Apparent "Raw Takeover"


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I was going through my Twitter feed earlier and I'd like to point out something interesting, apparently another fan/fans are planning to not "Hijack" but "Takeover Raw on the March 27th NY episode. While this isn't really groundbreaking news, it may be interesting to see how this all plays out,

Being that it is a NY crowd it may be a little interesting to see how everything goes, here is the link to the Twitter page
Why would they want to do that now Bryan has gotten the stip on his match with Triple H? I am a huge Punk fan but he isn't coming back, at least not for Mania XXX, people need to accept that and move on. There really isn't anything else I can see to hijack over, unless it's anti-Bryan fans which would be hilarious in the midst of things.
I'm not sure, but judging from what I'm reading this apparently has zero to do with Daniel Bryan, and more to do with the product as a whole
As someone who wants change lets hope they do a far better job than the Chicago crowd.

WWE countered the hate in Chicago by addressing the main issue on there mind first in CM Punk and then put on some great wrestling matches and if WWE sense that a crowd will be there to cause trouble they will just do the same again. Raw will start with a Bryan promo, followed by a solid mid card match and then probably the Shield who will put on match of the night as usual and there will be 1 hour down with no crowd backlash as they have what they want, add the last half hour for Bryan and its only from the end of the first hour till the last half hour that the fans will really have anything to hate
Seriously, what else do people want? Bryan got his match with HHH and a title shot with it. The other matches look good on the WM card. What else could those "fans" probably want?? This is just getting stupid, really
what's with crowds wanting to get themselves over so much.. every crowd wants to be known as "a great WWE town" nowdays and that's admirable but most times it just fails or seems forced. just let a great crowd happen spontaneously and not force it.

I guess it's going to become a trend to make a twitter account a couple of weeks before your specific cities Raw..which could be a good thing for promoting the show..but when it's about "showing WWE who's boss" it just seems immature.

just enjoy the product.
I like the fact wwe fans are are making it very clear when they arnt happy with something now and while i think they do actually deserve that kind of a response a lot its almost starting to become a fad to go to there shows with the sole intention of heckling there performers and ruining there routines which isnt fair.chicago is a good example the fans had already planned in advance in doing there best to make that show a nightmare for everyone involved and if wwe hadnt brought up the cm punk issue early on and killing the crowds momentum a bit it would have been a lot worse.
I decided to tweet the account and asked this:
"What changes do you want exactly?"
The reply?:
"I want ice cream bars..... Nah but in all serious we NEED matches fans can get into and we NEED fans that are fans"
Dumb, dumb, dumb..... if you want to make a change you don't buy a ticket, maybe even have a "rally" outside the stadium.
"But I want to see the show"
My point exactly.....

In the 70's it was common for heels to have to fight there way out of bars. These morons are the modern day equal to that....
Actually they're worse, atleast the bar fights didnt affect the show.

Newsflash... the authority is a heel group. You're not suppose to like what they do.
I was going through my Twitter feed earlier and I'd like to point out something interesting, apparently another fan/fans are planning to not "Hijack" but "Takeover Raw on the March 27th NY episode. While this isn't really groundbreaking news, it may be interesting to see how this all plays out,

Being that it is a NY crowd it may be a little interesting to see how everything goes, here is the link to the Twitter page

The idea of hijacking Raw is tremendously immature. The truth is (as mentioned above by some posters) these people have no idea what the show they are going to will be like. They assume the show will be awful, which hasn't occured yet, not has any raw been especially awful in a long while. Raw in Chicago was one of this years stronger Raws, and last week gave the nod to DB getting the main event. There's not a whole bunch to be dissatisfied to the point of civil disobedience.

The CM Punk situation should fall entirely on Punk's shoulders. WWE want him there as far as common sense will tell you. What do they gain with him sitting at home? Go hijack the dude's apartment if you want him to start going to work again. But sure, ruin hard workers like DB's match by chanting CM Punk over it. Screw the guys who came to work.

