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Are we in the start of a new ERA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Was just thinking whether the WWE are going through a transition into as new Era. Where actual in ring ability are now taking a bit more president over being able to talk or just be big.

Look at who WWE are pushing to the fore front at the moment:
The Sheild
Joe Hennig (Curtis Axel)

Of those only Shemus, Cena and Reigns are really Big guys (Orton is tall yes but compared to Cena's build he isn't that big)

The guys that are being pushed are the smaller more nimble guys who can perform well in a ring.

And look at the matches we have been getting in recent weeks since the Payback PPV. Punk vs Del Rio, Orton v Bryan, Christian v Orton and Bryan and Rollins vs Bryan all of which have been great matches i have been hearing nothing but praise about the upcoming Cesaro vs Sami Zayn (the former El Generico)

So could it be that WWE is bringing "Wrestling" back to their product?
No. It's still the same PG era, three hour Raw's mean they include more wrestling because they need to produce something to get people to watch the show for that long, Smackdown still has the same amount and WWE hasn't been pushing too many big guys in the last couple of years. WWE always have up periods and then down periods, during the up periods such as Punk's worked shoot and The Nexus everyone loves the product it's fantastic, whatever their doing is great, everything is flawless then they'll do something you or someone else doesn't like in about three or four weeks and It'll be back to whining, bitching and complaining. Don't over-analyze it, just enjoy it.
I'm enjoying it all at the moment, but not holding my breath that it's the start of anything new.

Saying that with the introduction of The Wyatt's, a bit more blood showing up in matches and a few more curse words - I am holding on to faint hope that we're heading into a more edgy product, which to be honest does make a whole lot of difference for me. It helps to keep you guessing.

With guys like Ziggler, Reigns, Ambrose, Axel, Bryan etc. you do have a crop of the future right there, but I still feel it's going to be a long-time before they're cemented at the top and it really does need Cena out of the way before any new era can come in.
I'm enjoying it all at the moment, but not holding my breath that it's the start of anything new.

Saying that with the introduction of The Wyatt's, a bit more blood showing up in matches and a few more curse words - I am holding on to faint hope that we're heading into a more edgy product, which to be honest does make a whole lot of difference for me. It helps to keep you guessing.

With guys like Ziggler, Reigns, Ambrose, Axel, Bryan etc. you do have a crop of the future right there, but I still feel it's going to be a long-time before they're cemented at the top and it really does need Cena out of the way before any new era can come in.

Couldn't agree more. Over the next two years I expect the product to become just slightly edgier every few months and guys like Wyatt,Axel,Bryan,Ambrose will be the faces of that new era in a couple of the years when Cena's career starts to dwindle.

There is certainly the young guys to build a new era which will begin and get into full swing in a few years when guys like; Henry, Big Show, Kane, Cena, Christian,RVD,Y2J are gone for good.
The next era is lining up but it's not here yet and it won't be until the era of Cena is over. Back in 2011 when Punk took off, that was the time to introduce a whole new generation of talent to the main event and establish a new generation but unfortunately they weren't quite ready. Instead, we got a cycle we've see too many times, where the merry-go-round simply leads back to the Golden Boy instead of somewhere new.
It's extremely unlikely for so many reasons but at Summerslam the chance will come around again. Bryan won't be able to lead the new generation but if he beats Cena, he may just kickstart the revolution, or more likely we could just repeat the cycle.
yes and no it still PG but WWE is going through a change with Vince slowly giving up power to Steph and HHH. we will see more things change they are bring in more edgy stuff and more wrestlers they want to make WWE great again. i think there more in tune with WWE universe than Vince is he is a genius yes no doubts about that but he a tad narrow minded and egotistical he wants to make stars he wants them to pay there dues like the stars of old when it was just WWE and WCW. while he sees some money in indy stars he doesn't really want to use them but knows most guys start out in indys first to make it to the big time in WWE. While HHH Steph and etc.. know these are the stars of the future they will bring more wrestling to raw smackdown main event and ppvs i think once they get more control we will have a bit of 80s early 90s era bit of attitude era real athletes wrestling with some attitude entrainment.
I feel that we're slowly moving from the Vince McMahon ownership to the Triple H/Stephanie McMahon ownership. That's the only thing I believe as far as "a new era" transition.

