstage attitude??? What the fuck is that about? Who cares? What you see on camera is what you should care about because that's the only time we have to deal with it. I don't work in the WWE, I never had Orton defecate in my gym bag.

What it boils down to is that it's part of the curse of being in any level of the IWC. It makes you criticize the product more and overall (and ironically) enjoy the product LESS half the time. What's the only logical answer? Let people like it for whatever the hell reason they want and don't get in a huff about it. I have a friend who likes it for Cena and divas matches.... and he's 25... I just don't let it get to me.
I am really, really guilty of this. Just look at my sig.

Some of it is the difference between watching and talking on a message board. It's rampant in internet fandom. In a lot of ways, the IWC is like the fantasy GM boards for real sports. So in a lot of ways, we're like the posters at, say, the Milwaukee Bucks board at arguing about the future direction of the team and sometimes maybe rationalizing dumb things the team does as smart long-term moves. (No comment on the Bucks' moves, I'm a Wizards fan.) Maybe we wish, say, "our team" had drafted the point guard rather than the center, but we can't change it so we hope for the best. As wrestling fans, we probably want the Attitude Era and its ratings back. WWE is not going all Attitude anytime soon, so we hope the PG stuff works.

On the McMAhon-specific stuff, the fans that really, really don't like WWE PG have either checked out or are consistently posting negative stuff, both from a personal perspective and from a business perspective. It helps a lot that the natural human tendency is to assume that most everyone else will like what you like.

Another point is that wrestling fandom is a small island in the larger culture. There is kind of a "fan behavior" where "our team" is WWE (or wrestling as a whole), and "the standings" are rating points and buyrates. There's a lot of that in WWE vs TNA discussion, but there's some in the back of our heads of just wrestling vs the rest of the entertainment world. Most of us want the Attitude Era excitement back, and part of that was the big ratings, for each show and for wrestling as a whole.
Wrestling fans are 'too smart' for their own good, and I myself is guilty of this too. Sometimes, seriously, we just need to shut the f*ck up and watch. That's it. Don't comment, don't do anything. Just watch.

It's hard in this opinion-driven age filled with message boards and blogs (which are used to debate, analyze and argue) all the things we want.

It's just wrestling is more enjoyable without it.
I don't get this argument, because I rarely see anyone saying they like the product because they feel it is headed in the right direction or was a 'smart' move. What I always see is people bash the product with their factless opinions, which is fine. Who really cares how someone bases how they feel? "Okay keeping Cena on Raw was a good idea because it will keep the Raw ratings up, and I've decided I like that because of the positive outcome." Let that person feel that way, and let anyone who wants to decide whether or not they like things be based on business, personal opinion, whatever.

But again, I really don't see that many people pleased with the business aspect of things, so I don't get where this is all coming from.
I coment from an analytical point of view, I watch from the point of view of a fan. Really it helps me to enjoy the product (well not lately but you know) and criticize its imperfections. I mean so far as I am concerned I don't think any of you give a shit what I wanna see...

SO yeah I post differently then I watch...

Just My Opinion
hahahahaha i actually find it funny watching someone like make this huge point about like "well wwe's ratings have slightly slipped the few weeks probably due to Vince's idea of the pg which should not work because 75% percent of the fan-base was.....". Its pretty funny cause most of the time it's like a 24 year old guy just stating some random thing he heard people say like 3,000 times on these forums. But he will put in percents and business words to make it sound smart.

But on another note, I'm sure all of us have posted something dumb like that; thinking we actually know what we would do if we owned the wwe and how we would do so much better. But jmt225 summed it up actually perfectly and nailed every point exactly how it is.
I think of myself as a fan. But at the same time have assisted in booking wouldn't mind being a booker one day and have fun analyzing the decisions made by WWE and TNA. It's 50% of the reason I joined a wrestling forum. Sure I could wish Randy Orton would remain WWE champion forever but that would be bad for buisiness. In a discussion I am asked my opinion on whether something is a good move or not by WWE or TNA. I put forth my opinion on whether or not it is and why and thats that. At the end of the day while watching the actual product. I still cheer for Orton,Jericho,and Angle at every ppv and on every Raw,SD,or Impact. I still mark out whenever Rey Mysterio,AJ Styles,Evan Bourne,or any other spot monkey does something insane and I still think the Undertaker has the coolest entrance in the world and Goldberg is the baddest man on the planet. I am a fan but I analyze the buisiness because I enjoy it. I think of myself like a smart fan but I've never called myself a smark or a mark.
And is there a reason why fans can't think anymore and provide their own opinions, as opposed to being spoon fed by Vince McMahon?
This is such elitist, utter bullshit. So because some fans like the prodict, they suddenly can't think for themselves anymore? Just because you are not entertained by the product doesn't mean everyone else feels the same.

I like Scrubs. Just because I like the programming doesn't mean I'm being spoon-fed by Bill Lawrence. It means I find his programming entertaining, and it is the same with Vince McMahon and WWE. You don't find it entertaining, we get it, but muttering this elitist crap how it means you can form your opinion and we can't just makes you seem like a dick head.We can't make opinions for ourselves, because your opinion is different?

And so what if some people base their opinions on what is best for the company? It's a fucking T.V. show, people can view it how ever they want. I watch it for escapism, it's two hours where I can shut my mind off and just enjoy what's in front of me.

It's not a sport, it's an entertainment show. You either find it entertaining or you don't. Not finding it entertaining doesn't make you better off than someone else, or vice versa. You are just criticising people because they don't agree with you, where is the sense?
Well thing is that pretty much we all are like this and is not only about wrestling, if you are a fan of other sport or an specific team, you pretty much thing what you would do with if you were the one in charge, something than most likely will never happen.

I am also guilty of this most of the time, like on the last PPV, I was too critic of the Main even, but smetimes when I am watching it, even if I read the spoilers (which I usually do for SD and Impact) I watch it like is the first time and enjoy it. Its like when you watch amovie over and over, you know the endind and is not going to change but you enjoy it none the less.
This is such elitist, utter bullshit.

Give me a break. It's an observation, and a true one at that. Judging by your comments below, you basically acknowledge that it is a valid one.
So because some fans like the product, they suddenly can't think for themselves anymore? Just because you are not entertained by the product doesn't mean everyone else feels the same.

Speaking of being entertained, talk to me about how much you are entertained by Hornswoggle running around the ring or facing Chavo Guerrero in gimmick matches every single week.

I like Scrubs. Just because I like the programming doesn't mean I'm being spoon-fed by Bill Lawrence. It means I find his programming entertaining, and it is the same with Vince McMahon and WWE. You don't find it entertaining, we get it, but muttering this elitist crap how it means you can form your opinion and we can't just makes you seem like a dick head.We can't make opinions for ourselves, because your opinion is different?

