Are they trying to divide the fans?


Getting Noticed By Management
Alright, let's talk. We have Bryan getting screwed by the Authority, mainly HHH, for months. The right pay off for the fan and for Bryan would be Bryan getting the gold at Wrestlemania. It doesn't matter if he defeats Orton, Batista, Lesnar or even HHH somehow, Bryan should get the gold at WM.

Seeing as this now doesn't seem to be the case, Bryan was rumored to have a match with Sheamus, at least up until recently. The scheduled "Authority match" would be between Punk and HHH. And here is the big question. Are they trying to blame Punk on taking the spot away from Bryan for fighting HHH?

It seems weird at first, the thought of this is really weird, I know, but after thinking about it longer, it seems more and more like a possible truth. Punk and Bryan are without a doubt the top 2 guys in the business in the eyes of the fans. Bryan is #1 without a doubt, Punk is more loved amongst the fans, even more than Cena and no one even comes close to all 3 of them. It is generally true that Vince wants us to cheer/like the big guys, like Orton / Batista / Cena etc which would possibly lead him to make such a decision for having Punk "steal" a main event spot from Bryan in fighting Bryan. Don't get me wrong, I'd definitely enjoy Punk vs HHH, as this matches Punk character the best as an anti-authority guy, BUT this is Bryan's spot.

Thing is, the fans will then go "Punk fought HHH, while Bryan was relegated to fighting Sheamus", "Punk stole Bryan's spot" and stuff like that. It could be a longshot but it seems rather real to me that it could definitely happen. The result from this is fans divided between Bryan and Punk, hating Punk the person, not the character, for no reason at all. This all causes the fans that like both Bryan and Punk to pick a side. Eventually, with them divided, it will be easier to promote big guys without having to worry about the fans shitting on their product, because they will be busy fighting over Bryan vs Punk.

What do you guys think? As I said, I know it is a long shot, but it has some base logic under it.
Well first off there isn't really any proof that Daniel Bryan was going to fight Sheamus, sure the information leaked but that doesn't mean it was set in stone. But even if they were that doesn't mean it was apart of a nefarious plot to divide an audience of similar fans, surely it was more likely a case of WWE booking Daniel Bryan in a shitty match at WrestleMania. Most things are booked so everyone is even nowadays, I'm sure they wanted Daniel Bryan to get redemption against Sheamus and Punk to get even with HHH.

Trust me they know very well that no matter what happens if Daniel Bryan isn't given a prominent spot the fans are going to shit on it.
If it was by plan or if it fell into their laps the current situation is perfect for succesful and entertaining wrestling. What they have right now is an uproar fueled by passion. Fans haven't cared this much about the product in years. Story telling is all about build build build and the pay off. Right now they are in the prime position to launch a renewed craze.

Splitting the fan right now sort of remindes me of the roots that caused the Monday Night War. If they can use this to trigger a massive explosion we might be in for a very fun few years.
Hey just spitballing but what if... this whole thing is the biggest work in history, designed to get EVERYBODY in the world to know about WWE and WM30... Mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic have been covering WWE for 3 days now...

"Phil quits" only to show up right when the YES chants for Bryan's win (I still maintain not at Mania cos they want ratings for the TV deal) and kicks off a feud between them and Batista is the "ringer" in there...

Hell it literally could be anything right now... but either way the world is talking about it and watching... so job is done by all concerned... even if Phil ends up going home for good, 6 months money paid by Vince is nothing for the publicity they are getting.

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