Are fans exaggerating the hate on Reigns at this point?

Are fans exaggerating the hate for Reigns?

  • Yes, their not even giving him a chance

  • No, he deserves it he had his chance

  • Maybe,but i'm not seeing it

  • No, they do this to everyone who becomes the top guy

  • Who gives a damn he needs release

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That N Word

Actively evolving
Roman isn't as bad as he is made out to be in my opinion. He needs a little work on the mic. But it isn't the words he say or how he say's it. It is the stuttering and pauses. The stuttering has stopped from what i've seen. But now his main problem is remembering his lines. He has gotten comfortable in his charactar as seen on Raw and know's how to work/connect with the crowd. He has his comeback down. People say he can't wrestle but i've seen what the guy is capable of but they won't let him use it. From all the tweets and every comment i've seen on him no matter how good he is fans want to bitch about him just because he is/will be the face of the company. But take for example last night on Raw he didn't do anything wrong. He was entertaining and over as hell. But the person who fucked up was Big Show on selling the Superman Punch. I go on twitter I see Roman fucks up again on Raw, his promo on Raw sucked. Despite the face he didn't cut a damn promo. I don't know it could just be me but I think fans are over exaggerating the hate on him and just want to hate him.
Not everyone is going to like every single wrestler out there. When they don't, they simply state everything bad about said wrestler. To me, Roman doesn't need to be cutting 20 minute promos or wrestling 30 minute matches daily. If WWE was smart, they'd learn from what they did to Goldberg and not do it with Reigns.

Reigns' hate (if there is any), stems from people who want perfection or just love to complain about anything. Roman needs to have unscripted promos or not as scripted of promos. He needs to say what he needs to say, leave it be. Why people think he sucks idk but they're entitled to feel that way.
It's a bit of a stretch to say it's hate fans are expressing, it's more like extreme disappointment. We've seen Reigns in the past as part of the hottest factions ever, the Shield, and we've watched Ambrose and Rollins go on to have hot singles careers.

In the case of Roman Reigns, there is two main issues. The first being booking, he's been booked terribly compared to the other two. It seemed like his singles career has never really left the starting gate. He's been stuck in some sort of perpetual limbo. Now part of that is due to the fact that he should have been challenging for a spot on the top tier, looking for a title shot, but what's the use of that with the title not even being around. Then his injury took him out for a couple of months. Hopefully he can get that momentum back the crowd loves him.

The second issue is Reigns himself. He is just horrible when he has the mic in his hand. He looks spectacular in the ring. He has the charisma, presence and intensity that most would love to have, but Jesus every time he opens his mouth it all goes out the window. And it's not like they give him long promo's, but he can't even handle the simplest of sentences. Now he's flubbing his lines and forgetting them. You would think with a couple of months off, he could have tried to work on that, and I heard he took acting lessons. They didn't help.

No one expects him to be a Jericho, Wyatt or Cena, but we do expect him to be able to say something without screwing it up. The one thing he has to stop doing is screwing his face up and putting the emphasis on the wrong words. When he does that it just ruins the whole thing and makes him sound stupid. Timing and delivery are key to public speaking, and that's what he has to learn. Once he does, he'll be fine, but I'm afraid that some never do, and I don't want to see him as one of those.
I think that either the 1st or 4th answers are both pretty spot on. Some fans aren't giving Reigns much of a chance and there are also some fans who start spewing hate to any WWE wrestler that makes it to or is about to be pushed into the main event picture.

While I agree with the notion that Reigns isn't as strong overall as Rollins or Ambrose, that's not to say that he's bad or outright sucks. I think he's done a good job thus far, he hasn't blown me away or anything, but I've got no real complaints when it's all said & done.

As far as hate goes for the guy, I have to say that I haven't seen or heard a whole helluva lot. As I alluded to, some haven't really given him a chance and some hate on everyone who's being pushed to the main event picture. However, I do think there's a possibility for the hate to grow more vocal or to increase as we move closer to WrestleMania and it becomes more apparent as to what WWE has in mind for Reigns.
Basically what this is, is the fans seeing a new Cena being put in place and deciding that they don't want him in that role or that he's not ready, and they're getting in early in the hope that the WWE changes course.
It's a bit of a stretch to say it's hate fans are expressing, it's more like extreme disappointment.