Well, first off me being a "dick head" is your opinion. Frankly, I don't care about how I come across on here. I come on here to speak my mind. I've made friends on here, but I am not going out of my way to sugar-coat or water-down my words because of fear of coming across like a "dick head". I'm very blunt with my criticisms.

As far as your Scrubs example, that's different than my criticism. I specifically am going after the people who say to the effect of:

"I don't like this ..."
" ... but it does help Vince reach out to a new audience ..."
" ... so it's worth putting up with because it helps Vince make money."

That isn't the same comparison you are trying to make with your Scrubs example. If you like it, then fine. If you don't, but are willing to like it because it helps Vince get richer, then that just proves my point.

And so what if some people base their opinions on what is best for the company? It's a fucking T.V. show, people can view it however they want.

Well, then don't expect to escape criticism. Because this is a classic, Grade A
example of "Spoon Feeding". I think a greater amount of respect will go towards fans who actually have a mind of their own, can stick true to their principles, and can think for themselves .... as opposed to fans who simply "takes whatever Vince gives them".

It's not a sport, it's an entertainment show.

LOL. You must not be familiar with my posts. I've been stating the same thing for years. And in doing so, I've crossed paths with another group of fans I refer to as the ROH-bots, the technically inclined wrestling fans who come across in rather wanting to view it as a sport, as opposed to an athletic Action/Drama show.

You either find it entertaining or you don't. Not finding it entertaining doesn't make you better off than someone else, or vice versa. You are just criticizing people because they don't agree with you, where is the sense?

I challenge people who don't agree with me. This is after all, a discussion forum. And I am pretty strong in my opinions. If you have a different opinion, then fine. State it. And we'll talk about it. But just because you may respond, don't expect there to be no push-back from me. That's part of what comes if you want to push getting into a discussion with me.

You hear the number of people who complain about what WWE is putting on, on a weekly basis. And a number of them justify continuing to watch it because "that's what is best for Vince". All I question is "why bother watching it, if you aren't personally entertained by it AS A FAN?" And I don't think that is an unreasonable question to ask.
So if you like the product you want to be a Share Holder and if you don't you're a fan?

Really, I don't care what kind of business they do or about ratings. I like most of what the company does, and there are things I don't like. However, most arguments on message boards turn to ratings and so on, and to me that is basically why the topics go in to a conversation about WWE's business model, and then when it's proven that they're doing great business, it then goes in to the "Who cares what business they do, I'm not entertained! Arrgggghhhh!” The reality is though, is that the fans that don't like the product bring up the business side, and then when their proven wrong on that front, they want to go back to the "Well let’s just talk about our opinion on the entertainment side of the product" bit.

It's an endless cycle on Message Boards that go just like that, but at the end of the day, I like the product like it is mostly and there are some things I dislike. I'm not going to go crazy about what I don't like, because for everything I dislike about WWE there is another wrestling company that does it right, so I stay satisfied
Speaking of being entertained, talk to me about how much you are entertained by Hornswoggle running around the ring or facing Chavo Guerrero in gimmick matches every single week.
I found it hilarious actually. I could go on about how it was the first feud in years that made Chavo worthwhile, but that would make me a shareholder, so I will keep it with, it made me laugh.

Well, first off me being a "dick head" is your opinion.
I didn't say you were a dick head, I say you come across as one with your views which makes it think you believe you are above others due to your opinion.

Frankly, I don't care about how I come across on here. I come on here to speak my mind.
As do I, and my mind is saying that I like the WWE, I am entertained with it and I'm not going to stand for people who look down on me because of that.

As far as your Scrubs example, that's different than my criticism. I specifically am going after the people who say to the effect of:

"I don't like this ..."
" ... but it does help Vince reach out to a new audience ..."
" ... so it's worth putting up with because it helps Vince make money."
Well if you are targetting a minority, say that. Your post said, don't make it come across that everyone who is entertained by it is a sheep who follows Vince McMahon and can't make decisions for themselves.

Well, then don't expect to escape criticism. Because this is a classic, Grade A example of "Spoon Feeding". I think a greater amount of respect will go towards fans who actually have a mind of their own, can stick true to their principles, and can think for themselves .... as opposed to fans who simply "takes whatever Vince gives them".
I said I don't have a problem with those who are like that, they can watch it in whichever way they find best. I, however, watch it because I like it. Are there things that I would change about the product? Sure, but that doesn't mean I'm just accepting the current show because I am spoon fed. I happen to like the product as it is, just feel it could be better, but that is true of every T.V. show I have ever watched.

LOL. You must not be familiar with my posts. I've been stating the same thing for years. And in doing so, I've crossed paths with another group of fans I refer to as the ROH-bots, the technically inclined wrestling fans who come across in rather wanting to view it as a sport, as opposed to an athletic Action/Drama show.
Well for that I apologise, and I share your viewpoint on that matter.

I challenge people who don't agree with me. This is after all, a discussion forum. And I am pretty strong in my opinions.
Ditto, which is why I made the post in the first place.

If you have a different opinion, then fine. State it. And we'll talk about it. But just because you may respond, don't expect there to be no push-back from me. That's part of what comes if you want to push getting into a discussion with me.
That's the minimum I'd expect from a debate.

You hear the number of people who complain about what WWE is putting on, on a weekly basis. And a number of them justify continuing to watch it because "that's what is best for Vince". All I question is "why bother watching it, if you aren't personally entertained by it AS A FAN?" And I don't think that is an unreasonable question to ask.
Well that I agree with. I'm tired of people who criticise the product week after week, as there is an off button on a T.V. If that is your point, make it clearer that you are aiming towards these people and not all people who enjoy the product. On a wrestling forum I'd expect to find stuff written about what is on the show, not whether a fan is right or wrong in choosing to watch.
So if you like the product you want to be a Share Holder and if you don't you're a fan?

No, no.

You can like the product all you want. It is not catered to Adults and Adult interests, but there are "big kids" out there that like to be treated as such, and think Hornswoggle humor is just as funny as can be.

There is a difference between WWE fans, and "WWE Shareholders".

The WWE fans are most of the casual WWE fanbase out there. However, they are on the IWC, as well.

But the "WWE Shareholders" pretty much all reside on the IWC.

Here is the difference:

WWE Fan: "I watch WWE because I love the in-ring action. It is less talk, less promos, and more action."

"WWE Shareholder": "I'm not a big fan of Hornswoggle running around the ring on Monday nights. But he has a purpose and that is to bring kids in. If that is what Vince is after, then that's what is best for WWE, and I support him."

Really, I don't care what kind of business they do or about ratings. I like most of what the company does,

Other than steroid use, I don't think I've heard you utter one negative thing about the entire company. The only things I've heard are "this is awesome", "that's awesome", and "everything is just totally awesome".