Now I don't know much about showing a multimillion dollar company who's boss, but I would certainly think that throwing money at them isn't the way. How much is a good ticket to raw? £70-100 a head? Man, they're gonna hate getting all that money. If you think WWE doesn't care what you think, then this whole process doesn't even make sense. They won't give a damn what you chant either. You might bum out a wrestler or two though. Might ruin the fun for some of the wrestling fans and their kids hoping to see the show. Might ruin the enjoyment of the product for regular watchers sitting in front of their TVs.

Raw might be bad on March 27th. But it might now be the WWE's fault.
Eh, sounds like something of a copycat move designed to generate some Twitter buzz in the wrestling world. Now that somebody else has already done it, some New York jackass probably figures he'll try and see if he can get a buzz started too. I don't expect this to gain all that much steam. If anything, WWE might just use this to form another "Yes Movement" occupying Raw segment.

As far as fans being "unhappy" with things, I don't think that's what this is. Unfortunately, a lot of fans are just plain old fashioned dicks who feel like they're entitled to be dicks because they've paid their money. For instance, remember the New York crowd at Madison Square Garden for last year's HOF ceremony? An entire arena packed with assholes booing a Make A Wish video just because John Cena was involved with it. Gee, and people sometimes wonder why people from New York are stereotyped as being born assholes that just grew taller. :banghead: Some dickish fans are going to see and view WWE's decision to, most likely, put Daniel Bryan in the WrestleMania main event as a sign that they're going to be able to "force" WWE to do what they want now. Fan dissatisfaction did play a huge part in it, no doubt about that, but that's part of what's been so refreshing about Daniel Bryan. When's the last time so many different fans rallied behind one single wrestler in this way? It's not likely to be this way for every guy who comes down the pipe.
You would think buying a ticket, purchasing WWE merchandise, and actually attending these shows is the exact opposite of whatever these idiots are trying to accomplish. I remember a time, way way back, that when you were disappointed with a television show, you would go check out something else. If you thought the live event was going to suck, you wouldn't waste your money on the gas to get there. Ratings will continue to be as good as they've been for years, and these phonies are going to keep contributing to the product in a positive way.

I think I'm going to go spend money on the circus and get a chant going that the elephants are awful. That makes as much sense as what these guys are wanting to do. All they're doing is giving the happy paying people a shitty evening out with their families.
This situation reminds me of Curb Your Enthusiasm when Larry David mocks an apology to an unpleasant person:

"Dear prick, I'm sorry you're a prick."

That's how WWE feels. I still don't understand what changes they want. They get Daniel Bryan, John Cena, The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Cesaro, The Usos, the talent on NXT, the WWE Network at a great price, and people to boo like HHH, Batista, and Orton. So, we get all this content, yet they want to complain about CM Punk not being there even though he walked out. This is no longer about changes. This is about drawing attention to yourself because you want to be regarded as an "awesome" crowd.

Self-serving at it's finest.
Well,if true then this is stupid. Daniel Bryan,and everyone has what they want.. Providing Daniel Bryan defeats Trips in his match,he gets thrown into the WWE WHC match later that night.. Hi-jacking a show,for what purpose??? As Danger Burger said,throwing money at WWE to show them who's boss isnt the smartest way to go..

Look no matter what,you cant make everyone happy.. you could have Kurt Freaking Angle,in his prime go against Bret Hitman Hart in his prime,in a Iron Man Match,and a few people would have issues with that match.. If true this goes beyond Immature,it will be downright pathetic!
If you have to plan in advance.. it will never work, if Chicago on that night with the Punk rumors, got tired by 8:30 pm EST, no one else stands a chance..

anyone else wonder what would have happed of Bryan directed everyone to the lot in Memphis? Part of me was a little worried when those planted people started filling it up... no matter how much they prepare there is still 14,000 fans and maybe 100 police and security. would have been good tv though...
This all reminds me of why I enjoy this forum. The Wrestlezone forum is kind of like a separate internet that we can use when the bigger internet fails us horribly.

Apparently a few jerks in New York intend to get really drunk and angry before RAW and do something that they assume will make them famous, that's it. Sure, they claim that they want all part timers to take a hike and let the more passionate performers take the stage. This is all adorable, except that sometimes the part timers go out of their way to compliment the more impassioned stars. There's also the fact that you can't rate someone's passion for the business just based on their schedule, some of the part-timers were rich anyway so passion was all that motivated them to come back.

