Are We Missing The Bigger Picture?


R.I.P Mustang Sally :( :( :(
I was honestly going to do an extra long write-up when I thought up the idea for this thread, but I've forgotten most of what I wanted to write so...

Being a guy who reads dirt sheets regularly, I remember reading a rumour where it stated that the Shield trio and Bray Wyatt were expected to be given pushes this season. Cesaro's name was also mentioned in that report, if I remember correctly.

Thereafter, in the SCSA Podcast Interview with Vince himself, the Boss mentioned those 4, as guys grabbing for the imaginary brass ring as well. He also addressed Cesaro as well, to the effect that Cesaro had fallen below expectation, etc. Thus, Cesaro has been depushed since 'failing' alongside Heyman(whose fault it is, is irrelevant in this thread).

Last year at WrestleMania 30, Daniel Bryan won the WWE WHC and got his crowning moment as well. I personally felt that it elevated him to the level of John Cena and Randy Orton, amongst those on the Full-Time Main Roster, regardless of the injury he suffered shortly after.

However, beyond those 3, the roster was crying out for more guys to be elevated.
Now, with WrestleMania 31 coming up and the match card practically finalised, let's examine this year's Mania card to see if there is any elevation of talent going on.

Brock Lesnar(WWE WHC) w/Paul Heyman vs Roman Reigns(Royal Rumble winner):
Brock Lesnar is the big bad in the WWE and is fresh off conquering the Undertaker's undefeated Streak at Mania 30 and then proceeded to squash John Cena at SummerSlam 2014. There is no bigger elevation that this one given how strong Lesnar has been booked, and Reigns will benefit immensely by going against him come Mania 31.
Verdict: Roman Reigns will be Elevated

Sting vs Triple H:
the Icon has arrived in the WWE and will face the Game at Mania 31. There isn't a young buck to be elevated here, but... Sting is in the F'n WWE!!!!!!
Also, this might perhaps be the the end of the quite stale Authority/Authority angle as a whole, or at least a proper beginning of the end of it. That could only be a plus, can't it? :shrug:

the Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt:
The Streak is gone, his health and physical state is in question. However, that only increases the intrigue in this match up, and the Undertaker remains a Mania draw regardless.
Bray Wyatt had an up and down year, but anyone in that locker room would love to be facing opponents like Cena and Taker on the biggest stage of all.
Verdict: Bray Wyatt will be Elevated

Rusev(US) w/Lana vs John Cena:
Rusev has been undefeated until now whilst crying down the US at every chance. John Cena has had a low profile year to an extent and is out of the ME of Mania for the second year running. For the current US Champion, the fact that his title is being fought for by the "face that runs the place" is testament to the fact that the Top Brass sees potential in him going forward.
Verdict: Rusev to be Elevated

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins(Mr.MitB):
Randy Orton found some momentum with a tweener sort turn before missing 4 months of action. He is also an established Full-Timer on the Roster, and will surely prove to be a great foil for a guy who has done some brilliant heeling since 'destroying' the SHIELD. Rollins may have had a great feud with fellow up and comer, Dean Ambrose, but a feud with someone as high as Orton will still give him even more exposure and elevation than he got with Ambrose. Win this one and for Rollins, the Future will definitely be bright.
Verdict: Seth Rollins will be Elevated

Intercontinental title match featuring Daniel Bryan
Just by having the most over guy on the roster involved elevates this title and whoever is fighting in this multi-man match. Also, Ambrose calling Bryan a turd on SmackDown, struck me as him pushing some animosity between the two for a possible programme going forward. Maybe, those 2 could go at it, maybe with Ziggler involved also, alongwith the IC title after Mania 31 is done and dusted.
Verdict: Dean Ambrose 'could' be Elevated

As you can see, whilst yes, the WrestleMania 31 build has been underwhelming to most of us(myself included), let's just give this year's Mania a chance, since the card looks pretty solid and has placed many of the bright up and comers in strong positions for elevation to higher heights March 29, 2015.
2014 also saw guys like Dolph Ziggler and Ryback get much needed reboots also.