And when anybody says anything to the contrary of what you deem to be just "awesome", you and the other "WWE Shareholders" are all over the Red Rep. Notice how some of us doesn't need to resort to immature tactics like that?

and there are things I don't like.

I'm curious. Let's hear some of them.

However, most arguments on message boards turn to ratings and so on, and to me that is basically why the topics go in to a conversation about WWE's business model, and then when it's proven that they're doing great business, it then goes in to the "Who cares what business they do, I'm not entertained! Arrgggghhhh!”

The reasons on why they do "great business" have been discussed at length. And it all has to do with Raising prices.

You despise the Attitude Era and the elements associated with. You've made that abundantly clear. You've referred to the programming as "horrendous, garbage, unnecessary sex, filth-humor, useless violence" and programming that has done "tremendous damage to the wrestling business".

And then you turn around and stick up for the PG Era, as if it is creating a thriving wrestling business by putting out a great, cutting-edge product, when in reality this has been the most repetitive, utterly boring product in WWE history.

You like to take a look at the bottom line. I can't do that because if I raised the prices of tickets and PPV buys like Vince did back then, then that Era would have been more profitable than the PG Era. It's simply a different set of circumstances. However, attendance was higher, PPV buys were higher, and ratings were higher.

I am first a fan and what I like as a fan comes first. Then, data used to support those arguments of what I like, just happens to be best for business, as well ... since it was more popular with fans. The more fans you have, the more opportunities at driving revenue you have.

The reality is though, is that the fans that don't like the product bring up the business side, and then when their proven wrong on that front, they want to go back to the "Well let’s just talk about our opinion on the entertainment side of the product" bit.

What have you proven people wrong on exactly?

It's an endless cycle on Message Boards that go just like that, but at the end of the day, I like the product like it is mostly and there are some things I dislike. I'm not going to go crazy about what I don't like, because for everything I dislike about WWE there is another wrestling company that does it right, so I stay satisfied

If only the "WWE Shareholders" could actually come up for air between kissing Vince's ass and singing his praises so we can hear what other stuff out there they actually find enjoyable.
You can like the product all you want. It is not catered to Adults and Adult interests, but there are "big kids" out there.
Well yeah of course, that is what wrestling is all about. You really shouldn't be watching the shit once you graduate college or get out of high school.

There is a difference between WWE fans, and "WWE Shareholders".

Glad we've cleared that up

The WWE fans are most of the casual WWE fanbase out there. However, they are on the IWC, as well.
The IWC is just a tool, I doubt being on a computer makes you any more important, no matter the hours you put in it.

WWE Fan: "I watch WWE because I love the in-ring action. It is less talk, less promos, and more action."

"WWE Shareholder": "I'm not a big fan of Hornswoggle running around the ring on Monday nights. But he has a purpose and that is to bring kids in. If that is what Vince is after, then that's what is best for WWE, and I support him."
I didn't approve of Mark Henry and Mae Young having a hand, but I didn't really care enough to cry about it.

Other than steroid use, I don't think I've heard you utter one negative thing about the entire company. The only things I've heard are "this is awesome", "that's awesome", and "everything is just totally awesome".
I've been talking about the way Cena has been booked since NWO 2008. Not to mention my hate for DX.

And when anybody says anything to the contrary of what you deem to be just "awesome", you and the other "WWE Shareholders" are all over the Red Rep. Notice how some of us doesn't need to resort to immature tactics like that?
This is a lie. It is also just mindless trolling and baiting. If you're going to ask me a question, ask it, don't throw around unfunny insults that aren't witty or humorous.

I'm curious. Let's hear some of them.

I don't like the way Cena is booked

I hate DX

I don't like the way Orton is booked

I think Brian Gerwitz is a moron

The reasons on why they do "great business" have been discussed at length. And it all has to do with Raising prices.

There is more to it then that. But again, this is what us Share Holders shouldn't be talking about according to you. And actually I agree, I rather talk about why I like the company, then the business side. But to be clear it is kind of amusing when people say, "If WWE didn't have a brilliant business model, great merchandise, and expansion they would be out of business". I mean really that is dumb.

You despise the Attitude Era and the elements associated with. You've made that abundantly clear. You've referred to the programming as "horrendous, garbage, unnecessary sex, filth-humor, useless violence" and programming that has done "tremendous damage to the wrestling business".

I don't despise Attitude Era this is another lie. I don't think 99 was a good year, but I liked 98 and loved 2000.

99 was horrendous, garbage, never really cared about the sex outside of Henry/Young, it did have toilet humor, and the useless violence was guys beating up on females.

In 2000 when Kreski and McMahon cleaned up the mess the company was great, probably the best it has ever been.

And then you turn around and stick up for the PG Era, as if it is creating a thriving wrestling business by putting out a great, cutting-edge product, when in reality this has been the most repetitive, utterly boring product in WWE history.

Now you're arguing with yourself. Your whole gimmick with this thread, was guys liking the product because of the product, not because of the business it does for WWE. I've explained I liked the product and couldn't careless how the business is doing. What you call cutting edge isn't really cutting edge to me. Really Mid-South and Memphis wrestling was way more edgier then the Attitude Era ever was, and really that is what spawned ECW, and in turn WWF took elements from ECW, Mike Tyson, real life tension between Bret and HBK/WWE, HBK being an asshole, Vince showing the real Vince McMahon, and Phenomenal Star on the rise in Austin, and it all meshed together well. It wasn't really anything edgy, it was just presented with great production and Awesome characters in Austin and McMahon.

You like to take a look at the bottom line. I can't do that because if I raised the prices of tickets and PPV buys like Vince did back then, then that Era would have been more profitable than the PG Era. It's simply a different set of circumstances. However, attendance was higher, PPV buys were higher, and ratings were higher.
Sidious, I don't care about the bottom line. For a while all you cared about was ratings, you were way more a bottom line guy then I was. However when the end result is WWE still doing great business, you want to back track and go another way with the defense.

If you want Attendance to be higher, PPV buys to be higher, and a Ratings to be higher. Wouldn't that mean that YOU are indeed A WWE Share Holder?

I am first a fan and what I like as a fan comes first. Then, data is used to support those arguments of what I like just happened to be best for business, as well ... since it was more popular with fans.

So again, you're basically arguing about the business side, so wouldn't that make YOU a Share Holder?

WWE has never been bigger on a Global front either. Expansion = Money also, but whoops, I forgot, we aren't supposed to be talking about that...Right?

What have you proven people wrong on exactly?

I rarely post here to prove anybody wrong on anything, so here at Wrestlezone...Nobody.

I'm just here to really talk wrestling when a situation comes up that catches my attention.

