Are people embarrased to be wrestling fans?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
Is wrestling embarrasing? Are you a proud wrestling fan or do you like to keep your love of rasslin' quiet?

Personally, for me its the latter. Although i dont pretend that i dont like wrestling, i do keep my love of it quiet, mainly because as a 25 year old i have been known to be laughed at and looked down on for my love of wrestling. Am i ashamed to be a wrestling fan? no. Is it annoying when people make out that you are watching something 'Only kids watch' and make fun of you because of it? yes!

I think CM Punk hit the nail on the head when he said people are embarrassed to be wrestling fans these days, which i believe to be true.

What are your thoughts on this matter? do you get made fun of for liking wrestling? Let me know!
I get made fun of for it, but I tease them because they're not intelligent to know how to be a smark -something they probably have to google to find out what that means, and proves my point.
Every time I talk about it at school there is always somebody jumping into my conversation saying you boys always talk about wrestling and saying it's fake and all that stuff. And then I say to myself it's real to me damn it!
It's a form of entretainment - and it entertains me. Why should I be ashamed of that? Wrestling is no different than any other entertainment medium.

It sometimes gets a bag stigma, and people stereotype it, but as long as I know what wrestling is at its core - a form of art meant to entertain - then I'm secure in my wrestling fandom.
I'm not embarrased by it but I don't brag about it that I'm a wrestling fan. I usually talk about pro wrestling on my blog (check it out ) or with my close friends. When I talk about it and someone says that "its fake", I would say "So is broadway, tv shows, and movies but I don't hear complaining".
I AM NOT embarrassed in anyway to be a pro wrestling fan. People have told me that "oh its fake you should watch Jersey shore instead". Most of the people I know have long abandoned being wrestling fans but I stayed. I dont brag about it either and make it seem like the greatest thing in The world. My love for pro wrestling is kept quiet. It entertainment and damn good entertainment at that.
I wear pro-wrestling on my sleeves... no seriously. I wear WWE, TNA, and my own JW t-shirts daily in my casual life and if people have a problem with it, then I kindly remind them that it's actually how I make a living, and that it's entertaining to watch. I honestly never was the type of person to give too much thought into what people think of me. If I like something enough to buy the merchandise, then I'll wear said merchandise. Or display it around my house proudly.

Not to mention, it's really fun collecting old DVDs, VHS tapes, and even some books, action figures, title replicas, and stuff like that. Although, I might have to sell my collections soon :(
I wouldn't say I am embarassed to be a wrestling fan. I am 24 now, and talk about it more and reveal I am a fan alot more than I did a few years ago, as now I have reached the stage where I am less bothered by what people think of me.

Its true though, people do look down their nose at you when you say you are a wrestling fan, so there are only a few people that I tend to talk to about it, simply because not many of my friends are wrestling fans. If more were, I would talk about it more.

I do get teased a bit about being a fan. A few months ago I was having a discussion on Facebook with the former ECW wrestler Steve Corino, and one of my friends copied and pasted what I had written on Corino's wall onto my own wall and was like "mate, why are you posting stuff like this at your age?". After other people saw it I got the piss taken out of me that night in the pub.

My argument is, what's wrong with watching wrestling when you all watch shit programmes like Jersey Shore, The Only Way Is Essex, Eastenders and crap like that. You say its all acting and not real...are those shows real? You watch soap operas...wrestling is an athletic soap opera, with incredible skilled performers. And you say its fake...well, maybe the punches usually are, but you try and get in the ring with those guys, let someone splash you from the top rope and see how it feels!

Now, I really don't give a fuck whether people know I like it. Who are they to judge me for what I like to watch on TV???
There has never been a better time to be proud of being a wrestling fan than now. Pro-wrestling is as deep into the mainstream as it's ever been, people of the world are becoming more open-minded towards the choices they make in entertainment, and free flow thinking is showcased in our society more than ever.

Therefore, to answer this question, I will say no; I'm not embarrassed to be a fan of pro-wrestling. If you asked me this question a few years ago, I would have said yes. But because of the reasons I mentioned, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief that I no longer need to be ashamed of something that I love.
I can understand why some people would be embarrassed... its because some people are too self conscious to truly be who they are, most people want to be accepted as a part of larger society, so they go along with what the norm is and try not to differentiate with it.

Here is a few points in case.