I know I missed a couple of matches on the card(#GiveDivasAChance), but as I pointed out with my initial remarks at the beginning, it does seem that WWE has done well enough with those who were rumoured for big pushes, and we can all look forward to a possible great WWE Landscape come the end of WrestleMania 31.
I pointed this out in another thread just today, that the WWE are elevating their superstars a lot better this year, there is no doubt. But the problem is that this year's event has just come too soon for most of those guys. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Rusev and Bray Wyatt are going to big stars in the future of the WWE. But, perhaps with the exception of Wyatt, none of those guys are ready for the big occasion just yet. That said, I admire the WWE for giving these young guys a chance to reach for the brass ring and run with it. Just like in the late 90's, it's time for the WWE to look to the future and start bringing through the younger guys. Who knows, the next Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Rock and Taker might be on that roster just waiting for the opportunity.

So yes, I can see the bigger picture. But that doesn't mean I can't feel short-changed should this WrestleMania rank amongst one of the worst and most underwhelming in the history of the WWE. These young guys have a lot resting on their shoulders and for some it might be make or break.
I don't watch Mania to see guys get elevated. WM is not about tapping in to my logical brain. It is meant to get in to my gut. On paper this card is the best since WM 28. It has plenty of star power. But I don't care. Reigns continues to underwhelm. Brock's exit is depressing. It is probably my own fault for fantasy booking it myself but this build for HHH and Sting has been dull since Fast Lane. UT without the Streak is one thing but when you put him in the ring with Wyatt it is hard not to be pessimistic. UT had a string of great matches for years but Wyatt hasn't shown me he can perform with anyone that isn't smaller than him. Cena is supposed to be representing my country but he is coming off like a heel. If he wins, I'm just going to feel bad for Rusev. If Rusev wins I'm just going to be annoyed as an American. Rollins and Orton will probably be the best singles match but this feud has been dumb and I can wait to watch on YouTube. Finally the IC title match will probably steal the show and will actually be worth $9.99 by itself but it is the IC title and winning it in a ladder match of all things doesn't elevate anyone or the belt.

Not sure if I answered the question but what are you going to do? Not having the UT on TV does not make me want to tune in to just see what he looks like.
It's not just about guys being elevated. Ultimately, they have to elevate themselves but they also have to be put in a position where people give a shit. On paper, everything looks okay, with the exception of the IC Ladder matter how much they overbook this thing, it's still a bunch of guys without a feud thrown together to be spot monkeys for one night for a title that no one cares about the rest of the year.

Reigns is in prime position to reach the "brass ring" but he's got to go up against a guy who needs to deliver his end of the match as well. If Lesnar underwhelms, does Reigns have a chance? Same with Wyatt. Both guys have to give big performances against guys who may not have it (for different reasons).

Rusev? Still waiting on him to show me that he's something more than the monster behind Lana, aka the real talent.

Rollins is facing Orton presumably and if that is the case, that could steal the show but Orton has been so ill-used, will it matter?

Im sure someone will walk out of Wrestlemania with everyone buzzing about their performance. I'm just not sure it will be good enough.
It's been years since Vince has elevated people but a small few and right before his biggest show he's trying to elevate everyone, throwing together reasons why these matches are meaningful. None of the matches have had a long build up aside from a little with Cena/Rusev and a little with Orton/Rollins. The IC ladder match is just another battle royal/MITB match and there's really no heat between Lesnar and Reigns but Vince wants you to think there is. Grabbing the brass ring is a bunch of crap, Vince either books you to grab it or not.
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People continuously psych themselves out of this show. It's going to be good.

It will benefit all the younger guys even if they don't win.

Rusev is still Rusev as Wyatt is still Wyatt even in losing they are still in huge matches against superstars, it's no big deal to lose to Cena or Undertaker regardless of what internet folks say.

Roman is the most likely to actually win and it's probably in his best interest to lose right now.

