Are we in a New Era on the WWE?

Are we in on a new Era in the WWE?

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Getting Noticed By Management
I know its only been a week but does it feel like we could be in a new era? The Reality Era?
NXT is flooding the WWE ( Rose, Dallas, The ascension, Neville, Sami, etc arriving soon), Paige ended AJ' historic reign, Bray Wyatt is taking it to John. The Shield has turned face and is feuding with Evolution, Bryan took the belt after beating HHH, Orton and Batista, The Streak is Over, Cesaro is on the way up, Punk has left, among others.....

It definitively felt theres something new in the air as far the WWE goes with the Youth movement. Cena's current storyline about defending his legacy sounds like someone who is in the twilight of his career or on the way down not someone who is still on top with years to go...... Bryan and his fans have invaded every single facet of the WWE sometimes making it all about Bryan even in matches that had nothing to do with him, forcing the E to make Bryan the man.

The Streak ended. One of the most enduring legacies in the history of the sport is over, forcing the WWE to come up eit a new selling angle for Mania as taker will go away sooner rather than later.

The WWE Network , after years of rumors and teasers and everything in between has finally arrived and could end PPVs as we know them

What do you think? Could we be on a new Era?
If the streak hadn't ended, I would say no, but since it has, yes. The streak being broken was the end of an era. New, young, fresh talent is coming, and you can tell WWE is shifting its focus onto the new guys; hell, just look at some of the cards: Paige ended AJ's title streak her first time on RAW, Bray Wyatt is destroying Cena, the Usos are tag team champions, The Shield is a face/Tweener team challenging the authority. We are getting many rumors of NXT talents coming up I. The near future. The only downside is that with these new guys, some of the poor guys like Ziggler, Sandow, and Kidd are not gonna get
a big push.

It's a good time to be a WWE fan.
Yes and No.

Yes, there's a lot of rising stars but part timers will still be pushed.

Guys like Rock and Brock will still be around somehow for the next 4 years.

Guys like Kurt Angle, and possibly Goldberg as well as others will return to the company.
I don't know whether we should name this as Reality era. But one thing is certain. WWE is looking towards the future. There are many things pointing towards that.

Daniel Bryan being the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Cena working a major program with the Wyatts, Shield taking on the Evolution, the streak ending, new NXT call ups, Cesaro being a Heyman guy, all point towards new direction for WWE. Question is, how long would these programs last? These things need to be given time. WWE has been trying to look into the future for sometime. Nexus, Ryback, CM Punk etc. all got their fair share of spotlight last few years. Some took off, some bombed. The thing is consistent booking.

When you look at guys like Barrett, Ziggler, Sandow, Ryback etc, they all started well but fizzled out because of inconsistent booking. I am not saying they can not come back from it, but unless booking becomes consistent, we'll have hot stars fizzling out over time. Case in point, look at how well Shield has been booked. Look at the booking of Wyatts. They have been booked perfectly till now. A lot of onus of getting someone over is on the wrestler, but booking plays its part as well.

I am optimistic about the future. I want to see Cesaro, Reigns, Rollins, Wyatt, Ambrose succeed. I want strong programs featured every week. WWE Network is a great concept and I am very sure that whoever has subscribed to it has got his/her money's worth. Part timers would always be part of the equation. You want to see the new generation take over, part timers can help with it. But I'll wait and see how it goes from here. Past few months have been very strong for WWE and I am hoping for the best.
I hope it's a new era. After watching RAW last week, I can agree that it does feel different. Hopefully the youth generation will build themselves towards the same level as the Attitude Era stars did. Since the streak was mentioned, I think it would be amazing if they started a new streak with Roman Reigns. He's already 2-0 at mania and they can have it as a new Mania attraction by saying that he's trying to beat Undertaker's 21-0 streak.

Top 5 I see succeeding: Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, Cesaro, Wade Barrett, Sheamus.
New Era could be a name for it, I'd also say a transition period. A New Era in the sense that The Streak is now over, The WWE have made Daniel Bryan The WWE World Champion and The Wyatt Family getting a major push. There are many changes taking place within the company, Cesaro becoming a Paul Heyman and WrestleMania featuring stars from the past, present and future. I think it's safe to say that The Undertaker is officially done, that said I still see WrestleMania next year featuring atleast some part timer superstars.

The Rock, Brock Lesnar and Triple H are probably three names you can guarantee will be at WrestleMania, along with your usual suspects being pushed such as John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista and now Daniel Bryan. You have your mix of newer stars combined with the present day and I think it's an awesome mix. Over the next year in the WWE, it would be great to see them keep running with The Wyatt Family, split The Shield up and let Roman Reigns get his big babyface push and obviously make Cesaro look strong until WrestleMania 31.

The WWE have a good 9 months to setup a historic WrestleMania with all the names, they just have to play their cards right. An early prediction of mine for that card is:

John Cena (c) vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World title
The Rock vs Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar
Bray Wyatt (babyface) vs Triple H

These are just three of the possible match projections that I could see happening next year.
I think we're moving into it. I would love to see WWE take his year to do build either Cesaro or Reigns culminating next year, much like they did Austin in 97 into WM14. The opportunity is certainly there.

