Are Surprise Returns/Debuts The Most Exciting Thing About Wrestling?


The Cerebral Assassin
As demonstrated by the return of Brock Lesnar, surprise returns/debuts are clearly one of the most exciting things that occur in the world of professional wrestling. We've seen numerous returns/debuts over the years clearly demonstrate this- all of Jericho's WWE debut/returns, Goldberg's WWE debut, Triple H's returns, Undertaker's returns, and now Lesnar's (and the list goes on and on, as I'm sure I'm leaving out many good ones) have been some of the most exciting moments in pro wrestling history. As soon as "X" wrestler's music hits, the entire crowd stands up and gasps in excitement, followed by a humongous pop as the returning/debuting superstar comes to the ring to make his agenda known. As evidenced by Lesnar's return, a whole show can be built around it, and the entire landscape of the company can be changed and directed by it.

So I'll throw out a bit of a controversial statement, and see if you agree or disagree: I think the most exciting thing about wrestling is a surprise return/debut (and, of course, the bigger the surprise and the bigger the name dictates just how great it is). That means I'm putting that over a 5-star wrestling match, a transcending/iconic promo, a historic championship change, and anything else. I think surprise return/debuts trump all of those things on the list and are more exciting, and thus the best thing about wrestling.

Now I know that's a pretty controversial stance, so I understand if you disagree. Maybe you'd rather see a 5-star match over a Lesnar return, and that's fine. What's your thoughts on surprise returns/debuts and how would you rank them in comparison to other wrestling-related things (5-star matches, iconic promos, historic championship changes, etc.)?

The best debut I have ever seen was when Jake the Snake showed up in wcw. It was a classic moment. Or when Nikita Koloff turned face in 1991.

I like when debuts make sense, but at same time don't take away from the talent thats already there.

I am not stoked on lesnar being there, because it means nothing at this point. He has already been to the real fight, this almost suspends the belief. Its not like shamrock, because when shamrock came in ufc was still underground to an extent. Also who do you feud him with? cena? orton? undertaker? I just get that they feel they need "big" names, but fuck. I feel you could do so much more if you just focused on the product.
A surprise return/debut is pretty high up there.

I think the only thing that rivals it is the culmination of a heated and long feud. Aside from Rock vs Cena, the WWE hasn't had many of these in some time.

5 star matches and historic promos are great, but alot of times you don't know they're coming, so you can't always look forward to them.
I tend to agree with the op on this one. Returns/debuts def get the biggest pop out of me. The only thing that would be up with it is a great culmination of a feud match like another poster said. I also like a match with a few well placed false finishes, but overall I agree that the return/debut can be the most exciting thing about wrestling.
To me, it's just memorable moments. Punk vs Cena was an amazing match, but I'd say the biggest thing about it was it created a moment. Punk walked away with the WWE Title and there was nothing anybody could do about it. The thing about returns/debuts is just they usually tend to be the ones that fall under the category of "moments" unless it's something where they just kind of show up. Nothing too big about how the debut, just sort of a "sup, I'm here".

There's no real moment to that. If you want to have an exciting thing in wrestling, what you need is just a buzz, and make sure not to overdo it like when all the roster left on Triple H and they didn't really have the time to waste on pretending it would work because they had a PPV to build up for in about two weeks. Create something that will make people say "what's next?". THAT is the most exciting thing in wrestling for me.
I think the unexpected pop of a return is definitely up there with as big of a moment as you can get. They ended wrestlemania 8 on that (and thats probably the biggest pop to ever end a wrestlemania) with warrior returning and that was supposed to be hogans last match. I think they should have done thatbwith WM 27 because the rock could have pulled off a pop that would have topped it
The unexpected pop of someone returning theme music hits is by far the best thing about the business. With today's media and outlets getting a hold of most spoilers or plans for the shows beforehand, the pop is even more exciting. If you can plan one perfect without one person knowing, that's the key. I am a avid John Cena hater but when he returned at the Royal Rumble I marked out because I did not see it coming at all. If you can hide the story, that's what makes the return shocking and awesome!
It's tough to get overly excited about returns and debuts, especially considering how the dirt sheets reveal everything in advance. Brock's return had me excited for sure, but the outcomes of the three main WM matches were more exciting for me. If I were a Rock fan at WM and I saw him beat Cena, I would have lost it.

The most exciting in wrestling, to me anyways, is the climatic conclusion to a big build. That's something I'll always be interested in.

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