Rollins is made already, he was cemented at the Rumble, he should walk out champion.
They've ELEVATED talent? No, they've all been placed at even, predictable, boring strength.
Dean Anbrose has become a combination of Brian Pillman and Doink the Clown.
Rusev is just the latest hot now, but soon to be flash in the pan Russian character. See Volkoff, Zhukov, and what's his name from a few years ago.
Reigns will be elevated against the publics wishes.
Wyatt and Rollins received initial monster purses only to be devalued at record pace with inexplicable losses that have taken the air out of their rising ballons.
Wyatt can beat Taker but he won't. This will not help him at all. Undertakers lure was the Streak. Now, who gives a crap.
Bryan? You have to be kidding me. The most over man is now relegated to mid-card status.
Wrestlemania? It's unquestionably to be destined to be the biggest disappointment in 20 years.
As much crap as we give WWE officials on these boards, and it is justified at times, it's entirely possible that we're "missing the bigger picture." Why? Because it's certainly happened before and it's highly likely to happen again.

As fans who love wrestling, it's not at all surprising to see us sometimes get ourselves bent out of shape over one thing or another. Sometimes, it's over trivial things that we nitpick at left & right, sometimes we read more into something than is actually there, sometimes we're right on the money, sometimes we're just pissed because they didn't do something we thought would've been cool or some combination of any or all of the above or combined with about a dozen other "sometimes" situations.

The build for WrestleMania this year has been far from epic, I think you only have to look at the viewership for Raw to know that. Right now, Raw is drawing right at about 3.9 million viewers on average whereas it should be probably about 800,000 to 1,000,000 more than that when you compare it to past WrestleMania seasons. That doesn't mean that the show itself won't be good, it might be far better than most are expecting, it's just that there's just not nearly as much excitement, buzz or general interest this year and I think a big reason lies with the top matches this year. In my opinion, and that's all it is, I do think Vince has made some wrong decisions for his choices for this year's WrestleMania and I don't believe fans would be as frustrated if Vince wasn't such an egotistical, arrogant control freak that believes he knows more and better than everyone else. I'm not saying that I know more because I know for a fact that I don't, nor will I pretend to, but one thing I do know is that the industry is going through changes due in large part to the changing tastes of fans and at Vince, ironically, doesn't seem to be adapting well to those changes.
All of those guys, with the exception of Rusev, have less heat than they did last year. All of them are less popular. Other popular wrestlers have been marginalized, like Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. To say they've done a terrible job at building them would be an understatement, they've practically killed all of them dead in the water for this years Wrestlemania. Everyone they've tried to build has failed, because with building guys they've made sure to also marginalize them, to make sure they don't get bigger than the guy they want to be their top guy. And with doing that, a lot of the crowd has turned on that guy.

On paper it should elevate all of these guys, but in reality they've done such a terrible job building all of them that no one really cares.

All of these guys last years were hot, these were future big acts, I cared about them, I cared about the future of WWE, I don't get that feeling anymore. Just a year ago crowds were getting hotter and hotter, now they're very lukewarm. The booking of everyone this year has been terrible. Everyone is multiple pegs down from last year. It's actually unreal to think they screwed up all of these guys, because they all had lots of potential. They could turn it around, but likely none of them will be elevated from this Wrestlemania in my opinion.
Again, this shows the pure genius of booking Brock as WHC like it's 1915.

The last six months has shone the spotlight away from the WHC; and away from Cena and Orton to the same extent; to give Ambrose, Reigns, Wyatt, Ziggler, Rollins, Rusev, Barrett the chance to show they are ready for the main event, without the pressure of actually being in the WHC main event.

Yes, the bigger picture is Wrestlemania 2018 or so. It is going to be a top heavy card full of full time wrestlers, with no need to rely on part timers. Succession planning at its very best.
All that is untrue. Ambrose, Ziggler and Bryan all get pops from dead crowds, Rusev is far more over than he was last year and Wyatt is about the same as he was last year at this time and he is in a BIGGER match than he was in a year ago. In fact that all are. The shield guys were in a damn 6 man tag last year now one is wrestling for the WHC, one for the IC title and one in his own featured match. That's a vast improvement.

I don't know what the hell y'all are watching. It's almost like you have no concept of what being "over" means.
You see I have a different point of view from the OP. While I agree with most of what he says I'm coming at it from a different perspective.

You shouldn't be waiting for Wrestlemania to elevate you to be a superstar, you should already be one especially if you are headlining. A win at Wrestlemania could and should propel you to superstardom, and let's face it none of this year contenders are there yet. I'll take them one by one.

