Are we going to see a Carlito push?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
I wasn't exactly sure where to put this thread in. I mean, I'm talking about a Raw superstar, who will now appear on NXT, but isn't on the roster, but could appear on either brand, and whatnot. But, anyway... if this is in the wrong section, I'm sure it'll be moved.

Anyway, as I looked at the new NXT roster, with that 8 rookies who will be mentored by the 8 pros. I noticed Carlito as one of the pros. Now, don't take me wrong, I love Carlito, and I think he has a ton of potential. However, when you look at the other 7 pros, Carlito doesn't exactly seem to "fit in".

I mean, Chris Jericho is a multi-time World Champion, a 9-time Intercontinental Champion, multiple Tag Champion, ect. C.M. Punk is the 3-time World Champion and really "triple-crown status" faster than any other man. The Miz is a triple champion at the moment... can't remember the last time I saw that. R-Truth is getting a pretty good push on Smackdown, with win against several former World Champions. Matt Hardy, while hasn't had a very good push lately, has won several championships. M.V.P. is a 2-time United States Champion and a former Tag Team Champion. Christian just came off the longest title reign of his life on ECW.

When you compare those seven pros to Carlito, you don't see many similarities. I know that Carlito hasn't exactly been ignored on Raw, as you see him every week backstage, but when was the last time he entered the ring? I understand that he has knowledge of the business, as he is a 2nd generation superstar, but why else do you think WWE picked him as a mentor?

With Carlito being able to appear on NXT, as a mentor to rookie Michael Tarver... could we possibly see a nice push for Carlito? He has so much potential, but between his slacking and WWE mistakes, the potential was never scratched from the surface? Will he get a push? Any thoughts?
Well, I suppose he did win the US Title and the IC Title on his debuts, as well as being one of the first ever unified tag team champions, competing in Main Events (well, the Elimination Chamber). So it's not all bad for Carlito, in that sense, he's dont more than R-Truth, but it's a case of "what have you done for me recently?" and the answer is fuck all.

But yeah, we might see a mini Carlito push out of this, if it helps to get some other guy over anyway. I still think he should be teaming with Primo, but there you go.
First of all i just want to say i love carlito :worship: he is entertaining in the ring and his mic skills always makes me laugh (so does his hair and smirk) i also think his finisher looks cool but painful.

What i think is that he will take the rookie under his wing for a while then start apearing on raw with him, and use him as a heel manager to help him win the u.s title or get the tag titles with him

Your thoughts?
I do not see any semblance of a push coming for Carlito anytime soon, if ever. I agree with you that he doesn't seem to be on par with the other seven mentors, so I am at a loss to explain why he was selected for this role, unless it has something to do specifically with the new guy he has been paired up with (I am not familiar with any of these new generation guys except for the reputation of Danielson).

Carlito, in my opinion, is average at best in the ring. His mic skills were good, but he has grown very stale. He is out of shape. More than any of this, he is lazy and unmotivated. At least that's the reputation he has, and his on screen actions appear to back it up.

If TNA weren't there waiting to possibly snap him up, I expect he would have been released by now. Maybe this is just a way to keep him busy because they have nothing else for him.

Carlito has been in neutral for years now, if not in reverse. Forget seeing any form of push coming for him. At least not in the WWE.
Yeah i think he could get another major push.Carlito was cool when he begin his carrer in WWE.He had a major push as a Us champion and he was also the first unified champion.Now that punk,JoMo,R truth,ted ,all these wrestlers are getting a push.I believe that WWE will give him another major IC or US title run,And hopefully he makes a good run. Or else Carlito is done.
I think I remember reading on these forums from a poster that carlito really doesn't want to pushed. He's happy where he is. That I find sad. As a puerto rican I would love to see Carlito pushed and I think he is good enough on the mic and has good ring skills to get one. But if he doesn't want one then it ain't happening.

Now even if he did, I still don't see it coming. There are so many people on Raw that there is no room to give him a push. There is already Kofi, MVP, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, Bourne, Swagger etc. While I find him more entertaining then a lot of those named, I just don't see it coming.
In my opinion when Carlito came out a month or two ago and told Cena that he and "all the young guys in the locker room" wanted him to lose the title to Sheamus, and proceeded to spit the apple in his face, it was the best segment he has ever been in.

But after the great segment with Cena where he appeared to be the "representative" of the disgruntled young talent, he was on the Slammy's a short time later being the comedy face again.

I think that Carlito being the "comedy" face only works for a short period of time and has no long term sustainability. But neither does his "heel" persona where he simply comes out and wrestles and says nothing. He needs to find a heel image that works his great mic skills into the gimmick, and it and I thought the WWE was doing exactly that when they had him confront Cena.

I think the best shot Carlito has is to change up his current theme music, go the heel route of the disgruntled younger talent kept down, and go from there. Until something like that happens, I don't think he's going to get a push.
I don't care much for Carlito, so I wouldn't care if he is pushed or not. Nothing about him excites me and I really have no idea why he is mentoring someone on NXT. The only thing Carlito can do is spit apples in people's face lol. Carlito seems to be satisfied with where he is and doesn't feel the need to move up, so I really see no need to push him.
Hmmm... The only and TKO means THE ONLY REASON, I see carlito being put on NXT as a pro, is simply that WWE does not know what to do with this guy. IMO the WORST thing that happened to 'lito was that he and his brother primo got broken up.
I mean shit, even after they broke up, we didn't even get the big brother feud. Carlito IMO now is just a really "flavorless" piece of gum! (Haaa, shouts to Vinnie Mac for that jewel!)
Really, the only place he could have or was going, was to the "NXT" place. Because IMO he is deffinatley not worthy off the smackdown or raw stage @ this point.
Yeah, although he does seem sort of out of place among the other NXT guys, I don't think he's going to get a push. If he was going to get one, I think it would have been by putting up a good fight against Cena when he fought him a few months ago and then maybe going further with the idea that he is the representative of the midcarders, etc.

