Are there any future dream matches to look forward to??

Edge vs Christian, Edge (Face) vs CM Punk (Heel), CM Punk vs John Morrison, CM Punk vs The Undertaker, Dolph Ziggler vs The Undertaker, Randy Orton vs Edge (had a very minor feud in the past), Shawn Michaels vs John Morrison, Shawn Michaels vs Shawn Michaels, Ted Dibiase Jr vs Randy Orton, Ted Dibiase Jr vs Edge, Ted Dibiase Jr vs The Undertaker, Chris Jericho vs Edge, Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker, Chris Jericho vs CM Punk (these are just off the top of my head)
someone said:

I think that sometime soon, we need to have a Cena vs. Taker feud for the title

How perfect would this be for the long-awaited heel Cena turn? IT didn't even have to be about the title... Have him become obsessed with beating the streak at WM, and in the end do it in an heel fashion...

This would be a Hogan-like heel turn and at the same time be a memorable way to have Undertaker loose the streak and still keep the notion that he would've kept it hadn't cena "cheated".

If the Edge's face turn does come around, it would also breathe new air into an Edge/Cena feud with reversed roles. These 2 events coming together would have to be done in a 1-2year span, I guess... Also, with the number of turns going on today, I guess this is unlikely...

Anyways, Taker/Cena would be entertaining were it a heel vs face or a face vs face match.

Other more realistic dream matches:
- Cena/Batista (properly done)
- Jericho/Taker
- Jericho/Edge

Id love to see the Hardy boys v E + C in a TLC match one last time.

It'd have to be a masterstroke from creative to explain Jeff forgiving Matt but if it could be pulled off im sure these four could put on a fantastic match as they have already proved over the years.

Jericho/Taker would be an immense feud as well, the promos between them would be awesome. I think if they were to go with this feud it might be the feud to retire Taker at mania
orton v y2J v edge v angle

why not

Face v Heel
Taker v Jericho
Edge v Jericho
Edge v Orton
Morrison v Jericho
Michaels v Morrison
Taker v Punk
Michaels v Punk
Michaels v Ziggler
Cena v Kane
HHH v Edge
Edge v Christian
Jeff Hardy v Shawn Michaels

Those are matches, not dream matches. A dream match is something you want to see but you probably never will. Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho will happen at some point as will Edge vs. Randy Orton.
I think that Sting vs. Undertaker would be a huge and outstanding match. As for Cena vs. Undertaker at a Wrestlmania. Also Sting vs any of the top stars in the WWE, it would be amazing just to see him at Superstardom again. Idk, of anymore than that.
I would really love to see some of the premier wrestlers in the WWE take on some of the best wrestlers in Japan. KENTA vs. CM Punk, Hardy vs. Tanahashi, Kobashi vs. HHH (Just to see HHH take a half nelson suplex onto his melon), Muta vs. Undertaker, Cena vs. Akiyama...ok, that last one seems a little one sided, maybe.

Any combination of matches would be highly entertaining as it would be interesting to see what the WWE guys would do to adjust to the strong style that the Japanese wrestlers would employ.
My personal dream match, Jeff Hardy vs Shawn Michaels headlining Wrestlemania. Jeff Hardy has stated numerous times that he looks up to Shawn Michaels and the person he wants to wrestle most in Wrestlemania is Shawn Michaels too. If done correctly this could be the biggest match in quite sometime as Jeff Hardy's popularity is currently at it's peak right now, and Shawn Michaels is a legend.
My dream match would have to be Triple H vs The Undertaker:undertaker2: in Hell in a Cell. Know there have been 16 HIAC, 'taker:undertaker2: has been in 9 and Trips has been in 7, they are each the best in the cell on there brands. Ok i know we have seen trips vs 'taker but not in a cell. I realy hope the WWE doesn't castrate the legacy of the HIAC by having 3 or 4 or even 5 in one night at the Hellin a Cell PPV.:undertaker2:

Ok so iv got one for cena. Wow amazing I'm not going to say The Rock. I beleive that Cena Vs swager would be epic and not in a fail scence. Unless the WWE ruins the match or feud by making Cena squash Swager. This feud could be the push Swager needs and if they are trying to give him the same gimick that Angle had then i could work well. The All Amerian Vs The what ever the hell cena is. Used to be the cain gang but i don't think Gangs are PG.

Some others that could work and be great are Jeff Hardy Vs IMO Even Bourne. That my be a spot match but it would be one hell of a spot match. Edge Vs John Morrison would be a great match when Edge comes back next year.

Now just a list of others i would like.

Edge vs Chris Jericho

Edge vs HBK

'taker vs Chris Jericho.

'taker vs Morrison.