Oh God, here we go again. Ice Cream Bars?! Sure, Vince is just going to waddle on down to the free ice cream factory and churn out some dessert caricatures of his performers. Now, even though I think it would be a really stupid idea to rally one's angst toward a professional wrestling card around a lack of a fun ice cream treat, I personally would buy out my local Piggly Wiggly's stock the second they debuted it. I'm weird like that, but I also don't plan on letting my admittedly petty whims cause a show to be interrupted.

Pro-wrestling accepts some of the blame for fans like that. The biggest difference I see between pro-wrestling and something like the opera or the ballet, you shut the fuck up during those performances. Fans may attempt to psyche out hockey or baseball players, but being a pro-wrestling fan is like being able to decide who lives or dies on Walking Dead by screaming at the actors while they're shooting scenes. It gets to our heads sometimes and we forget that while pro-wrestling may permit our inner obnoxious asshole to come out in the most noisy way possible, we're still enjoying it WITH other people whose experience may be diminished by your belligerent behavior.

I absolutely HATE John Cena, I'm not fond of Batista or Orton and my attitude toward Brock Lesnar is that he's a fucking idiot with a look that Vince liked. If I'm sitting near a group of children, a group of orange meat-heads, a group of soccer moms or a group of idiots wearing MMA brand clothing and padded gloves, for their sake I'll only participate in endearing jeers toward their favorite performers.

Daniel Bryan is a significant part of Wrestlemania XXX now, there's no reason to hijack RAW. To these morons: Stop pulling excuses out of your ass and just enjoy the show.
I, for one, was disappointed in the supposed hijack by the vaunted Chicago crowd, so I doubt any takeover will amount to much more. What other reasons could there be to hijack or takeover ? Plenty. Yes, DB fans got what they wanted, myself included, but my problem with WWE isn't just about Punk or DB. They're but a microcosm of what has been lacking in WWE's direction for some time now. As I stated in a previous post, it's systemic.
These people can talk hijack all they want, but I am sure it's only 1-2 percent of the entire audience. I figured it would be that way when people opened up the Chicago feed. Even if 100-200 people say they will hijack the show, their voices won't be heard compared to the other 98 percent of fans there.

This will amount to nothing. If you don't like the product, you shouldn't have a ticket in your hand in the first place. If 20 people came up to me, gave me $50-$60 and then called me an asshole, I wouldn't care.

Yeah I might be an asshole, but I'm an asshole who is $1200 richer by the end of the day.
Is it weird that I'm curious to know what the hell these people even want? Like I know the answer can only be completely stupid and make me want to do :banghead::banghead::banghead: to myself until I croak, yet at the same time part of is interested to know what crazy reasons they have for doing dumb stuff like this. And yes I wasted my time reading some of the messages in the link, huge mistake on my part since all I got was some very vague answers.

But if crazy stuff like this makes the WWE put on great Raws like they did in Chicago, then I guess good for us. :)
MSG and Nassau Coliseum has ALWAYS gone against the grain, and not just for the sake of doing so. But by doing some lame Twitter campaign ahead of time now, it just ruins that whole vibe. Leave that amateur shit to Chicago.

You can watch an "Old-School" MSG show from the mid 80's and the crowd boos a young babyface (Paul Roma for example) if he's in a match with a grizzled veteran heel who they respected (Iron Mike Sharpe).

My first live event was AT Nassau Coliseum in '86 and Randy Savage was pretty new, and I distinctly remember him being cheered when he was obviously "a bad guy".

Fast forward to Summerslam '02. Brock vs. The Rock which was at Nassau. The crowd was behind Lesnar and was chanting "Rocky Sucks" when Lesnar was the obvious heel. Because they could tell that Lesnar really was the "Next Big Thing" and they were looking for someone else to step up to the top spot in the company.

This was all before Twitter. As a native New Yorker, now in Jersey, I just don't like the idea that the crowd that has ALWAYS had a mind of it's own is now resorting to silly internet campaigns to coordinate what they're going to do at the show.

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