Like really, I could realy tear this whole Hogan/TNA thing to shreds, but I won't, because people seem to be excited about it. However I really don't see them feeling the same way 6 months, scratch that, 2 months from now. But I wouldn't say anything about it, because it would just take the fun out of people speculating and having something fun to talk about the next few weeks...Though I am going to love the apologist and excuses fans come up with when it fails.

Sorry about that last rant, not trying to derail your thread.
"WWE Shareholder": "I'm not a big fan of Hornswoggle running around the ring on Monday nights. But he has a purpose and that is to bring kids in. If that is what Vince is after, then that's what is best for WWE, and I support him."

And what, exactly, is wrong with that? It's a two hour show. Every single second of it isn't going to be for me. Other people seem to love the Horny/Chavo thing. That's great for them, I'm glad they're entertained, and Vince is smart in doing it if people are enjoying it. That's my bathroom break. No big deal. Maybe the same people that enjoy the Chavo segments are taking their bathroom breaks during the stuff I like, such as the rather long Kofi/Jericho match. Not everyone is going to dig that either.

Here's how I'm reading you. You're pitching a big hissy fit over segments you don't like. Fine, it's the IWC, that's how it goes. Then someone else says "ok yeah, you're right, that IS kinda lame but some people love it so cut them some slack and just go get a beer while that's going on" and you brand them "WWE Shareholders" that think they understand business. I don't understand business, Sid, but I do understand fan reaction and the fans seem to be into the Chavo vs The Little Person shit most weeks. Therefore, I don't think it takes an MBA to conclude that it's smart to keep doing it.

I liked you a lot better before you started this crusade you're on lately.
When I read the title I expected something different, but anyway. In real life, when watching the product I'm sure people don't sit and think "this is good business" even if they hate what they're seeing (Apart from Sly). However, when you're talking on a wrestling forum the issue of what's good for the company in the long run does come up and that's when we get discussions like this. I think if you differentiate between certain discussions and what they feel when watching the show there's no problem here.
Well yeah of course, that is what wrestling is all about. You really shouldn't be watching the shit once you graduate college or get out of high school.

Well, personally I don't think anything is wrong with that. If somebody else doesn't like it or thinks its immature because they don't understand the business, then Fuck 'em.

I can take that approach.

However you evidently are embarrassed when mainstream America scoffs what you like and do take it personally. Hence, that is why you approve of wrestling being marketed as a sport over a TV Action/Drama. Based on our past conversations, you even want to clean up the caliber of fan that comes to the shows, and have gone as far as suggested that people dress up in suits, shirts, and ties to come to the shows.

Now, if that isn't "elitist" I don't know what is. And all of that is because you can't stand the image that pro wrestling currently has. Therefore, you seek to "Japanize" wrestling in order and make it more "sport" in order for non-fans to get a better understanding of the business and appreciate the technicalities that go into it.

Marketing it as a sport in the United States will only get you ridiculed even more. Marketing it as an Action/Drama Entertainment sitcom has a far better chance of gaining respect (and why that is even important to you, is beyond me .... other than it hurts your ego when people turn their nose up at you, and you are overly concerned with how you are viewed, along with the category of fan you are lumped into) .... because at least you are being honest with the public about what it is that you are doing, as opposed to trying to get the public to buy into it as a "sport".

And that is why you are so infatuated with the PG Era. Because it has watered everything down so much, all the way to Dullsville. If it much more focused on in-ring time, as opposed to actually developing characters and storylines to draw fans into the matches, and actually make them want to purchase the PPV's or tickets to House Shows.

The IWC is just a tool, I doubt being on a computer makes you any more important, no matter the hours you put in it.

As I told others, the IWC are the community leaders, so to speak. They do have an influence on other casual fans, because they are better educated to the business, and can talk fluently (persuading them) about the nature and state of the business. However, their actual influence is highly debated.

Obviously, though, it is somewhat of a concern to Vince, because if it wasn't, he wouldn't be concerned with the spoilers hitting the net of his long-term plans.

I didn't approve of Mark Henry and Mae Young having a hand, but I didn't really care enough to cry about it.

Actually, you have done more than your fair share of crying about the segment. Again, I am on record with stating that I loved the storyline, but hated the outcome. I thought the outcome was lame, however the public was never more interested in Henry as during that time period as Sexual Chocolate.

I've been talking about the way Cena has been booked since NWO 2008. Not to mention my hate for DX.

Haven't seen you say anything about Cena's booking. What is it that bothers you about it?

As far as DX, it looks like you and I agree on something. I despise this version of DX, and I think the group itself needs to die. Trying to do what they do in a PG environment is absolutely pointless and counter-productive.

This is a lie. It is also just mindless trolling and baiting. If you're going to ask me a question, ask it, don't throw around unfunny insults that aren't witty or humorous.

It absolutely is 100% the truth. Not at this forum, but elsewhere. Feel free to elaborate on how you Rep Trolled people and actually went to the lengths of PM'ing your friends to get them together to do the same like a little Kindergarten class.

I don't like the way Cena is booked

I hate DX

Right. So you already said.

I don't like the way Orton is booked

Okay. Now we're getting somewhere.

I think Brian Gerwitz is a moron

Really didn't think you had it in you. I suppose only when put on the spot does this kind of stuff come out of your mouth. Because this is the first time I am hearing any of this. I guess you simply have to be pressed and pressed hard to get you to say something even remotely critical of WWE. Maybe you can enlighten us in future conversations on here as to why, and elaborate a little.

There is more to it then that. But again, this is what us Share Holders shouldn't be talking about according to you. And actually I agree, I rather talk about why I like the company, then the business side. But to be clear it is kind of amusing when people say, "If WWE didn't have a brilliant business model, great merchandise, and expansion they would be out of business". I mean really that is dumb.

Can't say I have heard anyone say that.

I don't despise Attitude Era this is another lie. I don't think 99 was a good year, but I liked 98 and loved 2000.

That is not a lie. I do grant you that you have said that you enjoyed 2000 over the other Attitude Era years. However, to be frank, you have never been able to elaborate as to why.

However, I can tell you why. It's because you despise Vince Russo because he primarily gets credit for the Attitude Era over Vince McMahon, and because you are a Vince McMahon mark. Russo left the company by that point, so that is why you claim Chris Kreski in 2000 was so wonderful.

Tell me something. How long was Chris Kreski with the company, tell us about the rest of his tenure, and what do you like about his booking style over Vince Russo's when Russo was in WWE?

99 was horrendous, garbage, never really cared about the sex outside of Henry/Young, it did have toilet humor, and the useless violence was guys beating up on females.

And to my point about the Elitism. As far as "guys beating up on females", this really is a touchy issue for you as I have seen for the past several years.

Why is it that you have a problem with a staged scene of men beating up women in wrestling, but don't have a problem with it happening on TV sitcoms?