This is my frame of mind as well. The guy looks like a god in the wrestling world, he has everything... except great mic skills right now. I haven't really seen much outright hate for Roman Reigns, more like people trying to find ways to better incorporate him and maximize his impact. It's definitely true that he lacks promo skills and needs to be more fluid in the ring, but these wouldn't be such issues if Reigns was a little bit lower on the card. Seeing as he's seemingly being pushed as the next big thing (no pun intended) it makes sense that he would get the majority of the focus from fans.

It doesn't help that he's relatively new to the wrestling world, whereas Ambrose and Rollins have been slumming it around for years on the independent circuit. He'll need time to improve but he's shown that he's definitely wiling to put in the work as he has improved leaps and bounds since his debut.

Imo and I don't think I'm alone here, it's just too early right now for RR to get the... reigns (pun intended). Give him another year and maybe he'll be closer to the complete package.
I personally have no issue with Reigns being the chosen one. However, I wish that they would slow down his build and not make it so obvious. I think that is where the "hate (don't really like this word)" comes from. It seems that pre injury, during injury and post injury, we all know who is being built towards facing Lesnar. This ruins all of the suspense leading into Royal Rumble.

Also I feel that fans seem to think that he is being booked creatively as "Cena-esque". Saying that he seems to have the same ring skills (aka 5 moves of doom). Again I have no issue with Reigns (or Cena for that matter). It just seems to me that he is getting a superpush over guys like Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, etc. Who all have better in ring skills, are better on the mic (maybe not Ziggler), they just lack Vinnie Mac's Big Man infatuation. Just slowly build him and not make it so obvious that he is the future of the business (in creative/Vince's eyes). That is why he is picking up unwanted hatred
Its quite simple actually. When the Shield turned face, Reigns was slowly becoming the more important guy in the group. People knew management were high on reigns, even though he was the least talented of the trio. When they broke up, both Ambrose and Rollins had to reinvent themselves in a way (new theme song, new ring attire) while Reigns kept the Shield song, the attire and so on. (Basically every cool part of the group)

The problem is not Reigns himself, but the booking behind him. He's been in the company for what? 3 years now. The guy will get better, that's for sure. But to book him this strong, this fast is what might have triggered hate for some people. It pissed me off when the other two were midcarder (if you will) while reigns was already at the level of Cena and Orton, battling for the WWE title and standing tall on almost every night. I mean... Even Cena wasn't booked that fast back in 04.

Anyways, Roman Reigns has alot of potential, but i don't think he's quite at the level the company thinks he is. He has a long way to go, but he'll get there. If he wins the Royal Rumble though... I expect alot of people to shit on him :icon_neutral:
It's kinda par for the course. I think because he's being seen as the next top guy, fans are already priming up to hate. He hasn't really accomplished anything as a singles wrestler and I already hear people moaning and groaning about his early success. The problem with the way the WWE runs now is the booking is too predictable in a sense to where most people can see how everything is going to shake out. I have faith that someone in creative will pull a huge surprise (Orton winning the Rumble) and do something different. That way, all the know it alls can take a break from hating on the success of others.
I like Reigns, he is fun to watch in the ring. He's really surprised me and earned my respect with how exciting he is but like basically everyone has said, he needs to work on his mic skills. That's the glaring weakness for him. Fix that and I think he is the next guy.

With that being said, I think the hate from Reigns stems from WWE basically giving him the keys to the castle over Internet darlings Ambrose and Rollins. Most internet fans love those guys and have for a while. I think the hate for Reigns is because they see WWE is going to give Reigns the push over their favorites.
I voted "Maybe, I'm not seeing it". And as I stated before the only real problem I have with Reigns is he is not good on the stick. And to be the top guy going forward he has to be at least passable.

