Are Shield setting up an eventual feud with Taker?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The past couple weeks since the Wyatt's costed them their EC spots you have heard them say numerous times and most recent on Smackdown that the Wyatt's are now "in their Yard" which is obviously a phase Taker used during his American Bad Ass gimmick. Maybe its just nothing but would they keep saying that its now "their Yard" if there weren't plans for an eventual showdown with Taker?

I dont think this will happen at Mania as i think any Taker match should have some sort of decent build up to it. They did attack and take him out but i think the first story line they will re-visit with Taker is Brock because of that face off they had at a UFC event a few years ago where Taker called him out. If Taker vs Brock is lined up for Mania and if Shield last's that long could Taker possibly feud with Shield later if he sticks around a few months when he returns.

This is probably nothing at all and the whole "our yard" reference they are making may lead to nothing but i thought it was interesting considering they took Taker out and are now using one of his old catch phrases.. Again probably nothing but poor booking/writing but worth thinking about. Maybe a Summerslam feud/match of some kind if the dead man is up to it post Mania and Shield is still a unit then.
You're reading far too much into things. Granted the "yard" phrase isn't frequently used in the WWE, but thats not indicative of an Undertaker return. WWE is incredibly averse to mentioning the ABA days of Taker's career for whatever reason, so I seriously doubt they would be setting up a feud against Taker by mentioning a part of his career that barely gets more mention that Chris Benoit. Taker/Lesnar is apparently set in stone for Mania, and I doubt Taker would commit, or WWE would allow him to commit to any following rivalries knowing how brutal that match will be and how poor Taker's health is. All signs indicate to Cena/Wyatt at Wrestlemania.
The Sheild have already feuded with The Undertaker. It was for a week last year and very entertaining it was too. There is no forthcoming feud between them. The Sheild have only a few weeks left as a unit. The Wyatt Family are their last feud.
You're reading far too much into things. Granted the "yard" phrase isn't frequently used in the WWE, but thats not indicative of an Undertaker return. WWE is incredibly averse to mentioning the ABA days of Taker's career for whatever reason, so I seriously doubt they would be setting up a feud against Taker by mentioning a part of his career that barely gets more mention that Chris Benoit. Taker/Lesnar is apparently set in stone for Mania, and I doubt Taker would commit, or WWE would allow him to commit to any following rivalries knowing how brutal that match will be and how poor Taker's health is. All signs indicate to Cena/Wyatt at Wrestlemania.

You are probably right and the whole "yard" thing isn't really being attributed to any wrestler. Just thought it may be possible. The writers for the WWE probably have forgotten that Shield took Taker out even at this point :)
The Undertaker has to face the Shield in my opinion as they are the only loose end left in his career. Everything else that has happened in the last 5 years he has got revenge for except the Shields attack so he needs to do something about it. My pick would be on the Raw after EC Taker lays out the Shield individually backstage throughout the night then the next week have him tell them he will face 1 member at Wrestlemania and he wants to face the best member of the Shield, Ambrose steps forward first then Reigns and Rollins laugh at him saying he is not the best then they argue and Undertaker says why not prove it tonight in the main event. Reigns win then after the match Ambrose and Rollins are about to attack Reigns and then the lights go out and Taker lays out Ambrose and Rollins then says to Reigns see you at Mania. The Shield feud over the next weeks which sets up Rollins vs Ambrose at Mania and then at Mania have Rollins and Undertaker win their matches and then have all 3 Shield members feud over the US title through Extreme Rules
They've been using the phrase a lot regarding The Shield since they put Taker out, JBL has often said it's their yard on commentary, probably a case of switching the phrase to them and maybe onto Roman now that Taker doesn't use it and it sounds all macho and tough.
They've been using the phrase a lot regarding The Shield since they put Taker out, JBL has often said it's their yard on commentary, probably a case of switching the phrase to them and maybe onto Roman now that Taker doesn't use it and it sounds all macho and tough.

Probably the case. Maybe i just haven't noticed Shield using it until recently. Seems like every promo almost now for the past couple weeks they used it at some time. I will admit i dont follow the product like i used to but the past month or so with Hulu Plus i been watching it again.
You're looking way too deeply into it. While it would make sense to go that route considering the last time we saw Undertaker on WWE TV, The Shield laid him out, they would spend more worth into building it up instead of loose connections like this with precious time before WrestleMania. I think the bigger question is whether or not they'd actually follow through with The Shield and Undertaker having a confrontation down the line.

Remember when they built up Wade Barrett vs Undertaker at WrestleMania 27 a few years ago? When Nexus attacked Undertaker at Survivor Series and David Otunga threatened him saying he'd tell the world "the real reason they attacked Taker"? Then Taker fought Triple H and they never brought up that Nexus attack again? I'm worried they'll do the same thing again between Shield and Undertaker.
Yeah, you're going too deep with this one. Easy to do though! But they've been the Hounds of Justice since day one, although they rarely mention the 'justice' moniker now. The Shield's only concern right now are the Wyatts, and then each other. The split is imminent, whether it happens at EC or at WM we'll find out fairly soon!