In 2000 when Kreski and McMahon cleaned up the mess the company was great, probably the best it has ever been.

Ah, yes. The great mysterious Chris Kreski. Again, please tell us how long Kreski was with WWE, and what his accomplishments were ... and why you feel he was better than Russo.

Now you're arguing with yourself. Your whole gimmick with this thread, was guys liking the product because of the product, not because of the business it does for WWE. I've explained I liked the product and couldn't careless how the business is doing.

You've never explained any further than "WWE is awesome" or "John Cena is awesome!!!" on what specifically you find enjoyable about the product. That is the problem. Your posts are actually quite empty, and I possibly blame the forum moderators elsewhere for not harping enough on people explaining themselves, and rather simply spamming the forums with that kind of drivel.

But I'll tell you what. There is a thread that I created not long ago, asking posters what they actually enjoy about the WWE product. It kind of died when I asked posters to be more specific than simply naming superstar after superstar and not being more specific (Heaven Forbid, that means more work), but I think the thread would be right up your alley. Feel free to post away without any rebuttal from yours truly and hopefully nobody else. Rather, it simply gives other posters a better idea where you are coming from and share with them your ideologies.

What you call cutting edge isn't really cutting edge to me. Really Mid-South and Memphis wrestling was way more edgier then the Attitude Era ever was, and really that is what spawned ECW, and in turn WWF took elements from ECW, Mike Tyson, real life tension between Bret and HBK/WWE, HBK being an asshole, Vince showing the real Vince McMahon, and Phenomenal Star on the rise in Austin, and it all meshed together well. It wasn't really anything edgy, it was just presented with great production and Awesome characters in Austin and McMahon.

No denying that Vince Russo took elements from ECW and pitched it to Vince McMahon. McMahon actually did something right and listened to Russo, hence saving his company. But certainly, Heyman deserves credit for being an influence on Russo. Russo, however gets the credit for the actual story writing.

But Vince Russo gave Vince McMahon the vision of where to take the company, while Vince and his circle of aging Yes Men had absolutely no idea what to do.

And you probably are going to see history repeat itself, to be frank, after TNA gets in gear. I am certain that Bischoff and Hogan have some surprises up their sleeve and will kick the product into high gear.

Sidious, I don't care about the bottom line. For a while all you cared about was ratings, you were way more a bottom line guy then I was. However when the end result is WWE still doing great business, you want to back track and go another way with the defense.

Yes, you do care about the bottom line. I know other posters on here are most likely not familiar with your work elsewhere, but you are the epitome of what I label a "WWE Shareholder".

As far as my interests, I have stated many times that what comes first for me is being entertained. The numbers are merely used to support my arguments. But rest assured and it's coming straight from the horse's mouth, what comes first for me is what entertains ME.

If you want Attendance to be higher, PPV buys to be higher, and a Ratings to be higher. Wouldn't that mean that YOU are indeed A WWE Share Holder?

I can argue ways on how to increase each of those ... sure. However, by offering choices to your customers, which is what I have advocated all along (including a product that actually interests me and is targeted to people in my age group), the rest will fall in line. So I argue it from a point of what most interests me, but also what happens to be best for business, as well.

So, no. I don't agree with your logic.

WWE has never been bigger on a Global front either. Expansion = Money also, but whoops, I forgot, we aren't supposed to be talking about that...Right?

No, you can feel free to use that to support your argument, as long as you truly enjoy the product you watch, as opposed to being a mindless little lapdog that enjoys being Spoon Fed by Daddy Vince.

Being that you have never stated anything remotely critical of Vince in the past, other than the steroid issue, I can't help but think that, however.

Additionally, speaking of being a "WWE Shareholder", we were talking about the whole "violence against women" topic. Would you care to explain why all of a sudden when Orton DDT'ed Stephanie prior to Wrestlemania, why you were marking out and getting all excited for Orton and into his character?

You say one thing, but when Vince does it .... you abandon your principles, and all of a sudden, it's "A okay". And that is a perfect example of the "Shareholder" mentality.

Like really, I could realy tear this whole Hogan/TNA thing to shreds, but I won't, because people seem to be excited about it. However I really don't see them feeling the same way 6 months, scratch that, 2 months from now. But I wouldn't say anything about it, because it would just take the fun out of people speculating and having something fun to talk about the next few weeks...Though I am going to love the apologist and excuses fans come up with when it fails.

The "Shareholder" yet again at work. Hoping that healthy competition to WWE fails even before it gets off the ground. If it doesn't have the "WWE" label attached to it, you just can't get into it.

What people like you should be doing is actually promoting it, as competition leads to a healthy wrestling business and forces all involved to work that much harder. The fans can only benefit from it.

However that isn't what "The Shareholders" are after. Rather, they are happy with Vince having a monopoly over the business and accepting whatever it is he decides to give them.

I have another thread for you. Please check out the "General WWE sucks Negative Complaining" sticky thread. First, check out the poll and then feel free to counter some of the things people are saying in there. Maybe you can feel free to discuss DX and the way Cena has been booked recently, as well.
Well, personally I don't think anything is wrong with that. If somebody else doesn't like it or thinks its immature because they don't understand the business, then Fuck 'em.

However you evidently are embarrassed when mainstream America scoffs what you like and do take it personally. Hence, that is why you approve of wrestling being marketed as a sport over a TV Action/Drama. Based on our past conversations, you even want to clean up the caliber of fan that comes to the shows, and have gone as far as suggested that people dress up in suits, shirts, and ties to come to the shows.
This is yet another lie, I've never said wresting should be a sport and have said many times else where that it shouldn't be deemed as such. Just look through my profile elsewhere, I've never said anything about wresting should be considered a sport and have laughed at people thinking such. As usual, you lie when you have nothing to go on.

Now, if that isn't "elitist" I don't know what is. And all of that is because you can't stand the image that pro wrestling currently has. Therefore, you seek to "Japanize" wrestling in order and make it more "sport" in order for non-fans to get a better understanding of the business and appreciate the technicalities that go into it.
Sidious, what in the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what elitist means? Liking Japanese wresting has nothing to do with liking WWE, they are nothing a like. And you don't even watch as you've said before. So how would you know anything about Puro.

As I told others, the IWC are the community leaders, so to speak. They do have an influence on other casual fans, because they are better educated to the business, and can talk fluently (persuading them) about the nature and state of the business. However, their actual influence is highly debated.
You're really taking this IWC gimmick as far as you can I see. It means nothing we're a couple of marks on a computer arguing over men that pretend to fight in underwear.

Actually, you have done more than your fair share of crying about the segment. Again, I am on record with stating that I loved the storyline, but hated the outcome. I thought the outcome was lame, however the public was never more interested in Henry as during that time period as Sexual Chocolate.