At work (I work as a mechanical Engineer, on construction site's and other places/buildings that are having construction works done to them) I'm not too entirely sure in how it came up, maybe due to the fact that I am a big comic book reader and into Sci-fi and things of that nature (also into sports, music, films, cooking etc etc, but all nerdy stuff does not go unnoticed to me), and my brother brings up that he thinks its sad & immature that I still read comics all the time, and that i'm reading the game of thrones novels. Anyways this goes on and he says nobody really watches any of that shit and because of it I am sad. And I asked out of who was there would rather watch shows like star trek or supernatural or lost or heroes or Whatever over the shitty soap operas that he has to watch with his wife...

The fella we was working for said he totally disagree'd with my brother and that he was a big sci-fi fan too, and in fact watched star trek religiously. My co-worker whom I knew HATED all reality tv shows, soaps etc said he watched nearly every sci-fi/fantasy show that was on television, and mentioned how much he used to love babylon 5 as well. My cousin chimed in trying to play it that of someone who was above such shit and said he would rather watch gay porn than a shitty star trek show, which i rumbled him for because we always talk about shows like Misfits, Torchwood, Doctor Who AND he watched Star Trek all the time. We made fun of him for the gay porn thing, but that was meant as a joke anyway. What Im getting at is that unless asked most people don't really talk about stuff that they like if its not of the norm (like mind-numbing reoccurring conversations about if so-and-so watched the game last night, who certain teams should buy etc.) but people do still get embarrassed to a degree.

Point in case 2. When i was at secondary school (i guess high school for those in the US/Canada, not sure how school grade system works entirely) I never hid the fact that I was a wrestling fan, never really cared too much to be honest. I was never bullied for it, although people do as a rule, make the odd comment here and there. Apart from my friends nobody really ever mentioned that they were a fan of pro wrestling... BUT whenever people heard us talking about it they would chime in with the:

"I don't really watch it anymore, but i saw it the other day and..."
"Oh yeah man that was awesome, i caught it on the tv, its not as good as it used to be"
"you watch wrestling? I thought I was the only one that still watched it"

This still goes on now with people, another one of my co-workers, pretends he doesn't watch it anymore but still so happens to know all the major things that happen in it. LIKE the recent CM Punk/Cena storyline. Even around my town in the pubs and stuff i always hear people talking about wrestling, but always hushed and never really open.

I don't know why people are so embarrassed by it when it is obviously awesome. But then again I guess my view on it is why Im such a friggin' mark.
My argument is, what's wrong with watching wrestling when you all watch shit programmes like Jersey Shore, The Only Way Is Essex, Eastenders and crap like that. You say its all acting and not real...are those shows real? You watch soap operas...wrestling is an athletic soap opera, with incredible skilled performers. And you say its fake...well, maybe the punches usually are, but you try and get in the ring with those guys, let someone splash you from the top rope and see how it feels!

Now, I really don't give a fuck whether people know I like it. Who are they to judge me for what I like to watch on TV???

I understand what you're saying. You're %100 right about what you say. I don't know if it's the right word(I don't know what that word really is called in english) but it's because pro wrestling is a subculture just like comics and cartoon. It just seems like an entertainment form for kids just like cartoons and comics are seen in public. We can't change their view and just like you said who cares what the others think about actually I sometimes think that it makes wrestling more special to me. It's not for everyone's taste but it's for me exactly the best form of entertainment.
In my early teens, I was a little embarrassed to be a wrestling fan. I wouldn't tell everyone I loved pro wrestling, and there were times, where I would hide being a fan, because the little jabs would always get under my skin. Everyone would always mock the guy who "liked the fake sport, where grown men in tights rolled around in a ring together, while drenched in baby oil." These little jabs used to bother me, but I just stopped caring after a while. I wouldn't let these little shots bother me, and I don't try to hide anymore. Now I openly talk about pro wrestling with anyone, and I do wear my John Cena and CM Punk shirts to work sometimes. Sure, a lot of people still make fun of me, but I don't let it bother me anymore, because I am a proud fan of pro wrestling, and nothing is going to change that.

Also, I think it's funny how some people mock pro wrestling fans, but these same people watch and love trash like the Jersey Shore and when Charlie Sheen was flying off the handle with his wild and nonsensical rants, they were glued to their TVs and computers, because they wanted to hear what he had to say. Yeah, but I'm the "loser." :rolleyes:
Nope. Never have been and never will be.

When I was in national school, I was he only professional wrestling fan - by the end of my first whole year, I had every guy in the class watching wrestling. This was back round '02 - '05, but a few of us have never let the passion die, especially me, but wrestling was a general topic when we were in school. We'd have some great discussions, and when you're that age, you see things differently.

People let it go, I for one have not. I just grew up into a different wrestling fan. I've been to a good twenty wrestling events, I have some autographs, have over 200 DVDs and video tapes, I have a some merchandise; three t-shirts to be exact, and I wear them usually, just take the authentic logo off because it makes the t-shirts look crap.

