Are we too horny?

Kanye South

Today. We can go online and at the click of a button, fuck a busty, long-haired Latino in the ass, then in the vagina, and end it with shooting our hot load all over her face.

Or, you can do as much as you can get away with before your mom walks in.

But think: today, Playboy is generally accepted among the public, and it is nothing more than porn. It is porn. Nothing more, nothing less. Porn. We have even gotten to the point where we have animated characters in a nude magazine. Distributed to the public. In fucking grocery stores.

Pornography is nothing new, but today it is at a larger scale than ever. We have porn conventions, porn channels, porn websites, porn is everywhere. Chances are, your dad has probably whacked it once or twice if mommy wouldn't give him any giggity. Society has brainwashed us. People will get walked in on while they are milking the cow (*********ing), and no matter the embarassment, no matter the moral corruptions, they will go back the next day and go back to spunkying it.

And it's not just Playboy and porn. Music videos are in on the fun too. Rap, Rock, and Hip Hop videos used to be "too hardcore" for an elderly man to watch. Nowadays, Grandpa Jones can't watch Lil Wayne's new video without getting a doing doing. Music videos today are more boneriffic than ever, and it is apart of the society we live in.

And lastly, I point to our own relationships. We are so obsessed with the human body that we have Fifth Graders. Fifth. 5. 5th fucking graders thinking about fucking each other before his balls even dropped or before she got their first red stain in her underwear. People can't look into a person's eyes without thinking about sex. Teens cannot have a proper relationship without "hitting the sack" crossing their mind.

I'm not saying it's wrong, because I'm a horny bastard myself. I've gotten many erections from Hip Hop videos, I smack girls on the ass at school, and sex is something I always talk with my girls about.

I'm not saying it's wrong or right, I'm just simply asking the question:

Are we, as a society, too horny?
Abso-fucking-ltely not. We're human beings, and at the core of our nature, we're animals, plain and simple. We come from a long line of ancestry, back to Cro-Magnon humans whom were taught to belief in three basic needs, and that those needs overided everything else; Food, Shelter, and Sex. That was basically it, and for as long as we were fit into the world, that's all we ever truly depended on. It inspired our action, no matter what it may have been, and caused us to take whatever action necessary to achieve these needs. And we're honestly not that different. While we'd like to think we evolved, and to some extent we have, those three needs override our actions throughout the day, and decide how we act, what we do, and what we want. Plain and simple, it's only human nature to be fixated on sex. There's really other way to put it, so I'll stop blabbering about Fred Flintstone and his buddies.

In short, no, our society isn't too horny, because human existence has always had a horny nature to it. The thing is, now we have so many tools at our exposure, that we can exploit that. Directors are smart, and know you're bound to watch something involving sex. Why? Because we as humans are fixated on sex. And it's only our human nature.
Yeah Tenta's right, human beings' basic needs include sex. Much like eating, sleeping and crapping. It's just part of you. Much of life is focused around it and will continue to be.

But, as with everything, there's such a thing as "too much of a good thing". Sex is fine, but if you're always focusing on it, you might be missing out on some other good stuff.

Learning how to control yourself is a big part of what makes you a balanced individual. What I mean by being balanced is having a full happy life through moderating your conduct.

I guess I'm saying it has it's time and it's place. But obsession, or only going by what your crotch tells you, can get you in trouble :lmao:
While I agree with Tenta and Bladerunner, the fact is, it's not human nature entirely, it is part of animal instinct. Despite us (and Dolphins) only supposedly being able to enjoy sex for pleasure, it's animal instinct to need and want sex. Pigs have orgasms that last for 30 minutes; Lions have over 5 different mates; Praying Mantis' each the male's head off while getting jiggy with it and Dogs/Cats get off from humping your leg or cuddly toy. Sex exists in every form of life with animals and we as humans are one of them, we are mammals.

The only reason why pornography is getting more accepted is because back in the day when revolutions and society was evolving, sex was being restricted and kept under wraps by law. You read The Miller's Tale from the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, from the 14th Century, sex plays a role regarding infidelity in the story being told. If you look at how times evolved between then and now. Anne Boleyn was executed for adultery (and incest) by Henry VIII, Queen Victoria signed the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, an act originally provided the suppression of brothels, which wound up including penalties for homosexual and lesbian conduct. Come the rise of film and photography in the 20th Century as well as the laid back times of the 1960s and 70s, we were coming out of a "stone age" period and returning back to instincts of freedom and mind, sex was stopped being branded a taboo as it was remembered as being part of life, pornography is out there as a reminder of that because people are still kept under a rock. However the ease of finding pornography has led to the side effect of children wanting to have sex at a young age so it taps in and wakes up that side of them too early. Unfortunately we have come too far to go back on these now, unless you start restricting the internet, children will be able to find porn with ease and wake up their animal instincts early on. Only a decade ago it wasn’t as easy to find but now it’s all over the place.

So in short, no weren’t not horny, we’re just being our natural animal selves. It’s just unfortunately that the children are joining in at a very early stage now.
I think we are a little over the top. I think it's the use of it that makes us want it more, we see images all over the place and jealously and instict take over. One the one hand it's just natural but maybe there shouldn't be so much stigma around it. We see it all the time, if not its hinted at. I think we aren't too horny naturally, plenty of sex should happen lol. I dont know how old fifth graders are but that kind of thing is clearly down to the message of sex being pasted on every image you see. Thats my thoughts anyway.
No. What's so God damn annoying though is women who know men are so horny, dress like ****s, knowing deep down their never let a man get it, for various reasons. Like, I know women whose shirts are so low you could almost see their boobs, yet when they get stalkers, they cry and bitch and moan about it, wishing that this wouldn't happen to them, and yet, I know it makes them feel good. I know they need the ego boost because of shit. That's what pisses me off.

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