Brock Lesnar(WWE WHC) w/Paul Heyman vs Roman Reigns(Royal Rumble winner):
Brock Lesnar is the big bad in the WWE and is fresh off conquering the Undertaker's undefeated Streak at Mania 30 and then proceeded to squash John Cena at SummerSlam 2014. There is no bigger elevation that this one given how strong Lesnar has been booked, and Reigns will benefit immensely by going against him come Mania 31.
Verdict: Roman Reigns will be Elevated

I do believe that Reigns will be elevated in the eyes of the company, but with the fans it will be a different story. After the disaster that we'll call the Royal Rumble, he still hasn't fully recovered from it. After being white hot after the Shield break up, his star has fallen dramatically. Considering that Lesnar is most likely leaving after Mania, this match is a forgone conclusion.

I think the biggest question regarding Reigns is SHOULD he be elevated at this time. If the fans show the same displeasure they showed at the Rumble, his title run might be DOA before it even starts. I'm afraid that they have done him a great injustice by basically throwing him to the wolves.

So Reigns will be elevated somewhat but for how long and how much damage will this do, if the fan don't go along with it.

the Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt:
The Streak is gone, his health and physical state is in question. However, that only increases the intrigue in this match up, and the Undertaker remains a Mania draw regardless.
Bray Wyatt had an up and down year, but anyone in that locker room would love to be facing opponents like Cena and Taker on the biggest stage of all.
Verdict: Bray Wyatt will be Elevated

Wyatt may have faced Cena and now Taker, but I don't think it helped his cause at all. First of all the feud with Cena was a mistake, and if Taker doesn't win at Mania, then that will ruin Lesnar's claim to be the only one to beat him. This might be a lose/lose all around.

I would rather have seen Taker take another year off, get healthy and face Sting, then retire next year.

This is a wait and see situation and a must win for Wyatt.

Rusev(US) w/Lana vs John Cena:
Rusev has been undefeated until now whilst crying down the US at every chance. John Cena has had a low profile year to an extent and is out of the ME of Mania for the second year running. For the current US Champion, the fact that his title is being fought for by the "face that runs the place" is testament to the fact that the Top Brass sees potential in him going forward.
Verdict: Rusev to be Elevated

It looks like the WWE are firmly behind Rusev and will elevate him. Personally I can't stand the guy, so that's all I have to say about him. But at least it was positive.

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins(Mr.MitB):
Randy Orton found some momentum with a tweener sort turn before missing 4 months of action. He is also an established Full-Timer on the Roster, and will surely prove to be a great foil for a guy who has done some brilliant heeling since 'destroying' the SHIELD. Rollins may have had a great feud with fellow up and comer, Dean Ambrose, but a feud with someone as high as Orton will still give him even more exposure and elevation than he got with Ambrose. Win this one and for Rollins, the Future will definitely be bright.
Verdict: Seth Rollins will be Elevated

Rollins has already been elevated to the top heel in the company. This match with Orton is just I believe something for them to do. Rollins was in the hottest feud of the year with Ambrose, and I would love to have seen that match at Mania. But maybe at Summerslam.

Intercontinental title match featuring Daniel Bryan
Just by having the most over guy on the roster involved elevates this title and whoever is fighting in this multi-man match. Also, Ambrose calling Bryan a turd on SmackDown, struck me as him pushing some animosity between the two for a possible programme going forward. Maybe, those 2 could go at it, maybe with Ziggler involved also, alongwith the IC title after Mania 31 is done and dusted.
Verdict: Dean Ambrose 'could' be Elevated

Ambrose has been white hot also this year, and has been able to take the loses he's suffered. He might not be as over as he was, but at least he's still getting great pops from the crowd. Hopefully he'll walk out IC Champion and be off to the races.

After saying all that, the build to this years event is one of the worst I've ever seen. With all the part timers and no interaction between the participants in the main event, it will fall to the undercard to steal the show.