Overall to summerize - I've nothing to hide. Some people say its fake; like I don't know, some people say its childish; yeah, who cares; some say its gay - yeah because MMA doesn't have men in their underwear all over one another. I have found something to make anything anyone says null-and-void.
I would say a solid 60% of wrestling fans are complete weirdos (for lack of a better term). Just go wait in line at an autograph signing and you WILL be embarrassed to be near some of these freaks.

Another case I've personally experienced is when I attended one of the recent Hall of Fames. The tickets clearly say that the dress code for the event is strictly FORMAL (not that you should have to be told this for a prestigious event as the Hall of Fame), yet these ****** fans come to this in shorts, sandals, all their WWE merch on them, their replica belts over their shoulder, and a few rolled up signs to show. It's the HALL OF FAME for god's sake show some class!
I will attest to the fact that a lot of wrestling fans are jokes... that is really what makes pro wrestling look worse off.. the god damned fans!

But seriously this isn't always so true, the types of people that go to autograph signings are MAINLY the weirdos. Not everyone that goes to these types of things, but mostly. And in all honesty you'd notice them more because they are weird.. more 'normal' type fans you wouldn't bat an eyelid too, and because of the convention/signing setting you get more of a percentage of the freaks.

I went to the axxess for WM 25... full of freaks and loonys and I thought "Are people right in telling me that wrestling is for dumbasses like these people?" Got to the actual WM event on the sunday, and apart from the odd hick, it was just normal folk with their kids, groups of young adults and such. I saw one group of uber geeks, mid 30s, more than likely to never have spoken to a woman, but apart from that it was just your run of the mill average joes.

Where I live it always seems that the ethnic minorities have taken over the town, but it seems that way moreso because the only busy place I drive through is the town centre WHERE they are all situated to live by the council (local governing body). Its the same thing when you go to the fan events, they're the part of the audience these things cater towards and thus it doesn't give a solid representation of who is a fan of the product.
Am I ashamed to be a wrestling fan? No. Do I tell everyone that I'm a wrestling fan? No.

I'm not ashamed to be a wrestling fan because it's the thing that I have a passion for. I don't tell everyone that I'm a wrestling fan because people won't care. Why would people care? I like what I like they like what they like.
It's a weird one for me, personally. I started watching wrestling in 1996 when I was 8 but no one in my primary (elementary school) knew about or watched wrestling so I never told anyone. Then when I got into secondary school (high school) the majority of my peers liked wrestling because it was at that time period when it was "cool" to watch wrestling, so we would talk about it pretty much most of the time. Then I met my first girlfriend who by chance was a massive WWE fan so we watched it a lot as well. Then I sort of fell out of watching it for a bit and only returned to it end of last year after five years of not watching it but I don't talk to anyone about it now. To get to my point, I'm not ashamed of it now just as I weren't back then. Wrestling is something I am genuinely passionate about and certainly gives me a bit of relax time from my hectic uni schedule just as it gave me a bit of chill time back in school, but I don't tell anyone now because it would be an irrelevant topic to bring up as no one I know watches it anymore. So no, I am not ashamed, I just don't talk about it.
I have been embarrassed to show an actual girlfriend or any female wrestling. I have some friends that were really into wrestling growing up, but later they grew out of it. I have always sported the WWF t-shirts in school no matter how lame some people thought they were. No one liked the Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels shirt, but I did get compliments on Razor Ramon since he went WCW and formed the NWO. There were more WCW/NWO fans at that time in highs school in the mid 90's then WWF fans.

I have worn some TNA shirts like Beer Money out to TNA shows and even in public. I rarely wear any memorabilia nowadays. Friends still know I watch it and some of my friends are fans just like me. I don't tell everyone I watch it or even watch it with my spouse since she finds it ridiculous. No harm in admitting you are fan. I would be more embarrassed to admit to watching Jersey Shore then wrestling even though Jersey Shore is more popular and is "in" at the moment.
I've been told that "Wrestling is fake and gay" and all this other stuff almost all my life. It used to get to me because I felt that it wasn't right for someone to criticize what I watched when I don't do the same for other people. I always defended my pride as a wrestling fan.

At this point in my life, it doesn't bother me if I get made fun of for being a fan or being told that "Wrestling is fake". We all pretty much know that "kayfabe" is dead at this point, but I don't care. Movies are fake and so is almost everything on TV too. That's my excuse...
Is wrestling embarrasing? Are you a proud wrestling fan or do you like to keep your love of rasslin' quiet?