Saying it is stupid is not crying about it. Making a petition and bitching about it on 4 boards would be crying about it.

Haven't seen you say anything about Cena's booking. What is it that bothers you about it?
He should win more and shouldn't be losing every other month

As far as DX, it looks like you and I agree on something. I despise this version of DX, and I think the group itself needs to die. Trying to do what they do in a PG environment is absolutely pointless and counter-productive.


It absolutely is 100% the truth. Not at this forum, but elsewhere. Feel free to elaborate on how you Rep Trolled people and actually went to the lengths of PM'ing your friends to get them together to do the same like a little Kindergarten class.
I thought it was spamming to talk about what goes on at another board in the Spam Free part of the board? What happens else where stays there.

Okay. Now we're getting somewhere.
Not really.

Really didn't think you had it in you. I suppose only when put on the spot does this kind of stuff come out of your mouth. Because this is the first time I am hearing any of this. I guess you simply have to be pressed and pressed hard to get you to say something even remotely critical of WWE. Maybe you can enlighten us in future conversations on here as to why, and elaborate a little.

I guessed being "pressed' is the new trolling. Just ask and I'll tell you, no need to you know: get all angry and start trying to get personal, wouldn't want you to have a meltdown or something.

That is not a lie. I do grant you that you have said that you enjoyed 2000 over the other Attitude Era years. However, to be frank, you have never been able to elaborate as to why.
And 1998

However, I can tell you why. It's because you despise Vince Russo because he primarily gets credit for the Attitude Era over Vince McMahon, and because you are a Vince McMahon mark. Russo left the company by that point, so that is why you claim Chris Kreski in 2000 was so wonderful.
No not really. I give Russo credit for the one good year in 1998, but everything he has done the last 10 years has been shit. I mean look at his track record, since he left WWE. But again, I don't know why we're even having this conversation. I thought the thread was about people telling you why they like the product, without talking about the business side. You're confusing yourself and wasting my time.

Tell me something. How long was Chris Kreski with the company, tell us about the rest of his tenure, and what do you like about his booking style over Vince Russo's when Russo was in WWE?
Until Survivor Series 2000.

He used story boards, was a freak for continuity, he linked everybody together and made everybody seem important without giving them dumb gimmicks. He incorporated great storylines with great wrestling, and made everybody seem credible. Everybody from the lower-mid-upper mid-to The ME was viewed as important, and he made it easy to slot new guys in to the Main Event scene without missing a beat, and the fans bought it, literally. What is even more impressive, he did it without Austin, Taker, and Foley, and it ended up being WWF's most successful year until 2007. The matches still hold up and the angles still hold up.

The Radicalz Invasion

DX/Helmsely/Mcmahon regime vs The Rock

The Kurt/Steph/Triple H ove Triangle

Benoit and Jericho main event pushes

All drew better then the shit fest in 1999.

So yeah, that is why I liked Kreski better.

And to my point about the Elitism. As far as "guys beating up on females", this really is a touchy issue for you as I have seen for the past several years.
Well I like women, I know that might be a little foreign to you, but hey.

I kid.

Ah, yes. The great mysterious Chris Kreski. Again, please tell us how long Kreski was with WWE, and what his accomplishments were ... and why you feel he was better than Russo.
Look above

You've never explained any further than "WWE is awesome" or "John Cena is awesome!!!" on what specifically you find enjoyable about the product. That is the problem.

Well I like Cena because he is a great character and I've always been a fan of the WWE Style babyface, which is basically bahyface overcoming the odds and coming out victorious. This has been WWE's formula since Bruno and Pedro, and it has always worked through the Hogan and Austin's era, and it worked in 2007 with Cena, but now they're booking him like he is one of the stars, opposed to being THE star like he should be.

I think WWE is awesome because I love the booking on Smackdown, and how Hayes finds a way to book the show around the World title, while building up the Mid card titles. I like the way JeriShow are giving credibility back to the Tag Division. They really seem like a badass team that nobody can fuck with. Jericho playing the smarmy smartass heel and basically hiding behind The Giant Big Show is entertaining to me.

I Love Jericho's promos as well as Punks, I think they are the best in the business at playing heels and incorporating their characters in to their matches and promos. They do a good job of building heat and setting the faces up for big comebacks, both in the ring and in promos. They pay attention to detail, an art lost in pro wrestling.

Your posts are actually quite empty, and I possibly blame the forum moderators elsewhere for not harping enough on people explaining themselves, and rather simply spamming the forums with that kind of drivel.

Again with the petty trolling. It's pretty obvious your feelings are hurt from else where and it's bleeding over to this forum.


No denying that Vince Russo took elements from ECW and pitched it to Vince McMahon. McMahon actually did something right and listened to Russo, hence saving his company. But certainly, Heyman deserves credit for being an influence on Russo. Russo, however gets the credit for the actual story writing.
Not really it was a team of writers. You blame Vince when something isn't going right but blame Russo hen things you like happen. Typical double standards and wishy washy posting. I don't care to get in to that, this is an argument that will never be settled and it will become an endless cycle.

If Russo did it himself he should have easily been able to do it some where in the last ten years. He hasn't been able to, he was a one hit wonder. What has he done outside of Stamford?

And you probably are going to see history repeat itself, to be frank, after TNA gets in gear. I am certain that Bischoff and Hogan have some surprises up their sleeve and will kick the product into high gear.
You'll probably see The Dungeon of Doom. Hogan is 56 and pretty much broke, and doesn't draw without another name on the other side of the ring. He will never let a guy like AJ or Joe work on top in a company he is apart of, and he will never really let Russo stick around, hell he is baiting Russo already.

Hogan in WCW didn't catch on until a heel turn and even then he wasn't the biggest drawing act in WCW's boom period, Goldberg was. The second top rating draw was Flair, behind Goldberg. Goldberg was the guy who gave them that monster year in 1998, and then Bischoff let Nash fuck it up. History will repeat itself. These guys aren't going to TNA because they feel they can build it up, they couldn't careless about TNA coming up. They see a cash cow and they're going to milk it dry. One because guys like Hogan, Nash, Flair, and Foley know that Vince will always give them a job back. However getting free money only comes around once every blue moon, examples being WCW and TNA.

Hogan doesn't draw on a full time basis anymore this was proven in 2002, getting pops doesn't=drawing. Hogan was great at getting pops in 2002, but once he won the title nobody cared.

Yes, you do care about the bottom line. I know other posters on here are most likely not familiar with your work elsewhere, but you are the epitome of what I label a "WWE Shareholder".
You care about the bottom line way more then I do. But if you want to talk about it, we can go there to, kid.

As far as my interests, I have stated many times that what comes first for me is being entertained. The numbers are merely used to support my arguments. But rest assured and it's coming straight from the horse's mouth, what comes first for me is what entertains ME.
You're lying and you know it.