I can see Rollins/Orton having one hell of a match, and the IC Ladder match should steal the show. I'm looking forward to those two, and will have smoke breaks through the rest of it.
All that is untrue. Ambrose, Ziggler and Bryan all get pops from dead crowds, Rusev is far more over than he was last year and Wyatt is about the same as he was last year at this time and he is in a BIGGER match than he was in a year ago. In fact that all are. The shield guys were in a damn 6 man tag last year now one is wrestling for the WHC, one for the IC title and one in his own featured match. That's a vast improvement.

I don't know what the hell y'all are watching. It's almost like you have no concept of what being "over" means.

You're mistaking booking for crowd heat. The Shield as a unit were more over together last year than they are indiviudally at the moment, largely due to missteps by WWE management.

Back to the original premise, you have to turn the question around and wonder if the WWE really has a bigger picture to begin with. Fans are equally guilty of projecting grand plans onto a very fluid and unstable booking process. We also give a lot of deference to McMahon's "genius" when it comes to creative moves. Quite often with Wrestlemania, what you see is what you get.
Wyatt may have faced Cena and now Taker, but I don't think it helped his cause at all. First of all the feud with Cena was a mistake, and if Taker doesn't win at Mania, then that will ruin Lesnar's claim to be the only one to beat him. This might be a lose/lose all around.

I can see the point, yet Bray Wyatt seems to be curiously invulnerable to losing his push. All we keep reading is that WWE management has big plans for him. Yes, he lost the feud to John Cena, but that didn't seem to deter Bray in the least.

At the same time.....yes, Undertaker has to win at WM31. He can't lose twice in a row, particularly if this is to be his last match. Add to that the notion that Bray can lose and presumably keep rolling along....and you've got an Undertaker win at the big event.....with nobody derailed because of it.

As to Dean Ambrose; I don't know how much more he can be "elevated" my opinion, he's already exceeded what I thought he'd accomplish as a singles performer. To me, he's a heel-change waiting to happen....and I don't think it will be too many months before we see it. That alone will elevate him, when the time is right, but I doubt anything that happens at WM31 will change his status....up or down.
Of course wrestling fans miss the "bigger picture".

The fans ALWAYS miss the bigger picture. We are a society who demands instant gratification. If we don't like a storyline at the start, then people drop off, rather than wait to see what unfolds.

When is the last time on this board you have ever heard someone say:- "Gee, I wasn't happy with the story initially, but, looking back, the story WWE told was a thing of brilliance, and was really creative and fresh." ? No, I don't remember either, because fans are impatient, and when things finally turn out as good or better than they hoped, they won't ever admit that they were wrong.

Wrestling fans want the whole blueprint set out before them, and want to know how it ends. Yet, if they did, then they would complain about wrestling being "too predictable" and there are no shocks anymore.
Of course wrestling fans miss the "bigger picture".

The fans ALWAYS miss the bigger picture. We are a society who demands instant gratification. If we don't like a storyline at the start, then people drop off, rather than wait to see what unfolds.

When is the last time on this board you have ever heard someone say:- "Gee, I wasn't happy with the story initially, but, looking back, the story WWE told was a thing of brilliance, and was really creative and fresh." ? No, I don't remember either, because fans are impatient, and when things finally turn out as good or better than they hoped, they won't ever admit that they were wrong.

Wrestling fans want the whole blueprint set out before them, and want to know how it ends. Yet, if they did, then they would complain about wrestling being "too predictable" and there are no shocks anymore.

Fans don't say it because most of the storylines today are garbage. I for one think the Internet has killed professional wrestling and it will never return to what its was partially because of that. Being older and the explosion of the Internet has taken away from the Sport. In this case its that, but mostly the fact that WWE is just terrible compared to what it was. It makes it hard to suspend belief when WWE makes the product so easy to complain about. The writing has been lazy since around 2007. When the storylines have the potential to be great, WWE kills it (Summer of punk, The Wyatts, Cesaro, ect). WWE itself is responsible for the dissatisfaction of its older fans(Kids are easily ammused) who turn on angles quickly.
I was honestly going to do an extra long write-up when I thought up the idea for this thread, but I've forgotten most of what I wanted to write so...

Being a guy who reads dirt sheets regularly, I remember reading a rumour where it stated that the Shield trio and Bray Wyatt were expected to be given pushes this season. Cesaro's name was also mentioned in that report, if I remember correctly.