Even Bourne vs kofi or mabye a Dibiase or Rohdes.

thats what i like i think they will also do this eventualy 'taker Vs Cena( me about to throw my laptop oout a windo while projectile vometing on my cat).

My personal dream match, Jeff Hardy vs Shawn Michaels headlining Wrestlemania. Jeff Hardy has stated numerous times that he looks up to Shawn Michaels and the person he wants to wrestle most in Wrestlemania is Shawn Michaels too. If done correctly this could be the biggest match in quite sometime as Jeff Hardy's popularity is currently at it's peak right now, and Shawn Michaels is a legend.

That could be realy interesting maby in a ladder Match.
You know how many times I have seen people say they want Sting -vs- Taker, I would love to see it too, but lets get some of the younger guys in it too.
Come on people let get some good matches here, like Orton vs Edge is a good one that will probably happen.
so let us dream I could see Angle against Orton, Might be good.
How about Evan Bourne vs A.J. Styles
Matt Morgan vs Batista in a big as hell but dont know how to wrestle match.
Big Show vs Samoa joe in a who's fatter match
Better yet Umaga vs Samoa Joe in a do these make my ass look fat match.
If you cant have fun in life then why bother!!
if only I could build up feuds....maybe we could have wrestlers developed enough so we wouldn't have to see the same matches over and over again. But, who knows, maybe I would be even worse; only time will tell, I'm pretty sure they have my application...

My Dream Matches are for the future; here is a look at my crystal balls

-Morrison vs have to give this about a year to marinate, hint at it, then finally give it to us at a big PPV.

-If AJ Styles Ever ends up in WWE again; Styles vs Morrison or HBK

-I think if you develop Morisson he could put on some of the future dream matches, not just one dream match....I'm guessing you guys are starting to see who I think the future of this business is.

-Shawn Michaels...comes back against a heel HHH.

-Shawn Michaels returns to mentor a wrestler...Jeff Hardy thinks it's him the entire time and it ends up being Morisson. Heavy heat on Hardy when he freaks out a takes out HBK. Sets up a big match that doesn't even need to involve a title. I think Jeff would make a good heel.

-Orton/Edge...Edge as a face, but a straight up match with minimal interference. Maybe even throw them in a cell.

-Yes, one of my dream matches is a MITB match
Morisson/Jeff Hardy/AJ Styles/Motor City Machine Guns/Bourne/Kofi/Rey/Shelton.....this is not gonna happen for the record

-Heel reunited Hardys are beating down Christian for some odd reason, edge returns for the save...Setting up a TLC match with Hell Hardys and Face Edge and Christian....based on where they are now in their careers....dream match that could steal a Wrestlemania, I'm not saying keep the teams together, but just bring them together for one quick feud.

My Dream Match for now.....Orton vs Priceless, i am not kidding. I don't care who is face or heel as long as Orton doesn't fight like a pussy, that would make an awesome match.

Angle/Cena....right now would be interesting.

Sorry for my random comment, but if they give Big Show the IC title and have him go against a face Henry i'm gonna be bummed...that doesn't sound entertaining in the least.

Anyways...getting off topic, those are some of my dream matches, some possible, some not....let me know what you think.
Well several years ago, several "dream matches" were devised as a means to have a top WCW guy take on a top WWF guy. Eventually most of those came to light either as a result of one of the guys jumping ship or eventually WCW's demise and eventual purchase by WWF. Today, the only real dream matches are TNA vs WWE. Obviously we had a hint of this a few years ago with Angle's arrival in TNA and immediate feud with Samoa Joe. So that leaves a question of "who is left?"

My top feud we have yet to see would be Sting vs Taker. Two of the top legends of all time who when given the right opponent can have the match of the night. This would be CLASSIC.

Angle vs Koslov - True that Angle started in WWE but right now he is TNA. I would love to one day see an Angle vs Foreign Bad guy similar to what they did with Hogan/Slaughter but right now the closest thing TNA has to that is sheik abdul bashir.

I would also have to say I would love to one day see Beer Money vs a Styles/Daniels reunion.
Everyone has that one match or couple matches that we want to see in pro wrestling. So now I ask the question:

If you could see any match in the WWE with superstars from WWE, WCW and ECW's alumni, which would you choose. Remember this is from the alumni of WWE, WCW and ECW only.

My top 2 would probably be Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart (both in their primes)

and The Undertaker vs. Sting

Other honorable mentions go to Shawn Michaels vs. The Rock

and Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan in their primes

I'm interested to see what matches you guys would like to see :D
The one match that I would want to see has to be:

Shawn Michaels vs. Sting-I believe this match could be better than the matches HBK had with Hart

Honorable Mention:

The Undertaker vs. Goldberg-I would love to see who would win b/w a man who's gimmick was squashing people against someone who's gimmick is no selling
To the People's Tampon, there's only one true dream match. Apparently, its already happened as a Free TV Match, but I'm talking center stage, main event, huge feud, PPV, maybe Wrestlemania, done properly.

