AP's Bluegrass Thread from the Sticks

Artemis Paradox

Occasional Pre-Show
I have honestly no idea if there is anyone on these forums that also listen to bluegrass, but here goes anyway.
Lately, bluegrass has reached broader audiences, but has also broken down into various sub-genres, namely three: Traditional, Progressive (basically bluegrass with electric instruments), and Gospel. Also in fairly recent developments, Punk artists have begun to incorporate sounds from bluegrass.
Although I intend to leave this as a thread for general bluegrass discussion, I pose a few thoughts:

Which of the three bluegrass genres do you prefer?

Do you like the incorporation of bluegrass into the other genres, such as Punk?

Do you find Traditional Bluegrass to be dead? Why/why not?
Bluegrass is really popular where I live. Almost every open mic night I play there are people who get on stage and play it. At one bar my old band and I used to play everyone else who played were bluegrass bands/artists. We were a punk band and were the only band to play electric. The other people were all really nice to us though and accepted us. Because of that place I wrote a song called Bluegrass Punk. It went over really well there. I'm not familiar with any actual bluegrass bands though.

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