Thereafter, in the SCSA Podcast Interview with Vince himself, the Boss mentioned those 4, as guys grabbing for the imaginary brass ring as well. He also addressed Cesaro as well, to the effect that Cesaro had fallen below expectation, etc. Thus, Cesaro has been depushed since 'failing' alongside Heyman(whose fault it is, is irrelevant in this thread).

Last year at WrestleMania 30, Daniel Bryan won the WWE WHC and got his crowning moment as well. I personally felt that it elevated him to the level of John Cena and Randy Orton, amongst those on the Full-Time Main Roster, regardless of the injury he suffered shortly after.

However, beyond those 3, the roster was crying out for more guys to be elevated.
Now, with WrestleMania 31 coming up and the match card practically finalised, let's examine this year's Mania card to see if there is any elevation of talent going on.

Brock Lesnar(WWE WHC) w/Paul Heyman vs Roman Reigns(Royal Rumble winner):
Brock Lesnar is the big bad in the WWE and is fresh off conquering the Undertaker's undefeated Streak at Mania 30 and then proceeded to squash John Cena at SummerSlam 2014. There is no bigger elevation that this one given how strong Lesnar has been booked, and Reigns will benefit immensely by going against him come Mania 31.
Verdict: Roman Reigns will be Elevated

Sting vs Triple H:
the Icon has arrived in the WWE and will face the Game at Mania 31. There isn't a young buck to be elevated here, but... Sting is in the F'n WWE!!!!!!
Also, this might perhaps be the the end of the quite stale Authority/Authority angle as a whole, or at least a proper beginning of the end of it. That could only be a plus, can't it? :shrug:

the Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt:
The Streak is gone, his health and physical state is in question. However, that only increases the intrigue in this match up, and the Undertaker remains a Mania draw regardless.
Bray Wyatt had an up and down year, but anyone in that locker room would love to be facing opponents like Cena and Taker on the biggest stage of all.
Verdict: Bray Wyatt will be Elevated

Rusev(US) w/Lana vs John Cena:
Rusev has been undefeated until now whilst crying down the US at every chance. John Cena has had a low profile year to an extent and is out of the ME of Mania for the second year running. For the current US Champion, the fact that his title is being fought for by the "face that runs the place" is testament to the fact that the Top Brass sees potential in him going forward.
Verdict: Rusev to be Elevated

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins(Mr.MitB):
Randy Orton found some momentum with a tweener sort turn before missing 4 months of action. He is also an established Full-Timer on the Roster, and will surely prove to be a great foil for a guy who has done some brilliant heeling since 'destroying' the SHIELD. Rollins may have had a great feud with fellow up and comer, Dean Ambrose, but a feud with someone as high as Orton will still give him even more exposure and elevation than he got with Ambrose. Win this one and for Rollins, the Future will definitely be bright.
Verdict: Seth Rollins will be Elevated

Intercontinental title match featuring Daniel Bryan
Just by having the most over guy on the roster involved elevates this title and whoever is fighting in this multi-man match. Also, Ambrose calling Bryan a turd on SmackDown, struck me as him pushing some animosity between the two for a possible programme going forward. Maybe, those 2 could go at it, maybe with Ziggler involved also, alongwith the IC title after Mania 31 is done and dusted.
Verdict: Dean Ambrose 'could' be Elevated

As you can see, whilst yes, the WrestleMania 31 build has been underwhelming to most of us(myself included), let's just give this year's Mania a chance, since the card looks pretty solid and has placed many of the bright up and comers in strong positions for elevation to higher heights March 29, 2015.
2014 also saw guys like Dolph Ziggler and Ryback get much needed reboots also.

I know I missed a couple of matches on the card(#GiveDivasAChance), but as I pointed out with my initial remarks at the beginning, it does seem that WWE has done well enough with those who were rumoured for big pushes, and we can all look forward to a possible great WWE Landscape come the end of WrestleMania 31.