The product still feels the same. Every now and then, there are some curse words, which may tie in with the "Reality Era" that some people call as the current era, but I say it's still the "PG Era". Some storylines and characters are allowing some people like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk to be themselves, but most of them either have a silly gimmick and/or are not trying hard enough to show aggression or the desire to be at the top. They're just happy to be on TV to deliver PG entertainment.

We may currently have a new wave of wrestlers coming in, character changes, and pushes, but I wouldn't put my hopes up as far as the product going back to "Attitude Era" quality. In some way or another, we still have Cena as the face of the company, making corny jokes.
WWE is still in the PG Era, but we're seeing more wrestling and fewer promos. The wrestling is beginning to tell the stories more and more and yet the kids are getting more into it with each passing day. These more athletic guys are much more compelling and fun to watch than all the steroid guys in the 80's and 90's in the long run.
I think for the era to change the top guy has to go. Hogan leaving ushered in the new generation which was just a filler because the top guys HBK/Bret Hart never caught on like Hogan did. Then Austin brought rise to the attitude era and when he and the Rock left we entered the "Ruthless aggression" era which was a stop gap era much like the new generation because there was no one dominant star. Then Cena came on and began his era. It's likely that once Cena retires or leaves the company we'll get another stop gap era lead by a handful of internet darlings who can't get over until the next big star comes along. And for the record I hope Cena stays around for a long time because he's produced better main event matches than any of the previous WWE standard bearers.
I don't think its the dawning of a new era, its more along the lines of a change in power at the top. What we are starting to see is Vince slowly being phased out in favor of HHH and Stephanie. I just started watching WWE again recently and I must say I'm impressed. In the month since I started back up what I've seen is that so much has changed, you can definitely tell that they are starting to put the emphasis back on wrestling itself telling a story instead of the silly skits and pointless promos to build a feud. These are just a few examples of what I've seen lately;

The Double Turn: We hadn't seen one of these in quite some time, and it worked out pretty good last time didn't it? Ziggler was starting to bulid momentum until his concussion issues, and Del Rio was about as bland a good guy as you could get, so it setup perfectly for this event to occur. Ziggler showing guts and courage by fighting on even though he wasn't able to, and Del Rio constantly taking advantage of it by repeatedly targeting the head really set the tone.

Kaitlyn vs. AJ Divas Title Feud: Now this is what has hooked me back, we haven't a seen a Divas feud with this much animosity since the days of Trish and Lita.
IMO I think Kaitlyn is a weak face, if you let your opponent get in your head that easily, then it kind of defeats the purpose of a strong comeback, but AJ has been the one that made this feud worth watching. Her constant manipulation of Kaitlyn was very well done, and her crazy chick personality has worked wonders for her. I find myself rooting for AJ more because time has shown is that she is a better character and has the potential to make the Divas division more than just a bathroom break at a WrestleMania.

Face vs. Heel Dynamic: In the old days you cheered for the faces and booed the heels. So much has changed since that time, these days sometimes heels get a bigger pop than the faces which I find interesting. The crowds have grown to the point to where you just cheer for whomever you like regardless of their status as face or heel and that I think makes it more appealing to the average fan.

Those are just a few of the changes I see for now. I know there's a lot more to cover, but that's for another post. I'm just itching to see where they go from here.
IMO there won't be a new era until Cena is gone. That's not a knock on Cena, but like it or not, he is the top guy and I think eras change when the top guy(s) do(es).

Think back to the eras. Cena era, Lesnar era, Austin era, etc.

A new era won't start til Cena hangs it up
It all rides on Vince. Not too long ago, people said the same thing and then yet again, he buried most of the younger talent. Can't build talent if he keeps putting them on a leash. Maybe this time around it'll be different.
A new era in a sense that we are currently in a major youth movement for sure. There is incredible jockeying for position because there are so few current "guys at the top" and even less as the Undertaker, Jericho, Rock, Lesnar and HHH wind down their careers.

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