I think the SummerSlam card will be the biggest indication of where the company is at and where it's going.
i agree with the others who say we are moving into a new era... but you cannot just force a new era on the fans, like what they are trying to do on tv with this whole "reality era" bullshit... if you try to shove it down the fans throat, it probably won't work... when the attitude era happened, it was organic... i don't think they actually called it the "attitude era" until the new logo had debuted
Absolutely and I love it :) To me it started late last year when the tag team division REALLY picked up. Since the Rumble, it's been all about the new guys. The crowds are hotter and more into it than they've been in years and so am I. These young guys are out there KILLING IT! I'm a huge fan of the Wyatts, Cesaro, The Usos, The Shield, Rose, Zayn, and quite a few others. It's VERY interesting watching them wrestle the veterans. Seeing Rey get booed on Raw was insane. I love the guy, he gets a lot of heat here but I love the smile he gave while going up to the top at the end of the match while he was getting booed, same with Sheamus shaking his head at the crowd in a smart-ass way and then doing Bray's pose. It's a great time to be a fan, even the vets can't believe the crowd.
It feels like the beginning of something new, and exciting. So much so that it has me so pumped up as a fan that I decided to create an account on here after YEARS of lurking. I don't know if it is a new era per se, but as pointed out above, The Streak ending helps make it feel as if it's a new era. Is it though? With guys like Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar, HHH still at the top of the card all it will take is a few months of predictable, bad booking to make that feeling go away. If there are signs of trouble, I just hope Vince & HHH realize it will be smart to push through without panicking.

As for right now though I'm excited, and the past week has been the best full weeks in years.
It most certainly is a new era in the WWE, and I have a feeling that Bryan's victory at Wrestlemania will go down in history much of the same way as Stone Cold's at Wrestlemania 14 as the dawn of a new era.
In answering the question of whether we're in a new era, the previous posters who use the WM Streak as an example are right on the mark. After all, if a huge, powerful young wrestler who has "real" fighting experience were to go against a much older, physically broken down guy who hauls himself to the ring just once a year because his body can't handle any more than that.....who do you think would win?

Despite this, I was totally prepared to see Undertaker extend his streak. His winning defied logic and seemed a pipe dream when compared to reality .....but that's the thing, one of the aspects of pro wrestling we've always enjoyed is that it gives us the ability to suspend belief and see things happen that qualify almost as fairy tales. We figure; what's the harm, it's only a show, right?

But now, in the era of reality programming (of which many shows are as scripted as westerns, cop dramas and Stephen King movies, imo) we're seeing more reality slipped into the world of pro wrestling, as well. I like it.

The Streak ending was an example of what really happens in life, as was the Summer of Punk stuff 3 years ago. Consider John Cena, the guy many fans deride as "Super Cena," running from the ring rather than facing 7 Nexus guys at once, exercising discretion as the better part of valor.....that was reality too....can you imagine Hulk Hogan running from any-friggin'-one in his heyday? Impossible, right?....and as real as Peter Pan.

How about the manner in which Rey Mysterio is used today? Sure, he's still doing the silly 619s, yet we don't see him chopping down men twice his size and contending for world titles anymore, do we? Yes, that's partially because Rey's on the downside of his career, but I think an even greater factor is that it just doesn't look real, so they still use Rey in matches to sell masks, but he does it on the mid-card, where the results of his contests don't really count toward anything. That's reality, too.

There are other examples of reality seeping into our previous fantasy world of pro wrestling, too.....and plenty more to come.

Yes, I'd call it a new era.
I'm not so sure that I would necessarily be too quick to label it a new era, but I don't think there's much doubt about it that the philosophy of the WWE is in the process of changing. And I think it speaks largely to the influence of Triple H on the direction of the company. How's that for a moniker that I'm sure the IWC would love: it's the Triple H era :)

If you believe what you read online, Triple H is a big proponent of talent development via NXT, and building stars from the ground up, the proper way, rather than fast tracking guys to the forefront simply because of their history elsewhere or their family tree. And joking aside, I can't help but wonder if that is somewhat due to Triple H putting his stamp on things, and moving away from the days of Vince having the final say on everything, sometimes in an apparent display of being out of touch with the current product.

There's lots of examples of this, most of which are on display right now. The Shield. The Wyatt's. Paige. A bunch of guys from NXT ready to debut. The list goes on and on. Not to even mention the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It certainly appears that the WWE is beginning to move away from the older veterans and start building for the future, which appears to be very bright in my opinion. It very well may be that Triple H has lost his supposed golden shovel and instead, has begun to solidify the present and build for the future. Which I think is sound strategy and is truly "best for business". Although it makes me even more skeptical than ever about ever seeing an iconic debut in the WWE.
We are absolutely in a new era. This is in of the few times in wrestling were i think you can clearly see the page turning to the next chapter. The Undertakers streaked ended at WrestleMania, which kind of signalled an end of that chapter and now forces WWE to have more good angles for WrestleMania, cause they can't pencil in the streak match for the show anymore. The same night the streak ended Triple H(the last guy from the attitude era that we see weekly) put over Daniel Bryan clean, and then Daniel Bryan went on to beat two of the biggest stars from the last Era, Batista and Randy Orton. Theea the next night on Raw we see the debuts of Paige, and Rusev, and Viginettes for Rose. They are pulling up alot of knew talent, but more impotantly what shows me that we are in a new era is the ending of raw. The Sheild came to the aid of Daniel Bryan to defend him from Evolution 2.0.(guys from the last era). They kind of laid down the battle lines for the war between the new guys, and the old guys. I one hundred percent think we are in a new era in WWE and I am very excited to see how it all plays out.

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