Bray and Rusev are a huge question mark. Both are heels. Both ran through mid carders but they've yet to get that big win on the big stage. We see they didn't have long term plan for Bray after he lost to Cena. I'd hate the same to happen for Rusev and Bray (again).
I can see the point, yet Bray Wyatt seems to be curiously invulnerable to losing his push. All we keep reading is that WWE management has big plans for him. Yes, he lost the feud to John Cena, but that didn't seem to deter Bray in the least.

At the same time.....yes, Undertaker has to win at WM31. He can't lose twice in a row, particularly if this is to be his last match. Add to that the notion that Bray can lose and presumably keep rolling along....and you've got an Undertaker win at the big event.....with nobody derailed because of it.

As to Dean Ambrose; I don't know how much more he can be "elevated" my opinion, he's already exceeded what I thought he'd accomplish as a singles performer. To me, he's a heel-change waiting to happen....and I don't think it will be too many months before we see it. That alone will elevate him, when the time is right, but I doubt anything that happens at WM31 will change his status....up or down.

Funny thing, Bray Wyatt is the perfect example of what IWC fans never seem to don't benefit from winning a match or even a feud, you benefit from how you are portrayed and the importance of what you do.

Wyatt faces Cena and loses two of three big matches - HOWEVER, he dominates Cena week after on TV and pushes Cena like no one has ever pushed him before, more than Edge (Cena's greatest feud), more than Punk (his most evenly matches rival) and more than The Rock (his biggest main event feud) - Wyatt thoroughly got the best of Cena routinely and seemingly had him on the verge of collapse. Sure, Cena ended up winning the rubber match but it was Wyatt who came off looking strong, he looked like a real & legit main event heel, and an entertaining one to boot !

Now fast forward to Wyatt vs Jericho - Here Wyatt didn't dominate the TV segments as much, and his opponent in a more evenly matched feud was a part time jobber only signed for a short term run with no real investment from the fans - Sure, Wyatt beat him and won the feud but so what ? Wyatt beat a middling part time jobber, congrats - Wyatt may have won that fued but he got a much bigger bump to his credibility from his performance vs Cena than he did vs Jericho.

Wyatt has single handedly carried this run vs Taker and done some of his best work, by far, at least since the height of his Cena run - If he is allowed to have a balanced match and come close to victory he wont be hurt in the least by the loss at Mania 31 -
I think this is definitely the "bigger picture" and I'm really surprised that others haven't realized it.

I've heard nothing but negativity about this years Wrestlemania build, and in all honesty, it's justified negativity. The build has been lacklustre, but other than Creative, I think a really big problem is that all all these guys (sans Wyatt) are in their first real Mania main event. It takes years for a WWE wrestler to become completely polished, and therefore there are going to be roadblocks on the RTW. They also need to be built up to the point of legitimate superstar, and the best way to do that is through Wrestlemania experience. Not everybody is going to be able to bring a feud up to Stone Cold vs Rock proportions right off the bat... it's going to take a few years.

It's logical to assume that this Mania probably won't be the greatest, but I think next year's event will be spectacular. By Mania 32, Rollins, Reigns, Rusev, Ambrose, Wyatt, and *Ziggler, will have each had some legitimate main event experience, and will be able to build their matches more effectively. I mean, look at Daniel Bryan... he has improved leaps and bounds since his WHC days and has shown continued improvement since returning.

When you base Wrestlemania off a crop of young talent, there is always going to be struggles. That's probably why we see Reigns, Rollins, Rusev, and Wyatt facing Lesnar, Orton, Cena, and Taker... the "always reliable" talents. However, this Mania experience will do wonders for these guys in the years to come, so I'm willing to accept Mania as almost a transitional event this year. Others, understandably, are not as patient and don't want to wait 3 years for the pay-off... but that's pro-wrestling folks.
I am looking forward to WrestleMania. I don't particularly care about the build up. I'm really looking forward to seeing Sting/Triple H in Sting's first WWE match ever. Rollins/Orton is also going to be an incredible match to watch. The IC Ladder Match is probably going to open and steal the show with the amount of talent in the ring. And I am genuinely interested to see how they book the finish of the main event. Do they give it to Reigns? Does Lesnar re-sign/retain? Does Rollins cash in?

Stop worrying about what they're doing and just enjoy the show. It's far more enjoyable this way.

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