Snipped for Mindless Trolling
I like the product Sidious, because it entertains me.

Additionally, speaking of being a "WWE Shareholder", we were talking about the whole "violence against women" topic. Would you care to explain why all of a sudden when Orton DDT'ed Stephanie prior to Wrestlemania, why you were marking out and getting all excited for Orton and into his character?
I didn't mark out for that spot. I actually bashed the segment because Triple H looked stupid with the constipated shaking. Look it up

You say one thing, but when Vince does it .... you abandon your principles, and all of a sudden, it's "A okay". And that is a perfect example of the "Shareholder" mentality.
The Share Holder gimmick is never going to get over, no matter how much you force it. If you want, I could make it catch on for you, but you'd have to pay a fee.

The "Shareholder" yet again at work. Hoping that healthy competition to WWE fails even before it gets off the ground. If it doesn't have the "WWE" label attached to it, you just can't get into it.
TNA has never been healthy competition. They shouldn't even be competing until they get their shit together. Going up against WWE when they're barely breaking a 1.0 and can't even draw decent outside a free venue like The Impact Zone isn't a smart move. They should work on being the best they could be on Thursday night before they start, jumping in to a fire with Gasoline MEM shirts on. People like you want too see TNA die, if it means getting WWE back to Attitude, but what will it do for guys who will lose their jobs, when the second best option on wrestling goes out of business because foolish mismanagement? WWE will still be doing PG Programming and guys will be back on the indy circuit struggling to get pay days.

But hey, I love watching train wrecks, so I can't wait to see the DVD of TNA's history.

What people like you should be doing is actually promoting it, as competition leads to a healthy wrestling business and forces all involved to work that much harder. The fans can only benefit from it.
TNA fans like TNA, WWE fans like WWE, some TNA fans don't like WWE, some WWE fans don't like TNA. Some like both, some don't like either and watch both.

TNA shouldn't focus on making a new show on Monday Night, if their going to start pouring out money they should focus on making Impact the best it could be, increasing attendance and PPV buys. It's clear they haven't thought this through and by time they do, it will be too late.

Hell, Hogan has been on 3 shows the last 2 days and doesn't even seem like he want to talk about TNA, he basicaly no sells the the topic every time somebody brings it up.

However that isn't what "The Shareholders" are after. Rather, they are happy with Vince having a monopoly over the business and accepting whatever it is he decides to give them.
Let's be real Sidious, you never cared about TNA until Russo became head booker. 6 months ago, you were saying the company would die without Angle. You never cared about Vince's Monopoly until last week. You're like the typical bandwagon smark, you go with the wind.

So to recap

You asked what I liked about the product? I explained it

You lied about me bashing The Attitue Era, and I didn't.

You said you wanted to talk about the Current Product and typical Sidious, you really didn't, it was just another stream to start your Attitude Era propaganda.

You want to be a WWE Share Holder

You have some other beef with me from elsewhere and you're trolling me to have a flame war with you.

You for some reason basically said you believe the IWC is a Revolution.

... the fans seem to be into the Chavo vs The Little Person shit most weeks. Therefore, I don't think it takes an MBA to conclude that it's smart to keep doing it.

I don't mind the WWE Shareholder tag as much as Sidious wants me to.

The thing with Hornswoggle is that there are some things that are so horrendously bad that when they are on television, an "experimental viewer"--a nonregular viewer who may or may not start/resume watching--is immediately turned off and decides that the whole product is a blazing pile of monkey crap, even if the BPMC is only 30 seconds out of a 2 hour show.

Hornswoggle. The Boogeyman. Katie Vick. Yes, Mae Young giving birth to a hand. The thing is, the overall product usually isn't awesome enough to overcome that like it was in 1999 or so. Imagine if an 11-year old was watching at his 13-year old wrestling fan cousin's house for the first time when the Shockmaster debuted. That 11 year old isn't going to check out wrestling again for YEARS.

So, even as a WWE Shareholder, I can have negative views about the product. Now, usually, I believe that the stuff I don't like is also bad for the product. I happen to not believe that most eight-year olds are really that amused by Hornswoggle. I know that middle schoolers think that those bits are lame. So, whether I'm speaking as a viewer or as a Shareholder, I can tell you that Hornswoggle Sucks and should be off of TV. He gets live pops, so maybe run him on house shows. But dear god get him away from my TV and from the casual, lose-able fan.

Maybe a lot of times, people do phrase "I don't like this" as "This is bad for business." Take the short-title-reign hate, for example. I have no problem with short title reigns, I never watched wrestling before the Attitude Era. I don't think they're bad for business, provided that the guys who win the title are credible/good for business/watchable.

But if someone comes on and posts or revives a thread moaning about Cena and Orton trading the title back and forth six times in four months, saying it's "cheapening the title", I'll argue against what they're saying, what they're typing. I'll go over for the hundredth time the psychology of a rivalry, of maintaining drama by having either side able to beat the other, and how that means that sometimes one guy has to win and sometimes the other guy has to win.

Now, if what they really mean isn't "Short title reigns are bad", then I'm wasting my time. MAybe they just need to say "I hate the Cena-Orton feud" or "Short title reigns make me feel icky." I don't know what's in their heads or in their hearts, I only know what they post on the board.
First of all we need to understand that wrestling is a fucking business. Every company's first goal is to make money. It's how you survive in business. So we have to look things in this perspective. If Vince didn't make money there wouldn't be WWE. So Vince should do what is good for his company and you can't blame him for that just because you don't like the way he goes. If PG rating is the right decision he should go for it. As a fan we can only have a right to watch or not to watch the product. If you don't like the PG product watch TNA,ROH or CZW for alternative which are much more for adults.

I'm one of the biggest Hornswoggle haters and can't even stand him having a tv time but if you were the owner of the WWE wouldn't you book Hornswoggle vs Chavo matches because it makes money. You probably would because it's the thing that a good businessman should do. When he needed he booked his shows for adults(Attitude era) because it was a good business decision for that time. At that time children didn't like the s how so isn't that a bit of selfishness.

I don't mean that we should love or support what WWE's doing because it's making them money but what I'm trying to say is you can't blame Vince or creative. If you don't like the product no one is forcing you to watch it. Watch an alternative product if you don't like the direction WWE's is going. But stop bitching like PG era sucks Attitude era should return. These complaining will change nothing as a fan if you really hate the product that much stop watching and criticising it.

As for me I still love WWE and don't care PG era that much. I don't need all those swerings,blood and nudity to be entertained I just like the current product yes maybe RAW is a bit more for children but we have still two solid shows which are doing really good and if I start not liking the product anymore I wouldn't watch it more.
"First of all we need to understand that wrestling is a fucking business. Every company's first goal is to make money. It's how you survive in business. So we have to look things in this perspective. If Vince didn't make money there wouldn't be WWE. So Vince should do what is good for his company and you can't blame him for that just because you don't like the way he goes. If PG rating is the right decision he should go for it. As a fan we can only have a right to watch or not to watch the product. If you don't like the PG product watch TNA,ROH or CZW for alternative which are much more for adults."