But yeah, unfortunately the WWE do have a tendency to sweep this kinda stuff under the rug. I've seen people say they'd like to see Reigns V Taker at WM, but even as a Reigns fan, that's far too big a match for him at this point in his career. Undertaker has this loose end, yes, but The Shield have plenty of loose ends to fix over these next few months. I'm still thinking we might see Ambrose V Reigns V Rollins for the US title at WM30.
I don't think a program with The Shield is in the cards for Taker. Not saying it can't happen, but I think the odds are against it.

I think it could be an interesting feud and given that Taker was "taken out" by The Shield in late April, plus the logical expectation of Taker going after The Shield due to wrestling history being packed with numerous revenge feuds, it's natural to expect to see it. If Taker was a healthier man, I think that's exactly what would happen. The problem is that he isn't and, allegedly, he was injured when The Shield put him through the table at the April 23rd SmackDown! tapings. I've never read any description of what the injury was, only that he'd sustained one.

As a result, I think WWE is going to ultimately go the route of having that angle come about as being something that only further elevated The Shield rather than risk Taker suffering injury again. Allegedly, the reason Taker worked those couple extra times last year was because he was feeling so good after his match against Punk. Various reports claim that Taker came out of that match far less banged up than he had in years and agreed to work a few matches on television. Furthermore, other reports said that the plan was to reunite The Brothers of Destruction for some sort of tag match against The Shield at SummerSlam but, again, Taker reportedly sustained some injury on SD! and didn't work SummerSlam.

So yeah, as interesting as it could be, I don't see it going down. I think the most that we might see would involve Taker aligning with someone The Shield has had run ins with, maybe coming to the ring while a big brawl is taking place or something, and helping to lay out The Shield members in order to even things up.
If we lived in a perfect world, I'd live to see The Deadman start a fued with The Shield after EC, after they take a loss to the Wyatt's because of The Authority, specifically Kane. HHH again says NO to them facing The Undertaker at Mania but they finally (finally) break away from The Authority (being replaced by the Wyatt's). Taker gains the upper hand on The Shield, through mind games and backstage assaults. The Shield shows a lot of frustration, and the breakup is continued to be teased. Perhaps they even come to blows. But at WrestleMania, they win! The defeat the streak, and that leads to te break up. Tell the story in the ring and invest in The Shield. Have Roman Reigns and Rollins change their mind in the middle of the match, out of respect and awe. Have Dean go absolutely nuts. And then have their biggest achievement become what drives them apart, and have that fued also be for US Title.

Obviously this is could work if they lost, as well, but I think having 3 guys be able to say and reference beating the streak is an incredible opportunity.
In my opinion if it would have happend - I would have book it as Roman Reigns and The Undertaker vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins.
Undertaker does have unifinshed business with The Shield, he never avenged being taken out by them last year. I dont see Taker in a 3 on 1 match, too unbelievable he could beat the dominant force by himself after being out all this time, especially as he is nearing 50. We do want to suspend belief still, dont we?
Undertaker will be in 1 of the top 4 matches, this rules out a match with any member of the Sheild. He will face a heel or somebody currently face who may turn, like Sheamus. Undertaker will be against either Lesnar, Sheamus or Bray Wyatt, if they move Cena to the title picture.....Cena vs Wyatt would be a nice feud post-Mania. Its safe to say Undertaker will not be in the title picture, so a match against Orton or Batista is out, and he has already met them at Mania previously. Taker wont be doubling up like he has with Kane, Michaels or HHH. He will get a fresh opponent, somebody he will beat and wont hurt their push in the process yet credible enough to be his opponent on the biggest stage. Sheamus for mine fits the bill perfectly
JBL has been calling it the Shield's yard or a year now. You're reading too much into it. The Shield will be split before they can feud with Taker.. Last time we saw Undertaker he got Triple Powerbombed threw a table, but i doubt they'll revive that.. Undertaker is down to one match a year now. It's probably going to stay that way.
You're looking way too deeply into it. While it would make sense to go that route considering the last time we saw Undertaker on WWE TV, The Shield laid him out, they would spend more worth into building it up instead of loose connections like this with precious time before WrestleMania. I think the bigger question is whether or not they'd actually follow through with The Shield and Undertaker having a confrontation down the line.

Remember when they built up Wade Barrett vs Undertaker at WrestleMania 27 a few years ago? When Nexus attacked Undertaker at Survivor Series and David Otunga threatened him saying he'd tell the world "the real reason they attacked Taker"? Then Taker fought Triple H and they never brought up that Nexus attack again? I'm worried they'll do the same thing again between Shield and Undertaker.

Oh wow, I didn't know that about Barrett/Taker. That would have been a huge match, Barrett could have used.

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