Personally, for me its the latter. Although i dont pretend that i dont like wrestling, i do keep my love of it quiet, mainly because as a 25 year old i have been known to be laughed at and looked down on for my love of wrestling. Am i ashamed to be a wrestling fan? no. Is it annoying when people make out that you are watching something 'Only kids watch' and make fun of you because of it? yes!

I think CM Punk hit the nail on the head when he said people are embarrassed to be wrestling fans these days, which i believe to be true.

What are your thoughts on this matter? do you get made fun of for liking wrestling? Let me know!

As long as Movies, Theater, Television exist in our society, I will never be embarrassed to be a wrestling fan. Now bear with me because I am going somewhere with this.

Yes it's common knowledge that wrestling is an art form that more so back then than now always portrayed itself as being an actual sport, however most people back then knew it was staged. Therefore you have close minded assholes coming out of the woodwork to speak ill of it because it was "fake".

Most of these people for one never cared about the physical toll and the required endurance to make it in a demanding field like pro wrestling, and number two are mostly hypocrites to begin with. I mean let's be honest here, entertainment by nature is all about a world of fiction. I don't understand why there are so many hypocrites out there that will watch daytime television or buy the bullshit of a show like Jerry Springer (trust me growing up I had kids that liked Jerry Springer and criticized me for liking the WWF and WCW) but yet will look down upon pro wrestling fans. Same goes for people today who love the Jersey Shore, a "reality show". I'm sorry but I feel by comparison professional wrestling deserves a title of legitimacy more than this reality TV genre.

But anyway, no I am not embarrassed to be a pro wrestling fan because if I get criticized for liking it by some punkass who's biting his nails nervous about the outcome of the next edition of Survivor or some dumb bitch is pissed because The Jersey Shore has one too many ****s creating drama, I'll just laugh off and say to myself "Consider the source..."
Back when I was younger(around middle school through soph year in HS) I was definitely a little hesitant to say anything about being a wrestling fan. It was looked down upon and even though I was a very independant guy for that age it still pissed me off having to listen to ignorant dumbasses talk about how stupid it is. But around junior year of high school I realized that if it makes me happy then don't be afriad to let everyone know about it, and if they have a problem or want to take a jab at it, I could care less. I watch it for my entertainment, and I am not afriad to tell people I love wrestling, to wear Chris Jericho's "Jerichoholic" shirt or blast Drew McIntyre's theme song with the windows down ;) I am a wrestling fan for life and that's who I am, if you don't like it then you can go watch Jersey's Next Top Housewife or whatever.
BUT whenever people heard us talking about it they would chime in with the:

"I don't really watch it anymore, but i saw it the other day and..."
"Oh yeah man that was awesome, i caught it on the tv, its not as good as it used to be"
"you watch wrestling? I thought I was the only one that still watched it"

This still goes on now with people, another one of my co-workers, pretends he doesn't watch it anymore but still so happens to know all the major things that happen in it. LIKE the recent CM Punk/Cena storyline. Even around my town in the pubs and stuff i always hear people talking about wrestling, but always hushed and never really open.

I don't know why people are so embarrassed by it when it is obviously awesome. But then again I guess my view on it is why Im such a friggin' mark.

Thats actually true. I often get people mentioning that they "don't watch it" but know a little about whats going on, and who is still in the WWE etc

I personally think that a lot more people my age where I live watch wrestling, but just do not talk about it or mention that they are a fan, even going as far as to deny it as to not look like a nerd.

I am not a nerd, I am a pretty popular, social guy who happens to like professional wrestling, rather than the "popular" reality shows that are on TV right now. That's who I am and who I want to be, so anyone who doesn't like it can get bent.
It's not embarassing. I'm proud to be a wrestling fan and always have been. There are rude people out there who will be quick to tell you that it "sucks" or is "stupid because it's fake" and that you're a wimp if you watch wreslting instead of UFC. Every single hobby has critics and people who dislike it. Who cares if some rude person who probably has no life doesn't like wrestling? If you do you should be proud of it. I had more than enough peers in college who put down wrestling and myself for liking it, but I didn't care what they thought and told them where to stick it. The more proud we are of what we like and stand up for it, the less people will be rude about it. It would also help if the industry sees another boom period though, and they may be getting closer with some of the attention the CM Punk angle has gotten.
The more proud we are of what we like and stand up for it, the less people will be rude about it.
That's actually a really good point. It seems like wrestling is more or less considered a guilty pleasure than that of something like the NFL or some HBO tv show (Game of Thrones, or The Sopranos for example). And it's really the fault of us, the fans that allow people to make us feel guilty for watching sports entertainment.

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