Hm, I think that post was more the prime "Shareholder" example that Sidious was talking about, and I agree with him 100%. It shouldn't matter if PG is good for business, especially since it's not. I don't know how anyone can say that its good for business, I lived through the attitude era(hmm I say that like it was the Great Depression or something)not only did kids love that shit, adults loved it too. Remeber all the Stone Cold shirts on the streets in those days? Do you see even a 1/4 as many Cena shirts? No, no way, Cena is not Hogan that stuff is over with because faces DON'T work that way anymore.

Going PG isn't attracting more kid fans it's just efficient at entertaining the fans it already has. But as these kids start heading into middle school their going to start thinking that the product is crap, because it's essentially a kids show. Did any of you keep watch Sesame Street after you turned 5? Power Rangers after 10? By doing this WWE is limiting their fan base to a fan base that would have been there anyway, driving away the fans that they gained through the Attitude era, and creating more and more bad word of mouth. I guarentee that what they are doing now is counter productive to business because it's a product that kids will grow out of. Attitude was a product that kids grew into, and stay in for pretty much the rest of your life. I could enjoy attitude forever, but PG is kid stuff.
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I think I might be a "TNA Shareholder" because I want them to succeed no matter what crap they put on. I would even cheer on Cody Deaner and Bobby Lashley if I knew they were making TNA money but they're not. I don't know how someone can say Hornswoggle vs. Chavo is good for business. 10 plus weeks in a row? even Flair and Steamboat didn't wrestle each other that much back in the day. Especially not week in and week out on live television.

Even if they did that is at least tolerable compared to Hornswoggle. I mean just because the guys makes a few kids cheer does that mean he has to be wrestling in matches week in and out? There are things I love and hate in TNA and WWE but I'm not going to sit blindly and accept what ever crap either company has to dish out.

The Attitude Era had some shitty segments too. Remember Mae Young giving birth and Triple H humping the fake Katie Vick corpse? that was awful too. It's fine to be a fan of WWE or TNA but no fan should accept what ever crap they throw on television just because it's their favorite show.
I don't understand your point really. Most of the quotes at the top there say, essentially, "I don't like that aspect of the show, but someone does, so I see why it's there", which is what most non-selfish people do with regards to anything. Taking The Todd's Scrubs metaphor, if someone likes the show, but not the Bob Kelso character they would be entitled to say "I don't like Kelso being in Scrubs, but I understand that much of the audience does, so I tolerate the scenes he is in." It's basic maturity to understand that you are not the centre of attention.

I actually find it funny that Sidious bitches and moans about the WWE all of the time, then berates fans of the product. What are you trying to acheive, if you don't like it, then don't watch it and don't moan about it. I don't like The Simpsons but it used to be funny, but I don't go on comedy forums and talk about how I'd make it better, because it doesn't matter. You obviously like TNA, so why don't you talk about the positives of that and watch that, rather than come on here and display the biggest vested interest in the WWE product of everyone on the boards.

As for my own opinion, I tend to only refer to the "it makes Vince money" argument when people make stupid suggestions, e.g. John Cena shouldn't be in the main event. Personally, there are plenty of wrestlers and segments tha I think are shit and I regularly discuss them. I discuss them because I enjoy discussing them, and not because I think my opinion actually matters.

The weirdest thing of all is that I think Sidious is right that wrestling should move in a storyline driven direction, but where we differ is that I know no matter how much I want it, it isn't ever going to change, so instead I take the product for what it is and discuss the negatives and the positives on here rather than, as Sidious does, watch something I don't like at all then complain that I don't like it.
Hm, I think that post was more the prime "Shareholder" example that Sidious was talking about, and I agree with him 100%.
First of all we need to understand that if something is good for business it doesn't mean you have to like it but if you don't like it you have a chance to not to watch. If you don't like the product just watch something else. My point is you can't blame Vince or someone else for going PG because it is more benefical for WWE and good businessman should do what's best for his company. Because wrestling is a business and every promoter's first goal is to make money.

It shouldn't matter if PG is good for business, especially since it's not. I don't know how anyone can say that its good for business, I lived through the attitude era(hmm I say that like it was the Great Depression or something)not only did kids love that shit, adults loved it too. Remeber all the Stone Cold shirts on the streets in those days? Do you see even a 1/4 as many Cena shirts? No, no way, Cena is not Hogan that stuff is over with because faces DON'T work that way anymore.
Attitude era is probably the most overrated era ever. The difference is when the attitude era finished all of those fans that loved the product are gone. So it means that attitude era did not create wrestling fans they just attracted reality show fans who watched that product for sex,violence and shock factor. If Attitude era returned today nothing would change Attitude era was loved because we haven't seen those things ever before on wrestling. I personally loved Attitude era but it hurted wrestling business too much. As for right now WWE is in right direction. They're actually creating long term wrestling fans. As for us if you don't like all of those childish things watch RAW or SD which even us can entertain so much. I also can't understand why are you looking everyting in ratings wise. Because of the PG product family can allow for their children to buy more WWE merchandise and watch the show. Also WWE right now has more sponsor offerings because it's a product for everyone so please stop looking things only in ratings wise.

Going PG isn't attracting more kid fans it's just efficient at entertaining the fans it already has. But as these kids start heading into middle school their going to start thinking that the product is crap, because it's essentially a kids show. Did any of you keep watch Sesame Street after you turned 5? Power Rangers after 10? By doing this WWE is limiting their fan base to a fan base that would have been there anyway, driving away the fans that they gained through the Attitude era, and creating more and more bad word of mouth. I guarentee that what they are doing now is counter productive to business because it's a product that kids will grow out of. Attitude was a product that kids grew into, and stay in for pretty much the rest of your life. I could enjoy attitude forever, but PG is kid stuff.
The biggest problem is this PG era is not for kids it's for everyone. Why do you want a product that is only for you. Attitude era was actually the product that parents and their children did not want to watch. Please show me one thing that's childish on SD or ECW. Why are you seeing whole WWE as only RAW. Yes there are no more blood,swearing and nudity but it does not mean it's for children and we don't really need to see those things to be entertained in wrestling. If you want to see sex,violence and swearing watch Rated R movies. PG era is a product for every age. If Hornswoggle vs Chavo is too childish for you watch Punk vs Taker on Smackdown.

I don't want to turn this topic to a new PG era discussion had already been too many but like I said before if something is good for business if Vince is a smart man he should do it and if you don't like it you don't watch it.

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