Do you think that his "out-of-placeness" could play into storylines on NXT? Like the guy who Carlito is coaching gets a chip on his shoulder, because he thinks he got a bad mentor? I don't know if they would do that, just an idea.
I really think that if Carlito really got motivated, he'd be a top superstar. But for the most part, he's just coasted through his WWE career. It's sad that when the brought Eddie (Primo) up, that they were hoping that the younger Colon's work ethic would rub off on Carlito.....and it did for a little bit, and then it started to go downhill again.

Part of it, I think, is the fact that Carlito may not think that he's appreciated for the talent that he has. That may or may not be what WWE is doing, but remember when he was teaming with Ric Flair, and they were in the Wrestlemania Dark Match, I can almost see where he would be coming from there.

I think WWE put Carlito as one of the mentors to give him an opportunity to really show that he can be the superstar they thought he would be when they had him go over John Cena in his very first televised match as a member of the main roster...for the US Title no less. That he can be the superstar they thought he would be when they had him go over Shelton Benjamin for the Intercontinental Title his first night on the Raw Brand. That he can be the superstar they thought he would be when he and Primo won the Unification Match over the Miz and Morrison.

Another part of me thinks that the reason why he's working against getting a major push is that he's still loyal to his dad, and he feels that if he becomes an upper midcarder or main eventer that WWE won't allow him to wrestle every so often for WWC down in Puerto Rico. I don't see that as the case, but that might be something that's going in his head.

Hopefully with NXT he shows that he belongs on the roster. If not, I won't be surprised if he gets future endeavored soon.
Carlito. Wow.

Carlito was the first wrestler I got into when I started watching wrestling. man, back then he was so different, so "cool". Now he is actually kinda lame. Now dont get me wrong, i still love Carlito, he is still my favorite wrestler of today. Why? Because I know what he is capable of. Ive seen his old work.

Carlito could have been a top star of this generation of the WWE, unfortunately, he got screwed. i dont know if he screwed himself, or if WWE screwed him but he used to be great. I do think he has gotten out of shape and he seems more lazy. I dont know why, but it saddens me to see him slowly fade away. That time he was in the elimination chamber, that was awesome. I thought he was gonna be a future champ. That time he was in the 2006 royal rumble, he made it to the last six or seven men. I thought that meant something. I was wrong.

Will he ever get a push again? I have no idea. I doubt it though. All i can do is hope for Carlito the best. I hate to see him lose a match, especially to someone like Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston. I know these guys are new young stars but Carlito should be picking up wins over people like John cena. I miss the old Carlito. :(
I think that in order for Carlito to get a real push he needs a haircut bad, his hair makes him look like Sideshow Bob so I personally can't take him seriously. I saw a picture of him before he grew his hair out and he looked like a total badass, he looked like he could beat your ass then spit in your face. So I think if he cut his hair and made a few other major changes like his music and ring attire he would at least have the look of a champion. Whether or not that will matter or not is up to Vince.
I don't think Carlito is talented enough to get a big push. Sorry to hurt the feelings of some of you Carlito-lovers out there, but that's my opinion. I think the guy is PERFECT for the tag division (if there was one). He and Primo have a real life connection, which is enough to build a tag team on (a REAL tag team, that is).

I would love for WWE to get the tag division up and running again, and for Carlito/Primo to be a big part of that. But I have never seen Carlito as a successful singles star. Maybe the U.S. or IC belt, but not a main event guy. He is kind of funny on the mic, but he isn't a natural talker or actor. He sounds scripted, and guys like that don't do well in the main event picture. Could be great in a tag team, good as a heel IC/US champ, but not as a main eventer, not even close to that level.
This will be it for Carlito. Either this does something for him and he gets motivated and finds himself, or he'll be TNA bound before the years over. If they'll take him. This should get him a in program or two to test him once again. Now I was never too high on him nor did I despise him, I have just never seen anything in him to warrant my approval. He isn't overly exciting in the ring. His character was pretty decent when he debuted but after his draft to Raw he seemed to half ass that as well. I'm surprised he has last this long, and I will be dumbfounded if he manages to stick around if this fails for him to.
I do not think he is going to be given a push. He deserves it yes, but I think this is just a way to fill one of the mentor gaps. Either that or Matt Hardy would be getting a push too which I don't think is going to happen either. Bottom line he ain't getting now where with this. Get him off Raw and have him busy on NXT, step down.
I don't think Carlito will be pushed again. The Raw roster is WAY to stacked for him to get a push. I don't even think he'll get near the US title again. I posted a thread about a topic similar to this a while back. I suggested that maybe Primo and Carlito should re unite as a tag team because let's face it, the chances of them doing something major on their own is slim to none.

Carlito came back, and confronted Cena, but nothing ever really came of that. He didn't even make the cut for the Elimination Chamber. So being in a tag team again is the only way Carlito would even get close to a "push"

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