Mr. Wrestlemania vs. Mr. PPV
The Showstopper vs. The Whole FUCKING Show
The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels vs. RVD, ROB VAN DAM

Two of the absolute most scintillating, charismatic, athletic performers in wrestling history go one on one, and do it properly. In fact, I'm going to kick it up a notch and stipulate that it has to be a ladder match.
My dream match would have to be Triple H vs The Undertaker:undertaker2: in Hell in a Cell. Know there have been 16 HIAC, 'taker:undertaker2: has been in 9 and Trips has been in 7, they are each the best in the cell on there brands. Ok i know we have seen trips vs 'taker but not in a cell. I realy hope the WWE doesn't castrate the legacy of the HIAC by having 3 or 4 or even 5 in one night at the Hellin a Cell PPV.:undertaker2:

Ok so iv got one for cena. Wow amazing I'm not going to say The Rock. I beleive that Cena Vs swager would be epic and not in a fail scence. Unless the WWE ruins the match or feud by making Cena squash Swager. This feud could be the push Swager needs and if they are trying to give him the same gimick that Angle had then i could work well. The All Amerian Vs The what ever the hell cena is. Used to be the cain gang but i don't think Gangs are PG.

Some others that could work and be great are Jeff Hardy Vs IMO Even Bourne. That my be a spot match but it would be one hell of a spot match. Edge Vs John Morrison would be a great match when Edge comes back next year.

Now just a list of others i would like.

Edge vs Chris Jericho

Edge vs HBK

'taker vs Chris Jericho.

'taker vs Morrison.

Even Bourne vs kofi or mabye a Dibiase or Rohdes.

thats what i like i think they will also do this eventualy 'taker Vs Cena( me about to throw my laptop oout a windo while projectile vometing on my cat).

That could be realy interesting maby in a ladder Match.

I don't know if you understand the concept of a dream match but out of your list, let's count the matchups that have already happened.

1. Cena vs. Swagger
2. Evan Bourne vs. Kofi
3. Edge vs. Chris Jericho
4. Edge vs. Morrison
5. Taker vs. Cena

I believe Morrison/HBK and Taker/Jericho will happen in the future so I'm not going to call those dream matches. I would love to see Undertaker and Sting fight and the promos would be awesome and the buildup would be great. Another one I believe would be great is Cena vs. Sting. I think their styles will mesh well and result in a great fight.
Man, my one dream match would be Triple H against Randy Orton. Better yet, let them feud for 8 months straight.

Seriously, however, the following are my dream matches featuring active wrestlers:
-Ultimate X/Ladder Match: AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels vs. The Hardyz. The Hardyz are the best high flying tag team of the 90's, against the 2 stars of the X-Division.
-Undertaker vs. Sting: 2 icons of this business and faces of their companies.
-Triple H vs. Jeff Jarrett: This may have happened when Jarrett was in WWE, but now there is a much bigger storyline, being that both are owners of their respective companies.
-Abyss vs. Kane (Masked Kane): TNA's monster vs. WWE's monster, the match would suck probably, but you never know.
-Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger: Both guys have an immense Amateur Wrestling background (albeit Angle has a bigger one), this match would be Wrestlemania Main Event quality.

The following dream matches are impossible (due to age, health, or status as a living human being)

-60 Minute Iron Man Match, Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart: Angle is considered the best wrestler today/of the 2000's, and Bret Hart is one of, of not the best technical wrestler ever.
-Eddie Guerrero vs. AJ Styles: Eddie was one of the greatest smaller wrestlers, and AJ Styles is probably the best smaller guy in the business now, plus I think their styles would lend themselves to an awesome match.
-Samoa Joe vs. Chris Benoit: I don't have any particular reason, but there is something about this match that just gets me going.
-Stone Cold vs. Hulk Hogan: It won't happen, because of both wrestlers health. However, the 2 biggest names in WWE history would be off the chain.
Edge(heel) and Matt Hardy(heeL) vs. Jeff Hardy and Christian in a TLC
Goldust(but as Dustin Rhodes) vs. Cody Rhodes
RVD vs Y2J
David Hart Smith and Teddy Hart(like summerslam 92)
Trish vs Natalya or Trish vs Beth
Cena vs Austin or Rock
RKO vs Austin or Rock
Y2J vs Austin vs Rock (rematch)
Lashly vs Kurt Angle (maybe even Brock)
Edge vs. RKO
Edge vs. Y2J
DX vs Brotehrs of Destruction vs Rated RKO (HITC)

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