He has everyone else going for him, looks, talent (he'll get there), presence, intensity and charisma. A lot more than some of the other top guys have right now. Fans don't like Cena because he's been seen as being in a rut all this time, he's basically never changed. He's the top face, and turning heel I don't see it happening ever.

Reigns on the other hand has changed. He debuted as a heel with the Shield, they had a great run for almost two years until they turned face. So he's not opposed to being a heel, he's been one for almost all his WWE career so far. So I don't see where this dislike is really coming from to tell you the truth.

The WWE needs both heels and faces to make this product work. Are fans going to hate every top face that comes along, that really isn't fair they're just doing a job that's been given to them. Is he being pushed too fast, well maybe. But keep in mind, their top face needs time off. Cena has been carrying the WWE for basically the last year since Bryan was injured and then Reigns. Reigns is the next guy so we better get used to it.
Fans don't hate Reigns. There are always some yahoos in the audience and on the internet who want attention or are complete morons but people haven't turned on Reigns.

Yet. If he doesn't blow people away and some other guy does - the fans, or at least enough of them, will let themselves be heard. Fortunately right now for WWE and Reigns Mania main event chances, Ambrose has gone impotent and Orton and Bryan are ghosts.

Pay no mind to constructive criticism and a few internet trolls who blow things out of proportion or else you sound like stonecoldhell and robert roode fan.
My only issue with Reigns is his promo delivery; it's pretty bad and comes across as discomfort with being in that role. That said the guy puts on good matches and has an awesome look. I think he just needs practice and needs to be given an opportunity to talk at length. He may need to be forced outside his comfort zone. Is that hate worthy? No, not really. I think most guys get their detractors as time goes on, and Reigns is no different.
No, because most fans don't think he's bad. The consensus is that he's just not ready for the main event.

Exactly my thoughts. Reigns isn't bad. He has the looks and while his in ring work is not the best, he can make do with the right opponent. The problem at this point is he doesn't seem ready for the top spot. His promos are forced, and it's understandable because for a long time, he didn't need to cut promos much. He doesn't seem quick witted or fluent speaker, qualities required to deliver strong promos. He needs time to develop. I think WWE will do a disservice to Reigns if they push him to the top too soon. He needs that time to develop and get people behind him. In a lot of people's mind, he hasn't paid his dues.
I think it's just the case where the WHC is missed. Fans got talent like Ambrose who is clearly over but there's only one world title now and the writer's priority right now is pushing Reigns, making him the next big star.

Compared to 11 years ago, we had Batista and Cena become the next big stars at WrestleMania 21 where they both captured the WHC and WWE Championship respectively.
I've been vocal on Reigns but its not because I hate him. I think he has the tools to be the next main man. However If you look at recent history, whe WWE hotshot guys Straight to the top of the card it doesn't work. Fans automatically reject it. We don't really have a reason to care. Reigns needs another year, Let us go on a journey with him and get people behind him by letting him have meaningful singles feuds. Let him improve on the mic.

I think the other issue with Reigns is how the WWE have booked Brock Lesner. If rumours are true and Reigns is to go over Lesner at Mania then it just makes no sense. Think about Brock Lesner in WWE since his return. He has beat HHH 2 out of 3 times. Ended the streak, beat Cm punk, and totally dominated the top babyface over the last 10 years. How is anyone supposed to suspend belief that much that Reigns looks like a guy that can beat Lesner? For that to Happen Reigns needs another year to establish himself, let him go over in the midcard and continue to the WHC. Then have him go over Cena etc. Build him up dont hotshot him
He is ABSOLUTELY dreadful as far as his main talent. His presence and the way he carries himself is very good but other than that he has nothing. He can't talk, he can't work a match without being carried. There's no character depth to him because he isn't capable of delivering a promo that advances a feud or storyline. All he does is say a couple one liners than BELIEVE DAT. I understand why WWE's high on him and I'm actually trying to cheer for the guy. It's time for Cena to step down it's just a damn shame the guy who's being set to replace him doesn't really have any wrestling skill or talking ability.

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